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Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems of free-living bacteria have recently demonstrated that these toxins inhibit cell growth by targeting essential functions of cellular metabolism. Here we show that YeeV toxin inhibits cell division, leads to a change in morphology and lysis of Escherichia coli cells. YeeV interacts with two essential cytoskeleton proteins, FtsZ and MreB. Purified YeeV inhibits both the GTPase activity and the GTP-dependent polymerization of FtsZ. YeeV also inhibits ATP-dependent polymerization of MreB. Truncated C-terminal deletions of YeeV result in elongation of cells, and a deletion of the first 15 amino acids from the N-terminus of YeeV caused lemon-shaped cell formation. The YeeV toxin is distinct from other well-studied toxins: it directs the binding of two cytoskeletal proteins and inhibits FtsZ and MreB simultaneously.  相似文献   

How bacteria coordinate cell growth with division is not well understood. Bacterial cell elongation is controlled by actin–MreB while cell division is governed by tubulin–FtsZ. A ring‐like structure containing FtsZ (the Z ring) at mid‐cell attracts other cell division proteins to form the divisome, an essential protein assembly required for septum synthesis and cell separation. The Z ring exists at mid‐cell during a major part of the cell cycle without contracting. Here, we show that MreB and FtsZ of Escherichia coli interact directly and that this interaction is required for Z ring contraction. We further show that the MreB–FtsZ interaction is required for transfer of cell‐wall biosynthetic enzymes from the lateral to the mature divisome, allowing cells to synthesise the septum. Our observations show that bacterial cell division is coupled to cell elongation via a direct and essential interaction between FtsZ and MreB.  相似文献   

FtsZ regulates frequency of cell division in Escherichia coli.   总被引:4,自引:12,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Cell division is regulated so that it occurs only once per cell cycle. In Escherichia coli, a rod-shaped bacterium, division normally takes place at the center of the long axis of the cell; however, in the minicell mutant, division can also take place at the cell pole. Such divisions take place at the expense of normal divisions, resulting in an overall increase in nucleated cell length. We report here that increasing the level of FtsZ can completely suppress the cell length of the minicell mutant by increasing the frequency at which cell division events take place. This result suggests that the level of FtsZ controls the frequency of cell division in E. coli.  相似文献   

The ever increasing problem of antibiotic resistance necessitates a search for new drug molecules that would target novel proteins in the prokaryotic system. FtsZ is one such target protein involved in the bacterial cell division machinery. In this study, we have shown that berberine, a natural plant alkaloid, targets Escherichia coli FtsZ, inhibits the assembly kinetics of the Z-ring, and perturbs cytokinesis. It also destabilizes FtsZ protofilaments and inhibits the FtsZ GTPase activity. Saturation transfer difference NMR spectroscopy of the FtsZ-berberine complex revealed that the dimethoxy groups, isoquinoline nucleus, and benzodioxolo ring of berberine are intimately involved in the interaction with FtsZ. Berberine perturbs the Z-ring morphology by disturbing its typical midcell localization and reduces the frequency of Z-rings per unit cell length to half. Berberine binds FtsZ with high affinity ( K D approximately 0.023 microM) and displaces bis-ANS, suggesting that it may bind FtsZ in a hydrophobic pocket. Isothermal titration calorimetry suggests that the FtsZ-berberine interaction occurs spontaneously and is enthalpy/entropy-driven. In silico molecular modeling suggests that the rearrangement of the side chains of the hydrophobic residues in the GTP binding pocket may facilitate the binding of the berberine to FtsZ and lead to inhibition of the association between FtsZ monomers. Together, these results clearly indicate the inhibitory role of berberine on the assembly function of FtsZ, establishing it as a novel FtsZ inhibitor that halts the first stage in bacterial cell division.  相似文献   

