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Toxic liver injury; the metabolism of dimethylnitrosamine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

1. Aminoacetonitrile, a lathyrogenic agent known to decrease the hepatotoxic action of dimethylnitrosamine, inhibited the metabolism of this compound by rats in vivo and by rat liver slices in vitro. 2. Methylation of nucleic acids in rat liver and kidney by dimethylnitrosamine in vivo was inhibited by treatment of the animals with aminoacetonitrile. 3. These findings are discussed in relation to the hypothesis that dimethylnitrosamine requires metabolism to exert its hepatotoxic and carcinogenic action.  相似文献   

Acute liver damage was induced in rats by intragastric doses of dimethylnitrosamine (DMN, 3 mg/100 g body weight) and measured 24 hours later by morphological and biochemical methods. 1, 10-Phenanthroline (1, 10-P, 2 mg/100 g) administered simultaneously with DMN prevented the development of the characteristic morphological picture of liver injury. At the same time, the amount and synthesis of total liver proteins, the activity and distribution of liver β-glucuronidase, and the level of seromucoid and isocitric dehydrogenase (ICDH) activity in the serum, significantly changed by DMN, was within the range of control values when 1, 10-P was simultaneously administered. The protective effect of 1, 10-P against acute DMN hepatotoxicity paralleled the inhibition of some liver microsomal drug-metabolizing enzymes (aniline hydroxylase, morphine demethylase, content of cytochrome P-450). At higher doses of DMN (6 mg and 10 mg/100 g), the administration of 1, 10-P was no longer protective, although the content of cytochrome P-450 was only 20% of the value for normal liver microsomes. Therefore, in acute administration within a certain range of concentration of DMN, 1, 10-P might inhibit the microsomal drug-oxidizing enzymes, thus inhibiting the metabolism of the drug to a more toxic product.  相似文献   

1. The concentrations of the nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotides in rat liver have been determined at intervals during the period 1-24hr. after feeding adult female rats with dimethylnitrosamine or thioacetamide. 2. The administration of dimethylnitrosamine resulted in a rapid decrease in the sum of NAD+NADH(2). This sum was decreased by 40% 3hr. after dosing. 3. Dimethylnitrosamine administration also produced an overall decrease in the NADP+NADPH(2) but this decrease was not so early nor as marked as that found for NAD+NADH(2). 4. The changes produced by thioacetamide were quite different from those obtained with dimethylnitrosamine. Thioacetamide produced a temporary rise in the NAD+NADH(2) followed by a small fall. The NADP+NADPH(2) was little changed in the early hours after dosing with thioacetamide but had decreased by approx. 15% 18hr. after administration. 5. These changes are discussed in terms of the known hepatotoxic actions of dimethylnitrosamine and thioacetamide, and are compared with previously reported changes found after the administration of carbon tetrachloride.  相似文献   

Dimethylnitrosamine (DMNA) strongly inhibited RNA synthesis in mouse liver under conditions when the nucleotide pattern, rate of nucleotide synthesis and phosphorylation ratio were unaffected. (An unidentified, probably non-nucleotide, component in the acid-soluble liver fraction was selectively reduced.) The inhibition of RNA synthesis was associated with a decrease in the RNA polymerase activity of isolated liver nuclei, well established already 45 min after DMNA administration. The reduced activity included both Mg2+- and Mn2+/(NH4)2SO4-stimulated polymerase functions. The inhibition in vivo involved the whole complement of RNA, including poly (A)-containing RNA and isolated poly(A) sequences. The transfer of labelled RNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm was not impaired. There was no detachment of poly(A)-containing RNA from the microsomes, and the proportion of tightly membrane-bound microsomal RNA and poly(A) sequences was not reduced as determined by use of a flotation technique. No breakage or shortening of the poly(A) chains was indicated by sedimentation analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the detection and identification of methanol as an intermediate formed during both the in vivo and the in vitro metabolism of dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) in the rat. Methanol was formed in both hepatic 10,000 g av. supernatant and washed microsomal fractions over a wide range of nitrosamine substrate concentrations. Furthermore the total amounts of methanol and formaldehyde formed largely accounted for the metabolic fate of both methyl moieties of DMN. Although a number of inhibitors of alcohol metabolism profoundly inhibited the hepatic metabolism of DMN they had little effect on the activities of two mixed function oxidase dependent enzymes. The results suggest that DMN and possibly other dialkylnitrosamines are degraded by enzymic pathway(s) not dependent on cytochrome P-450.  相似文献   

