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Few studies have characterized donor cell lines in terms of proliferative capacity and chromosomal stability. Abnormal phosphorylation patterns of the histones during metaphase could lead to abnormal chromosome segregation and extensive chromosome loss during mitosis. Suboptimal culture conditions may lead to abnormal histone H3 phosphorylation patterns, ultimately inducing missegregation and loss of chromosomes. The objective of the present study was to determine proliferative characteristics, chromosomal stability, and level of histone phosphorylation in cell lines established by explants and enzymatic dissociation. Proliferative characteristics, percentage of aneuploid cells, and relative levels of phosphorylated histone H3 (ser10) were determined at different population doublings (PD) by cell counting, karyotyping, and flow cytometry, respectively. The level of aneuploidies was high and remained elevated throughout the study independent of the technique used to establish the primary culture. Some cell lines had up to 50% of aneuploid cells during early passages. Multinucleated cells and abnormal spindle configurations were observed after prolonged time in culture (60 and 41%, respectively). An increase in the relative level of phosphorylated histone occurred after extended time in culture (55.7 during early passages vs. 102.6 at late passages). These data demonstrate the importance of determining chromosome content and the selection of healthy cell lines to decrease the percentage of aneuploid reconstructed embryos and increase the efficiency of nuclear transfer (NT).  相似文献   

The production of transgenic (TG) animals by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has proven to be a more efficient method than other methods, such as gene injection or sperm mediation. The present study was intended to evaluate the efficiency of gene transfection by Effectene (Qiagen, Inc.), a lipid-based reagent compared to electroporation in fetal-derived fibroblast cells (FFC), cumulus-derived fibroblast cells (CFC), and adult ear skin-derived fibroblast cells (AEFC). Parameters compared were factors such as chromosome abnormality, gene expression, and the incidence of apoptosis. Further, the TG embryos with transfected donor cells generated by electroporation or Effectene were compared to IVF and SCNT embryos in terms of rates of cleavage, blastocyst formation, and blastocyst cell number. Most of the cells (>80%) at confluence were at G0/G1 and considered to be suitable nuclear donors for cloning. Transfection with a plasmid containing the enhanced green fluorescent protein (pEGFP-N1) gene into FFC did not increase the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities. The rates of apoptosis in different cell types transfected with pEGFP-N1 were 3.3%-5.0%, and the values did not differ among groups. In addition, the rates of apoptosis in various cells between 5-7 and 20-22 cell passages did not differ. However, the efficiency of gene transfecton into FFC by Effectene reagent (14.2 +/- 1.7) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that obtained by electroporation (5.1 +/- 1.0). Among various cell types, the efficiency of gene transfection by Effectene and eletroporation of FFC (14.2 +/- 1.7 and 5.1 +/- 1.0, respectively) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than transfection of CFC and AEFC by either method (9.4 +/- 1.5 and 3.3 +/- 0.8, 8.8 +/- 0.7, and 2.1 +/- 0.4, respectively). In TG embryos produced by SCNT with electroporation and Effectene, the rates of cleavage and blastocyst formation were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than those of IVF controls, but rates did not differ between SCNT and TG embryos. Similarly, significantly higher (P < 0.05) total cell numbers in day-8 blastocysts were observed in IVF controls than those in SCNT and TG embryos, but did not differ between SCNT and TG (136 vs. approximately 110, respectively). The results demonstrated that, though there were no difference in the rates of chromosomal aneuploidy and the incidence of apoptosis among various cell types, transfected with or without pEGFP-N1, FFC were the cell type most effectively transfected and Effectene was a suitable agent for transfection.  相似文献   

