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A method is reported for conjugating an analog of 4'-(aminomethyl)-4,5',8- trimethylpsoralen to methylphophonate oligonucleotides. This method enables the psoralen moiety to be coupled to the phosphonate backbone between any two desired bases in a sequence. When hybridized to a target mRNA, the psoralen moiety can be directed toward a uridine base and, in turn, can undergo a photo-addition reaction with the target under UV irradiation at 365 nm. Several different non-nucleotide-based amino-linker reagents have been prepared for incorporation into methylphosphonate oligonucleotides by standard phosphonamidite chemistry. In addition, an N-hydroxysuccinimide activated ester analog of 4'-[(3-carboxypropionamido)methyl]-4,5',8- trimethylpsoralen has been synthesized for conjugation to the amino-linker moieties. Using this approach, we have prepared a number of psoralen-methylphosphonate-oligonucleotide conjugates which are complementary to the chimeric bcr/abl mRNA associated with chronic myelogenous leukemia. Solution hybridization studies with a 440-base subfragment of the bcr/abl RNA have shown that the psoralen moiety does not adversely affect duplex stability. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses have demonstrated that the psoralen-oligonucleotide conjugates undergo photo-addition to the RNA in a sequence-specific manner. Optimal photo-addition occurs when the psoralen moiety is inserted adjacent to one or more adenine residues in the oligonucleotide sequence, particularly between adenine and thymine (5'-3'). This internal labeling approach greatly increases the number of potential target sites available for photo-cross-linking experiments.  相似文献   

Bacterial DNA and synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides containing unmethylated CpG-motifs in a particular sequence context activate vertebrate immune cells. We examined the significance of negatively charged internucleoside linkages in the flanking sequences 5' and 3' to the CpG-motif on immunostimulatory activity. Cell proliferation and secretion of IL-12 and IL-6 in mouse spleen cell cultures, and spleen weights of mice increased significantly when a non-ionic linkage was placed at least four or more internucleoside linkages away from the CpG-motif in the 5'-flanking sequence. When the non-ionic linkage was placed closer than three internucleoside linkages in the 5'-flanking sequence to the CpG-motif, immunostimulatory activity was suppressed compared with that observed with the unmodified parent oligo. In general, the placement of non-ionic linkage in the 3'-flanking sequence to the CpG-motif either did not affect or slightly increased immunostimulatory activity compared with the parent oligo. These results have significance in understanding CpG oligonucleotide-receptor interactions and the development of potent immunomodulatory agents.  相似文献   

Methylphosphonate (MP) oligodeoxynucleotides (MPOs) are metabolically stable analogs of conventional DNA containing a methyl group in place of one of the non-bonding phosphoryl oxygens. All 16 possible chiral R(P) MP dinucleotides were synthesized and derivatized for automated oligonucleotide synthesis. These dimer synthons can be used to prepare (i) all-MP linked oligonucleotides having defined R(P) chirality at every other position (R(P) chirally enriched MPOs) or (ii) alternating R(P) MP/phosphodiester backbone oligonucleotides, depending on the composition of the 3'-coupling group. Chirally pure dimer synthons were also prepared with 2'-O-methyl sugar modifications. Oligonucleotides prepared with these R(P) chiral methylphosphonate linkage synthons bind RNA with significantly higher affinity than racemic MPOs.  相似文献   

P J Furdon  Z Dominski    R Kole 《Nucleic acids research》1989,17(22):9193-9204
Three types of 14-mer oligonucleotides were hybridized to human beta-globin pre-mRNA and the resultant duplexes were tested for susceptibility to cleavage by RNase H from E. coli or from HeLa cell nuclear extract. The oligonucleotides contained normal deoxynucleotides, phosphorothioate analogs alternating with normal deoxynucleotides, or one to six methylphosphonate deoxynucleosides. Duplexes formed with deoxyoligonucleotides or phosphorothioate analogs were susceptible to cleavage by RNase H from both sources, whereas a duplex formed with an oligonucleotide containing six methylphosphonate deoxynucleosides alternating with normal deoxynucleotides was resistant. Susceptibility to cleavage by RNase H increased parallel to a reduction in the number of methylphosphonate residues in the oligonucleotide. Stability of the oligonucleotides in the nuclear extract from HeLa cells was also tested. Whereas deoxyoligonucleotides were rapidly degraded, oligonucleotides containing alternating methylphosphonate residues remained unchanged after 70 minutes of incubation. Other oligonucleotides exhibited intermediate stability.  相似文献   

