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壮族Y染色体分型及其内部遗传结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
壮族是中国最大的少数民族,与东南亚的泰老族群关系密切,在东亚人群的遗传结构研究中地位非常特殊。本研究调查了壮族各个支系的Y染色体多样性,通过主成分分析、聚类分析和分子方差分析,揭示壮族的内部父系遗传结构。结果发现,壮族的主要Y染色体单倍群为O%*,O2a,O1。传统的对壮族按方言分为南北二组的分类方法在遗传上并没有依据,壮族支系体现出从东往西的梯度变化过程。这说明壮族的结构中有几个层次,最早的成分普遍出现在各个支系中,第二层是由东部来的百越核心成分,第三层是北方来的汉族成分。壮族内部遗传结构的分析将有助于对东亚人群的南来起源的研究。  相似文献   

云南18个民族Y染色体双等位基因单倍型频率的主成分分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
世居云南的少数民族中。壮、傣、水、布依、布朗、德昂、佤、彝、白、怒、哈尼、傈僳、拉祜、纳西、景颇、阿昌、基诺和独龙18个民族是由“羌”、“濮”、“越”3大部落群体演化而来,是云南的土著居民。利用PCR-RFLP方法对这18个土著民族进行Y染色体上13个双等位基因位点进行基因分型。结果显示,不同历史族源的民族群体在Y染色体双等位基因单倍型分布上具有一定的差异:在百越后裔民族群体中以单倍型H11、H12为主要分布;在氐羌后裔民族中以单倍型H5、H6和H8为主要分布;在百濮后裔民族群体中主要单倍型分布为H6、H8和H11。进一步主成分分析表明,百越后裔民族群体和氐羌后裔民族在主成分图上聚为两组,提示父系基因库有不同的来源,与历史记载相印证。  相似文献   

The genetic composition of the Russian population was investigated by analyzing both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y-chromosome loci polymorphisms that allow for the different components of a population gene pool to be studied, depending on the mode of DNA marker inheritance. mtDNA sequence variation was examined by using hypervariable segment I (HVSI) sequencing and restriction analysis of the haplogroup-specific sites in 325 individuals representing 5 Russian populations from the European part of Russia. The Y-chromosome variation was investigated in 338 individuals from 8 Russian populations (including 5 populations analyzed for mtDNA variation) using 12 binary markers. For both uniparental systems most of the observed haplogroups fell into major West Eurasian haplogroups (97.9% and 99.7% for mtDNA and Y-chromosome haplogroups, respectively). Multidimensional scaling analysis based on pairwise F(ST) values between mtDNA HVSI sequences in Russians compared to other European populations revealed a considerable heterogeneity of Russian populations; populations from the southern and western parts of Russia are separated from eastern and northern populations. Meanwhile, the multidimensional scaling analysis based on Y-chromosome haplogroup F(ST) values demonstrates that the Russian gene pool is close to central-eastern European populations, with a much higher similarity to the Baltic and Finno-Ugric male pools from northern European Russia. This discrepancy in the depth of penetration of mtDNA and Y-chromosome lineages characteristic for the most southwestern Russian populations into the east and north of eastern Europe appears to indicate that Russian colonization of the northeastern territories might have been accomplished mainly by males rather than by females.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity has been analyzed in 22 ethnic groups of the Caucasus on the basis of data on Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers, as well as genome-wide data on autosomal single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). It has been found that the West Asian component is prevailing in all ethnic groups studied except for Nogays. This Near Eastern ancestral component has proved to be characteristic of Caucasian populations and almost entirely absent in their northern neighbors inhabiting the Eastern European Plain. Turkic-speaking populations, except Nogays, did not exhibit an increased proportion of Eastern Eurasian mtDNA or Y-chromosome haplogroups compared to some Abkhaz-Adyghe populations (Adygs and Kabardians). Genome-wide SNP analysis has also shown substantial differences of Nogays from all other Caucasian populations studied. However, the characteristic difference of Nogays from other populations of the Caucasus seems somewhat ambiguous in terms of the R1a1a-M17(M198) and R1b1b1-M73 haplogroups of the Y chromosome. The state of these haplogroups in Turkic-speaking populations of the Caucasus requires further study.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms in mitochondrial (mt) DNA and Y-chromosomes of seven socially and linguistically diverse castes and tribes of Eastern India were examined to determine their genetic relationships, their origin, and the influence of demographic factors on population structure. Samples from the Orissa Brahmin, Karan, Khandayat, Gope, Juang, Saora, and Paroja were analyzed for mtDNA hypervariable sequence (HVS) I and II, eight Y-chromosome short tandem repeats (Y-STRs), and lineage-defining mutations diagnostic for Indian- and Eurasian-specific haplogroups. Our results reveal that haplotype diversity and mean pairwise differences (MPD) was higher in caste groups of the region (>0.998, for both systems) compared to tribes (0.917-0.996 for Y-STRs, and 0.958-0.988 for mtDNA haplotypes). The majority of paternal lineages belong to the R1a1, O2a, and H haplogroups (62.7%), while 73.2% of maternal lineages comprise the Indian-specific M*, M5, M30, and R* mtDNA haplogroups, with a sporadic occurrence of West Eurasian lineages. Our study reveals that Orissa Brahmins (a higher caste population) have a genetic affinity with Indo-European speakers of Eastern Europe, although the Y-chromosome data show that the genetic distances of populations are not correlated to their position in the caste hierarchy. The high frequency of the O2a haplogroup and absence of East Asian-specific mtDNA lineages in the Juang and Saora suggest that a migration of Austro-Asiatic tribes to mainland India was exclusively male-mediated which occurred during the demographic expansion of Neolithic farmers in southern China. The phylogeographic analysis of mtDNA and Y-chromosomes revealed varied ancestral sources for the diverse genetic components of the populations of Eastern India.  相似文献   

