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Encheliophis vermiops was first briefly described in 1990 on the basis of three specimens. This study validates this species and provides previously unrecorded useful characters to realise the identification: (1) the forward orientation of the palatine teeth, (2) the enlarged teeth of the third basibranchial, (3) the particularly well-developed pharyngeal apparatus, (4) the unpigmented band along the base of anal fin and (5) the insertion of the primary sonic muscle on the parasphenoid. Moreover, the particular morphology of Encheliophis vermiops forces us to reconsider the diagnosis of the genus.  相似文献   

During austral summer and winter of 2003, three specimens of Aphyonus gelatinosus and one specimen of Barathronus bicolor (Ophidiiformes: Aphyonidae) were trawled off Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  相似文献   

An unusual testicular structure in the white grunt, Haemulon plumieri , and the French grunt, H. flavolineatum , and a urinary exocrine gland in H. flavolineatum are described. The testes of both species are comprised predominantly of efferent ducts, with spermatogenetic tissue restricted to the gonadal periphery. The epithelial cells of the efferent ducts produce glycogen which may serve a role in the storage and nutrition of sperm. The urinary gland is a male accessory gland thought to be associated with reproduction. The gland is mesonephric in origin and the epithelial cells of the gland produce mucins which may be involved in intraspecific chemical communication.  相似文献   

The morphology of the genital apparatus of two batrachoid species, Opsanus tau and Porichthys notatus , was studied. The anatomical organization of the female reproductive apparatus is similar in both species but differences are observed in the rhythm of gametogenesis with individual oocyte production asynchronous in O. tau and group synchronous in P. notatus. The male reproductive apparatus is similarly organized in the two species, with both showing enlongated testes with an efferent duct system, two main testicular ducts, a common sperm duct, and a pair of multi-channel accessory structures. The sperm transport system consisting of the efferent duct system, main testicular ducts, and sperm duct is more developed in P. notatus and only in this species does it secrete sialoglycoproteins. Male accessory organs also secrete sialoglycoprotein in both species, but they appear more developed in O. tau. Intraspecific variability in development of accessory structures and mucin secretion was also observed between the two male morphs of P. notatus. Type I males, which build nests and perform parental care to eggs and fry, have larger accessory organs and more abundant secretion than type II males, which adopt opportunistic spawning tactics. The possible role played by mucins as components of the seminal fluid, in both species, and their inter-and intraspecific variability are discussed in the light of the reproductive biology and the presence of alternative male mating tactics.  相似文献   

The bivalve Pseudopythina macrophthalmensis (Galeommatoidea) is a commensal with the crab Macrophthalmus convexus (Ocypodidae) in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. It is a protandric hermaphrodite which incubates the 65-μm large ova in the suprabranchial cavity. The species produces two types of sperm, which were studied with the electron microscope. The euspermatozoon has an elongate 2.8-μm-long, pointed acrosome, a slender 12- to 13-μm-long nucleus and a middlepiece containing several closely packed mitochondria arranged as a 5.5- to 6.0-μm-long sheath around the basis of the flagellum. The paraspermato- zoon is vermiform, 220-μm-long and up to 5-μm-broad. Anteriorly there is a ca 7-μm-long bullet-shaped acrosome followed by a subcylindrical 3.0- to 4.7-μm-long nucleus. Adjacent to the nucleus occurs a bundle of 26–42 40-μm-long flagella. The cytoplasm is packed with spherical lipid droplets and ovoid granules of unknown composition. Sperm of both types aggregate to form spermatozeugmata, which were found in the posterior mantle cavity or in paired seminal receptacles. Within the receptacles the euspermatozoa dissociate themselves from the spermatozeugma and become attached to the epithelial lining of the receptacle whereas the paraspermatozoa presumably disintegrate. The possible significance of the two types of sperm is discussed in the light of their presumed functions in gastropods. Accepted: 9 November 2000  相似文献   

It is argued that the paired structures in adult Montacuta phascolionis previously claimed to be testes are seminal receptacles. The receptacles in 3.0mm long females are filled with sperm cells or spermatids. A 2.0-mm long specimen had a well-developed testes exhibiting ripe sperm. It is concluded that the species is a protandrous hermaphrodite and that the previously described dwarf males are rather complemental males. The ultrastructure of the sperm cells is described and compared with that of the sperm of related species.  相似文献   

