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This study aimed to provide quantitative activation data for muscles of the forearm during pronation and supination while using a power grip. Electromyographic data was collected from 15 forearm muscles in 11 subjects while they performed maximal isometric pronating and supinating efforts in nine positions of forearm rotation. Biceps brachii was the only muscle with substantial activation in only one effort direction. It was significantly more active when supinating (µ = 52.1%, SD = 17.5%) than pronating (µ = 5.1%, SD = 4.8%, p < .001). All other muscles showed considerable muscle activity during both pronation and supination. Brachioradialis, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, pronator quadratus and pronator teres were significantly more active when pronating the forearm. Abductor pollicis longus and biceps brachii were significantly more active when supinating. This data highlights the importance of including muscles additional to the primary forearm rotators in a biomechanical analysis of forearm rotation. Doing so will further our understanding of forearm function and lead to the improved treatment of forearm fractures, trauma-induced muscle dysfunction and joint replacements.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to examine the relationships between various force-time parameters and muscle oxygenation kinetics during maximal sustained isometric grip (SIG) and maximal repeated rhythmic grips (RRG) with different grip intervals (interval times: 5, 4, 3, and 2 s). Subjects were 10 healthy young males, aged 20-26 years (height 173.9+/-7.3 cm, body mass 71.5+/-11.2 kg). After measuring maximal grip force, each subject performed the SIG and RRG tests with a target frequency of 12, 15, 20, and 30 grips.min(-1) (interval times: 5, 4, 3, and 2 s, respectively) for 6 min. The decreasing time until 80% MVC showed significant and high correlations with final force values in RRGs with over 3 s intervals (r=0.866-0.941), but not in the SIG and RRG with a 2 s interval. The time at the lowest Oxy-Hb/Mb value showed a significant and high correlation with the time at the highest Deoxy-Hb/Mb value only in the SIG and RRG with a 2 s interval (r=0.825-0.916). Oxy-Hb/Mb decreases markedly and deoxy-Hb/Mb increases after the onset of SIG due to the obstruction of blood flow caused by the increase in intramuscular pressure. A similar physiological response to that of SIG occurs also in RRG with a 2 s interval, but RRGs with intervals over 3 s achieve more resumption of blood flow in the muscular relaxation phase. Hence, in spite of the same RRGs, it was determined that RRGs with intervals over 3 s differ significantly in a changing pattern of grip force and muscle oxygen kinetics from RRGs with a 2 s interval.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine genetic and environmental effects on maximal isometric handgrip, knee extension, and ankle plantar flexion strength. In addition, we wanted to investigate whether the strength of these three muscle groups shares a genetic component or whether the genetic effect is specific for each muscle group. Muscle strength was measured as part of the Finnish Twin Study on Aging in 97 monozygotic (MZ) and 102 dizygotic (DZ) female twin pairs, aged 63-76 yr. The MZ and DZ individuals did not differ from each other in age, body height, weight, or self-related health. The age-adjusted pairwise (intraclass) correlations of the MZ and DZ twins were, respectively, 0.462 and 0.242 in knee extension, 0.435 and 0.345 in handgrip, and 0.512 and 0.435 in ankle plantar flexion strength. The multivariate genetic analysis showed that handgrip and knee extension strength shared a genetic component, which accounted for 14% (95% confidence interval: 4-28%) of the variance in handgrip strength and 31% (95% confidence interval: 18-45%) in knee extension strength. The influence of genetic effects on ankle plantar flexion strength was minor and not significant. Furthermore, these three muscle groups had a nongenetic familial effect in common and nonshared environmental effects in common. The results suggested that muscle strength is under a genetic regulation, but also environmental effects have a significant role in explaining the variability in the muscle strength.  相似文献   

