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The effect of membrane potential on Ca2+ activated K+ channels was studied on human peripheral lymphocytes. Membrane potential was monitored using bisoxonol and flow cytometry. 1 mM Ca2+ in the presence of 2 microM ionomycin depolarized the control cell population, while 100 microM Ca2+ caused hyperpolarization. However 1 mM Ca2+ had a hyperpolarizing effect on previously partially depolarized cells. Potassium channel blockers did not influence the depolarization, while they inhibited the hyperpolarization. Based on the experimental evidence a voltage gating of Ca2+ activated K+ channels is suggested.  相似文献   

The members of the voltage-dependent potassium channel family subserve a variety of functions and are expected to have voltage sensors with different sensitivities. The Shaker channel of Drosophila, which underlies a transient potassium current, has a high voltage sensitivity that is conferred by a large gating charge movement, approximately 13 elementary charges. A Shaker subunit's primary voltage-sensing (S4) region has seven positively charged residues. The Shab channel and its homologue Kv2.1 both carry a delayed-rectifier current, and their subunits have only five positively charged residues in S4; they would be expected to have smaller gating-charge movements and voltage sensitivities. We have characterized the gating currents and single-channel behavior of Shab channels and have estimated the charge movement in Shaker, Shab, and their rat homologues Kv1.1 and Kv2.1 by measuring the voltage dependence of open probability at very negative voltages and comparing this with the charge-voltage relationships. We find that Shab has a relatively small gating charge, approximately 7.5 e(o). Surprisingly, the corresponding mammalian delayed rectifier Kv2.1, which has the same complement of charged residues in the S2, S3, and S4 segments, has a gating charge of 12.5 e(o), essentially equal to that of Shaker and Kv1.1. Evidence for very strong coupling between charge movement and channel opening is seen in two channel types, with the probability of voltage-independent channel openings measured to be below 10(-9) in Shaker and below 4 x 10(-8) in Kv2.1.  相似文献   

OmpF and PhoE from Escherichia coli and related homologous proteins from other Gram-negative bacteria allow the passive transport of small polar molecules across the bacterial outer membrane. In vitro, they exhibit voltage gating depending on the experimental conditions. We review current hypotheses on the underlying molecular mechanism of voltage gating of OmpF porin and show how computer simulations can be used to examine each of the proposed mechanisms.  相似文献   

There have been many attempts to develop a theoretical explanation of the phenomena of electromagnetic field interactions with biological systems. None of the reported efforts have been entirely successful in accounting for the observed experimental results, in particular with respect to the reports of interactions between extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields and biological systems at ion cyclotron resonance frequencies. The approach used in this paper starts with the Lorentz force equation, but use is made of cylindrical co-ordinates and cylindrical boundary conditions in an attempt to more closely model the walls of an ion channel. The equations of motion of an ion that result from this approach suggest that the inside shape of the channel plus the ELF magnetic fields at specific frequencies and amplitudes could act as a gate to control the movement of the ion across the cell membrane.  相似文献   

The physiologically indispensable chloride channel (CLC) family is split into two classes of membrane proteins: chloride channels and chloride/proton antiporters. In this article we focus on the relationship between these two groups and specifically review the role of protons in chloride-channel gating. Moreover, we discuss the evidence for proton transport through the chloride channels and explore the possible pathways that the protons could take through the chloride channels. We present results of a mutagenesis study, suggesting the feasibility of one of the pathways, which is closely related to the proton pathway proposed previously for the chloride/proton antiporters. We conclude that the two groups of CLC proteins, although in principle very different, employ similar mechanisms and pathways for ion transport.  相似文献   

Chemical gating of gap junction channels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chemical gating of gap junction channels is a complex phenomenon that may involve intra- and intermolecular interactions among connexin domains and a cytosolic molecule (calmodulin?) that may function as channel plug. This article focuses on the methodology we have employed for studying the molecular basis of chemical gating by lowered cytosolic pH. Our approach has combined molecular genetics and biophysics, using exposure to 100% CO(2) for assaying chemical gating efficiency. Chimeras of connexin 32 (Cx32) and connexin 38 (Cx38) and Cx32 mutants modified at residues of the cytoplasmic loop, the initial C-terminus domain, or both have been expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and channel expression and gating have been tested electrophysiologically by double voltage clamp. In addition, various channel forms, including homotypic, heterotypic, and heteromeric channel combinations, have been evaluated for chemical gating sensitivity.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent gating of veratridine-modified Na channels   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Na channels of frog muscle fibers treated with 100 microM veratridine became transiently modified after a train of repetitive depolarizations. They open and close reversibly with a gating process whose midpoint lies 93 mV more negative than the midpoint of normal activation gating and whose time course shows no appreciable delay in the opening or closing kinetics but still requires more than two kinetic states. Like normal activation, the voltage dependence of the modified gating can be shifted by changing the bathing Ca2+ concentration. The instantaneous current-voltage relation of veratridine-modified channels is curved at potentials negative to -90 mV, as if external Ca ions produced a voltage-dependent block but also permeated. Modified channels probably carry less current than normal ones. When the concentration of veratridine is varied between 5 and 100 microM, the initial rate of modification during a pulse train is directly proportional to the concentration, while the rate of recovery from modification after the train is unaffected. These are the properties expected if drug binding and modification of channels can be equated. Hyperpolarizations that close modified channels slow unbinding. Allethrin and DDT also modify channels. They bind and unbind far faster than veratridine does, and their binding requires open channels.  相似文献   

