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热休克蛋白的生物学功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
热休克蛋白是所有原核细胞和真核细胞遭受高温或其他应激所产生一组非常保守的蛋白分子家族。它们介导其他蛋白质的跨膜运和正确装配,起着分子伴侣的重要的作用;参与甾体激素受体等的功能发挥,与细胞的许多重要生理过程相关;在肿瘤细胞中,参与癌基因蛋白PP60^src及抗癌基因蛋白P53的作用,并结合核内蛋白改变其功能作用。  相似文献   

热休克蛋白的产生及功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

热休克蛋白的生物医学功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宝福凯  柳爱华 《生命科学》1997,9(2):71-73,70
热休克蛋白(Hsp)是真核细胞和原核细胞在应激条件下产生的一种蛋白质,在正常状态的细胞中也广泛存在。Hsp是生物种系发育中最保守的蛋白质之一,其主要功能是促进新生多肽的正确折叠并维持折叠状态,从而发挥调节细胞生长、分化、生存的功能。Hsp还有调节免疫功能、参与疾病发生的作用。  相似文献   

热休克蛋白(HSP)是一类广泛存在于各类生物中的具有分子伴侣功能的蛋白质。近年来研究发现HSP与机体许多功能如免疫、凋亡、衰老等密切相关。柞蚕(Antheraea pernyi)小热休克蛋白20.1(Aphsp20.1)基因的开放读码框长度为534bp,编码178个氨基酸。序列比对结果表明,柞蚕小热休克蛋白20.1属于HSP20家族。组织定量显示这Aphsp20.1在中肠和脂肪体分布较高。此外用大肠杆菌Escherichia coli及Micrococcus luteus病原微生物注射入5龄3天柞蚕幼虫后,发现Aphsp20.1的基因表达菌明显上调。另外体外抑菌试验结果发现纯化后的蛋白也具有一定的抑菌作用。该研究表明ApHSP20.1在柞蚕的免疫功能中具有重要作用,该研究不仅为我们进一步了解更加复杂的高等生物天然免疫反应提供一些相关的研究线索;而且对柞蚕天然免疫的研究有利于更好地理解昆虫自身的免疫系统,为保护益虫防治害虫提供重要依据。  相似文献   

目的:克隆人热休克蛋白70(HSP70)和热休克固有蛋白70(HSC70)基因,并在大肠杆茵中表达,获得重组蛋白.方法:用RT-PCR法从HepG2细胞中扩增HSP70及HSC70cDNA序列.测序后,将相应的cDNA插入pRSET-A表达载体,在大肠杆菌中表达,重组蛋白纯化后用SDS-PAGE及Western Blotting分析.结果:DNA序列结果显示.本研究所获得的HSP70及HSC70 cDNA序列与参考序列一致.将全长cDNA分别插入表达质粒后,转化BL21(DE3)细菌,在IPTG的诱导下,表达产物SDS-PAGE显示相应的分子量(70kDa)位置有明显的蛋白条带.Western Blotting结果证实了其为目的蛋白,经镍树脂柱纯化,获得了相应的重组多肽.结论:成功构建了原核表达重组质粒HSP70-pRSET-A和HSC70-pRSET-A,并获得了纯化的重组人HSP70和HSC70蛋白,为进一步研究这两种蛋白的结构、功能及临床应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

家蝇小热休克蛋白(sHsp20.6)的生物信息学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
研究家蝇小热休克蛋白sHsp20.6的生物学功能。方法应用生物信息学的方法和工具对家蝇sHsp20.6的理化性质、疏水性、跨膜区和信号肽、膜体分析、二级结构功能域、蛋白质的功能分类预测、多重序列比对与系统发育树构建、三级结构建模进行分析。结果表明:家蝇sHsp20.6是一个亲水蛋白,分子量为20.64kD,等电点为5.66,不具有跨膜区和信号肽,包含有一个HSP20的结构域,主要构成原件为α螺旋和无规则卷曲,三维结构预测显示该蛋白为棒状结构,C端结构域具有7个片层结构。聚类分析显示,家蝇sHsp20.6蛋白与昆虫中的直系同源小热休克蛋白(orthologoussmallheatshockprotein)聚为一类。  相似文献   

热休克蛋白的产生,分布及功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
奇云 《生物学通报》1993,28(3):14-15,21
生物体在各种应激条件下,诸如高温、缺氧、机体损伤、接触某些重金属离子和其它化学物质时,都可能引起的一种生理效应,称之为“热休克反应”(heat shock response)。在热休克反应过程中,细胞内正常蛋白质合成关闭,热休克基因(heat shock gene)的转录被激活,并诱导产生一组特殊蛋白质——热休克蛋白(heat shock proteins,HSP)。  相似文献   

