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谢帆  王素珍 《生态学报》1983,3(1):89-90
常绿阔叶林是我国亚热带的地带性植被。井冈山区蕴藏着相当丰富的典型的常绿阔叶林。该山区的地理位置是北纬26°36′—29°00′,东经113°50′—114°20′之间,地处中亚热带湿润季风气候,土壤是山地红黄壤。据作者采集所见,整个井冈山区共有野生乔木130种,隶属于45科,70属。常绿阔叶林主要覆盖在海拔1,000—1,300米以下的低山丘陵地上。 本文的目的在于初步揭示常绿阔叶林更新的某些规律。野外工作的重点放在调查样地内  相似文献   

白水江自然保护区位于东经104°18′—105°25′,北纬32°35′—33°50′;总面积198488公顷(核心区90358公顷,实验区108310公顷)。全境为南秦岭山地,区内山峦重迭,山间河谷深陷。区内水系为长江水系。气候除河谷属亚热带湿润气候外,大部分为暖温带湿润气候,年平均温度15.9℃,最高37.5℃,最低—7.4℃。无霜期262天左右,年均降水量442毫米。植被呈明显垂直分布,可分下列四个植被带:一、低山常绿、落叶林带:海拔1600米以下,有大面积农耕区和居民点,植被以次生阔叶林为主。常见有麻栎、山楠、马桑、蔷薇等。二、中山阔叶林和混交林带:海拔1600—…  相似文献   

1986—1988年的4—10月,在山西庞泉沟国家级自然保护区,对树鹨(Anthus hodgsoni)的数量和繁殖进行了观察,现将资料整理报道如下。工作地点和方法本区位于山西省吕梁山脉中段,地处交城和方山两县交界(东经111°21′—111°33′,北纬37°45′—37°55′)。其植被、气候等资料已有报导〔1〕。将全区划为4个植被类型即:一、八水沟农作疏林灌丛区,海拔1600—1900米。二、大路峁针阔混交林区,海拔1900—2000米。三、罗板沟针叶落叶林区,海拔2200—2600米。四、云顶山亚高山草甸区,海拔2600—2800米。在上述4个植被带中,选定一条长2000米的固定路…  相似文献   

水是动、植物生存的命脉,也是蝇类繁衍的重要条件。研究蝇类与水的关系,国内未见报道。我们于1984年3月下旬至11月上旬在盖县进行了喜水性蝇种分布及沿海蝇类季节消长的调查。盖县地处辽东半岛南端,北纬40°26′,东经120°20′,地势东高西低,东部山区步云山峰海拔高度1131.2米,西部是渤海湾海拔2.2米(北海村西海岸)。全县面积3118平方公里。一、调查方法(一)种属分布:采取定点与不定点相结合的方法,选择山区(海拔150—500米,主要植被为灌木丛和针、阔叶林带)、平原(海拔10—50米,主要植被为农作物和苹果树)、沿海(海拔10米以下,主要植被为农…  相似文献   

后河自然保护区位于鄂西南五峰土家族自治县境内,北纬30°03′至30°08′,东经110°30′至110°35′,面积约1万公顷。保护区内海拔最高1934m,最低980m,整个地势周围高,中间低。区内山峦重叠,沟壑纵横,地形地貌复杂。本区属亚热带气候,年平均气温131℃,年积温为38079—49843℃,无霜期约250天,年降水量约1460mm,年相对湿度为76%。该区发育的地带性植被类型为中亚热带常绿阔叶林与落叶混交林。经调查,这里有维管植物2002种,隶属810属190科。其中蕨类19…  相似文献   

1962年8月,我们在以往调查庐山、大茅山、黄岗山的基础上,选定了井岗山区为据点,对其农业害虫的垂直分布,进行了考察。 井岗山是我国革命的摇篮,位于江西中部,西邻湖南,约当北纬27°以南,东经114°以东,最高山峰在海拔1,700米左右。考察时根据地势高低,将全山划分为三个地段,即山麓(海拔 200米以下)、山腰(海拔 400—500米)及大山区(海拔 800—1,200米),再依植被生长情况,分别划为松杂灌林带、松阔叶林带及杉竹混合林带,并以附近的吉安市(平原  相似文献   

