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蚂蚁筑巢能够改变热带森林土壤微生物与土壤理化性质的状况,从而对土壤呼吸时间动态产生重要影响。本研究以西双版纳高檐蒲桃热带森林群落为研究对象,采用Li-6400-09便携式土壤呼吸测定仪对蚂蚁筑巢地与非筑巢地土壤呼吸进行测定。研究结果表明:(1)高檐蒲桃群落土壤呼吸呈明显的单峰型季节变化趋势,且土壤呼吸速率蚂蚁筑巢地(4.96μmol CO_2m~(-2)s~(-1))高于非筑巢地(4.42μmol CO_2m~(-2)s~(-1))。(2)土壤温度和土壤水分显著影响土壤呼吸的时间动态(P0.01);蚂蚁筑巢显著改变巢内温度与水分(P0.05),进而影响土壤呼吸动态。土壤温度对土壤呼吸动态的贡献:蚁巢(83.8%—91.8%)大于非巢地(81.2%—83.1%),但由于筑巢地土壤湿度低于非巢地,土壤水分对土壤呼吸动态的贡献率表现为蚁巢低于非筑巢地。(3)蚂蚁筑巢显著增加土壤微生物生物量(P0.05),从而对土壤呼吸速率产生极显著的影响(P0.01)。蚂蚁筑巢引起微生物生物量碳的增加能够解释76.9%—71.1%的土壤呼吸变化。(4)蚂蚁筑巢引起土壤理化性质变化对土壤呼吸产生一定的影响。土壤容重与土壤呼吸速率呈显著负相关;土壤呼吸速率与土壤微生物量碳、有机质、易氧化有机碳、全氮、硝氮和铵氮显著正相关(P0.05或P0.01)。因此,蚂蚁筑巢显著改变土壤微生物(如微生物生物量碳)、土壤物理性质(如土壤温度与水分)、土壤化学性质(如碳和氮养分),进而对热带森林土壤呼吸产生重要影响。  相似文献   

The seasonal cycle and population dynamics of Schizotetranychus nanjingensis Ma and Yuan, Aponychus corpuzae Rimando (Tetranychidae), Aculus bambusae Kuang (Eriophyidae) and their natural enemy Typhlodromus bambusae Ehara (Phytoseiidae) were studied during 1996–1998 in moso bamboo forests in Nanping, Fujian, China. Damage to bamboo leaves was often caused by mixed populations of the three phytophagous species, which displayed different seasonal dynamics: S. nanjingensis fed actively and reproduced in May and from late July to late October (aestivating from June to mid July), Ap. corpuzae was active and reproduced from mid July to late November, and Ac. bambusae from July to next February. During Spring S. nanjingensis was the dominant species with the greatest niche width, but in Summer Ac. bambusae and Ap. corpuzae became dominant and had greater niche widths. In Autumn, Ac. bambusae decreased but both S. nanjingensis and Ap. corpuzae mites increased and the latter became dominant. In winter all species decreased sharply in number. The two spider mite species (S. nanjingensis and Ap. corpuzae) had high niche overlaps in all four seasons. Niche overlaps between the eriophyid Ac. bambusae and the two spider mites were similarly high except during the spring when Ac. bambusae was absent. The predatory mite (T. bambusae) had higher niche overlap with Ap. corpuzae than with others during Autumn and Winter, but during Spring and Summer niche overlap was higher with S. nanjingensis.  相似文献   

Freezing and thawing may alter element turnover and solute fluxes in soils by changing physical and biological soil properties. We simulated soil frost in replicated snow removal plots in a mountainous Norway spruce stand in the Fichtelgebirge area, Germany, and investigated N net mineralization, solute concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and of mineral ions (NH4+, NO3, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+). At the snow removal plots the minimum soil temperature was −5 °C at 5 cm depth, while the control plots were covered by snow and experienced no soil frost. The soil frost lasted for about 3 months and penetrated the soil to about 15 cm depth. In the 3 months after thawing, the in situ N net mineralization in the forest floor and upper mineral soil was not affected by soil frost. In late summer, NO3 concentrations increased in forest floor percolates and soil solutions at 20 cm soil depth in the snow removal plots relative to the control. The increase lasted for about 2–4 months at a time of low seepage water fluxes. Soil frost did not affect DOC concentrations and radiocarbon signatures of DOC. No specific frost effect was observed for K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ in soil solutions, however, the Na+ concentrations in the upper mineral soil increased. In the 12 months following snowmelt, the solute fluxes of N, DOC, and mineral ions were not influenced by the previous soil frost at any depth. Our experiment did not support the hypothesis that moderate soil frost triggers solute losses of N, DOC, and mineral ions from temperate forest soils.  相似文献   

