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The evolutionary dissimilarity between communities (phylogenetic beta diversity PBD) has been increasingly explored by ecologists and biogeographers to assess the relative roles of ecological and evolutionary processes in structuring natural communities. Among PBD measures, the PhyloSor and UniFrac indices have been widely used to assess the level of turnover of lineages over geographical and environmental gradients. However, these indices can be considered as 'broad-sense' measures of phylogenetic turnover as they incorporate different aspects of differences in evolutionary history between communities that may be attributable to phylogenetic diversity gradients. In the present study, we extend an additive partitioning framework proposed for compositional beta diversity to PBD. Specifically, we decomposed the PhyloSor and UniFrac indices into two separate components accounting for 'true' phylogenetic turnover and phylogenetic diversity gradients, respectively. We illustrated the relevance of this framework using simple theoretical and archetypal examples, as well as an empirical study based on coral reef fish communities. Overall, our results suggest that using PhyloSor and UniFrac may greatly over-estimate the level of spatial turnover of lineages if the two compared communities show contrasting levels of phylogenetic diversity. We therefore recommend that future studies use the 'true' phylogenetic turnover component of these indices when the studied communities encompass a large phylogenetic diversity gradient.  相似文献   

一直以来,生态学家和进化生物学家对森林群落物种多样格局及其形成机制持有不同的观点。虽然Robert Ricklefs将进化和生态过程整合的观点已经被群落生态学家广泛接受,但是区域物种进化历史以及局域群落微进化过程是否能够影响群落生态学过程以及这些过程如何影响群落结构和动态还有待商榷。经典的生态位理论同时强调了种间和种内生态位分化对群落多样性维持的影响。但是生态学家普遍认为种间差异足以代表群落内个体间的相互作用关系,并且由于进化过程导致的种内分化往往涉及较长的时间尺度,因此,虽然种内差异是自然选择的重要材料,物种对环境的适应性进化过程所导致的种内分化对群落构建的影响往往被生态学家所忽视。为此,通过回顾种间和个体生态位分化的研究历史,对两类研究分别进行简要阐述,强调在今后的群落生态学研究中需要考虑个体分化对局域群落构建的影响。  相似文献   

Recent work has suggested that conservation efforts such as restoration ecology and invasive species eradication are largely value-driven pursuits. Concurrently, changes to global climate are forcing ecologists to consider if and how collections of species will migrate, and whether or not we should be assisting such movements. Herein, we propose a philosophical framework which addresses these issues by utilizing ecological and evolutionary interrelationships to delineate individual ecological communities. Specifically, our Evolutionary Community Concept (ECC) recognizes unique collections of species that interact and have co-evolved in a given geographic area. We argue this concept has implications for a number of contemporary global conservation issues. Specifically, our framework allows us to establish a biological and science-driven context for making decisions regarding the restoration of systems and the removal of exotic species. The ECC also has implications for how we view shifts in species assemblages due to climate change and it advances our understanding of various ecological concepts, such as resilience.  相似文献   

The extension of ecological tolerance limits may be an important mechanism by which microorganisms adapt to novel environments, but it may come at the evolutionary cost of reduced performance under ancestral conditions. We combined a comparative physiological approach with phylogenetic analyses to study the evolution of thermotolerance in hot spring cyanobacteria of the genus Synechococcus. Among the 20 laboratory clones of Synechococcus isolated from collections made along an Oregon hot spring thermal gradient, four different 16S rRNA gene sequences were identified. Phylogenies constructed by using the sequence data indicated that the clones were polyphyletic but that three of the four sequence groups formed a clade. Differences in thermotolerance were observed for clones with different 16S rRNA gene sequences, and comparison of these physiological differences within a phylogenetic framework provided evidence that more thermotolerant lineages of Synechococcus evolved from less thermotolerant ancestors. The extension of the thermal limit in these bacteria was correlated with a reduction in the breadth of the temperature range for growth, which provides evidence that enhanced thermotolerance has come at the evolutionary cost of increased thermal specialization. This study illustrates the utility of using phylogenetic comparative methods to investigate how evolutionary processes have shaped historical patterns of ecological diversification in microorganisms.  相似文献   

