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The tight junction (TJ) protein ZO-2 changes its subcellular distribution according to the state of confluency of the culture. Thus in confluent monolayers, it localizes at the TJ region whereas in sparse cultures it concentrates at the nucleus. The canine sequence of ZO-2 displays four putative nuclear export signals (NES), two at the second PDZ domain (NES-0 and NES-1) and the rest at the GK region (NES-2 and NES-3). The functionality of NES-0 and NES-3 was unknown, hence here we have explored it with a nuclear export assay, injecting into the nucleus of MDCK cells peptides corresponding to the ZO-2 NES sequences chemically coupled to ovalbumin. We show that both NES-0 and NES-3 are functional and sensitive to leptomycin B. We also demonstrate that NES-1, previously characterized as a non functional NES, is rendered capable of nuclear export upon the acquisition of a negative charge at its Ser369 residue. Experiments performed injecting at the nucleus WT and mutated ZO-2-GST fusion proteins revealed the need of both NES-0 and NES-1, and NES-2 and NES-3 for attaining an efficient nuclear exit of the respective amino and middle segments of ZO-2. Moreover, the transfection of MDCK cells with full-length ZO-2 revealed that the mutation of any of the NES present in the molecule was sufficient to induce nuclear accumulation of the protein.  相似文献   

Nuclear localization of the tight junction protein ZO-2 in epithelial cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The tight junction constitutes the major barrier to solute and water flow through the paracellular space of epithelia and endothelia. It is formed by transmembrane proteins and submembranous molecules such as the MAGUKs ZOs. We have previously found that several MAGUKs, including those of the tight (ZO-1, ZO-2, and ZO-3) and septate junction (tamou and Dlg), contain one or two nuclear sorting signals located at their first PDZ and GK domains. Now we show that these proteins also contain a nuclear export signal and focus our study on the nuclear membrane shuttling of ZO-2. In sparse cultures this molecule concentrates at the nucleus in clusters, where it partially colocalizes with splicing factor SC35. Nuclear staining diminishes as the monolayer acquires confluence through a process sensitive to the nuclear export inhibitor leptomycin B. Nuclear localization can be induced by impairing cell-cell contacts, by mechanical injury. ZO-2 that shuttles from the cell periphery into the nucleus is not newly synthesized but originates from a preexistent pool. The movement of this protein is mediated by the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

ZO-2 is a tight junction (TJ) protein that shuttles between the plasma membrane and the nucleus. ZO-2 contains several protein binding sites that allow it to function as a scaffold that clusters integral, adaptor and signaling proteins. To gain insight into the role of ZO-2 in epithelial cells, ZO-2 was silenced in MDCK cells with small interference RNA (siRNA). ZO-2 silencing triggered: (A) changes in the gate function of the TJ, determined by an increase in dextran flow through the paracellular route of mature monolayers and achievement of lower transepithelial electrical resistance values upon TJ de novo formation; (B) changes in the fence function of the TJ manifested by a non-polarized distribution of E-cadherin on the plasma membrane; (C) altered expression of TJ and adherens junction proteins, determined by a decreased amount of occludin and E-cadherin in mature monolayers and a delayed arrival to the plasma membrane of ZO-1, occludin and E-cadherin during a calcium switch assay; and (D) an atypical monolayer architecture characterized by the appearance of widened intercellular spaces, multistratification of regions in the culture and an altered pattern of actin at the cellular borders.  相似文献   

