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Community characteristics of small mammals in five woodland-savannah habitats (riverine grassland, miombo, mopane, talus, thicket) were studied at Sengwa Wildlife Research Area in Zimbabwe between July 1992 and July 1993. The study was initiated following a drought year and extended over a year of average rainfall. Fourteen species of small mammals were recorded during mark-and-recapture trapping, with the number of species known to occur in a single community ranging from three to nine. Species complements and biomass (g/ha) were lowest during the first portion of the study and peaked during the 1993 cool dry season. Species diversity (H') was lowest in the hot dry season and highest in the cool dry season. Temporal variation in biomass and species diversity was least in talus and greatest in riverine grassland. Communities in talus and thicket were most similar and those in riverine grassland and thicket least similar. In general, these results suggest that woodland-savannah communities are highly variable and appear to be resource-limited.  相似文献   

Here, we present a camera trap survey at a Tibetan sacred mountain to ascertain the status and activity patterns of medium- to large-sized ground-dwelling mammalian fauna. We recorded 15 medium- to large-sized mammal species including 9 carnivores, 4 ungulates, 1 primate, and 1 rodent. Six of the species were categorized by IUCN as globally threatened. The results suggested that the sacred mountain was particularly important for alpine ungulates. The mean occupancy probabilities of blue sheep Pseudois nayaur, Chinese goral Naemorhedus griseus, Chinese serow Capricornis milneedwardsii, and alpine musk deer Moschus chrysogaster were 0.93, 0.91, 0.87, and 0.44 respectively. Domestic dog Canis familiaris also occurs widely across the mountain, with a mean occupancy of 0.60. Temporal activity patterns showed that alpine musk deer were mostly nocturnal, with most captures occurring at night. Chinese serow were active at all periods, with an activity peak at dawn. Blue sheep were strictly diurnal, without any captures at night. Although Chinese goral were predominantly diurnal, captures also frequently occurred at night. Our study not only unveiled a wildlife haven benefiting from religious beliefs about sacred mountains but also pointed to the critical situation of the fauna in the sacred site. The fauna in such sacred sites are diverse but poorly studied, and are subject to threats from domestic dogs, garbage pollution, and population isolation. Future conservation and management efforts in such areas should evaluate the population genetic diversity and assess the impact of non-lethal human disturbance on the wildlife communities.  相似文献   

Huntzinger M  Karban R  Maron JL 《Oecologia》2011,167(4):1085-1091
Legacy effects occur when particular species or their interactions with others have long-lasting impacts, and they are increasingly recognized as important determinants of ecological processes. However, when such legacy effects have been explicitly explored, they most often involve the long-term direct effects of species on systems, as opposed to the indirect effects. Here, we explore how a legacy of small mammal exclusion on the abundance of a shrub, bush lupine (Lupinus arboreus), influences the abundance of a native land snail (Helminthoglypta arrosa) in coastal prairie and dune habitats in central California. The factors that limit populations of land snails are very poorly known despite the threats to the persistence of this group of species. In grasslands, prior vole (Microtus californicus) exclusion created long-lasting gains in bush lupine abundance, mediated through the seedbank, and was associated with increased snail numbers (10×) compared to control plots where mammals were never excluded. Similar plots in dune habitat showed no difference in snail numbers due to previous mammal exclusion. We tested whether increased competition for food, increased predation, and/or lower desiccation explained the decline in snail numbers in plots with reduced lupine cover. Tethering experiments supported the hypothesis that voles can have long-lasting impacts as ecosystem engineers, reducing woody lupine habitat required for successful aestivation by snails. These results add to a growing list of studies that have found that non-trophic interactions can be limiting to invertebrate consumers.  相似文献   

高寒森林地表的小型兽类洞穴是生态系统重要的景观特征,对于认识小型兽类的分布格局及其生态功能具有重要意义.为此,以青藏高原东缘典型高寒森林生态系统小型兽类洞穴为对象,于2015年夏季(7—9月)研究了其地表分布与生境特征.结果表明: 小型兽类洞穴平均洞口密度为182.8个·hm-2,不同森林植被类型显著影响洞穴密度,表现为针叶林(328.6个·hm-2)>针阔混交林(160.0个·hm-2)>灌木林(125.0个·hm-2)>阔叶林(81.5个·hm-2)>竹林(66.7个·hm-2). Mann-Whitney U Test和主成分分析表明,小型兽类栖息样地的乔木郁闭度、乔木均高、乔木胸径、乔木密度、地表植被盖度、倒木密度、倒木覆盖度、灌木均高都显著大于非栖息样地;乔木因子是决定小型兽类生境选择的首要因子,贡献率最大(44.8%),其次是倒木因子(23.2%)和灌草丛因子(13.9%).说明高寒森林地表有明显的小型兽类洞穴分布,其分布格局主要受植被和倒木的影响.  相似文献   

