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 Composition and distribution of megabenthic communities around Svalbard were investigated in June/July 1991 with 20 Agassiz trawl and 5 bottom trawl hauls in depths between 100 and 2100 m. About 370 species, ranging from sponges to fish, were identified in the catches. Species numbers per station ranged from 21 to 86. Brittle stars, such as Ophiacantha bidentata, Ophiura sarsi and Ophiocten sericeum, were most important in terms of constancy and relative abundance in the catches. Other prominent faunal elements were eunephthyid alcyonarians, bivalves, shrimps, sea stars and fish (Gadidae, Zoarcidae, Cottidae). Multivariate analyses of the species and environmental data sets showed that the spatial distribution of the megabenthos was characterized by a pronounced depth zonation: abyssal, bathyal, off-shore shelf and fjordic communities were discriminated. However, a gradient in sediment properties, especially the organic carbon content, seemed to superimpose on the bathymetric pattern. Both main factors are interpreted as proxies of the average food availability, which is, hence, suggested to have the strongest influence in structuring megabenthic communities off Svalbard. Received: 28 April 1995/Accepted: 18 November 1995  相似文献   

南沙群岛邻近海区春夏季浮游植物多样性研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
1999年春季和夏季对南沙海区网采浮游植物分布与多样性进行了调查。 1999年春季渚碧礁湖观测站及春、夏季大面站的浮游植物细胞数量平均值分别为 2 .4 9× 10 4cells/m3 、0 .73× 10 4cells/m3 和 1.0 3× 10 4cells/m3 。1999年春季在渚碧礁湖共采到浮游植物 2 6属 5 1种 ,大面站 31属 10 9种 ;夏季大面站共检出 38属 172种。海区大面站春季、夏季浮游植物Shannon Wiener多样性指数平均值分别为 4 .35和 4 .0 1;春季渚碧礁浮游植物多样性指数为 2 .92 ,低于外部开阔海域。南沙海区浮游植物的分布与水文、营养盐、浮游动物的摄食等均有一定的关系  相似文献   

Most Chl a in PSI complexes was removed without any loss of P700 by ether treatment, yielding antenna-depleted P700-Chl a protein complexes (CP1s) with a Chl a/P700 ratio of 12. On addition of about 60 molecules of Chl b per P700 with phosphatidylglycerol, about 20 molecules of Chl b per P700 were bound to the complexes. The ratio of the bound Chl b to the added Chl b was about one-third, irrespective of the amount of Chl b added. The same partition ratio was obtained on reconstitution with Chl a, suggesting that the binding affinity of Chl b for the Chl a-binding sites is similar to that of Chl a. The relative quantum efficiency of P700 photooxidation, determined by the increase in its initial rate, increased in proportion to the increase in number of bound Chl b molecules. The degree of the increase was the same as expected if the bound Chl b had the same antenna activity as the bound Chl a. The bound Chl b emitted fluorescence with a peak at 660 nm, and its yield was as high as the Chl a remaining in the complexes. However, the excitation spectrum of the Chl a fluorescence, detected at 680 nm, was almost the same as the absorption spectrum of the Chl b-bound complexes, indicating efficient energy transfer of the bound Chl b to Chl a. These results suggest that Chl b primarily occupies the Chl a-binding sites close to the reaction center region, acting as an efficient antenna for P700.  相似文献   

The distribution of bacterio- and zooplankton was studied in West Spitsbergen (Svalbard) coastal waters in August 2009. The bacterial abundance and biomass varied from 110 to 3360 × 103 cells/ml and from 0.66 to 44.93 mg C/m3, respectively. These values were the highest in the surface water layers and decreased with depth. The greatest abundance of bacteria (5099 individuals/m3) was found in the freshened and warm water layer in Isfjorden. The highest biomass of zooplankton (182.41 mg C/m3) was registered in the zone of interaction of coastal and transformed Atlantic waters in the archipelago inner shelf. The spatial variations of abundance and biomass of the planktonic communities were related to the thermohaline characteristics of the water masses and, probably, to microalgal blooms.  相似文献   