Apicolateral tight junctions (TJs) between epithelial cells are multiprotein complexes regulating membrane polarity and paracellular transport and also contribute to signalling pathways affecting cell proliferation and gene expression. ZO-2 and other ZO family members form a sub-membranous scaffold for binding TJ constituents. We investigated ZO-2 contribution to TJ biogenesis and function during trophectoderm epithelium differentiation in mouse preimplantation embryos. Our data indicate that ZO-2 is expressed from maternal and embryonic genomes with maternal ZO-2 protein associated with nuclei in zygotes and particularly early cleavage stages. Embryonic ZO-2 assembled at outer blastomere apicolateral junctional sites from the late 16-cell stage. Junctional ZO-2 first co-localised with E-cadherin in a transient complex comprising adherens junction and TJ constituents before segregating to TJs after their separation from the blastocyst stage (32-cell onwards). ZO-2 siRNA microinjection into zygotes or 2-cell embryos resulted in specific knockdown of ZO-2 mRNA and protein within blastocysts. Embryos lacking ZO-2 protein at trophectoderm TJs exhibited delayed blastocoel cavity formation but underwent normal cell proliferation and outgrowth morphogenesis. Quantitative analysis of trophectoderm TJs in ZO-2-deficient embryos revealed increased assembly of ZO-1 but not occludin, indicating ZO protein redundancy as a compensatory mechanism contributing to the mild phenotype observed. In contrast, ZO-1 knockdown, or combined ZO-1 and ZO-2 knockdown, generated a more severe inhibition of blastocoel formation indicating distinct roles for ZO proteins in blastocyst morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJ) are multiprotein complexes that function to regulate paracellular transport of molecules through epithelial and endothelial cell layers. Many new tight junction-associated proteins have been identified in the past few years, and their functional roles and interactions have just begun to be elucidated. In this paper, we describe a novel protein LYsine-RIch CEACAM1 co-isolated (LYRIC) that is widely expressed and highly conserved between species. LYRIC has no conserved domains that would indicate function and does not appear to be a member of a larger protein family. Data from analysis of rat and human tissue sections and cell lines show that LYRIC colocalizes with tight junction proteins ZO-1 and occludin in polarized epithelial cells, suggesting that LYRIC is part of the tight junction complex. LYRIC dissociates from ZO-1 when junctional complexes are disrupted, and as tight junctions reform, ZO-1 relocalizes before LYRIC. These results suggest that LYRIC is most likely not a structural component required for TJ formation, but rather is recruited during the maturation of the tight junction complex.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the tumor suppressor Scribble is localized at the septate junctions of epithelial cells. Its mammalian homologue, hScrib, is a basolateral protein likely associated to proteins of the cell-cell junctions. We report the direct interaction between hScrib and ZO-2, a junction-associated protein. This interaction relies on two PDZ domains of hScrib and on the C-terminal motif of ZO-2. Both proteins localise at cell-cell junctions of epithelial cells. A point mutation in the LRR of hScrib delocalises the protein from the plasma membrane and abrogates the interaction with ZO-2 but not with betaPIX. Tyrosine phosphorylation of hScrib does not impair the interaction with ZO-2. We show a direct link between two junctional proteins that are down-regulated during cancer progression.  相似文献   

ZO-1, ZO-2, and ZO-3, which contain three PDZ domains (PDZ1 to -3), are concentrated at tight junctions (TJs) in epithelial cells. TJ strands are mainly composed of two distinct types of four-transmembrane proteins, occludin, and claudins, between which occludin was reported to directly bind to ZO-1/ZO-2/ZO-3. However, in occludin-deficient intestinal epithelial cells, ZO-1/ZO-2/ZO-3 were still recruited to TJs. We then examined the possible interactions between ZO-1/ZO-2/ZO-3 and claudins. ZO-1, ZO-2, and ZO-3 bound to the COOH-terminal YV sequence of claudin-1 to -8 through their PDZ1 domains in vitro. Then, claudin-1 or -2 was transfected into L fibroblasts, which express ZO-1 but not ZO-2 or ZO-3. Claudin-1 and -2 were concentrated at cell-cell borders in an elaborate network pattern, to which endogenous ZO-1 was recruited. When ZO-2 or ZO-3 were further transfected, both were recruited to the claudin-based networks together with endogenous ZO-1. Detailed analyses showed that ZO-2 and ZO-3 are recruited to the claudin-based networks through PDZ2 (ZO-2 or ZO-3)/PDZ2 (endogenous ZO-1) and PDZ1 (ZO-2 or ZO-3)/COOH-terminal YV (claudins) interactions. In good agreement, PDZ1 and PDZ2 domains of ZO-1/ZO-2/ZO-3 were also recruited to claudin-based TJs, when introduced into cultured epithelial cells. The possible molecular architecture of TJ plaque structures is discussed.  相似文献   

