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Social relationships play an important role in animal behavior. Bonds with kin provide indirect fitness benefits, and those with nonkin may furnish direct benefits. Adult male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) exhibit social bonds with maternal brothers as well as unrelated adult males, facilitating cooperative behavior, but it is unclear when these bonds develop. Prior studies suggest that social bonds emerge during adolescence. Alternatively, bonds may develop during adulthood when male chimpanzees can gain fitness benefits through alliances used to compete for dominance status. To investigate these possibilities and to determine who formed bonds, we studied the social relationships of adolescent and young adult male chimpanzees (N = 18) at Ngogo in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Adolescent male chimpanzees displayed social bonds with other males, and they did so as often as did young adult males. Adolescent and young adult males frequently joined subgroups with old males. They spent time in proximity to and grooming with old males, although they also did so with their age peers. Controlling for age and age difference, males formed strong association and proximity relationships with their maternal brothers and grooming relationships with their fathers. Grooming bonds between chimpanzee fathers and their adolescent and young adult sons have not been documented before and are unexpected because female chimpanzees mate with multiple males. How fathers recognize their sons and vice versa remains unclear but may be due to familiarity created by relationships earlier in development.  相似文献   

Infant tolerance by adult males has been observed in many primate species with multimale–multifemale mating systems, but males do not usually initiate interactions with infants. In male philopatric species, such as spider monkeys, adult males within a community exhibit high levels of cooperation and affiliation, and they might therefore be motivated to create bonds with potential future allies. Based on this hypothesis we predicted that adult male spider monkeys would participate in infant handling more than adult females and they would preferentially direct handling toward male infants. Between January 2008 and July 2010, we collected 884?h of observation on a community of wild spider monkeys at Runaway Creek Nature Reserve in Belize. During this period we observed 120 incidences of affiliative interactions between infants and adults other than their mother. The adult initiated the majority of nonmother adult–infant interactions (78?%). All available infants (5 males, 7 females) were handled during the study. All 9 of the community adult males handled infants but only 7 of 14 adult females did so. Adult males handled infants significantly more often than did adult females and males also handled young infants more often than older infants. Significant infant sex differences in handling appeared in infants >6?mo when adult males handled males significantly more than females. The patterns of infant handling among age–sex class dyads reflect the affiliative social patterns that we see in adult spider monkeys. These results provide support for the hypothesis that adult males preferentially handle male infants as a strategy for fostering social bonds.  相似文献   

In some species of Cercopithecine primates, unrelated adult males and females maintain affiliative relationships ('friendships') that are apparently unrelated to mating or parental care. This study investigated the occurrence of friendships in a captive group of pigtail macaques, and some of their possible determinants. Study subjects were six adult males and 15 adult females with their newborn infants. Females were focally observed for 2 h every week during the first 12 wk of lactation. With the exception of the fourth-ranking male, adult males showed little interest in initiating affiliative interactions with lactating females and their infants. Most episodes of contact and grooming were initiated by high-ranking females and directed to the alpha male. Because female grooming was not generally reciprocated by the alpha male, it is likely that females benefited from associating with him in terms of agonistic support or protection. Genetic data on paternity determination indicated that the fourth-ranking male, who displayed high levels of affiliation towards mother-infant dyads, sired most of the infants born in the group in the year prior to this study. Thus, whereas females may be interested in associating with males to obtain their support, some males may affiliate with females as a consequence of their previous mating relationships with them or to increase the chances of future mating success. Taken together, however, the findings of this study provide little evidence that adult males and lactating females maintain strong reciprocal bonds that may qualify as friendships.  相似文献   

Significant differences exist in the frequencies with which age-sex classes of rhesus macaques engage in agonistic interactions with other age-sex classes. In the study reported here, individuals engaged in significantly more agonistic interactions within their own age-sex classes, but, adult females also showed significantly more aggression toward infants and young females whereas adult males directed significantly more aggression toward adolescent males. Infants directed aggression toward infants of both sexes, but adults showed significantly less aggression toward adults of the opposite sex. These findings are hypothesized to reflect (1) competitive conflict among those individuals in the group most similar to each other (members of the same age-sex class); (2) the protection and socialization of offspring by adult females; and (3) the modification of adolescent male aggressive expression by the selective interference of adult males. As a consequence of adult response to the agonistic behavior of adolescent males, maturing males (1) selectively target other older males, avoid aggression against females and immatures; (2) form alliances with other males; and (3) become progressively isolated from their matrilines.  相似文献   

