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Intracellular traffic is often controlled not by highways, but by handshakes and partner introductions within a cellular network. Recently determined structures suggest how signal sequences are recognized and how the GTP affinities of the signal recognition particle and its receptor are coupled to the targeting of ribosomes to translocational membrane pores. The structure of signal peptidase suggests how it releases functional proteins.  相似文献   

The pseudopilin PulG is an essential component of the pullulanase-specific type II secretion system from Klebsiella oxytoca. PulG is the major subunit of a short, thin-filament pseudopilus, which presumably elongates and retracts in the periplasm, acting as a dynamic piston to promote pullulanase secretion. It has a signal sequence-like N-terminal segment that, according to studies with green and red fluorescent protein chimeras, anchors unassembled PulG in the inner membrane. We analyzed the early steps of PulG inner membrane targeting and insertion in Escherichia coli derivatives defective in different protein targeting and export factors. The beta-galactosidase activity in strains producing a PulG-LacZ hybrid protein increased substantially when the dsbA, dsbB, or all sec genes tested except secB were compromised by mutations. To facilitate analysis of native PulG membrane insertion, a leader peptidase cleavage site was engineered downstream from the N-terminal transmembrane segment (PrePulG*). Unprocessed PrePulG* was detected in strains carrying mutations in secA, secY, secE, and secD genes, including some novel alleles of secY and secD. Furthermore, depletion of the Ffh component of the signal recognition particle (SRP) completely abolished PrePulG* processing, without affecting the Sec-dependent export of periplasmic MalE and RbsB proteins. Thus, PulG is cotranslationally targeted to the inner membrane Sec translocase by SRP.  相似文献   

The membrane insertion of the E1 protein of a coronavirus, mouse hepatitis virus A59, was studied in a wheat germ cell-free translation system. E1 is a transmembrane protein spanning the lipid bilayer several times. It is synthesized without a cleavable signal sequence, localized intracellularly, and not transported to the cell surface. It thus represents a model intracellular protein. We found that the synthesis of E1 is specifically and stably blocked by the addition of signal recognition particle to the wheat germ system. Subsequent addition of salt-extracted pancreatic microsomes resulted in the full release of this arrest as well as the completion and the correct membrane integration of E1. Such signal recognition particle-induced arrests failed to produce shorter peptides of a defined length. Addition of signal recognition particle to a synchronized translation at any time during the synthesis of about the first two thirds of E1 (150 amino acids) blocked further translation, suggesting that the most C-terminal of the three internal hydrophobic domains of E1 could function as its signal sequence.  相似文献   

A genetic screen designed to identify proteins that utilize the signal recognition particle (SRP) for targeting in Escherichia coli was used to screen a Neisseria gonorrhoeae plasmid library. Six plasmids were identified in this screen, and each is predicted to encode one or more putative cytoplasmic membrane (CM) proteins. One of these, pSLO7, has three open reading frames (ORFs), two of which have no similarity to known proteins in GenBank other than sequences from the closely related N. meningitidis. Further analyses showed that one of these, SLO7ORF3, encodes a protein that is dependent on the SRP for localization. This gene also appears to be essential in N. gonorrhoeae since it was not possible to generate null mutations in the gene. Although appearing unique to Neisseria at the DNA sequence level, SLO7ORF3 was found to share some features with the cell division gene zipA of E. coli. These features included similar chromosomal locations (with respect to linked genes) as well as similarities in the predicted protein domain structures. Here, we show that SLO7ORF3 can complement an E. coli conditional zipA mutant and therefore encodes a functional ZipA homolog in N. gonorrhoeae. This observation is significant in that it is the first ZipA homolog identified in a non-rod-shaped organism. Also interesting is that this is the fourth cell division protein (the others are FtsE, FtsX, and FtsQ) shown to utilize the SRP for localization, which may in part explain why the genes encoding the three SRP components are essential in bacteria.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) is a conserved ribonucleoprotein complex that binds to targeting sequences in nascent secretory and membrane proteins. The SRP guides these proteins to the cytoplasmic membrane in prokaryotes and the endoplasmic reticulum membrane in eukaryotes via an interaction with its cognate receptor. The E. coli SRP is relatively small and is currently used as a model for fundamental and applied studies on translation-linked protein targeting. In this review recent advances in our understanding of the structure and function of the E. coli SRP and its receptor are discussed. In particular, the interplay between the SRP pathway and other targeting routes, the role of guanine nucleotides in cycling of the SRP and the substrate specificity of the SRP are highlighted  相似文献   