热休克蛋白(HSP)一直被描述为一种细胞内蛋白质在胞内发挥一系列生物学作用,参与细胞内蛋白质的折叠、装配、降解和修复过程。近年来,有研究发现HSP70能被主动释放到胞外,成为细胞外HSP70(extracellular HSP70,eHSP70),但关于其功能尚不清楚。循环HSP70水平与多种疾病进程密切相关。有研究发现暴露于物理和心理刺激源作用下,HSP70可能通过脂筏或Exosome介导的分泌途径释放到细胞外,作为一种生物活性因子影响多种疾病的进程。  相似文献   

稳定细胞结构的分子基础:热休克蛋白   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

The protein quality control (PQC) system maintains protein homeostasis by counteracting the accumulation of misfolded protein conformers. Substrate degradation and refolding activities executed by ATP-dependent proteases and chaperones constitute major strategies of the proteostasis network. Small heat shock proteins represent ATP-independent chaperones that bind to misfolded proteins, preventing their uncontrolled aggregation. sHsps share the conserved α-crystallin domain (ACD) and gain functional specificity through variable and largely disordered N- and C-terminal extensions (NTE, CTE). They form large, polydisperse oligomers through multiple, weak interactions between NTE/CTEs and ACD dimers. Sequence variations of sHsps and the large variability of sHsp oligomers enable sHsps to fulfill diverse tasks in the PQC network. sHsp oligomers represent inactive yet dynamic resting states that are rapidly deoligomerized and activated upon stress conditions, releasing substrate binding sites in NTEs and ACDs Bound substrates are usually isolated in large sHsp/substrate complexes. This sequestration activity of sHsps represents a third strategy of the proteostasis network. Substrate sequestration reduces the burden for other PQC components during immediate and persistent stress conditions. Sequestered substrates can be released and directed towards refolding pathways by ATP-dependent Hsp70/Hsp100 chaperones or sorted for degradation by autophagic pathways. sHsps can also maintain the dynamic state of phase-separated stress granules (SGs), which store mRNA and translation factors, by reducing the accumulation of misfolded proteins inside SGs and preventing unfolding of SG components. This ensures SG disassembly and regain of translational capacity during recovery periods.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are a conserved class of ATP-independent chaperones which in stress conditions bind to unfolded protein substrates and prevent their irreversible aggregation. Substrates trapped in sHsps-containing aggregates are efficiently refolded into native structures by ATP-dependent Hsp70 and Hsp100 chaperones. Most γ-proteobacteria possess a single sHsp (IbpA), while in a subset of Enterobacterales, as a consequence of ibpA gene duplication event, a two-protein sHsp (IbpA and IbpB) system has evolved. IbpA and IbpB are functionally divergent. Purified IbpA, but not IbpB, stably interacts with aggregated substrates, yet both sHsps are required to be present at the substrate denaturation step for subsequent efficient Hsp70-Hsp100-dependent substrate refolding. IbpA and IbpB interact with each other, influence each other’s expression levels and degradation rates. However, the crucial information on how these two sHsps interact and what is the basic building block required for proper sHsps functioning was missing. Here, based on NMR, mass spectrometry and crosslinking studies, we show that IbpA-IbpB heterodimer is a dominating functional unit of the two sHsp system in Enterobacterales. The principle of heterodimer formation is similar to one described for homodimers of single bacterial sHsps. β-hairpins formed by strands β5 and β7 of IbpA or IbpB crystallin domains associate with the other one's β-sandwich in the heterodimer structure. Relying on crosslinking and molecular dynamics studies, we also propose the orientation of two IbpA-IbpB heterodimers in a higher order tetrameric structure.  相似文献   

热休克蛋白 (HSP)具有广泛的生物学功能 ,其表达方式有两种 :一种是诱导性表达 ,即当生物、细胞受到刺激时才进行表达 ;另一种是组成性表达 ,即在生物、细胞的正常生活、代谢过程中表达。HSP的这两种表达方式意味着HSP基因表达的调控方式和机理不同。本文简要介绍了热休克因子(HSF)的种类、结构及调控HSP基因表达的机理。HSF通过以下 4个步骤调节HSP基因表达 :( 1 )HSF由单体形式变成磷酸化的三聚体形式被激活 ;( 2 )三聚体形式的HSF与HSP基因的热休克元件(HSE)上相邻排列的 3个 5′ GAA 3′结合 ;( 3)与HSF结合后 ,HSE的活化域暴露 ,HSP基因转录 ;( 4 )HSP的mRNA 5′端前导区的特异结构适合于核糖体快速结合和高效翻译。不同生物体内的HSF作用有一定差异 ,功能较为明确的有 :( 1 )对应激信号敏感的HSF1 ;( 2 )对应激信号不敏感 ,对生长、发育、分化信号敏感的HSF2 ;( 3)起抑制HSP基因转录作用的HSF4。还有一些HSF(如HSF3)的作用机制较复杂 ,有待深入研究。此外 ,本文也简要介绍了HSP在衰老、免疫应答、细胞生存和凋亡平衡等中的作用 ,对了解和认识生物生长、发育、衰老、保护、免疫应答及细胞生存和凋亡平衡的分子机制有一定帮助。  相似文献   

