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The plasmid-free Streptococcus pyogenes A454 contains a conjugative element, Tn3701, encoding resistance to erythromycin (Emr), tetracycline (Tcr), and minocycline (Mnr). We have mapped a 50-kilobase (kb) chromosomal region of A454 corresponding to the internal part of Tn3701. Tn3701 includes a 19.7-kb structure, designated Tn3703, on which the Emr Tcr Mnr determinants were localized. Tn3703 was very similar in structure to Tn916. Translocation of the Emr Tcr Mnr markers from A454 onto pIP964, an Enterococcus faecalis hemolysin plasmid, yielded different pIP964 derivatives. When the inserts of four of these derivatives were aligned with the 50-kb region of Tn3701, three of them were found to result from the transposition of Tn3703 and one resulted from the insertion of a 44.0-kb portion of Tn3701, including Tn3703. Tn3701 inserted, apparently without changing its structure, in the chromosomes of various streptococcal transconjugants, as well as in one of the 12 E. faecalis transconjugants studied. Tn3703 inserted at different chromosomal sites in four E. faecalis transconjugants, and one copy of Tn3701 plus an additional copy of Tn3703 were detected in the chromosomes of seven transconjugants.  相似文献   

To obtain a functional map of Tn5252, a 47.5-kb streptococcal conjugative transposon, a series of defined deletion and insertion mutations were introduced within the transposon. Interruptions at several regions were found to affect the conjugal transposition functions of the element in filter-mating experiments. The nucleotide sequence of the left terminus of Tn5252 showed two open reading frames, ORF1 and ORF2, adjoining the att site. The organization of this region and the structure of the predicted integrase encoded by ORF1 were found to be similar to those of other site-specific recombination systems.  相似文献   

We have characterized a transferable tetracycline resistance (Tcr) element from a Streptococcus intermedius isolate. The gene responsible for this resistance was identified by PCR and Southern hybridization as tet(S). Furthermore, the genetic support for this determinant was shown to be a conjugative transposon closely related to Tn916. This element has been designated Tn916S.  相似文献   

Many Bacteroides clinical isolates carry large conjugative transposons that, in addition to transferring themselves, excise, circularize, and transfer smaller, unlinked chromosomal DNA segments called NBUs (nonreplicating Bacteroides units). We report the localization and DNA sequence of a region of one of the NBUs, NBU1, that was necessary and sufficient for mobilization by Bacteroides conjugative transposons and by IncP plasmids. The fact that the mobilization region was internal to NBU1 indicates that the circular form of NBU1 is the form that is mobilized. The NBU1 mobilization region contained a single large (1.4-kbp) open reading frame (ORF1), which was designated mob. The oriT was located within a 220-bp region upstream of mob. The deduced amino acid sequence of the mob product had no significant similarity to those of mobilization proteins of well-characterized Escherichia coli group plasmids such as RK2 or of either of the two mobilization proteins of Bacteroides plasmid pBFTM10. There was, however, a high level of similarity between the deduced amino acid sequence of the mob product and that of the product of a Bacteroides vulgatus cryptic open reading frame closely linked to a cefoxitin resistance gene (cfxA).  相似文献   

The 47-kb, broad-host-range, streptococcal conjugative transposon Tn5252 is capable of site-specific integration into the pneumococcal chromosome. We present the nucleotide sequence of the terminal regions of the transposon and its target site in the pneumococcal genome. No inverted repeats were found at the termini of the transposon. A 72-bp region of the target was present on either side following the insertion of Tn5252 and appeared to serve as a signal for its integration and excision. The data suggest that the left copy of the 72-bp segment was a part of the conjugative element, the crossover point of integration was nonrandom within this region, and the mechanism of insertion could resemble that of the site-specific temperate phages.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the tet(M) gene of Tn916.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

The origin of transfer (oriT) of the 18-kb conjugative transposon Tn916 has been localized to a 466-bp region which spans nucleotides 15215 to 15681 on the transposon map. The oriT lies within an intercistronic region between open reading frames ORF20 and ORF21 that contains six sets of inverted repeats ranging from 10 to 20 bp in size. The segment contains three sequences showing identity in 9 of 12 bp to the consensus nicking site (nic) of the IncP family of conjugative plasmids found in gram-negative bacteria. Overlapping one of these sequences is a region similar to the nic site of the F plasmid. Functionality was based on the ability of the oriT-containing sequence to provide a cis-acting mobilization of chimeras involving the shuttle vector pWM401 in response to activation in trans by an intact chromosome-borne transposon Tn916 delta E. Cloned segments of 466 or 376 nucleotides resulted in unselected cotransfer of the plasmid at levels of about 40% when selection was for Tn916 delta E, whereas a 110-bp segment resulted in cotransfer at a frequency of about 7%. Mobilization was specific in that gram-positive plasmids, such as pAD1 and pAM beta 1, and the gram-negative plasmids pOX38 (a derivative of F) and RP1 did not mobilize oriT-containing chimeras.  相似文献   

The Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens tet(W) gene is located on the conjugative transposon TnB1230. TnB1230 encodes transfer proteins with 48 to 67% identity to some of those encoded by Tn1549. tet(W) is flanked by directly repeated sequences with significant homology to oxygen-insensitive nitroreductases. The 340 nucleotides upstream of tet(W) are strongly conserved and are required for tetracycline resistance.  相似文献   

The transposons Tn1822 (Tc) and Tn1824 (TpSm) described in this paper are very similar or identical to the transposons Tn1771 and Tn1721 (Tc), and Tn7 (TpSm), respectively. They were isolated from different sources and replicons, however, suggesting a wide distribution of these types of transposons. The method used to isolate and characterize the transposons, involving a temperature-sensitive P1 phage as their transient vehicle, is particularly suitable for epidemiological studies on transposon distribution.  相似文献   

Transfer of the conjugative transposon Tn916 from the chromosome of Bacillus subtilis to a transposon-free Streptococcus pyogenes strain occurs at the same frequency as transfer to a Tn916-containing recipient. This rules out a model for conjugal transfer of Tn916 in which a copy of the element in the recipient represses transposition of a copy introduced by conjugation. Homology-directed integration of the incoming transposon into the resident one is less frequent than insertion elsewhere in the chromosome. This shows that after conjugation, transposition occurs more frequently than homologous recombination. However, because transconjugants arising from homologous recombination can be selected, it is possible to use Tn916 as a shuttle for gram-positive organisms for which there is no easy means of introducing DNA.  相似文献   

Heterobivalent tyrosine recombinases play a prominent role in numerous bacteriophage and transposon recombination systems. Their enzymatic activities are frequently regulated at a structural level by excisionase factors, which alter the ability of the recombinase to assemble into higher-order recombinogenic nucleoprotein structures. The Tn916 conjugative transposon spreads antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria and is mobilized by a heterobivalent recombinase (Tn916Int), whose activity is regulated by an excisionase factor (Tn916Xis). Unlike the well-characterized (lambda)Xis excisionase from bacteriophage lambda, Tn916Xis stimulates excision in vitro and in Escherichia coli only modestly. To gain insights into this functional difference, we have performed in vitro DNA-binding studies of Tn916Xis and Tn916Int, and we have solved the solution structure of Tn916Xis. We show that the heterobivalent Tn916Int protein is capable of bridging the DR2-type and core-type sites on the left arm of the tranpsoson. Consistent with the notion that Tn916Int is regulated only loosely, we find that Tn916Xis binding does not alter the stability of DR2-Tn916Int-core bridges or the ability of Tn916Int to recognize the arms of the transposon in vitro. Despite a high degree of divergence at the primary sequence level, we show that Tn916Xis and (lambda)Xis adopt related prokaryotic winged-helix structures. However, they differ at their C termini, with Tn916Xis replacing the flexible integrase contacting tail found in (lambda)Xis with a positively charged alpha-helix. This difference provides a structural explanation for why Tn916Xis does not interact cooperatively with its cognate integrase in vitro, and reveals how subtle changes in the winged-helix fold can modulate the functional properties of excisionase factors.  相似文献   

The roles of purified Int and Xis proteins of the conjugative transposon Tn 916 in excision of a deletion derivative of the closely related element Tn 1545 were investigated. At a low salt concentration (37.5 mM NaCl), Int alone was able to promote limited excision to produce a covalently closed circular form of the transposon, showing that Tn 916 Int can catalyze both DNA cleavage and strand exchange. This reaction was stimulated by Xis. At higher salt concentrations (150 mM NaCl), excision by Int alone was reduced to barely detectable levels and Xis was required for excision. The low salt, Xis-stimulated reaction was approximately 8-fold more efficient than the high salt, Xis-dependent reaction. These results reflect in vivo requirements for Int and Xis in excision.  相似文献   

Analysis of one of the regions of catabolic plasmid pP51 which encode chlorobenzene metabolism of Pseudomonas sp. strain P51 revealed that the tcbA and tcbB genes for chlorobenzene dioxygenase and dehydrogenase are located on a transposable element, Tn5280. Tn5280 showed the features of a composite bacterial transposon with iso-insertion elements (IS1066 and IS1067) at each end of the transposon oriented in an inverted position. When a 12-kb HindIII fragment of pP51 containing Tn5280 was cloned in the suicide donor plasmid pSUP202, marked with a kanamycin resistance gene, and introduced into Pseudomonas putida donor plasmid pSUP202, marked with a kanamycin resistance gene, and introduced into Pseudomonas putida KT2442, Tn5280 was found to transpose into the genome at random and in single copy. The insertion elements IS1066 and IS1067 differed in a single base apir located in the inner inverted repeat and were found to be highly homologous to a class of repetitive elements of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and distantly related to IS630 of Shigella sonnei. The presence of the catabolic genes tcbA and tcbB on Tn5280 suggests a mechanism by which gene clusters can be mobilized as gene cassettes and joined with others to form novel catabolic pathways.  相似文献   

