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基于李彤等(2012)对冠果蝇属组(Stegana genous group)3个属间系统发育分析的结果,对亚洲东部冠果蝇属毛冠果蝇亚属(Orthostegana)进行了修订:将独冠果蝇亚属(Anastega)合并至毛冠果蝇亚属;记述了4新种:黄尾冠果蝇Stegana(O.)flavicaudua,密毛冠果蝇Stegana(O.)hirsutinna,林栖冠果蝇Stegana(O.)hylecoeta和多鬃冠果蝇Stegana(O.)multicaudua;补充描述了已知种弯脉冠果蝇Stegana(O.)curvinervis(Hendel,1914)和独冠果蝇Stegana(O.)singularis Sidorenko,1990;列表提供了上述6种毛冠果蝇间mtDNA COI & ND2基因序列的遗传距离。  相似文献   

Galego LG  Ceron CR  Carareto CM 《Genetica》2006,126(1-2):89-99
The aim of this study was to characterize esterases in Zaprionus indianus, a drosophilid recently introduced into Brazil. A further aim was study the variation of activity of esterases in the presence of inhibitors and their expression according to sex, sexual activity and age of individual flies. Polymorphisms were detected in two esterase loci (Est-2 and Est-3) and monomorphisms in four others (Est-1, Est-4, Est-5 and Est-6). Biochemical tests using α- and β-naphthyl acetate and the inhibitors malathion, eserine sulphate and PMSF allowed us to classify EST-2 and EST-5 as β-esterases, both carboxyl-esterases, and EST-1, EST-3, EST-4 and EST-6 as α-esterases. EST-1 and EST-3 were classified as carboxyl-esterases and EST-4 and EST-6 as cholinesterases. EST-5 activity was more pronounced in males and EST-2 was restricted to them or to recently copulated females. EST-4, rarely detected, was not characterized. Based on their biochemical characteristics possible roles for these enzymes are suggested.  相似文献   

Modern environmental destruction through human action has had a big impact on biological diversity. In the Brazilian Cerrado, the second largest South American biome, more than 60% of the native vegetation has been devastated mainly due to anthropic activities. One of the consequences of these activities is the distinct dispersion patterns of endemic and colonizer species in urban environments. In this report we assess the colonizing potential of drosophilids in environments with different grades of urbanization, defined according to the vegetation cover, edifications and demographic density. We performed 12 monthly collections in the city of Brasília, the capital of Brazil, which is located in the core region of the Cerrado. Although we identified 16 species, 90% of the 22,509 captured specimens were Zaprionus indianus, a species recently introduced in Brazil, and the cosmopolitan D. simulans. We captured all the exotic species that occur in the Biome, with the exception of D. kikkawai, but only 8 from the 25 endemic species that occur in natural sites around Brasília. The abundance of four endemic species (D. nebulosa, D. sturtevanti, D. cardini and D. prosaltans) decreased as the grade of urbanization increased. D. immigrans, an exotic species, showed the opposite pattern. We concluded that most endemic species of Drosophilidae are not able to colonize the new environment represented by the city, and that some species of this family may detect not only environmental alteration, by their presence or absence, but also the grade of environmental disturbance, by their relative abundance.  相似文献   

Loh R  Bitner-Mathé BC 《Genetica》2005,125(2-3):271-281
Zaprionus indianus (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is an African species that was introduced in Brazil near the end of the 1990’s decade. To evaluate the adaptive potential of morphological traits in natural populations of this recently introduced species, we have investigated wing size and shape variation at Rio de Janeiro populations only two years after the first record of Z. indianus in Brazil. Significant genetic differences among populations from three distinct ecological habitats were detected. The heritability and evolvability estimates show that, even with the population bottleneck that should have occurred during the invasion event, an appreciable amount of additive genetic variation for wing size and shape was retained. Our results also indicated a greater influence of environmental variation on wing size than on wing shape. The importance of quantitative genetic variability and plasticity in the successful establishment and dispersal of Z. indianus in the Brazilian territory is then discussed.  相似文献   

