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王芬  裴会敏  文狄  陈志  刘荣  姚玉仙  马媛 《广西植物》2020,40(9):1269-1280
为探究茶树中茶多酚等产物代谢途径的相关基因,该研究以贵州都匀地区福鼎大白种茶树的根茎叶为对象,利用高通量测序技术构建茶的转录组数据库并筛选其根茎叶差异表达基因。结果表明:共获得70.88 Gb Clean Data,各样品Clean Data均达到6.33 Gb,Q30碱基百分比在93.22%以上。将Clean Reads与中国种茶树参考基因组进行序列比对,比对效率从87.83%到91.14%。基于比对结果,进行可变剪接预测分析和基因结构优化分析,发掘新基因13 531个,其中10 244个得到功能注释。利用FPKM进行基因表达量分析,根据基因在不同样品中表达量识别差异表达基因。叶与茎的差异基因有5 595个,其中2 769个在茎中上调,2 826个下调,叶与根有9 650个差异基因,5 056个上调,4 594个下调,茎与根中有5 644个差异基因,2 938个上调,2 706个下调,并通过GO和KEGG分析,将差异基因进行功能注释和富集分析。上述结果为揭示都匀地区福鼎大白种茶参与类黄酮、茶氨酸和咖啡碱等代谢途径相关的基因提供了参考,为选育优良品种等提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Here, high-throughput sequencing was employed to reveal the highly diverse bacterial populations present in 62 Irish artisanal cheeses and, in some cases, associated cheese rinds. Using this approach, we revealed the presence of several genera not previously associated with cheese, including Faecalibacterium, Prevotella, and Helcococcus and, for the first time, detected the presence of Arthrobacter and Brachybacterium in goats' milk cheese. Our analysis confirmed many previously observed patterns, such as the dominance of typical cheese bacteria, the fact that the microbiota of raw and pasteurized milk cheeses differ, and that the level of cheese maturation has a significant influence on Lactobacillus populations. It was also noted that cheeses containing adjunct ingredients had lower proportions of Lactococcus species. It is thus apparent that high-throughput sequencing-based investigations can provide valuable insights into the microbial populations of artisanal foods.  相似文献   

Posttranscriptional regulation of miRNAs harboring conserved terminal loops   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We recently found that hnRNP A1, a protein implicated in many aspects of RNA processing, acts as an auxiliary factor for the Drosha-mediated processing of a microRNA precursor, pri-miR-18a. Here, we provide the mechanism by which hnRNP A1 regulates this event. We show that hnRNP A1 binds to the loop of pri-miR-18a and induces a relaxation at the stem, creating a more favorable cleavage site for Drosha. We found that approximately 14% of all pri-miRNAs have highly conserved loops, which we predict act as landing pads for trans-acting factors influencing miRNA processing. In agreement, we show that 2'O-methyl oligonucleotides targeting conserved loops (LooptomiRs) abolish miRNA processing in vitro. Furthermore, we present evidence to support an essential role of conserved loops for pri-miRNA processing. Altogether, these data suggest the existence of auxiliary factors for the processing of specific miRNAs, revealing an additional level of complexity for the regulation of miRNA biogenesis.  相似文献   

DNA测序技术是现代生命科学研究的重要工具之一,而高通量测序技术在全基因组的研究中发挥着越来越重要的作用。简要回溯DNA测序技术的产生与发展,着重从PCR扩增测序和单分子测序两个方面全面描述了高通量测序中众多代表性的技术及直接测序技术,并从DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、非编码RNA调控等方面阐述了高通量测序技术在表观遗传学上的运用。  相似文献   



MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a family of ~22 nucleotide small RNA molecules which regulate gene expression by fully or partially binding to their complementary sequences in mRNAs or promoters. A large number of miRNAs and their expression patterns have been reported in human, mouse and rat. However, miRNAs and their expression patterns in live stock species such as beef cattle are not well studied.  相似文献   

Self-cleaving ribozymes are found in all domains of life and are believed to play important roles in biology. Additionally, self-cleaving ribozymes have been the subject of extensive engineering efforts for applications in synthetic biology. These studies often involve laborious assays of multiple individual variants that are either designed rationally or discovered through selection or screening. However, these assays provide only a limited view of the large sequence space relevant to the ribozyme function. Here, we report a strategy that allows quantitative characterization of greater than 1000 ribozyme variants in a single experiment. We generated a library of predefined ribozyme variants that were converted to DNA and analyzed by high-throughput sequencing. By counting the number of cleaved and uncleaved reads of every variant in the library, we obtained a complete activity profile of the ribozyme pool which was used to both analyze and engineer allosteric ribozymes.  相似文献   