mtDNA sequence variation was examined in 60 Native Americans (Mixtecs from the Alta, Mixtecs from the Baja, Valley Zapotecs, and Highland Mixe) from southern Mexico by PCR amplification and high-resolution restriction endonuclease analysis. Four groups of mtDNA haplotypes (haplogroups A, B, C, and D) characterize Amerind populations, but only three (haplogroups A, B, and C) were observed in these Mexican populations. The comparison of their mtDNA variation with that observed in other populations from Mexico and Central America permits a clear distinction among the different Middle American tribes and raises questions about some of their linguistic affiliations. The males of these population samples were also analyzed for Y-chromosome RFLPs with the probes 49a, 49f, and 12f2. This analysis suggests that certain Y-chromosome haplotypes were brought from Asia during the colonization of the Americas, and a differential gene flow was introduced into Native American populations from European males and females.  相似文献   

The hypervariable region-1 and four nucleotide positions (10400, 10873, 12308, and 12705) of the coding region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were analyzed in 441 individuals belonging to eight populations (Daba, Fali, Fulbe, Mandara, Uldeme, Podokwo, Tali, and Tupuri) from North Cameroon and four populations (Bakaka, Bassa, Bamileke, and Ewondo) from South Cameroon. All mtDNAs were assigned to five haplogroups: three sub-Saharan (L1, L2, and L3), one northern African (U6), and one European (U5). Our results contrast with the observed high frequencies of a Y-chromosome haplogroup of probable Asian origin (R1*-M173) in North Cameroon. As a first step toward a better understanding of the evident discrepancy between mtDNA and Y-chromosome data, we propose two contrasting scenarios. The first one, here termed "migration and asymmetric admixture," implies a back migration from Asia to North Cameroon of a population group carrying the haplotype R1*-M173 at high frequency, and an admixture process restricted to migrant males. The second scenario, on the other hand, temed "divergent drift," implies that modern populations of North Cameroon originated from a small population group which migrated from Asia to Africa and in which, through genetic drift, Y-chromosome haplotype R1*-M173 became predominant, whereas the Asian mtDNA haplogroups were lost.  相似文献   

云南16个少数民族群体的线粒体DNA多态性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用PCR—RFLP法对傣族、白族、蒙古族、彝族等10个少数民族的16个群体共654人进行了mtDNA编码区多态性分析,共检测到17种单倍群,其中4种为未能确认的单倍群。单倍群频率分布和主成分图共同显示,百越系的3个民族共6个群体有高频的B、F单倍群,聚集在图的下部,表现出鲜明的南方群体特征;蒙古族的2个群体有高频的A、D单倍群,聚在图的上部,具有典型的北方群体特征;氐羌系的5个民族共7个群体全部或绝大多数都兼有南北方高频单倍群,位于图的中间,提示他们同时具有南北方群体的一些母系遗传特征。同一民族不同群体间的单倍群频率分布存在差异,但差异不很大,一般小于不同族源民族间的差异,但不一定都小于同一族源民族间的差异。  相似文献   

