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We studied regulation of the food supply to black-browed albatrosschicks at Kerguelen by simultaneously recording the provisioningrates achieved by individual parents and satellite trackingforaging birds during two seasons, by studying changes in adultmass, and by experimentally manipulating the food requirementof chicks. In 1994 black-browed albatrosses had a higher breedingsuccess and produced heavier chicks that grew faster than in1995. They spent a similar time foraging but brought heaviermeals to their chick in 1994. Satellite tracking indicated thatin both seasons birds foraged in the same oceanographic area,250 km from the colony. Travel times to and from this area remainedunchanged, and similar times were spent foraging there. In ourstudy area, black-browed albatrosses appear to rely on a foodresource that is predictable in location, but whose availabilityvaries from one year to the next. The principal difference betweenyears of differing food availability was that birds broughtlarger meals when food was more abundant Costs of commutingto nearby feeding areas are probably low and allow the deliveryof energy to the chick at a high rate. A study carried out in1991 indicated that there was no relationship between the changesin adult mass from one trip to the next and the duration offoraging trips or feed mass, suggesting that adult body conditionhad little influence on the provisioning strategy of this species.An experiment whereby some chicks were deprived of food andothers received supplementary food showed that parents of underfedchicks spent the same time foraging and brought slightly largeramounts of food to their chicks as control parents. We suggestthat parents are searching for food to the maximum limits oftheir ability and thus cannot reduce further foraging time,but underfed chicks can swallow more food. Parents of overfedchicks delivered less food and increased the time between feeds.The reduction in provisioning frequency is interpreted as thecapacity of parents to modify their foraging behavior accordingto the nutritional status of the chick, but the reduction offeed mass is probably the result of chicks being close to theirmaximum assimilatory capacity. Comparison between Procellariiformspecies indicates extensive differences in the degree to whichparents can regulate the supply of food to their chicks. Neriticspecies like black-browed albatrosses appear to have a reducedability to regulate, and especially to increase provisioningrates, whereas more pelagic species may have a greater regulationability  相似文献   

Burg TM  Croxall JP 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(11):2647-2660
The population structure of black-browed (Thalassarche melanophris and T. impavida) and grey-headed (T. chrysostoma) albatrosses was examined using both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and microsatellite analyses. mtDNA sequences from 73 black-browed and 50 grey-headed albatrosses were obtained from five island groups in the Southern Ocean. High levels of sequence divergence were found in both taxa (0.55-7.20% in black-browed albatrosses and 2.10-3.90% in grey-headed albatrosses). Black-browed albatrosses form three distinct groups: Falklands, Diego Ramirez/South Georgia/Kerguelen, and Campbell Island (T. impavida). T. melanophris from Campbell Island contain birds from each of the three groups, indicating high levels of mixture and hybridization. In contrast, grey-headed albatrosses form one globally panmictic population. Microsatellite analyses on a larger number of samples using seven highly variable markers found similar population structure to the mtDNA analyses in both black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses. Differences in population structure between these two very similar and closely related species could be the result of differences in foraging and dispersal patterns. Breeding black-browed albatrosses forage mainly over continental shelves and migrate to similar areas when not breeding. Grey-headed albatrosses forage mainly at frontal systems, travelling widely across oceanic habitats outside the breeding season. Genetic analyses support the current classification of T. impavida as being distinct from T. melanophris, but would also suggest splitting T. melanophris into two groups: Falkland Islands, and Diego Ramirez/South Georgia/Kerguelen.  相似文献   

Sexual segregation by micro- or macrohabitat is common in birds, and usually attributed to size-mediated dominance and exclusion of females by larger males, trophic niche divergence or reproductive role specialization. Our study of black-browed albatrosses, Thalassarche melanophrys, and grey-headed albatrosses, T. chrysostoma, revealed an exceptional degree of sexual segregation during incubation, with largely mutually exclusive core foraging ranges for each sex in both species. Spatial segregation was not apparent during brood-guard or post-guard chick rearing, when adults are constrained to feed close to colonies, providing no evidence for dominance-related competitive exclusion at the macrohabitat level. A comprehensive morphometric comparison indicated considerable species and sexual dimorphism in wing area and wing loading that corresponded, both within and between species, to broad-scale habitat preferences relating to wind strength. We suggest that seasonal sexual segregation in these two species is attributable to niche divergence mediated by differences in flight performance. Such sexual segregation may also have implications for conservation in relation to sex-specific overlap with commercial fisheries.  相似文献   

