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Developmental studies of brain volumes can reveal which portions of neural circuits are sensitive to environmental inputs. In social insects, differences in relative investment across brain regions emerge as behavioural repertoires change during ontogeny or as a result of experience. Here, we test the effects of maturation and social experience on morphological brain development in Polistes fuscatus paper wasps, focusing on brain regions involved in visual and olfactory processing. We find that mature wasps regardless of social experience have relatively larger brains than newly emerged wasps and this difference is driven by changes to mushroom body calyx and visual regions but not olfactory processing neuropils. Notably, social wasps invest more in the anterior optic tubercle (AOT), a visual glomerulus involved in colour and object processing in other taxa, relative to other visual integration centres the mushroom body calyces compared with aged socially naive wasps. Differences in developmental plasticity between visual and olfactory neuropil volumes are discussed in light of behavioural maturation in paper wasps, especially as it relates to social recognition. Previous research has shown that P. fuscatus need social experience to develop specialized visual processing of faces, which is used to individually recognize conspecifics. The present study suggests that the AOT is a candidate brain region that could mediate facial processing in this species.  相似文献   

Two major challenges in studying the impacts of exotic invasive species on native species are identifying mechanisms of displacement and replacement and the lack of long-term population studies in these systems. A solution for the first is to study invasive and native congeners that occupy the same niche. A solution for the second is to study many populations for one year instead of one population for many years. We studied the invasion biology of the invasive European paper wasp Polistes dominula and its native congener the Northern paper wasp P. fuscatus, two species which compete for similar resources. We tracked the demography of the two wasps at sites in the northeastern United States. We found that the survival of P. dominula to the reproductive period in August was three times that of P. fuscatus, across all sites. The reproductive output of P. fuscatus declined in direct proportion to the percentage of P. dominula nests at the site. P. fuscatus nests at uninvaded sites had three times the nest cells of those at the most invaded sites. These findings suggest a positive feedback cycle in the establishment of P. dominula, in which the invasive wasp drives population declines in the native that in turn allow P. dominula to further establish. This system provides an example of a possible extinction vortex caused by competitive exclusion of a species by its invasive congener.  相似文献   

The ability of two species of Polistes wasps to distinguish their own from nearby nests was tested, following the procedure used by Espelie et al. Our experiments demonstrated that, in the laboratory, females of Polistes dominulus and Polistes nimphus preferentially selected their own nests rather than nearby nests. We also evaluated the role of odor cues in nest recognition by washing nests in hexane to remove the apolar solvent-soluble components of nest odor. Although P. nimphus females continued to discriminate nests even after washing, P. dominulus individuals failed to discriminate between their own and a foreign neighboring nest. In both species, wasps were able to recognize their own nests when nest extracts were subsequently reapplied to the nest surface. These results indicate that P. dominulus wasps recognize their nests through perception of nest odor. The ability of P. nimphus wasps to distinguish their own nests even after presumed removal of the nest odor is discussed. Received: January 27, 2000 / Accepted: May 22, 2000  相似文献   

Individual recognition (IR) requires individuals to uniquely identify their social partners based on phenotypic variation. Because IR is so specific, distinctive phenotypes that stand out from the crowd facilitate efficient recognition. Over time, the benefits of unique appearances are predicted to produce a correlation between IR and phenotypic variation. Here, we test whether there is an association between elevated phenotypic polymorphism and IR in paper wasps. Previous work has shown that Polistes fuscatus use variable colour patterns for IR. We test whether two less variable wasp species, Polistes dominulus and Polistes metricus, are capable of IR. As predicted, neither species is capable of IR, suggesting that highly variable colour patterns are confined to Polistes species with IR. This association suggests that elevated phenotypic variation in taxa with IR may be the result of selection for identity signals rather than neutral processes. Given that IR is widespread among social taxa, selection for identity signalling may be an underappreciated mechanism for the origin and maintenance of polymorphism.  相似文献   

