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参照天然抗菌肽CM4(ABP-CM4)氨基酸序列和大肠杆菌偏爱密码子,采用rPCR法获得CM4基因后重组到表达载体pET32a上,在E.coli中融合表达。表达产物以可溶性存在,经Ni2 -NTA琼脂糖亲和层析获得融合蛋白,再经甲酸切割、亲和层析和阳离子交换层析,得到纯化的重组抗菌肽。琼脂糖扩散法和液相测定法证明了纯化的抗菌肽具有抗菌活性。  相似文献   

抗菌肽CM4基因克隆及其在毕赤酵母中的表达鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了在毕赤酵母中获得抗菌肽CM4表达,将抗菌肽CM4基因克隆入表达质粒pPIC9,SacⅠ线性化的重组表达质粒pPIC9-CM4电击转化P.pastorisGS115(his-),采用MM、MD板和PCR法筛选Mut 表型,甲醇诱导表达;抗菌活性检测、Tricine-SDS-PAGE及酸性活性电泳均表明抗菌肽CM4在毕赤酵母中成功地分泌表达;重组抗菌肽CM4对黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)、绿色木霉(Trichoderma viride)都有很强的抑菌活性。  相似文献   

白细胞介素 4 (IL 4 )作为一种多功能的细胞因子在哮喘等变态性炎症反应中具有关键作用 .IL 4通过结合细胞表面的白介素 4受体 (IL 4R)发挥其生物学效应 .sIL 4R缺少跨膜和胞内结构域 ,结合IL 4后不能产生信号传递介导IL 4的生物学活性 ,但sIL 4R与IL 4结合的高度特异性和极高的亲和力使它非常适合作为理想的IL 4拮抗剂 ,应用于哮喘等疾病治疗 .采用RT PCR方法 ,以人单核细胞总RNA为模板扩增得到编码sIL 4R的基因片段 ,经测序确证后插入大肠杆菌高效表达质粒pBV2 2 0 ,得到重组质粒pBV2 2 0 sIL 4R ,重组质粒转化E .coliDH5α .重组菌经温度诱导后超声破碎得到包涵体 ,经SuperdexHR75分子筛柱和DEAE SepharoseFastFlow离子交换柱进行纯化 ,HPLC检测表明纯度达到 90 % .N端测序证明 ,重组sIL 4R与天然sIL 4RN端序列完全一致 .Western印迹、配基结合印迹对重组sIL 4R进行鉴定 .结果表明 ,重组sIL 4R具有结合IL 4的生物学活性  相似文献   

目的:构建绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)与抗菌肽CM4融合基因的真核表达载体。方法:采用递归PCR(rPCR)将GFP基因与CM4基因通过一段核苷酸片段连接成GFP-CM4融合基因,构建真核表达载体pcDNA3-GFP-CM4,用脂质体介导转染人K562白血病细胞,用MTT检测其活性。结果:融合基因可在K562细胞中表达,抗菌肽CM4的表达可抑制K562细胞的生长。结论:为全面了解抗菌肽的生物学活性及其在基因治疗中的可能作用提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

The effect of antibacterial peptide CM4 of Bombyx mori against E. coll K12 was investigated using scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The ultrastructural changes of E. coli K12 were observed by the challenge of the purified antibacterial peptide CM4. The results showed that the antibacterial peptide caused a series of pathological changes on E. coli. SEM and TEM revealed aggregates of bacteria and SEM revealed wrin-kled bacterial surfaces in the early stage. Thereafter, plasmolysis was observed with irregular holes appearing in the two ends of bacteria and the cytoplasmic contents of the cells leaking out. Finally, bacteria became empty vesicles and disintegrated into small fragments subsequently. Comparatively, the bacterial membrane was normal and the bacterial structure remained intact in the control group.  相似文献   

抗菌肽作为新一代抗生素的潜在应用价值使其备受关注,大量高纯度的抗菌肽是开展基础及临床实验的关键。天然来源的抗菌肽资源有限、纯化困难,化学合成抗菌肽成本高、活性不稳定,因此通过基因重组表达得到大量抗菌肽是低成本、高效益的方法。目前采用大肠杆菌表达系统获得抗菌肽已成为研究者的首选,通常以形成融合蛋白的方式表达,这不仅可避免抗菌肽对宿主的杀伤作用,也保护了抗菌肽免受蛋白酶降解。文章结合课题组的研究工作,综述了近年来抗菌肽在大肠杆菌中表达的融合载体、融合蛋白的裂解方法及表达条件优化的研究进展。  相似文献   

合成人干细胞cDNA在大肠杆菌中的高效表达与纯化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以pBV220为载体,进行了合成可溶型人干细胞因子(SCF)cDNA在大肠杆菌中的温控型的高效表达。SDS-PAGE检测表明,在实验室摇瓶培养中,目的蛋白可占菌体可溶蛋白的40%左右。表达产物复性后,经过凝胶过滤、离子交换层析,得到了电泳纯的重组rhSCF,经测定,纯化的rhSCF相对分子质量为19000,氨基端15个氨基酸的序列与天然可溶形式的hSCF成熟分子的序列完全一致。  相似文献   

