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SruI restriction endonuclease from Selenomonas ruminantium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Sru I, specific restriction endonuclease, has been characterized from Selenomonas ruminantium isolated from the rumen of fallow deer. Results from the study demonstrate that S. ruminantium 18D possesses a type II restriction endonuclease, which recognizes the sequence 5'-TTT↓AAA-3'. The recognition sequence of Sru I was identified using digestions on pBR322, pBR328, pUC18, M13mp18RF, pACYC184 and λDNA. The cleavage patterns obtained were compared with computer-derived data. Sru I recognises the palindromic hexanucleotide sequence and cleaves DNA after the third T in the sequence, producing blunt ends. The purification and characterization of restriction endonuclease Sru I presented here is the first described for Selenomonas ruminantium spp. and demonstrates that this microorganism pocesses a DNA-cleaving enzyme with the same specificity as Dra I or Aha III.  相似文献   

A new type II restriction endonuclease, named BfrBI, was detected in two strains of Bacteroides fragilis, BE3 and AIP 10006 (NCTC 9343T). The enzyme BfrBI, an isoschizomer of NsiI and AvaIII, recognized the hexanucleotide sequence [5'-ATG decreases CAT-3'], with a cleavage site generating blunt ends.  相似文献   

A site-specific restriction endonuclease (CcrI) has been identified from Caulobacter crescentus CB-13. This enzyme has been purified to homogeneity and the cleavage patterns with various DNAs and sequence data show that CcrI recognizes the same sequence as the XhoI restriction endonuclease (5′-C-T-C-G-A-G-3′). Ccr has an absolute requirement for magnesium ions with an optimum concentration of 4 mM. The enzyme is optimally active at pH 8.0 and is stable up to 70°C. CcrI has a molecular weight of 65300 and exists as a monomer in its native state. Most of the physical characteristics observed for CcrI were similar to those observed for XhoI. Kinetic studies on CcrI and XhoI suggest that the enzymes interact with λ DNA in the same manner; however, with ?X-174 R.F. DNA, CcrI has a greater affinity for the supercoiled molecule than XhoI.  相似文献   

Abstract A soil identified as Bacillus coagulans is found to produce Bco I, an isoschizomer of Ava I and with the same cleavage site. This thermal stable enzyme, Bco I, is produced at high level and can be isolated by passing the crude bacterial lysate through a DEAE-cellulose column.  相似文献   

Abstract A type II restriction endonuclease, named Aaa I, was purified from Acetobacter aceti subsp. aceti No. 1023. The optimum pH and temperature were determined to be 8.5 and 37°C, respectively. The enzyme activity was stimulated by the addition of either NaCl or KCl and their optimum concentrations were 100 mM for both cations. Aaa I recognized the hexanucleotide sequence and cleaved it at the positions indicated by the arrows. Aaa I was an isoschizomer of Xma III from Xanthomonas malvacaerum and Eco 52I from Escherichia coli .  相似文献   

When searching for the site-specific endonucleases in several strains of Phormidium we made the following observations. Among the 16 strains that originated from 15 species of Phormidium, 12 produced one or more restriction enzymes, of which two produced the highly thermophilic restriction endonucleases PtaI and PpaAII with their optimum activity at 65-80 degrees C, which is far above the lethal temperature for the host microorganism (40 degrees C). These two temperature-resistant enzymes are isoschizomers of known BspMII and TaqI endonucleases, respectively. The presence of the thermophilic TaqI isoschizomer does not seem to play any role in the mesophilic host microorganism, which does not even contain an active cognate methyltransferase. Among the remaining 10 strains, six produced isoschizomers of endonucleases which we first described in cyanobacteria, namely: PfaAII (NdeI), PinBII and PtaI (BspMII), PlaAII (RsalI), PpaAII, PpeI (ApaI). Two enzymes, PauAII (AhaIII) and PfaAII (NdeI), belong to a group of a very rarely occurring isoschizomers. Out of 21 cyanobacterial endonucleases investigated by us, four were active in a wide range of temperatures (from 15 to 60 degrees C) which also extended the optimal growth temperature of the hosts. We assume that our observation on the presence of temperature-resistant restriction enzymes in mesophilic hosts supports the idea of horizontal gene transfer. Restriction modification systems may be an excellent tool for investigation of that phenomenon.  相似文献   

