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Why should parasite resistance be costly?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Parasite resistance is sometimes associated with fitness costs. Costs of resistance are fundamentally important in epidemiology, and in the ecology and evolution of host-parasite interactions. The cost of resistance is often envisioned as the cost of re-allocating limiting resources to resistance machinery from other traits. This popular paradigm has resulted in a spate of research that assumes a fitness cost to resistance. We comment on this trend and propose a working framework of various resistance means and mechanisms. Within these means and mechanisms, we suggest that many are not likely to incur significant fitness costs.  相似文献   

《Journal of thermal biology》2001,26(4-5):339-343
(1) Centrally acting carbon monoxide (CO) seems to play thermoregulatory actions, but no report exists about its role in hypoxia-induced anapyrexia. (2) CO arises from the catabolism of heme by heme oxygenase (HO), an enzyme that is overexpressed during hypoxia. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that the central HO–CO pathway modulates hypoxia-induced anapyrexia by means of intracerebroventricular injection of the HO inhibitor ZnDPBG. (3) Core temperature (TC) of awake rats was determined by biotelemetry. ZnDPBG did not alter basal Tc, but it exacerbated hypoxia-induced anapyrexia, indicating that the central HO–CO pathway is a modulator of hypoxia-induced anapyrexia, probably preventing excessive decreases in Tc.  相似文献   

The relation between blood carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) and plasma nicotine concentrations was studied in a group of 12 smokers smoking cigarettes of three levels of standard delivery. While the intake of carbon monoxide from a single cigarette was unrelated to the intake of nicotine, presmoking "trough" concentrations of the two substances (reflecting longer-term exposure) were highly correlated. Various other measures of nicotine exposure were at best only moderately correlated with blood nicotine concentrations. Thus trough COHb concentrations might be used to provide a reliable indication of the exposure to nicotine of individual smokers smoking the same type of cigarette, and of the relative exposure to nicotine of populations smoking cigarettes of different standard deliveries.  相似文献   

Human serum albumin (HSA), the most prominent protein in plasma, is best known for its exceptional ligand binding capacity. HSA participates in heme scavenging by binding the macrocycle at fatty acid site 1. In turn, heme endows HSA with globin-like reactivity and spectroscopic properties. A detailed pH-dependent kinetic and spectroscopic investigation of iron(II) heme-HSA and of its carbonylated form is reported here. Iron (II) heme-HSA is a mixture of a four-coordinate intermediate-spin species (predominant at pH 5.8 and 7.0), a five-coordinate high-spin form (mainly at pH 7.0), and a six-coordinate low-spin species (predominant at pH 10.0). The acidic-to-alkaline reversible transition reflects conformational changes leading to the coordination of the heme Fe(II) atom by the His146 residue via its nitrogen atom, both in the presence and in the absence of CO. The presence of several species accounts for the complex, multiexponential kinetics observed and reflects the very slow interconversion between the different species observed both for CO association to the free iron(II) heme-HSA and for CO dissociation from CO-iron(II) heme-HSA as a function of pH.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen substantial developments in our understanding of the physiology, pathology, and pharmacology of heme oxygenases (HO), to the point that investigators in the field are beginning to contemplate therapies based on administration of HO agonists or HO inhibitors. A significant amount of our current knowledge is based on the judicious application of metalloporphyrin inhibitors of HO, despite their limitations of selectivity. Recently, imidazole-based compounds have been identified as potent and more selective HO inhibitors. This 'next generation' of HO inhibitors offers a number of desirable characteristics, including isozyme selectivity, negligible effects on HO protein expression, and physicochemical properties favourable for in vivo distribution. Some of the applications of HO inhibitors that have been suggested are treatment of hyperbilirubinemia, neurodegenerative disorders, certain types of cancer, and bacterial and fungal infections. In this review, we address various approaches to altering HO activity with a focus on the potential applications of second-generation inhibitors of HO.  相似文献   

As a behavioural strategy, cathemerality is thought to confer considerable advantages by allowing animals to extend activity flexibly into either the diurnal or nocturnal phase in response to the prevailing ecological conditions. Factors such as temperature, access to food sources and minimising the risk of predation are all thought to be important in promoting cathemerality, although previous studies have produced inconsistent results. This paper adopts a different approach by first asking whether an obligate diurnal species, the chacma baboon (Papio hamadryas ursinus), exhibits seasonal variation in behavioural flexibility in response to annual cycles of day length. While short day lengths are an important constraint on the activity of the baboons at De Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa, long summer days permit considerable flexibility in thermoregulatory response, diet selection and patterns of habitat choice. Given that baboons adapt flexibly in response to a relaxation of time constraints, the question thus arises as to why diurnal and nocturnal primates do not adopt cathemeral activity patterns when time is constrained? For baboons, the costs of predation appear to prohibit exploitation of the nocturnal phase and it is likely that such constraints are true of most primates. It thus follows that Madagascar's predatory environment must in some way permit or select for a cathemeral lifestyle. The importance of the predation by fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox) on the evolution of cathemerality is discussed.  相似文献   