A comprehensive review of uniparental systems in South Amerindians was undertaken. Variability in the Y-chromosome haplogroups were assessed in 68 populations and 1,814 individuals whereas that of Y-STR markers was assessed in 29 populations and 590 subjects. Variability in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup was examined in 108 populations and 6,697 persons, and sequencing studies used either the complete mtDNA genome or the highly variable segments 1 and 2. The diversity of the markers made it difficult to establish a general picture of Y-chromosome variability in the populations studied. However, haplogroup Q1a3a* was almost always the most prevalent whereas Q1a3* occurred equally in all regions, which suggested its prevalence among the early colonizers. The STR allele frequencies were used to derive a possible ancient Native American Q-clade chromosome haplotype and five of six STR loci showed significant geographic variation. Geographic and linguistic factors moderately influenced the mtDNA distributions (6% and 7%, respectively) and mtDNA haplogroups A and D correlated positively and negatively, respectively, with latitude. The data analyzed here provide rich material for understanding the biological history of South Amerindians and can serve as a basis for comparative studies involving other types of data, such as cultural data.  相似文献   

Linguistic evidence suggests that West Asia and Central Asia have been the two major geographical sources of genes in the contemporary Indian gene pool. To test the nature and extent of similarities in the gene pools of these regions we have collected DNA samples from four ethnic populations of northern India, and have screened these samples for a set of 18 Y-chromosome polymorphic markers (12 unique event polymorphisms and six short tandem repeats). These data from Indian populations have been analysed in conjunction with published data from several West Asian and Central Asian populations. Our analyses have revealed traces of population movement from Central Asia and West Asia into India. Two haplogroups, HG-3 and HG-9, which are known to have arisen in the Central Asian region, are found in reasonably high frequencies (41.7% and 14.3% respectively) in the study populations. The ages estimated for these two haplogroups are less in the Indian populations than those estimated from data on Middle Eastern populations. A neighbour-joining tree based on Y-haplogroup frequencies shows that the North Indians are genetically placed between the West Asian and Central Asian populations. This is consistent with gene flow from West Asia and Central Asia into India.  相似文献   

High rates of esophageal cancer (EC) are found in people of the Henan Taihang Mountain, Fujian Minnan, and Chaoshan regions of China. Historical records describe great waves of populations migrating from north-central China (the Henan and Shanxi Hans) through coastal Fujian Province to the Chaoshan plain. Although these regions are geographically distant, we hypothesized that EC high-risk populations in these three areas could share a common ancestry. Accordingly, we used 16 East Asian-specific Y-chromosome biallelic markers (single nucleotide polymorphisms; Y-SNPs) and six Y-chromosome short tandem repeat (Y-STR) loci to infer the origin of the EC high-risk Chaoshan population (CSP) and the genetic relationship between the CSP and the EC high-risk Henan Taihang Mountain population (HTMP) and Fujian population (FJP). The predominant haplogroups in these three populations are O3*, O3e*, and O3e1, with no significant difference between the populations in the frequency of these genotypes. Frequency distribution and principal component analysis revealed that the CSP is closely related to the HTMP and FJP, even though the former is geographically nearer to other populations (Guangfu and Hakka clans). The FJP is between the CSP and HTMP in the principal component plot. The CSP, FJP and HTMP are more closely related to Chinese Hans than to minorities, except Manchu Chinese, and are descendants of Sino-Tibetans, not Baiyues. Correlation analysis, hierarchical clustering analysis, and phylogenetic analysis (neighbor-joining tree) all support close genetic relatedness among the CSP, FJP and HTMP. The network for haplogroup O3 (including O3*, O3e* and O3e1) showed that the HTMP have highest STR haplotype diversity, suggesting that the HTMP may be a progenitor population for the CSP and FJP. These findings support the potentially important role of shared ancestry in understanding more about the genetic susceptibility in EC etiology in high-risk populations and have implications for determining the molecular basis of this disease.  相似文献   

To investigate the diversity of Y chromosomes in the Iberian Peninsula and the North African population of Maghreb, we constructed superhaplotypes on the basis of 10 biallelic markers, 7 microsatellites, and 1 minisatellite located in the nonrecombining portion of the human Y chromosome. The analysis of extremely high MSY1 variability was performed by reducing the MVR-codes to modular structures. Y-STRs and MSY1 data provide information about the relationship between closely related populations such as those of Iberia. Analysis of biallelic markers allowed us to identify 7 of 12 haplogroups defined by those polymorphisms. The haplogroup background showed clear differences between Iberian populations and the North African one. The use of differently mutating Y-chromosome markers allowed us to infer different population events at different time scales: the Paleolithic background of the Iberian Peninsula, the Neolithic fingerprint on Y-chromosome lineages, and the Iron Age influence in the populations of Iberia. Implications of our results for the highly debated origin of Basques are also discussed.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of mtDNA was examined in five ethnic populations that belong to the Turkic language group and inhabit the territory of the Altai-Sayan upland (N = 1007). Most of the haplogroups identified in the examined populations belonged to East Eurasian lineages. In all five populations, only three haplogroups, C, D, and F, were prevailing. The frequencies of the other six haplogroups (A, B, G, M, Y, and Z) varied in the range from 1.1 to 6.5%. Among West Eurasian haplogrous, the most common were haplogroups H, J, T, and U. An analysis of Y-chromosome haplogroups in 407 individuals showed that only two haplogroups, N* and R1a1, were present in all five populations examined. Moreover, in different ethnic groups, the highest frequencies were observed for C-M130, N-P43, and N-Tat haplogroups. The differences in the distribution patterns of ancient West Eurasian and East Eurasian haplotypes from Gorny Altai in the present-day populations from the northern part of Eurasia revealed can be explained in terms of the multistage expansion of humans across these territories. The ubiquity of haplotypes from haplogroup H and cluster U across the wide territory from the Yenisei River basin to the Atlantic Ocean can indicate directional human expansion, which most likely occurred out of Central Asia as early as in the Paleolithic era, and took place in several waves with the glacier retreat.  相似文献   