In previous work, cortical activity decreased with fatigue following novel movements or small muscle group actions. These muscle actions, however, do not appear related to the cortical activity seen with biologically relevant and highly trained movement patterns (i.e., ingrained patterns). The cortical recovery response to ingrained patterns-and how it differs with altered load, speed, or volume - is unknown. The purpose of this balanced, within-group study was to investigate differences in cortical activity 24 hours after physically distinct variations of a highly trained squat exercise (n = 7, minimum 4 years resistance training experience). Four resistance protocols were chosen: rate of force development (PWR, 6 × 3 squat jumps at 30% of 1 repetition maximum [1RM]); magnitude of force development (FOR, 6 × 3 squat at 95% of 1RM); volume of force development (VOL, 6 × 10 squat at 80% of their 1RM); and control (CTRL, 6 sets unracking an empty bar). Twenty-four hours later, subjects performed a peak isometric squat while electroencephalographic and biochemical markers of exertion and fatigue were obtained. Global field power detected the quantity of activity superficial to motor regions. Waveforms of activity throughout the isometric squats were obtained and grand averages calculated to produce quantitative depictions of cortical activity. Significance was P ≤ 0.05. Peak isometric squat force was not statistically different 24 hours postexercise (Force [N]: PWR: 2828.79 ± 461.17; FOR: 2887.64 ± 453.09; VOL: 2910.17 ± 625.81; CTRL 2768.53 ± 374.85). Subjects produced similar and characteristic cortical activity patterns during isometric squats despite varying indices of fatigue. Differences were observed based upon the use or nonuse of aerobic endurance exercise in their training program. Patterns of activity in data seem to have emerged based on differences in training preference. Global Field Power (uV) during the isometric squat for PWR was 26.98 ± 14.64; FOR 24.06 ± 19.05; VOL 23.05 ± 13.37; and CTRL 15.78 ± 8.11. Previous research suggests that cortical activity decreases with physical activity; however, despite substantial endocrine, perceptual, and biomechanical differences between protocols, cortical activity was not decreased below control during the performance of a maximal isometric squat 24 hours after various exercise protocols.  相似文献   

Prolonged exposure to cold can impair manual performance, which in turn can affect work task performance. We investigated whether mild whole-body cold stress would affect isometric force control during submaximal hand grip and key pinch tasks. Twelve male participants performed isometric hand grip and key pinch tasks at 10% and 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) for 30 and 10 s respectively, in cold (8 °C) and control (25 °C) conditions. Finger temperature decreased significantly by 18.7 ± 2.1 °C and continuous low-intensity shivering in the upper trunk increased significantly in intensity and duration during cold exposure. Rectal temperature decreased similarly for the 8 °C and 25 °C exposures. Force variability (FCv) was <2% for the hand grip tasks, and <3% for the key pinch tasks. No significant changes in FCv or force accuracy were found between the ambient temperatures. In conclusion, isometric force control during hand grip and key pinch tasks was maintained when participants experienced mild whole-body cold stress compared with when they were thermally comfortable.  相似文献   

Most studies about human responses to mechanical vibrations involve whole-body vibration and vibration applied perpendicularly to the tendon or muscle. The aim of the present study was to verify the effects of mechanical vibration applied in the opposite direction of muscle shortening on maximal isometric strength of the flexor muscles of the elbow due to neural factors. Conventional isometric training with maximal isometric contractions (MVCs) and isometric training with vibrations were compared. Nineteen untrained males, ages 24 +/- 3.28 years, were divided into 2 training groups. Group 1 performed conventional isometric training and group 2 isometric training with mechanical vibrations (frequency of 8 Hz and amplitude of 6 mm). Both groups executed 12 MVCs with a duration of 6 seconds and 2-minute intervals between the repetitions. The subjects trained 3 times per week for 4 weeks. The strength of the group subjected to vibrations increased significantly by 26 +/- 11% (p < 0.05), whereas the strength of the group with conventional isometric training increased only 10 +/- 5% (p < 0.05). These data suggest that training with vibrations applied in the opposite direction of muscle shortening enhances the mechanism of involuntary control of muscle activity and may improve strength in untrained males. Since these findings were in untrained males, further studies with athletes are necessary in order to generalize the results to athletes' training, although it seems that it would be possible.  相似文献   