The ancestors of rock ptarmigan Lagopus muta originated in the Beringia area well before the disruption of the Beringian land bridge. They spread westwards to Siberia and eastwards to the North American arctic and Greenland. The distribution of rock ptarmigan has been affected by glaciations restricting it to geographically limited refugia. Today the species has a circumpolar distribution in arctic tundra and alpine habitats, with up to 30 subspecies recognised based on morphological characters. We sequenced the mitochondrial control region for 72 individuals and genotyped 69 individuals for 12 microsatellite loci to investigate neutral genetic variation within and among five rock ptarmigan populations, Greenland, Iceland, Scandinavia, Svalbard and Taimyr. Genetic structure among the studied samples was high, overall FST estimated from microsatellite loci was 0.18 and only one out of 16 mtDNA haplotypes was found in more than one population. Genetic variation ( h, π, He, allelic richness) was slightly lower in the Svalbard population than in other populations, suggesting a low effective population size, possibly due to isolation following colonisation. An unrooted network and a phylogenetic tree showed that the Scandinavian population has diverged from the other populations by at least ten mutational steps, probably due to independent colonisation of Europe and subsequent long-term isolation, and rules out Scandinavia as a source for colonisation of Svalbard. Alignment with partial control region sequences from other studies showed that the haplotype that was central in our network and found on Svalbard and in Taimyr, most likely corresponds to a haplotype found in Siberia, Alaska and the Canadian Arctic, but not in Greenland, Scandinavia and Iceland. This suggests an eastern origin of rock ptarmigan in Svalbard, although this question cannot be settled conclusively.  相似文献   

分光光度法测定叶绿素含量及其比值问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以水稻、棉花、玉米以及喜荫植物吉祥草为材料,采用分光光度法比较了不同性能的分光光度计对叶绿素含量及其比值测定的影响。结果表明,狭缝宽度过小或过大均导致叶绿素定量结果的相对误差增大,但仪器的波长偏移是引起测定结果误差的主要原因。波长偏差超过1nm时会影响混合溶液中叶绿素b的定量结果以及叶绿素的相对比值(Chla/Chlb),波长“蓝移”引起Chla/Chlb偏高,波长“红移”则导致Chla/Chlb偏低。波长偏移及波长重现性差是造成Chla/Chlb比值偏离其“理论比值”、导致测定数据之间缺少可比性的原因。选择具有波长自动校准功能、波长精度高、狭缝宽度在1-2nm的分光光度计用于叶绿素含量及其比值的测定则可获得可比性强、重现性好、准确度高的结果。  相似文献   

Arctic marine biodiversity is undergoing rapid changes due to global warming and modifications of oceanic water masses circulation. These changes have been demonstrated in the case of mega- and macrofauna, but much less is known about their impact on the biodiversity of smaller size organisms, such as foraminifera that represent a main component of meiofauna in the Arctic. Several studies analyzed the distribution and diversity of Arctic foraminifera. However, all these studies are based exclusively on the morphological identification of specimens sorted from sediment samples. Here, we present the first assessment of Arctic foraminifera diversity based on metabarcoding of sediment DNA samples collected in fjords and open sea areas in the Svalbard Archipelago. We obtained a total of 5,968,786 reads that represented 1384 amplicon sequence variants (ASVs). More than half of the ASVs (51.7%) could not be assigned to any group in the reference database suggesting a high genetic novelty of Svalbard foraminifera. The sieved and unsieved samples resolved comparable communities, sharing 1023 ASVs, comprising over 97% of reads. Our analyses show that the foraminiferal assemblage differs between the localities, with communities distinctly separated between fjord and open sea stations. Each locality was characterized by a specific assemblage, with only a small overlap in the case of open sea areas. Our study demonstrates a clear pattern of the influence of water masses on the structure of foraminiferal communities. The stations situated on the western coast of Svalbard that are strongly influenced by warm and salty Atlantic water (AW) are characterized by much higher diversity than stations in the northern and eastern part, where the impact of AW is less pronounced. This high diversity and specificity of Svalbard foraminifera associated with water mass distribution indicate that the foraminiferal metabarcoding data can be very useful for inferring present and past environmental conditions in the Arctic.  相似文献   

The New York Bight possesses a diverse assemblage of phytoplanktonwhere seasonal periods of high growth are dominated by several,chain-forming diatoms and a pico-nanoplankton component Thecomposition is similar to other regions of the northeasternshelf, producing late winter-early spring and fall maxima.  相似文献   