Two new diphasmid vectors (lambda SK17 and SK22) and a novel procedure to construct linking libraries are described. A partial filling-in reaction provides counter-selection against false linking clones in the library, and obviates the need for supF selection. The diphasmid vectors, in combination with the novel selection procedure, have been used to construct a chromosome 3 specific NotI linking library from a human chromosome 3/mouse microcell hybrid cell line. The application of the new vectors and the strong biochemical and biological selections resulted in a library of 60,000 NotI linking clones. As practically all of them are real NotI linking clones (no false recombinants) the library represents approximately 3,000 human recombinants (equal to 10-15 genomic equivalents of chromosome 3). Previously published methods for construction of linking libraries are compared with the procedure described in the present paper. The advantages of the new vectors and the novel protocol are discussed.  相似文献   

Methylphosphonate in conjunction with 31P-NMR spectroscopy was used for the measurement of transmembrane delta pH in human erythrocytes stored at 4 degrees C for up to 5 weeks in a nutrient medium. Intra- and extracellular pH was determined using calibration curves based on the pH-dependent separation between the NMR resonances of methylphosphonate and orthophosphate (Pi). A comprehensive statistical procedure is presented for the determination of the variance of NMR-based pH estimates. The entry of methylphosphonate into erythrocytes was more rapid at low pH and uptake was fully inhibited by the band 3 reagent, disodium 4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2'-disulphonic acid stilbene. The distribution ratio of methylphosphonate concentration inside and outside the cells was used to calculate the membrane potential; the analysis depends on a consideration of the Donnan equilibrium for an anion with one or two charges. Furthermore, the analysis does not depend on the pH estimates but relies solely on concentration estimates. The chemical shift of methylphosphonate was not subject to the variations associated with specific intracellular binding encountered with many other phosphorus compounds, including Pi. On the other hand, the ionic strength dependence of the chemical shift of methylphosphonate, contrary to earlier reports, is comparable in magnitude (but opposite in sign) to that of Pi.  相似文献   

Genetic studies in invertebrate model organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster have been a fundament of cell and developmental biology for more than one century. It is mainly the lack of an efficient purification strategy which has hampered biochemical and proteomic analyses of gene products. We describe a novel affinity-tag, termed TagIt-epitope specifically designed for affinity-purifications of multiprotein complexes from Drosophila. TagIt-fusion proteins can be efficiently purified using a monoclonal antibody and eluted under native conditions by competition with synthetic peptide encompassing the epitope. We demonstrate that this tag is suitable for the purification of proteinaceous assemblies such as the PRMT5-complex and RNA-protein complexes such as snoRNPs from Drosophila Schneider2 cells. Furthermore, we describe a novel approach by which this tag can be used to affinity-purify RNA-binding proteins from cell extracts. Therefore, the TagIt-technique or modifications thereof will be of great value in analyzing macromolecular complexes in Drosophila and also other invertebrates by biochemical means. In addition, RNA-peptide hybrid molecules may become a novel tool to purify RNA binding proteins.  相似文献   