To estimate how sophisticated should an empirical scoring function be to ensure successful docking, scoring and virtual screening a new scoring function NScore (naive score) has been developed and tested. NScore is an extremely simple function and has the minimum possible number of parameters; nevertheless, it allows all the main effects determining the ligand–protein interaction to be taken into account. The fundamental difference of NScore from the currently used empirical functions is that all its parameters are selected on the basis of general physical considerations, without any adjustment or training with the use of experimental data on ligand–protein interaction. The results of docking and scoring with the use of NScore in an independent test sets of proteins and ligands have proved to be as good as those yielded by the ICM, GOLD, and Glide software packages, which use sophisticated empirical scoring functions. With respect to some parameters, the results of docking with the use of NScore are even better than those obtained using other functions. Since no training set is used in the development of NScore, this scoring function is indeed versatile in that it does not depend on the specific goal or target. We have performed virtual screening for ten targets and obtained results almost as good as those yielded by the Glide and better than GOLD and DOCK software. Figure Average percent of known actives found vs percent of the ranked database screened (x axis) for NScore (NScore, black)- an extremely simple function where all parameters are selected on the basis of general physical considerations, without any adjustment or training with the use of experimental data, Glide XP (XP, red), Glide SP (SP, green), DOCK (DOCK, blue), GOLD GoldScore1x (gold1x, cyan), and GOLD ChemScore1x (chem1x, magenta). Grey lines (rand show results expected by chance.  相似文献   

Wu JY  Qu HY  Shang ZL  Tao ST  Xu GH  Wu J  Wu HQ  Zhang SL 《The New phytologist》2011,189(4):1060-1068
? The regulation of plant potassium (K+) channels has been extensively studied in various systems. However, the mechanism of their regulation in the pollen tube is unclear. ? In this study, the effects of heme and carbon monoxide (CO) on the outward K+ (K+(out)) channel in pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) pollen tube protoplasts were characterized using a patch-clamp technique. ? Heme (1 μM) decreased the probability of K+(out) channel opening without affecting the unitary conductance, but this inhibition disappeared when heme was co-applied with 10 μM intracellular free Ca2+. Conversely, exposure to heme in the presence of NADPH increased channel activity. However, with tin protoporphyrin IX treatment, which inhibits hemeoxygenase activity, the inhibition of the K+(out) channel by heme occurred even in the presence of NADPH. CO, a product of heme catabolism by hemeoxygenase, activates the K+(out) channel in pollen tube protoplasts in a dose-dependent manner. The current induced by CO was inhibited by the K+ channel inhibitor tetraethylammonium. ? These data indicate a role of heme and CO in reciprocal regulation of the K+(out) channel in pear pollen tubes.  相似文献   

What criteria should be used to select biodiversity indicators?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The conservation of biodiversity is a major goal in nature conservation, but measuring the total biodiversity of a site or a region is not possible; thus there is a great demand for indicators to represent biodiversity. To be able to make use of indicators, criteria must first be established for their selection, and the degree to which the indicators meet the criteria must be tested. However, the purposes for which indicators are applied—and thus sometimes the criteria themselves—differ between ecological science and environmental policy. As transparency in choosing and testing suitable biodiversity indicators will optimize the results of an indicator, this article first aims to determine if there are common approaches in selecting biodiversity indicators in ecology and environmental policy. Second, we asked which criteria biodiversity indicators were scientifically tested against to determine their suitability. To answer these questions, we analyzed papers on biodiversity indicators referenced in the Web of Science. Our results demonstrate different patterns for selecting biodiversity indicators in the different fields of application. In ecology, the quality of indicators is mainly determined by a close relationship between indicator and indicandum (i.e., indicated phenomenon), while the relevance of an indicator for a given issue, e.g., reserve selection or an assessment of a certain impact, is of paramount importance for conservation policy. Surprisingly, few biodiversity indicators are empirically tested to determine if they meet the criteria by which they were purportedly chosen. We argue that this is due to the different conceptualizations of biodiversity indicators in science and environmental policy. Since the suitability of biodiversity indicators remains untested in many cases, our findings suggest room to make better use of indicators in ecology and environmental policy. As the results of ecological research are put to use to solve environmental problems, the selection of indicators for ecological research should correspond to a large extent with those used in environmental policy. Further, to assess the suitability of a biodiversity indicator, it should be tested against all of the criteria relevant for its selection.  相似文献   

Summary It is well known that interactions among relatives facilitate the evolution of altruistic behaviours. Game theoretic models show, however, that guarded altruism (such as Tit-For-Tat) can evolve among non-relatives when individuals interact many times and cheating behaviours can be punished. Strangely, no one has yet asked whether the guarded altruism that evolves among non-relatives might also evolve among close relatives, supplanting unconditional altriusm. We present a series of one-locus sexual haploid models in which Tit-For-Tat, unconditional altruists and selfish individuals interact in groups of full siblings. Tit-For-Tat frequently (but not always) replaced unguarded altruism, in which case the strategic rules for interacting with kin vs non-kin are identical. Even when Tit-For-Tat is selected at a single locus, however, by withholding altruism for non-reciprocating relatives it may qualify as an outlaw from the standpoint of modifier genes at other loci.  相似文献   