Summer diet of seabirds feeding in sea-ice-covered waters near Svalbard   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary We describe the summer diets of four seabird species. Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), Little Auk (Alle alle), Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) and Brünnich's Guillemot (Uria lomvia) collected in sea-ice-covered waters near Svalbard. Birds collected in an area filled with young sea-ice, within the seasonal sea-ice zone, were compared with birds collected from the perennial sea-ice zone dominated by multiyear ice. Pelagic Crustacea and fish dominated the diet of birds feeding in young ice, while sympagic Crustacea and fish were most important in the diet of birds feeding in multiyear ice. Boreogadus saida was the most important fish food item. B. Saida was present in the ice in both areas, while sympagic Crustacea were lacking in the area filled with young ice. Important food items in young ice were B. saida (Black Guillemots and Kittiwakes), Cajanus sp. (Little Auks) and Pandalus borealis (Brünnich's Guillemot). B. saida (Black Guillemots, Kittiwakes, Brünnich's Guillemots), Gammarus wilkitzkii (Brünnich's Guillemot, Black Guillemot) and Apherusa glacialis (Little Auk) were most important in multiyear ice. In general, Black Guillemots and Kittiwakes fed on fish, whereas Brünnich's Guillemots fed on the larger, and Little Auks on the smaller, Crustacea. The importance of sympagic species in the diet of seabirds is thought to be closely related to the age and history of the ice in the feeding area.  相似文献   

  • 1 Phytoplankton species composition, numerical abundance, spatial distribution and total biomass measured as chlorophyll a concentration were studied in relation to environmental factors in September 1994 (dry season) and March 1995 (rainy season), respectively, in the Kenyan waters of Lake Victoria; 103 species were recorded.
  • 2 Blue‐green algae (Cyanophyceae) were most diverse, followed by diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), green algae (Chlorophyceae) and dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae).
  • 3 Twinspan separated the phytoplankton communities in the Nyanza Gulf and those in the open lake during both seasons. During the dry season, the Nyanza Gulf was strongly dominated by blue‐greens, while diatoms dominated in the open lake. During the rainy season, blue‐greens remained dominant in the Nyanza Gulf although the number of species found was lower than during the dry season; in the open lake, blue‐greens replaced diatoms as the dominant group and there were more species than in the dry season.
  • 4 Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that the phytoplankton species distribution was significantly correlated with turbidity during the dry season and with SiO2 during the rainy season. Chlorophyll a concentrations ranging from 2.0 to 71.5 mg m‐3 in the dry season and 2.0–17.2 mg m‐3 in the rainy season confirm earlier reports of increasing phytoplankton biomass in Lake Victoria since the 1960s.

The nuclear-encoded Chl a/b and Chl a/c antenna proteins of photosynthetic eukaryotes are part of an extended family of proteins that also includes the early light-induced proteins (ELIPs) and the 22 kDa intrinsic protein of PS II (encoded by psbS gene). All members of this family have three transmembrane helices except for the psbS protein, which has four. The amino acid sequences of these proteins are compared and related to the three-dimensional structure of pea LHC II Type I (Kühlbrandt and Wang, Nature 350: 130–134, 1991). The similarity of psbS to the three-helix members of the family suggests that the latter arose from a four-helix ancestor that lost its C-terminal helix by deletion. Strong internal similarity between the two halves of the psbS protein suggests that it in turn arose as the result of the duplication of a gene encoding a two-helix protein. Since psbS is reported to be present in at least one cyanobacterium, the ancestral four-helix protein may have been present prior to the endosymbiotic event or events that gave rise to the photosynthetic eukaryotes. The Chl a/b and Chl a/c antenna proteins, and the immunologically-related proteins in the rhodophytes may have had a common ancestor which was present in the early photosynthetic eukaryotes, and predated their division into rhodophyte, chromophyte and chlorophyte lineages. The LHC I-LHC II divergence probably occurred before the separation of higher plants from chlorophyte algae and euglenophytes, and the different Types of LHC I and LHC II proteins arose prior to the separation of angiosperms and gymnosperms.Abbreviations CAB Chl a/b-binding - ELIP early light-induced protein - FCP fucoxanthin-Chl a/c protein - PCR polymerase chain reaction - TMH trans-membrane helix  相似文献   