广东乳阳八宝山自然保护区的植被特点   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
张金泉 《生态科学》1993,(1):39-124
乳阳八宝山自然保护区,地处湘粤交界的南岭山脉东南侧,介于112°56′08″E~113°04′18″E,24°30′28″N~24°48′09″N之间,占地3301.9公顷。地形复杂,峰峦叠嶂,为广东省最高峻雄伟的山地。特殊的地理位置和复杂的自然条件使这里的植被特点复杂而多样。主要表现在: 1.植物区系地理成分复杂。在属的地理成分结构中,除了未见有中亚分布类型外,其它14类成分均有代表,其中又以热带、亚热带成分占绝对优势,但山上亦有一定比重的北温带成分。 2.植被的外貌终年常绿。生活型谱:Ph(83.33%)>H(8.34%)>Ch(4.76%)>Cr(3.57%)>T(0%);叶级谱:中叶(57.1%)>小叶(29.8%)>微叶(17.1%)>大叶(6.0%),这与典型常绿阔叶林的叶级谱有较大区别,在叶质叶缘等方面亦有相似的特征,表现它已明显地向南亚热带、热带森林过渡。 3.植被类型多种多样。主要植被类型有:典型常绿阔叶林、亚热带山地常绿阔叶林、亚热带山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林、亚热带常绿针叶林、亚热带常绿针阔叶混交林、亚热带山地常绿针阔叶混交林、亚热带山顶常绿阔叶苔藓矮林。 4.植被的垂直分布规律明显。自下而上见有:典型常绿阔叶林带(海拔700~800米以下),亚热带山地常绿阔叶林带(海拔700或800米至1600或1700米之间)、亚热带山顶常绿阔叶苔藓矮林带(海拔1600或1700米以上)。 5.原生植被保存面积大,珍稀濒危植物丰富。因此,建议有关部门进一步扩大保护区范围,加强调查研究工作,争取早日建成国家级南岭自然保护区。  相似文献   

一、自然环境概况江苏位于东经116°22′—121°55′,北纬34°46′—35°07′之间,东濒黄海,地跨暖温带、北亚热带和中亚热带三个生物气候带。灌溉总渠以北为落叶阔叶林地带,年均温13.8℃,一月均温-0.7℃,极端最低均温-13.4℃,年降水量912毫米。境内东北部有胶东、鲁南山地延伸入境的丘陵低山,一般海拔100—200米,连云港的云台山达625米,为全省最高岭。地带性土类为棕壤。植被受海洋性气候影响,并有复杂山岳地貌的有利生  相似文献   

浙西南山区蝗虫的生态地理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 丽水地区位于浙江西南部(北纬29°25′—28°57′,东径118°41′—120°24′),地形复杂,山地面积占全区总面积的87%。森林植被属中亚热带阔叶林区,沿江平原、丘陵以水稻、麦类、甘薯等粮食作物为主。 我们先后在有代表性的平原、半山区、山区和高山区调查采集,其中包括凤阳山(1,921米)和九龙山自然保护区(1,724米)及百山祖(1,857米)三座高峰的考察,对全区蝗虫种类、地理分布及生态适应性方面作了一些探讨。 一、种类组成 全区已鉴定出蝗虫种名的计38种,隶属于4亚科28属(见统计表)。 1.斑腿蝗亚科数量最多,计13属19种。其  相似文献   

摩天岭北坡森林植被垂直带的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文对摩天岭北坡森林植被的垂直分布特点进行了初步研究。采用排序的方法,结合对群落生态外貌特点的分析,以及群落所处海拔高度,划分出森林植被垂直带如下:(1)山地常绿落叶阔叶林带,海拔1600m以下;(2)山地落叶阔叶林带,海拔1600—2100m;(3)山地针阔叶混交林带,海拔2100—2900m;(4)亚高山针叶林带,海拔2900—3450m;(5)高山灌丛草甸带,海拔3450m以上。  相似文献   

