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We have examined the expression pattern of the avian Meox1 homeobox gene during early development and up to late limb bud stages. Its expression pattern indicates that it is involved in somite specification and differentiation. The domains of expression are similar but different to those of Meox2. Meox1 is expressed from stage 6 in the pre-somitic mesoderm and as development proceeds, in the tail bud, the dermomyotome of the rostral somites and in the dermomyotome and sclerotome of the caudal somites, the lateral rectus muscle, truncus arteriosus of the heart and the limb buds. Unlike Meox1, Meox2 is not expressed in the pre-somitic mesoderm, but is expressed first in somites formed from stage 11 onwards. In the developing limb, both genes are expressed in the dorsal and ventral limb mesoderm in adjacent domains with a small region of overlap. In the limb bud, Meox1 is co-expressed with Meox2 but neither Meox gene is co-expressed with MyoD. These expression patterns suggest that these two genes have overlapping and distinct functions in development.  相似文献   

Erythropoiesis in the developing chick embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The types of erythroid cells of chick embryos developing in ovo have been correlated with the hemoglobins of the embryos. Prior to 5 days, when primitive cells constitute the only erythroid cells, two hemoglobins can be resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The two adult hemoglobins and a minor hemoglobin found only in embryos and young chicks first appear simultaneously with initiation of definitive erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

In all higher vertebrate embryos the sensory ganglia of the trunk develop adjacent to the neural tube, in the cranial halves of the somite-derived sclerotomes. It has been known for many years that ganglia do not develop in the most cranial (occipital) sclerotomes, caudal to the first somite. Here we have investigated whether this is due to craniocaudal variation in the neural tube or crest, or to an unusual property of the sclerotomes at occipital levels. Using the monoclonal antibody HNK-1 as a marker for neural crest cells in the chick embryo, we find that the crest does enter the cranial halves of the occipital sclerotomes. Furthermore, staining with zinc iodide/osmium tetroxide shows that some of these crest-derived cells sprout axons within these sclerotomes. By stage 23, however, no dorsal root ganglia are present within the five occipital sclerotomes, as assessed both by haematoxylin/eosin and zinc iodide/osmium tetroxide staining. Moreover, despite this loss of sensory cells, motor axons grow out in these segments, many of them later fasciculating to form the hypoglossal nerve. The sclerotomes remain visible until stages 27/28, when they dissociate to form the base of the skull and the atlas and axis vertebrae. After grafting occipital neural tube from quail donor embryos in place of trunk neural tube in host chick embryos, quail-derived ganglia do develop in the trunk sclerotomes. This shows that the failure of occipital ganglion development is not the result of some fixed local property of the neural crest or neural tube at occipital levels. We therefore suggest that in the chick embryo the cranial halves of the five occipital sclerotomes lack factors essential for normal sensory ganglion development, and that these factors are correspondingly present in all the more caudal sclerotomes.  相似文献   

Segmentation consists on the progressive formation of repetitive embryonic structures, named somites, which are formed from the most rostral part of the presomitic mesoderm. Somites are subdivided into anterior and posterior compartments and several genes are differentially expressed in either compartment. This has provided evidence for the importance of establishing the anterior-posterior polarity within each somite, which is critical for the correct segmented pattern of the adult vertebrate body. Although all somites appear morphologically similar, fate map studies have shown that the first 4 somites do not give rise to segmented structures, in contrast to more posterior ones. Moreover, in several somitogenesis-related mutants the anterior somites are not affected while posterior somites present clear defects or do not form at all. Altogether these data suggest relevant differences between rostral and caudal somites. In order to check for molecular differences between anterior and posterior somites, we have performed a detailed expression pattern analysis of several Notch signalling related genes. For the first time, we show that the somitic expression pattern profile is not the same along the anterior-posterior axis and that the differences are not observed always at the same somite level.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether the developing spinal cord is intrinsically segmented in its rostrocaudal (anteroposterior) axis by mapping the spread of clones derived from single labelled cells within the neural tube of the chick embryo. A single cell in the ventrolateral neural tube of the trunk was marked in situ with the fluorescent tracer lysinated rhodamine dextran (LRD) and its descendants located after two days of further incubation. We find that clones derived from cells labelled before overt segmentation of the adjacent mesoderm do not respect any boundaries within the neural tube. Those derived from cells marked after mesodermal segmentation, however, never cross an invisible boundary aligned with the middle of each somite, and tend to be elongated along the mediolateral axis of the neural tube. When the somite pattern is surgically disturbed, neighbouring clones derived from neuroectodermal cells labelled after somite formation behave like clones derived from younger cells: they no longer respect any boundaries, and are not elongated mediolaterally. These results indicate that periodic lineage restrictions do exist in the developing spinal cord of the chick embryo, but their maintenance requires the presence of the adjacent somite mesoderm.  相似文献   