Zaprionus indianus is a drosophilid native to the Afrotropical region that has colonized South America and exhibits a wide geographical distribution. In contrast, Z. sepsoides is restricted to certain African regions. The two species differ in the size of their testes, which are larger in Z. indianus than in Z. sepsoides. To better understand the biology and the degree of differentiation of these species, the current study evaluated spermatogenesis in males of different ages by conventional staining techniques and ultrastructural analysis. Spermatogenesis and the ultrastructure of spermatozoa were similar in the two species, and the diploid number was confirmed to be 2n = 12. A greater number of spermatozoa were observed in young Z. indianus (1–3 days old) compared to Z. sepsoides males, which showed a higher frequency of cells at the early stages of spermatogenesis. The head of the sperm was strongly marked by silver staining, lacto-acetic orcein and the Feulgen reaction; the P.A.S. reaction revealed glycogen granules in the testes of both species. Both species presented similar arrangement of microtubules (9+9+2), two mitochondrial derivatives of different size and 64 spermatozoa per bundle. Such similarity within the genus Zaprionus with other species of Drosophila, indicates that these structures are conserved in the family Drosophilidae. The differences observed the number and frequency of sperm cells in the early stages of spermatogenesis, between the young males of Z. indianus and Z. sepsoides, are features that may interfere with reproductive success and be related to the invasive potential of Z. indianus.  相似文献   

Total synaptonemal complex (SC) lengths were estimated from Oreochromis aureus Steindachner (which has a WZ/ZZ sex determination system), O. mossambicus Peters and O. niloticus L. (both of which have XX/XY sex determination systems). The total SC length in oocytes was greater than that in spermatocytes in all three species (194 ± 30 μm and 134 ± 13 μm, 187 ± 22 μm and 127 ± 17 μm, 193 ± 37 μm and 144 ± 19 μm, respectively). These sex-specific differences did not appear to be influenced by the type of sex determination system (the female/male total SC length ratio was 1.45 in O. aureus, 1.47 in O. mossambicus and 1.34 in O. niloticus) and do not correlate with the lack of any overall sex-specific length differences in the current Oreochromis linkage map. Although based on data from relatively few species, there appears to be no consistent relationship between sex-specific SC lengths and linkage map lengths in fish. Neomale (hormonally masculinized genetic female) O. aureus and O. mossambicus had total SC lengths of 138 ± 13 μm and 146 ± 13 μm respectively, more similar to normal males than to normal females. These findings agree with data from other vertebrate species that suggest that phenotypic sex, rather than genotype, determines traits such as total SC length, chiasmata position and recombination pattern, at least for the autosomes.  相似文献   

The medicinal leech is the most famous representative of the Hirudinea. It is one of few invertebrates widely used in medicine and as a scientific model object. It has recently been given considerable conservation effort. Despite all attention there is confusion regarding the taxonomic status of different morphological forms, with many different species described in the past, but only two generally accepted at present. The results of the phylogenetic analysis of a nuclear (ITS2+5.8S rRNA) and two mitochondrial gene sequences (12S rRNA, COI) suggest that the genus Hirudo is monophyletic. It consists, apart form the type Hirudo medicinalis and the East Asian Hirudo nipponia, of three other, neglected species. All of them have already been described either as species or morphological variety, and can readily be identified by their coloration pattern. The type species is in weakly supported sister relation with Hirudo sp. n. (described as variety orientalis) from Transcaucasia and Iran. Sister to them stands Hirudo verbana from southeastern Europe and Turkey, which is nowadays predominantly bred in leech farms and used as 'medicinal leech.' The North African Hirudo troctina is the sister taxon to this group of Western Eurasian species, whereas the basal split is between H. nipponia and the Western Palaearctic clade.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic utility of two nuclear genes (GBSSI-2 and DHAR) was explored in genus Fragaria in order to clarify phylogenetic relationships among taxa and to elucidate the origin of the polyploid species. Orthology of the amplified products was assessed by several methods. Our results strongly suggest the loss of one GBSSI duplicated copy (GBSSI-1) in the Fragariinae subtribe. Phylogenetic analyses provided new insights into the evolutionary history of Fragaria, such as evidence supporting the presence of three main diploid genomic pools in the genus and demonstrating the occurrence of independent events of polyploidisation. In addition, the data provide evidence supporting an allopolyploid origin of the hexaploid F. moschata, and the octoploids F. chiloensis, F. iturupensis and F. virginiana. Accordingly, a new pattern summarizing our present knowledge on the Fragaria evolutionary history is proposed. Additionally, sequence analyses also revealed relaxed constraints on homoeologous copies at high ploidy level, as demonstrated by deletion events within DHAR coding sequences of some allo-octoploid haplotypes.  相似文献   

记述了拱背果蝇属 (Lordiphosa)黑色拱背果蝇种组 (nigricolorspecies group) 3新种 :黑腿拱背果蝇 (Lordiphosanigrifemursp nov )、鲁甸拱背果蝇 (Lordiphosaludianensissp nov )和施氏拱背果蝇 (Lordiphosashiisp nov )。  相似文献   

