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Two common means of controlling infectious diseases are screening and contact tracing. Which should be used, and when? We consider the problem of determining the cheapest mix of screening and contact tracing necessary to achieve a desired endemic prevalence of a disease or to identify a specified number of cases. We perform a partial equilibrium analysis of small-scale interventions, assuming that prevalence is unaffected by the intervention; we develop a full equilibrium analysis where we compare the long-term cost of various combinations of screening and contact tracing needed to achieve a given equilibrium prevalence; and we solve the problem of minimizing the total costs of identifying and treating disease cases plus the cost of untreated disease cases. Our analysis provides several insights. First, contact tracing is only cost effective when prevalence is below a threshold value. This threshold depends on the relative cost per case found by screening versus contact tracing. Second, for a given contact tracing policy, the screening rate needed to achieve a given prevalence or identify a specified number of cases is a decreasing function of disease prevalence. As prevalence increases above the threshold (and contact tracing is discontinued), the screening rate jumps discontinuously to a higher level. Third, these qualitative results hold when we consider unchanged or changed prevalence, and short-term or long-term costs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the efficiency of tuberculosis contact tracing in South Glamorgan 1987-9. DESIGN--Review of records of contact tracing clinic and of data from the Mycobacterium Reference Unit. The clinic''s practice was compared with 1983 British Thoracic Society''s recommendations. SETTING--Health authority tuberculosis control programme. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Proportion of contacts screened, follow up attendance rates, number of secondary cases detected, and quality of record keeping. RESULTS--101 index patients and 611 contacts were identified. 596 (97.5%) contacts were screened, of whom 139 should not have been. Of 356 contacts requiring a Heaf test, 237 were tested, seven refused the test, and 112 had chest radiography without a Heaf test. 95 contacts were unnecessarily tested. 87 contacts had chest radiography unnecessarily and seven should have had radiography but did not. 34 contacts were given follow up appointments inappropriately and seven were overlooked for follow up. Tuberculosis was diagnosed in five asymptomatic contacts, all at initial screening and all close contacts of index patients with pulmonary disease. CONCLUSION--Inadequacy of data, non-adherence to contact tracing guidelines, and failure to define the term highly infectious index case resulted in many contacts being unnecessarily screened or followed up. IMPLICATIONS--The efficiency of tracing contacts would be improved by specifying smear results and ethnic origin of the index case on the notification form, clearly classifying contacts as close or causal, and clearly defining the term highly infectious.  相似文献   

Meta‐analyses combining gene expression microarray experiments offer new insights into the molecular pathophysiology of disease not evident from individual experiments. Although the established technical reproducibility of microarrays serves as a basis for meta‐analysis, pathophysiological reproducibility across experiments is not well established. In this study, we carried out a large‐scale analysis of disease‐associated experiments obtained from NCBI GEO, and evaluated their concordance across a broad range of diseases and tissue types. On evaluating 429 experiments, representing 238 diseases and 122 tissues from 8435 microarrays, we find evidence for a general, pathophysiological concordance between experiments measuring the same disease condition. Furthermore, we find that the molecular signature of disease across tissues is overall more prominent than the signature of tissue expression across diseases. The results offer new insight into the quality of public microarray data using pathophysiological metrics, and support new directions in meta‐analysis that include characterization of the commonalities of disease irrespective of tissue, as well as the creation of multi‐tissue systems models of disease pathology using public data.  相似文献   