Nuclear transfer experiments in mammals have attempted to reprogram a donor nucleus to a state equivalent to the zygotic one. Reprogramming of the donor nucleus is, among other features, indicated by a synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA). The initiation of rRNA synthesis is simultaneously reflected in nuclear morphology as a transformation of the nucleolus precursor body into a functional rRNA synthesising nucleolus with a characteristic ultrastructure. We examined nucleolar ultrastructure in bovine in vitro produced (control) embryos and in nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed from a MII phase (nonactivated) or S phase (activated) cytoplasts. Control embryos were fixed at the two-, four-, early eight- and late eight-cell stages; nuclear transfer embryos were fixed at 1 and 3 hr post fusion and at the two-, four-, and eight-cell stages. Control embryos possessed a nucleolar precursor body throughout all three cell cycles. In the eight-cell stage embryo, a primary vacuole appeared as an electron lucid area originating in the centre of the nucleolar precursor body. In nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed from nonactivated cytoplasts, the nuclear envelope was fragmented or completely broken down at 1 hr after fusion and, by 3 hr after fusion, it was restored again. At this time, the reticulated fibrillo-granular nucleolus had an almost round shape. The nucleolar precursor body seen in the two-cell stage nuclear transfer embryos consisted of intermingled filamentous components and secondary vacuoles. A nucleolar precursor body typical for the two-cell stage control embryos was never observed. None of the reconstructed embryos of this group reached the eight-cell stage. Nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed from activated cytoplasts, in contrast, exhibited a complete nuclear envelope at all time intervals after fusion. In the two-cell stage nuclear transfer embryo, the originally reticulated nucleolus of the donor blastomere had changed into a typical nucleolar precursor body consisting of a homogeneous fibrillar structure. A primary vacuole appeared in the four-cell stage nuclear transfer embryos, which was one cell cycle earlier than in control embryos. Only nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed from activated cytoplasts underwent complete remodelling of the nucleolus. The reorganisation of the donor nucleolar architecture into a functionally active nucleolus was observed as early as in the four-cell stage nuclear transfer embryo. These ultrastructural observations were correlated with our autoradiographic data on the initiation of RNA synthesis in nuclear transfer embryos.  相似文献   

Jang G  Park ES  Cho JK  Bhuiyan MM  Lee BC  Kang SK  Hwang WS 《Theriogenology》2004,62(3-4):512-521
This study was performed to investigate whether types and/or age of donor cells affect preimplantational embryo development and the incidence of apoptosis in bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos. Bovine fetal or adult ear fibroblasts were isolated, cultured in vitro and categorized into fresh or long-term cultured cells in terms of population doublings (PD): in fetal fibroblasts, <16 being considered fresh and >50 being long-term cultured; in adult ear fibroblasts, <16 being considered fresh and >30 being long-term cultured. Bovine oocytes from slaughterhouse ovaries were matured in TCM-199, enucleated and reconstructed by SCNT. The reconstructed oocytes were fused, chemically activated, and cultured in modified synthetic oviduct fluid (mSOF) at 39 degrees C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO(2) air for 7 days. The early development of SCNT embryos was monitored under a microscope and the quality of blastocysts was assessed by differential counting of inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE) cells and by apoptosis detection in blastomeres using a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated d-UTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) assay. As results, types and/or age of donor cells did not affect the rate of blastocyst formation and the number of ICM and TE cells. However, a significant increase in apoptotic blastomeres was observed in SCNT embryos reconstructed with long-term cultured fetal or adult ear fibroblasts compared to those in SCNT embryos derived from fresh fetal or adult ear fibroblasts. In conclusion, these results indicated that the long-term culture of donor cells caused increased the incidence of apoptosis in bovine SCNT embryos but did not affect the developmental competence and the cell number of blastocysts.  相似文献   

Cloning of bovine embryos by multiple nuclear transfer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The in vitro development of multiple generation bovine nuclear transferred embryos to blastocysts and their survival ability after freezing and thawing were examined. Parent donor embryos which had 20 to 50 cells were recovered from superovulated cows. Follicular oocytes matured in vitro were used as recipient oocytes. The recipient oocytes enucleated at 22 to 24 h after the onset of maturation were preactivated at 33 h. Enucleated oocytes with a donor blastomere were fused 9 h after activation by an electric stimulus and the fused oocytes were cultured in vitro (first generation). Reconstituted oocytes that had developed to the 8- to 16-cell stage 3 to 4 d after fusion were used as donor embryos for the next generation. Recloning procedures were performed twice (second and third generations). The proportion of recipient oocytes successfully fused with a blastomere increased with the cycle of nuclear transfer. Eighty to 86% of fused oocytes developed to the 2-cell stage and there was no significant difference with the generation. The proportion of reconstituted embryos receiving blastomeres derived from first generation embryos had higher developmental ability in vitro, than those derived from other generations (43 vs 31% for 8 to 16-cell stage, 37 vs 20 and 21% for blastocyst stage). The number of cloned blastocysts increased with repeated nuclear transfer (once: 6.2 +/- 4.3, twice: 19.8 +/- 9.2 and three times: 30.0 +/- 14.7) but varied greatly with each parent donor embryo. The in vitro viability of cloned blastocysts after freezing and thawing (59%) was low but not significantly different from that obtained for in vitro fertilized blastocysts (72%). After transfer of either fresh or frozen-thawed cloned blastocysts to 21 recipients, 10 of them were pregnant on Day 60. Four and 3 offspring were produced from 20 fresh and 14 frozen-thawed blastocysts,respectively.  相似文献   

