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Polymorphic allozyme loci were used to estimate outcrossing rates for three tree species from a disturbed dry forest in southern Costa Rica. Estimates of the multilocus outcrossing rates of Cedrela odorata and Jacaranda copaia were 0.969 and 0.982, respectively, and suggest that these species may be self-incompatible. The subcanopy tree Stemmadenia donnell-smithii also demonstrated little self-fertilization based on an estimated outcrossing rate of 0.896. Significant heterogeneity in pollen allele frequencies among maternal trees was detected for at least two enzyme loci for each species. A test of correlated mating between progeny of S. donnell-smithii revealed that all seeds within a fruit were singly sired. In addition, the low estimates of biparental inbreeding and significant differences in pollen and ovule allele frequencies for this species suggest that gene flow into the sampled forest fragment may occur. The implications of deforestation on the mating systems of these tropical tree taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

The highly differentiated patterns of courtship and spawning of 3 tropical wrasses are described. We show how (a) the ability of a ♀ to freely choose her mates, and (b) risks of predation on the spawning fishes and their zygotes, affect the structure of courtship interactions and the spawning act itself. We also discuss how both these factors affect the spatial location and diurnal timing of spawning. The significance of variability in the expression of sexual dichromatism in these and other wrasses and parrotfishes is considered from the same viewpoints.  相似文献   

动物的婚配制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
婚配制度是动物种群个体为获得配偶普遍采取的一种行为策略。一般分为单配制、一雄多雌制、一雌多雄制和混交制。作为动物的一种进化稳定对策,婚配制度又具有一定的可塑性,有时可以逆转,有时又是兼性的。配偶外交配主要存在于单配制物种中特别是单配制鸟类中。其发现表明通过观察个体间联系来确定的“社会性婚配制度”和通过个体实际上的交配对象来描述的“遗传性婚配制度”有可能存在差异。婚配制度影响有害动物的不育控制,在存在繁殖性竞争的情况下,对单配制和一雄多雌制而言,不育效果最佳。  相似文献   

婚配制度是动物行为生态学的重要研究内容之一。概述了啮齿动物婚配制度的定义、类型和婚配制度的可变性,婚配制度形成的内在调节机制,对有关啮齿动物婚配制度研究作了评述。  相似文献   

Abstract Sympatric local populations of leptosporangiate ferns found to vary in phenotypic tolerances of environmental variation in the common habitat were surveyed for allozymes as indicators of genetic variation. Each local population was also surveyed for pattern of ramet distribution. The species with the greater phenotypic tolerances, Deparia acrostichoides , was found to be more variable genetically than the species with lower phenotypic tolerances, Diplazium pycnocarpon . Levels of genetic variation among the two species indicated that Deparia acrostichoides is a late-successional species and Diplazium pycnocarpon is an early-successional species, in agreement with a previous prediction. Ramet distribution patterns indicated a greater effect of intraspecific competition among ramets of Diplazium pycnocarpon than among ramets of Deparia acrostichoides .  相似文献   

Males frequently interrupt the copulation attempts of other males, and these courtship disruptions may limit the extent to which a few males are able to monopolize mating access to females. Males actively defend sexually receptive females in many species in which females form dense aggregations during the breeding season. Across and within such species there is considerable variation in the mating tactics adopted by males, with males in some cases defending groups of females and in other cases sequentially consorting with individual females. Colonial blackbirds have been central to studying this mating system, and we develop a conceptual model for how courtship disruption may account for variation in male mating tactics in this group. Our model assumes that the frequency of disruptions increases with greater colony size. As a consequence, successful copulations are less likely to occur at large colonies than at small colonies, and males are expected to switch from defending multiple females at the colony to consorting individual females away from it. Results from two species of blackbird support the basic assumptions of this model. In one species, the Montezuma oropendola, disruptions occur rarely and males defend groups of females, whereas in the other species, the yellow-rumped cacique, disruptions are frequent and males defend single females. Moreover, consistent with a key prediction, within each species, males associated with small colonies remain at the colony and defend groups of females, whereas males spend little time defending groups of females at large colonies and rarely attempt copulations there. This model has the potential to explain variation in male mating strategies and female monopolization for other taxa in which females form breeding aggregations.  相似文献   

Ferns usually have relatively lower photosynthetic potential than angiosperms. However, it is unclear whether low photosynthetic potential of ferns is linked to leaf water supply. We hypothesized that there is an evolutionary association of leaf water transport capacity with photosynthesis and stomatal density in ferns. In the present study, a series of functional traits relating to leaf anatomy, hydraulics and physiology were assessed in 19 terrestrial and 11 epiphytic ferns in a common garden, and analyzed by a comparative phylogenetics method. Compared with epiphytic ferns, terrestrial ferns had higher vein density (Dvein), stomatal density (SD), stomatal conductance (gs), and photosynthetic capacity (Amax), but lower values for lower epidermal thickness (LET) and leaf thickness (LT). Across species, all traits varied significantly, but only stomatal length (SL) showed strong phylogenetic conservatism. Amax was positively correlated with Dvein and gs with and without phylogenetic corrections. SD correlated positively with Amax, Dvein and gs, with the correlation between SD and Dvein being significant after phylogenetic correction. Leaf water content showed significant correlations with LET, LT, and mesophyll thickness. Our results provide evidence that Amax of the studied ferns is linked to leaf water transport capacity, and there was an evolutionary association between water supply and demand in ferns. These findings add new insights into the evolutionary correlations among traits involving carbon and water economy in ferns.  相似文献   