Social insects can discriminate between nestmates and aliens by comparing the chemical phenotype of an individual with the neural representation of their own colony odor (template). For social paper wasps of the genus Polistes, a general recognition model has been proposed and tested on few North American species: wasps learn colonial recognition cues from the nest paper during the first hours after emergence as adults. However, a recent study revealed that workers of Polistes dominula do not necessarily use the nest paper for early post-emergence cue-learning, suggesting that cues used for the formation of the referent template in this species could be learned at different life stages. Pre-natal learning is a widespread phenomenon in animals and it can shape various behaviors in adults. Here, we investigated whether pre-imaginal learning affects later nestmate recognition in P. dominula wasps. We reared worker pupae in artificial conditions to test whether the absence of nest material, or the exposure to nest material taken from a foreign conspecific colony, during pupal development would alter the nestmate recognition ability in adult life. Our results show that wasps maintain their correct recognition ability regardless of the treatment, suggesting that wasps do not form their referent template during the pupal stage from the nest paper. Alternative hypotheses for template formation timing and source of recognition cues are discussed. Moreover, we investigated whether young wasps already possess, on their own body, reliable chemical cues to form a recognition template by self-referent phenotype matching.  相似文献   

Given the diversity of animal signals, there has been recentinterest in categorizing signals into probable functions accordingto their properties. For example, models predict that signalsof quality should be costly and condition dependent, whereassignals of individual identity should be cheap and expressedindependently of condition. Here, we test these predictionsby comparing the condition dependence of signals of individualidentity and quality in Polistes wasps. Polistes fuscatus waspshave black and yellow patterns on the face and abdomen thatsignal individual identity, whereas Polistes dominulus waspshave black and yellow facial patterns that signal aspects ofquality related to dominance. We reared both species with andwithout supplemental food and examined the facial patterns ofthe resulting offspring. As predicted, food availability didnot influence the development of identity signals in P. fuscatus.In strong contrast, P. dominulus wasps reared with supplementalfood had facial patterns that signaled higher levels of qualitythan P. dominulus reared without supplemental food. Interestingly,the identity and quality signals have different condition dependence,despite being composed of similar pigments, suggesting thatsignal function has a stronger influence on signal propertiesthan pigmentation. Because body size is often correlated withquality signal elaboration, we also tested how food supplementationinfluenced offspring size. In both species, supplemented coloniesproduced smaller offspring than nonsupplemented colonies, suggestingthat queens may invest in producing fewer, larger offspringin stressful environments.  相似文献   

The importance of early experience in animals’ life is unquestionable, and imprinting-like phenomena may shape important aspects of behaviour. Early learning typically occurs during a sensitive period, which restricts crucial processes of information storage to a specific developmental phase. The characteristics of the sensitive period have been largely investigated in vertebrates, because of their complexity and plasticity, both in behaviour and neurophysiology, but early learning occurs also in invertebrates. In social insects, early learning appears to influence important social behaviours such as nestmate recognition. Yet, the mechanisms underlying recognition systems are not fully understood. It is currently believed that Polistes social wasps are able to discriminate nestmates from non-nestmates following the perception of olfactory cues present on the paper of their nest, which are learned during a strict sensitive period, immediately after emergence. Here, through differential odour experience experiments, we show that workers of Polistes dominula develop correct nestmate recognition abilities soon after emergence even in absence of what have been so far considered the necessary cues (the chemicals spread on nest paper). P. dominula workers were exposed for the first four days of adult life to paper fragments from their nest, or from a foreign conspecific nest or to a neutral condition. Wasps were then transferred to their original nests where recognition abilities were tested. Our results show that wasps do not alter their recognition ability if exposed only to nest material, or in absence of nest material, during the early phase of adult life. It thus appears that the nest paper is not used as a source of recognition cues to be learned in a specific time window, although we discuss possible alternative explanations. Our study provides a novel perspective for the study of the ontogeny of nestmate recognition in Polistes wasps and in other social insects.  相似文献   