Comparative sequence analyses have identified highly conserved genomic DNA sequences, including noncoding sequences, between humans and other species. By performing whole-genome comparisons of human and mouse, we have identified 611 conserved noncoding sequences longer than 500 bp, with more than 95% identity between the species. These long conserved noncoding sequences (LCNS) include 473 new sequences that do not overlap with previously reported ultraconserved elements (UCE), which are defined as aligned sequences longer than 200 bp with 100% identity in human, mouse, and rat. The LCNS were distributed throughout the genome except for the Y chromosome and often occurred in clusters within regions with a low density of coding genes. Many of the LCNS were also highly conserved in other mammals, chickens, frogs, and fish; however, we were unable to find orthologous sequences in the genomes of invertebrate species. In order to examine whether these conserved sequences are functionally important or merely mutational cold spots, we directly measured the frequencies of ENU-induced germline mutations in the LCNS of the mouse. By screening about 40.7 Mb, we found 35 mutations, including mutations at nucleotides that were conserved between human and fish. The mutation frequencies were equivalent to those found in other genomic regions, including coding sequences and introns, suggesting that the LCNS are not mutational cold spots at all. Taken together, these results suggest that mutations occur with equal frequency in LCNS but are eliminated by natural selection during the course of evolution.  相似文献   


Comparative sequence analyses have identified highly conserved genomic DNA sequences, including noncoding sequences, between humans and other species. By performing whole-genome comparisons of human and mouse, we have identified 611 conserved noncoding sequences longer than 500 bp, with more than 95% identity between the species. These long conserved noncoding sequences (LCNS) include 473 new sequences that do not overlap with previously reported ultraconserved elements (UCE), which are defined as aligned sequences longer than 200 bp with 100% identity in human, mouse, and rat. The LCNS were distributed throughout the genome except for the Y chromosome and often occurred in clusters within regions with a low density of coding genes. Many of the LCNS were also highly conserved in other mammals, chickens, frogs, and fish; however, we were unable to find orthologous sequences in the genomes of invertebrate species. In order to examine whether these conserved sequences are functionally important or merely mutational cold spots, we directly measured the frequencies of ENU-induced germline mutations in the LCNS of the mouse. By screening about 40.7 Mb, we found 35 mutations, including mutations at nucleotides that were conserved between human and fish. The mutation frequencies were equivalent to those found in other genomic regions, including coding sequences and introns, suggesting that the LCNS are not mutational cold spots at all. Taken together, these results suggest that mutations occur with equal frequency in LCNS but are eliminated by natural selection during the course of evolution.


杨帆  黄立华  张爱兵 《昆虫学报》2014,57(8):991-1000
转录组是指组织或者细胞在某一特定状态下转录出来的所有RNA的集合。高通量第2代测序技术使转录组学的研究模式发生了巨大的改变,所衍生出的转录组测序迅速成为研究非模式生物的先进技术。转录组测序能够在整体水平上探究细胞内基因表达的种类和数量,揭示在特定条件下机体生理生化发生过程以及其中的分子机理。本文简要阐述了转录组测序技术的基本概念、技术流程与原理,详细介绍了转录组测序在解决鳞翅目昆虫的分类、毒理、发育、与寄主互作以及非编码RNA调控等问题上做出的贡献,并对该技术现存的困难进行了系统的阐述并对其未来的发展趋势作出了简要的预测与剖析。  相似文献   

Modern proteomics approaches include techniques to examine the expression, localization, modifications, and complex formation of proteins in cells. In order to address issues of protein function in vitro using classical biochemical and biophysical approaches, high-throughput methods of cloning the appropriate reading frames, and expressing and purifying proteins efficiently are an important goal of modern proteomics approaches. This process becomes more difficult as functional proteomics efforts focus on the proteins from higher organisms, since issues of correctly identifying intron-exon boundaries and efficiently expressing and solubilizing the (often) multi-domain proteins from higher eukaryotes are challenging. Recently, 12,000 open-reading-frame (ORF) sequences from Caenorhabditis elegans have become available for functional proteomics studies [Nat. Gen. 34 (2003) 35]. We have implemented a high-throughput screening procedure to express, purify, and analyze by mass spectrometry hexa-histidine-tagged C. elegans ORFs in Escherichia coli using metal affinity ZipTips. We find that over 65% of the expressed proteins are of the correct mass as analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption MS. Many of the remaining proteins indicated to be "incorrect" can be explained by high-throughput cloning or genome database annotation errors. This provides a general understanding of the expected error rates in such high-throughput cloning projects. The ZipTip purified proteins can be further analyzed under both native and denaturing conditions for functional proteomics efforts.  相似文献   

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