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Thirty physically active healthy men (20.1 ± 1.6 yr) wererandomly assigned to participate for 10 wk in one of the following training groups: endurance trained (ET; 3 days/wk joggingand/or running), resistance trained (RT; 3 days/wkresistance training), or combined endurance and resistance trained(CT). Before and after training, basal metabolic rate (BMR), percentbody fat (BF), maximal aerobic power, and one-repetition maximum forbench press and parallel squat were determined for each subject.Urinary urea nitrogen was determined pre-, mid-, and posttraining. BMRincreased significantly from pre- to posttraining for RT (7,613 ± 968 to 8,090 ± 951 kJ/day) and CT (7,455 ± 964 to 7,802 ± 981 kJ/day) but not for ET (7,231 ± 554 to 7,029 ± 666 kJ/day).BF for CT (12.2 ± 3.5 to 8.7 ± 1.7%) was significantly reducedcompared with RT (15.4 ± 2.7 to 14.0 ± 2.7%) and ET (11.8 ± 2.9 to 9.5 ± 1.7%). Maximal aerobic power increasedsignificantly for ET (13%) but not RT (0.2%) or CT (7%),whereas the improvements in one-repetition maximum bench press andparallel squat were greater in RT (24 and 23%, respectively) comparedwith CT (19 and 12%, respectively). Urinary urea nitrogen loss wasgreater in ET (14.6 ± 0.9 g/24 h) than in RT (11.7 ± 1.0 g/24h) and CT (11.5 ± 1.0 g/24 h) at the end of 10 wk oftraining. These data indicate that, although RT alone will increase BMRand muscular strength, and ET alone will increase aerobic power anddecrease BF, CT will provide all of these benefits but to a lessermagnitude than RT and ET after 10 wk of training.


The purpose of this experiment was to examine the effects of concurrent endurance and explosive strength training on electromyography (EMG) and force production of leg extensors, sport-specific rapid force production, aerobic capacity, and work economy in cross-country skiers. Nineteen male cross-country skiers were assigned to an experimental group (E, n = 8) or a control group (C, n = 11). The E group trained for 8 weeks with the same total training volume as C, but 27% of endurance training in E was replaced by explosive strength training. The skiers were measured at pre- and post training for concentric and isometric force-time parameters of leg extensors and EMG activity from the vastus lateralis (VL) and medialis (VM) muscles. Sport-specific rapid force production was measured by performing a 30-m double poling test with the maximal velocity (V(30DP)) and sport-specific endurance economy by constant velocity 2-km double poling test (CVDP) and performance (V(2K)) by 2-km maximal double poling test with roller skis on an indoor track. Maximal oxygen uptake (Vo(2)max) was determined during the maximal treadmill walking test with the poles. The early absolute forces (0-100 ms) in the force-time curve in isometric action increased in E by 18 +/- 22% (p < 0.05), with concomitant increases in the average integrated EMG (IEMG) (0-100 ms) of VL by 21 +/- 21% (p < 0.05). These individual changes in the average IEMG of VL correlated with the changes in early force (r = 0.86, p < 0.01) in E. V(30DP) increased in E (1.4 +/- 1.6%) (p < 0.05) but not in C. The V(2K) increased in C by 2.9 +/- 2.8% (p < 0.01) but not significantly in E (5.5 +/- 5.8%, p < 0.1). However, the steady-state oxygen consumption in CVDP decreased in E by 7 +/- 6% (p < 0.05). No significant changes occurred in Vo(2)max either in E or in C. The present concurrent explosive strength and endurance training in endurance athletes produced improvements in explosive force associated with increased rapid activation of trained leg muscles. The training also led to more economical sport-specific performance. The improvements in neuromuscular characteristics and economy were obtained without a decrease in maximal aerobic capacity, although endurance training was reduced by about 20%.  相似文献   