Early developmental kinetics of nuclear transfer (NT) embryos reconstituted with blastomeres and parthenogenones produced by ionophore activation followed by either dimethylaminopurine (DMAP) or cycloheximide (CHX) treatment was studied. In vitro produced (IVP) embryos served as controls. Embryos were cultured to the hatched blastocyst stage, and images were recorded every 0.5 h throughout the culture period. The longest cell cycle shifted from 4th to 5th cycle (26 +/- 4 and 44 +/- 5 h) in NT-embryos compared to IVP-embryos (41 +/- 2 and 20 +/- 3 h) and showed greater asynchrony between blastomeres than any other embryo category. Compared to DMAP, CHX prolonged the 1(st) (23 +/- 1 vs. 33 +/- 1 h) and shortened the 3(rd) cell cycle (17 +/- 2 vs. 13 +/- 1 h). Moreover, though cytoskeleton activity was initialised, a larger proportion of CHX embryos was unable to accomplish first cleavage. The parthegenones differed from IVP embryos with respect to the lengths of the 1st, 3rd, and 4th cell cycles and time of hatching. The findings are discussed in relation to known ultrastructural, chromosomal and genomic aberrations found in NT embryos and parthenogenones. We hypothesize that the shift of the longest cell cycle in NT embryos is associated with a shift in the time of major genomic transition.  相似文献   

Presence of placental tissues from more normal noncloned embryos could reduce the pregnancy failure of somatic cloning in cattle. In this study, inner cell mass (ICM) cells of in vitro-produced (IVP) embryos was replaced with those of nuclear transfer (NT) embryos to reconstruct bovine blastocysts with ICM and trophoblast cells from NT and IVP embryos, respectively. A total of 65 of these reconstructed embryos were nonsurgically transferred to 20 recipient beef females. Of those, two females were diagnosed pregnant by ultrasonography on day 30 of gestation. One pregnancy was lost at 60-90 days of gestation, and the other recipient cow remained pregnant at day 240 of gestation; however, this female died on day 252 of gestation. Gross pathology of the internal organs of the recipient female, a large fetus, and a large placental tissue mass suggested the massive size of the fetus and placental tissue were likely involved in terminating the life of the recipient female. Biopsy samples were harvested from the skin of the dead recipient cow, the fetus and from cotyledonary tissue. Microsatellite DNA analysis of these samples revealed that the genotype of the fetus was the same as that of the NT donor cells and different from that of the recipient cow. Correspondingly, neither the fetus nor recipient cow had the same genotype with that of the fetal cotyledonary tissue. These results present the first known documented case of a bovine somatic NT pregnancy with nonclone placental tissues after transfer of a blastocyst reconstructed by a microsurgical method to exchange of ICM cells and trophoblast tissue between NT and IVP blastocysts.  相似文献   

Nuclear transfer was used to study nuclear reprogramming of fetal diploid bovine germ cells collected at two stages of the fetal development. In the first case, germ cells of both sexes were collected during their period of intragonadal mitotic multiplication at 48 days post co?tum (d.p.c.). In the second case, only male germ cells were collected after this period, between 105 and 185 d.p.c. Isolated germ cells were fused with enucleated oocytes. Reconstituted embryos were cultured in vitro and those reaching the compacted morula or blastocyst stage were transferred into synchronous recipient heifers. Of 511 reconstituted embryos with 48 d.p.c. germ cells (309 males and 202 females), 48% (247/511 ) cleaved; 2.7% (14/511 ) reached the compacted morula stage and 8 of them the blastocyst stage (1.6%). No difference was observed between sexes. All 14 compacted morulae/blastocysts were transferred into 6 recipients and one pregnancy was initiated. This recipient was slaughtered at Day 35 and an abnormal conceptus (extended trophectoderm and degenerated embryo) was collected. Its male sex, genetically determined, corresponded to that of donor fetus. Of 380 reconstituted embryos with male 105 to 185 d.p.c. germ cells, 72.1% (274/380 ) cleaved, 2.1% (8 380 ) reached the compact morula stage and 7 of these the blastocyst stage (1.8%). Three blastocysts and one morula were transferred into 4 recipients. Two became pregnant at Day 21 but only one at Day 35 which aborted around Day 40. Our results show that the nucleus of diploid bovine germ cells of both sexes can be reprogrammed. However, in the absence of further development of these reconstituted embryos, nuclear totipotency of bovine diploid germ cells remains to be evidenced.  相似文献   