C-terminal movement during gating in cyclic nucleotide-modulated channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Activation of cyclic nucleotide-modulated channels such as CNG and HCN channels is promoted by ligand-induced conformational changes in their C-terminal regions. The primary intersubunit interface of these C termini includes two salt bridges per subunit, formed between three residues (one positively charged and two negatively charged amino acids) that we term the SB triad. We previously hypothesized that the SB triad is formed in the closed channel and breaks when the channel opens. Here we tested this hypothesis by dynamically manipulating the SB triad in functioning CNGA1 channels. Reversing the charge at positions Arg-431 and Glu-462, two of the SB triad residues, by either mutation or application of charged reagents increased the favorability of channel opening. To determine how a charge reversal mutation in the SB triad structurally affects the channel, we solved the crystal structure of the HCN2 C-terminal region with the equivalent E462R mutation. The backbone structure of this mutant was very similar to that of wild type, but the SB triad was rearranged such that both salt bridges did not always form simultaneously, suggesting a mechanism for the increased ease of opening of the mutant channels. To prevent movement in the SB triad, we tethered two components of the SB triad region together with cysteine-reactive cross-linkers. Preventing normal movement of the SB triad region with short cross-linkers inhibited channel opening, whereas longer cross-linkers did not. These results support our hypothesis that the SB triad forms in the closed channel and indicate that this region expands as the channel opens.  相似文献   

Voltage gating in the mitochondrial channel,VDAC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The Ca2+-selective tetrameric Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 6 (TRPV6) channel is an inwardly rectifying ion channel. The constitutive current endures Ca2+-induced inactivation as a result of the activation of phospholipase C followed depletion of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, and calmodulin binding. Replacing a glycine residue within the cytosolic S4-S5 linker of the human TRPV6 protein, glycine 516, which is conserved in all TRP channel proteins, by a serine residue forces the channels into an open conformation thereby enhancing constitutive Ca2+ entry and preventing inactivation. Introduction of a second mutation (T621A) into TRPV6G516S reduces constitutive activity and partially rescues the TRPV6 function. According to the recently revealed crystal structure of the rat TRPV6 the T621 is adjacent to the distal end of the transmembrane segment 6 (S6) within a short linker between S6 and the helix formed by the TRP domain. These results indicate that the S4-S5 linker and the S6-TRP-domain linker are critical constituents of TRPV6 channel gating and that disturbance of their sequences foster constitutive Ca2+ entry.  相似文献   

The charge versus voltage relation of voltage-sensor domains shifts in the voltage axis depending on the initial voltage. Here we show that in nonconducting W434F Shaker K+ channels, a large portion of this charge-voltage shift is apparent due to a dramatic slowing of the deactivation gating currents, IgD (with τ up to 80 ms), which develops with a time course of ∼1.8 s. This slowing in IgD adds up to the slowing due to pore opening and is absent in the presence of 4-aminopyridine, a compound that prevents the last gating step that leads to pore opening. A remaining 10–15 mV negative shift in the voltage dependence of both the kinetics and the charge movement persists independently of the depolarizing prepulse duration and remains in the presence of 4-aminopyridine, suggesting the existence of an intrinsic offset in the local electric field seen by activated channels. We propose a new (to our knowledge) kinetic model that accounts for these observations.  相似文献   

We investigate and then modify the hypothesis that a glutamate side chain acts as the fast gate in ClC-0 channels. We first create a putative open-state configuration of the prokaryotic ClC Cl- channel using its crystallographic structure as a basis. Then, retaining the same pore shape, the prokaryotic ClC channel is converted to ClC-0 by replacing all the nonconserved polar and charged residues. Using this open-state channel model, we carry out molecular dynamics simulations to study how the glutamate side chain can move between open and closed configurations. When the side chain extends toward the extracellular end of the channel, it presents an electrostatic barrier to Cl- conduction. However, external Cl- ions can push the side chain into a more central position where, pressed against the channel wall, it does not impede the motion of Cl- ions. Additionally, a proton from a low-pH external solution can neutralize the extended glutamate side chain, which also removes the barrier to conduction. Finally, we use Brownian dynamics simulations to demonstrate the influence of membrane potential and external Cl- concentration on channel open probability.  相似文献   