The extension of ecological tolerance limits may be an important mechanism by which microorganisms adapt to novel environments, but it may come at the evolutionary cost of reduced performance under ancestral conditions. We combined a comparative physiological approach with phylogenetic analyses to study the evolution of thermotolerance in hot spring cyanobacteria of the genus Synechococcus. Among the 20 laboratory clones of Synechococcus isolated from collections made along an Oregon hot spring thermal gradient, four different 16S rRNA gene sequences were identified. Phylogenies constructed by using the sequence data indicated that the clones were polyphyletic but that three of the four sequence groups formed a clade. Differences in thermotolerance were observed for clones with different 16S rRNA gene sequences, and comparison of these physiological differences within a phylogenetic framework provided evidence that more thermotolerant lineages of Synechococcus evolved from less thermotolerant ancestors. The extension of the thermal limit in these bacteria was correlated with a reduction in the breadth of the temperature range for growth, which provides evidence that enhanced thermotolerance has come at the evolutionary cost of increased thermal specialization. This study illustrates the utility of using phylogenetic comparative methods to investigate how evolutionary processes have shaped historical patterns of ecological diversification in microorganisms.  相似文献   

Ecophylogenetics can be viewed as an emerging fusion of ecology, biogeography and macroevolution. This new and fast-growing field is promoting the incorporation of evolution and historical contingencies into the ecological research agenda through the widespread use of phylogenetic data. Including phylogeny into ecological thinking represents an opportunity for biologists from different fields to collaborate and has provided promising avenues of research in both theoretical and empirical ecology, towards a better understanding of the assembly of communities, the functioning of ecosystems and their responses to environmental changes. The time is ripe to assess critically the extent to which the integration of phylogeny into these different fields of ecology has delivered on its promise. Here we review how phylogenetic information has been used to identify better the key components of species interactions with their biotic and abiotic environments, to determine the relationships between diversity and ecosystem functioning and ultimately to establish good management practices to protect overall biodiversity in the face of global change. We evaluate the relevance of information provided by phylogenies to ecologists, highlighting current potential weaknesses and needs for future developments. We suggest that despite the strong progress that has been made, a consistent unified framework is still missing to link local ecological dynamics to macroevolution. This is a necessary step in order to interpret observed phylogenetic patterns in a wider ecological context. Beyond the fundamental question of how evolutionary history contributes to shape communities, ecophylogenetics will help ecology to become a better integrative and predictive science.  相似文献   

Researchers strive to understand what makes species different,and what allows them to survive in the time and space that theydo. Many models have been advanced which encompass an arrayof ecological, evolutionary, mathematical, and logical principles.The goal has been to develop ecological theories that can, amongother things, make specific and robust predictions about howand where organisms should live and what organisms should utilize.The role of functional morphology is often an under-appreciatedparameter of these models. A more complete understanding ofhow anatomical features work to allow the organism to accomplishcertain tasks has allowed us to revisit some of these ideaswith a new perspective. We illustrate our view of this rolefor functional morphology in ecology by considering the issueof specialization: we attempt to align several definitions ofspecialization based upon shared ecological and evolutionaryprinciples, and we summarize theoretical predictions regardingwhy an organism might specialize. Kinematic studies of preycapture in several types of fishes are explored with regardto the potential ecological and evolutionary consequences ofspecialization, most notably in the area of trade-offs. We suggestthat a functional morphological perspective can increase ourunderstanding of the ecological concepts of specialization andit consequences. The kinds of data that functional morphologistscollect can help us to quantify organismal performance associatedwith specialization and the union of functional morphology withecology can help us to better understand not just how but whyorganisms interact in the manner that they do.  相似文献   

A major empirical approach in community ecology is to describe the dynamics of a community by examining small subsets of species. Unfortunately, interaction modifications, which cause pair-wise interaction coefficients to depend on the presence or absence of additional species, can make it difficult to predict the overall dynamics of species within a community from experiments with pairs of species. In a similar fashion, one of the major approaches in evolutionary ecology has been to describe the likely evolutionary dynamics of a single species by focusing on the selection imposed by a limited number of other species within the community. However, recent work on diffuse coevolution indicates that selection pressures due to one species can change in the presence of other species. The magnitude of the difficulty that interaction modifications and diffuse coevolution present for predicting ecological and evolutionary dynamics is an unresolved question. Here we outline the similarities and differences between the two topics, discuss experimental and statistical approaches to studying them, and make predictions about when ecological interaction modifications are likely to cause diffuse coevolution. Since the currencies for interaction modifications are usually fitness components such as growth, fecundity, or survival, is it likely that these will translate into corresponding differences in the relative fitness of individuals or genotypes, and thus in general these two phenomena will occur together. We argue that community ecologists and evolutionary ecologists will both benefit from experiments that test for the effects of interaction modifications, and that studies of the mechanisms driving interaction modifications and diffuse coevolution (e.g., changes in behavior, nonlinear effects on shared resources, genetic covariances) will aid our progress in understanding the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of communities.  相似文献   