The effects of cell cycle stage and the age of the cell donor animal on in vitro development of bovine nuclear transfer embryos were investigated. Cultures of primary bovine fibroblasts were established from animals of various ages, and the in vitro life span of these cell lines was analyzed. Fibroblasts from both fetuses and calves had similar in vitro life spans of approximately 30 population doublings (PDs) compared with 20 PDs in fibroblasts obtained from adult animals. When fibroblasts from both fetuses and adult animals were cultured as a population, the percentage of cells in G1 increased linearly with time, whereas the percentage of S-phase cells decreased proportionately. Furthermore, the percentage of cells in G1 at a given time was higher in adult fibroblasts than in fetal fibroblasts. To study the individual cells from a population, a shake-off method was developed to isolate cells in G1 stage of the cell cycle and evaluate the cell cycle characteristics of both fetal and adult fibroblasts from either 25% or 100% confluent cultures. Irrespective of the age, the mean cell cycle length in isolated cells was shorter (9.6-15.5 h) than that observed for cells cultured as a population. Likewise, the length of the G1 stage in these isolated cells, as indicated by 5-bromo-deoxyuridine labeling, lasted only about 2-3 h. There were no differences in either the number of cells in blastocysts or the percentage of blastocysts between the embryos reconstructed with G1 cells from 25% or 100% confluent cultures of fetal or adult cell lines. This study suggests that there are substantial differences in cell cycle characteristics in cells derived from animals of different ages or cultured at different levels of confluence. However, these factors had no effect on in vitro development of nuclear transfer embryos.  相似文献   

This study compared the nuclear transfer (NT) embryo development rates of adult and fetal cells within the same genotype. The adult fibroblast cells were obtained from a 21-yr-old Brahman bull. The fetal cells were derived from a Day 40 NT fetus previously cloned using cells from the Brahman bull. Overall, similar numbers of blastocysts developed from both adult (53 of 190; 28%) and fetal (39 of 140; 28%) donor cells. Improved blastocyst development rates were observed when fetal cells were serum-starved (serum-fed 12% vs. serum-starved 43%; P < 0.01) whereas there was no similar benefit when adult cells were serum-starved (both serum-fed and serum-starved 28%). Day 30 pregnancy rates were similar for blastocysts derived from adult (6 of 26; 23%) or fetal (5 of 32; 16%) cells. Day 90 pregnancy rates were 3 of 26 for adult and 0 of 32 for the fetal cell lines. One viable bull calf derived from a 21-yr-old serum-starved adult skin fibroblast was born in August 1999. In summary, somatic NT embryo development rates were similar whether adult or fetal cells, from the same genotype, were used as donor cells. Serum starvation of these adult donor cells did not improve development rates of NT embryos to blastocyst, but when fetal cells were serum-starved, there was a significant increase in development to blastocyst.  相似文献   

Centrosomes, the main microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs) in most animal cells, are important for many cellular activities such as assembly of the mitotic spindle, establishment of cell polarity, and cell movement. In nuclear transfer (NT), MTOCs that are located at the poles of the meiotic spindle are removed from the recipient oocyte, while the centrosome of the donor cell is introduced. We used mouse MII oocytes as recipients, mouse fibroblasts, rat fibroblasts, or pig granulosa cells as donor cells to construct intraspecies and interspecies nuclear transfer embryos in order to observe centrosome dynamics and functions. Three antibodies against centrin, gamma-tubulin, and NuMA, respectively, were used to stain the centrosome. Centrin was not detected either at the poles of transient spindles or at the poles of first mitotic spindles. gamma-tubulin translocated into the two poles of the transient spindles, while no accumulated gamma-tubulin aggregates were detected in the area adjacent to the two pseudo-pronuclei. At first mitotic metaphase, gamma-tubulin was translocated to the spindle poles. The distribution of gamma-tubulin was similar in mouse intraspecies and rat-mouse interspecies embryos. The NuMA antibody that we used can recognize porcine but not murine NuMA protein, so it was used to trace the NuMA protein of donor cell in reconstructed embryos. In the pig-mouse interspecies reconstructed embryos, NuMA concentrated between the disarrayed chromosomes soon after activation and translocated to the transient spindle poles. NuMA then immigrated into pseudo-pronuclei. After pseudo-pronuclear envelope breakdown, NuMA was located between the chromosomes and then translocated to the spindle poles of first mitotic metaphase. gamma-tubulin antibody microinjection resulted in spindle disorganization and retardation of the first cell division. NuMA antibody microinjection also resulted in spindle disorganization. Our findings indicate that (1) the donor cell centrosome, defined as pericentriolar material surrounding a pair of centrioles, is degraded in the 1-cell reconstituted embryos after activation; (2) components of donor cell centrosomes contribute to the formation of the transient spindle and normal functional mitotic spindle, although the contribution of centrosomal material stored in the recipient ooplasm is not excluded; and (3) components of donor cell centrosomes involved in spindle assembly may not be species-specific.  相似文献   

