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The recently identified protein, insulin 3 (INSL3), has structural features that make it a bona fide member of the insulin superfamily. Its predicted amino acid sequence contains the classic two-peptide chain (A- and B-) structure with conserved cysteine residues that results in a disulphide bond disposition identical to that of insulin. Recently, the generation of insl3 knockout mice has demonstrated that testicular descent is blocked due to the failure of a specific ligament, the gubernaculum, to develop. The mechanism by which INSL3 exerts its action on the gubernaculum is currently unknown. The purpose of this study was to, for the first time, synthesize rat INSL3 and test its action on organ cultures of foetal rat gubernaculum. INSL3 also contains a cassette of residues Arg-X-X-X-Arg within the B-chain, a motif that is essential for characteristic activity of another related member of the superfamily, relaxin. Hence, the relaxin activity of rat INSL3 was also tested in two different relaxin bioassays. The primary structure of rat INSL3 was determined by deduction from its cDNA sequence and successfully prepared by solid phase peptide synthesis of the two constituent chains followed by their combination in solution. Following confirmation of its chemical integrity by a variety of analytical techniques, circular dichroism spectroscopy confirmed the presence of high beta-turn and alpha-helical content, with a remarkable spectral similarity to the synthetic ovine INSL3 peptide and to synthetic rat relaxin. The synthetic rat INSL3 bound with very low affinity to rat relaxin receptors and had no activity in a relaxin bioassay. Furthermore, it did not augment or antagonize relaxin activity. The rat INSL3 did however induce growth of foetal rat gubernaculum in whole organ cultures demonstrating that INSL3 has a direct action on this structure.  相似文献   

Reproductive biology of the relaxin-like factor (RLF/INSL3)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The relaxin-like factor (RLF), which is the product of the insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) gene, is a new circulating peptide hormone of the relaxin-insulin family. In male mammals, it is a major secretory product of the testicular Leydig cells, where it appears to be expressed constitutively but in a differentiation-dependent manner. In the adult testis, RLF expression is a good marker for fully differentiated adult-type Leydig cells, but it is only weakly expressed in prepubertal immature Leydig cells or in Leydig cells that have become hypertrophic or transformed. It is also an important product of the fetal Leydig cell population, where it has been demonstrated using knockout mice to be responsible for the second phase of testicular descent acting on the gubernaculum. INSL3 knockout mice are cryptorchid, and in estrogen-induced cryptorchidism, RLF levels in the testis are significantly reduced. RLF is also made in female tissues, particularly in the follicular theca cells of small antral follicles and in the corpus luteum of the cycle and pregnancy. The ruminant ovary has a very high level of RLF expression, and analysis of primary cultures of ovarian theca-lutein cells indicated that, as in the testis, expression is probably constitutive but differentiation dependent. Female INSL3 knockout mice have altered estrous cycles, where RLF may be involved in follicle selection, an idea strongly supported by observations on bovine secondary follicles. Recently, a novel 7-transmembrane domain receptor (LGR8 or Great) has been tentatively identified as the RLF receptor, and its deletion in mice leads also to cryptorchidism.  相似文献   

An efficient solid-phase synthesis protocol has been developed which, together with regioselective sequential formation of the three disulfide bonds, enabled the preparation of specifically monolanthanide (europium)-labeled human insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) for the study of its interaction with its G-protein-coupled receptor, RXFP2, via time-resolved fluorometry. A commercially available chelator, diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA), was coupled to the N-terminus of the INSL3 A-chain on the solid phase, and then a coordination complex between europium ion and DTPA was formed using EuCl 3 to protect the chelator from production of an unidentified adduct during subsequent combination of the A- and B-chains. The labeled peptide was purified in high yield using high-performance liquid chromatography with nearly neutral pH buffers to prevent the liberation of Eu (3+) from the chelator. Using time-resolved fluorometry, saturation binding assays were undertaken to determine the binding affinity (p K d) of labeled INSL3 for RXFP2 in HEK-293T cells stably expressing RXFP2. The dissociation constant of DTPA-labeled INSL3 (9.05 +/- 0.03, n = 3) that was obtained from saturation binding experiments was comparable to that of (125)I-labeled INSL3 (9.59 +/- 0.09, n = 3). The receptor binding affinity (p K i) of human INSL3 was determined to be 9.27 +/- 0.06, n = 3, using Eu-DTPA-INSL3 as a labeled ligand, which again is similar to that obtained when (125)I-INSL3 was used as labeled ligand (9.34 +/- 0.02, n = 4). This novel lanthanide-coordinated, DTPA-labeled INSL3 has excellent sensitivity, stability, and high specific activity, properties that will be particularly beneficial in high-throughput screening of INSL3 analogues in structure-activity studies.  相似文献   

