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Melo F  Marti-Renom MA 《Proteins》2006,63(4):986-995
Reduced or simplified amino acid alphabets group the 20 naturally occurring amino acids into a smaller number of representative protein residues. To date, several reduced amino acid alphabets have been proposed, which have been derived and optimized by a variety of methods. The resulting reduced amino acid alphabets have been applied to pattern recognition, generation of consensus sequences from multiple alignments, protein folding, and protein structure prediction. In this work, amino acid substitution matrices and statistical potentials were derived based on several reduced amino acid alphabets and their performance assessed in a large benchmark for the tasks of sequence alignment and fold assessment of protein structure models, using as a reference frame the standard alphabet of 20 amino acids. The results showed that a large reduction in the total number of residue types does not necessarily translate into a significant loss of discriminative power for sequence alignment and fold assessment. Therefore, some definitions of a few residue types are able to encode most of the relevant sequence/structure information that is present in the 20 standard amino acids. Based on these results, we suggest that the use of reduced amino acid alphabets may allow to increasing the accuracy of current substitution matrices and statistical potentials for the prediction of protein structure of remote homologs.  相似文献   

On reduced amino acid alphabets for phylogenetic inference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the use of Markov models of evolution for reduced amino acid alphabets or bins of amino acids. The use of reduced amino acid alphabets can ameliorate effects of model misspecification and saturation. We present algorithms for 2 different ways of automating the construction of bins: minimizing criteria based on properties of rate matrices and minimizing criteria based on properties of alignments. By simulation, we show that in the absence of model misspecification, the loss of information due to binning is found to be insubstantial, and the use of Markov models at the binned level is found to be almost as effective as the more appropriate missing data approach. By applying these approaches to real data sets where compositional heterogeneity and/or saturation appear to be causing biased tree estimation, we find that binning can improve topological estimation in practice.  相似文献   

Methods for discovery of local similarities and estimation of evolutionary distance by identifying k-mers (contiguous subsequences of length k) common to two sequences are described. Given unaligned sequences of length L, these methods have O(L) time complexity. The ability of compressed amino acid alphabets to extend these techniques to distantly related proteins was investigated. The performance of these algorithms was evaluated for different alphabets and choices of k using a test set of 1848 pairs of structurally alignable sequences selected from the FSSP database. Distance measures derived from k-mer counting were found to correlate well with percentage identity derived from sequence alignments. Compressed alphabets were seen to improve performance in local similarity discovery, but no evidence was found of improvements when applied to distance estimates. The performance of our local similarity discovery method was compared with the fast Fourier transform (FFT) used in MAFFT, which has O(L log L) time complexity. The method for achieving comparable coverage to FFT is revealed here, and is more than an order of magnitude faster. We suggest using k-mer distance for fast, approximate phylogenetic tree construction, and show that a speed improvement of more than three orders of magnitude can be achieved relative to standard distance methods, which require alignments.  相似文献   

Sequence alignment is a common method for finding protein structurally conserved/similar regions. However, sequence alignment is often not accurate if sequence identities between to-be-aligned sequences are less than 30%. This is because that for these sequences, different residues may play similar structural roles and they are incorrectly aligned during the sequence alignment using substitution matrix consisting of 20 types of residues. Based on the similarity of physicochemical features, residues can be clustered into a few groups. Using such simplified alphabets, the complexity of protein sequences is reduced and at the same time the key information encoded in the sequences remains. As a result, the accuracy of sequence alignment might be improved if the residues are properly clustered. Here, by using a database of aligned protein structures (DAPS), a new clustering method based on the substitution scores is proposed for the grouping of residues, and substitution matrices of residues at different levels of simplification are constructed. The validity of the reduced alphabets is confirmed by relative entropy analysis. The reduced alphabets are applied to recognition of protein structurally conserved/similar regions by sequence alignment. The results indicate that the accuracy or efficiency of sequence alignment can be improved with the optimal reduced alphabet with N around 9.  相似文献   

Sequence alignment is a common method for finding protein structurally conserved/similar regions. However, sequence alignment is often not accurate if sequence identities between to-be-aligned sequences are less than 30%. This is because that for these sequences, different residues may play similar structural roles and they are incorrectly aligned during the sequence alignment using substitution matrix consisting of 20 types of residues. Based on the similarity of physicochemical features, residues can be clustered into a few groups. Using such simplified alphabets, the complexity of protein sequences is reduced and at the same time the key information encoded in the sequences remains. As a result, the accuracy of sequence alignment might be improved if the residues are properly clustered. Here, by using a database of aligned protein structures (DAPS), a new clustering method based on the substitution scores is proposed for the grouping of residues, and substitution matrices of residues at different levels of simplification are constructed. The validity of the reduced alphabets is confirmed by relative entropy analysis. The reduced alphabets are applied to recognition of protein structurally conserved/similar regions by sequence alignment. The results indicate that the accuracy or efficiency of sequence alignment can be improved with the optimal reduced alphabet with N around 9. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 90403120, 10474041 and 10021001) and the Nonlinear Project (973) of the NSM  相似文献   