Adult males are important social partners for all females in mountain gorilla social groups, but male-female relationships can vary in association with variation in female residence status, male age and mating status, and relatedness. Such variation occurred in a large group observed over a 3-year period. All females associated and interacted affiliatively relatively often with a young silverback with whom all mated. Long-term resident females also did so with an old, non-breeding male to whom most were related, but recent immigrants spent little time near him and had few non-aggressive interactions with him. The old male made agonistic interventions to support relatives; interventions in female conflicts by the younger male tended to ameliorate competitive differentials that immigrants faced and may have helped him to retain them as mates. Males aggression toward females was common, most probably served as a mating tactic, and did not involve resource competition. Extensive grooming by an adolescent male suggests that males may also use affiliative behavior to develop mating relationships. Females may have competed for proximity with and social access to the younger silverback; competitive success could influence how well females and their offspring are protected by silver-backs, but the extent of such competition was not clear. Large group size may have heightened differentiation of male-female relationships and competition among females, but comparative data from smaller groups generally corroborate the findings from the large group. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies of reproduction among chimpanzees traditionally have focused on the mating strategies of males. However, less is known about the mating strategies of female chimpanzees and whether they demonstrate mate choice. I investigated sexual behavior and female mate preference in the chimpanzees of the Kanyawara community. To estimate mate preferences, I analyzed female proceptivity and resistance rates of 6 estrous females toward a total of 13 males as well as male solicitation and aggression rates toward females. Males solicited some females more often than others for mating and preferred them throughout estrus, not only during the periovulatory period (POP), when conception was most likely. In contrast, though females had strong mate preferences in both non-POP and POP, their mate preferences were not consistent between the 2 phases. The shift in mate preferences is evidence of a promiscuous yet tactical mating strategy to confuse paternity. Further, females were more proceptive and generally less resistant toward eschewed males in non-POP and more proceptive and less resistant toward preferred males in POP. Hence, the results indicate that females attempted to mate selectively during the fertile phase. Kanyawara female chimpanzees appear to change their mating strategies and selectivity during estrus and thus may pursue a mixed reproductive strategy. The tactic may allow females to deceive males, indicating that promiscuity among chimpanzee females may be more strategic than previously thought.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between male agonistic, affiliative, and sexual behaviors and female estrus condition in captive adolescent and young-adult chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Data on agonistic, affiliative, and sexual behaviors of 11 males living in three social groups were collected during daily 45 minute observations over a 5 month period. Female estrus condition was assessed daily using the relative size of the female's ano-genital swelling. It was hypothesized that the presence of maximally tumescent females would generate conflicts between males, so an increase in inter-male agonism was predicted. Males exhibited higher rates of agonism toward other males when at least one female in the group was maximally tumescent. Male affiliative behavior directed toward other males and social play with males were affected by the presence and number of maximally tumescent females. Male sexual behavior increased when maximally tumescent females were present.  相似文献   

Motivational asymmetry caused by differences in subjective resource value is a key component of strategic models of aggression. We study the role of motivational asymmetry in determining differential aggression and mating success of male house crickets, Acheta domesticus. We also assess the extent to which mating differences associated with motivational asymmetry are due to direct male–male fighting vs. male–female interactions. We manipulated male motivation to compete for a mating opportunity by providing males with either no access or nightly access to females for 4 d prior to the experiment. As predicted, when males from each treatment had to compete for the female, those with lower prior access were more aggressive and mated more often. In contrast, when males from each treatment were paired individually with females, there was no significant difference in the frequencies with which they pursued, courted or mated with females. We also found no evidence for female choice based on motivational asymmetry; the rate of successful courtship did not differ between treatments. We conclude that prior mate encounter rate can generate motivational asymmetry, leading to differential mating success mediated by direct male–male aggression.  相似文献   

Variation in male mating success is often related to rank differences. Males who are unable to monopolize oestrous females alone may engage in coalitions, thus enhancing their mating success. While studies on chimpanzees and dolphins suggest that coalitions are independent of kinship, information from female philopatric species shows the importance of kin support, especially from mothers, on the reproductive success of females. Therefore, one might expect a similar effect on sons in male philopatric species. We evaluate mating success determinants in male bonobos using data from nine male individuals from a wild population. Results reveal a steep, linear male dominance hierarchy and a positive correlation between dominance status and mating success. In addition to rank, the presence of mothers enhances the mating success of sons and reduces the proportion of matings by the highest ranking male. Mothers and sons have high association rates and mothers provide agonistic aid to sons in conflicts with other males. As bonobos are male-philopatric and adult females occupy high dominance status, maternal support extends into adulthood and females have the leverage to intervene in male conflicts. The absence of female support to unrelated males suggests that mothers gain indirect fitness benefits by supporting their sons.  相似文献   

