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NOR activity in metaphase chromosomes from extraembryonic and embryonic tissues of 9-12 week human fetuses was studied after standard silver staining. Significant interidividual variations in the average cummulative NOR activity was assessed by means of one-factor dispersion analysis. No significant intertissue fluctuation of NOR activity was found. Total number of NOR+ chromosomes demonstrated no correlation with the embryonic age. Steady growth of an average cummulative NOR activity respective of progressive embryonic age was proven by correlation analysis method. Unequal participation of NOR-bearing chromosomes of D- and G-groups during early embryonic development in human was shown.  相似文献   

A simple ammoniacal silver staining procedure, designated Ag-AS, differentially stains the chromosomal locations of ribosomal DNA in certain mammalian species. This was critically demonstrated by Ag-AS staining of the nucleolus organizer regions in karyotypes of the same species and cell lines used for locating the ribosomal cistrons by DNA/RNA in situ hybridization. With Ag-AS, silver stained NORs (Ag-NORs) are visualized as black spherical bodies on yellow-brown chromosome arms. Ag-NORs were visualized throughout mitosis at the secondary constrictions in the rat kangaroo, Seba's fruit bat, Indian muntjac, and Rhesus monkey. The Chinese hamster and cattle have telomeric Ag-NORs, the mouse subcentromeric Ag-NORs, and the field vole Ag-NORs as minute short arms or choromosomal satellites. Ag-NORs occur at both secondary constrictions and at telomeres in the cotton rat. Variability in Ag-NOR pattern included differences in the number of Ag-NORs per cell within a cell population, size of Ag-NORs among chromosomes of a complement, and presence of Ag-NOR on particular chromosomes in two cell lines of the Chinese hamster. The available cytochemical data suggest that the Ag-AS reaction stains chromosomal proteins at the NOR rather than the rDNA itself.  相似文献   

Salmonellae were isolated from the faeces from 17 of 170 (10%) wild house mice. Salmonella typhimurium was isolated from 10, S. typhimurium, var. Copenhagen from 2, S. thompson from 1, and S. muenchen from 4. It was concluded that house mice could be a reservoir of infection and play an important role in human and animal salmonellosis.  相似文献   

The structure of metaphase chromatin in a human tumor cell line, TG cells, was investigated using thin sections selectively stained for DNA with the Feulgen-like osmium-ammine reaction. The bulk of metaphase chromatin was characterized by the nucleosomal configuration. Some specimens were pretreated by silver staining for selective visualization of acidic proteins of the nucleolar organizer regions. In these specimens, the osmium-amine DNA tracer revealed that the chromatin present at the sites of silver granule localization had a completely extended configuration, and never gave rise to nucleosomal structures.  相似文献   

Y Nishioka 《Génome》1992,35(3):534-537
A Y chromosomal repetitive sequence identified two types of Y chromosomes in mice (Mus musculus domesticus) caught near Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec. One type is apparently identical to the Y chromosome found in Maryland, Delaware, and California, whereas the other type is similar, but not identical, to the Y chromosome present in M.m. poschiavinus, an Alpine race of M.m. domesticus. These findings suggest that the domesticus Y chromosome is highly polymorphic and thus useful for elucidating the relationships among American and European house mouse populations.  相似文献   

Summary A reliable technique for staining human chromosomal nucleolar organizers (NOR's) with silver solutions is described. The NOR's can be selectively stained dark brown by silver solutions leaving the chromosome arms unstained and available for counterstaining with orcein or Giemsa dyes. Unequivocal identification of chromosome pairs bearing NOR's can be achieved using fluorescent banding techniques followed by silver staining. The silver staining procedure for NOR's was simplified and standardized through control of the chemical and physical conditions during silver impregnation and developing.  相似文献   

The nucleolar organizer-specific staining procedure, ammoniacal silver (Ag-AS), has been used to study the distribution and size of the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in chromosomes of the frog Rana blairi (Mecham, Littlejohn, Oldham, Brown and Brown). The somatic metaphase karyotype of this frog is similar to that of other frogs of the Rana pipiens species complex, numerically (2n=26) and morphologically. Secondary constrictions are detectable in untreated Giemsa-stained metaphase preparations as achromatic gaps in the long arms of a pair of submetacentric chromosomes (no. 10). These constrictions are the only regions which are deeply stained with the Ag-AS method and are thus identified as the nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs). In each of the three individuals, the Ag-NORs as visualized on the homologues are of unequal length.  相似文献   

We studied the allelic frequency of the hemoglobin beta chain (Hbb) of wild mice, Mus musculus, collected from 46 localities, mostly in Asia and surrounding areas. The wild populations in the northern part of China, Korea, and the central part of Japan exhibited an almost monomorphic distribution of Hbbp. In the southern part of Asia, the frequency of Hbbp decreased and Hbbd was predominant. Although Hbbs and Hbbd are generally found in Europe, the Hbbp allele was present in Southeastern Europe (Bulgaria). In the light of these results, the Hbbp allele might have originated in mice of northern Asia.  相似文献   