Marra  Peter P. 《Behavioral ecology》2000,11(3):299-308
Several species of territorial migratory birds exhibit sexualhabitat segregation on their wintering grounds, with some habitatscontaining mostly males and others mostly females. The objectiveof this study was to determine if in the American redstart(Setophaga ruticilla) in Jamaica habitat segregation is dueto social mechanisms or due to sex-specific habitat specialization.I used habitat-specific patterns of arrival by young males and females, observations of territorial displacements, removalexperiments, and simulations of territorial intrusions to differentiatebetween these two mechanisms. Redstarts were studied in twohabitat types, a male-biased mangrove forest and a female-biasedscrub habitat. In autumn, male and female hatch-year redstartsinitially settled in equal numbers in each habitat, and segregationof the sexes occurred gradually and mostly later in the arrival period. This shift corresponded with an increase in densityof older birds and an increase in territorial displacements.Removal experiments showed that vacancies in male-biased habitatwere filled more rapidly and with greater frequency than thosein female-biased habitat and that vacated male territoriesin mangrove were replaced more often by females than by males. Simulations of territorial intrusions and analyses of body sizeindicated that levels of aggression and body size of both malesand females were greater in mangrove habitat, suggesting thatthese factors may be important in determining the outcomesof dominance interactions. I conclude that patterns of sexualhabitat segregation in redstarts are structured by the dominance behavior of older and more dominant individuals, and these aremostly males.  相似文献   

1. Voles undergo pronounced oscillations over periods of 3–5 years in northern Europe. A latitudinal gradient of cycle periods and amplitudes has been reported for Fennoscandia, with periods and amplitudes increasing towards northern latitudes.
2. This study formulates a discrete time model based on maternal effects to explain the density fluctuation patterns of microtine rodents. The phenotypic transmission of quality from mothers to offspring generates delayed density dependence, which produces cyclic behaviour in the model.
3. The dynamic patterns predicted by the maternal effect model agree with data. We conclude that the maternal effect hypothesis is a plausible, parsimonious explanation for vole-density cycles in northern Europe.  相似文献   

Site occupancy provides a reasonable estimate of population status and trends, and it also provides an unbiased, cost-effective alternative method for large-scale, multispecies monitoring programs. In this study, we used camera-trapping data to determine carnivoran occupancy and associated environmental factors in Serra da Malcata Nature Reserve, Portugal. The study was intended as a precursor of further long-term multispecies monitoring programs. We estimated carnivoran species occupancy using a likelihood-based method, using the software PRESENCE. The major conclusions of the study were (1) fox occupancy tends to be independent of environmental factors; (2) stone marten occupancy is related with habitat variables, landscape structure, and preys; (3) common genet occupancy is related to broad leaf formations and preys; and (4) mongoose occupancy is higher in extensive areas of shrub habitats. Methodologically, we demonstrated the importance of modeling detection probabilities for species with low or variable detection rates. In the future, monitoring programs could benefit from incorporating estimates of detection probabilities into their design and analysis.  相似文献   

Density‐dependent regulation is an important process in spatio‐temporal population dynamics because it can alter the effects of synchronizing processes operating over large spatial scales. Most frequently, populations are regulated by density dependence when higher density leads to reduced individual fitness and population growth, but inverse density dependence can also occur when small populations are subject to higher extinction risks. We investigate whether density‐dependent regulation influences population growth for the Antarctic breeding Adélie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae. Understanding the prevalence and nature of density dependence for this species is important because it is considered a sentinel species reflecting the impacts of fisheries and environmental change over large spatial scales in the Southern Ocean, but the presence of density dependence could introduce uncertainty in this role. Using data on population growth and indices of resource availability for seven regional Adélie penguin populations located along the East Antarctic coastline, we find compelling evidence that population growth is constrained at some locations by the amount of breeding habitat available to individuals. Locations with low breeding habitat availability had reduced population growth rates, higher overall occupancy rates, and higher occupancy of steeper slopes that are sparsely occupied or avoided at other locations. Our results are consistent with evolutionary models of avian breeding habitat selection where individuals search for high‐quality nest sites to maximize fitness returns and subsequently occupy poorer habitat as population density increases. Alternate explanations invoking competition for food were not supported by the available evidence, but strong conclusions on food‐related density dependence were constrained by the paucity of food availability data over the large spatial scales of this region. Our study highlights the importance of incorporating nonconstant conditions of species–environment relationships into predictive models of species distributions and population dynamics, and provides guidance for improved monitoring of fisheries and climate change impacts in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Proper establishment and faithful maintenance of epigenetic information is crucial for the correct development of complex organisms. For mammals, it is now accepted that DNA methylation is an important mechanism for establishing stable heritable epigenetic marks. The distribution of methylation in the genome is not random, and patterns of methylated and unmethylated DNA are well regulated during normal development. The molecular mechanisms by which methylation patterns are established and maintained are complex and just beginning to be understood. In this review, we summarize recent progress in understanding the regulation of mammalian DNA methylation patterns, with an emphasis on the emerging roles of several protein and possible RNA factors. We also revisit the stochastic model of maintenance methylation and discuss its implications for epigenetic fidelity and gene regulation.  相似文献   