Phytoplankton biomass, primary production rates and inorganicnutrients were measured in the uppermost layer of the ice-edgeregion and in open water and compared with environmental factorsduring a three-week cruise in September – October 1979.Biomass and production values were low (maximum 2.2 µgchl a l–1, 2.5 mg C m–3 h–1). A post-bloomcommunity of diatoms, consisting mainly of representatives ofChaetoceros, Leptocylindrus, Nitzschia and Thalassiosira, waspredominant. Concentrations of phosphate were quite low (maximum0.55 µM I–1). Nitrate and silicate ranged from nomeasurable quantities to 5.7 µM l–1 and 3.8 µMl–1, respectively. The possibility of light and nutrientlimitation on phytoplankton growth is discussed.  相似文献   

舟山海域大中型浮游动物群落时空变化及受控要素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为更好地保护舟山海域的渔业资源和生态环境,了解舟山海域浮游动物组成的时空变化,于2014年到2017年对舟山海域33个站位开展4个季节的生态综合调查,结果表明:4个航次共鉴定出浮游动物成体88种和浮游幼体19类,优势种共12种,浮游动物的优势种更替和群落特征季节变化明显,春夏、夏秋、秋冬、冬春相邻季节优势种更替率分别为75%、80%、100%和60%;平均生物量为夏季(176.34 mg/m3)>春季(120.20 mg/m3)和秋季(86.28 mg/m3)>冬季(7.21 mg/m3);平均丰度为夏季(143.97个/m3)>春季(86.30个/m3)>秋季(21.38个/m3)和冬季(26.86个/m3);平均多样性指数:夏季(3.03)>秋季(2.82)>春季(2.05)>冬季(1.71)。舟山海域浮游动物群落具有明显的季节和区域差异,温度、盐度、Chl a和营养盐是影响舟山浮游动物群落时空变化的主要环境因素,其中春季浮游动物群落空间分布主要受盐度的影响,夏季主要受温度、盐度和Chl a的影响,秋季主要受Chl a的影响,冬季主要受悬浮物和溶解氧的影响,而营养盐对每个季节的浮游动物群落分布都有一定的影响。  相似文献   

The ecosystem-based management of nearshore waters requires synthesis of spatial data on the distribution of ecological conditions and intensity of anthropogenic perturbations, and the overlay of their effects on the ecosystem health. An assessment framework for ecosystem health incorporating 4 components namely vigor, organization, resilience and maintenance was proposed in this paper, based on which an analytical approach was developed to quantify the integrated effects of island mass and anthropogenic pressures on the waters of nearshore archipelago. The southern waters of Miaodao Archipelago, which are located in the intersection of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea, China, were taken as a typical example to acquire the spatial heterogeneity of the ecosystem health and its sensitivity to multiple anthropogenic pressures. Results indicated that there was a relatively significant performance of the spatial heterogeneity for the ecosystem health. It presented that the interisland waters were poorer health than the external waters, and the waters adjacent to the continent functioned less well than those in a relatively open area. This phenomenon was primarily determined by the performance of vigor as well as resilience of ecosystem. For the 4 components of ecosystem health, there were an obvious spatial heterogeneity of vigor as well as the resilience, a seasonal succession of organization, and a spatiotemporal uniformity of maintenance. Moreover, the ecosystem health was more sensitive to the stressors of inland activities and coastline exploitation especially in the waters of Miaodao Bay and Changdao Port. The analytical process and resulting maps provide flexible tools for regional efforts to implement ecosystem-based management in the waters of archipelago and further nearshore waters so as to promote their sustainable development.  相似文献   

Colonial spumellarian Radiolaria are heterotrophic protiststhat form large (up to several meters in length), gelatinousstructures in the surface waters of all tropical and subtropicaloceanic ecosystems. These species are morphologically and trophicallycomplex and some, but not all, produce silica skeletal structuresof considerable paleontological significance. Skeletonless speciesof Radiolaria are poorly sampled by plankton nets, which canseverely damage these delicate organisms. Therefore, abundancesof colonial Radiolaria typically have been underestimated inquantitative studies of zooplankton abundance and biomass. Herewe document the abundances of colonial Radiolaria in the centralNorth Pacific based on analysis of video images from a miniaturizedvideo plankton recorder. We observed abundances of radiolariancells in colonies that exceeded previous reports of total Radiolariaby more than ten-fold, and counts of skeleton-bearing Radiolariaby more than two to three orders of magnitude. Biomass (carbon)within these colonies was similar to or greater than the totalradiolarian biomass (i.e. including all solitary species) previouslyreported for the Pacific. Symbiont productivity within colonialRadiolaria was estimated to constitute a modest but significantfraction of total primary productivity (up to  相似文献   