FtsZs from Mycoplasma pulmonis (MpuFtsZ) and Bacillus subtilis (BsFtsZ) are only 46% and 53% identical in amino acid sequence to FtsZ from Escherichia coli (EcFtsZ). In the present study we show that MpuFtsZ and BsFtsZ can function for cell division in E. coli provided we make two modifications. First, we replaced their C-terminal tails with that from E. coli, giving the foreign FtsZ the binding site for E. coli FtsA and ZipA. Second, we selected for mutations in the E. coli genome that facilitated division by the foreign FtsZs. These suppressor strains arose at a relatively high frequency of 10(-3) to 10(-5), suggesting that they involve loss-of-function mutations in multigene pathways. These pathways may be negative regulators of FtsZ or structural pathways that facilitate division by slightly defective FtsZ. Related suppressor strains were obtained for EcFtsZ containing certain point mutations or insertions of yellow fluorescent protein. The ability of highly divergent FtsZs to function for division in E. coli is consistent with a two-part mechanism. FtsZ assembles the Z ring, and perhaps generates the constriction force, through self interactions; the downstream division proteins remodel the peptidoglycan wall by interacting with each other and the wall. The C-terminal peptide of FtsZ, which binds FtsA, provides the link between FtsZ assembly and peptidoglycan remodeling.  相似文献   

The concentration of the cell division proteins FtsZ, FtsA, and ZipA and their assembly into a division ring during the Escherichia coli B/r K cell cycle have been measured in synchronous cultures obtained by the membrane elution technique. Immunostaining of the three proteins revealed no organized structure in newly born cells. In a culture with a doubling time of 49 min, assembly of the Z ring started around minute 25 and was detected first as a two-dot structure that became a sharp band before cell constriction. FtsA and ZipA localized into a division ring following the same pattern and time course as FtsZ. The concentration (amount relative to total mass) of the three proteins remained constant during one complete cell cycle, showing that assembly of a division ring is not driven by changes in the concentration of these proteins. Maintenance of the Z ring during the process of septation is a dynamic energy-dependent event, as evidenced by its disappearance in cells treated with sodium azide.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the FtsQ, FtsA, and FtsZ proteins are believed to play essential roles in the regulation of cell division. Of the three proteins, FtsZ has received the most attention, particularly because of its interactions with SfiA. Double mutants which carry mutations located in the ftsQ, ftsA, or ftsZ gene in combination with the lon-1 mutation were constructed. In the presence of the lon-1 mutation, which is known to stabilize SfiA, the ftsQ1 mutant cells were not capable of forming colonies on a rich agar medium, whereas mutant cells harboring either one of the mutations grew well on this medium. Examination of lon-1 fts double-mutant cells for sensitivity to UV light revealed that those carrying the ftsA10 allele were resistant. It was also observed that in the presence of a multicopy plasmid containing a wild-type ftsZ gene, the ftsQ1 mutant filamented markedly following a nutritional shift-up and that the division rate of ftsZ84 mutant cells was slightly reduced when they harbored a wild-type ftsQ-containing plasmid. The possibility that the Fts proteins are interacting with one another and forming a molecular complex is discussed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells lacking low-molecular-weight penicillin-binding proteins (LMW PBPs) exhibit morphological alterations that also appear when the septal protein FtsZ is mislocalized, suggesting that peptidoglycan modification and division may work together to produce cell shape. We found that in strains lacking PBP5 and other LMW PBPs, higher FtsZ concentrations increased the frequency of branched cells and incorrectly oriented Z rings by 10- to 15-fold. Invagination of these rings produced improperly oriented septa, which in turn gave rise to asymmetric cell poles that eventually elongated into branches. Branches always originated from the remnants of abnormal septation events, cementing the relationship between aberrant cell division and branch formation. In the absence of PBP5, PBP6 and DacD localized to nascent septa, suggesting that these PBPs can partially substitute for the loss of PBP5. We propose that branching begins when mislocalized FtsZ triggers the insertion of inert peptidoglycan at unusual positions during cell division. Only later, after normal cell wall elongation separates the patches, do branches become visible. Thus, a relationship between the LMW PBPs and cytoplasmic FtsZ ultimately affects cell division and overall shape.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the substrate kinetics of the GTPase activity of FtsZ and the effects of two different GTPase inhibitors, GDP and the slowly hydrolyzable GTP analogue GMPCPP. In the absence of inhibitors the GTPase activity follows simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and both GDP and GMPCPP inhibited the activity in a competitive manner. These results indicate that the GTPase active sites in FtsZ filaments are independent of each other, a feature relevant to elucidate the role of GTP hydrolysis in FtsZ function and cell division.  相似文献   