In order to introduce protists to philosophers, we outline the diversity, classification, and evolutionary importance of these eukaryotic microorganisms. We argue that an evolutionary understanding of protists is crucial for understanding eukaryotes in general. More specifically, evolutionary protistology shows how the emphasis on understanding evolutionary phenomena through a phylogeny-based comparative approach constrains and underpins any more abstract account of why certain organismal features evolved in the early history of eukaryotes. We focus on three crucial episodes of this history: the origins of multicellularity, the origin of sex, and the origin of the eukaryote cell. Despite ongoing uncertainty about where the root of the eukaryote tree lies, and residual questions about the precise endosymbioses that have produced a diversity of photosynthesizing eukaryotes, evolutionary protistology has illuminated with considerable clarity many aspects of protist evolution. Our main message in light of evolutionary protistology is that these ‘other eukaryotes’ are in fact the organisms through which the rest of the eukaryotes should be understood.  相似文献   

This review summarizes a decade of research in which we have used molecular methods, in conjunction with more traditional approaches, to study hot spring cyanobacterial mats as models for understanding principles of microbial community ecology. Molecular methods reveal that the composition of these communities is grossly oversimplified by microscopic and cultivation methods. For example, none of 31 unique 16S rRNA sequences detected in the Octopus Spring mat, Yellowstone National Park, matches that of any prokaryote previously cultivated from geothermal systems; 11 are contributed by genetically diverse cyanobacteria, even though a single cyanobacterial species was suspected based on morphologic and culture analysis. By studying the basis for the incongruity between culture and molecular samplings of community composition, we are beginning to cultivate isolates whose 16S rRNA sequences are readily detected. By placing the genetic diversity detected in context with the well-defined natural environmental gradients typical of hot spring mat systems, the relationship between gene and species diversity is clarified and ecological patterns of species occurrence emerge. By combining these ecological patterns with the evolutionary patterns inherently revealed by phylogenetic analysis of gene sequence data, we find that it may be possible to understand microbial biodiversity within these systems by using principles similar to those developed by evolutionary ecologists to understand biodiversity of larger species. We hope that such an approach guides microbial ecologists to a more realistic and predictive understanding of microbial species occurrence and responsiveness in both natural and disturbed habitats.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic comparative methods play a critical role in our understanding of the adaptive origin of primate behaviors. To incorporate evolutionary history directly into comparative behavioral research, behavioral ecologists rely on strong, well-resolved phylogenetic trees. Phylogenies provide the framework on which behaviors can be compared and homologies can be distinguished from similarities due to convergent or parallel evolution. Phylogenetic reconstructions are also of critical importance when inferring the ancestral state of behavioral patterns and when suggesting the evolutionary changes that behavior has undergone. Improvements in genome sequencing technologies have increased the amount of data available to researchers. Recently, several primate phylogenetic studies have used multiple loci to produce robust phylogenetic trees that include hundreds of primate species. These trees are now commonly used in comparative analyses and there is a perception that we have a complete picture of the primate tree. But how confident can we be in those phylogenies? And how reliable are comparative analyses based on such trees? Herein, we argue that even recent molecular phylogenies should be treated cautiously because they rely on many assumptions and have many shortcomings. Most phylogenetic studies do not model gene tree diversity and can produce misleading results, such as strong support for an incorrect species tree, especially in the case of rapid and recent radiations. We discuss implications that incorrect phylogenies can have for reconstructing the evolution of primate behaviors and we urge primatologists to be aware of the current limitations of phylogenetic reconstructions when applying phylogenetic comparative methods.  相似文献   

