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Blood samples taken from 48 4-mo-old wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopova silvestris) were used to establish reference intervals for hematology and serum chemistry values. The study was conducted during September and October 1996. Packed cell volume, total and differential white cell counts, total protein, albumin, glucose, calcium, uric acid, triglyceride concentrations, as well as aspartate transaminase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities were assayed. Reference intervals from wild turkeys are similar to those reported for domestic turkeys.  相似文献   

We studied blood samples from 529 Spanish ibexes (Capra pyrenaica) from different Andalusian mountain ranges in southern Spain, primarily from Sierra Nevada. For each sample, 13 hematologic and 32 biochemical parameters were analyzed. Within this database, we selected values obtained from live, free-ranging, physically restrained, clinically normal animals to determine reference intervals for these parameters. Distribution of values within each parameter was determined and differences in values between sex and age classes also were determined. We found significant differences in eight biochemical parameters among male and female ibexes. Significant differences in values for 20 hematologic and biochemical parameters between age classes also were found.  相似文献   

The reference intervals for biochemical variables and red blood cell indices of healthy intensively bred channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus were determined. The blood variables were determined using standardized clinical methods. The reference intervals (25th and 75th percentiles) were established using a non-parametric method. Reference intervals for plasma glucose, serum total protein, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride concentration, primary and secondary red blood cell indices were established. The haematological and biochemical reference intervals established may allow important clinical decisions about channel catfish.  相似文献   

Hypertrophied salivary glands were collected from wild populations of the tsetse flies Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and G. pallidipes Austen in the Zambezi valley, Zimbabwe. Examination of the glands by electron microscopy showed that the associated virus was identical in form in both species. The incidence of salivary gland hypertrophy was significantly higher in G. pallidipes than in G.m.morsitans, and 83% of the enlarged glands of the former were, in addition, found to be infected with Rickettsia-like organisms. There was no indication from this small sample that viral infections predisposed flies to infections with trypanosomes.
Résumé Des glandes salivaires hypertrophiées ont été extraites de Glossina morsitans et de G. pallidipes provenant de populations sauvages capturées dans la vallée du Zambèze au Zimbabwe. L'examen des glandes au microscope électronique a montré que la forme du virus associé était identique dans les deux espèces. La fréquence d'hypertrophie des glandes salivaires était significativement plus élevée chez G. pallidipes que chez G. morsitans et la fréquence des glandes hypertrophiées de G. pallidides contaminèes par des organismes ressemblant à des Rickettsia était de 0,02. Rien n'indique à partir de ce petit échantillon que la contamination virale favorise l'infection par des trypanosomes.

De novo reference intervals (RIs) for a total of thirty two hematological and serum biochemical attributes were established for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) cultured in Himalayan aquaculture system. For this purpose, long term assessment of hemato-biochemical parameters was carried over a period of one year from March 2019 to February 2020 and a total of 444 blood samples were analysed. Blood examination results were recorded systematically and reference intervals were established, notably for erythrocyte parameters: hematocrit (Hct) 29–40%, hemoglobin 8.32–12.28 g/dL, red blood cell (RBC) count 1.01–2.04 (×106/mm3); leukocyte parameters (x 103/mm3): total leukocytes 31.32–90.60, neutrophils 4.21–18.85, total lymphocytes 20.55–63.63, small lymphocytes 14.86–46.50, large lymphocytes 6.35–22.34 and monocytes 1.22–7.56; thrombocyte count 23.00–68.00 (×106/mm3). RIs were also established for red blood cell indices, vital serum constituents involved in carbohydrate, protein, lipid and nitrogen metabolism including the less known, diagnostically important, serum enzymes and electrolyte concentrations. Principal component analysis revealed that certain serum components were more efficient at distinguishing between the life stages (juvenile, adult) of fish by explaining about 92.7% of variation in the whole dataset compared to the principal hematological components which explained only about 80% of the variation. Significant (P < 0.05) differences were noted for RBC count, total leukocyte count (TLC), total protein, total cholesterol and uric acid with respect to the sex of fish. Moreover, clearly differentiable morphometric and morphological attributes were also noticed among erythrocytes, leukocytes (lymphocytes, neutrophils and monocytes) and thrombocytes. To our knowledge, the present study is the first of its kind that elucidates blood chemistry of cultured rainbow trout, O. mykiss in accordance to the guidelines framed by the American society of veterinary clinical pathologists (ASVCP). RIs reported here can help monitor the fish health status by improving the use of non-lethal diagnostics in piscine medicine.  相似文献   