Stable silver nanoparticles have been synthesized by using soluble starch as both the reducing and stabilizing agents; this reaction was carried out in an autoclave at 15 psi, 121 degrees C for 5 min. Nanoparticles thus prepared are found to be stable in aqueous solution over a period of three months at room temperature (approximately 25 degrees C). The size of these nanoparticles was found to be in the range of 10-34 nm as analyzed using transmission electron micrographs. The X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the face-centred cubic (fcc) geometry of silver nanoparticles. Iodometric titration confirmed the entrapment of silver nanoparticles inside the helical amylose chain. These silver nanoparticles embedded in soluble starch produced a typical emission peak at 553 nm when excited at 380 nm. The use of environmentally benign and renewable materials like soluble starch offers numerous benefits of eco-friendliness and compatibility for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide analogues containing one or a few glycine, L-, and D-alanine residues instead of phosphodiester internucleotide linkages were synthesized (C3′-NH-C(O)-CH(X)-NH-C(O)-C4′, where X = H, (S)-CH3, and (R)-CH3. The stability of the duplexes of modified oligonucleotides with their wild-type complements was studied. The incorporation of glycine and L-alanine residues into internucleotide linkages was shown to noticeably decrease the stability of modified duplexes as compared to that of native ones (ΔT m∼−2°C per modification), whereas analogues containing D-alanine linkers form duplexes with increased stability (ΔT m∼+2°C per modification).  相似文献   

A highly selective alkylation procedure has been developed enabling new synthetic routes to be established for protected purine 2'-O-methylriboside-3'-O-phosphoramidites; building blocks for the assembly of 2'-O-methyloligoribonucleotides. The new procedure avoids the use of the highly toxic and potentially explosive reagent diazomethane and is far superior to the use of silver oxide/methyl iodide. Moreover, the use of highly versatile key intermediates will enable the synthesis of a wide variety of base modified analogues as well as other 2'-O-alkylriboside derivatives.  相似文献   

C Y Huang  G Bi    P S Miller 《Nucleic acids research》1996,24(13):2606-2613
Homopurine sequences of duplex DNA are binding sites for triplex-forming oligodeoxyribopyrimidines. The interactions of synthetic duplex DNA targets with an oligodeoxyribopyrimidine containing N4-(6-amino-2-pyridinyl)deoxycytidine (1), a nucleoside designed to interact with a single C-G base pair interruption of the purine target tract, was studied by UV melting, circular dichroism spectroscopy and dimethylsulfate alkylation experiments. Nucleoside 1 supports stable triplex formation at pH 7.0 with formation of a 1-Y-Z triad, where Y-Z is a base pair in the homopurine tract of the target. Selective interaction was observed when Y-Z was C-G, although A-T and, to a lesser extent, T-A and G-C base pairs were also recognized. The circular dichroism spectra of the triplex having a 1-C-G triad were similar to those of a triplex having a C(+)-G-C triad, suggesting that the overall structures of the two triplexes are quite similar. Removal of the 6-amino group from 1 essentially eliminated triplex formation. Reaction of a triplex having the 1-C-G triad with dimethylsulfate resulted in a 50% reduction of methylation of the G residue of this triad. In contrast, the G of a similar triplex containing a U-C-G triad was not protected from methylation by dimethylsulfate. These results are consistent with a binding mode in which the 6-amino-2-pyridinyl group of 1 spans the major groove of the target duplex at the 1-C-G binding site and forms a hydrogen bond with the O6 of G. An additional stabilizing hydrogen bond could form between the N4 of the imino tautomer of 1 and the N4 amino group of C.  相似文献   

The synthesis of oligodeoxynucleotides is marred by several problems that contribute to the formation of defective molecules. This in turn seriously limits the usefulness of such reagents in DNA diagnostics, molecular cloning, DNA structural analysis and in antisense therapy. In particular, depurination reactions during the cyclical steps of synthesis lead to strand scission during cleavage of the completed molecules from the support. Here we present a remedy to this problem: a novel disiloxyl linkage that connects oligonucleotides to the support withstands reaction conditions that allow the removal of the 5' parts of any depurinated molecules. This ensures that all molecules that preserve the 5' protecting group when cleaved from the support will have both correct 3'- and 5'-ends. We demonstrate the application of the support for synthesis of padlock probe molecules.  相似文献   

Telomeres are specialized structures at the ends of chromosomes that are required for long term chromosome stability and replication of the chromosomal terminus. Telomeric DNA consists of simple repetitive sequences with one strand G-rich relative to the other, C-rich, strand. Evolutionary conservation of this feature of telomeric repeat sequences suggests that they have specific structural characteristics involved in telomere function. Absorbance thermal denaturation, chemical modification and non-denaturing gel electrophoretic analyses showed that telomeric C-strand oligonucleotides form stable non-Watson-Crick hairpin structures containing C.C+ base pairs. Formation of such hairpins may facilitate previously reported G-strand exclusive interactions.  相似文献   