Powdery mildew of rubber tree caused by Oidium heveae is an important disease of rubber plantations worldwide. Identification and classification of this fungus is still uncertain because there is no authoritative report of its morphology and no record of its teleomorphic stage. In this study, we compared five specimens of the rubber powdery mildew fungus collected in Malaysia, Thailand, and Brazil based on morphological and molecular characteristics. Morphological results showed that the fungus on rubber tree belongs to Oidium subgen. Pseudoidium. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the large subunit rRNA gene (28S rDNA) were conducted to determine the relationships of the rubber powdery mildew fungus and to link this anamorphic fungus with its allied teleomorph. The results showed that the rDNA sequences of the two specimens from Malaysia were identical to a specimen from Thailand, whereas they differed by three bases from the two Brazilian isolates: one nucleotide position in the ITS2 and two positions in the 28S sequences. The ITS sequences of the two Brazilian isolates were identical to sequences of Erysiphe sp. on Quercus phillyraeoides collected in Japan, although the 28S sequences differed at one base from sequences of this fungus. Phylogenetic trees of both rDNA regions constructed by the distance and parsimony methods showed that the rubber powdery mildew fungus grouped with Erysiphe sp. on Q. phillyraeoides with 100% bootstrap support. Comparisons of the anamorph of two isolates of Erysiphe sp. from Q. phillyraeoides with the rubber mildew did not reveal any obvious differences between the two powdery mildew taxa, which suggests that O. heveae may be an anamorph of Erysiphe sp. on Q. phillyraeoides. Cross-inoculation tests are required to substantiate this conclusion.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian Archipelago is the most isolated island system on the planet and has been the subject of evolutionary research for over a century. The largest radiation of species in Hawaii is the Hawaiian Drosophilidae, a group of approximately 1000 species. Dispersal to isolated island systems like Hawaii is rare and the resultant flora and fauna shows high disharmony with mainland communities. The possibility that some lineages may have originated in Hawaii and subsequently 'escaped' to diversify on continental landmasses is expected to be rarer still. We present phylogenetic analysis of 134 partially sequenced mitochondrial genomes of Drosophilidae (approx. 1.3 Mb of sequence total) to address major aspects of adaptive radiation and dispersal in Hawaii. We show that the genus Scaptomyza, a group that accounts for approximately one-third of the species-level diversity of Drosophilidae in the Hawaiian Islands, originated in Hawaii, diversified there, and subsequently colonized a number of island and continental landmasses elsewhere on the globe. We propose that a combination of small body size, rapid generation time and unique ecological and physiological adaptations have allowed this genus to effectively disperse and diversify.  相似文献   

Previous phylogenetic analyses of the melanogaster species group have led to conflicting hypotheses concerning their relationship; therefore the addition of new sequence data is necessary to discover the phylogeny of this species group. Here we present new data derived from 17 genes and representing 48 species to reconstruct the phylogeny of the melanogaster group. A variety of statistical tests, as well as maximum likelihood mapping analysis, were performed to estimate data quality, suggesting that all genes had a high degree of contribution to resolve the phylogeny.Individual locus was analyzed using maximum likelihood (ML), and the concatenated dataset (12,988 bp) were analyzed using partitioned maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian analyses. Separated analysis produced various phylogenetic relationships, however, phylogenetic topologies from ML and Bayesian analysis based on concatenated dataset, at the subgroup level, were completely identical to each other with high levels of support. Our results recovered three major clades: the ananassae subgroup, followed by the montium subgroup, the melanogaster subgroup and the oriental subgroups form the third monophyletic clade, in which melanogaster (takahashii, suzukii) forms one subclade and ficusphila [eugracilis (elegans, rhopaloa)] forms another. However, more data are necessary to determine the phylogenetic position of Drosophila lucipennis which proved difficult to place.  相似文献   