不同林龄落叶松人工林土壤微生物生物量碳氮的季节变化   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
杨凯  朱教君  张金鑫  闫巧玲 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5500-5507
为从土壤微生物生物量角度分析不同林龄落叶松人工林的土壤肥力状况,对辽宁东部山区两种林龄(9年生,幼龄林;43年生,成熟林)落叶松人工林不同土层(腐殖质层和矿化层)微生物生物量碳、氮季节变化进行了监测,并分析了微生物生物量碳氮的季节变化与土壤养分及水分的关系.结果表明:两种林龄落叶松腐殖质层微生物生物量碳、氮含量均高于矿化层;在腐殖质层,幼龄林微生物生物量碳、氮含量高于成熟林.方差分析表明,在春、秋季节,同一土层两林龄土壤微生物生物量碳、氮含量之间差异达到显著水平(P<0.01).在观测的3个季节内,幼龄林腐殖质层的微生物生物量碳基本无变化,而成熟林的微生物生物量碳在秋季达到最高;两种林龄落叶松微生物生物量氮均在夏季达到最高.在矿化层,两种林龄落叶松微生物生物量碳、氮均在秋季达到最大.相关分析发现,微生物生物量碳、氮之间以及土壤微生物生物量碳、氮与土壤有机碳、全氮呈显著正相关,而与土壤水分无相关性;另外,落叶松人工林内的灌木种类和数量以及季节性温度变化对土壤微生物生物量碳氮也有影响.上述结果表明,研究区域土壤微生物生物量碳、氮的季节波动与土壤养分状况密切相关,幼龄林土壤养分状况优于成熟林.  相似文献   

2007-2008年,采用氯仿熏蒸浸提法测定了落叶松和水曲柳人工林土壤微生物生物量,研究施N肥对土壤微生物生物量碳、氮,以及细菌、真菌和放线菌数量季节变化的影响.结果表明:落叶松林地土壤微生物生物量碳、氮两年平均值分别比水曲柳林地低13.8%和18.3%,但两种林分土壤微生物生物量碳、氮具有相同的季节变化规律:5月最低,9月最高;表层(0~10 cm)土壤微生物生物量碳、氮及微生物数量均高于亚表层(10~20 cm)土壤.但细菌、真菌和放线菌数量的季节变化格局与生物量不同.施肥降低了两种林分的微生物生物量碳、氮,以及细菌、真菌和放线菌数量,其中,落叶松林地微生物生物量碳和氮分别降低了24%和63%,水曲柳分别降低了51%和68%.说明施N肥限制了土壤微生物生物量,改变了土壤微生物的群落结构.  相似文献   

土壤溶液被称作"土壤的血液",是土壤中各种生物化学反应的中介物质,在外界环境发生变化时,土壤溶液化学成分能在其他土壤指标尚无变化之前对环境变化做出迅速响应。为了探索持续增加的大气氮(N)沉降对森林生态系统的影响,以华西雨屏区亚热带常绿阔叶林为对象,设置对照(CK,0 g m-2 a-1),低N(LN,5 g m-2 a-1),高N(HN,15 g m-2 a-1)三种N处理,通过人工施加硝酸铵(2017年9月起改施硝酸钠及氯化铵)的方法模拟N沉降增加情景,N处理42个月后,使用负压土壤溶液采样器定位收集A层(37-45 cm)及B层(52-60 cm)土壤溶液,并进行分析(每月1次,为期1 a)。结果表明:对照处理中A、B两层土壤溶液NO3-浓度达(3.94±0.77)mg/L、(4.27±1.13)mg/L,N添加显著提高两层土壤溶液NO3-浓度和B层NH4+浓度;N添加显著降低土壤溶液pH,且显著增加Al3+浓度,Ca2+和Mg2+含量有增加趋势,但影响不显著;N处理使A层土壤溶液可溶性有机碳(DOC)浓度显著降低,对两层土壤溶液芳香化指数(AI)无显著影响;两层土壤溶液电导率(EC)及氧化还原电位(Eh)显著增加;此外,两层土壤溶液中许多化学成分均呈现极显著相关,特别是NO3-与EC相关系数达到了0.855。本研究中,对照处理极高的NO3-含量以及B层土壤溶液硝酸盐浓度高于A层,表明该亚热带常绿阔叶林N的有效性超过植物和微生物的总营养需求而发生淋溶,该生态系统已达到氮饱和状态,此外N添加会显著促进土壤酸化和铝离子活化,表层土壤溶液DOC的降低一定程度反映了凋落物分解受N添加的抑制作用,显著升高的氧化还原电位可能导致土壤中某些金属元素的迁移率降低。  相似文献   