Fresh waters are particularly vulnerable to climate change because (i) many species within these fragmented habitats have limited abilities to disperse as the environment changes; (ii) water temperature and availability are climate-dependent; and (iii) many systems are already exposed to numerous anthropogenic stressors. Most climate change studies to date have focused on individuals or species populations, rather than the higher levels of organization (i.e. communities, food webs, ecosystems). We propose that an understanding of the connections between these different levels, which are all ultimately based on individuals, can help to develop a more coherent theoretical framework based on metabolic scaling, foraging theory and ecological stoichiometry, to predict the ecological consequences of climate change. For instance, individual basal metabolic rate scales with body size (which also constrains food web structure and dynamics) and temperature (which determines many ecosystem processes and key aspects of foraging behaviour). In addition, increasing atmospheric CO2 is predicted to alter molar CNP ratios of detrital inputs, which could lead to profound shifts in the stoichiometry of elemental fluxes between consumers and resources at the base of the food web. The different components of climate change (e.g. temperature, hydrology and atmospheric composition) not only affect multiple levels of biological organization, but they may also interact with the many other stressors to which fresh waters are exposed, and future research needs to address these potentially important synergies.  相似文献   

Genetic, demographic, and environmental processes affect natural populations synergistically, and understanding their interplay is crucial for the conservation of biodiversity. Stream fishes in metapopulations are particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation because persistence depends on dispersal and colonization of new habitat but dispersal is constrained to stream networks. Great Plains streams are increasingly fragmented by water diversion and climate change, threatening connectivity of fish populations in this ecosystem. We used seven microsatellite loci to describe population and landscape genetic patterns across 614 individuals from 12 remaining populations of Arkansas darter (Etheostoma cragini) in Colorado, a candidate species for listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. We found small effective population sizes, low levels of genetic diversity within populations, and high levels of genetic structure, especially among basins. Both at- and between-site landscape features were associated with genetic diversity and connectivity, respectively. Available stream habitat and amount of continuous wetted area were positively associated with genetic diversity within a site, while stream distance and intermittency were the best predictors of genetic divergence among sites. We found little genetic contribution from historic supplementation efforts, and we provide a set of management recommendations for this species that incorporate a conservation genetics perspective.  相似文献   

Contact zones provide important insights into the evolutionary processes that underlie lineage divergence and speciation. Here, we use a contact zone to ascertain speciation potential in the red-eyed treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas), a brightly coloured and polymorphic frog that exhibits unusually high levels of intraspecific variation. Populations of A. callidryas differ in a number of traits, several of which are known sexual signals that mediate premating reproductive isolation in allopatric populations. Along the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica, a ~100 km contact zone, situated between two phenotypically and genetically divergent parent populations, contains multiple colour pattern phenotypes and late-generation hybrids. This contact zone provides the opportunity to examine processes that are important in the earliest stages of lineage divergence. We performed analyses of colour pattern variation in five contact zone sites and six parental sites and found complex, continuous colour variation along the contact zone. We found discordance between the geographic distribution of colour pattern and previously described genomic population structure. We then used a parental site and contact zone site to measure assortative mating and directional selection from naturally-occurring amplectant mating pairs. We found assortative mating in a parental population, but no assortative mating in the contact zone. Furthermore, we uncovered evidence of directional preference towards the adjacent parental phenotype in the contact zone population, but no directional preference in the parent population. Combined, these data provide insights into potential dynamics at the contact zone borders and indicate that incipient speciation between parent populations will be slowed.  相似文献   

Life history studies have established that trade‐offs between growth and survival are common both within and among species. Identifying the factor(s) that mediate this trade‐off has proven difficult, however, especially at the among‐species level. In this study, we examined a series of potentially interrelated traits in a community of temperate‐zone passerine birds to help understand the putative causes and consequences of variation in early‐life growth among species. First, we examined whether nest predation risk (a proven driver of interspecific variation in growth and development rates) was correlated with species‐level patterns of incubation duration and nestling period length. We then assessed whether proxies for growth rate covaried with mean trait covariance strength (i.e., phenotypic correlations ( rp), which can be a marker of early‐life stress) among body mass, tarsus length, and wing length at fledging. Finally, we examined whether trait covariance strength at fledging was related to postfledging survival. We found that higher nest predation risk was correlated with faster skeletal growth and that our proxies for growth corresponded with increased trait covariance strength ( rp), which subsequently, correlated with higher mortality in the next life stage (postfledging period). These results provide an indication that extrinsic pressures (nest predation) impact rates of growth, and that there are costs of rapid growth across species, expressed as higher mean rp and elevated postfledging mortality. The link between higher levels of trait covariance at fledging and increased mortality is unclear, but increased trait covariance strength may reflect reduced phenotypic flexibility (i.e., phenotypic canalization), which may limit an organism''s capacity for coping with environmental or ecological variability.  相似文献   