Phototaxis was measured in young, middle-aged, and oldDrosophila melanogaster flies of both sexes. The apparatus allowed us to measure the tendency to go toward light, independently of the time needed to do so; under such conditions, phototaxis is dissociated from locomotor activity. The percentage of photopositive flies decreased slightly with age (93.96, 80.17, and 78.97%, respectively, in young, middle-aged, and old flies). Results are discussed in connection with previous data for which the tendency to go toward light and the time to do so were not dissociated.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of correct genealogies among biological entities, the estimation of the divergence time between organisms or the study of the different events that occur along evolutionary lineages are not always based on suitable genes. For reliable results, it is necessary to look at full-length sequences of genes under stabilizing selection (neutral or purifying) and behaving as good molecular clocks. In bacteria it has been proved that the malate dehydrogenase gene (mdh) can be used to determine the inter- and intraspecies divergence, and hence this gene constitutes a potential marker for phylogeny and bacterial population genetics. We have sequenced the full-length mdh gene in 36 type and reference strains of Aeromonas. The species grouping obtained in the phylogenetic tree derived from mdh sequences was in agreement with that currently accepted for the genus Aeromonas. The maximum likelihood models applied to our sequences indicated that the mdh gene is highly conserved among the Aeromonas species and the main evolutionary force acting on it is purifying selection. Only two sites under potential diversifying selection were identified (T 108 and S 193). In order to determine if these two residues could have an influence on the MDH structure, we mapped them in a three-dimensional model constructed from the sequence of A. hydrophila using the human mitochondrial MDH as a template. The presence of purifying selection together with the linear relationship between substitutions and gene divergence makes the mdh an excellent candidate gene for a phylogeny of Aeromonas and probably for other bacterial groups.  相似文献   

For a long time, Plagiochila (sect. Arrectae) punctata (Taylor) Taylor has been treated as an endemic of Atlantic Europe. Studies of larger specimen sets demonstrated that the species is widespread in mountainous regions of the Neotropics where it is known under several names including P. stolonifera Lindenb. & Gottsche, P. choachina Gottsche and P. patzschkei Steph. In tropical Africa P. punctata is established as Plagiochila subalpina Steph., nom. illeg. The sporophyte of P. punctata is described for the first time, based on material from Costa Rica. A maximum likelihood analysis of a nrITS sequence alignment with sequences of P. sects. Fuscoluteae (outgroup), Arrectae, and Rutilantes as well as of P. rubescens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lindenb. results in a tree with well bootstrap supported Arrectae and Rutilantes clades. ITS sequences of Plagiochila punctata from the Comoros and Zaire are placed in an unsupported monophyletic lineage together with P. punctata sequences from the British Isles and Ecuador. The species is nested in a robust clade with P. spinulosa (Dicks.) Dumort. and P. stricta Lindenb. The weak genetic separation of these three species indicates a recent diversification; the disjunct ranges may be the result of long range dispersal events. Plagiochila rubescens from southern South America is placed sister to P. sect. Arrectae. The latter section possibly originated from southern South American ancestors, diversified in tropical America after the uplift of the Andes and reached the Holarctics and tropical Africa by long range dispersal of diaspores.We are grateful to the curators and owners of the herbaria cited in the text for the loan of specimens, especially to Tamás Pócs, Volker Buchbender and Eberhard Fischer for their continuous support with recent collections from tropical Africa. David Rycroft kindly sent a duplicate of P. rubescens. Financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant HE 3584/1) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

研究了我国蜗寄蝇族瑟寄蝇属Cyrtophleba(双翅目:寄蝇科)2种,其中茹瑟寄蝇Cyrtophleba ruricola 分布于辽宁,山西,宁夏,新疆;变瑟寄蝇Cyrtophleba vernalis为中国新记录种,分布于辽宁。给出了上述2种的鉴别特征及变瑟寄蝇头和雄性尾器的特征图。研究标本分别保存于沈阳师范大学昆虫标本室(SYNU),中国科学院动物研究所(IZCAS)和国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站(GSFPM)。  相似文献   

Based on the results of morphological and DNA sequence (partial D1–D3/D7–D8 nuLSU and partial nuSSU-ITS1-5.8S rDNA) data, three species of Plasmopara are revised and reclassified. A species of Plasmopara parasitic on Scorzonera, invalidly published several times, is assigned to a new genus and species under Novotelnova scorzonerae. Plasmopara euphrasiae sp. nov. is segregated from P. densa, and P. centaureae-mollis is revised and relegated to synonymy of Bremia centaureae. All taxa are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

We have shown that D. busckiimales and females, unlike other drosophilids that have been analyzed in this regard, court and copulate as well in relatively dim red light as they do in bright white light. We have also shown that males and females of this species flutter their wings during courtship and that wing fluttering in both sexes is associated with acoustic stimuli. Wingless males perform vigorous courtship but are incapable of mating, suggesting that females must perceive male song to be receptive to copulation. When they are tested with normal males, wingless females stimulate vigorous courtship, but their copulation frequencies are significantly lower than winged females. This observation suggests that perception of the female's song by either or both sexes facilitates mating.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine theDrosophila melanogaster larval response to light. We survey the morphology of the larval visual and motor systems in relation to larval locomotory behavior and phototaxis. In addition, this paper proposes a model of sensorimotor transformation and examines the reversal in taxis occurring at theD. melanogaster larval wnadering stage.  相似文献   

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