Aims Land use management affects plant carbon (C) supply and soil environments and hence alters soil nitrogen (N) dynamics, with consequent feedbacks to terrestrial ecosystem productivity. The objective of this study was to better identify mechanisms by which land-use management (clipping and shading) regulates soil N in a tallgrass prairie, OK, USA.Methods We conducted 1-year clipping and shading experiment to investigate the effects of changes in land-use management (soil microclimates, plant C substrate supply and microbial activity) on soil inorganic N (NH 4 + ? N and NO 3 ? ? N), net N mineralization and nitrification in a tallgrass prairie.Important findings Land-use management through clipping and/or shading significantly increased annual mean inorganic N, possibly due to lowered plant N uptake and decreased microbial N immobilization into biomass growth. Shading significantly increased annual mean mineralization rates (P < 0.05). Clipping slightly decreased annual mean N nitrification rates whereas shading significantly increased annual mean N nitrification rates. Soil microclimate significantly explained 36% of the variation in NO 3 ? ? N concentrations (P = 0.004). However, soil respiration, a predictor of plant C substrate supply and microbial activity, was negatively correlated with NH 4 + ? N concentrations (P = 0.0009), net N mineralization (P = 0.0037) and nitrification rates (P = 0.0028) across treatments. Our results suggest that change in C substrate supply and microbial activity under clipping and/or shading is a critical control on NH 4 + ? N, net N mineralization and nitrification rates, whereas clipping and shading-induced soil microclimate change can be important for NO 3 ? ? N variation in the tallgrass prairie.  相似文献   

Bhatti  J. S.  Apps  M. J.  Jiang  H. 《Plant and Soil》2002,242(1):1-14
The interacting influence of disturbances and nutrient dynamics on aboveground biomass, forest floor, and mineral soil C stocks was assessed as part of the Boreal Forest Transect Case Study in central Canada. This transect covers a range of forested biomes–-from transitional grasslands (aspen parkland) in the south, through boreal forests, and into the forested subarctic woodland in the north. The dominant forest vegetation species are aspen, jack pine and spruce. Disturbances influence biomass C stocks in boreal forests by determining its age-class structure, altering nutrient dynamics, and changing the total nutrient reserves of the stand. Nitrogen is generally the limiting nutrient in these systems, and N availability determines biomass C stocks by affecting the forest dynamics (growth rates and site carrying capacity) throughout the life cycle of a forest stand. At a given site, total and available soil N are determined both by biotic factors (such as vegetation type and associated detritus pools) and abiotic factors (such as N deposition, soil texture, and drainage). Increasing clay content, lower temperatures and reduced aeration are expected to lead to reduced N mineralization and, ultimately, lower N availability and reduced forest productivity. Forest floor and mineral soil C stocks vary with changing balances between complex sets of organic carbon inputs and outputs. The changes in forest floor and mineral soil C pools at a given site, however, are strongly related to the historical changes in biomass at that site. Changes in N availability alter the processes regulating both inputs and outputs of carbon to soil stocks. N availability in turn is shaped by past disturbance history, litter fall rate, site characteristics and climatic factors. Thus, understanding the life-cycle dynamics of C and N as determined by age-class structure (disturbances) is essential for quantifying past changes in forest level C stocks and for projecting their future change.  相似文献   