This study, based on 687 hr of focal observations, aims to describe overall patterns of the sexual behavior of the adult male chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains, to compare the results with previous reports, and to explain the variations between studies. Genital inspection of cycling females by adult males was eight times as frequent as that of lactating females, and twice as frequent as that of pregnant females. Inspection of the genitals of cycling females increased dramatically 7–10 days before the onset of maximal swelling and gradually decreased as the day of ovulation approached. Adult males likely obtained information on the attractivity of females by inspecting their genitals. Mating was usually initiated by male courtship and followed by pelvic thrusts in a dorsoventral posture, performed on, rather than above, the ground, which continued for 7 s. on average, and was typically followed by female squeaking and darting from the male, or by the male grooming the female. Higher-ranking males mated with females in the peri-ovulatory period more frequently than did lower-ranking males. In particular, two alpha males mated with such females more often than did any other adult males. A male who interfered with a mating pair was dominant over the mating male in other agonistic contexts. The duration of intromission was correlated with neither dominance rank nor age. However, when an adult male declined in rank from alpha in 1991 to third in 1992, he showed a significantly shorter duration of intromission. This indicates that for a particular male, the alpha rank guaranteed longer duration of intromission. Allies of alpha males tended to mate with peri-ovulatory females more frequently than expected from their low dominance ranks. The number of mating partners was not correlated with male dominance rank, but was sometimes negatively correlated with male age. Females were significantly more likely to emit a copulatory squeak when mating with younger, rather than older, adult males. Male dominance rank and the rate of female copulatory squeaking were not correlated. Weaning infants regularly interfered with their mothers' mating. Occasionally, unrelated adolescent males and rarely females pushed themselves in between copulating adults. Female choice was indicated when they performed a “penis erection check” or took the initiative in courtship, or on the other hand showed strong reluctance to mate with particular males. Young adult males more often received erection checks than did prime males, while none of the three old adult males did. Courtship initiated by estrous females was not directed to two of the oldest males, the exception of which was the alpha male. The oldest males, except for the alpha, were consistently avoided by many estrous females, both young and old. In response to female reluctance, males behaved violently, however, this was not effective, because other more dominant males came to rescue the female. Neither courtship nor mating was seen between mature sons and their mothers, nor between brothers and sisters.  相似文献   

Forced copulation is an extreme form of sexual aggression that can affect the evolution of sex-specific anatomy, morphology, and behavior. To characterize mechanistic and evolutionary aspects of forced copulation, we artificially selected male fruit flies based on their ability to succeed in the naturally prevalent behavior of forced matings with newly eclosed (teneral) females. The low and high forced copulation lineages showed rapid divergence, with the high lineages ultimately showing twice the rates of forced copulation as the low lineages. While males from the high lineages spent more time aggressively pursuing and mounting teneral females, their behavior toward non-teneral and heterospecific females was similar to that of males from the low lineages. Males from the low and high lineages also showed similar levels of male-male aggression. This suggests little or no genetic correlations between sexual aggression and non-aggressive pursuit of females, and between male aggression toward females and males. Surprisingly however, males from the high lineages had twice as high mating success than males from the low lineages when allowed to compete for consensual mating with mature females. In further experiments, we found no evidence for trade-offs associated with high forced mating rates: males from the high lineages did not have lower longevity than males from the low lineages when housed with females, and four generations of relaxed selection did not lead to convergence in forced mating rates. Our data indicate complex interactions among forced copulation success and consensual mating behavior, which we hope to clarify in future genomic work.  相似文献   

19 juvenile members of known genealogies in two wild baboon groups were studied over a 16-month period to compare the ontogeny of agonistic experience and dominance relations for males and females. Juveniles of all age-sex classes were disproportionately likely to receive aggression from and submit to adult males per unit of time spent in proximity. This pattern intensified with increasing juvenile age. With age, juvenile females more often submitted to unrelated adult females from higher-ranking families, whereas this was not true for juvenile males. All juveniles received aggression from older group members more often during feeding than was expected by chance. High rates of agonistic interaction with unrelated adult females accounted for old juvenile females (3–5.5 years-old) interacting agonistically more frequently than male age peers and young juveniles of either sex (1–2.5 years-old). Adult females were also more aggressive toward females among young juveniles, suggesting that adult females target females among juveniles for aggression and resistance to rank reversal. Within juvenile age groups, males dominated all females and all younger males, irrespective of maternal dominance status. Dominance relations among female age-peers were generally isomorphic with relations among their mothers. No juvenile targeted any older male for rank reversal. Males targeted all older females, whereas females typically targeted only older females from families lower-ranking than their own. The strong sexual dimorphism in adult body size in baboons may explain why juvenile males' dominance relations with peers and adult females are not structured along lines of family membership as is true for the less dimorphic macaques. Acquisition of higher agonistic status probably allows juveniles of both sexes to increase their success in within-group feeding competition during late stages of juvenility, which, in turn, could affect important life-history traits such as age at menarche and adult body size.  相似文献   