Successful conservation and management of rare and elusive species requires reliable estimates of population size, but acquisition of such data is often challenging. We compare the two most frequently used methods of assessing abundance of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) populations, noninvasive genetic sampling (NGS) based on genotyping of faeces and field surveys using snow tracking. In a 100-km2 oligotrophic otter habitat with linear water bodies, both methods yielded very similar estimates (10–12 individuals). However, in a 100-km2 fishpond area, consisting of a complex network of rivers, fishponds, channels and marshes, genotyping of faeces revealed the presence of a higher number of individuals (46–50 genotypes) than the snow survey (38 individuals). NGS data analysed by capture-mark-recapture (CMR)-based software CAPWIRE provided even higher estimates, being twice the number assessed through snow tracking (76–81 individuals, CI95% = 49–96 and 55–89). Our results suggest that the performance of both NGS and snow tracking is comparable in simple linear habitats, but in complex habitats with very high otter density a combination of genetic and field methods, or CMR analysis using genetic data, is recommended. We emphasise that to obtain reliable estimates using NGS it is necessary to follow strict protocols for detection and elimination of genotyping errors. Based on a literature review and our experience, we suggest improvements that may increase the success rate and efficiency of NGS for otters.  相似文献   

Diet composition, niche measures, and prey consumption of three sympatric species of carnivores, one non-native and introduced, the American minkNeovison vison Schreber, 1777, and two native, the spotted genetGenetta genetta Linnaeus, 1758 and the Eurasian otterLutra lutra Linnaeus, 1758, were studied in a Spanish Mediterranean area. The study was based on the analysis of prey remains in the faeces of the predators. Faeces of mink (n = 444), genet (n = 310), and otter (n = 108) were collected all year round for four years along the Llobregat (21 km) and Gavarresa rivers (12 km). Simultaneously, and in the same area, prey species density and weight were estimated by means of trapping. The diet of mink and genet was dominated by the American crayfishProcambarus clarkii, while the otter fed almost exclusively on fish. Compared to the mink, the genet seemed to specialise more on small mammals while the mink specialised more on aquatic birds, especially in autumn-winter. Niche overlap was higher between mink and genet than between either of them and the otter.  相似文献   

Reference intervals of hematologic and biochemical blood profiles were obtained from 56 male and 58 female Mediterranean pond turtles (Mauremys leprosa) captured from the wild in different periods of their annual cycle. Mean (or median in nonnormal distributions) values of leukocyte differential were 53.8% and 58.5% heterophils, 35.3% and 32.6% eosinophils, 6.3% and 5.8% lymphocytes, 4.3% and 2% monocytes, and 0% and 0% basophils in males and females, respectively. Biochemical values did not differ from other chelonians, but values were generally higher in females than in males.  相似文献   

野生和养殖裂腹鱼血液学指标的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对齐口裂腹鱼和重口裂腹鱼的野生和养殖个体血液学指标进行了比较研究.结果显示:重口裂腹鱼野生组的红细胞长径和短径、红细胞核长径和短径、嗜中性粒细胞长径和短径、淋巴细胞长径和短径、总蛋白和甘油三酯与齐口裂腹鱼野生组相应指标差异显著;齐口裂腹鱼野生组的嗜中性粒细胞长径、嗜中性粒细胞短径、淋巴细胞长径、淋巴细胞短径和淋巴细胞核长径显著大于养殖组;重口裂腹鱼野生组的红细胞短径明显小于养殖组重口裂腹鱼;齐口裂腹鱼野生组血液中TP、GLU和TG显著低于齐口裂腹鱼养殖组;重口裂腹鱼野生组TG、T-CHO与养殖组重口裂腹鱼差异显著.这些差异说明齐口裂腹鱼和重口裂腹鱼在生理适应方面存在差异,养殖活动对它们的生理状况有一定的影响.  相似文献   

作为入侵物种,北美水貂(Neovison vison)在欧洲引起了一系列生态问题,侵占了欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)的生态空间,其入侵性对当地生物多样性和生态系统构成了严重威胁。水貂引入我国东北地区已有70多年的历史,然而国内对其野外种群却鲜有研究。掌握水貂种群的入侵范围、入侵影响因素以及与本地具有相似生态位的欧亚水獭之间的竞争关系,对水貂的入侵管理和东北地区的生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本研究利用实地调查和文献资料获取的分布信息,通过集合模型识别水貂和水獭的潜在分布区,评估水貂对水獭在地理空间上的入侵风险,并通过主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)评估其生态位重叠和影响因素。结果表明:(1)我国东北地区水貂的潜在分布区面积为61,944.57 km2,水獭的潜在分布区面积为83,590.94 km2,两者重叠区域面积为50,544.21 km2,占水獭潜在分布区面积的60.47%;(2)从各省分布情况来看,黑龙江省水獭受水貂入侵的风险最高,潜在分布区重叠的比例达到78.9...  相似文献   