Ventilatory muscle strength and endurance training   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The impact of adding heavy-resistance training to increase leg-muscle strength was studied in eight cycling- and running-trained subjects who were already at a steady-state level of performance. Strength training was performed 3 days/wk for 10 wk, whereas endurance training remained constant during this phase. After 10 wk, leg strength was increased by an average of 30%, but thigh girth and biopsied vastus lateralis muscle fiber areas (fast and slow twitch) and citrate synthase activities were unchanged. Maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) was also unchanged by heavy-resistance training during cycling (55 ml.kg-1.min-1) and treadmill running (60 ml.kg-1.min-1); however, short-term endurance (4-8 min) was increased by 11 and 13% (P less than 0.05) during cycling and running, respectively. Long-term cycling to exhaustion at 80% VO2max increased from 71 to 85 min (P less than 0.05) after the addition of strength training, whereas long-term running (10 km times) results were inconclusive. These data do not demonstrate any negative performance effects of adding heavy-resistance training to ongoing endurance-training regimens. They indicate that certain types of endurance performance, particularly those requiring fast-twitch fiber recruitment, can be improved by strength-training supplementation.  相似文献   

Interaction between concurrent strength and endurance training   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To assess the effects of concurrent strength (S) and endurance (E) training on S and E development, one group (4 young men and 4 young women) trained one leg for S and the other leg for S and E (S+E). A second group (4 men, 4 women) trained one leg for E and the other leg for E and S (E+S). E training consisted of five 3-min bouts on a cycle ergometer at a power output corresponding to that requiring 90-100% of oxygen uptake during maximal exercise (VO2 max). S training consisted of six sets of 15-20 repetitions with the heaviest possible weight on a leg press (combined hip and knee extension) weight machine. Training was done 3 days/wk for 22 wk. Needle biopsy samples from vastus lateralis were taken before and after training and were examined for histochemical, biochemical, and ultrastructural adaptations. The nominal S and E training programs were "hybrids", having more similarities as training stimuli than differences; thus S made increases (P less than 0.05) similar to those of S+E in E-related measures of VO2max (S, S+E: 8%, 8%), repetitions with the pretraining maximal single leg press lift [1 repetition maximum (RM)] (27%, 24%), and percent of slow-twitch fibers (15%, 8%); and S made significant, although smaller, increases in repetitions with 80% 1 RM (81%, 152%) and citrate synthase (CS) activity (22%, 51%). Similarly, E increased knee extensor area [computed tomography (CT) scans] as much as E+S (14%, 21%) and made significant, although smaller, increases in leg press 1 RM (20%, 34%) and thigh girth (3.4%, 4.8%). When a presumably stronger stimulus for an adaptation was added to a weaker one, some additive effects occurred (i.e., increases in 1 RM and thigh girth that were greater in E+S than E; increases in CS activity and repetitions with 80% 1 RM that were greater in S+E than S). When a weaker, although effective, stimulus was added to a stronger one, addition generally did not occur. Concurrent S and E training did not interfere with S or E development in comparison to S or E training alone.  相似文献   

To compare regimens of concurrent strength and endurance training, 26 male basketball players were matched for stature, body composition, and physical activity level. Subjects completed different training programs for 7 weeks, 4 days per week. Groups were as follows: (a) the strength group (S; n = 7) did strength training; (b) the endurance group (E; n = 7) did endurance training; (c) the strength and endurance group (S + E; n = 7) combined strength and endurance training; and (d) the control group (C; n = 5) had no training. The S + E group showed greater gains in Vo(2)max than the E group did (12.9% vs. 6.8%), whereas the S group showed a decline (8.8%). Gains were noted in strength and vertical jump performance for the S + E and S groups. The S + E group had better posttraining anaerobic power than the S group did (6.2% vs. 2.9%). No strength, power, or anaerobic power gains were present for the E and C groups. We conclude that concurrent endurance and strength training is more effective in terms of improving athletic performance than are endurance and strength training apart.  相似文献   