The extent to which alleles can disperse across a hybrid zone depends on the selection they are subjected to in the hybrid genetic background or, for those that are selectively neutral, on their ability to escape from the unfavourable environment by recombination. Three markers spanning a 45 cM segment in the center of the X chromosome were used to investigate the degree to which selection against X chromosome linked genes helps to maintain the barrier to gene flow in the hybrid zone between Mus musculus domesticus and M. m. musculus in Denmark. The introgression of all the sex chromosome specific markers was more limited than that of the autosomal enzymes (Idh1, Amy, Gpd1, Pgm1, Es1, Es2, Mpi, Np1, Es10, Sod1) and the mitochondrial DNA. The cline for DXPas2, which is in the center of the X chromosome, is extremely steep and shows that certain genes located in this region are strongly selected against in the hybrid background. The clines of the other two X-linked markers, Hprt and DXPas1, and of the Y chromosome are not as abrupt and all three have similar asymmetric introgression patterns. Although the musculus variants appear to behave in much the same way as those of the autosomal genes, the domesticus variants do not introgress. The results show that X-linked and to a lesser extent Y-linked genes are more strongly selected against in the hybrid genome than the mitochondrial genome or the different autosomal loci. This suggests that co-adapted gene systems involving the sex chromosomes may play an important role in the hybrid breakdown between the two subspecies.  相似文献   

Importance of interphase nucleolar organizer regions in tumor pathology.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The importance of the distribution of silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs) in interphase nuclei for diagnostic and prognostic purposes in tumor pathology has been reviewed. The available data demonstrated that interphase Ag-NOR evaluation may be of help in distinguishing malignant from hyperplastic or normal cells. On the other hand, there is increasing evidence that a relationship exists between the quantity of interphase Ag-NORs and the prognosis of malignant tumors: the greater the number of interphase Ag-NORs, the worse is the prognosis. This can be explained by the observation that the interphase Ag-NOR quantity is strictly related to the cell proliferation rate. The procedures used for the measurement of the interphase Ag-NOR quantity are also critically discussed.  相似文献   

An examination of the meiotic pattern of chromosome 1 isolated from a feral mouse population and containing a double insertion (Is) of homogeneously staining regions (HSRs) was carried out. The region delineated by the proximal breakpoint of Is(HSR;1C5) 1Icg and the distal breakpoint of Is(HSR;1E3)2Icg is desynapsed during the early pachytene stage and heterosynapsed at the midpachytene, as shown by electron microscopic analysis of synaptonemal complexes. The HSRs have no effect on the segregation of chromosome 1 in heterozygous mice. The lack of homosynapsis in the region under study causes chiasmata redistribution in heteromorphic bivalents. In normal males, single chiasmata are located in the medial part of the chromosome. In heterozygotes, this segment is heterosynapsed and unavailable for recombination. This leads to a significant decrease in the frequency of bivalents bearing single chiasmata. The total number of chiasmata per bivalent is much higher in heterozygous males than in normal ones. The recombination frequency between proximal markers fz and In also is higher in heterozygous animals. The increase in the total chiasma number in the heteromorphic bivalent is due to the addition of double chiasmata located mostly at precentromeric and pretelomeric regions of the chromosome.  相似文献   

The endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia virus DNA content and integration sites were characterized for 54 inbred strains and substrains of mice by restriction enzyme digestion, Southern blotting, and hybridization with an ecotropic murine leukemia virus DNA-specific probe. More than 75% of these strains carried endogenous ecotropic proviruses which were located in at least 29 distinct integration sites in chromosomes of Mus musculus. Fourteen of these proviruses have been assigned specific locus designations. Most, but not all, of the endogenous ecotropic proviruses were structurally indistinguishable by this analysis from the prototype AKR ecotropic virus, and the distribution of these proviruses followed known relationships among the inbred strains and substrains of mice. These results suggest that, in general, viral DNA integration preceded the establishment of inbred mouse strains and that these integrations are relatively stable.  相似文献   

The immune function of wild animals has been rather little studied. Wild animals' immune function may differ from that of laboratory bred animals because of their different environments. This idea follows from the concept of resource partitioning in which animals distribute scarce resources to all aspects of life, including to costly immune responses. A logical extension of this idea is that there may be substantial interindividual variation in the immune function of wild animals. To begin to investigate this, we compared the immune function of a laboratory bred mouse strain (C57BL/6, a widely used mouse strain that makes potent immune responses) and wild caught Mus musculus. We found that by most measures of immune function, the wild caught mice had greater immune function. Specifically, wild mice had greater concentrations and more avid antigen-specific IgG responses, as well as higher concentrations of total IgG and IgE, compared with those laboratory bred mice. Moreover, flow cytometric analysis showed a comparatively greater overall level of activation of the cells of the immune system in wild mice. Lastly, we observed that immune function was substantially more variable among wild caught mice than among the laboratory bred mice. The next research challenge is to understand which aspects of an individual animal's life determine its immune function.  相似文献   

Summary Polymorphisms of the NORs as tested by Ag-staining of metaphase G-banded chromosomes were investigated in cultured blood lymphocytes of karyotypically normal individuals from the Moscow population.The study of cell-to-cell variability in the number of Ag-stained NORs carried out on 14 monozygotic twin pairs showed the phenomenon to have some features of real intercellular variation.In 40 unrelated individuals the individual acrocentric chromosomes were compared by the number of Ag-stained NORs, their degree of staining, and their participation in acrocentric association. Chromosome 21 was found to be significantly more active than four others by all the criteria, and chromosome 15 was less active compared with the others by the size of the Ag deposits and the frequency of participation in NOR associations. The frequency distribution of homozygotes and heterozygotes for Ag-stained NORs in the same group of 40 individuals was in accordance with the Hardy-Weinberg law.  相似文献   

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