Spatial variability of phytoplankton as well as hydrological and chemical conditions in the Tagus coastal waters were studied during the spring of 1994. The highly patchy distribution of phytoplankton and the community structure were related to the specific abiotic conditions prevailing in the area. Two main water masses were distinguished: a tidally mixed one alongshore Lisbon-cape Espichel and a stratified region strongly related to the Tagus plume river. The latter seems to control, to some extent, the spatial phytoplankton variability and the timing and size of the spring bloom. The highest surficial levels of nutrients, specifically PO4 3–=1.00 M, NO3 =16.0 M and Si(OH)4=14.6 M, were clearly associated with Tagus river discharges, while the lowest levels were attained offshore in the zone of maximum chlorophyll a concentrations (30 mg m–3) reflecting the occurrence of high nutrient consumption. Furthermore, the near depletion of PO4 3– indicates P limitation for phytoplankton growth. The diatom Detonula pumila (0.1×106 cells l–1) was the dominant species of phytoplankton communities in the mixed zone, alongshore Lisbon-cape Espichel, whereas, the small diatom Thalassiosira sp. (3×106 cells l–1) was blooming offshore, associated with the stratified region.  相似文献   

The central North Pacific is one of the more oligotrophic regionsof the world oceans. There the particulate organic nitrogen:cabonratio of surface waters is variable and less than the Redfieldratio of 16N:106C by atoms. The phytoplankton P/B ratio basedupon both C and N assimilation rate varied directly with theparticulate matter PON:POC ratio as did the productivity index[mg C (mg chl a)–1h–1]. At steady state the doublingtime of the phytoplankton, the turnover time of the limitingnutrient supplied via herbivore grazing, and the time for herbivoresto filter a unit volume of water would be equivalent. They appearto be of the order of 5–9 days based on present methodologyand straightforward interpretation of its results. The rate measurements involved incubation of water samples forseveral hours in bottles. In the central N. Pacific the valueswere similar using bottles of different sizes. Addition of chelatorsdid not enhance the rates implying no poisoning of the planktonby heavy metal contaminants. The observed specific activitiesof 14C and 15N of the particulate matter in the rate measurementsare inconsistent with the notion of an active, rapidly growingand recycling microplankton food web within the incubation bottlesand support the idea that phytoplankton are growing slowly.  相似文献   

We have used back-projection methods to obtain three-dimensional maps of motor-protein decorated nine and ten protofilament microtubules polymerized in the presence of high salt and preserved in vitreous ice. The resulting three-dimensional maps show that the vast majority of these microtubules have multiple seams, rather than being helical as would be expected according to the lattice accommodation model. These results indicate that microtubules should be analyzed by back-projection before using helical reconstruction approaches, and that nine and ten protofilament microtubules polymerized in high salt conditions are not suitable for helical analysis.  相似文献   


A new procedure is presented for the determination of the ligands of copper(II) in natural waters, based on titration with the metal ion, monitored by measuring the concentration of copper(II) sorbed on the carboxylic resin Amberlite CG 50. The data are treated by the Ruzic linearization method to obtain the concentration of the ligands and the conditional stability constant of the complexes. Ligands with reaction coefficient αM higher than 0.1 K*w/V are detected, where K* is the ratio of the concentration of sorbed metal to the concentration of free metal in solution, which can be evaluated from the sorption equilibria of copper(II) on Amberlite CG 50, w is the amount of water in the resin phase, and V the volume of the solution phase. Some natural waters at high and low salinity were examined. The ligand concentration determined in these samples ranged from around 50 to 2000 nM, while the original copper concentrations from 11 to 130 nM. The ligand concentration was always much higher than that of copper(II). The conditional stability constants were very high, particularly in low salinity waters, where values as high as K’= 1015.7 were obtained. In high salinity waters values around 109 were found for the complex formation constant of the ligands titrated with copper(II). The investigation was also extended to a model solution, containing EDTA, obtaining K’ = 1015.5, in acceptable agreement with that evaluated from the literature values.  相似文献   

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