The debate on emission targets of greenhouse gasses designed to limit global climate change has to take into account the ecological consequences. One of the clearest ecological consequences is shifts in phenology. Linking these shifts to changes in population viability under various greenhouse gasses emission scenarios requires a unifying framework. We propose a box-in-a-box modeling approach that couples population models to phenological change. This approach unifies population modeling with both ecological responses to climate change as well as evolutionary processes. We advocate a mechanistic embedded correlative approach, where the link from genes to population is established using a periodic matrix population model. This periodic model has several major advantages: (1) it can include complex seasonal behaviors allowing an easy link with phenological shifts; (2) it provides the structure of the population at each phase, including the distribution of genotypes and phenotypes, allowing a link with evolutionary processes; and (3) it can incorporate the effect of climate at different time periods. We believe that the way climatologists have approached the problem, using atmosphere–ocean coupled circulation models in which components are gradually included and linked to each other, can provide a valuable example to ecologists. We hope that ecologists will take up this challenge and that our preliminary modeling framework will stimulate research toward a unifying predictive model of the ecological consequences of climate change.  相似文献   

Defining and measuring ecological specialization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.  Ecological specialization is one of the main concepts in ecology and conservation. However, this concept has become highly context-dependent and is now obscured by the great variability of existing definitions and methods used to characterize ecological specialization.
2.  In this study, we clarify this concept by reviewing the strengths and limitations of different approaches commonly used to define and measure ecological specialization. We first show that ecological specialization can either be considered as reflecting species' requirements or species' impacts. We then explain how specialization depends on species-specific characteristics and on local and contingent environmental constraints. We further show why and how ecological specialization should be scaled across spatial and temporal scales, and from individuals to communities.
3.  We then illustrate how this review can be used as a practical toolbox to classify widely used metrics of ecological specialization in applied ecology, depending on the question being addressed, the method used, and the data available.
4.   Synthesis and applications . Clarifying ecological specialization is useful to make explicit connections between several fields of ecology using the niche concept. Defining this concept and its practical metrics is also a crucial step to better formulate predictions of scientific interest in ecology and conservation. Finally, understanding the different facets of ecological specialization should facilitate to investigate the causes and consequences of biotic homogenization and to derive relevant indicators of biodiversity responses to land-use changes.  相似文献   

Considerable recent research effort has gone into studying how dispersal might affect the diversity of local communities. While this general topic has received attention from theoretical and empirical ecologists alike, the research focus has differed between the two groups; theoretical ecologists have explored the role of dispersal in the maintenance of diversity within local communities, whereas empirical ecologists have sought to quantify the role of dispersal in limiting local diversity. We argue that there is no necessary relationship between these two components of diversity and we therefore need to develop empirical approaches to quantify the dispersal-maintained component of diversity, as well as the dispersal-limited component. We develop one such approach in this paper, based on a quantitative partitioning of the natural regeneration within intact communities onto different sources of recruits (local communityvs. dispersal across different spatial or temporal scales).  相似文献   

Species pairs of whitefish (Coregonus sp.) found in postglacial lakes are used to illustrate the benefits of combining molecular and ecological approaches in studies of adaptive radiation. A detailed mitochondrial DNA phylogeographic analysis revealed that this species complex is composed of five major phylogenetic groups identifying races that survived the Pleistocene glaciations in distinct refugia. It also provided evidence for parallel evolution of sympatric ecotypes, involving bofh allopatric and sympatric origins. This strongly indicated the role of natural selection in driving their divergence. A comparative analysis of niche partitioning supported the hypothesis that the persistence of differential ecological opportunity throughout their ontogeny may be the selective force promoting the extent of specialization reached by whitefish ecotypes. The possibility that these same ecological processes are also responsible for determining the extent of their reproductive isolation was supported by a negative correlation between the extent of gene flow, estimated from microsatellite loci, and that of morphological specialization between ecotypes in different lakes. Previous experimental studies, however, revealed that embryonic mortality rates were 2 to 5 times higher in hybrid compared to pure crosses of ecotypes from distinct glacial races. This indicates that both genetic and ecological mechanisms may jointly act to determine speciation rate in whitefish. It is hoped that this study will not only stimulate further the interest of evolutionary ecologists for molecular genetics, but also that of molecularists for ecology. Promoting the fusion of such apparentiy remote fields of research may represent the most important achievement of molecular ecology as a discipline.  相似文献   