The diet of black-browed albatrosses was studied at Gonzalo Island, Diego Ramirez, Chile, during the early chick-rearing periods of 2000, 2001, and 2002. Diet composition was determined by sampling chick-stomach contents during January and February of each year. Reconstituted meal mass was similar throughout the study, with diet being dominated by fish in all 3 years. Overall, the main items taken were the fishes Macruronus magellanicus (66–89% by mass) and Micromesistius australis (2.6–3.7% by mass), which are both fisheries-related species, and the squid Martialia hyadesi (8–20% by mass). The distribution of the prey species indicates that black-browed albatrosses obtained the bulk of their food over the South American continental shelf, but also foraged at the Antarctic Polar Front. The prevalence in the diet of fish species discarded from fishing operations, and the presence of fish hooks and fish bait species, indicate a strong association with fisheries in southern Chile.  相似文献   

1. It has been largely demonstrated that demographic performances of animals increase with age or experience as a result of an improvement of foraging skills, an increasing reproductive effort or a selection process. However, little is known about the age or experience-related response of populations to environmental variations. Theoretical studies consider that age-related variations of the performances are greater under more restricting conditions, but this has rarely been tested. 2. We tested this hypothesis on a long-lived species, black browed albatross Thalassarche melanophrys Temminck, using a long-term capture-mark-recapture data set. We investigated the responses of a population to climate, by studying the effects of climatic factors and breeding experience on survival and breeding success. 3. First-time breeders appear to be poorer performers compared with experienced adults, with lower reproductive success and lower survival. In addition, interannual variations of demographic traits were partly explained by climatic indices, reflecting environmental variations. The survival probability of black-browed albatrosses varied with experience and climate, and differences being greater under harsh conditions. By contrast, the reproductive success of inexperienced individuals was affected by climatic fluctuations in the same way as the experienced ones. 4. First breeding event acts as a strong selective process on the highly heterogeneous class of inexperienced individuals, suggesting the increase in survival and breeding success with experience may mainly reflect a reduction in the heterogeneity among individual qualities.  相似文献   

The relationship between predator sizes and prey sizes is well documented for terrestrial but rarely for marine ecosystems. We show that wandering albatrosses, the biggest albatross species, feed on larger cephalopod prey than those consumed by smaller albatrosses (grey-headed and black-browed albatrosses). This reflects differences in timing of breeding, foraging ecology and their feeding methods. Wandering albatrosses breed later in the year, during the austral winter, than smaller albatrosses (therefore catching older squid) and forage most of the year in Antarctic open waters, sub-Antarctic, subtropical and tropical waters, overlapping minimally with the smaller albatrosses' foraging range while breeding. Also, wandering albatrosses mostly scavenge whereas smaller albatrosses feed more on live prey. Prey ecology may also play a key role because many squid species might experience post-spawning mortality during the austral winter, becoming easily available to wandering albatrosses. Spawning in winter can be linked to predator avoidance (i.e. reduction in mortality in winter by avoiding pelagic predators) and would allow squid larvae to develop and take advantage of the high productivity (i.e. Antarctic phytoplankton bloom) in spring and at the beginning of summer. Thus, aspects of prey and predator ecology may combine to generate observed differences in prey size.  相似文献   