The effect of anionic (sodium dodecyl sulphate or SDS) and cationic (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide or CTAB) surfactants on the stability of binary bacterial coaggregates comprising Acinetobacter johnsonii S35 and Oligotropha carboxidovorans S23 (both sewage sludge isolates) was studied and compared with that on the complex sewage sludge flocs. Both SDS and CTAB enhanced the bacterial coaggregation at their lower concentrations of 0.2 and 0.07 mg ml(-1), respectively. However, complete deflocculation of coaggregates was observed at 1 mg ml(-1) SDS and 0.3 mg l(-1) CTAB concentrations. Further, sewage sludge flocs did not deflocculate in the presence of CTAB, although a concentration-dependent deflocculation was observed in the presence of SDS. A. johnsonii S35 and O. carboxidovorans S23 cells were separately pretreated (prior to coaggregation) with the surfactants. In spite of the partial (complete) loss of viability during SDS (CTAB) pretreatment, washed cells still retained hydrophobic character and displayed significant coaggregation (aggregation index ranging from 84% to 97% in comparison to 96% in the case of non-treated cells), demonstrating reversibility of the surfactant induced deflocculation. Further, when exposed to lower concentration of surfactants (0.2 mg ml(-1) SDS), coaggregates were more resistant (76% viability) as compared to the individual partner (S35: 52%; S23: 39% viability). Since the coaggregates are stable and provide protection from surfactants at lower concentrations (those normally expected in the sewage treatment plants), their presence as well as a sustained role in the sewage sludge bioflocculation is evident.  相似文献   

[目的]建立一种新型的军团菌鉴定方法,并探讨该法在鉴定环境水源和临床标本军团菌菌株中的应用价值.[方法]根据军团菌16S rRNA基因保守序列设计引物,以分离培养得到的可疑军团菌菌株作为模板,采用PCR法对模板扩增,并用限制性内切酶对PCR产物进行酶切分析,建立一种嗜肺军团菌及非嗜肺军团菌的鉴定方法.对16株嗜肺军团菌、22株非嗜肺军团菌及12株其他细菌标准菌株进行检测,验证该方法的可靠性,最后用该法检测广州地区分离的169株可疑军团菌菌株并进行基因测序.[结果]该PCR方法检测嗜肺军团菌及非嗜肺军团菌所有标准菌株均为阳性,非军团菌检测结果均为阴性;进一步的Hinf Ⅰ酶切分析可准确的区分嗜肺军团菌标准菌株;广州地区分离的169株可疑军团菌菌株经该法检测发现160株为军团菌,其中79株为嗜肺军团菌,与基因测序检测结果一致.[结论]PCR-酶切技术可快速、特异地检测军团菌及嗜肺军团菌,适用于环境水源和临床标本可疑军团菌菌株的检测.  相似文献   

19 F NMR spectroscopy have been applied to evaluate metal ion binding by the representative PvuII endonuclease in the absence of substrate. In separate experiments, ITC data demonstrate that PvuII endonuclease binds 2.16 Mn(II) ions and 2.05 Ca(II) metal ions in each monomer active site with K d values of  ≈ 1 mM. While neither calorimetry nor protein NMR spectroscopy is directly sensitive to Mg(II) binding to the enzyme, Mn(II) competes with Mg(II) for common sites(s) on PvuII endonuclease. Substitution of the conserved active site carboxylate Glu68 with Ala resulted in a loss of affinity for both equivalents of both Ca(II) and Mn(II). Interestingly, the active site mutant D58A retained an affinity for Mn(II) with K d  ≈ 2 mM. Mn(II) paramagnetic broadening in 19F spectra of wild-type and mutant 3-fluorotyrosine PvuII endonucleases are consistent with ITC results. Chemical shift analysis of 3-fluorotyrosine mutant enzymes is consistent with a perturbed conformation for D58A. Therefore, free PvuII endonuclease binds metal ions, and metal ion binding can precede DNA binding. Further, while Glu68 is critical to metal ion binding, Asp58 does not appear to be critical to the binding of at least one metal ion and appears to also have a role in structure. These findings provide impetus for exploring the roles of multiple metal ions in the structure and function of this representative endonuclease. Received: 30 March 1999 / Accepted: 28 September 1999  相似文献   

Abstract An optimized polyethylene glycol (PEG) method of transformation was developed for Methanococcus maripaludis using the pKAS102 integration vector. The frequency of transformation with 0.8 μg of plasmid and 3×109 cells was 4.8×10−5 transformants cfu−1, or 1.8×105 transformants μg−1, which was four orders of magnitude greater than with the natural transformation method. A Pst I restriction activity in M. maripaludis was also identified. Methylation of the plasmid with Pst I methylase increased the methanococcal transformation frequency at least four-fold. Also, chromosomal DNA from M. maripaludis was resistant to digestion by the Pst I endonuclease.  相似文献   