Most soniferous fishes producing sounds with their swimbladder utilize relatively simple mechanisms: contraction and relaxation of a unique pair of sonic muscles cause rapid movements of the swimbladder resulting in sound production. Here we describe the sonic mechanism for Ophidion barbatum, which includes three pairs of sonic muscles, highly transformed vertebral centra and ribs, a neural arch that pivots and a swimbladder whose anterior end is modified into a bony structure, the rocker bone. The ventral and intermediate muscles cause the rocker bone to swivel inward, compressing the swimbladder, and this action is antagonized by the dorsal muscle. Unlike other sonic systems in which the muscle contraction rate determines sound fundamental frequency, we hypothesize that slow contraction of these antagonistic muscles produces a series of cycles of swimbladder vibration.  相似文献   

The study of the pharyngeal jaws in two geographically isolated Italian populations of Lebias fasciata indicated the presence of two phenotypes: the Adriatic phenotype with a large ceratobranchial V and upper and lower pharyngeal jaws bearing few large teeth and the Sicilian phenotype with a smaller ceratobranchial V and pharyngeal jaws with smaller and more numerous teeth. The morphological variations of pharyngeal jaws should be interpreted as a result of the geographical isolation of these two populations. J. Morphol. 241:107–114, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In Japan Pseudopythina tsurumaru is an up to 10.8 mm-long commensal of the burrowing sea cucumber Protankyra bidentata, whereas in Hong Kong the same species is smaller and associated with the crab Hexapus anfractus, itself a commensal of P. bidentata. Japanese P. tsurumaru is a hermaphrodite tending towards protogyny maturing to a female when > or = 7 mm, and entering the hermaphroditic condition when > or = 9 mm long. In addition to normal euspermatozoa, the species produces 30-32 microm long and 7 x 8 microm broad spindle-shaped paraspermatozoa provided with a conical acrosome, a nucleus, and a bundle of approximately 15-16 flagella issuing from the head region. Paired pouch-formed seminal receptacles normally occur in bivalves > or = 6 mm. Bulk sperm transfer presumably takes place by way of spermatozeugmata formed by the two types of sperm cells. Exogenous euspermatozoa attach to particular nonepithelial cells that occupy the interior of the receptacles. These cells, together with their associated sperm, are probably released as syncytial sperm-carrying bodies into the suprabranchial chamber, where the ova are fertilized.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural aspects of sperm destruction patterns were offered as additional cytological parameters for evaluation of the genus affinity of flatfishes Hippoglossoides dubius and Cleisthenes herzensteini. At the beginning of spermatozoan destruction, cell membrane in both species was found swollen, besides, discontinuity of membranes was observed, and membraneous parts were seen separating from sparmatozoa. We observed the ability of separated membraneous parts to aggregate to twisting conglomerates that wind round the objects of destruction. In H. dubius the membraneous conglomerates wound round spermatozoa, and after that such spermatozoa were phagocyted by follicular cells. In C. herzensteini, the membraneous conglomerates grasped the particles of destructed spermatozoa: the formed residual bodies were collected in the gonad lumen but not phagocyted by follicular cells. The expressiveness of the differences found in the pattern of sperm destruction is so considerable that, in the authors' opinion, these data are to supplement a list of criteria making reasonable reconsideration of the taxonomic status of C. herzensteini: its belonging to the genus Hippoglossoides, and establishing of the genus Cleisthenes as an independent rank.  相似文献   

The ophidiid fish genusHomostolus is revised on the basis of 44 specimens. Meristic and morphometric characters strongly indicate that the genus as presently known contains a single species,Homostolus acer Smith et Radcliffe, 1913, withHomostolus japonicus Matsubara, 1943, reduced to synonymy. Geographical variations found in certain meristic characters indicate thatH. acer expanded its range from Philippine waters into both northern and southern waters. The species is distributed on deep-sea floors from the Pacific Ocean off central Japan, to the Indian Ocean off northern Western Australia, and to the Tasman Sea off New South Wales, at bathyal depths from about 400 to 700 m.  相似文献   

Eggs of the catfishClarias gariepinus were investigated for the first time using light and electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). In shape, they differ strongly from those of other teleosts, their characteristic profile resembling a fur cap. This shape is unique among the eggs of teleostean fishes. The eggs ofC. gariepinus are attached to substrata at their animal pole, which shows an annular bulge consisting of numerous tiny attaching-filaments. These filaments seem to be a part of the zona radiata externa. The micropyle, located within the center of the annular bulge, is a straight opening in the zona radiata. Different ways of egg adhesion in teleosts were compared and discussed as well as the position of the micropyle with respect to fertilization.  相似文献   