SAHA  BISWAMBHAR 《Annals of botany》1963,27(2):269-279
In very young sporophytes of Dryopteris and Osmunda, the leafprimordia originate very close to the shoot apical cell andshow early differentiation of an apical cell, rapid growth,and an early transition from distal to marginal growth. In successively older primordia of adult Dryopteris, a gradualelaboration in the size of the leaf apical cell takes placeand the greatest size is attained before lateral pinnae beginto be formed. With the formation of lamina, the apical cellgradually decreases in size and is transformed into the marginaltype of meri-stematic cell, when the leaf unrolls. In ferns with a homogeneous marginal meristem, which consistsof a uniform layer of cells with an equal capacity for growth,a simple, entire leaf is formed, e.g. Phyllitis and Platyceriumand where an initially homogeneous marginal meristem becomesheterogeneous, with a consequential differentiation of areasof unequal growth, a lobed or pinnate configuration, as in Blechnumand Lomnaria, or a compound leaf, as in Dryopteris, results. There are some indications of the inception of vascular elementsbeing due to the activity of functioning meristems, the processbeing a basipetal one.  相似文献   

Gerhard Maier 《Oecologia》1995,101(2):245-250
Laboratory investigations with Cyclops vicinus and Metacyclops minutus documented that mating frequency decreased significantly after the initial mating, i.e. re-mating is relatively rare in cyclopoid copepods. Re-mating is unnecessary because females are able to fertilize multiple clutches of viable eggs from one insemination. Similar sized Cyclops vicinus and Cyclops furcifer interbreed frequently. Interbreeding does not occur when size differences and taxonomic differences are as great as between C. vicinus and M. leuckarti. In C. vicinus and M. leuckarti, the duration of the last mating phase (spermatophore transfer until release of the female) and consequently the duration of the entire mating process, is different. I conclude that the low re-mating frequency in cyclopoid copepods probably evolved to accelerate clutch production in unpredictable environments and to reduce predation risk. The occurrence of interspecific mating discourages the co-existence of similarly sized, related species. Mating behaviour may have a considerable influence on zooplankton community structure.  相似文献   

Phaeosphaeria species are pathogenic on wheat, barley and a wide range of wild grasses. To analyze mating type loci of the Phaeosphaeria species and investigate mating type distribution in Iran, we sequenced mating type loci of 273 Phaeosphaeria isolates including 67 isolates obtained from symptomatic leaves and ears of wheat, barley, and wild grasses from two wheat-growing region in Iran as well as 206 isolates from our collection from other regions in Iran which were isolated in our previous studies. Mating type genes phylogeny was successfully used to determine the species identity and relationships among isolates within the Phaeosphaeria spp. complex. In this study, we reported seven new host records for Phaeosphaeria species and the Phaeosphaeria avenaria f. sp. tritici 3 group was first reported from Iran in this study. Mating type distribution among Phaeosphaeria species was determined. Both mating types were present in all sampling regions from Iran. We observed skewed distribution of mating types in one region (Kohgiluyeh va Boyer-Ahmad) and equal distribution in the other region (Bushehr). However, when considering our entire dataset of 273 Iranian Phaeosphaeria isolates, the ratio of mating types was not deviated significantly from 1:1 suggesting possibilities for isolates of opposite mating type to interact and reproduce sexually, although the sexual cycle may infrequently occur in some regions especially when the climatic conditions are unfavorable for teleomorph development.  相似文献   

B. G. Milligan 《Genetics》1996,142(2):619-627
Plant mating systems often involve a mixture of self fertilizations and outcross fertilizations. The degree of selfing has a large impact on the genetic composition of natural populations and on the evolution of the mating system itself in response to such factors as inbreeding depression. This paper describes a means of estimating the long-term rate of self-fertilization from samples of alleles taken from individuals in a population. Use is made of the genealogy of pairs of alleles at a locus within individuals and pairs between individuals. The degree of selfing is closely related to the extent to which the number of nucleotide sites differing within an individual is reduced relative to the number differing between individuals. Importantly, the estimate of long-term selfing is largely independent of population size and is not affected by historical fluctuations in population size; instead it responds directly to the mating system itself. The approach outlined here is most appropriate to evolutionary problems in which the long-term nature of the mating system is of interest, such as to determine the relationship between prior inbreeding and inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

LI (1988) showed that random mating is a sufficient, not a necessary condition for the Hardy-Weinberg principle. A nonrandom mating population that behaves like a random mating population is thus called a ‘pseudo-random mating population’ by him. The pseudo-random mating system studied by him has been focused on those populations in which the parental generation is in Hardy-Weinberg proportions. In other words, the mating type frequency deviations from random mating for each parental genotype add up to zero. In this article these restrictions are relaxed and new pseudo-random mating systems that immediately yield Hardy-Weinberg offspring are also obtained. This is possible because reciprocal crosses have identical segregation probabilities for an autosomal locus, and the manipulation of the combined frequency of reciprocal crosses does not change the gene frequency of the population. A comparison of these new patterns with that of Li is given in the Discussion.  相似文献   

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