In stratified squamous epithelia constituent proteins of tight junctions (TJs) are not restricted to the zonula occludens-related structures of the uppermost living cell layer such as the stratum granulosum of the epidermis but TJ membrane proteins such as occludin and certain members of the claudin family as well as TJ plaque proteins, notably cingulin and protein ZO-1, have also been identified by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy in more basal layers where they form special cell-cell-connecting structures such as the "lamellated" and the "sandwich" junctions. In the present study, we describe another TJ protein-containing structure, the very small puncta occludentia ("stud junctions"), as the smallest identifiable TJ-like unit that occurs in most, perhaps all strata. We have also determined the specific distributions of TJ proteins in the cell layers of squamous cell metaplasias of the human bronchial tract. Moreover, we show that the occludin-related tetraspanin protein tricellulin-alpha connects and seals the membranes of adjacent "three corner" cell structures of the uppermost layer in keratinocytes growing in culture. We hypothesize the possible occurrence of tricellulin-beta in more basal cell layers of keratinocyte cultures and the general occurrence of different tricellulin splice forms in stratified epithelia in situ, and discuss the possible functions of TJ proteins in stratified epithelia and tumors derived therefrom.  相似文献   

The polarization of hepatocytes involves formation of functionally distinct sinusoidal (basolateral) and bile canalicular (apical) plasma membrane domains that are separated by tight junctions. Although various molecular mechanisms and signaling cascades including polarity complex proteins may contribute to bile canalicular formation in hepatocytes, the role of tight junction proteins in bile canalicular formation remains unclear. To investigate the role of the integral tight junction protein claudin-2 in bile canalicular formation, we depleted claudin-2 expression by siRNA in the polarized hepatic cell line WIF-B9 after treatment with or without phenobarbital. When WIF-B9 cells were treated with phenobarbital, claudin-2 expression and tight junction strands were markedly increased together with induction of canalicular formation with a biliary secretion function. Knockdown of claudin-2 prevented bile canalicular formation after treatment with or without phenobarbital. Furthermore, knockdown of claudin-2 caused a change from a hepatic polarized phenotype to a simple polarized phenotype, together with upregulation of pLKB1, pMAPK, pAkt and pp38 MAPK, but not pMLC, PTEN or cdc42, and an increase of intracellular vacuoles, which were present before bile canalicular formation. These results suggest that claudin-2 may affect not only the bile canalicular seal but also bile canalicular formation.  相似文献   

Tight junctions are commonly disrupted in cancer cells, including gastric cancer. Various growth factors have been reported to affect the localization of tight junction-associated proteins such as ZO-1 and occludin. We investigated the effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF), a growth factor that is often overexpressed in gastric cancer, and fetal bovine serum (FBS) on the localization of ZO-1 and occludin in a gastric cancer cell line. In the poorly differentiated gastric cancer cell line TMK-1, immunohistochemistry demonstrated that ZO-1 and occludin were predominantly localized to the cytoplasm, although there was some weak expression at the cell-cell contact. When the medium was replaced with fresh medium containing 10% FBS, ZO-1 and occludin were rapidly translocated from the cytosol to the cell-cell contact. A similar effect was seen in EGF exposure. These effects induced by FBS or EGF were attenuated in the presence of protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors calphostin C and bisindolylmaleimide I, but not another PKC inhibitor G?6976, PD98059 (MAPK inhibitor), LY294002 (PI3 kinase inhibitor) or KT5720 (protein kinase A inhibitor). These results suggest that serum-derived factors, including EGF, can rapidly alter the localization of ZO-1 and occludin via a protein kinase C signaling pathway in TMK-1 gastric cancer cells.  相似文献   