热激蛋白(HSP70)作为分子伴侣参与细胞内许多重要反应,从而对生物体起着重要的作用。随着研究的深入,其生物学功能不断被发现和利用的同时,HSP70的应用前景也变得越来越广泛。已有研究者对HSP70的生物学功能做了详细介绍,我们主要对近年来HSP70在医学及环境监测等方面的应用进行综述。  相似文献   

热休克蛋白对细胞凋亡的调控作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
热休克蛋白属于细胞内分子伴侣蛋白,除涉及细胞内一些蛋白质分子构象和稳定性的调节之外,热休克蛋白对细胞应激、代谢、增殖以及凋亡等生理过程均具有重要的调控作用。研究表明热休克蛋白对细胞凋亡的调控机制是复杂的,可直接作用于与凋亡相关的蛋白质,也可以通过影响细胞信号传递而间接影响凋亡的发生。由于热休克蛋白对细胞凋亡的调控机制大多依赖于其分子伴侣功能,阻断热休克蛋白的伴侣功能已经成为研究药物诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡的重要靶点。  相似文献   

叶绿体小分子量热激蛋白介绍   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文对叶绿体小分子量热激蛋白的研究进行了简要的回顾和总结.叶绿体小分子量热激蛋白是热激蛋白超家族的成员,具有3个特殊的保守区域;当植物遇到热胁迫时,叶绿体小分子量热激蛋白能够保护光合系统Ⅱ和类囊体膜;初步分析了叶绿体小分子量热激蛋白与植物的耐热性和耐冷性关系以及其分子伴侣功能.  相似文献   

The production of HSP by periodontopathic Gram-negative bacteria was examined by SDS-PAGE, two dimensional gel electrophoresis, and Western blotting using monoclonal antibodies against HSPs. Strains of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Eikenella corrodens, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Prevotella intermedia, Prevotella nigrescens, Prevotella melaninogenica, and Treponema socranskii species produced HSP which reacted with anti-Yersinia enterocolitica HSP 60 and/or mycobacterial 65-kDa HSP monoclonal antibodies. It was found that gingival homogenate samples from patients with adult periodontitis reacted with anti-human HSP 60 and bovine brain HSP 70 monoclonal antibodies. Antibodies which reacted with bacterial HSP were also found in a serum sample from a periodontitis patient. The present study suggests that HSPs are implicated in the human periodontal disease process.  相似文献   

35S-Met标记玉米胚蛋白合成结果表明,热激处理(42℃)与对照(25℃)的蛋白合成趋势相近,热激抑制16 DAP的蛋白合成,增加22和34 DAP蛋白合成.SDS-PAGE自显影图谱表明,热激诱导16DAP的胚合成86.4、80.0、73.2 kD等3种分子量较高的热激蛋白,22DAP后热激诱导合成86.4、80.0、73.2、24.4、18.2、16.8和13.6 kD等7种分子量的热激蛋白.2D-PAGE自显影图谱进一步显示,热激诱导22和28 DAP的胚合成近20种热激蛋白,其中超过10种为小分子热激蛋白.特异热激蛋白BiP(HsP70)、PDI(HsP60)Western blot表明,这2种热激蛋白在玉米胚发育过程均有高水平的表达,热激对其合成影响不明显.  相似文献   

The IbpA and IbpB are 16-kDa Escherichia coli proteins belonging to a family of small heat-shock proteins (sHsps). According to the present model, based on the in vitro experiments, sHsps are molecular chaperones that bind and prevent aggregation of nonnative proteins during heat shock. Previously, we have shown that IbpA and IbpB bind to endogenous E. coli proteins aggregated intracellularly by heat shock, which can be separated from soluble proteins and membranes in sucrose density gradients (fraction S). In this work we have found that marine bacterium Vibrio harveyi contains a single sHsp which is strongly induced by heat shock and reacts with the anti-IbpA/B serum. The 26 amino-terminal amino acids of this sHsp bear high homology to E. coli IbpA and IbpB proteins (73% and 54% identity, respectively). Fraction S was prepared from heat-shocked cells of V. harveyi, it contained high amounts of the IbpA/B protein. This result indicates that the IbpA/B protein of V. harveyi binds to the proteins that aggregate in V. harveyi cells during heat shock. Received October 15, 2000; accepted January 30, 2001.  相似文献   

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