Differences in morphometry between five populations of black-browed albatrosses (Diomedea melanophrys) and four populations of grey-headed albatrosses (D. chrysostoma) are examined. Two clear groups of black-browed albatrosses are evident, with birds from the subspecies Diomedea melanophrys impavida showing significant differences in several variables from those from the subspecies Diomedea melanophrys melanophrys. For groups from the latter subspecies, birds from South Georgia had larger measures than those from Kerguelen. A similar pattern to that of Diomedea melanophrys melanophrys was found between the groups of grey-headed albatrosses. Analysis of foraging distances relative to adult body-size index and the duration of chick-rearing periods suggests that differences in chick-provisioning rates between populations of conspecifics could account for at least some of the observed differences in adult morphometry. Accepted: 5 April 1999  相似文献   

Extrapair paternities (EPP) are relatively common in passerines, but rare in seabirds. Like most seabirds, albatrosses are long lived, form long-term pair bonds and require biparental care for chick-rearing. Microsatellite analyses of 327 chicks from black-browed Thalassarche melanophris , grey-headed T. chrysostoma and wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans over two breeding seasons revealed the presence of EPP in all three species. Though EPP rates varied between species and years, up to 21% of offspring were the result of extrapair matings. Rates were highest in wandering albatrosses (6–21%) followed by grey-headed (3–10%) and black-browed (0–9%) albatrosses. EPP rates were lower in 1998 compared to 1999 in both black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses, whereas the reverse was true for wandering albatrosses. Interspecific differences in EPP rates may reflect differences in breeding phenology and sexual size dimorphism. Differences in timing and frequency of breeding may promote different opportunities for interactions with birds other than their normal partner. The different breeding habitat, dispersion and mate-attraction rituals in wandering albatross, together with the disparity in size between the sexes may also offer more scope for higher rates of EPP. Despite extensive sampling within each colony, we were unable to identify sires for many of the extrapair young; however males from other colonies were involved, raising interesting questions regarding the timing and nature of such events.  相似文献   

Albatrosses fly many hundreds of kilometers across the open ocean to find and feed upon their prey. Despite the growing number of studies concerning their foraging behaviour, relatively little is known about how albatrosses actually locate their prey. Here, we present our results from the first deployments of a combined animal-borne camera and depth data logger on free-ranging black-browed albatrosses (Thalassarche melanophrys). The still images recorded from these cameras showed that some albatrosses actively followed a killer whale (Orcinus orca), possibly to feed on food scraps left by this diving predator. The camera images together with the depth profiles showed that the birds dived only occasionally, but that they actively dived when other birds or the killer whale were present. This association with diving predators or other birds may partially explain how albatrosses find their prey more efficiently in the apparently ‘featureless’ ocean, with a minimal requirement for energetically costly diving or landing activities.  相似文献   

Shy and white-capped albatrosses, Thalassarche cauta and T. steadi, respectively, are phenotypically similar and are known to suffer fisheries-related bycatch mortality across their foraging range. Assessments of the extent or scale of impact of bycatch mortality on these species have previously been precluded by difficulties identifying bycatch carcasses to species level. In this study, a fast and simple molecular test based on a single nucleotide polymorphism in mtDNA of shy and white-capped albatrosses was used to determine the species composition of fisheries bycatch carcasses recovered from Australian, New Zealand, and South African waters. The only area where bycatch mortality of both species co-occurred was in Tasmanian waters; in all other zones the bycatch was exclusively comprised of white-capped albatrosses. Genotypic provenance assignment tests of shy albatrosses, a species with significant genetic structure between island colonies, correctly assigned 72% to their island of origin. These data are the first to provide insight into the relative vulnerability of shy and white-capped albatrosses to bycatch mortality across their foraging range, and to establish the vast differences in the at-sea distributions of these two species.  相似文献   