1. Ecosystems are often exposed to broad‐scale environmental change, which can potentially synchronise community dynamics and biodiversity trends. Detection of temporal coherence may, however, depend on the metrics used and their sensitivity to detect change, requiring several lines of evidence to elucidate the full range of temporal responses to environmental change. 2. Here, we tested whether the patterns of synchrony among littoral invertebrate communities of Swedish lakes over 20 years (1988–2007) differed when analysed using univariate (taxon richness, evenness, Shannon diversity and total abundance) or multivariate (temporal turnover in community composition) metrics. We included both culturally acidified and circumneutral lakes to examine whether anthropogenic stress influenced the patterns of synchrony. 3. Average total abundance, taxon richness and temporal turnover in community composition changed monotonically with time, while evenness and Shannon diversity fluctuated around a long‐term mean. However, among‐lake variability was high, resulting in a weak temporal coherence. Only trends of temporal turnover changed synchronously across lakes, irrespective of their acidification history. 4. Spatially synchronous trends in turnover across lakes were correlated with increasing water colour and decreasing sulphate concentrations, showing the importance of regional drivers of spatiotemporal coherence. 5. Our results underpin an increasing body of evidence that the detection of diversity patterns varies among metrics that ignore (taxon richness, evenness, Shannon diversity) or consider (turnover) species identities. More generally, our results suggest that community‐level studies of synchrony are suitable for elucidating the role of intrinsic versus extrinsic factors in mediating complex community assembly processes in the long term. This, in turn, contributes to our understanding of temporal patterns of biodiversity.  相似文献   

It is well known that behavioral changes in contact patterns may significantly affect the spread of an epidemic outbreak. Here we focus on simple endemic models for recurrent epidemics, by modelling the social contact rate as a function of the available information on the present and the past disease prevalence. We show that social behavior change alone may trigger sustained oscillations. This indicates that human behavior might be a critical explaining factor of oscillations in time-series of endemic diseases. Finally, we briefly show how the inclusion of seasonal variations in contacts may imply chaos.  相似文献   

Montane species distributions interrupted by valleys can lead to range fragmentation, differentiation and ultimately speciation. Paleoclimatic fluctuations may accentuate or reduce such diversification by temporally altering the extent of montane habitat and may affect species differentially. We examined how an entire montane bird community of the Western Ghats—a linear, coastal tropical mountain range—responds to topographic valleys that host different habitats. Using genetic data from 23 species (356 individuals) collected across nine locations, we examined if different species in the community reveal spatial concordance in population differentiation, and whether the timing of these divergences correlate with climatic events. Our results reveal a nested effect of valleys, with several species (10 of 23) demonstrating the oldest divergences associated with the widest and deepest valley in the mountain range, the Palghat Gap. Further, a subset of these 10 species revealed younger divergences across shallower, narrower valleys. We recovered discordant divergence times for all valley-affected montane birds, mostly in the Pleistocene, supporting the Pliestocene-pump hypotheses and highlighting the role of climatic fluctuations during this period in driving species evolution. A majority of species remain unaffected by valleys, perhaps owing to geneflow or extinction–recolonization dynamics. Studying almost the entire community allowed us to uncover a range of species’ responses, including some generalizable and other unpredicted patterns.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Conservation - Invasive predators, land clearing and altered fire regimes have been implicated in species decline and extinction worldwide. Enhanced knowledge of how these factors...  相似文献   