Recent evidence points to a multifunctional role of ZO-2, the tight junction protein of the MAGUK (membrane-associated guanylate kinase-like) family. Though ZO-2 has been found in cell types lacking tight junction structures, such as vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), little is known about ZO-2 function in these cells. We provide evidence that ZO-2 mediates specific homotypic cell-to-cell contacts between VSMC. Using mass spectrometry we found that ZO-2 is associated with the non-receptor tyrosine kinase Jak1. By generating specific ZO-2 constructs we further found that the N-terminal fragment of ZO-2 molecule is responsible for this interaction. Adenovirus-based expression of Jak1 inactive mutant demonstrated that Jak1 mediates ZO-2 tyrosine phosphorylation. By means of RNA silencing, expression of Jak1 mutant form and fluorescently labeled ZO-2 fusion protein we further specified that active Jak1, but not Jak1 inactive mutant, mediates ZO-2 localization to the sites of intercellular contacts. We identified the urokinase receptor uPAR as a pre-requisite for these cellular events. Functional requirement of the revealed signaling complex for VSMC network formation was confirmed in experiments using Matrigel and in contraction assay. Our findings imply involvement of the ZO-2 tight junction independent signaling complex containing Jak1 and uPAR in VSMC intercellular communications. This mechanism may contribute to vascular remodeling in occlusive cardiovascular diseases and in arteriogenesis.  相似文献   

A novel vasodilatory influence of endothelial cell (EC) large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK(Ca)) channels is present following in vivo exposure to chronic hypoxia (CH) and may exist in other pathological states. However, the mechanism of channel activation that results in altered vasoreactivity is unknown. We tested the hypothesis that CH removes an inhibitory effect of the scaffolding domain of caveolin-1 (Cav-1) on EC BK(Ca) channels to permit activation, thereby affecting vasoreactivity. Experiments were performed on gracilis resistance arteries and ECs from control and CH-exposed (380 mmHg barometric pressure for 48 h) rats. EC membrane potential was hyperpolarized in arteries from CH-exposed rats and arteries treated with the cholesterol-depleting agent methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MBCD) compared with controls. Hyperpolarization was reversed by the BK(Ca) channel antagonist iberiotoxin (IBTX) or by a scaffolding domain peptide of Cav-1 (AP-CAV). Patch-clamp experiments documented an IBTX-sensitive current in ECs from CH-exposed rats and in MBCD-treated cells that was not present in controls. This current was enhanced by the BK(Ca) channel activator NS-1619 and blocked by AP-CAV or cholesterol supplementation. EC BK(Ca) channels displayed similar unitary conductance but greater Ca(2+) sensitivity than BK(Ca) channels from vascular smooth muscle. Immunofluorescence imaging demonstrated greater association of BK(Ca) α-subunits with Cav-1 in control arteries than in arteries from CH-exposed rats, although fluorescence intensity for each protein did not differ between groups. Finally, AP-CAV restored myogenic and phenylephrine-induced constriction in arteries from CH-exposed rats without affecting controls. AP-CAV similarly restored diminished reactivity to phenylephrine in control arteries pretreated with MBCD. We conclude that CH unmasks EC BK(Ca) channel activity by removing an inhibitory action of the Cav-1 scaffolding domain that may depend on cellular cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

Most of the information on the structure and function of the tight junction (TJ) has been obtained in MDCK cells. Accordingly, we have sequenced ZO-1 in this cell type, because this protein is involved in the response of the TJ to changes in Ca2+, phosphorylation, and the cytoskeleton. ZO-1 of MDCK cells comprises 6805 bp with a predicted open reading frame of 1769 amino acids. This sequence is 92 and 87% homologous to human and mouse ZO-1, respectively. Two nuclear sorting signals located at the PDZ1 and GK domains and 17 SH3 putative binding sites at the proline-rich domain were detected. We found two new splicing regions at the proline-rich region: beta had not been reported in human and mouse counterparts, and gamma, which was previously sequenced in human and mouse ZO-1, is now identified as a splicing region. The expression of different beta and gamma isoforms varies according to the tissue tested. With the information provided by the sequence, Southern blot, and PCR experiments we can predict a single genomic copy of MDCK-ZO-1 that is at least 13.16 kb long. MDCK-ZO-1 mRNA is 7.4 kb long. Its expression is regulated by calcium, while the expression of MDCK-ZO-1 protein is not.  相似文献   

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