The nucleolar and mitochondrial morphology of developing reconstructed bovine nuclear transfer (NT) embryos and stage-matched in vivo-produced control embryos were examined under the electron microscope. Each reconstructed embryo at the one-cell (n = 12), two-cell (n = 5), three-cell (n = 3), four-cell (n = 5), 5–8 cell (n = 5) and blastocyst (n = 3) stages was produced by fusion of a 16–32-cell-stage blatomere with an aged enucleated bovine oocyte. The normal and reconstructed embryos showed similar mitochondrial morphology. However, NT embryos produced several pleiomorphic forms not seen in controls, and were more heterogenous at early stages of development. Control embryos exhibited nucleolar features considered indicative of rRNA synthesis from the eight-cell stage onwards. In contrast, the NT embryos presented nucleoli with morphology consistent with rRNA synthesis in all embryos examined, except in the three-cell and in two of the five four-cell embryos. From this nucleolar morphology, it was concluded that nuclear reprogramming does not occur immediately following nuclear transfer, but occurs gradually over the first two or three cell cycles. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An association of two techniques, nuclear transfer (NT), and transfection of somatic animal cells, has numerous potential applications and considerable impact, mainly in agriculture, medicine, pharmacy, and fundamental biology. In addition, somatic cell nuclear transfer is the most efficient alternative to produce large transgenic animals. We compared in vitro and in vivo developmental capacities of NT using fibroblast cells isolated from a 14-month-old cloned Simmental heifer (FCE) vs the same line transfected with a plasmid containing neomycin-resistant genes (TFCE). There were no significant differences (P > 0.5) in either fusion (116/149 = 78% vs 216/301 = 72%), cleavage (78/116 = 67% vs 141/216 = 65%) and blastocyst (35/116 = 30% vs 52/216 = 24%) rates or in pregnancy rate at 30 to 35 days after embryo transfer (2/17 vs 3/17) between NT using FCE and TFCE, respectively. Transfection and long-term in vitro culture of transfected cells did not affect developmental capacity of NT embryos up to 40 days of gestation.  相似文献   

Donor cell type, cell-cycle stage, and passage number of cultured cells all affect the developmental potential of cloned embryos. Because acetylation of the histones on nuclear chromatin is an important aspect of gene activation, the present study investigated the differences in histone acetylation of bovine fibroblast and cumulus cells at various passages and cell-cycle stages. The acetylation was qualitatively analyzed by epifluorescent confocal microscopy and quantitatively by immunofluorescent flow cytometry. Specifically, we studied levels of histone H4 acetylated at lysine 8 and histone H3 acetylated at lysine 18; acetylation at these lysine residues is among the most common for these histone molecules. We also studied levels of linker histone H1 in donor cells. Our results show that stage of cell cycle, cell type, and number of cell passages all had an effect on histone content. Histone H1 and acetyl histone H3 increased with cell passage (passages 5-15) in G0/G1- and G2/M-stage cumulus and fibroblast cells. We also found that acetyl histone H4 was lower in early versus late cell passages (passage 5 vs. 15) for G0/G1-stage cumulus cells. In both cell types examined, acetyl histones increased with cell-cycle progression from G0/G1 into the S and G2/M phases. These results indicate that histone acetylation status is remodeled by in vitro cell culture, and this may have implications for nuclear transfer.  相似文献   

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