The high tropical Andes host one of the richest alpine floras of the world, with exceptionally high levels of endemism and turnover rates. Yet, little is known about the patterns and processes that structure altitudinal and latitudinal variation in plant community diversity. Herein we present the first continental‐scale comparative study of plant community diversity on summits of the tropical Andes. Data were obtained from 792 permanent vegetation plots (1 m2) within 50 summits, distributed along a 4200 km transect; summit elevations ranged between 3220 and 5498 m a.s.l. We analyzed the plant community data to assess: 1) differences in species abundance patterns in summits across the region, 2) the role of geographic distance in explaining floristic similarity and 3) the importance of altitudinal and latitudinal environmental gradients in explaining plant community composition and richness. On the basis of species abundance patterns, our summit communities were separated into two major groups: Puna and Páramo. Floristic similarity declined with increasing geographic distance between study‐sites, the correlation being stronger in the more insular Páramo than in the Puna (corresponding to higher species turnover rates within the Páramo). Ordination analysis (CCA) showed that precipitation, maximum temperature and rock cover were the strongest predictors of community similarity across all summits. Generalized linear model (GLM) quasi‐Poisson regression indicated that across all summits species richness increased with maximum air temperature and above‐ground necromass and decreased on summits where scree was the dominant substrate. Our results point to different environmental variables as key factors for explaining vertical and latitudinal species turnover and species richness patterns on high Andean summits, offering a powerful tool to detect contrasting latitudinal and altitudinal effects of climate change across the tropical Andes.  相似文献   

A mechanistic understanding of factors that structure spatiotemporal community composition is a major challenge in microbial ecology. Our study of microbial communities in the headwaters of three freshwater stream networks showed significant community changes at the small spatial scale of benthic habitats when compared to changes at mid- and large-spatial scales associated with stream order and catchment. Catchment (which included temperate and tropical catchments) had the strongest influence on community composition followed by habitat type (epipsammon or epilithon) and stream orders. Alpha diversity of benthic microbiomes resulted from interactions between catchment, habitat, and canopy. Epilithon contained relatively more Cyanobacteria and algae while Acidobacteria and Actinobacteria proportions were higher in epipsammic habitats. Turnover from replacement created ~60%–95% of beta diversity differences among habitats, stream orders, and catchments. Turnover within a habitat type generally decreased downstream indicating longitudinal linkages in stream networks while between habitat turnover also shaped benthic microbial community assembly. Our study suggests that factors influencing microbial community composition shift in dominance across spatial scales, with habitat dominating locally and catchment dominating globally.  相似文献   



Delayed or missed diagnosis of TB continues to fuel the global TB epidemic, especially in resource limited settings. Use of serology for the diagnosis of tuberculosis, commonly used in India, is another factor. In the present study a commercially available serodiagnostic assay was assessed for its diagnostic value in combination with smear, culture and clinical manifestations.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A total of 2300 subjects were recruited for the study, but 1041 subjects were excluded for various reasons. Thus 1259 subjects were included in the study of which 470 were pulmonary tuberculosis cases (440 of 470 were culture-positive) and 789 were their asymptomatic contacts. A house-to-house survey method was used. Blood samples were tested for IgM, IgA, and IgG antibodies using the Pathozyme Myco M (IgM), Myco A (IgA) and Myco G (IgG) enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Out of 470 PTB cases, BCG scar was positive in 82.34%. The Mantoux test and smear positivity rates in PTB cases were 94.3% (430/456), and 65.32% (307/470), respectively. Among the asymptomatic contacts, BCG scar was positive in 95.3% and Mantoux test was positive in 80.66% (442/548) contacts. No contact was found falsely smear positive. The sensitivity of IgM, IgA, and IgG EIA tests was 48.7%, 25.7% and 24.4%, respectively, while the specificity was 71.5%, 80.5%, 76.6%, respectively. Performance of EIAs was not affected by the previous BCG vaccination. However, prior BCG vaccination was statistically significantly (p = 0.005) associated with Mantoux test positivity in PTB cases but not in contacts (p = 0.127). The agreement between serology and Mantoux test was not significant.