The present Venezuelan population is the product of admixture of Amerindians, Europeans, and Africans, a process that was not homogeneous throughout the country. Blood groups, short tandem repeats (STRs), mtDNA, and Y-chromosome markers have been used successfully in admixture studies, but few such studies have been conducted in Venezuela. In this study we aim to estimate the admixture components of samples from two different socioeconomic levels from Caracas, Venezuela's capital city, compare their differences, and infer sexual asymmetry in the European Amerindian union patterns. Gene frequencies for blood groups ABO and Rh (CDE) and for the STRs VWA, F13A01, and FES/FPS and mtDNA and Y-chromosome haplogroups were studied in a sample of 60 individuals living in Caracas, taken from a private clinic (high socioeconomic level), and 50 individuals, also living in Caracas, drawn from a public maternity clinic (low socioeconomic level). The admixture analysis for the five autosomal markers gives a high European component (0.78) and an almost negligible African sub-Saharan component (0.06) for the high socioeconomic level, whereas for the low socioeconomic level the sub-Saharan, European, and Amerindian components were 0.21, 0.42, and 0.36, respectively. Estimates of admixture based on mtDNA and Y-chromosome markers reveal that the Amerindian contribution to these Caracas samples is almost entirely through females, because the Y-chromosome Amerindian and African sub-Saharan chromosomes found in this study were scarce. Our study reveals that the identification of the grandparents' geographic origin is an important methodological aspect to take into account in genetic studies related to the reconstruction of historical events.  相似文献   

Christmas Island is a remote Australian territory located close to the main Indonesian island of Java. Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers were used to investigate the genetic structure of the population, which comprises communities of mixed ethnic origin. Analysis of 12 Y-chromosome biallelic polymorphisms revealed a high level of gene diversity and haplotype frequencies that were consistent with source populations in southern China and Southeast Asia. mtDNA hypervariable segment I (HVS-I) sequences displayed high levels of haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity that were comparable to various Asian populations. Genetic distances revealed extremely low mtDNA differentiation among Christmas Islanders and Asian populations. This was supported by the relatively high proportion of sequence types shared among these populations. The most common mtDNA haplogroups were M* and B, followed by D and F, which are prevalent in East/Southeast Asia. Christmas Islanders of European descent were characterized by the Eurasian haplogroup R*, and a limited degree of admixture was observed. In general, analysis of the genetic data indicated population affinities to southern Chinese (in particular from the Yunnan Province) and Southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, and Cambodia), which was consistent with historical records of settlement. The combined use of these different marker systems provides a useful and appropriate model for the study of contemporary populations derived from different ethnic origins.  相似文献   

Maliarchuk BA  Derenko MV 《Genetika》2008,44(2):226-231
Population structure of Russian population from the European part of Russia was investigated by analyzing the distribution of 23 SNP makers of Y chromosome in Russian populations from Kaluga oblast, Yaroslavl' oblast, Vladimir oblast, Nizhny Novgorod oblast, Pskov oblast, Tula oblast, Belgorod oblast, and Novgorod oblast. In the populations studied a total of 14 Y-chromosome haplogroups (E, F*, I, J, K*, N3a, N2, P*, R1*, R1a1, C3, H, and A) were discovered, of which haplogroups R1a1, I, and N3a were the prevailing. Analysis of Phi statistics in the populations grouped in accordance to the dialect subdivision of the Russian language, showed the absence of statistically significant differences between Russian population groups. Analysis of the Y-chromosome markers distribution patterns among Russian population (10 population groups) in comparison with the population of Germany (11 population groups) revealed statistically significant differences between the gene pools of Slavs (Russians and Poles) and Teutons (Germans).  相似文献   