 A global biomechanical model of transient push efforts is proposed where transient efforts are taken into consideration, with the aim to examine in greater depth the postural adjustments associated with voluntary efforts. In this context, the push effort is considered as a perturbation of balance, and the other reaction forces as a counter-perturbation which is necessary for the task to be performed efficiently. The subjects were asked to exert maximal horizontal two-handed isometric pushes on a dynamometric bar, as rapidly as possible. They were seated on a custom-designed device which measured global and partitive dynamic quantities. The results showed that the horizontal reaction forces and the horizontal displacement of the centre of pressure increased quasi-proportionally with the perturbation. In addition, it was established that vertical reaction forces increased at seat level whereas they decreased at foot level, resulting in minor vertical acceleration and displacement of the centre of gravity. On the contrary, the anteroposterior reaction forces increased both at foot and at seat levels. Based on a detailed examination of the various terms of the model, it is concluded that transient muscular effort induces dynamics of the postural chain. These observations support the view that there is a postural counter-perturbation which is associated with motor activity. More generally, the model helped to specify the effect of postural dynamic phenomena. It makes it possible to stress the importance of adherence at the contact level between the subject and the seat in the course of transient efforts. Received: 1 February 2001 / Accepted in revised form: 20 February 2002  相似文献   

Several types of cryostimulation have been recently proposed to rapidly lower skin temperature therefore gaining a possible neuro/muscular recovery after strenuous exercise or, more generally, in sports. Local cryostimulation may be a viable and relatively portable tool to obtain physiological benefits in previously-efforted muscular districts. However, cohesive and standardized cryo-exposure protocols are lacking as well as the righteous procedure to efficaciously combine duration, treatments and temperature in relation to desirable effects on muscular strength. In this randomized-controlled study, fifty young women were tested for maximum isometric handgrip strength, before and after exhausting contractions.Following the fatiguing protocol, the intervention group (cryo, n = 25, 24.7 ± 2.5 years, BMI 21.7 ± 1.8 kg/m2) underwent a 6-min local cryostimulation (−160 °C) on the extensor-flexor muscles of the dominant arm, while control-matched peers sat rested in a thermo-neutral room (22 ± 0.5 °C). Handgrip tests were repeated at baseline (T0), after cryostimulation (T1), and 15 min after T1 (T2). Throughout the protocol, the AUC of the strength performance was significantly higher in the cryo- compared to control group (P = 0.006). In particular, following fatigue and cryostimulation, the cryo group preserved higher strength at T1 with respect to controls (26.8 ± 2.8 vs 23.9 ± 2.8 kg, Bonferroni's post-hoc, P < 0.01). Likewise, ventral and dorsal temperature, recorded with a thermal camera, were lower in cryo- than control group (P < 0.0001).In conclusion, a brief session of local cryostimulation may acutely preserve maximal isometric force in young women following a fatiguing protocol. These findings may have implications in orchestrating strategies of district muscular recovery.  相似文献   

Motor unit behavior differs between contraction types at submaximal contraction levels, however is challenging to study during maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs). With multi-channel surface electromyography (sEMG), mean physiological characteristics of the active motor units can be extracted. Two 8-electrode sEMG arrays were attached on biceps brachii muscle (one on each head) to examine behavior of sEMG variables during isometric, eccentric and concentric MVCs of elbow flexors in 36 volunteers.On average, isometric (364 ± 88 N) and eccentric (353 ± 74 N) MVCs were higher than concentric (290 ± 73 N) MVC (p < 0.001). Mean muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) was highest during eccentric MVC (4.42 ± 0.49 m/s) than concentric (4.25 ± 0.49 m/s, p < 0.01) and isometric (4.14 ± 0.45 m/s, p < 0.001) MVCs. Furthermore, eccentric MVC showed lower sEMG amplitude at the largest elbow joint angles (120–170°) and higher CV at the smallest (70–150°) elbow joint angles (p < 0.05–0.001) than concentric MVC.The differences in CV and sEMG amplitude between the MVCs suggest that the control strategy of motor units differs between the contraction types during MVCs, and is dependent on the muscle length between the dynamic MVCs.  相似文献   