Assortative mating is non-random mating by the mutual choice of phenotypes or behavioral types. In polygynandrous species, competition for mating by social rank can lead to assortative mating. However, although not an individual trait, social bonds also influence mating opportunities resembling assortative mating. Stump-tailed macaques form long-term close bonds and organize in a linear dominance–subordination hierarchy. Therefore, we studied whether the strength of the social bond and rank closeness influenced mating decisions and increased mating opportunities, particularly for low- and middle-ranking animals. Firstly, we observed whether females directed proceptive behavior to close-bonded or adjacent rank males. Secondly, we measured whether successful copulations were related to the strength of social bonds and close ranking. Thirdly, to ensure that copulations owed mainly to the aforementioned factors, we also evaluated whether sexual coercion was unrelated to social bonds and rank similarities. Finally, we assessed whether close bonds mediated agonistic support to females. The study subjects were 12 adult female and 11 male captive stump-tailed macaques. We monitored daily females' reproductive status by vaginal cytology. Sexual behavior was recorded by all occurrences sampling and scan sampling to collect the agonistic and affiliative instances required to calculate social ranks, social bond strength, and agonistic support. The results indicated that the probability of females displaying proceptivity increased during the follicular phase toward close-bonded and high-ranking males. Copulation chances increased with male–female social bonds and rank closeness. Forced copulation decreased in close-bonded individuals, while agonistic support increased in close-ranking strong-bonded animals. In conclusion, close social bonds and similar social rank result in non-random mating in stump-tailed macaques.  相似文献   

The Challenge Hypothesis proposes that testosterone mediates aggression during periods of heightened conflict between males, especially episodes that have important fitness consequences. Considerable evidence from seasonally breeding species provides support for this hypothesis, but few data exist in animals that mate year-round. We tested predictions generated by the Challenge Hypothesis in chimpanzees, a non-seasonally breeding primate, through a study of individuals living in an exceptionally large community at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Results indicated that dominance rank had no influence on testosterone levels. Instead of rank influencing testosterone production, additional analyses revealed an important role for reproductive competition. Male chimpanzees displayed more aggression when they were in the same party as parous estrous females than when reproductively active females were unavailable. Male chimpanzees competed more intensely for mating opportunities with parous females than with nulliparas, and as a consequence, males displayed more aggression around the former than the latter. When males accompanied parous estrous females, their urinary testosterone concentrations were significantly higher than baseline concentrations. In contrast, urinary testosterone concentrations did not exceed baseline when males associated with nulliparous estrous females. These differences in testosterone levels could not be attributed to mating per se because males copulated equally often with parous and nulliparous females. Furthermore, variation in testosterone concentrations were not due to males gathering together in large parties, as their levels in these situations did not exceed baseline. Taken together, these findings, derived from a relatively large sample of males and estrous females, replicate those from a prior study and furnish additional support for the Challenge Hypothesis. Our results suggest that the Challenge Hypothesis is likely to be broadly applicable to chimpanzees and increase our understanding of the physiological costs to males who compete for estrous females.  相似文献   

Members of a social group should attempt to maximize their fitness by maintaining an optimal group composition. Allowing an immigrant into the group may be beneficial or costly depending on the characteristics of the immigrant as well as the composition of the group. Therefore, we examined behavioral interactions between pine voles to test three functional hypotheses proposed to explain behavior of residents toward non‐residents: the resource defense, mate defense, and benefit of extra‐pair copulation hypotheses. To test these, we examined the effects of age, sexual experience and sex of non‐residents as well as the effects of sex of residents on the behavior of residents. Neither male nor female residents showed affiliative behavior toward non‐residents. Residents were more aggressive toward non‐residents than vice versa. The frequency of same‐sex aggression was greater than opposite‐sex aggression for male residents and this aggression was directed at adult male non‐residents to a greater degree than at subadult males. Resident males were least aggressive toward adult females. We found no differences in the behavior of females toward subadults, sexually naive adult non‐residents or sexually experienced adult non‐residents. Females also displayed similar amounts of aggression toward male and female non‐residents. Therefore, for males, aggression may function in defense of a mate while for females, aggression functions in resource defense. For both sexes, aggression is likely to play a role in the regulation of group composition.  相似文献   