We compared variation in butterfly communities across 3 years at six different habitats in a temperate ecosystem near Boulder, Colorado, USA. These habitats were classified by the local Open Space consortium as Grasslands, Tallgrass, Foothills Grasslands, Foothills Riparian, Plains Riparian, and Montane Woodland. Rainfall and temperature varied considerably during these years. We surveyed butterflies using the Pollard‐Yates method of invertebrate sampling and compared abundance, species richness, and diversity across habitats and years. Communities were most influenced by habitat, with all three quantitative measures varying significantly across habitats but only two measures showing variation across years. Among habitats, butterfly abundance was higher in Plains Riparian sites than in Montane Woodland or Grassland sites, though diversity was lowest in Plains Riparian areas. Butterfly species richness was higher in Foothills Riparian sites than it was in all but one other habitat (Tallgrass). Among years, butterfly abundance and species richness were lower during the year of least rainfall and highest temperatures, suggesting a substantial impact of the hot, dry conditions. Across habitats and years, butterfly abundance was consistently high at Plains Riparian and Foothills Riparian sites, and richness and diversity were consistently high in Foothills Riparian areas. These two habitats may be highly suitable for butterflies in this ecosystem, regardless of weather conditions. Generally low abundance and species richness in Montane Woodlands sites, particularly in 2002, suggested low suitability of the habitat to butterflies in this ecosystem, and this may be especially important during drought‐like conditions. Finally, to examine the effect that the presence of the very abundant non‐native species Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) has on these communities, we re‐analyzed the data in the absence of this species. Excluding P. rapae dramatically reduced variation of both butterfly abundance and diversity across habitats, highlighting the importance of considering community membership in analyses like ours.  相似文献   

Although metapopulation dynamics have become the focus of considerable theoretical research, little attention has been paid to its role when examining the coexistence of species. When two or more species live in the same patch network, interspecific interactions may affect their dispersal, colonization and extinction rates, and it may be possible to incorporate competition affecting these parameters in metapopulation models. Here, we extend the territorial occupancy model proposed by Lande to competing species. Our model estimates an equilibrium proportion of habitat occupancy as a function of life‐history parameters, dispersal behavior, habitat suitability and interspecific interactions. Moreover, it could prove to be useful as a tool in the assessment of potential management decisions. We apply the model to the golden Aquila chrysaetos and the Bonelli's eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus, two territorial raptors that coexist in the Mediterranean region, sharing food and nesting habitats. Over the last twenty years, while the golden eagle has maintained and, in some cases, increased its breeding numbers, Bonelli's eagle has suffered a marked decline, with many territories abandoned by the latter now occupied by the former. This suggests that the dynamics of these species could be influenced by interspecific competition. The model identified the relative importance of competition (stable equilibrium that allows long‐term coexistence) and predicted that, when habitat overlap is slight as in the study area, intraspecific dynamics are much more important for the persistence of each species than interspecific ones. Our results suggest that the improvement of territorial bird survival and productivity are the most urgently needed actions to be undertaken in the case of the golden eagle, while for Bonelli's eagle efforts should be focused on improving territorial and non‐territorial bird survival. As habitat conservation measures, the proportion of suitable exclusive habitat should be increased for both species.  相似文献   

Burrowing and foraging of semi‐fossorial rodents can affect species distribution and composition. Ground squirrels dig large burrow systems for refuge from predators and temperature extremes. Burrowing and foraging around burrows by squirrels may affect habitat and resource distributions for other organisms. We examined the impact of Cape ground squirrels (Xerus inauris) on vegetation, small mammals and beetles during winter and summer in grasslands on the edge of the Namib Desert. At each burrow system and paired control site without burrows, we estimated plant cover and height using quadrats (N = 8 paired sites), small mammal abundance and species richness using mark‐recapture techniques (N = 8 paired sites) and beetle abundance and species richness using pitfall traps (N = 6 paired sites, winter only). Squirrel burrowing and foraging activities resulted in lower plant cover and height, higher small mammal abundance and lower beetle abundance and species richness. Squirrels also reduced more plant cover in winter compared to summer, but had no effect on small mammal species richness. Furthermore, plant cover and height were higher in summer, whereas small mammal abundance and species richness were higher in winter. Our results suggest that Cape ground squirrels are important ecosystem engineers that influence plant and animal communities in the Namib Desert grasslands.  相似文献   