Protein translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane occurs via a "translocon" channel formed by the Sec61p complex. In yeast, two channels exist: the canonical Sec61p channel and a homolog called Ssh1p. Here, we used trapped translocation intermediates to demonstrate that a specific signal recognition particle-dependent substrate, Sec71p, is targeted exclusively to Ssh1p. Strikingly, we found that, in the absence of Ssh1p, precursor could be successfully redirected to canonical Sec61p, demonstrating that the normal targeting reaction must involve preferential sorting to Ssh1p. Our data therefore demonstrate that Ssh1p is the primary translocon for Sec71p and reveal a novel sorting mechanism at the level of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane enabling precursors to be directed to distinct translocons. Interestingly, the Ssh1p-dependent translocation of Sec71p was found to be dependent upon Sec63p, demonstrating a previously unappreciated functional interaction between Sec63p and the Ssh1p translocon.  相似文献   

Invariant (Ii) chain is a membrane-spanning protein that is found associated intracellularly with class II histocompatibility antigens. In the endoplasmic reticulum Ii chain spans the membrane and exposes the NH2 terminus on the cytoplasmic and the COOH terminus on the lumenal side. This orientation across the membrane is demonstrated directly with the monoclonal antibody In-1, which exclusively recognizes the NH2 terminal cytoplasmically exposed part of Ii chain. Membrane insertion of Ii chain requires signal recognition particle and docking protein. When tested in a wheat germ cell free system, signal recognition particle arrests translation of Ii chain. No signal sequence is cleaved from Ii chain upon membrane insertion.  相似文献   

In bacteria, Trigger factor (TF) is the first chaperone that interacts with nascent polypeptides as soon as they emerge from the exit tunnel of the ribosome. TF binds to the ribosomal protein L23 located next to the tunnel exit of the large subunit, with which it forms a cradle-like space embracing the polypeptide exit region. It cooperates with the DnaK Hsp70 chaperone system to ensure correct folding of a number of newly translated cytosolic proteins in Escherichia coli. Whereas TF is exclusively found in prokaryotes and chloroplasts, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a eukaryotic microorganism, has a three-member Hsp70-J protein complex, Ssb-Ssz-Zuo, which could act as a ribosome-associated folding facilitator. In the work reported in this volume of Molecular Microbiology, Rauch et al. (2005, Mol Microbiol, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2005.04690.x) examined the functional similarity of the ribosome-associated chaperones in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In spite of the fact that TF and the Hsp70-based triad are structurally unrelated, TF can bind to the yeast ribosome via Rpl25 (the L23 counterpart) and can substitute for some, but not all, of the functions assigned to Ssb-Ssz-Zuo in yeast. The functional conservation of the ribosome-associated chaperones without structural similarity is remarkable and suggests that during evolution nature has employed a common design but divergent components to facilitate folding of polypeptides as they emerge from the ribosomal exit, a fundamental process required for the efficient expression of genetic information.  相似文献   

The methanogenic archaea Methanococcus jannaschii and M. maripaludis contain an atypical seryl-tRNA synthetase (SerRS), which recognizes eukaryotic and bacterial tRNAsSer, in addition to the homologous tRNASer and tRNASec species. The relative flexibility in tRNA recognition displayed by methanogenic SerRSs, shown by aminoacylation and gel mobility shift assays, indicates the conservation of some serine determinants in all three domains. The complex of M. maripaludis SerRS with the homologues tRNASer was isolated by gel filtration chromatography. Complex formation strongly depends on the conformation of tRNA. Therefore, the renaturation conditions for in vitro transcribed tRNASer(GCU) isoacceptor were studied carefully. This tRNA, unlike many other tRNAs, is prone to dimerization, possibly due to several stretches of complementary oligonucleotides within its sequence. Dimerization is facilitated by increased tRNA concentration and can be diminished by fast renaturation in the presence of 5 mm magnesium chloride.  相似文献   

There are many more phyla of microbes than of macro-organisms, but microbial biodiversity is poorly understood because most microbes are uncultured. Phylogenetic analysis of rDNA sequences cloned after PCR amplification of DNA extracted directly from environmental samples is a powerful way of exploring our degree of ignorance of major groups. As there are only five eukaryotic kingdoms, two claims using such methods for numerous novel 'kingdom-level' lineages among anaerobic eukaryotes would be remarkable, if true. By reanalysing those data with 167 known species (not merely 8-37), I identified relatives for all 8-10 'mysterious' lineages. All probably belong to one of five already recognized phyla (Amoebozoa, Cercozoa, Apusozoa, Myzozoa, Loukozoa) within the basal kingdom Protozoa, mostly in known classes, sometimes even in known orders, families or genera. This strengthens the idea that the ancestral eukaryote was a mitochondrial aerobe. Analogous claims of novel bacterial divisions or kingdoms may reflect the weak resolution and grossly non-clock-like evolution of ribosomal rRNA, not genuine phylum-level biological disparity. Critical interpretation of environmental DNA sequences suggests that our overall picture of microbial biodiversity at phylum or division level is already rather good and comprehensive and that there are no uncharacterized kingdoms of life. However, immense lower-level diversity remains to be mapped, as does the root of the tree of life.  相似文献   