CPIOA是一种由抗菌肽Indolicine经过序列改造,且对多数革兰氏阳性病源细菌具有较强抗菌活性的多肽序列。研究根据已报道的CP10A氨基酸序列,兼顾大肠杆菌密码子偏好性,设计CP10A的核苷酸序列,利用PCR技术合成相应的DNA序列,后克隆构建重组表达载体pET32a(+)-CP10A,转入大肠杆菌AIM94菌株。经IPTC诱导表达和15%SDS—PAGE电泳检测后发现产物以包涵体形式存在,且融合表达量占总蛋白的50%。在变性条件下经Ni—NTA亲合柱层析及复性,最终获得了较高纯度的可溶性重组蛋白。研究首次实现了CPl0A抗菌肽在大肠杆菌中的融合表达,为进一步研究其生物学活性及应用奠定了一定的基础,同时也为研究抗菌肽表达提供了一种方法。  相似文献   

含有Fxa切割位点的抗菌肽X在大肠杆菌中的融合表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
抗菌肽是昆虫体液免疫的重要成分[1,2 ] ,它们的分子量较小 ,具有抗菌、抗病毒和杀伤某些肿瘤细胞的功能 ,而不破坏人体正常细胞。基于它的这种选择性效应和分子小、无抗原性的特点 ,可望成为新一代的抗菌、抗肿瘤药物。然而 ,天然抗菌肽来源十分困难 ,不能满足研究和临床应用的需要 ,通过基因工程技术生产抗菌肽已成为人们普遍关注的焦点。抗菌肽CMIV是从家蚕蛹中分离并测定了其一级结构的新型抗菌肽 ,它由 35个氨基酸组成 ,不含甲硫氨酸 ,C 末端为酰胺[3 ] 。抗菌肽X是中国家蚕抗菌肽CMIV的变体 ,其一级结构与天然的抗菌肽CM…  相似文献   

目的:研究抗茵肽PekⅡ基因在大肠杆菌中的融合表达并初步纯化.方法:根据大肠杆菌密码子的偏好性,人工设计并合成2段核苷酸序列,退火获得PckⅡ基因;将此基因克隆到原核表达载体pGEX-4T-2中,构建成抗茵肽基因PekⅡ融合表达载体pGEX-PekⅡ,转化至大肠杆菌BL21中,用IPTG进行诱导.取超声破碎后的上清经Glutathione SepharoseTM 4亲和层析得到纯化融合蛋白.结果:PCR和测序表明已获得正确PekⅡ编码基因,SDS-PAGE显示29kD处有特异性的蛋白条带出现,纯化得到的GST-PekⅡ经MALDI-TOF MS分析得出其相对分子质量为29553.03.结论:抗菌肽PckⅡ基因在大肠杆菌中的融合表达获得成功,初步纯化得到纯品.  相似文献   

Stem cell factor (SCF) and erythropoietin are essential for normal erythropoiesis and induce proliferation and differentiation synergistically for erythroid progenitor cells. Here, we report our work on construction of SCF/erythropoietin mimetic peptide (EMP) fusion protein gene, in which human SCF cDNA (1-165aa) and EMP sequence (20aa) were connected using a short (GGGGS) or long (GGGGSGGGGGS) linker sequence. The SCF/EMP gene was cloned into the pBV220 vector and expressed in the Escherichia coli DH5alpha strain. The expression level of the fusion protein was about 30% of total cell protein. The resulting inclusion bodies were solubilized with 8 M urea, followed by dilution refolding. The renatured protein was subsequently purified by Q-Sepharose FF column. The final product was >95% pure by SDS-PAGE and the yield of fusion protein was about 40 mg/L of culture. UT-7 cell proliferation and human cord blood cell colony-forming assays showed that the fusion proteins exhibited more potent activity than recombinant human SCF, suggesting a new strategy to enhance biological activities of growth factors.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptide CM4, a small cationic linear α-helical peptide that consists of 35 amino acids, was isolated from Bombyx mori. To improve the expression level of CM4 in Escherichia coli, tandem repeats of CM4 gene were constructed and expressed as fusion proteins (TrxA-nCM4, n = 1, 2, 3,…,8) by constructing the vectors of pET32-nCM4 (n = 1, 2, 3,…,8). Comparison among the expression levels of soluble fusion protein TrxA-nCM4 (n = 1, 2, 3,…,8) suggested that BL21 (DE3)/pET32-3CM4 was an ideal recombinant strain for CM4 production. Under the selected conditions of cultivation and isopropylthiogalactoside (IPTG) induction, the expression level of CM4 was as high as 68 mg/l with about 21% of fusion protein in soluble form, which was the highest yield of CM4 reported so far.  相似文献   