The theoretical underpinnings of the mechanisms of sociality, e.g. territoriality, hierarchy, and reciprocity, are based on assumptions of individual recognition. While behavioural evidence suggests individual recognition is widespread, the cues that animals use to recognise individuals are established in only a handful of systems. Here, we use digital models to demonstrate that facial features are the visual cue used for individual recognition in the social fish Neolamprologus pulcher. Focal fish were exposed to digital images showing four different combinations of familiar and unfamiliar face and body colorations. Focal fish attended to digital models with unfamiliar faces longer and from a further distance to the model than to models with familiar faces. These results strongly suggest that fish can distinguish individuals accurately using facial colour patterns. Our observations also suggest that fish are able to rapidly (≤ 0.5 sec) discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar individuals, a speed of recognition comparable to primates including humans.  相似文献   

In social insects, it has been suggested that reproduction and the production of particular fertility-linked cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) may be under shared juvenile hormone (JH) control, and this could have been key in predisposing such cues to later evolve into full-fledged queen pheromone signals. However, to date, only few studies have experimentally tested this “hormonal pleiotropy” hypothesis. Here, we formally test this hypothesis using data from four species of Polistine wasps, Polistes dominula, Polistes satan, Mischocyttarus metathoracicus, and Mischocyttarus cassununga, and experimental treatments with JH using the JH analogue methoprene and the anti-JH precocene. In line with reproduction being under JH control, our results show that across these four species, precocene significantly decreased ovary development when compared with both the acetone solvent-only control and the methoprene treatment. Consistent with the hormonal pleiotropy hypothesis, these effects on reproduction were further matched by subtle shifts in the CHC profiles, with univariate analyses showing that in P. dominula and P. satan the abundance of particular linear alkanes and mono-methylated alkanes were affected by ovary development and our hormonal treatments. The results indicate that in primitively eusocial wasps, and particularly in Polistes, reproduction and the production of some CHC cues are under joint JH control. We suggest that pleiotropic links between reproduction and the production of such hydrocarbon cues have been key enablers for the origin of true fertility and queen signals in more derived, advanced eusocial insects.  相似文献   

Social insects have evolved sophisticated recognition systems enabling them to accept nest-mates but reject alien conspecifics. In the social wasp, Liostenogaster flavolineata (Stenogastrinae), individuals differ in their cuticular hydrocarbon profiles according to colony membership; each female also possesses a unique (visual) facial pattern. This species represents a unique model to understand how vision and olfaction are integrated and the extent to which wasps prioritize one channel over the other to discriminate aliens and nest-mates. Liostenogaster flavolineata females are able to discriminate between alien and nest-mate females using facial patterns or chemical cues in isolation. However, the two sensory modalities are not equally efficient in the discrimination of ‘friend’ from ‘foe’. Visual cues induce an increased number of erroneous attacks on nest-mates (false alarms), but such attacks are quickly aborted and never result in serious injury. Odour cues, presented in isolation, result in an increased number of misses: erroneous acceptances of outsiders. Interestingly, wasps take the relative efficiencies of the two sensory modalities into account when making rapid decisions about colony membership of an individual: chemical profiles are entirely ignored when the visual and chemical stimuli are presented together. Thus, wasps adopt a strategy to ‘err on the safe side’ by memorizing individual faces to recognize colony members, and disregarding odour cues to minimize the risk of intrusion from colony outsiders.  相似文献   