A review is presented of issues relevant to the definition, measurement, and classification of stimuli, situations, and environments. Problems such as the lack of adequate definitions of concepts, error and bias in measurement procedures, confusion between measurement of a concept and measurement of its behavioral effects, and the lack of agreement among alternative measures are emphasized. It is suggested that concepts be defined in terms of objective characteristics while allowing for the study of the transactional relationship between organism and environment. The work of the ethologists in defining stimuli while studying their relationship to different organismic states and situational contexts is emphasized in this regard. Following Brunswik, it is also suggested that wherever possible there be a representative sampling of variables in natural settings. Note from the editors: From time to time, Human Ecology will publish a review article. Our first in this series is a review by a psychologist of basic definitional and conceptual problems in environmental studies.This paper was prepared while the author was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Educational Testing Service. The support of ETS and my colleagues in the Division of Psychological Studies is gratefully acknowledged. The review was also supported in part by a grant from the Rutgers University Research Council.  相似文献   

We compared the cardiovascular effects evoked in conscious dogs by 1) submaximal exercise; 2) infusion of dobutamine (40 micrograms X kg-1 X min-1); and 3) infusion of a combination of atropine (0.15 mg/kg), norepinephrine (0.19 micrograms X kg-1 X min-1), and epinephrine (0.05 micrograms X kg-1 X min-1). Myocardial O2 demand, as estimated by the double product (heart rate X systolic blood pressure), was similar during all three interventions. Cardiac output and heart rate increased significantly (P less than 0.05) during each of the three interventions. Arteriovenous O2 difference and total body O2 consumption, however, increased only during submaximal exercise. Although myocardial blood flow increased similarly during each of the three interventions, blood flow to skeletal muscle and the tongue increased only during exercise. Exercise and the combined infusion of atropine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine produced similar increases in blood flow to the diaphragm and similar decreases in blood flow to the stomach. These changes in blood flow were associated with appropriate changes in vascular resistance. Additionally, blood flow to the brain, kidney, adrenal glands, liver, and intestine did not change during any of the three interventions. Thus, in dogs, submaximal exercise, infusion of dobutamine, and infusion of a combination of atropine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine to evoke a given level of estimated myocardial O2 consumption produce similar increases in cardiac output, heart rate, and myocardial blood flow. In contrast, the changes in total body O2 consumption, arteriovenous O2 difference, regional blood flow, and regional vascular resistance that occur during each of these three interventions are different.  相似文献   

Indians, Markets, and Rainforests: Theory, Methods, and Analysis. Ricardo A. Godoy. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001. 274 pp.  相似文献   

2-Dimethylaminomethylene-1-benzosuberone 1 was coupled with diazotized aniline derivatives to afford a series of the hitherto unreported 2-arylazo-1-benzosuberones 3ai. The tautomeric structure and the effect of substituents on the tautomeric form (s) of the products 3ai were discussed. Similar coupling of the enaminone 1 with diazonium salts of heterocyclic amines gave the respective fused azolotriazino-benzosuberones. Some of the newly synthesized compounds showed potent antimicrobial, anti-HCV, antioxidant, antitumor (as topoisomerase I inhibitors), and antimicrobial activities.  相似文献   

The Precautionary Principle is in sharp political focus today because (1) the nature of scientific uncertainty is changing and (2) there is increasing pressure to base governmental action on more “rational” schemes, such as cost-benefit analysis and quantitative risk assessment, the former being an embodiment of ‘rational choice theory’ promoted by the Chicago school of law and economics. The Precautionary Principle has been criticized as being both too vague and too arbitrary to form a basis for rational decision making. The assumption underlying this criticism is that any scheme not based on cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment is both irrational and without secure foundation in either science or economics. This paper contests that view and makes explicit the rational tenets of the Precautionary Principle within an analytical framework as rigorous as uncertainties permit, and one that mirrors democratic values embodied in regulatory, compensatory, and common law. Unlike other formulations that reject risk assessment, this paper argues that risk assessment can be used within the formalism of tradeoff analysis—a more appropriate alternative to traditional cost-benefit analysis and one that satisfies the need for well-grounded public policy decision making. This paper will argue that the precautionary approach is the most appropriate basis for policy, even when large uncertainties do not exist, especially where the fairness of the distributions of costs and benefits of hazardous activities and products are a concern. Furthermore, it will offer an approach to making decisions within an analytic framework, based on equity and justice, to replace the economic paradigm of utilitarian cost-benefit analysis.  相似文献   

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