The contribution of physiological mechanisms involving force-exertion value during maximal repeated rhythmic muscle contraction work changes over time. The purpose of this study was to examine the reproducibility of grip force and muscle oxygenation kinetics with a decrease of the gripping force during maximal repeated rhythmic grip (RRG). Subjects were 10 males, aged 20-26 years (height 173.9+/-7.3 cm, body weight 71.5+/-11.2 kg). Each subject performed maximal repeated rhythmic grip as a target value with a target frequency of 30 grips.min(-1) for 6 min. The trial-to-trial reproducibility of Oxygenated haemoglobin (Oxy-Hb), Deoxygenated haemoglobin (Deoxy-Hb), Total haemoglobin (Total Hb) and grip force during the RRG (6 min) was very high (r(xy)=0.919-0.966) and the decreasing pattern of the force-time curve was consistent. The cross correlation coefficients of the grip force (r(xy)=0.985) and muscle oxygenation kinetics (Total Hb: 0.996, Oxy-Hb: 0.992, Deoxy-Hb: 0.995) in the pre-inflection phase (marked force decreasing phase) were very high, while these coefficients in the post-inflection phase (almost steady state phase) were low as compared with those in the pre-inflection phase. The trial-to-trial reliabilities of any parameter regarding grip were fair or high (ICC=0.686-0.927). The changing points of muscle oxygenation kinetics appeared before reaching an almost steady state, which showed a high reliability and they were considered to reflect the shift of physiological mechanisms. In particular, the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for the time to reach maximum Deoxy-Hb and Oxy-Hb values and regression coefficient in an increasing phase of Oxy-Hb were very high (ICC=0.894-0.947). It was found that the trial-to-trial reproducibility of grip force and muscle oxygenation kinetics is very high during the whole 6 min in RRG, but is poor during the post-inflection phase. The reproducibility of the grip force and muscle oxygenation kinetics in the phase before reaching an almost steady state during RRG is fair, and the decrease of the grip force in this phase may be influenced by the muscle oxygenation kinetics.  相似文献   

Sex-differences in the maximum rate of torque development (/dtmax) may be due to differences in maximum muscle strength, because higher torque values mathematically lead to higher values for the rate of change in torque. The rate of change in the isometric torque-time curve is often normalized to the isometric maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) to evaluate males and females on a relative scale. Normalization eliminates sex-differences in /dtmax in the lower limbs because males and females are more comparable (i.e., differences between the sexes are relatively small) with respect to both muscle size and strength. However, normalization fails to result in parody in /dtmax of the upper limb, leading to the idea that other factors may be involved. This study determined if sex-differences in /dtmax in the upper limb can be attributed to differences in isometric MVC and/or a neural variable related to rate of increase in muscle activation (Q30). Forty-six participants (23 males, 23 females) performed maximal isometric elbow flexion contractions, “as hard and as fast as possible”. Maximum torque (τmax), /dtmax, and the rate of increase in surface electromyographic (sEMG) activity (Q30) were assessed. Muscle plus bone cross-sectional area (M + B CSA) of the upper arm was calculated to estimate differences in muscle size, only for comparative purposes. Maximum strength (55.5%) and muscle size (41.9%) of the elbow flexors in males were much greater than that of females (p < 0.05). There was a large difference (61.2%) between males and females with respect to /dtmax that was reduced by statistical correction using an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The percent differences were reduced to 36.7% (p < 0.05) for τmax and 54.4% (p < 0.05) for Q30, but was nearly eliminated to 13.8% (p > 0.05) when both variables were used simultaneously as covariates. Since sex-differences in the upper limb /dtmax persist, additional neural or biomechanical factors may be involved.  相似文献   