A training program designed to increase strength and aerobic endurance in 1 season was tested on 16 professional soccer players from Spain with a mean age of 28 +/- 3.37 years. The schedule comprised 4 macrocycles of 12 weeks of aerobic endurance and strength training. As much for the strength training as for the aerobic endurance, the program used a sequence of general, special, and specific exercises. Assessments were made with routine tests (i.e., squat jumps [SJs], countermovement jumps [CMJs], and countermovement jumps with arm swing [CMJas]) at the end of each macrocycle, and the Probst test was used to assess aerobic endurance as a function of running speed and distance, at the start and end of the training schedule and at the start of the third macrocycle. Jumps were performed on an infrared platform fitted to the MuscleLab system. The Probst test showed differences between the first evaluation and the second and third evaluations: 3,550 +/- 411.59 m vs. 2,006 +/- 207.20 m (P < 0.01). For 2 of the 3 jumps analyzed, the results were better in the last 2 than in the first 2 evaluations (SJ, 43.13 +/- 3.77 vs. 39.47 +/- 3.4 [P < 0.05]; CMJ, 49.80 +/- 3.77 vs. 46.67 +/- 3.76 [P < 0.05]; CMJas, 56.24 +/- 5.2 vs. 52.98 +/- 4.54 [P > 0.05]). Improvement of aerobic endurance was produced on the first phase of the season as a consequence of the training. To increase strength, it is necessary to augment the number of training sessions of this type. It is convenient to separate aerobic endurance and strength training to create more ample blocks during the last 2 macrocycles.  相似文献   

Fascicle angle (FA) is suggested to increase as a result of fiber hypertrophy and furthermore to serve as the explanatory link in the discrepancy in the relative adaptations in the anatomical cross-sectional area (CSA) and fiber CSA after resistance training (RT). In contrast to RT, the effects of endurance training on FA are unclear. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate and compare the longitudinal effects of either progressive endurance training (END, n = 7) or RT (n = 7) in young untrained men on FA, anatomical CSA, and fiber CSA. Muscle morphological measures included the assessment of vastus lateralis FA obtained by ultrasonography and anatomical CSA by magnetic resonance imaging of the thigh and fiber CSA deduced from histochemical analyses of biopsy samples from m. vastus lateralis. Functional performance measures included VO2max and maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The RT produced increases in FA by 23 ± 8% (p < 0.01), anatomical CSA of the knee extensor muscles by 9 ± 3% (p = 0.001), and fiber CSA by 19 ± 7% (p < 0.05). RT increased knee extensor MVC by 20 ± 5% (p < 0.001). END increased VO2max by 10 ± 2% but did not evoke changes in FA, anatomical CSA, or in fiber CSA. In conclusion, the morphological changes induced by 10 weeks of RT support that FA does indeed serve as the explanatory link in the observed discrepancy between the changes in anatomical and fiber CSA. Contrarily, 10 weeks of endurance training did not induce changes in FA, but the lack of morphological changes from END indirectly support the fact that fiber hypertrophy and FA are interrelated.  相似文献   