昆虫抗菌肽具有广谱抗菌活性,克隆黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor抗菌肽基因,进行原核表达和活性检测,为昆虫抗菌肽推广应用奠定一定基础.根据GenBank公布的黄粉虫抗菌肽序列设计特异引物,以RT-PCR法从黄粉虫体内克隆了抗菌肽基因TmAMP3,将其亚克隆至pET-30a表达载体中,转化到大肠杆菌Escheric...  相似文献   

In this work, the expression conditions of fusion protein thioredoxin (Trx)-soluble B lymphocyte stimulator (sBLyS) in shake flask and bioreactor from the recombinant Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) with a pET system encoding the fusion protein gene of Trx-sBLyS and the purification method of the sBLyS were optimized to effectively obtain the bioactive protein sBLyS with a high purity. A yield of about 250 mg Trx-sBLyS/g DWC (1686 mg Trx-sBLyS/L) and expression level of about 38.5% in soluble Trx-sBLyS were obtained in a 30 1 bioreactor after optimization of the fermentation conditions. After the completion of the optimized purification procedure in order of affinity chromatography, enzymatic cleavage with enterokinase and DEAE ion exchange chromatography, about 200 mg sBLyS per liter fermentation broth was obtained with a purity of about 95% and a yield of near 30%, respectively. Furthermore, the molecular weight (MW) and the isoelectric point (pI) of the purified sBLyS were determined by 2-D gel electrophoresis and SDS-PAGE analysis and estimated to be over 16 kDa and about pH 4.15, respectively. In addition, the bioactivities of the soluble Trx-sBLyS in fermentation broth and the purified sBLyS were tested by two kinds of analytical methods of bioactivity. The good fermentation yield and the satisfied, purified sBLyS product with high purity, yield and bioactivity demonstrated the sBLyS production procedure was promising in industry.  相似文献   

Earthworms live in an environment with abundantpathogens. These pathogens are, firstly, bacteria living inwater or soil that are ingested during feeding or introducedinto the body following injury. Parasites, particularlylarval forms, which represent the dissemination phase,are another important group of potentially pathogenicagents. During the course of evolution, earthworms havedeveloped defense strategies against these living patho-gens [1,2]. Earthworms lack true antibodies and hence anada…  相似文献   

光滑鳖甲抗菌肽的原核表达条件优化及其抗菌活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】本研究旨在探索光滑鳖甲Anatolica polita borealis抗菌肽Ap AMP1015的最佳原核表达条件及其抗菌活性。【方法】利用生物信息学方法对得到的Ap AMP1015基因序列和蛋白结构进行分析,运用原核表达技术表达Trx A-Ap AMP1015融合蛋白,通过Western blot方法鉴定蛋白,并利用亲和层析的方法获得纯化的Trx A-Ap AMP1015融合蛋白,抑菌圈实验验证蛋白抗菌活性。【结果】克隆得到光滑鳖甲抗菌肽基因Ap AMP1015,其开放阅读框长387 bp,编码128个氨基酸,其中包含由19个氨基酸组成的信号肽和75个氨基酸组成的成熟肽。NCBI数据库同源序列比对结果显示该蛋白属Coleoptericin抗菌肽家族。确定了蛋白表达的最佳条件:0.1 mmol/L IPTG 150 r/min 25℃诱导4 h。肠激酶切割后的Ap AMP1015能够有效抑制大肠杆菌Escherichia coli的生长。【结论】克隆得到光滑鳖甲抗菌肽基因Ap AMP1015,获得了其编码蛋白的最优表达条件,研究发现Ap AMP1015能够有效抑制大肠杆菌的生长。本研究为光滑鳖甲抗菌肽Ap AMP1015的应用和进一步研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

家蚕抗菌肽CM4可抑制串珠镰孢菌孢子的生长发育.扫描电镜超微结构观察显示孢子空泡化,内部结构萎缩成团,对照组的孢子结构则完好无损,发育正常.家蚕抗菌肽与真菌作用,用激光共聚焦扫描图象分析,发现荧光素FITC标记抗菌肽先是聚集包围细胞,呈中间浓度大,两头浓度小状态分布,进而两头断裂,或形成空泡,最后连空泡的膜也破裂,细胞死亡,形成一堆碎片.  相似文献   

棘胸蛙抗菌肽Spinosan-C的串联表达与活性检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为克服抗菌肽易被蛋白酶降解及对宿主大肠杆菌的杀伤作用,并进一步提高大肠杆菌系统的表达能力,以棘胸蛙Paa spinosa抗菌肽Spinosan-C为研究对象,按照大肠杆菌密码子利用频率进行密码子优化,设计合成8拷贝的串联8×Spinosan-C基因,将合成的串联基因克隆到大肠杆菌表达载体p ET-28a,利用大肠杆菌感受态细胞Rosetta进行原核表达,获得高效表达的串联8×Spinosan-C重组蛋白,用甲酸专一性切割得到抗菌肽Spinosan-C单体。体外抑菌试验表明,切割后的抗菌肽Spinosan-C单体对测试菌生长具有抑制作用,为蛙类抗菌肽的规模化制备提供了参考。  相似文献   

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