Glyoxalase I, a zinc metalloenzyme of mammals and yeast.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glyoxalase I from human and porcine erythrocytes, rat liver, and yeast was shown to contain zinc in a stoichiometry of about 1 mole per mole of enzyme subunit. Removal of zinc by means of a chelator caused elimination of the catalytic activity. The mammalian apoenzymes could be partially reactivated by addition of Zn2+.  相似文献   

The expansion of the wolf population all over Europe has posed problems on wolf-man coexistence in those areas where the wolf was not present for a long time. Breeding activities are now threatened by high predation on livestock. We investigated the relationship between wolf and its habitat, in order to evaluate wolf habitat suitability and to predict its presence. The study areas covered 3289 km2. A 23 km2 grid was used to identify 143 sample squares. For each sample square 58 habitat variables were measured from land-use (1:25 000), and from topographical maps. Wolf presence (4 classes) was assessed by scat collection, direct observations, snow tracking, wolf-howling, and predation records. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were carried out to investigate the influence of habitat features on wolf presence. The habitat suitability model was based on two different equations: a dichotomous logistic regression model, and a polytomous one. The first one discriminated between suitable and unsuitable habitats, and its predictions were confirmed in 93% of grouped cases; the second provided predicted values of wolf presence that were concordant with the observed response levels in 82.5% of contrasts. Both models underlined the importance of three factors in determining wolf habitat suitability: wild prey abundance, human presence and forest cover.  相似文献   

We report on acoustic surveys of insectivorous bats conducted during seven months of the year using ANABAT recordings in two habitats (macadamia orchards and adjacent riparian bush) in a subtropical agro‐ecosystem in northern South Africa. We defined two functional foraging groups of bats based on their echolocation calls: (i) open‐air foragers (family Molossidae) having narrow‐band, low‐frequency, low duty cycle calls; and (ii) clutter‐edge foragers (families Miniopteridae and Vespertilionidae), having broad‐band, higher frequency, low duty cycle calls. Bat activity (number of bat passes) was not significantly influenced by habitat. Total bat activity and activity of both functional groups varied significantly between seasons, being highest in summer and autumn (coinciding with annual peaks in numbers of Twin spotted (Bathycoelia natalicola) and Green (Nezara spp) Stinkbugs, order Heteroptera, family Pentatomidae, and Macadamia Nut Borer moths, Cryptophlebia ombrodelta) and lower in winter and spring. No significant effect of moon phase was detected, either on total activity or activity of the two functional groups. We postulate that the significant pattern of seasonality of commuting and/or foraging activity of bats in macadamia orchards (which is more marked in open‐air foragers) may be driven by the seasonal abundance of pest insects such as stinkbugs and Macadamia Nut Borer moths.  相似文献   

Small mammals in a high-altitude grassland area close to Mexico City were studied. Populations of 10 species were censused using live traps in 48 sample quadrats. Within each quadrat, vegetation characterization, including complete floristic listings, cover values for species and layers and values of habitat modification, were assessed. Habitats were described according to plant communities identified using ordination and classification methods. Nine different plant communities were obtained. Densities and abundance of all small mammal species were calculated for each of the habitats classified. Peromyscus alsloni was the most abundant species in all habitats, reaching maximum densities of 55 ha−1 in pine forest with dense ground and herb layer. Peromyscus melanotis also occurred in all habitats but at lower densities (maximum 29 ha−1). Reithrodontomys megalotis was found in all habitats except in tall dense grassland. Densities for this species were generally low (1-9 ha−1) but reached 19 ha−1 in short dense grassland. All other species were largely absent from 4–8 habitats and showed very low densities (0.75–4 ha−1). The densities of the more abundant species were largely correlated with more open habitats and higher indices of habitat modification. Lower altitude grassland habitats have a greater abundance of small mammals and a higher species richness than the medium and higher altitude, physiognomically more complex habitats. Species richness was highest in tall pine-alder forest with a species-rich, dense herb layer and lowest in pine forest with dense ground and herb layers. Species richness was positively correlated with overall small mammal density.  相似文献   

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