The conversion routes of carbon monoxide (CO) at 55°C by full-scale grown anaerobic sludges treating paper mill and distillery wastewater were elucidated. Inhibition experiments with 2-bromoethanesulfonate (BES) and vancomycin showed that CO conversion was performed by a hydrogenogenic population and that its products, i.e. hydrogen and CO2, were subsequently used by methanogens, homo-acetogens or sulfate reducers depending on the sludge source and inhibitors supplied. Direct methanogenic CO conversion occurred only at low CO concentrations [partial pressure of CO (P CO) <0.5 bar (1 bar=105 Pa)] with the paper mill sludge. The presence of hydrogen decreased the CO conversion rates, but did not prevent the depletion of CO to undetectable levels (<400 ppm). Both sludges showed interesting potential for hydrogen production from CO, especially since after 30 min exposure to 95°C, the production of CH4 at 55°C was negligible. The paper mill sludge was capable of sulfate reduction with hydrogen, tolerating and using high CO concentrations (P CO>1.6 bar), indicating that CO-rich synthesis gas can be used efficiently as an electron donor for biological sulfate reduction.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that cGMP is produced by nitric oxide-mediated activation of soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) in seminiferous tubules of the human testis. It is not known, however, whether carbon monoxide (CO), another activator of sGC, is also involved in testicular function. To address this issue, testicular probes from 65- to 75-yr-old men have been examined. The CO-generating enzyme, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), could be localized by immunohistochemical and immunoblot analyses to Sertoli cells. In these cells, HO-1 is detectable in adluminal cell compartments, whereas sGC immunoreactivity is distributed exclusively in basal compartments. Treatments of isolated tubules with either sodium arsenite, known to induce HO-1, or hematin, an HO substrate, resulted in 4.4- and 1.8-fold, respectively, increases in cGMP levels. ODQ, a specific sGC inhibitor, inhibited completely the sodium arsenite-stimulated cGMP production. Moreover, the HO inhibitor zinc protoporphyrin-IX and the CO scavenger hemoglobin both significantly reduced (77% or 46% of control, respectively) tubular cGMP generation. These findings, demonstrating for the first time a link between HO-1 activity in Sertoli cells and sGC-dependent cGMP production in seminiferous tubules, suggest a functional role of CO in the human testis.  相似文献   

Why do hubs tend to be essential in protein networks?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
He X  Zhang J 《PLoS genetics》2006,2(6):e88
The protein–protein interaction (PPI) network has a small number of highly connected protein nodes (known as hubs) and many poorly connected nodes. Genome-wide studies show that deletion of a hub protein is more likely to be lethal than deletion of a non-hub protein, a phenomenon known as the centrality-lethality rule. This rule is widely believed to reflect the special importance of hubs in organizing the network, which in turn suggests the biological significance of network architectures, a key notion of systems biology. Despite the popularity of this explanation, the underlying cause of the centrality-lethality rule has never been critically examined. We here propose the concept of essential PPIs, which are PPIs that are indispensable for the survival or reproduction of an organism. Our network analysis suggests that the centrality-lethality rule is unrelated to the network architecture, but is explained by the simple fact that hubs have large numbers of PPIs, therefore high probabilities of engaging in essential PPIs. We estimate that ~ 3% of PPIs are essential in the yeast, accounting for ~ 43% of essential genes. As expected, essential PPIs are evolutionarily more conserved than nonessential PPIs. Considering the role of essential PPIs in determining gene essentiality, we find the yeast PPI network functionally more robust than random networks, yet far less robust than the potential optimum. These and other findings provide new perspectives on the biological relevance of network structure and robustness.  相似文献   

Energetic constraints are fundamental to ecology and evolution, and empirical relationships between species richness and estimates of available energy (i.e. resources) have led some to suggest that richness is energetically constrained. However, the mechanism linking energy with richness is rarely specified and predictions of secondary patterns consistent with energy‐constrained richness are lacking. Here, we lay out the necessary and sufficient assumptions of a causal relationship linking energy gradients to richness gradients. We then describe an eco‐evolutionary simulation model that combines spatially explicit diversification with trait evolution, resource availability and assemblage‐level carrying capacities. Our model identified patterns in richness and phylogenetic structure expected when a spatial gradient in energy availability determines the number of individuals supported in a given area. A comparison to patterns under alternative scenarios, in which fundamental assumptions behind energetic explanations were violated, revealed patterns that are useful for evaluating the importance of energetic constraints in empirical systems. We use a data set on rockfish (genus Sebastes) from the northeastern Pacific to show how empirical data can be coupled with model predictions to evaluate the role of energetic constraints in generating observed richness gradients.  相似文献   

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