The horns, ossicones and antlers of ruminants are familiar and diverse examples of cranial appendages. We collectively term ruminant cranial appendages 'headgear'; this includes four extant forms: antlers (in cervids), horns (in bovids), pronghorns (in pronghorn antelope) and ossicones (in giraffids). Headgear evolution remains an open and intriguing question because phylogenies (molecular and morphological), adult headgear structure and headgear development (where data are available) all suggest different pictures of ruminant evolution. We discuss what is known about the evolution of headgear, including the evidence motivating previous hypotheses of single versus multiple origins, and the implications of recent phylogenetic revisions for these hypotheses. Inclusion of developmental data is critical for progress on the question of headgear evolution, and we synthesize the scattered literature on this front. The areas most in need of attention are early development in general; pronghorn and ossicone development in particular; and histological study of fossil forms of headgear. An integrative study of headgear development and evolution may have ramifications beyond the fields of systematics and evolution. Researchers in organismal biology, as well as those in biomedical fields investigating skin, bone and regenerative medicine, may all benefit from insights produced by this line of research.  相似文献   

Proteomics: a powerful tool in the post-genomic era   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genomics is having a profound impact on biological research, including photosynthesis investigations. Genomes of many photosynthetic organisms have been sequenced. The information about ALL genes that govern and execute photoautotrophic metabolism provides many opportunities to understand genome function and details of known and uncharted pathways. Proteomics, analysis of the protein complement of the genome, is a powerful tool in understanding which proteins are present in a particular tissue under given conditions. Proteomics also allows us to estimate relative levels of proteins and to determine post-translational modifications of the gene products. In this minireview, we discuss the technology and its applications in plant sciences.  相似文献   

Relaxin 3 or insulin like peptide 7 has been identified as a new member of the insulin/relaxin superfamily. We recently reported that relaxin 3 was dominantly expressed in the brain, particularly in neurons of the nucleus incertus (NI) of the median dorsal tegmental pons and that it might act as a neurotransmitter. In the present study we investigated the developmental expression and serotonergic regulation of relaxin 3 gene in the rat brain. Relaxin 3 mRNA appeared at embryonic day 18 in the near region of the fourth ventricle, and was shown to have increased its density and the number of expressing neurons by in situ hybridization and RT-PCR examination. Relaxin 3 peptide was detected after birth by immunocytochemistry. Since the NI is located just caudal to the dorsal raphe nucleus where abundant serotonin (5-HT) neurons are present, we examined if 5-HT effects on the expression of relaxin 3. Relaxin 3 gene expression in the NI significantly increased after 5-HT depletion by p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA) administration. We also observed the 5-HT1A receptor localization in relaxin 3 positive neurons of the NI. This result suggests that 5-HT negatively regulates the expression of relaxin 3 gene in the NI. The function of relaxin 3 neurons in the brain is influenced by the serotonergic activity.  相似文献   

Insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) is a peptide hormone belonging to the insulin/relaxin superfamily, which mediates testes descent in the male fetus, and suppresses male germ cell apoptosis and promotes oocyte maturation in adults by activating the leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein coupled receptor RXFP2. In a previous work, we prepared mature two-chain INSL3 by recombinant expression of a designed single-chain precursor in Escherichia coli and subsequent in vitro maturation. To establish a convenient high throughput receptor-binding assay for screening novel RXFP2 agonists or antagonists, in the present study we designed and recombinantly prepared a fully active easily-labeled INSL3 analog. Due to presence of a single primary amine moiety, the easily-labeled analog was conveniently mono-labeled by a DTPA/Eu3+-moiety at the A-chain N-terminus through reacting with excess modification reagent in a simple one-step procedure. The DTPA/Eu3+-labeled INSL3 analog bound receptor RXFP2 with high affinity and low non-specific binding. Using this non-radioactive tracer, we established a high throughput cell-based receptor-binding assay for screening of novel RXFP2 agonists or antagonists in future studies.  相似文献   