Summary A new estimate of the sequence divergence of mitochondrial DNA in related species using restriction enzyme maps is constructed. The estimate is derived assuming a simple Posisson-like model for the evolutionary process and is chosen to maximize an expression which is a reasonable approximation to the true likelihood of the restriction map data. Using this estimate, four sets of mitochondrial DNA data are analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

Kriukiene E 《FEBS letters》2006,580(26):6115-6122
A two-domain structure of the Type IIS restriction endonuclease MnlI has been identified by limited proteolysis. An N-terminal domain of the enzyme mediates the sequence-specific interaction with DNA, whereas a monomeric C-terminal domain resembles bacterial colicin nucleases in its requirement for alkaline earth as well as transition metal ions for double- and single-stranded DNA cleavage activities. The results indicate that the fusion of the non-specific HNH-type nuclease to the DNA binding domain had transformed MnlI into a Mg(2+)-, Ni(2+)-, Co(2+)-, Mn(2+)-, Zn(2+)-, Ca(2+)-dependent sequence-specific enzyme. Nevertheless, MnlI retains a residual single-stranded DNA cleavage activity controlled by its C-terminal colicin-like nuclease domain.  相似文献   

A restriction endonuclease with a novel site-specificity has been isolated from the Escherichia coli strain RFL31. The nucleotide sequences around a single Eco31I cut on pBR322 DNA and two cuts of λ DNA have been compared. A common 5′GAGACC3′CTCTGG sequence occurs near each cleavage site. Precise mapping of the cleavages in both DNA strands places the cuts five nucleotides to the left of the upper sequence and one nucleotide to the left of the lower sequence. This enabled us to deduce the following recognition and cleavage specificity of Eco31I: 5 ′ G G T C T C N ↓ 3 ′ C C A G A G N N N N N ↑  相似文献   

Extrachromosomal DNA analysis and restriction endonuclease analysis of whole cellular DNA were used to characterize 30 Staphylococcus lugdunensis strains isolated from 13 different hospitals from 1977 to 1988. All the strains were susceptible to most of the antibiotics tested, including penicillin G. A single 3.2 kilobase plasmid was detected in 13 strains and one or two plasmids, ranging from 2.3 to 6.6 kilobases, were found in 7 strains. EcoRI, PstI and PvuII restriction patterns of total cellular DNA were identical for 23 isolates, indicating strong conservation of endonuclease sites in this species. One or two additional DNA bands occurred in seven isolates. Molecular markers show rather little variations between different S. lugdunensis isolates suggesting that they are closely related.  相似文献   

A model for kinetics of circular substrate cleavage by restriction endonuclease was formulated. The aim of the analysis of the model was to extract kinetic constants for all target sites from time-dependence of fragment concentration in reaction products. That was proved to be possible for molecules with an odd number of fragments only. A symmetry of the molecules with an even number of fragment is the cause. A solution for molecules with an odd number of fragments was found and methods for dealing with the other molecules were suggested.Preliminary results were presented at VIIth CMEA Symposium Biophysics of Nucleic Acids and Proteins, Brno (Czechoslovakia) December 2–6, 1985.  相似文献   

Bme585 I is a new member of the restriction endonuclease type IIS family. It was partially purified from the heterothrophic, mesophilic bacterial strain Bacillus mesentericus 585 by ammonium sulphate precipitation and phosphocellulose column chromatography. Bme585 I is a monomeric protein with a molecular mass of 62 kD. The enzyme is active over a broad pH range from 7.0 to 8.8, has a temperature optimum of 37 degrees C and tolerance of NaCl in reaction buffer from 0 to 400 mM. Bme585 I recognizes the asymmetric sequence 5'-CCCGC(4/6)-3' and is therefore an isoschizomer of restriction endonuclease Fau I.  相似文献   

A new type II restriction endonuclease, SshAI, was purified from Salmonella shikmonah TK139 of kangaroo origin. The recognition and cleavage specificity of Ssh AI was determined to be 5'-CC/TNAGG-3', identical to that of SauI from Streptomyces aureofaciens and Bsu36I from Bacillus subtilis. Based on closely related and in part overlapping recognition specificities of Ssh AI and other restriction endonucleases, a close evolutionary relationship is proposed for all known Salmonella restriction endonucleases.  相似文献   

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