Huang JT  Xing DJ  Huang W 《Amino acids》2012,43(2):567-572
The successful prediction of protein-folding rates based on the sequence-predicted secondary structure suggests that the folding rates might be predicted from sequence alone. To pursue this question, we directly predict the folding rates from amino acid sequences, which do not require any information on secondary or tertiary structure. Our work achieves 88% correlation with folding rates determined experimentally for proteins of all folding types and peptide, suggesting that almost all of the information needed to specify a protein's folding kinetics and mechanism is comprised within its amino acid sequence. The influence of residue on folding rate is related to amino acid properties. Hydrophobic character of amino acids may be an important determinant of folding kinetics, whereas other properties, size, flexibility, polarity and isoelectric point, of amino acids have contributed little to the folding rate constant.  相似文献   

Predicting protein folding rate from amino acid sequence is an important challenge in computational and molecular biology. Over the past few years, many methods have been developed to reflect the correlation between the folding rates and protein structures and sequences. In this paper, we present an effective method, a combined neural network--genetic algorithm approach, to predict protein folding rates only from amino acid sequences, without any explicit structural information. The originality of this paper is that, for the first time, it tackles the effect of sequence order. The proposed method provides a good correlation between the predicted and experimental folding rates. The correlation coefficient is 0.80 and the standard error is 2.65 for 93 proteins, the largest such databases of proteins yet studied, when evaluated with leave-one-out jackknife test. The comparative results demonstrate that this correlation is better than most of other methods, and suggest the important contribution of sequence order information to the determination of protein folding rates.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: We present an extensive evaluation of different methods and criteria to detect remote homologs of a given protein sequence. We investigate two associated problems: first, to develop a sensitive searching method to identify possible candidates and, second, to assign a confidence to the putative candidates in order to select the best one. For searching methods where the score distributions are known, p-values are used as confidence measure with great success. For the cases where such theoretical backing is absent, we propose empirical approximations to p-values for searching procedures. RESULTS: As a baseline, we review the performances of different methods for detecting remote protein folds (sequence alignment and threading, with and without sequence profiles, global and local). The analysis is performed on a large representative set of protein structures. For fold recognition, we find that methods using sequence profiles generally perform better than methods using plain sequences, and that threading methods perform better than sequence alignment methods. In order to assess the quality of the predictions made, we establish and compare several confidence measures, including raw scores, z-scores, raw score gaps, z-score gaps, and different methods of p-value estimation. We work our way from the theoretically well backed local scores towards more explorative global and threading scores. The methods for assessing the statistical significance of predictions are compared using specificity--sensitivity plots. For local alignment techniques we find that p-value methods work best, albeit computationally cheaper methods such as those based on score gaps achieve similar performance. For global methods where no theory is available methods based on score gaps work best. By using the score gap functions as the measure of confidence we improve the more powerful fold recognition methods for which p-values are unavailable. AVAILABILITY: The benchmark set is available upon request.  相似文献   

An empirical relation between the amino acid composition and three-dimensional folding pattern of several classes of proteins has been determined. Computer simulated neural networks have been used to assign proteins to one of the following classes based on their amino acid composition and size: (1) 4α-helical bundles, (2) parallel (α/β)8 barrels, (3) nucleotide binding fold, (4) immunoglobulin fold, or (5) none of these. Networks trained on the known crystal structures as well as sequences of closely related proteins are shown to correctly predict folding classes of proteins not represented in the training set with an average accuracy of 87%. Other folding motifs can easily be added to the prediction scheme once larger databases become available. Analysis of the neural network weights reveals that amino acids favoring prediction of a folding class are usually over represented in that class and amino acids with unfavorable weights are underrepresented in composition. The neural networks utilize combinations of these multiple small variations in amino acid composition in order to make a prediction. The favorably weighted amino acids in a given class also form the most intramolecular interactions with other residues in proteins of that class. A detailed examination of the contacts of these amino acids reveals some general patterns that may help stabilize each folding class. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ensemble classifier for protein fold pattern recognition   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MOTIVATION: Prediction of protein folding patterns is one level deeper than that of protein structural classes, and hence is much more complicated and difficult. To deal with such a challenging problem, the ensemble classifier was introduced. It was formed by a set of basic classifiers, with each trained in different parameter systems, such as predicted secondary structure, hydrophobicity, van der Waals volume, polarity, polarizability, as well as different dimensions of pseudo-amino acid composition, which were extracted from a training dataset. The operation engine for the constituent individual classifiers was OET-KNN (optimized evidence-theoretic k-nearest neighbors) rule. Their outcomes were combined through a weighted voting to give a final determination for classifying a query protein. The recognition was to find the true fold among the 27 possible patterns. RESULTS: The overall success rate thus obtained was 62% for a testing dataset where most of the proteins have <25% sequence identity with the proteins used in training the classifier. Such a rate is 6-21% higher than the corresponding rates obtained by various existing NN (neural networks) and SVM (support vector machines) approaches, implying that the ensemble classifier is very promising and might become a useful vehicle in protein science, as well as proteomics and bioinformatics. AVAILABILITY: The ensemble classifier, called PFP-Pred, is available as a web-server at for public usage.  相似文献   