Mechanism of afterdrop after cold water immersion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It was hypothesized that if afterdrop is a purely conductive phenomenon, the afterdrop during rewarming should proceed initially at a rate equal to the rate of cooling. Eight male subjects were cooled on three occasions in 22 degrees C water and rewarmed once by each of three procedures: spontaneous shivering, inhalation of heated (45 degrees C) and humidified air, and immersion up to the neck in 40 degrees C water. Deep body temperature was recorded at three sites: esophagus, auditory canal, and rectum. During spontaneous and inhalation rewarming, there were no significant differences between the cooling (final 30 min) and afterdrop (initial 10 min) rates as calculated for each deep body temperature site, thus supporting the hypothesis. During rapid rewarming, the afterdrop rate was significantly greater than during the preceding cooling, suggesting a convective component contributing to the increased rate of fall. The rapid reversal of the afterdrop also indicates that a convective component contributes to the rewarming process as well.  相似文献   

To determine the external force that induces maximal deoxygenation of brachioradialis muscle 32 trained male subjects maintained isometric contractions using the elbow flexor muscles up to the limit time (isotonic part of the isometric contraction, IIC) and beyond that time for 120 s (anisotonic part of the isometric contraction). During IIC each subject maintained relative forces of either 25% and 70% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), 50% and 100% MVC, or 40% and 60% MVC. Muscle oxygenation was assessed using a near infrared spectroscope, and expressed as a percentage of the reference value (ΔO2rest) which was the difference between the minimal oxygenation obtained after 6 min of ischaemia at rest and the maximal reoxygenation following the release of the tourniquet. During IIC at 25% MVC, muscle oxygenation decreased to 17 (SEM 3)% ΔO2rest, then it levelled off [25 (SEM 1)% ΔO2rest]. After the point at which target force could not be maintained, reoxygenation was very weak. During IIC at 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70% MVC, the lowest muscle oxygenation values were obtained after 15–20 s of contraction and corresponded to −18 (SEM 6), −59 (SEM 12) −31 (SEM 6), and −29 (SEM 6)% ΔO2rest, respectively. For the contraction at 100% MVC, the lowest oxygenation [−19 (SEM 9)% ΔO2rest] was obtained while force was decreasing (69% MVC). During the anisotonic part of the isometric contractions, the greatest reoxygenation rate was obtained after 50% MVC IIC (P < 0.001). Our results showed that during isometric elbow flexions between 25% and 100% MVC, there was no linear relationship between external force and muscle oxygenation, and that the maximal deoxygenation of the brachioradialis muscle was obtained at 50% MVC. Accepted: 16 February 1998  相似文献   

High-intensity short-duration lifting is frequently performed by athletes and laborers. Little is known about the magnitude and pattern of blood pressure response and resultant effects on left ventricular (LV) function during this form of intense isometric exercise. We monitored brachial intra-arterial pressure and LV ejection fraction (LVEF) during upright isometric dead lifting performed on a force platform. Fourteen healthy male subjects (age 27 yr) maintained maximal sustained isometric dead lift (140 +/- 34 kg) for 32 s. LVEF was measured by 99mTc first-pass radionuclide ventriculography. Mean arterial pressure increased from 107 +/- 15 mmHg at rest to a peak of 174 +/- 28 mmHg and fell precipitously to 88 +/- 13 mmHg within 10 s after release of the dead lift. LVEF decreased from 63 +/- 8 to 51 +/- 14% (P less than 0.02) in seven subjects with technically acceptable ventriculograms. We conclude that maximal upright isometric dead-lift exercise produces a marked increase in arterial pressure and corresponding LV afterload that is associated with a transient reduction in LVEF in normal men.  相似文献   