 The fish component of the diet of black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses at South Georgia was investigated by intercepting 155 meals from adults arriving to feed chicks during February 1986 and 1994. Fish represented 30% and 72% by mass of the diet of black-browed albatrosses and 14% and 60% by mass of the diet of grey-headed albatrosses in 1986 and 1994 respectively. We determined the identity and quantified the contribution (by numbers, size and mass) of fish species mainly by using otoliths (54 representing 9 taxa and 57 representing 17 taxa in black-browed and grey-headed albatross samples respectively). For black-browed albatrosses in 1986 the main fish prey was Patagonotothen guntheri (77% of otoliths, 51% of estimated fish biomass) and a single large specimen of Icichthys australis (40% estimated biomass), whereas in 1994 Pseudochaenichthys georgianus was the main fish prey (57% of estimated biomass) with Magnisudis prionosa (30%) and Champsocephalus gunnari (12%) also making substantial contributions. Grey-headed albatross samples from 1986 were dominated by southern lampreys (40% by number, 79% of estimated biomass), lanternfish (32% of numbers, 9% by mass) and Patagonotothen guntheri (11% by mass); in 1994 Champsocephalus gunnari (42% by numbers, 24% by mass), Magnisudis prionosa (13% by number, 36% by mass), Muraenolepis microps (90% by number), Pseudochaenichthys georgianus (15% by mass) and lanternfish (18% by number but only 1% by mass) were the main prey. The importance of Patagonotothen guntheri to both species in 1986 and its absence in 1994 probably reflect albatrosses obtaining it from the commercial fishery, which was active in 1986 but closed in 1994. Otherwise the fish diet of black-browed albatrosses is dominated by krill-feeding fish, characteristic of the waters of the South Georgia shelf. In contrast, the grey-headed albatross diet comprises deeper water mesopelagic species, especially lanternfish, which reflect its affinity for the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone and associated oceanic upwellings. Received: 28 June 1995 / Accepted: 8 October 1995  相似文献   

A previously undescribed population of black-browed albatrosses (Thalassarche melanophrys) is reported at the Evangelistas Islets, Straits of Magellan, Chile. The population was censused from aerial photographs taken on 13 October 2002 that yielded an estimate of the number of breeding pairs. A combined total of 4,670 pairs of black-browed albatrosses were found nesting at Elcano and Lobos Islets, 2 of the 4 islets in the Evangelistas group. This new record raises to four the number of breeding islands of this albatross species in Chile.  相似文献   

Variability in ecosystems affects the life history of organisms. In marine ecosystems where interannual variability is high, relationships between fluctuations in oceanographic parameters and top-predator breeding performance are increasingly documented but it is less clear why such relationships exist. In this study, we examined the connections between marine environment fluctuations and breeding performance of a long-lived top-predator, the black-browed albatross Diomedea melanophris at Kerguelen, through study of resource acquisition and allocation processes. Our results show that this population used the same foraging zones and spent similar time foraging year after year, but adult body condition varied between years. Foraging trips are regulated mainly by changes in body condition. During years of low resource availability, birds return to their nest with lower body condition and adults in low body condition were more frequent and therefore were more likely to stop breeding. Poor breeding success was related to the presence of colder waters in the foraging zones of breeding albatrosses as measured by the positive correlation between sea surface temperatures and breeding success measured over 18 years. Lower breeding success was mainly due to failure by inexperienced birds. The results of this study demonstrate how oceanographic conditions affect breeding performance through allocation processes. We compared these results to those at South Georgia where the breeding success is lower and more variable. This population relies mainly on krill, a resource that shows a very variable year-to-year availability compared to fish prey consumed by Kerguelen birds. This study shows that, in the same species, differences in resource variability and availability affect the demographic strategies probably through differences in allocation strategies.  相似文献   

Long-term studies at Bird Island, South Georgia, show that numbers of wandering, black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses have been decreasing since the late 1970s. To determine the status of the total South Georgia population, all known colonies were censused in 2003/2004 using a combination of yacht-based digital photography and ground counts. The breeding population estimates from this census are 1,553 pairs of wandering albatross, 74,296 pairs of black-browed albatross and 47,674 pairs of grey-headed albatross. A 30% decline since 1984 was recorded for wandering albatross, and comparison of a sample of black-browed and grey-headed albatross colonies on the mainland of South Georgia photo-censused in both 1985/1986 and 2003/2004 indicates similarly substantial population declines. Unless these decreases can be halted or reversed, doubt will exist as to the long-term viability of these species of albatross at South Georgia.  相似文献   