Although 1, 10-phenanthroline (1, 10-P, 2 mg/100 g) prevents acute liver injury induced by dimethylnitrosamine (DMN), it does not protect female rats against liver damage caused by chronic treatment with DMN (2 mg/ 100 g). Liver damage was ascertained by measuring distribution and total activity of β-glucuronidase, rate of collagen synthesis, total collagen content of the liver, and amount of isocitric dehydrogenase (ICDH) in the serum. However, after simultaneous treatment with 1, 10-P and DMN for three weeks, the total amount of noncollagenous liver proteins and of microsomal protein and aniline hydroxylase activity were higher than in livers of rats receiving DMN alone. The proliferation of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in livers of dogs treated for a 14-week period with 1, 10-P was demonstrated by ultrastructural techniques. Chronic liver injury induced by feeding female rats with a 0.3% d, 1-ethionine diet for five weeks was prevented by simultaneous administration of 1, 10-P (2 mg/100 g, i.p. 3 times weekly). It is suggested that when administered chronically, 1, 10-P acts as an inducer of the liver microsomal system and therefore increases the activity of liver mixed-function oxidases. This explains why chronic administration of 1, 10-P does not protect rats against injury caused by DMN. Ethionine hepatotoxicity, which does not seem to be related to the microsomal activity, is substantially decreased by as yet unknown mechanisms.  相似文献   

1. Rats fed on a protein-free high-carbohydrate diet for 7 days metabolized dimethylnitrosamine at only 55% the rate of rats fed on a commercial diet. 2. Dimethylnitrosamine was metabolized by liver slices from rats fed on the protein-free diet at less than half the rate attained by slices from rats fed on a commercial diet. But kidney slices from these rats metabolized dimethylnitrosamine at the same rate as kidney slices from rats on a commercial diet. 3. Methylation by dimethylnitrosamine (70mg/kg body wt.) of N-7 of guanine of the liver RNA and DNA of rats fed on a protein-free diet was only slightly higher than in rats fed on a normal diet given 27mg/kg body wt. In contrast, the methylation by dimethylnitrosamine of guanine in kidney nucleic acids of these rats was three times that in the rats fed on a normal diet. 4. In rats fed on a protein-free diet the incidence of kidney tumours produced by a single dose of dimethylnitrosamine is increased.  相似文献   

The mutagenicity of dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) for bacteria was investigated by means of the metabolic activation process of the compound with rat liver microsomes.Three strains of streptomycin (SM)-dependent Escherichia coli having tetracycline (TC)-resistance factor (Sd-E. coli(TC)) were derived for this study. The reverse mutation in these strains from SM dependence to non-dependence was used as the marker for mutagenicity. The drug resistance factor (R factor) which was transferred to these strains was used in order to get around the bacterial contamination throughout the experiments. The study of the mutagenicity of DMN metabolites has been made by incubating DMN with rat liver microsomes and cofactor system in the presence of indicator bacterial cells.The reverse mutation was markedly induced for all of three strains in the complete incubation mixture but it was not observed when the cofactor system was omitted or the liver microsomal suspension was replaced by the kidney cell sap. When the indicator bacterial cells were added to the mixture in which DMN was previously incubated with the microsomes and cofactor system, the mutagenicity was extremely decreased.  相似文献   

Effect of dimethylnitrosamine on enzyme induction in rat liver   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1. The effects of various doses of dimethylnitrosamine on the hydrocortisone induction of tryptophan pyrrolase were studied. A single LD(50) dose of dimethylnitrosamine inhibits the synthesis of the enzyme if given within the first 5hr. of the induction. A quarter of this dose also inhibits the synthesis of the enzyme, but, in addition, retards the rate of decay of the enzyme. 2. A single small dose of dimethylnitrosamine significantly inhibits the hydrocortisone induction of tryptophan pyrrolase for at least 14 days without causing widespread damage to liver substructure. 3. The inhibition by dimethylnitrosamine of induced tryptophan pyrrolase synthesis is probably independent of any action of the toxin on the synthesis of cofactors necessary for full expression of the enzyme's activity. Dimethylnitrosamine appears to act directly on the synthesis of the enzyme protein. 4. The synthesis of that form of the enzyme which is most sensitive to hydrocortisone is apparently also most susceptible to the action of dimethylnitrosamine. 5. It is suggested that the inhibition of protein synthesis by dimethylnitrosamine may be a result of methylation of messenger RNA, which then is unable to code effectively for amino acid polymerization.  相似文献   

A single intraperitoneal dose of dimethylnitrosamine (DMNA) (30 mg/kg) to rats produces centrilobular hepatocellular necrosis within 18–24 h. Histochemical and electron-microscopic studies of the lysosomal changes occurring during this period show that autophagy and disturbance of lysosomes occur within 35 min of treatment. After 3 h, autophagy is well developed, the majority of cells in the centrilobular area containing a few autophagic vacuoles. These increase in size and number, reaching a peak about 12 h after treatment, when the onset of necrosis is detectable in some cells.  相似文献   

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