Forearm endothelium-dependent vasodilation is impaired with age in sedentary, but not endurance-trained, men. The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether these age- and physical activity-related differences in endothelium-dependent vasodilation also occur in the leg. Brachial and common femoral arterial blood flow were measured with Doppler ultrasound during increasing doses of acetylcholine (1, 4, and 16 microg.100 ml limb tissue(-1).min(-1)), substance P (8, 31, and 125 pg.100 ml limb tissue(-1).min(-1)), and sodium nitroprusside (0.063, 0.25, and 1 microg.100 ml limb tissue(-1).min(-1)) in 23 healthy men (8 younger sedentary, 8 older sedentary, and 7 older endurance trained). Increases in forearm blood flow to the highest dose of acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside were smaller (P < 0.05) in older sedentary (841 +/- 142%, 428 +/- 74%) compared with younger sedentary (1,519 +/- 256%, 925 +/- 163%) subjects. Similarly, increases in forearm blood flow to sodium nitroprusside (1 microg.100 ml limb tissue(-1).min(-1)) were smaller (P < 0.05) in older endurance-trained (505 +/- 110%) compared with younger sedentary (925 +/- 163%) subjects. In contrast, no differences in leg blood flow responses to intra-arterial infusions of acetylcholine, substance P, or sodium nitroprusside were noted between subject groups. These results demonstrate that 1) acetylcholine- and sodium nitroprusside-induced vasodilation are attenuated in the forearm vasculature and preserved in the leg vasculature of older sedentary subjects and 2) sodium nitroprusside-induced vasodilation remains attenuated in the forearm vasculature of healthy older endurance-trained men but preserved in the leg vasculature of these men.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to examine the effects of endurance training on multiple sprint cycling performance and to evaluate the influence of recovery duration on the magnitude of those effects. Twenty-one physically active male university students were randomly assigned to either an experimental (n = 12) or a control (n = 9) group. The experimental group cycled for 20 minutes each day, 3 times per week, for 6 weeks at 70% of the power output required to elicit maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). Multiple sprint performance was assessed using 2 maximal (20 x 5 seconds) sprint cycling tests with contrasting recovery periods (10 or 30 seconds). All tests were conducted on a friction-braked cycle ergometer. Relative to controls, training resulted in a 0.2 L.min(-1) increase in mean VO2max (95% likely range: -0.04 to 0.44 L.min(-1)). Changes in anaerobic capacity (determined by maximal accumulated oxygen deficit) over the same period were trivial (p = 0.96). After training, the experimental group showed significant improvements ( approximately 40 W), relative to controls, in multiple sprint measures of peak and mean power output. In contrast, training-induced reductions in fatigue were trivial (p = 0.63), and there were no significant between-protocol differences in the magnitude of any effects. In summary, 6 weeks of endurance training resulted in substantial improvements in multiple sprint cycling performance, the magnitude of the improvements being largely unaffected by the duration of the intervening recovery periods.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of 3 wk of either endurance or strength training on plasticity of the neural mechanisms involved in the soleus H reflex and V wave. Twenty-five sedentary healthy subjects were randomized into an endurance group (n = 13) or strength group (n = 12). Evoked V-wave, H-reflex, and M-wave recruitment curves, maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), and time-to-task-failure (isometric contraction at 40% MVC) of the plantar flexors were recorded before and after training. Following strength training, MVC of the plantar flexors increased by 14.4 ± 5.2% in the strength group (P < 0.001), whereas time-to-task-failure was prolonged in the endurance group (22.7 ± 17.1%; P < 0.05). The V wave-to-maximal M wave (V/M(max)) ratio increased significantly (55.1 ± 28.3%; P < 0.001) following strength training, but the maximal H wave-to-maximal M wave (H(max)/M(max)) ratio remained unchanged. Conversely, in the endurance group the V/M(max) ratio was not altered, whereas the H(max)/M(max) ratio increased by 30.8 ± 21.7% (P < 0.05). The endurance training group also displayed a reduction in the H-reflex excitability threshold while the H-reflex amplitude on the ascending limb of the recruitment curve increased. Strength training only elicited a significant decrease in H-reflex excitability threshold, while H-reflex amplitudes over the ascending limb remained unchanged. These observations indicate that the H-reflex pathway is strongly involved in the enhanced endurance resistance that occurs following endurance training. On the contrary, the improvements in MVC following strength training are likely attributed to increased descending drive and/or modulation in afferents other than Ia afferents.