In this report, we have investigated cell division after inhibition of initiation of chromosome replication in Escherichia coli. In a culture grown to the stationary phase, cells containing more than one chromosome were able to divide some time after restart of growth, under conditions not allowing initiation of chromosome replication. This shows that there is no requirement for cell division to take place within a certain time after initiation of chromosome replication. Continued growth without initiation of replication resulted in filamented cells that generally did not have any constrictions. Interestingly, FtsZ rings were formed in a majority of these cells as they reached a certain cell length. These rings appeared and were maintained for some time at the cell quarter positions on both sides of the centrally localized nucleoid. These results confirm previous findings that cell division sites are formed independently of chromosome replication and indicate that FtsZ ring assembly is dependent on cell size rather than on the capacity of the cell to divide. Disruption of the mukB gene caused a significant increase in the region occupied by DNA after the replication runout, consistent with a role of MukB in chromosome condensation. The aberrant nucleoid structure was accompanied by a shift in FtsZ ring positioning, indicating an effect of the nucleoid on the positioning of the FtsZ ring. A narrow cell length interval was found, under and over which primarily central and non-central FtsZ rings, respectively, were observed. This finding correlates well with the previously observed oscillatory movement of MinC and MinD in short and long cells.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cell division or cytokinesis has been a major target for anticancer drug discovery. After the huge success of paclitaxel and docetaxel, microtubule-stabilizing agents (MSAs) appear to have gained a premier status in the discovery of next-generation anticancer agents. However, the drug resistance caused by MDR, point mutations, and overexpression of tubulin subtypes, etc., is a serious issue associated with these agents. Accordingly, the discovery and development of new-generation MSAs that can obviate various drug resistances has a significant meaning. In sharp contrast, prokaryotic cell division has been largely unexploited for the discovery and development of antibacterial drugs. However, recent studies on the mechanism of bacterial cytokinesis revealed that the most abundant and highly conserved cell division protein, FtsZ, would be an excellent new target for the drug discovery of next-generation antibacterial agents that can circumvent drug-resistances to the commonly used drugs for tuberculosis, MRSA and other infections. This review describes an account of our research on these two fronts in drug discovery, targeting eukaryotic as well as prokaryotic cell division.  相似文献   

A fusion between lacZ and ftsZ of Escherichia coli was constructed to obtain a beta-galactosidase-FtsZ fusion protein. This fusion protein was used to raise antibodies against cell division protein FtsZ. Six monoclonal antibodies were obtained, and they reacted with FtsZ from cytoplasm and membrane fractions. The epitopes in FtsZ were localized by studying the reactions of the monoclonal antibodies with fusion proteins truncated at the carboxy terminus and with fragments that were obtained by CNBr cleavage of purified FtsZ. Five different epitopes were defined. Epitopes I and III reacted with the same monoclonal antibody, without showing apparent amino acid homology. Epitope II was defined by monoclonal antibodies that cross-reacted with an unknown cytoplasmic 50-kDa protein not related to FtsZ. Epitopes IV and V were recognized by different monoclonal antibodies. All monoclonal antibodies reacted strongly under native conditions, so it is likely that the five epitopes are situated on the surface of native FtsZ. By using these data and computer analysis, a provisional model of FtsZ is proposed. The FtsZ protein is considered to be globular, with a hydrophobic pocket containing GTP-binding elements. Epitopes I and II are situated on each side of the hydrophobic pocket. Because the carboxy terminus contains epitope V, the carboxy terminus of FtsZ is likely oriented toward the protein's surface.  相似文献   

Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacterial pathogens that have extensively reduced their genome in adapting to the intracellular environment. The chlamydial genome contains only three annotated cell division genes and lacks ftsZ. How this obligate intracellular pathogen divides is uncharacterized. Chlamydiae contain two high-molecular-weight (HMW) penicillin binding proteins (Pbp) implicated in peptidoglycan synthesis, Pbp2 and Pbp3/FtsI. We show here, using HMW Pbp-specific penicillin derivatives, that both Pbp2 and Pbp3 are essential for chlamydial cell division. Ultrastructural analyses of antibiotic-treated cultures revealed distinct phenotypes: Pbp2 inhibition induced internal cell bodies within a single outer membrane whereas Pbp3 inhibition induced elongated phenotypes with little internal division. Each HMW Pbp interacts with the Chlamydia cell division protein FtsK. Chlamydiae are coccoid yet contain MreB, a rod shape-determining protein linked to Pbp2 in bacilli. Using MreB-specific antibiotics, we show that MreB is essential for chlamydial growth and division. Importantly, co-treatment with MreB-specific and Pbp-specific antibiotics resulted in the MreB-inhibited phenotype, placing MreB upstream of Pbp function in chlamydial cell division. Finally, we showed that MreB also interacts with FtsK. We propose that, in Chlamydia, MreB acts as a central co-ordinator at the division site to substitute for the lack of FtsZ in this bacterium.  相似文献   

All free-living bacteria carry the toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems controlling cell growth and death under stress conditions. YeeU-YeeV (CbtA) is one of the Escherichia coli TA systems, and the toxin, CbtA, has been reported to inhibit the polymerization of bacterial cytoskeletal proteins, MreB and FtsZ. Here, we demonstrate that the antitoxin, YeeU, is a novel type of antitoxin (type IV TA system), which does not form a complex with CbtA but functions as an antagonist for CbtA toxicity. Specifically, YeeU was found to directly interact with MreB and FtsZ, and enhance the bundling of their filamentous polymers in vitro. Surprisingly, YeeU neutralized not only the toxicity of CbtA but also the toxicity caused by other inhibitors of MreB and FtsZ, such as A22, SulA and MinC, indicating that YeeU-induced bundling of MreB and FtsZ has an intrinsic global stabilizing effect on their homeostasis. Here we propose to rename YeeU as CbeA for cytoskeleton bundling-enhancing factor A.  相似文献   

During cell division in Gram-negative bacteria, the cell envelope invaginates and constricts at the septum, eventually severing the cell into two compartments, and separating the replicated genetic materials. In Escherichia coli, at least nine essential gene products participate directly in septum formation: FtsA, FtsI, FtsL, FtsK, FtsN, FtsQ, FtsW, FtsZ and ZipA. All nine proteins have been localized to the septal ring, an equatorial ring structure at the division site. We used translational fusions to green fluorescent protein (GFP) to demonstrate that FtsQ, FtsL and FtsI localize to potential division sites in filamentous cells depleted of FtsN, but not in those depleted of FtsK. We also constructed translational fusions of FtsZ, FtsA, FtsQ, FtsL and FtsI to enhanced cyan or yellow fluorescent protein (ECFP or EYFP respectively), GFP variants with different fluorescence spectra. Examination of cells expressing different combinations of the fusions indicated that FtsA, FtsQ, FtsL and FtsI co-localize with FtsZ in filaments depleted of FtsN. These localization results support the model that E. coli cell division proteins assemble sequentially as a multimeric complex at the division site: first FtsZ, then FtsA and ZipA independently of each other, followed successively by FtsK, FtsQ, FtsL, FtsW, FtsI and FtsN.  相似文献   