Streptococcus faecalis strain DS16 harbors the conjugative hemolysin-bacteriocin plasmid pAD1 (35 megadaltons) and the nonconjugative R-plasmid pAD2 determining resistance to streptomycin, kanamycin, and erythromycin; a tetracycline resistance (Tetr) determinant is located on the chromosome. When strain DS16 was mated (on membrane filters) with the plasmid-free strain JH2-2, Tetr transconjugants could be obtained at a frequency of about 10(-6) per recipient. Analyses of transconjugants showed that some contained the Tetr determinant linked to pAD1. Subsequent studies showed that the Tetr determinant was located on a 10-megaldalton transposon, designated Tn916, which could insert into two hemolysin plasmids: pAM gamma 1 and pOB1. In addition, derivatives of DS16 devoid of pAD1 were capable of transferring Tetr to recipient strains. Transconjugants (plasmid-free) from such matings could subsequently act as donors in the transfer of Tetr. Both transposition and transfer were found to be rec independent.  相似文献   

In order to investigate whether resistance genes present in bacteria in manure could transfer to indigenous soil bacteria, resistant isolates belonging to the Bacillus cereus group (Bacillus cereus, Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus thuringiensis) were isolated from farm soil (72 isolates) and manure (12 isolates) samples. These isolates were screened for tetracycline resistance genes (tet(K), tet(L), tet(M), tet(O), tet(S) and tet(T)). Of 88 isolates examined, three (3.4%) isolates carried both tet(M) and tet(L) genes, while four (4.5%) isolates carried the tet(L) gene. Eighty-one (92.1%) isolates did not contain any of the tested genes. All tet(M) positive isolates carried transposon Tn916 and could transfer this mobile DNA element to other Gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

Induction of precise excision of transposons Tn1 and Tn10 from the genes met::Tn1 and cys::Tn10 by chemical agents, having mutagenic and DNA damaging activities, has been studied. The drugs dioxydin, NMU, photrin, phopurine, thiophosphamid, rongeron as well as sodium azide, 2-NP, DDDTDP are shown to differ in their ability to stimulate the precise excision of transposons of different classes and in the efficiency of stimulated process. Results of the present paper are in proof of the possible using of experimental model, based on registering the precise excision of transposons, for screening the mutagenic and cancerogenic activities of chemical agents from the environment.  相似文献   

In Proteus mirabilis PM13 chloramphenicol resistance is mediated by the cat gene, a single copy of which is present in both resistant and sensitive isolates and which reverts at a high frequency. RNA measurements show an about 8.5-fold increase in cat-specific mRNA in cells expressing the resistance phenotype as compared with those which are sensitive to chloramphenicol. DNA sequence analysis has revealed a high degree of homology between the P. mirabilis cat gene and the type I cat variant (Tn9), 76% at the amino acid level and 73% when nucleotides in the coding sequence are compared. Sequence homology between the strain PM13 cat variant and Tn9 cat was not apparent however in the 5' and 3' flanking regions. Segments of near identity were seen when the upstream sequence of the cat of P. mirabilis was compared with the 5' regions of the Salmonella typhimurium flagellin genes H1 and H2, which are alternately expressed by a flip-flop control mechanism involving an invertible promoter and a trans-acting product.  相似文献   

Of 24 tetracycline(Tc)-resistant Vibrio spp. isolated from different marine sources in Korea between 1993 and 2003, 23 were identified as carrying both tet(B) and tet(M), while 1 strain carried tet(B) only. In conjugation experiments, 3 strains appeared to be able to transfer both tet(B) and tet(M) to the recipient. Both discriminatory PCR and sequence analysis showed that tet(M) genes of Vibrio spp. appear to be a single allele containing a specific region of tet(M) in Tn1545. However, erm(B) and aphA3, known to be linked to Tn1545-like genes, were not detected in Tc-resistant Vibrio spp., even in 9 strains resistant to erythromycin. In analysis to examine the relative position of tet(B) and tet(M), it was shown that tet(M) was present at the 3'-end of the insertion sequence IS10 of Tn10 carrying tet(B). At the junctional region between Tn10 and tet(M), we found a 14 bp sequence of unknown function and the deletion of regulatory sequences reported to be needed for tet(M) expression in conjugative transposons. This is the first report of the simultaneous presence of tet(B) and tet(M), and of the tet(M) gene being linked to the 3'-end of Tn10 in Tc-resistant Vibrio spp. in Korea.  相似文献   

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