Signal recognition particle (SRP) plays a central role in the delivery of classical secretory and membrane proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). All nascent chains studied to date dissociate from SRP once released from the ribosome, thereby supporting a strictly cotranslational mode of action for eukaryotic SRP. We now report a novel post-translational function for SRP in the targeting of tail-anchored (TA) proteins to the ER. TA proteins possess a hydrophobic membrane insertion sequence at their C-terminus such that it can only emerge from the ribosome after translation is terminated. We show that SRP can associate post-translationally with this type of ER-targeting signal, and deliver newly synthesised TA proteins to the ER membrane by a pathway dependent upon GTP and the SRP receptor. We find that dependency upon this SRP-dependent route is precursor specific, and propose a unifying model to describe the biogenesis of TA proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

Nuclear-encoded proteins are targeted into and across the thylakoid membrane by a surprising variety of mechanisms. Distinct Sec- and ΔpH-dependent mechanisms have been shown to operate for lumenal proteins, and an integral membrane protein, LHCP, has been shown to insert via a signal recognition particle-dependent route. Integration of a further membrane protein, CFoII, requires neither soluble factors nor energy sources, prompting speculation of a spontaneous insertion mechanism. Although the requirements for soluble factors and energy sources have been determined in some detail, much less is known of the events taking place at the membrane surface. This report examines whether thylakoid proteins are involved in each of these pathways, by testing the effects of trypsin on the capacity of isolated thylakoids to import proteins. Because all of the pathways rely to some extent on the thylakoidal ΔpH, and a light-induced ΔpH is easily destroyed by proteolysis, the conditions under which reverse action of the ATP synthase in the dark generates a high ΔpH even after proteolysis of thylakoids have been established. This system is used to show that protease-sensitive thylakoidal import machinery is crucial for the ΔpH-, Sec- and signal recognition particle-dependent pathways, but not for integration of CFoII.  相似文献   

The current model for cell-to-cell movement of plant viruses holds that transport requires virus-encoded movement proteins that intimately associate with endoplasmic reticulum membranes. We have examined the early stages of the integration into endoplasmic reticulum membranes of a double-spanning viral movement protein using photocross-linking. We have discovered that this process is cotranslational and proceeds in a signal recognition particle-dependent manner. In addition, nascent chain photocross-linking to Sec61alpha and translocating chain-associated membrane protein reveal that viral membrane protein insertion takes place via the translocon, as with most eukaryotic membrane proteins, but that the two transmembrane segments of the viral protein leave the translocon and enter the lipid bilayer together.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin protease (Hbp) is a hemoglobin-degrading protein that is secreted by a human pathogenic Escherichia coli strain via the autotransporter mechanism. Little is known about the earliest steps in autotransporter secretion, i.e. the targeting to and translocation across the inner membrane. Here, we present evidence that Hbp interacts with the signal recognition particle (SRP) and the Sec-translocon early during biogenesis. Furthermore, Hbp requires a functional SRP targeting pathway and Sec-translocon for optimal translocation across the inner membrane. SecB is not required for targeting of Hbp but can compensate to some extent for the lack of SRP. Hbp is synthesized with an unusually long signal peptide that is remarkably conserved among a subset of autotransporters. We propose that these autotransporters preferentially use the co-translational SRP/Sec route to avoid adverse effects of the exposure of their mature domains in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

We isolated an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA whose translated product shows sequence similarity to the FtsY, a bacterial homologue of SRP receptor protein. The Arabidopsis FtsY homologue contains a typical chloroplast transit peptide. The in vitro-synthesized 37 kDa FtsY homologue was imported into chloroplasts, and the processed 32 kDa polypeptide bound peripherally on the outer surface of thylakoids. Antibodies raised against the FtsY homologue also reacted with a thylakoid-bound 32 kDa protein. The antibodies inhibited the cpSRP-dependent insertion of the light-harvesting chlorophyll alb-binding protein into thylakoid membranes suggesting that the chloroplast FtsY homologue is involved in the cpSRP-dependent protein targeting to the thylakoid membranes.  相似文献   