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Swiss-ball core strength training on trunk extensor (abdominal)/flexor (lower back) and lower limb extensor (quadriceps)/flexor (hamstring) muscular strength, abdominal, lower back and leg endurance, flexibility and dynamic balance in sedentary women (n = 21; age = 34 ± 8.09; height = 1.63 ± 6.91 cm; weight = 64 ± 8.69 kg) trained for 45 minutes, 3 d·wk-1 for 12 weeks. Results of multivariate analysis revealed significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) between pre and postmeasures of 60 and 90° s trunk flexion/extension, 60 and 240° s-1 lower limb flexion/extension (Biodex Isokinetic Dynamometer), abdominal endurance (curl-up test), lower back muscular endurance (modified Sorensen test), lower limb endurance (repetitive squat test), lower back flexibility (sit and reach test), and dynamic balance (functional reach test). The results support the fact that Swiss-ball core strength training exercises can be used to provide improvement in the aforementioned measures in sedentary women. In conclusion, this study provides practical implications for sedentary individuals, physiotherapists, strength and conditioning specialists who can benefit from core strength training with Swiss balls.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated whether a heavy strength training program, as an additive to an endurance running program, would cause significant improvements in 3-km run time in a group of recreationally fit women when compared with endurance-only (EO) training. Sixteen women aged between 18 and 27 years of age were randomly assigned to either an EO group (n = 9) or a concurrent strength and endurance (CSE) group (n = 7). A 10-week training program for both groups consisted of an endurance running program performed three afternoons per week. The CSE group also participated in strength training on the morning of each running session. Testing was conducted pre and post training in a 3-km time trial and measured VO2peak, running economy, muscular strength (1 repetition maximum), and body composition and girth. There was a trend (P = 0.07) toward greater improvement in 3-km performance time for the CSE group (106.7 +/- 91.4 seconds) when compared with the EO group (77.3 +/- 93.0 seconds). Further, the CSE group showed an increase in strength levels when compared with the EO group. The CSE group showed significant increases (P 相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of additional resistance training on cardiorespiratory endurance in young (15.8 ± 0.8 yrs) male basketball players. Experimental group subjects (n=23) trained twice per week for 12 weeks using a variety of general free-weight and machine exercises designed for strength acquisition, beside ongoing regular basketball training program. Control group subject (n=23) participated only in basketball training program. Oxygen uptake (VO(2max)) and related gas exchange measures were determined continuously during maximal exercise test using an automated cardiopulmonary exercise system. Muscle power of the extensors and flexors was measured by a specific computerized tensiometer. Results from the experimental group (VO(2max) 51.6 ± 5.7 ml.min(-1).kg(-1) pre vs. 50.9 ± 5.4 ml.min(-1).kg(-1) post resistance training) showed no change (p>0.05) in cardiorespiratory endurance, while muscle strength and power of main muscle groups increased significantly. These data demonstrate no negative cardiorespiratory performance effects on adding resistance training to ongoing regular training program in young athletes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the sequence order of high-intensity endurance training and circuit training on changes in muscular strength and anaerobic power. Forty-eight physical education students (ages, 21.4 +/- 1.3 years) were assigned to 1 of 5 groups: no training controls (C, n = 9), endurance training (E, n = 10), circuit training (S, n = 9), endurance before circuit training in the same session, (E+S, n = 10), and circuit before endurance training in the same session (S+E, n = 10). Subjects performed 2 sessions per week for 12 weeks. Resistance-type circuit training targeted strength endurance (weeks 1-6) and explosive strength and power (weeks 7-12). Endurance training sessions included 5 repetitions run at the velocity associated with Vo2max (Vo2max) for a duration equal to 50% of the time to exhaustion at Vo2max; recovery was for an equal period at 60% Vo2max. Maximal strength in the half squat, strength endurance in the 1-leg half squat and hip extension, and explosive strength and power in a 5-jump test and countermovement jump were measured pre- and post-testing. No significant differences were shown following training between the S+E and E+S groups for all exercise tests. However, both S+E and E+S groups improved less than the S group in 1 repetition maximum (p < 0.01), right and left 1-leg half squat (p < 0.02), 5-jump test (p < 0.01), peak jumping force (p < 0.05), peak jumping power (p < 0.02), and peak jumping height (p < 0.05). The intrasession sequence did not influence the adaptive response of muscular strength and explosive strength and power. Circuit training alone induced strength and power improvements that were significantly greater than when resistance and endurance training were combined, irrespective of the intrasession sequencing.  相似文献   

By the help of histological methods the changes in skeletal muscle of laboratory mice, which had different levels of exercise during postweaning period (training, confinement) or had been selected for body weight and endurance fitness (Du-6+LB), were investigated. The animal groups with the better endurance fitness (Du-6+LB, trained) had a higher total number of muscle fibres. An increased aerobic capacity of metabolism for the trained and selected animals, a decreased one for the confined animals resulted, indicated by the composition of muscle fibre types of M. rectus femoris. The appearance of stress-induced pathological changes of muscle fibres was observed, with the highest extent in the confined group with decreased endurance fitness. Similar correlations between structure of muscle and fitness in domestic animals are to be expected.  相似文献   

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