Calcium channel family members activate at different membrane potentials, which enables tissue specific calcium entry. Pore mutations affecting this voltage dependence are associated with channelopathies. In this review we analyze the link between voltage sensitivity and corresponding kinetic phenotypes of calcium channel activation. Systematic changes in hydrophobicity in the lower third of S6 segments gradually shift the activation curve thereby determining the voltage sensitivity. Homology modeling suggests that hydrophobic residues that are located in all four S6 segments close to the inner channel mouth might form adhesion points stabilizing the closed gate. Simulation studies support a scenario where voltage sensors and the pore are essentially independent structural units. We speculate that evolution designed the voltage sensing machinery as robust "all-or-non" device while the varietys of voltage sensitivities of different channel types was accomplished by shaping pore stability.  相似文献   

Bacterial porins, which allow the passage of solutes across the outer bacterial membrane, are structurally well characterized. They therefore lend themselves to detailed studies of the determinants of ion flow through transmembraneous channels. In a comparative study, we have performed Brownian dynamics simulations to obtain statistically significant transfer efficiencies for cations and anions through matrix porin OmpF, osmoporin OmpK36, phosphoporin PhoE and two OmpF charge mutants.The simulations show that the electrostatic potential at the highly charged channel constriction serves to enhance ion permeability of either cations or anions, dependent on the type of porin. At the same time translocation of counterions is not severely impeded. At the constriction, cations and anions follow distinct trajectories, due to the segregation of basic and acidic protein residues.Simulated ion selectivity and relative conductance agree well with experimental values, and are dependent crucially on the charge constellation at the pore constriction. The experimentally observed decrease in ion selectivity and single channel conductance with increasing ionic strength is well reproduced and can be attributed to electrostatic shielding of the pore lining.  相似文献   

Mechanism of gating of T-type calcium channels   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
We have analyzed the gating kinetics of T-type Ca channels in 3T3 fibroblasts. Our results show that channel closing, inactivation, and recovery from inactivation each include a voltage-independent step which becomes rate limiting at extreme potentials. The data require a cyclic model with a minimum of two closed, one open, and two inactivated states. Such a model can produce good fits to our data even if the transitions between closed states are the only voltage-dependent steps in the activating pathway leading from closed to inactivated states. Our analysis suggests that the channel inactivation step, as well as the direct opening and closing transitions, are not intrinsically voltage sensitive. Single-channel recordings are consistent with this scheme. As expected, each channel produces a single burst per opening and then inactivates. Comparison of the kinetics of T-type Ca current in fibroblasts and neuronal cells reveals significant differences which suggest that different subtypes of T-type Ca channels are expressed differentially in a tissue specific manner.  相似文献   

We aimed to study kinetics of modulation by intracellular Mg2+ of cardiac gap junction (Mg2+ gate). Paired myocytes of guinea-pig ventricle were superfused with solutions containing various concentrations of Mg2+. In order to rapidly apply Mg2+ to one aspect of the gap junction, the non-junctional membrane of one of the pair was perforated at nearly the connecting site by pulses of nitrogen laser beam. The gap junction conductance (Gj) was measured by clamping the membrane potential of the other cell using two-electrode voltage clamp method. The laser perforation immediately increased Gj, followed by slow Gj change with time constant of 3.5 s at 10 mM Mg2+. Mg2+ more than 1.0 mM attenuated dose-dependently the gap junction conductance and lower Mg2+ (0.6 mM) increased Gj with a Hill coefficient of 3.4 and a half-maximum effective concentration of 0.6 mM. The time course of Gj changes was fitted by single exponential function, and the relationship between the reciprocal of time constant and Mg2+ concentration was almost linear. Based on the experimental data, a mathematical model of Mg2+ gate with one open state and three closed states well reproduced experimental results. One-dimensional cable model of thirty ventricular myocytes connected to the Mg2+ gate model suggested a pivotal role of the Mg2+ gate of gap junction under pathological conditions.  相似文献   

HCN pacemaker channels (I(f), I(q), or I(h)) play a fundamental role in the physiology of many excitable cell types, including cardiac myocytes and central neurons. While cloned HCN channels have been studied extensively in macroscopic patch clamp experiments, their extremely small conductance has precluded single channel analysis to date. Nevertheless, there remain fundamental questions about HCN gating that can be resolved only at the single channel level. Here we present the first detailed single channel study of cloned mammalian HCN2. Excised patch clamp recordings revealed discrete hyperpolarization-activated, cAMP-sensitive channel openings with amplitudes of 150-230 fA in the activation voltage range. The average conductance of these openings was approximately 1.5 pS at -120 mV in symmetrical 160 mM K(+). Some traces with multiple channels showed unusual gating behavior, characterized by a variable long delay after a voltage step followed by runs of openings. Noise analysis on macroscopic currents revealed fluctuations whose magnitudes were systematically larger than predicted from the actual single channel current size, consistent with cooperativity between single HCN channels.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that there is a highlyconserved, positively charged region distal to the second transmembranedomain in -ENaC (epithelial sodium channel) that acts as a putativereceptor site for the negatively charged COOH-terminal - and-ENaC tails was tested in mutagenesis experiments. After expressionin Xenopus oocytes, -ENaC constructs in which positivelycharged arginine residues were converted into negatively chargedglutamic acids could not be inhibited by blocking peptides. Theseobservations provide insight into the gating machinery of ENaC.


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