The character of pulp partitioning was studied in three Palaearctic polistine wasps (Polistes dominula and P. gallicus in the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve, and Polistes nimpha in the Lugansk Nature Reserve, Ukraine) and in five Neotropical species (P. lanio, P. versicolor, Mischocyttarus injucundus, M. alfkeni, Metapolybia cingulata, and Protopolybia exigua in Trinidad). In independent-founding Polistes and Mischocyttarus species, all cases of pulp partitioning were connected with aggression on the part of the foundresses. An experimental increase of nesting density of P. dominula led to changes in the relative abundance of workers in the polyethic task groups. Some workers practically stopped hunting and switched over to pulp delivery; some of these workers possessed well-developed ovaries and were able to lay eggs. The experimentally removed part of the nest envelope in the swarm-founding wasp Metapolybia cingulata was restored only in colonies that included young workers. The specific features of nest building activity in independent-founding and swarm-founding polistine wasps are discussed.  相似文献   

Males are under different selective pressures than females, which results in differences in the physiology of the two sexes to maximize their fitness. In terms of immunity, males are typically considered as the ‘sicker sex’, where immunocompetence is reduced to favour increased reproductive output. However, male social Hymenoptera are also haploid and therefore lack allelic variation at the individual level, which can also lead to reduced immunocompetence. Over the last decade, several studies have provided evidence for a higher susceptibility to disease in males of social Hymenoptera, without clarifying whether this susceptibility was a direct consequence of their haploid condition or the result of a ‘live hard, die young’ overall evolutionary strategy. In the present study, we used an experimental approach of bacterial challenge to test the immune response of males and females in two species of social Hymenoptera (honey bees, Apis mellifera; paper wasps, Polistes dominula), where males show very different life‐history traits. Drones benefit from colony protection for most of their life, whereas P. dominula males leave their colonies and have to survive for weeks at leks. If the haploid condition is responsible for a higher susceptibility in males, we should expect a lower immune response in males of both species compared to females. Conversely, if the immunocompetence depends on the life‐history traits of males, an opposite trend is expected in males of the two species. Our results do not support the ‘haploid susceptibility hypothesis’ but are in accordance with the different life history of males from the two species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 274–278.  相似文献   

Some primates and one species of paper wasp recognize faces using specific processing strategies to extract individual identity information from conspecific faces. Explanations for the evolution of face specialization typically focus on the complexity associated with individual recognition because all currently identified species with face specialization use faces for individual recognition. In the present study, we show an independent evolution of face specialization in a paper wasp species with facial patterns that signal quality rather than individual identity. Quality signals are simpler to process than individual identity signals because quality signals do not require simultaneous integration across multiple stimuli or learning and memory. Therefore, the results of the present study suggest that the complexity of processing may not be the key factor favouring the evolution of specialization. Instead, the predictable location of socially important signals relative to other anatomical features may allow easy categorization of features, thereby favouring specialized visual processing. Given that visual quality signals are found in many taxa, specific‐processing mechanisms for social signals may be widespread. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 992–997.  相似文献   

Conventional signals are maintained via social costs and commonly used in the animal kingdom to assess conspecifics' agonistic ability during disputes over resources. In the last decade, some experimental studies reported the existence of visual conventional signals in several social wasp species, being good rank predictors in different social contexts. Females of the social wasp Polistes gallicus do not cooperate to start nests but they often try to usurp conspecific nests. Here, we showed that the reproductive females of this species have variable facial colour patterns that function as conventional signals. Wasps with larger black spots on their clypeus are more likely to successfully overwinter, are larger, and are better at fighting and at holding a nest. Furthermore, in field experiments, resident foundresses rely on facial pattern to assess usurpers' fighting abilities, modulating their defence reaction accordingly, so that rivals with larger black spot receive more aggression than rivals with smaller or no black spots on the clypeus. Our study reveals that visual recognition abilities are widespread among paper wasps that, regardless of their social biology, face similar selective pressures within competitive contexts.  相似文献   