Moult entails costs related to the acquisition of energy and nutrients necessary for feather synthesis, as well as the impact of reduced flight performance induced by gaps in the wing plumage. Variation in moult strategies within and between populations may convey valuable information on energetic trade-offs and other responses to differing environmental constraints. We studied the moult strategies of two populations of a pelagic seabird, the black-browed albatross Thalassarche melanophris, nesting in contrasting environments. According to conventional wisdom, it is exceptional for albatrosses (Diomedeidae) to moult while breeding. Here we show that black-browed albatrosses breeding on the Falklands regularly moult primaries, tail and body feathers during chick-rearing, and the majority of those at South Georgia show some body feather moult in late chick-rearing. The greater moult-breeding overlap at the Falklands allows the birds to annually renew more primary feathers than their counterparts at South Georgia. The results of the present paper, pooled with other evidence, suggest that black-browed albatrosses from South Georgia face a more challenging environment during reproduction. They also serve to warn against the uncritical acceptance of conventional ideas about moult patterns when using feathers to study the ecology of seabirds and other migrants for which there is scant information at particular stages of the annual cycle.  相似文献   

Habitat selection in heterogeneous environments is assumed to allow diversification. Wide‐ranging species like pelagic seabirds present a paradox, in that their diversity appears difficult to reconcile with a frequent lack of geographical isolation between populations. We studied the foraging strategies of three closely related species of greater albatrosses, wandering albatross, Diomedea exulans, Amsterdam albatrosses D. amsterdamensis and royal albatross, D. epomophora, in relation to environmental heterogeneity at coarse‐grained and fine‐grained scales. During the incubation period the three species foraged at long distances from their colonies. We observed significant differences between the species in the duration of foraging trips and the distance travelled per day. There were significant differences in preference for habitat types in relation to bathymetric features, and in chlorophyll a concentrations in the waters traversed. Royal albatross preferred shallower waters (<1500 m depth), which were rich in chlorophyll (>0.5 mg/m3), while the other species spent on average 80% of their time in waters deeper than this, where chlorophyll levels were lower. Wandering albatrosses foraged in colder waters than Amsterdam albatrosses. Patterns of activity divided the species into two groups: those exploiting oceanic habitats (wandering and Amsterdam albatrosses) spent high proportions of time on the water (49%), and had on average 1.35 takeoffs and landings per hour, while royal albatross, which foraged mainly over neritic waters spent only 35% of their time sitting on the water, and made on average 2.6 takeoff per hour. Further, royal albatross showed a similar pattern of activity during all periods of the day, while wandering and Amsterdam albatrosses were mostly inactive during the night. We link these differences in activity to prey patch availability in two contrasting habitats – continental shelf areas compared to open ocean habitats. The divergent styles of foraging observed in this study suggest that these closely‐related and wide‐ranging species could effectively co‐exist by dividing the resources available to them by different modes of exploitation.  相似文献   

The rate of foraging attempts by black–browed albatross on baited hooks during Spanish-system (demersal) longline-setting operations, and a range of environmental and operational variables were used to investigate the relationship between their foraging behaviour and their mortality level. Logistic regression highlighted that a complex range of environmental and operational variables and black-browed albatross abundance combined to determine their mortality level. Our results suggest that, examined over a relatively short time period with minimal environmental variation, the rate of black-browed albatross foraging attempts during line-setting significantly affects their level of mortality. However, as a range of variables influence mortality, until targeted experimental studies are conducted, we suggest that caution should be exercised when using the rate of black-browed albatross foraging attempts as an index of their mortality.  相似文献   