Seahorses and pipefishes are extremely fast suction feeders, and the fast strikes probably result in large and rapid pressure drops in the buccal cavity. These rapid drops in pressure imply heavy mechanical loading on the cranium; hence, the feeding apparatus is thought to experience high levels of stress. We used finite element analysis (FEA) to investigate where stress accumulates under strong suction pressure, and whether there is a difference in craniofacial stress distribution between long‐ and short‐snouted species. The expectation was that high stress levels would occur at the articulations and in the cartilaginous regions of the cranium, and that, given the same pressure, the skulls of long‐snouted species would exhibit lower stress levels than the skulls of short‐snouted species, as an evolutionary increase in snout length might have made these species structurally better adapted to deal with high suction pressures. The results partially support the first hypothesis: except for Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus, all models show peak stress concentrations at the articulations and cartilaginous regions. However, no simple relationship between snout length and the magnitudes of stress predicted by the FEA was found. In an attempt to explain this lack of a relationship, the methodology was evaluated by assessing the effect of hyoid position and model construction on the stress distribution. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 680–691.  相似文献   

The biomineralization of otoliths results mainly from the release of soluble Ca(2+), which is in turn precipitated as CaCO(3) crystals. In some Carapidae, sagittae sections have been shown to reveal a three-dimensional asymmetry with a nucleus close to the sulcal side, an unusual position. This study seeks to understand otolith formation in Carapus boraborensis. The unusual shape of the otolith is partly explained by the distribution of the epithelium cells, and particularly the sensory epithelium. Experimental evidence shows for the first time that aragonite growth takes place along the c-axis. These aragonite needles present two different habits. On the sulcal side is found the acicular form resulting from rapid growth during a short period of time. On the anti-sulcal side, the prismatic form seen there is due to a slower growth speed over longer periods. The otolith surface was observed each hour during a period of 24h in fishes reared in similar conditions. This allowed for the first time the direct observation on the otolith surface of the deposition of the two layers (L-zone and D-zone). In C. boraborensis, the organic-rich layer (D-zone) develops during the day, whereas the CaCO(3) layer (L-zone) seems to be deposited during the night.  相似文献   

Combtooth blennies have recurved, fang-like caniniform teeth at the rear end of a single row of incisiform teeth. The lengths and positions of these canines were measured in the lower jaws of males of 14 species of Mediterranean Blenniidae. In four species, lower jaw canines were measured in males and females, while in one species, the upper jaw canines of both sexes were also measured. Relative (to body length) canine length in males tends to be significantly greater (10–40%) than in females. There are significant interspecific differences in relative canine length, with smaller species tending to have relatively larger teeth. No significant correlation was obtained between canine length and importance of animal prey in the diet, nor with 'hole fit' of males, which may be related with the intensity of paternal care. We suggest that canines in combtooth blennies are predominately used for predator deterrence and agonistic interactions.  相似文献   

The freshwater mussel Anodonta cygnea is commonly used as a model organism for biomineralization studies, its peculiar morphofunctional properties also make it an excellent environmental biomonitor. The first detailed on the calcareous concretions from gill and mantle tissue, as well as fluids of the freshwater bivalve A. cygnea, supported by histological, scanning, spectrometry, and spectroscopy analyses. Through these analyses, the morphology, structure, and chemical characterization of these biomineral concretions were accomplished. The concretions represent a high percentage of the dry weight of these organisms. In gill tissue, it can reach up to 50% of dry weight prior to reproductive maturity. Analysis of elemental composition of the tissue concretions showed the presence of calcium and phosphate, as main components, associated with other residual elements like iron, manganese, magnesium, and zinc. Concretions are arranged in concentric alternated layers of organic and inorganic matrix. The shape and size of the concretions vary substantially, from very small, less than 1 μm diameter with very regular round structure, found mainly in the mantle tissue, to more than 50 μm length with irregular globular clusters, found predominantly in the gills. The microstructural organization is of a hydroxyapatite polymorphism in the mantle, in contrast to the gills, which exhibit irregular structure and carbonated hydroxyapatite polymorphism. These differences are supported by higher contents of dinitrogen pentoxide, magnesium, and iron in the mantle concretions, but higher contents of manganese and zinc in the gills. Furthermore, the results indicate that the mineral concretion formation in A. cygnea is a hemocytes reaction to particle or toxic invasions. A second relevant role, concerns the close involvement of these microspherules on the adult and larval shell calcification. J. Morphol. 276:65–76, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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