The commercial serological test evaluated showed poor sensitivity and specificity and suggests no utility for detection of pulmonary tuberculosis.  相似文献   

We show that the predicted protein levels of functionally related proteins change in a coordinated fashion over many unicellular organisms. For each protein, we created a profile containing a protein abundance measure in each of a set of organisms. We show that for functionally related proteins these profiles tend to be correlated. Using the Codon Adaptation Index as a predictor of protein abundance in 48 unicellular organisms, we demonstrated this phenomenon for two types of functional relations: for proteins that physically interact and for proteins involved in consecutive steps within a metabolic pathway. Our results suggest that the protein abundance levels of functionally related proteins co-evolve.  相似文献   

The study of natural hybrid zones can illuminate aspects of lineage divergence and speciation in morphologically cryptic taxa. We studied a hybrid zone between two highly divergent but morphologically similar lineages (south‐western and south‐eastern) of the Iberian endemic Bosca's newt (Lissotriton boscai) in SW Iberia with a multilocus dataset (microsatellites, nuclear and mitochondrial genes). STRUCTURE and NEWHYBRIDS analyses retrieved few admixed individuals, which classified as backcrosses involving parental individuals of the south‐western lineage. Our results show asymmetric introgression of mtDNA beyond the contact from this lineage into the south‐eastern lineage. Analysis of nongeographic introgression patterns revealed asymmetries in the direction of introgression, but except for mtDNA, we did not find evidence for nonconcordant introgression patterns across nuclear loci. Analysis of a 150‐km transect across the hybrid zone showed broadly coincident cline widths (ca. 3.2–27.9 km), and concordant cline centres across all markers, except for mtDNA that is displaced ca. 60 km northward. Results from ecological niche modelling show that the hybrid zone is in a climatically homogenous area with suitable habitat for the species, suggesting that contact between the two lineages is unlikely to occur further south as their distributions are currently separated by an extensive area of unfavourable habitat. Taken together, our findings suggest the genetic structure of this hybrid zone results from the interplay of historical (biogeographic) and population‐level processes. The narrowness and coincidence of genetic clines can be explained by weak selection against hybrids and reflect a degree of reproductive isolation that is consistent with cryptic speciation.  相似文献   

Three fundamental, interrelated questions in invasion ecology are: (1) to what extent do exotic species outcompete natives; (2) are native and exotic communities functionally similar or different; and (3) are differences in biogeographic patterns in native and exotic communities due to incomplete invasions among exotics? These questions are analogous to general questions in community ecology regarding the relative roles of competition, environmental response and dispersal limitation in community assembly. We addressed each of these questions for plant communities in discrete meadow patches, using analyses at three scales ranging from the landscape to microsites. A weak positive relationship between native and exotic species richness in microsites, and a predominance of positive correlations in abundance among native and exotic species pairs suggest that competition has been less important than other factors in determining native versus exotic abundance and community composition. In contrast, models of species richness and community compositional change across scales suggest native versus exotic community patterns are largely determined by a mix of scale-dependent concordant (shared positive or negative) and discordant relationships with environmental variables. In addition, detailed analyses of species-area and species-abundance relationships suggest ongoing expansion of exotic species populations, indicating that the assembly of the exotic community is in its early stages. Thus, while competition does not appear to strongly affect native versus exotic abundances and compositions at present, it may intensify in the future. Our results indicate that synoptic patterns in native versus exotic richness that have been previously attributed to a single cause may in fact be due to a complex mix of concordant and discordant responses to environmental factors across scales. They also suggest that conservation efforts aimed at promoting natives and reducing exotics should focus on the factors and scales for which such a response (i.e., promotion of high native and low exotic richness) can be expected.  相似文献   

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