Despite the large numbers and importance of adapted indigenous sheep and goats in the tropics, information on sustainable conventional breeding programmes for them is scarce and often unavailable. This paper reviews within-breed selection strategies for indigenous small ruminants in the tropics, highlighting aspects determining their success or failure. The aim is to better understand opportunities for genetic improvement of small ruminants by the resource-poor farmers in traditional smallholder and pastoral farming systems. Dismal performance of programmes involving breed substitution of exotics for indigenous breeds and crossbreeding with temperate breeds have stimulated a recent re-orientation of breeding programmes in tropical countries to utilize indigenous breeds, and most programmes are incipient. The success rate of some breeding programmes involving native breeds is encouraging. Definition of comprehensive breeding objectives incorporating the specific, immediate, and long-term social and economic circumstances of the target group as well as ecological constraints was found lacking in some projects that failed. To achieve success, it is necessary to look at the production system holistically, and involve the producer at every stage in the planning and operation of the breeding programme, integrating traditional behaviour and values.  相似文献   

Insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) is a member of the insulin superfamily that plays an important role in mediating testes descent during fetal development. More recently, it has also been demonstrated to initiate oocyte maturation and suppress male germ cell apoptosis. These actions are mediated via a specific G-protein-coupled receptor, LGR8. Little is known regarding the structure and function relationship of INSL3, although it is believed that the principal receptor binding site resides within its B-chain. We subsequently observed that the linear B-chain alone (INSL3B-(1-31)) bound to LGR8 and was able to antagonise INSL3 stimulated cAMP accumulation in HEK-293T cells expressing LGR8. Sequentially N- and C-terminally shortened linear analogs were prepared by solid phase synthesis and subsequent assay showed that the minimum length required for binding was residues 11-27. It was also observed that increased binding affinity correlated with a corresponding increase in alpha-helical content as measured by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Molecular modeling studies suggested that judicious placement of a conformational constraint within this peptide would increase its alpha-helix content and result in increased structural similarity to the B-chain within native INSL3. Consequently, intramolecularly disulfide-linked analogs of the B-chain showed a potentiation of INSL3 antagonistic activity, as well as exhibiting increased proteolytic stability, as assessed in rat serum in vitro. Administration of one of these peptides into the testes of rats resulted in a substantial decrease in testis weight probably due to the inhibition of germ cell survival, suggesting that INSL3 antagonists may have potential as novel contraceptive agents.  相似文献   

Throughout evolution, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have developed a variety of biochemical mechanisms to define the direction and proximity of extracellular stimuli. This process is essential for the cell to reply properly to the environmental cues that determine cell migration, proliferation, and differentiation. Chemotaxis is the cellular response to chemical attractants that direct cell migration, a process that plays a central role in many physiological situations, such as host immune responses, angiogenesis, wound healing, embryogenesis, and neuronal patterning, among others. In addition, cell migration takes part in pathological states, including inflammation and tumor metastasis. Indeed, tumor progression to invasion and metastasis depends on the active motility of the invading cancer cells and the endothelial cell bed during tumor neovascularization. Cell migration switches "off" and "on," based on quantitative differences in molecular components such as adhesion receptors, cytoskeletal linking proteins, and extracellular matrix ligands, and by regulating the affinity of membrane-bound chemoattractant receptors. A clear understanding of how cells sense chemoattractants is, therefore, of pivotal importance in the biology of the normal cell as well as in prevention of malignant cell invasion. Here we offer a perspective on cell migration that emphasizes the relationship between cell polarization and cell movement and the importance of the equilibrium between the signals that drive each process for the control of tumor cell invasion.  相似文献   

Although about 70% of rat thoracic duct small lymphocytes labeled readily in vitro with 3H-uridine, only 3–38% of peritoneal exudate lymphocytes labeled. Since exudate cells are mostly B lymphocytes, 3H-uridine in concentrations used were presumed to label the T lymphocyte. Percentages of small lymphocytes that labeled in cell suspensions from various tissues were consistent with other estimates of T cells in those sources: 74.7% in thoracic duct, 70.2% in blood and 65.6% in spleen. When lymphopenia was induced by polyethylene 32P strips applied to the spleen, a procedure that depletes mostly small recirculating lymphocytes, both labeled (T) and nonlabeled (B) cells were depleted in similar time sequence. Both cell types recovered at a similar rate after the spleen strips were removed. Induction of peritoneal inflammation by PPD in tubercle-bacilli immune rats caused an enhanced lymphocytic exudation but no increase in percentage of labeled (T) lymphocytes.The defect in 3H-uridine incorporation that characterizes the rat B lymphocyte seemed to be relatively specific for that RNA precurser; 3H-cytidine labeled the majority of lymphocytes in peritoneal exudate.  相似文献   

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