Bat velocity is considered to be an important factor for successful hitting. The relationship between grip strength and bat velocity has not been conclusively established. The purposes of this study were to determine the relationship of grip strength to bat velocity and to ascertain whether the performance of resistance training exercises designed to specifically target the forearms and grip would significantly alter bat velocity. The subjects for this study were 23 male members (mean +/- SD, age = 19.7 +/- 1.3 years, height = 182.5 +/- 5.9 cm, weight = 85.4 +/- 15.5 kg, experience = 14.4 +/- 1.7 years) of a varsity baseball team at a National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II school. The Jamar hand dynamometer was used to test grip strength, and the SETPRO Rookie was used to measure instantaneous bat velocity at the point of contact with the ball. Subjects were randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group. For 6 weeks, both groups participated in their usual baseball practice sessions, but the experimental group also performed extra forearm and grip strengthening exercises, whereas the control group did not. Pretest and posttest correlations between grip strength and bat velocity revealed no significant relationship between grip strength and bat velocity (pretest r = 0.054, p = 0.807; posttest r = 0.315, p = 0.145). A dependent t-test performed on all subjects revealed that a significant (p = 0.001) increase in bat velocity did occur over the course of the study. A covariate analysis, employing pretest bat velocity as the covariate, revealed no significant difference (p = 0.795) in posttest bat velocity scores between the experimental and control groups. Thus, increases in bat velocity occurred, but the differences were similar for both the experimental and control groups. The findings of this study suggest that grip strength and bat velocity are not significantly related, and that the allocation of time and energy for added training of the forearms in order to improve grip strength for the purpose of increasing bat velocity may not be warranted.  相似文献   

This study investigated cardiovascular responses to 2 min sustained submaximal (20% MVC) and maximal (100% MVC) voluntary isometric contractions of the finger flexors in healthy young women. Cardiovascular variables investigated were: heart rate (f c), mean arterial pressure ( a), and stroke volume (SV). Doppler echocardiography was used to estimate SV from measures of aortic diameter (AD) and time-velocity integrals. Preliminary studies indicated that AD did not change significantly after 2 min sustained 100% MVC. Therefore, pre-exercise AD values were used to calculate SV before, during and after exercise. During the 2-min 100% MVC period, f c and aincreased significantly during the first 30 s of contraction. f c then remained constant during the remainder of the 2-min contraction period, while acontinued to rise. SV did not change significantly during the 100% MVC task but increased significantly during recovery from sustained 100% MVC. The data suggest that the magnitude of cardiovascular responses to isometric exercise is dependent on the specific task performed, and that there is a different pattern of response for f c, a, and SV during 20% and 100% MVC tasks. Unlike f c and a, SV did not change significantly during isometric exercise, but increased significantly after sustained 100% MVC.  相似文献   

The electromyographic (EMG) activity pattern across the upper trapezius of 22 healthy subjects was investigated during maximal isometric contractions. Eight bipolar surface electrodes with 10 mm distance between adjacent electrode pairs were placed on a line from the clavicle to the scapula. At the region near the clavicle the highest EMG amplitudes were recorded during 90 ° arm abduction. At the more posterior parts the highest amplitudes were found both during arm abduction and shoulder elevation. A double differential recording technique which reduced the EMG cross-talk contribution supported the finding that the upper trapezius was differently activated when the arm posture was changed. The normalized EMG amplitude-force relationship during the shoulder elevation showed a curvilinear relationship on the anterior part of the upper trapezius with a slower increase in EMG amplitude than force at low force. The slope of the curve, at low force, increased gradually in the posterior direction on the upper trapezius. The EMG activity patterns across the upper trapezius indicate a flexibility in motor activation which maybe reflects a functional optimization of the contractions performed by this muscle.  相似文献   

This study presents an isometric model of strength resistance training in rats. Seven rats were trained for five weeks with increasing load, once a day for six days per week while seven rats served as control group. Mechanical strength of the hindlimb muscle group was measured on anaesthetised rats with a force transducer linked to the Achilles tendon after electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve. Training resulted in a 74 +/- 2% strength gain in experimental (E) vs control (C) rats and in a reduction of fatigability with no change in gastrocnemius, soleus and extensor digitorum longus weights. The fibres composition of the gastrocnemius showed a 50% increase of IIA fibres and a 17% fall of IIB fibres. Consequently, this new model of isometric training is suitable for physiological studies.  相似文献   

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