A nutritional shift-up from glucose minimal medium to LB broth was previously shown to cause a division delay of about 20 min in synchronized cultures of Escherichia coli, and a similar delay was observed after a nutritional pulse (a shift-up followed rapidly by a return to glucose minimal medium). Using synchronized cultures, we show here that the pulse-induced division delay does not require protein synthesis during the period in LB broth, suggesting that a nonprotein signal is generated by the shift-up and transmitted to the cell division machinery. The cell division protein FtsZ, target of the SOS-associated division inhibitor SfiA (or SulA), seems to be involved in the postshift division delay. Mutants in which the FtsZ-SfiA interaction is reduced, either sfiA (loss of SfiA) or ftsZ(SfiB) (modification of FtsZ), have a 50- to 60-min division delay after a shift-up. Furthermore, after a nutritional pulse, the ftsZ(SfiB) mutant had only a 10- to 16-min delay. These results suggest that the FtsZ protein is the target element of the cell division machinery to which the shift-up signal is transmitted.  相似文献   

Interactions among cell division genes in Escherichia coli were investigated by examining the effect on cell division of increasing the expression of the ftsZ, ftsA, or ftsQ genes. We determined that cell division was quite sensitive to the levels of FtsZ and FtsA but much less so to FtsQ. Inhibition of cell division due to an increase in FtsZ could be suppressed by an increase in FtsA. Inhibition of cell division due to increased FtsA could be suppressed by an increase in FtsZ. In addition, although wild-type strains were relatively insensitive to overexpression of ftsQ, we observed that cell division was sensitized to ftsQ overexpression in ftsI, ftsA, and ftsZ mutants. Among these, the ftsI mutant was the most sensitive. These results suggest that these gene products may interact and that the proper ratio of FtsZ to FtsA is critical for cell division to occur.  相似文献   

A new cell division operon in Escherichia coli   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
Summary At 76 min on theE. coli genetic map there is a cluster of genes affecting essential cellular functions, including the heat shock response and cell division. A combination ofin-vivo andin-vitro genetic analysis of cell division mutants suggests that the cell division genefts E is the second gene in a 3 gene operon. A cold-sensitive mutant, defective in the third gene, is also unable to divide at the restrictive temperature, and we designate this new cell division genefts X. Another cell division gene,fts S, is very close to, but distinct from, the 3 genes of the operon. Thefts E product is a 24.5 Kd polypeptide which shows strong homology with a small group of proteins involved in transport. Both thefts E product and the protein coded by the first gene (fts Y) in the operon have a sequence motif found in a wide range of heterogeneous proteins, including the Ras proteins of yeast. This common domain is indicative of a nucleotide-binding site.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which bacteria adopt and maintain individual shapes remain enigmatic. Outstanding questions include why cells are a certain size, length, and width; why they are uniform or irregular; and why some branch while others do not. Previously, we showed that Escherichia coli mutants lacking multiple penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) display extensive morphological diversity. Because defective sites in these cells exhibit the structural and functional characteristics of improperly localized poles, we investigated the connection between cell division and shape. Here we show that under semipermissive conditions the temperature-sensitive FtsZ84 protein produces branched and aberrant cells at a high frequency in mutants lacking PBP 5, and this phenotype is exacerbated by the loss of additional peptidoglycan endopeptidases. Surprisingly, certain ftsZ84 strains lyse at the nonpermissive temperature instead of filamenting, and inhibition of wild-type FtsZ forces some mutants into tightly wound spirillum-like morphologies. The results demonstrate that significant aspects of bacterial shape are dictated by a previously unrecognized relationship between the septation machinery and ostensibly minor peptidoglycan-modifying enzymes and that under certain circumstances improper FtsZ function can destroy the structural integrity of the cell.  相似文献   

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