A breeding population of black-browed albatrosses has been known to exist at the Ildefonso Archipelago, Chile, for >90 years but the population has never been censused using scientifically defendable methods. To estimate population size, and examine the accuracy and practicality of various census methods, the population was censused in the 2002/2003 breeding season using (a) ground-truthed aerial photography, (b) yacht-based photography, (c) ground counts, (d) quadrat sampling and (e) point-distance sampling. Compared to ground-truthed aerial photography (judged the most accurate) yacht-based photography underestimated population size by 55%, ground counts by 13%, quadrat sampling by 11% and point-distance sampling by 9%. Ground-truthed air photography revealed that in the 2002/2003 breeding season 47,000 pairs of black-browed albatrosses bred at the Ildefonso Archipelago. A repeat aerial census in 2006 suggested the size of the breeding population had not changed in the 4 years between the two censuses. After the Falkland Islands/Islas Malvinas, South Georgia and Diego Ramirez, the Ildefonso Archipelago holds the fourth largest population of black-browed albatrosses in the world.  相似文献   

Field metabolic rates (FMR) and activity patterns of black-browed albatrosses Thalassarche melanophrys were measured while at sea and on nest during the incubation stage at Kerguelen Island, southwestern Indian Ocean. Activity-specific metabolic rates of five albatrosses at sea (FMRat-sea) were measured using doubly labeled water (DLW), and by equipping birds with wet-dry activity data loggers that determined when birds were in flight or on the water. The metabolic rates of four birds incubating their eggs (FMRon-nest) were also measured using DLW. The mean±SD FMRat-sea of albatrosses was 611±96 kJ kg−1 d−1 compared to FMRon-nest of 196±52 kJ kg−1 d−1. While at sea, albatrosses spent 52.9±8.2% (N=3) of their time in flight and they landed on the water 41.2±13.9 times per day. The FMR of black-browed albatrosses appear to be intermediate to that of three other albatross species. Based on at-sea activity, the power requirement of flight was estimated to be 8.7 W kg−1 (or 4.0×predicted BMR), which is high compared to other albatross species, but may be explained by the high activity levels of the birds when at sea. The FMRat-sea of albatrosses, when scaled with body mass, are lower than other seabirds of similar body size, which probably reflects the economical nature of their soaring flight.  相似文献   

The factors affecting the number and the mortality rates of seabirds attending long-liners and trawlers fishing in the Kerguelen area were studied during four successive seasons (1994–1997), based on observations carried out onboard by dedicated observers. Twenty-four species of seabirds were observed attending fishing vessels, representing an average of 591 birds/census. The total numbers attending varied mainly according to the year, the cloud cover and the presence of offal from long-liners. The dumping of offal increased the numbers of birds attending the vessel, especially when the offal could be easily handled by birds. The activity of the vessels also affected the numbers attending, birds being more abundant during line setting and trawl hauling. White-chinned petrels were the most abundant ship-following seabirds, followed by black-browed albatrosses, giant petrels and cape petrels. The number of white-chinned petrels, black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses attending fishing vessels increased in the time between spring and autumn, whereas it was the reverse situation for giant petrels and cape petrels. Four species of seabirds were caught by fishing gear, mainly by long-lines: white-chinned petrels, and black-browed, grey-headed and wandering albatrosses. Taking into account the number of birds from each species attending long-liners and known to be potential by-catch, some species appear to be more susceptible to being caught than others. White-chinned and grey-headed albatrosses are caught in much higher proportions than the numbers present, whereas black-browed albatrosses are caught in lower numbers. Giant petrels are abundant around long-liners but were never caught. In long-liners, most birds were killed when the lines were set during the day or when the deployment of the scaring device was not successful, with an overall figure of 0.47 birds/1000 hooks. Only one albatross was caught when the lines were set during the night. White-chinned petrels represented 92.2% of all birds killed by long-liners. The number of birds caught varied significantly among months and among years. The type of bait used also affected the catch rate. The catch rate was related to the number of birds attending the long-liner only for black-browed albatrosses. Most birds killed by trawlers were entangled by the netsonde cable. The efficiency of mitigation measures in order to reduce seabird mortality is discussed and it is stressed that night setting is the most efficient way to reduce mortality and should be enforced everywhere when possible. However, further methods should be developed to reduce the mortality of species active at night, especially white-chinned petrels whose populations in the Indian Ocean may by threatened by long-line fisheries. Accepted: 15 October 1999  相似文献   

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