为探究根系分泌物C∶N对土壤养分循环及微生物活性的影响,本研究以黄土高原人工刺槐林为对象,在生境条件基本一致的15、25、35、45 a刺槐林地取原位土壤,通过模拟不同C∶N的根系分泌物(只添加N、C∶N=10、C∶N=50、C∶N=100和只添加C)添加至土壤,以去离子水作为对照,分析根系分泌物C∶N对土壤碳、氮、磷、pH值等理化特征和土壤呼吸的影响。结果表明: 1)有机碳含量与根系分泌物C∶N呈正相关,根系分泌物C∶N=10时土壤有机碳(SOC)分解较快,高根系分泌物C∶N(C∶N=100)能延缓SOC分解,而只添加C处理对SOC无显著影响。2)不同C∶N根系分泌物处理对全氮的影响不明显,碳添加能促进微生物对铵态氮的吸收,氮添加能促进铵态氮的硝化,随着根系分泌物C∶N增加,土壤中铵态氮含量下降。3)氮添加会导致土壤pH值下降,增加土壤全磷含量。4)刺槐林地土壤呼吸值与根系分泌物C∶N呈正相关,随着C∶N增加,根系分泌物对25和35 a人工刺槐林土壤呼吸的促进作用更显著。综上,根系分泌物C∶N值越高,对人工刺槐林土壤呼吸的促进作用越显著。研究结果进一步加深了对森林根系-土壤-微生物互作过程的认识。  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Host plant preferences of the female diamondback moth Plutella xylostella were studied.
2. Female moths preferred conspecific-damaged cabbage plants over undamaged cabbage plants. The performance of P. xylostella larvae on conspecific-infested plants did not differ significantly from that of larvae on undamaged plants.
3.  Cotesia plutellae , the specialist parasitoid wasp of P. xylostella larvae, displayed equal preference for plants with differing levels of host-larvae damage, and the wasp attacked only one or two hosts on average before leaving an infested plant, irrespective of the number of hosts on the plant. It is hypothesised that the oviposition preferences of P. xylostella females for host plants already damaged by conspecific larvae demonstrate an encounter–dilution effect against C. plutellae .  相似文献   

Wang W J  Liu W  Sun W  Zu Y G  Cui S 《农业工程》2008,28(10):4750-4756
Aimed to estimate how forest floor cleaning affected the carbon budget and soil physical feature, a 2-yr (2005–2006) measurement on soil respiration, soil bulk density, capillary porosity, soil temperature and soil volumetric moisture was carried out in a larch plantation. Firstly, forest floor cleaning evidently decreased soil respiration. Annual cumulative soil CO2 efflux decreased from 44.2 μmol·m?2 a?1 to 22.4 μmol·m?2 a?1. Secondly, cleaning practice slightly increased soil temperature at the growing season, but reduced it at the dominant winter season. It also made soil moisture higher in summer, but lower in spring and autumn. Moreover, the cleaning practice induced more compact soil compared with the uncleaned control. Thirdly, forest floor cleaning of litters and understory shrubs could cause non-respiratory carbon loss of about 175.0 mol·m?2. This loss decreased from 175.0 mol·m?2 to 137.4 mol·m?2 when soil respiratory carbon loss decreased. However, the alteration of soil physical characters in the cleaned plots should be carefully considered since this alteration was not favorable to the growth of larch plantation in a long run.  相似文献   

三江平原沼泽湿地枯落物分解及其营养动态   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
分解袋法研究了三江平原典型沼泽湿地枯落物的分解速率和N、P营养动态.湿地枯落物的分解速率(0.000612~0.000945 d^-1)在群落间差异显著,分解480d,分别损失初始重的45.36%(Carexpseudocuraica)、35.32%(Carex lasiocarpa)、33.72%(Deyeuxia angustifolia)和29.13%(Deyeuxia angustifolia-Shrub),即随淹水深度由大到小、淹水时间由长到短,枯落物分解由快到慢,说明湿地的淹水状况是影响枯落物分解速率的主要因素.分解过程中,漂筏苔草和毛果苔草枯落物N浓度持续上升,N在枯落物中积累;小叶章枯落物N浓度在第1个月快速下降而后缓慢上升,分解使枯落物释放N.各类枯落物P浓度的变化大致呈不同程度的降低趋势,分解使湿地枯落物均发生P释放.结果表明,微生物的营养需求状况决定了湿地枯落物N、P的动态变化,而其积累或释放的强度则可能与枯落物初始C:N和C:P的大小有关.  相似文献   