Disney MD  Testa SM  Turner DH 《Biochemistry》2000,39(23):6991-7000
Pneumocystis carinii is a mammalian pathogen that contains a self-splicing group I intron in its large subunit rRNA precursor. We report the binding of methylphosphonate/DNA chimeras and neutral methylphosphonate oligonucleotides to a ribozyme that is a truncated form of the intron. At 15 mM Mg(2+), the nuclease-resistant all-methylphosphonate hexamer, d(AmTmGmAmCm)rU, with a sequence that mimics the 3' end of the precursor's 5' exon, binds with a dissociation constant of 272 nM. The hexamer's dissociation constant for binding by base-pairing alone to the ribozyme's binding site sequence is 8.3 mM. Thus there is a 30 000-fold binding enhancement by tertiary interactions (BETI), which is close to the 60 000-fold enhancement previously observed with the all-ribo hexamer, r(AUGACU). Evidently, backbone charge and 2' hydroxyl groups are not required for BETI. At 3-15 mM Mg(2+), the all-methylphosphonate and DNA oligonucleotides trans-splice to a truncated form of the rRNA precursor, but do not compete with cis-splicing when pG is present. These results suggest that uncharged or partially charged backbones may be used to design therapeutics to target RNAs through binding enhancement by tertiary interactions and suicide inhibition strategies.  相似文献   

We describe a reliable protocol for constructing single-site saturation mutagenesis libraries consisting of all 20 naturally occurring amino acids at a specific site within a protein. Such libraries are useful for structure-function studies and directed evolution. This protocol extends the utility of Stratagene's QuikChange Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit, which is primarily recommended for single amino acid substitutions. Two complementary primers are synthesized, containing a degenerate mixture of the four bases at the three positions of the selected codon. These primers are added to starting plasmid template and thermal cycled to produce mutant DNA molecules, which are subsequently transformed into competent bacteria. The protocol does not require purification of mutagenic oligonucleotides or PCR products. This reduces both the cost and turnaround time in high-throughput directed evolution applications. We have utilized this protocol to generate over 200 site-saturation libraries in a DNA polymerase, with a success rate of greater than 95%.  相似文献   

H Gao  M Yang    A F Cook 《Nucleic acids research》1995,23(2):285-292
A convenient, practical route to the synthesis of disulfide-bridged oligonucleotides has been developed. Aliphatic linkers with terminal thiol groups have been attached to the phosphodiester backbones of partially or fully complementary oligonucleotide sequences and oxidized to yield covalently closed oligonucleotides with disulfide bridges. This procedure has been used to prepare a duplex with disulfide bridges at both ends and stem-loop sequences with single disulfide bridges. Oxidation of a self-complementary duplex possessing terminal thiol groups produced both hairpin and duplex structures with disulfide bridges, the relative proportions of each being dependent upon the reaction conditions. These bridged hairpin and duplex structures were shown to be interconvertible by reduction and re-oxidation. The melting profiles of disulfide-bridged oligonucleotides were compared with the same sequences without bridges and with sequences possessing triethylene glycol bridges, and in all cases the introduction of disulfide bridges resulted in a considerable increase in thermal stability. EcoRI endonuclease was capable of cleaving a disulfide-bridged duplex possessing a recognition site for this enzyme, thus supporting a lack of distortion of the recognition site. The disulfide bridges could be cleaved using a large excess of DTT to regenerate the corresponding sulfhydryl compounds. A study of the serum stabilities of disulfide-bridged oligonucleotides showed that the bridged duplexes were much more stable than their unmodified counterparts, whereas the rate of degradation of the stem-loop structures was more dependent upon the size of the loop than the presence or absence of the disulfide bridge. In summary, we have described a novel methodology, employing commercially available reagents, for the stabilization of oligonucleotide duplexes or stem-loop structures by disulfide bridge formation.  相似文献   

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