Many animals have ornaments that mediate choice and competition in social and sexual contexts. Individuals with elaborate sexual ornaments typically have higher fitness than those with less elaborate ornaments, but less is known about whether socially selected ornaments are associated with fitness. Here, we test the relationship between fitness and facial patterns that are a socially selected signal of fighting ability in Polistes dominula wasps. We found wasps that signal higher fighting ability have larger nests, are more likely to survive harsh winters, and obtain higher dominance rank than wasps that signal lower fighting ability. In comparison, body weight was not associated with fitness. Larger wasps were dominant over smaller wasps, but showed no difference in nest size or survival. Overall, the positive relationship between wasp facial patterns and fitness indicates that receivers can obtain diverse information about a signaler's phenotypic quality by paying attention to socially selected ornaments. Therefore, there are surprisingly strong parallels between the information conveyed by socially and sexually selected signals. Similar fitness relationships in social and sexually selected signals may be one reason it can be difficult to distinguish the role of social versus sexual selection in ornament evolution.  相似文献   

The experiments described in this study were intended to increase our knowledge about social cognition in primates. Longtailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) had to discriminate facial drawings of different emotional expressions. A new experimental approach was used. During the experimental sessions social interactions within the group were permitted, but the learning behaviour of individual monkeys was analysed. The procedure consisted of a simultaneous discrimination between four visual patterns under continuous reinforcement. It has implications not only for simple tasks of stimulus discrimination but also for complex problems of internal representations and visual communication. The monkeys learned quickly to discriminate faces of different emotional expressions. This discrimination ability was completely invariant with variations of colour, brightness, size, and rotation. Rotated and inverted faces were recognized perfectly. A preference test for particular features resulted in a graded estimation of particular facial components. Most important for face recognition was the outline, followed by the eye region and the mouth. An asymmetry in recognition of the left and right halves of the face was found. Further tests involving jumbled faces indicated that not only the presence of distinct facial cues but the specific relation of facial features is essential in recognizing faces. The experiment generally confirms that causal mechanisms of social cognition in non-human primates can be studied experimentally. The behavioural results are highly consistent with findings from neurophysiology and research with human subjects.  相似文献   

Effects of prey quantity and quality on predatory wasps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The simultaneous effects of prey quantity and prey quality on fitness correlates of the predatory wasp Polistes fuscatus were examined in a glasshouse study. Prey quantity was manipulated by providing prey in excess (high quantity) or one‐third of that (low quantity). Prey quality was manipulated by providing either palatable (Manduca sexta) caterpillars or unpalatable (Junonia coenia) caterpillars. 2. The effect of prey quality on wasp production depended on prey quantity. Nests given unpalatable prey produced few wasps whereas nests given palatable prey increased wasp production with increased prey. 3. The low production of nests given unpalatable prey reflected the low acceptability of those prey. The wasps preferred the palatable prey and learned to reject the unpalatable prey. With no choice of prey, they took only enough unpalatable prey to develop a small nest or colony. 4. A diet of unpalatable prey also resulted in smaller wasps and reduced the proportion of males produced, from about 40% to just 8–14%, depending on the year.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize individuals is common in animals; however, we know little about why the phenotypic variability necessary for individual recognition has evolved in some animals but not others. One possibility is that natural selection favours variability in some social contexts but not in others. Polistes fuscatus wasps have variable facial and abdominal markings used for individual recognition within their complex societies. Here, I explore whether social behaviour can select for variability by examining the relationship between social behaviour and variability in visual features (marking variability) across social wasp taxa. Analysis using a concentrated changes test demonstrates that marking variability is significantly associated with nesting strategy. Species with flexible nest-founding strategies have highly variable markings, whereas species without flexible nest-founding strategies have low marking variability. These results suggest that: (i) individual recognition may be widespread in the social wasps, and (ii) natural selection may play a role in the origin and maintenance of the variable distinctive markings. Theoretical and empirical evidence suggests that species with flexible nesting strategies have reproductive transactions, a type of complex social behaviour predicted to require individual recognition. Therefore, the reproductive transactions of flexible species may select for highly variable individuals who are easy to identify as individuals. Further, selection for distinctiveness may provide an alternative explanation for the evolution of phenotypic diversity.  相似文献   

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