The case for common reference intervals   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The current paradigm for pathology reference intervals is for each laboratory to determine its own interval for use with each test offered by the laboratory. It is our contention that this approach does not best serve the medical community, especially at a time when electronic databases of health information are being expanded and integrated. We also believe that this approach is not performed well in many laboratories and is excessively expensive in practice. In contrast, we believe that the preferable option is to develop and apply common reference intervals throughout Australia and New Zealand, together with common reporting formats and assay standardisation wherever this is possible.

We are aware that these are neither trivial nor simple issues, however we believe that failure to achieve this goal where technically possible will be a failure of the pathology profession to meet the challenges of the modern health community.


Normal reference range intervals for hematologic and serum biochemical values in the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) have seldom been reported. The few studies that have been conducted either report values on the basis of a small number of animals, report values for all age groups or both sexes combined, or were designed specifically to document the effect of a particular condition on the normal range of hematologic and serum biochemical values. On the basis of data collected from 133 chimpanzees over a 17-year period, empirically based clinical reference ranges were derived to provide a guide for basic diagnostic and clinical care of chimpanzees. For either sex within each of four age groups, there is a table that summarizes serum biochemical and a table that summarizes hematologic values. These values are compared with prior values, and their importance in the care and well being of captive chimpanzee populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Age and sex need to be considered in the establishment of reference intervals (RIs), especially in early life when there are dynamic physiological changes. Since data for important biomarkers in healthy neonates and infants are limited, particularly in Iranian populations, we have determined age-specific RIs for 7 laboratory biochemical parameters. This cross-sectional study comprised a total of 344 paediatric participants (males: 158, females: 186) between the ages of 3 days and 30 months (mean age: 12.91 ± 7.15 months). Serum levels of creatinine, urea, uric acid, calcium, phosphate, vitamin D and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) were measured using an Alpha classic-AT plus auto-analyser. We determined age-specific RIs using CLSI Ep28-A3 and C28-A3 guidelines. No sex partitioning was required for any of the biomarkers. Age partitioning was required for kidney function tests and phosphate. The serum concentration of urea and creatinine increased with age, while phosphate and uric acid decreased with age. Age partitioning was not required for serum calcium, vitamin D, and hs-CRP, which remained relatively constant throughout the age range. Age-specific RIs for 7 routine biochemical markers were determined to address critical gaps in RIs in early life to help improve clinical interpretation of blood test results in young children, including neonates. Established age partitions demonstrate the biochemical changes that take place during child growth and development. These novel data will ultimately better disease management in the Iranian paediatric population and can be of value to clinical and hospital laboratories with similar populations.  相似文献   

Haematology and leucocyte morphology of wild caught Thunnus maccoyii   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The haematology of wild southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii was described using blood samples collected from fish immediately after they were caught. Cytology and cytochemistry revealed that the blood in peripheral circulation is comprised of erythrocytes, reticulocytes, ghost cells, lymphocytes, thrombocytes, eosinophilic granulocytes, neutrophilic granulocytes and monocytes. Reference ranges established were 41·09–55·50% for haematocrit, 0·62–3·00% for leucocrit, 13·25–17·92 g dl−1 for haemoglobin and 2·1–2·9 million erythrocytes μl−1 for erythrocyte count. Differential cell counts showed 94·58 ± 2·15% erythrocytes, 3·99 ± 1·44% leucocytes and 1·43 ± 1·03% thrombocytes (mean ±  s . d .). Normal ranges for differential leucocyte counts were 0·00–5·45% for neutrophils, 0·69–12·06% for eosinophils, 0·00–5·03% for monocytes, 46·97–74·32% for lymphocytes and 14·47–43·92% for thrombocytes. Erythrocyte indices, leucocyte types and cytochemistry were comparable to other species of scombrids. Packed cell volume was sensitive to the physiological state of the fish and to sample handling technique.  相似文献   