Reductions in snow cover undera warmer climate may cause soil freezing eventsto become more common in northern temperateecosystems. In this experiment, snow cover wasmanipulated to simulate the late development ofsnowpack and to induce soil freezing. Thismanipulation was used to examine the effects ofsoil freezing disturbance on soil solutionnitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and carbon (C)chemistry in four experimental stands (twosugar maple and two yellow birch) at theHubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) in theWhite Mountains of New Hampshire. Soilfreezing enhanced soil solution Nconcentrations and transport from the forestfloor. Nitrate (NO3 ) was thedominant N species mobilized in the forestfloor of sugar maple stands after soilfreezing, while ammonium (NH4 +) anddissolved organic nitrogen (DON) were thedominant forms of N leaching from the forestfloor of treated yellow birch stands. Rates ofN leaching at stands subjected to soil freezingranged from 490 to 4,600 mol ha–1yr–1, significant in comparison to wet Ndeposition (530 mol ha–1 yr–1) andstream NO3 export (25 mol ha–1yr–1) in this northern forest ecosystem. Soil solution fluxes of Pi from the forestfloor of sugar maple stands after soil freezingranged from 15 to 32 mol ha–1 yr–1;this elevated mobilization of Pi coincidedwith heightened NO3 leaching. Elevated leaching of Pi from the forestfloor was coupled with enhanced retention ofPi in the mineral soil Bs horizon. Thequantities of Pi mobilized from the forestfloor were significant relative to theavailable P pool (22 mol ha–1) as well asnet P mineralization rates in the forest floor(180 mol ha–1 yr–1). Increased fineroot mortality was likely an important sourceof mobile N and Pi from the forest floor,but other factors (decreased N and P uptake byroots and increased physical disruption of soilaggregates) may also have contributed to theenhanced leaching of nutrients. Microbialmortality did not contribute to the acceleratedN and P leaching after soil freezing. Resultssuggest that soil freezing events may increaserates of N and P loss, with potential effectson soil N and P availability, ecosystemproductivity, as well as surface wateracidification and eutrophication.  相似文献   

改变凋落物输入对川西亚高山天然次生林土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2019年5月-10月,采用LI-8100A土壤碳通量自动测量分析仪对川西米亚罗林区20世纪60年代采伐后经自然更新恢复形成的岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)次生针叶林(针叶林)、红桦(Betula albo-sinensis)+青榨槭(Acer davidii)+岷江冷杉次生针阔混交林(针阔混交林)和青榨槭+红桦+陕甘花楸(Sorbus koehneana Schneid)次生阔叶林(阔叶林)的土壤呼吸及土壤温湿度因子(对照、去除凋落物和加倍凋落物)进行观测。结果显示:去除和加倍凋落物对土壤温湿度的影响不显著,且3种林型之间的土壤呼吸速率差异不显著。与对照相比,去除凋落物使针叶林、针阔混交林、阔叶林的土壤呼吸速率分别降低了17.65%、21.01%和19.83%(P<0.05);加倍凋落物则分别增加6.76%、7.28%、8.16%(P>0.05)。3种林分土壤呼吸速率均与土壤温度极显著指数相关,与土壤湿度不相关。对照Q10值变幅为2.01-3.29,去除凋落物降低了3种林型的Q10值;加倍凋落物分别提高了针叶林和降低了针阔混交林和阔叶林的Q10值。土壤呼吸速率仅表现在天然次生林对照处理中受到土壤pH、有机质、可溶性有机氮和草本Pielou均匀度指数的显著影响。研究结果表明,天然次生阔叶林和针阔混交林凋落物对土壤呼吸的贡献及Q10值高于天然次生针叶林,说明在未来CO2浓度及温度升高背景下,地表凋落物增加并未引起天然次生林土壤呼吸速率成倍增加,更有利于该区域天然次生林尤其是针叶林的土壤碳吸存。  相似文献   

Helms SE  Hunter MD 《Oecologia》2005,145(2):196-203
In the attempt to use results from small-scale studies to make large-scale predictions, it is critical that we take into account the greater spatial heterogeneity encountered at larger spatial scales. An important component of this heterogeneity is variation in plant quality, which can have a profound influence on herbivore population dynamics. This influence is particularly relevant when we consider that the strength of density dependence can vary among host plants and that the strength of density dependence determines the difference between exponential and density- dependent growth. Here, we present some simple models and analyses designed to examine the impact of variable plant quality on the dynamics of insect herbivore populations, and specifically the consequences of variation in the strength of density dependence among host plants. We show that average values of herbivore population growth parameters, calculated from plants that vary in quality, do not predict overall population growth. Furthermore, we illustrate that the quality of a few individual plants within a larger plant population can dominate herbivore population growth. Our results demonstrate that ignoring spatial heterogeneity that exists in herbivore population growth on plants that differ in quality can lead to a misunderstanding of the mechanisms that underlie population dynamics.  相似文献   