The prediction that variation in species morphology is related to environmental features has long been of interest to ecologists and evolutionary biologists. Many studies have demonstrated strong associations between morphological traits and local habitat characteristics, but few have considered the extent to which morphological traits may be associated with environmental features across broad geographic areas. Here, we use morphological, environmental and phylogenetic data compiled from Phrynosoma species to examine morphological and climatic variation across the geographic ranges of these species in an evolutionary context. We find significant phylogenetic signal in species’ environmental niches, but not in morphological traits. Furthermore, we demonstrate a significant correlation between species’ environmental niches and morphological traits when phylogenetic history is accounted for in the analysis. Our results suggest the importance of climatic variables in influencing morphological variation among species, and have implications for understanding how species distributions are constrained by environmental variation.  相似文献   

Macroecology, global change and the shadow of forgotten ancestors   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Many recent studies have evaluated how global changes will affect biodiversity, and have mainly focused on how to develop conservation strategies to avoid, or at least minimize, extinctions due to shifts in suitable habitats for the species. However, these complex potential responses might be in part structured in phylogeny, because of the macroecological traits underlying them. In this comment, we review recent analytical developments in phylogenetic comparative methods that can be used to understand patterns of trait changes under environmental change. We focus on a partial regression approach that allows for partitioning the variance of traits into a fraction attributed to a pure ecological component, a fraction attributed to phylogenetically structured environmental variation (niche conservatism) and a fraction that may be attributed to phylogenetic effects only. We then develop a novel interpretation for linking these components for multiple traits with potential responses of species to global environmental change (i.e. adaptation, range shifts or extinctions). We hope that this interpretation will stimulate further research linking evolutionary components of multiple traits with broad-scale environmental changes.  相似文献   

In this Special feature, we assemble studies that illustrate phylogenetic approaches to studying salient questions regarding the effect of specialization on lineage diversification. The studies use an array of techniques involving a wide-ranging collection of biological systems (plants, butterflies, fish and amphibians are all represented). Their results reveal that macroevolutionary examination of specialization provides insight into the patterns of trade-offs in specialized systems; in particular, the genetic mechanisms of trade-offs appear to extend to very different aspects of life history in different groups. In turn, because a species may be a specialist from one perspective and a generalist in others, these trade-offs influence whether we perceive specialization to have effects on the evolutionary success of a lineage when we examine specialization only along a single axis. Finally, how geographical range influences speciation and extinction of specialist lineages remains a question offering much potential for further insight.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic diversity (PD) describes the total amount of phylogenetic distance among species in a community. Although there has been substantial research on the factors that determine community PD, exploration of the consequences of PD for ecosystem functioning is just beginning. We argue that PD may be useful in predicting ecosystem functions in a range of communities, from single-trophic to complex networks. Many traits show a phylogenetic signal, suggesting that PD can estimate the functional trait space of a community, and thus ecosystem functioning. Phylogeny also determines interactions among species, and so could help predict how extinctions cascade through ecological networks and thus impact ecosystem functions. Although the initial evidence available suggests patterns consistent with these predictions, we caution that the utility of PD depends critically on the strength of phylogenetic signals to both traits and interactions. We advocate for a synthetic approach that incorporates a deeper understanding of how traits and interactions are shaped by evolution, and outline key areas for future research. If these complexities can be incorporated into future studies, relationships between PD and ecosystem function bear promise in conceptually unifying evolutionary biology with ecosystem ecology.  相似文献   

Specialization is common in most lineages of insect herbivores, one of the most diverse groups of organisms on earth. To address how and why specialization is maintained over evolutionary time, we hypothesized that plant defense and other ecological attributes of potential host plants would predict the performance of a specialist root-feeding herbivore (the red milkweed beetle, Tetraopes tetraophthalmus). Using a comparative phylogenetic and functional trait approach, we assessed the determinants of insect host range across 18 species of Asclepias. Larval survivorship decreased with increasing phylogenetic distance from the true host, Asclepias syriaca, suggesting that adaptation to plant traits drives specialization. Among several root traits measured, only cardenolides (toxic defense chemicals) correlated with larval survival, and cardenolides also explained the phylogenetic distance effect in phylogenetically controlled multiple regression analyses. Additionally, milkweed species having a known association with other Tetraopes beetles were better hosts than species lacking Tetraopes herbivores, and milkweeds with specific leaf area values (a trait related to leaf function and habitat affiliation) similar to those of A. syriaca were better hosts than species having divergent values. We thus conclude that phylogenetic distance is an integrated measure of phenotypic and ecological attributes of Asclepias species, especially defensive cardenolides, which can be used to explain specialization and constraints on host shifts over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

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