Efficient and accurate protein localization is essential to cells and requires protein-targeting machineries to both effectively capture the cargo in the cytosol and productively unload the cargo at the membrane. To understand how these challenges are met, we followed the interaction of translating ribosomes during their targeting by the signal recognition particle (SRP) using a site-specific fluorescent probe in the nascent protein. We show that initial recruitment of SRP receptor (SR) selectively enhances the affinity of SRP for correct cargos, thus committing SRP-dependent substrates to the pathway. Real-time measurement of cargo transfer from the targeting to translocation machinery revealed multiple factors that drive this event, including GTPase rearrangement in the SRP–SR complex, stepwise displacement of SRP from the ribosome and signal sequence by SecYEG, and elongation of the nascent polypeptide. Our results elucidate how active and sequential regulation of the SRP–cargo interaction drives efficient and faithful protein targeting.  相似文献   

Translational control has recently been recognized as an important facet of adaptive responses to various stress conditions. We describe the adaptation response of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to the loss of one of two mechanisms to target proteins to the secretory pathway. Using inducible mutants that block the signal recognition particle (SRP) pathway, we find that cells demonstrate a physiological response to the loss of the SRP pathway that includes specific changes in global gene expression. Upon inducing the loss of the SRP pathway, SRP-dependent protein translocation is initially blocked, and cell growth is considerably slowed. Concomitantly, gene expression changes include the induction of heat shock genes and the repression of protein synthesis genes. Remarkably, within hours, the efficiency of protein sorting improves while cell growth remains slow in agreement with the persistent repression of protein synthesis genes. Our results suggest that heat shock gene induction serves to protect cells from mislocalized precursor proteins in the cytosol, whereas reduced protein synthesis helps to regain efficiency in protein sorting by reducing the load on the protein translocation apparatus. Thus, we suggest that cells trade speed in cell growth for fidelity in protein sorting to adjust to life without SRP.  相似文献   

Shan SO  Walter P 《FEBS letters》2005,579(4):921-926
The signal recognition particle (SRP) mediates the co-translational targeting of nascent proteins to the eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum membrane, or the bacterial plasma membrane. During this process, two GTPases, one in the SRP and one in the SRP receptor (SR), form a complex in which both proteins reciprocally activate the GTPase reaction of one another. The recent crystal structures of the T. aquaticus SRP.SR complex show that the two GTPases associate via an unusually extensive and highly cooperative interaction surface, and form a composite active site at the interface. GTPase activation proceeds through a unique mechanism, stimulated by both interactions between the twinned GTP molecules across the dimer interface and by conformational rearrangements that position catalytic residues in each active site with respect to the bound substrates. Distinct classes of mutations have been isolated that inhibit specific stages during SRP-SR complex formation and activation, suggesting discrete conformational stages during formation of the active SRP.SR complex. Each stage provides a potential control point in the targeting reaction at which regulation by additional components can be exerted, thus ensuring the binding and release of cargo at the appropriate time.  相似文献   

赵留群  张大伟 《微生物学报》2022,62(12):4769-4780
依赖信号识别颗粒(signal recognition particle,SRP)的共翻译转运是所有生命体中的一个保守途径,它将新生肽链的翻译与转运耦联在一起。超过30%的新合成的多肽链被SRP转运到正确位置。最近的研究表明,大肠杆菌中SRP抑制子可以规避SRP的需求。当SRP缺失时,翻译控制在介导膜蛋白定位方面起着关键作用。本综述总结了SRP底物如何在存在或缺失SRP的情况下转运到适当的位置以及翻译速率降低如何补偿SRP的缺失。我们还讨论了不同蛋白质对SRP的依赖程度。这一回顾将为进一步研究SRP功能及膜蛋白定位提供新思路。  相似文献   

The nuclear gene for mitochondrial ribosomal protein YmL9 (MRP-L9) of yeast has been cloned and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequence characterizes YmL9 as a basic (net charge + 30) protein of 27.5 kDa with a putative signal peptide for mitochondrial import of 19 amino acid residues. The intact MRP-L9 gene is essential for mitochondrial function and is located on chromosome XV or VII. YmL9 shows significant sequence similarities to Escherichia coli ribosomal protein L3 and related proteins from various organisms of all three natural kingdoms as well as photosynthetic organelles (cyanelles). The observed structural conservation is located mostly in the C-terminal half and is independent of the intracellular location of the corresponding genes [Graack, H.-R., Grohmann, L. & Kitakawa, M. (1990) Biol. Chem. Hoppe Seyler 371, 787-788]. YmL9 shows the highest degree of sequence similarity to its eubacterial and cyanelle homologues and is less related to the archaebacterial or eukaryotic cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins. Due to their high sequence similarity to the YmL9 protein two mammalian cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins [MRL3 human and rat; Ou, J.-H., Yen, T. S. B., Wang, Y.-F., Kam, W. K. & Rutter, W. J. (1987) Nucleic Acids Res. 15, 8919-8934] are postulated to be true nucleus-encoded mitochondrial ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

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