Prerequisites for use of common reference intervals   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The theory of reference values was developed more than 30 years ago, but its application in most clinical laboratories is still incomplete today. This is for several reasons, the most relevant ones being the lack of standardisation of the analytical methods, resulting in method-dependent values, and the difficulty in recruiting the proper number of reference subjects for establishment of reference intervals. With the recent progress in method standardisation the first problem is reducing while the second can be addressed optimally via multicentre collaborative studies that aim to establish common reference intervals. To be effective this approach requires the following prerequisites: 1) the existence of a reference measurement system for the analyte; 2) field methods producing results traceable to the reference system; and 3) a carefully planned multicentre reference interval study. Such a procedure will produce results traceable to the reference measurement system for a large number of reference subjects, under controlled pre-analytical conditions. It will also enable a better understanding of the various sources of population variability, if there is the need for partitioning of a reference interval or if there are any limitations to adopting the established reference intervals on a national or global scale. Once reference intervals are determined, clinical laboratories can adopt a common reference interval provided: 1) the population that the laboratory services is similar to the one studied; 2) methods producing traceable results are used; and 3) analytical quality is within defined targets of precision and bias. Moreover, some validation of the interval using a small sample of reference individuals from the laboratory's population is advisable.  相似文献   

Collecting faeces is viewed as a potentially efficient way to sample elusive animals. Nonetheless, any biases in estimates of population composition associated with such sampling remain uncharacterized. The goal of this study was to compare estimates of genetic composition and sex ratio derived from Eurasian otter Lutra lutra spraints (faeces) with estimates derived from carcasses. Twenty per cent of 426 wild-collected spraints from SW England yielded composite genotypes for 7-9 microsatellites and the SRY gene. The expected number of incorrect spraint genotypes was negligible, given the proportions of allele dropout and false allele detection estimated using paired blood and spraint samples of three captive otters. Fifty-two different spraint genotypes were detected and compared with genotypes of 70 otter carcasses from the same area. Carcass and spraint genotypes did not differ significantly in mean number of alleles, mean unbiased heterozygosity or sex ratio, although statistical power to detect all but large differences in sex ratio was low. The genetic compositions of carcass and spraint genotypes were very similar according to confidence intervals of theta and two methods for assigning composite genotypes to groups. A distinct group of approximately 11 carcass and spraint genotypes was detected using the latter methods. The results suggest that spraints can yield unbiased estimates of population genetic composition and sex ratio.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 210 wild ruminants collected between 2006 and 2007 in southern Spain were tested for antibodies against bluetongue virus (BTV) by means of a competitive ELISA assay. Eighty-seven of the 210 wild ruminants analysed (41%) showed antibodies against BTV. Statistically significant differences were found in the seroprevalence among species: 66% (65 of 98) for red deer (Cervus elaphus), 50% (ten of 20) for fallow deer (Dama dama), 33% (three of nine) for mouflon (Ovis aries musimon) and 11% (nine of 83) for Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica). Overall, the sites where seropositive wild ruminants were found coincide with the areas where BTV had been detected in livestock, but in eastern Sierra Morena, the virus circulated in wild ruminants, although it had not been detected in domestic ruminants in the same areas. Wild ruminants over 1-year of age (sub-adults and adults) had significantly higher seroprevalences than juvenile animals. Statistically significant differences were also observed between BTV seroprevalence and management (free-ranging vs. captivity) with higher prevalence in free-ranging animals. The high seroprevalences obtained suggest that BTV is widespread in wild ruminants in southern Spain. This factor could have an important influence on the evolution of the infection in domestic livestock and indicates the need to include wild ruminant species in BTV surveillance or control programs. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The relationship between microsatellite diversity and geographical fragmentation and isolation was studied in Scottish populations of the Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra. The geographic range of the study encompassed isolated archipelagos, islands adjacent to the Scottish mainland and both fragmented and continuous mainland populations. Tissue samples of 496 individuals from across Scotland were assayed for polymorphism at ten microsatellites. The isolation of populations on Shetland, and to a lesser degree on Orkney, was associated with reduced levels of microsatellite diversity. Most of the remaining island and fragmented mainland populations contained levels of microsatellite diversity similar to the high levels observed in die continuous mainland populations. Unexpectedly, both island and continuous mainland populations showed similar rates of departures from mutation-drift equilibrium. Such departures could have arisen from a variety of local demographic processes besides population bottlenecks. Gene flow appeared to be a major factor maintaining microsatellite diversity in all of these populations except the one on Shedand.  相似文献   

Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) populations are in decline, likely due to anthropogenic forces and disease, necessitating hematologic and biochemical data from healthy individuals for evaluation of wild populations. We repeatedly sampled 21 free-ranging eastern box turtles from May to September 2009 in the spring, summer, and fall to establish temporal hematologic and biochemical reference intervals. Packed cell volume, aspartate aminotransferase, and potassium levels declined significantly as the active season progressed. High levels of albumin, globulin, and calcium coincided with the presence of eggs in females. These reference intervals should provide baseline data for the clinical evaluation of wild box turtles presented for veterinary care or for studies of wild populations.  相似文献   

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