Party encounter situations were experimentally produced in a group of captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at the Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University, Japan. During weekends all subjects (two adult males and five adult females) usually stayed together in the rooms (Baseline condition). Under experimental conditions, we shut passages between rooms to divide the subjects into two groups. We examined the effects of temporal separation of group members on affiliative interactions, aggressive interactions, and simple proximity. The frequency of affiliative interactions between male and female chimpanzees and between female chimpanzees increased when they encountered one another after separation, irrespective of male identity or housing history. Therefore we considered affiliative interactions between males and females during party encounters as being the response between separated individuals. The same tendency was not found in the frequency of affiliative interactions between females or between males. Unlike affiliative interactions, neither aggressive interactions nor simple proximity were influenced by separation.  相似文献   

Juvenile and adolescent male chimpanzees sometimes threaten older, apparently stronger individuals such as mature females. I label the behavior harassment. Harassment comprises 25 behaviors, 14 of which are accompanied by the use of objects such as branches: Clubbing, flailing and throwing are the most common. Females respond to harassment with 10 behaviors, including scream, avoid, ignore, and retaliate. Females tend to respond to harassment by juvenile males by ignoring them. However, they are more likely to retaliate, scream or avoid in response to harassment by adolescent males. I propose the rank improvement hypothesis that harassment initiates the process of male domination of females, and compare the predictions derived from it with those of the exploratory aggression hypothesis. Males stopped harassing females significantly earlier when females ignored them versus when they did not ignore them. This is not consistent with the exploratory aggression hypothesis. Males harassed adult females significantly longer when females retaliated than when they did not, which is consistent with the rank improvement hypothesis. Although the observations are congruent with my hypothesis, we need more data to test it.  相似文献   

Consolation, i.e., post-conflict affiliation directed from bystanders to recent victims of aggression, has recently acquired an important role in the debate about empathy in great apes. Although similar contacts have been also described for aggressors, i.e., appeasement, they have received far less attention and their function and underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. An exceptionally large database of spontaneous conflict and post-conflict interactions in two outdoor-housed groups of chimpanzees lends support to the notion that affiliation toward aggressors reduces the latter's aggressive tendencies in that further aggression was less frequent after the occurrence of the affiliation. However, bystander affiliation toward aggressors occurred disproportionally between individuals that were socially close (i.e., affiliation partners) which suggest that it did not function to protect the actor itself against redirected aggression. Contrary to consolation behavior, it was provided most often by adult males and directed toward high ranking males, whereas females engaged less often in this behavior both as actors and recipients, suggesting that affiliation with aggressors is unlikely to be a reaction to the distress of others. We propose that bystander affiliation toward aggressors may function to strengthen bonds between valuable partners, probably as part of political strategies. Our findings also suggest that this post-conflict behavior may act as an alternative to reconciliation, i.e., post-conflict affiliation between opponents, in that it is more common when opponents fail to reconcile.  相似文献   

This study compares adult and adolescent female rhesus macaques with regard to (1) characteristics of their copulatory partners, (2) their proceptive behaviors, and (3) adult male behaviors toward them during estrus. We conducted focal follows of 24 adolescent and 65 adult free-ranging estrous female rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago during two mating seasons. Compared to adult females, adolescents presented sexually to males at higher rates; copulated more frequently with rankless young male, and extra-group males; and, in one of two mating seasons, were ignored more frequently by males to whom they presented sexually. Adolescents tended to copulate with ranked, resident males at higher frequencies on days when the operational sex ratio (adult males:estrous adult females) was high. Males directed “muzzle-up” signals to adolescents at lower rates than to adults in one of two mating seasons, although this effect vanished when males who might have fathered adolescent females were excluded from analysis. Adolescents did not differ consistently from adults in strength of the correlation between proximity maintenance (dyadic Hinde's Index) and copulation rate, or in approach rate to males. Adolescent females, relative to adult females, presented sexually more to rankless young males, but did not present more to ranked, resident males. Both proximate (e.g. endocrine) and ultimate (e.g. differential fecundity; female-female mate competition) explanations may account for the reported differences between adult and adolescent female rhesus macaque sexuality.  相似文献   

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