1. Three Koelliker haemoglobins, HbKE, HbKA and HbKH, derived from a post-translational loss of alpha-Arg-141, were isolated from red cells of chicken embryos. HbKE is typical of embryos up to 7 days of incubation, HbKA and HbKH are found in mature embryos. 2. All the precursor haemoglobins contain alpha A chains. HbKA derives from adult haemoglobin A whose globin composition is alpha A2 beta 2, HbKH from embryonic haemoglobin H with a globin composition alpha A2 beta H2 and HbKE from embryonic haemoglobin E with globin composition alpha A2 epsilon 2. 3. No Koelliker derivatives of haemoglobins with alpha-like chains other than alpha A were observed.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenase activity in the developing chick embryo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Before day 9 of incubation, chick embryos contain no measurable alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity. Following day 9 of incubation, chick embryo liver ADH activity increases as a linear function of liver mass. A single dose of ethanol given at the start of incubation is cleared only slowly prior to day 9 of incubation but is completely cleared by day 13. Chick embryo liver ADH has two detectable isozymes throughout development. The percentage contribution of each isozyme to total ADH activity does not change significantly during development. The Km apparent of chick liver ADH is significantly increased shortly after hatching relative to the Km apparent of embryonic ADH. Ethanol exposure during incubation has no effect on the development of ADH activity or isozyme distribution.  相似文献   

《Cell differentiation》1983,12(2):61-66
Changes in hyaluronate concentration and hyaluronidase activity were measured at progressive stages of chick embryo kidney development. Hyaluronate accumulates in the immature metanephros containing undifferentiated mesenchyme and early stages of tubular epithelium formation. Differentiation of the epithelium to mature tubules and renal corpuscles occurs over a period when hyaluronate concentrations are decreasing. The initial decrease in hyaluronate is accompanied by an increase in hyaluronidase activity in the metanephros. A similar peak of hyaluronidase activity was found to occur during mesonephros development. Chondroitin sulfate levels remain almost constant throughout the course of metanephric differentiation.  相似文献   

Gene expression regulation during embryo development is under strict regulation to ensure proper gene expression in both time and space. The involvement of microRNAs (miRNA) in early vertebrate development is documented and inactivation of different proteins involved in miRNA synthesis results in severe malformations or even arrests vertebrate embryo development. However, there is very limited information on when and in what tissues the genes encoding these proteins are expressed. Herein, we report a detailed characterization of the expression patterns of DROSHA, DGCR8, XPO5 and DICER1 in the developing chick embryo, from HH1 (when the egg is laid) to HH25 (5-days incubation), using whole mount in situ hybridization and cross-section analysis. We found that these genes are co-expressed in multiple tissues, mostly after stage HH4. Before early gastrulation DICER1 expression was never detected, suggesting the operation of a Dicer-independent pathway for miRNA synthesis. Our results support an important role for miRNAs in vertebrate embryo development and provide the necessary framework to unveil additional roles for these RNA processing proteins in development.  相似文献   

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