Protein folding speeds are known to vary over more than eight orders of magnitude. Plaxco, Simons, and Baker (see References) first showed a correlation of folding speed with the topology of the native protein. That and subsequent studies showed, if the native structure of a protein is known, its folding speed can be predicted reasonably well through a correlation with the "localness" of the contacts in the protein. In the present work, we develop a related measure, the geometric contact number, N (alpha), which is the number of nonlocal contacts that are well-packed, by a Voronoi criterion. We find, first, that in 80 proteins, the largest such database of proteins yet studied, N (alpha) is a consistently excellent predictor of folding speeds of both two-state fast folders and more complex multistate folders. Second, we show that folding rates can also be predicted from amino acid sequences directly, without the need to know the native topology or other structural properties.  相似文献   

Taylor WR  Jonassen I 《Proteins》2004,56(2):222-234
A method (SPREK) was developed to evaluate the register of a sequence on a structure based on the matching of structural patterns against a library derived from the protein structure databank. The scores obtained were normalized against random background distributions derived from sequence shuffling and permutation methods. 'Random' structures were also used to evaluate the effectiveness of the method. These were generated by a simple random-walk and a more sophisticated structure prediction method that produced protein-like folds. For comparison with other methods, the performance of the method was assessed using collections of models including decoys and models from the CASP-5 exercise. The performance of SPREK on the decoy models was equivalent to (and sometimes better than) those obtained with more complex approaches. An exception was the two smallest proteins, for which SPREK did not perform well due to a lack of patterns. Using the best parameter combination from trials on decoy models, the CASP models of intermediate difficulty were evaluated by SPREK and the quality of the top scoring model was evaluated by its CASP ranking. Of the 14 targets in this class, half lie in the top 10% (out of around 140 models for each target). The two worst rankings resulted from the selection by our method of a well-packed model that was based on the wrong fold. Of the other poor rankings, one was the smallest protein and the others were the four largest (all over 250 residues).  相似文献   



Phylogenetic analysis can be used to divide a protein family into subfamilies in the absence of experimental information. Most phylogenetic analysis methods utilize multiple alignment of sequences and are based on an evolutionary model. However, multiple alignment is not an automated procedure and requires human intervention to maintain alignment integrity and to produce phylogenies consistent with the functional splits in underlying sequences. To address this problem, we propose to use the alignment-free Relative Complexity Measure (RCM) combined with reduced amino acid alphabets to cluster protein families into functional subtypes purely on sequence criteria. Comparison with an alignment-based approach was also carried out to test the quality of the clustering.  相似文献   

Ketoacyl synthases are enzymes involved in fatty acid synthesis and can be classified into five families based on primary sequence similarity. Different families have different catalytic mechanisms. Developing cost-effective computational models to identify the family of ketoacyl synthases will be helpful for enzyme engineering and in knowing individual enzymes’ catalytic mechanisms. In this work, a support vector machine-based method was developed to predict ketoacyl synthase family using the n-peptide composition of reduced amino acid alphabets. In jackknife cross-validation, the model based on the 2-peptide composition of a reduced amino acid alphabet of size 13 yielded the best overall accuracy of 96.44% with average accuracy of 93.36%, which is superior to other state-of-the-art methods. This result suggests that the information provided by n-peptide compositions of reduced amino acid alphabets provides efficient means for enzyme family classification and that the proposed model can be efficiently used for ketoacyl synthase family annotation.  相似文献   

Residue contacts in protein structures and implications for protein folding   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The preferential association of amino acid side groups with specific side chain atoms are examined in 44 known protein structures. The resulting association potentials among residue side groups are used to detect structural homology in proteins displaying little or no homology in their primary sequences. Suggestions are also made regarding the nature of the protein folding process. They are based on statistical observations that delineate the extent of short and long range interactions and that display side group bias in association with other side chain atoms on their N-terminal side.  相似文献   

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