We attempt to address the issue of genetic variation and the pattern of male gene flow among and between five Indian population groups of two different geographic and linguistic affiliations using Y-chromosome markers. We studied 221 males at three Y-chromosome biallelic loci and 184 males for the five Y-chromosome STRs. We observed 111 Y-chromosome STR haplotypes. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) based on Y-chromosome STRs showed that the variation observed between the population groups belonging to two major regions (western and southwestern India) was 0.17%, which was significantly lower than the level of genetic variance among the five populations (0.59%) considered as a single group. Combined haplotype analysis of the five STRs and the biallelic locus 92R7 revealed minimal sharing of haplotypes among these five ethnic groups, irrespective of the similar origin of the linguistic and geographic affiliations; this minimal sharing indicates restricted male gene flow. As a consequence, most of the haplotypes were population specific. Network analysis showed that the haplotypes, which were shared between the populations, seem to have originated from different mutational pathways at different loci. Biallelic markers showed that all five ethnic groups have a similar ancestral origin despite their geographic and linguistic diversity.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity in two ethnic groups of the central part of the North Caucasus (Balkars and Karachays) using 50 diallelic loci in the non-recombining region of the Y chromosome was analyzed. For the first time, an analysis of distribution of frequencies of Y-chromosome haplogroups in Balkars considering different subethnic groups (Baksans, Chegems, Kholams, Bezengiyevs, and Malkars) was conducted. The major Y-chromosome haplogroups in the studied groups of Balkars and Karachays were G2a-P16 and R1a- Z2123. In addition, for a better understanding of genetic relationship between the male lineages in the studied populations and other populations of the Caucasus, we performed an analysis of R1a-M198 subhaplogroups in 22 populations of this region. The principal component analysis demonstrated that a greater difference was observed between Kholams and the other Balkar subgroups. According to the F st analysis, Chegems, for which the prevalence of haplogroup R1b-M478 (32.2%) was reported, demonstrated the maximum difference from the other subpopulations of Balkars and Karachays.  相似文献   

Population structure of Russian population from the European part of Russia was investigated by analyzing the distribution of 23 SNP makers of Y chromosome in Russian populations from Kaluga, Yaroslavl’, Vladimir, Nizhni Novgorod, Pskov, Tula, Belgorod, and Novgorod oblasts. In the populations studied a total of 14 Y-chromosome haplogroups (E, F*, I, J, K*, N3a, N2, P*, R1*, R1a1, C3, G, H, and A) were discovered, of which haplogroups R1a1, I, and N3a were the prevailing. Analysis of Φ statistics in the populations grouped in accordance to the dialect subdivision of the Russian language, showed the absence of statistically significant differences between Russian population groups. Analysis of the Y-chromosome markers distribution patterns among Russian population (10 population groups) in comparison with the population of Germany (11 population groups) and Poland (8 population groups) revealed statistically significant differences between the gene pools of Slavs (Russians and Poles) and Teutons (Germans).  相似文献   

To better define the structure and origin of the Bulgarian paternal gene pool, we have examined the Y-chromosome variation in 808 Bulgarian males. The analysis was performed by high-resolution genotyping of biallelic markers and by analyzing the STR variation within the most informative haplogroups. We found that the Y-chromosome gene pool in modern Bulgarians is primarily represented by Western Eurasian haplogroups with ∼ 40% belonging to haplogroups E-V13 and I-M423, and 20% to R-M17. Haplogroups common in the Middle East (J and G) and in South Western Asia (R-L23*) occur at frequencies of 19% and 5%, respectively. Haplogroups C, N and Q, distinctive for Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations, occur at the negligible frequency of only 1.5%. Principal Component analyses group Bulgarians with European populations, apart from Central Asian Turkic-speaking groups and South Western Asia populations. Within the country, the genetic variation is structured in Western, Central and Eastern Bulgaria indicating that the Balkan Mountains have been permeable to human movements. The lineage analysis provided the following interesting results: (i) R-L23* is present in Eastern Bulgaria since the post glacial period; (ii) haplogroup E-V13 has a Mesolithic age in Bulgaria from where it expanded after the arrival of farming; (iii) haplogroup J-M241 probably reflects the Neolithic westward expansion of farmers from the earliest sites along the Black Sea. On the whole, in light of the most recent historical studies, which indicate a substantial proto-Bulgarian input to the contemporary Bulgarian people, our data suggest that a common paternal ancestry between the proto-Bulgarians and the Altaic and Central Asian Turkic-speaking populations either did not exist or was negligible.  相似文献   

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