The litterbag technique was used to study the decomposition and nutrient dynamics of marsh litter in the four communities, Carex pseudocuraica (C.pa), C. lasiocarpa (C.la), Deyeuxia angustifolia (D.aa), and D. angustifolia-Shrub (D.aa-Srb), in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Decomposition was divided into two periods in the first year, with the mass loss ranging from 11.7% to 31.4% of the initial mass during summer and autumn, accounting for more than 75% of the annual loss. The decomposition rates ranged from 0.000 612 to 0.000 945 d?1 depending on the depth of the flooding and its duration, and differed significantly in each community. The litter decomposed faster in communities with deeper and perennial flooding than in those with shallow and seasonal flooding. The initial ratios of C:N and C:P were also different among the four litter types, but these differences had no impact on the decomposition rates, suggesting that the main factor influencing the decomposition rates of marsh litter was the flooding status rather than the litter quality. The N concentrations in C.pa and C.la almost continuously increased over time, with their final values being 2.8 and 2.4 times higher than the initial ones, respectively. However, the nutrient dynamics in D.aa and D.aa-Srb offered another pattern, sharply falling in the first month and then gradually rising, with the values at the end of the experiment being close to those at the beginning. The litter accumulated substantial amounts of N in C.pa and C.la, while net N release from the litter was observed in both D.aa and D.aa-Srb. The difference may be caused by microorganisms' demand for nutrition, and then limited by the C:N ratios of litter and the availability of nitrogen from the soil and marsh water. In contrast with N dynamics, P concentrations of all the litter types apparently decreased during the first month, and then continued to decline in C.pa, remained constant in C.la and D.aa and increased slightly in D.aa-Srb. At the end of the experiment, the P concentrations decreased, respectively, by 56%, ?5%, 47% and 24% of the initial values of C.la, C. pa, D.aa and D.aa-Srb. The net P release was observed in all marsh litter over 480 days of decomposition and the intensity of the P release was different amongst communities, which may be regulated by ratios of initial C:P. The results suggested that in the marsh with the N limitation, litter tended to accumulate N and release P during decomposition and the intensity of accumulation or release was closely related to the initial C:N and C:P ratios.  相似文献   

Yang J S  Liu J S  Yu J B  Wang J D  Li X H  Sun Z G 《农业工程》2006,26(5):1297-1301
The litterbag technique was used to study the decomposition and nutrient dynamics of marsh litter in the four communities, Carex pseudocuraica (C.pa), C. lasiocarpa (C.la), Deyeuxia angustifolia (D.aa), and D. angustifolia-Shrub (D.aa-Srb), in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Decomposition was divided into two periods in the first year, with the mass loss ranging from 11.7% to 31.4% of the initial mass during summer and autumn, accounting for more than 75% of the annual loss. The decomposition rates ranged from 0.000 612 to 0.000 945 d-1 depending on the depth of the flooding and its duration, and differed significantly in each community. The litter decomposed faster in communities with deeper and perennial flooding than in those with shallow and seasonal flooding. The initial ratios of C:N and C:P were also different among the four litter types, but these differences had no impact on the decomposition rates, suggesting that the main factor influencing the decomposition rates of marsh litter was the flooding status rather than the litter quality. The N concentrations in C.pa and C.la almost continuously increased over time, with their final values being 2.8 and 2.4 times higher than the initial ones, respectively. However, the nutrient dynamics in D.aa and D.aa-Srb offered another pattern, sharply falling in the first month and then gradually rising, with the values at the end of the experiment being close to those at the beginning. The litter accumulated substantial amounts of N in C.pa and C.la, while net N release from the litter was observed in both D.aa and D.aa-Srb. The difference may be caused by microorganisms' demand for nutrition, and then limited by the C:N ratios of litter and the availability of nitrogen from the soil and marsh water. In contrast with N dynamics, P concentrations of all the litter types apparently decreased during the first month, and then continued to decline in C.pa, remained constant in C.la and D.aa and increased slightly in D.aa-Srb. At the end of the experiment, the P concentrations decreased, respectively, by 56%, -5%, 47% and 24% of the initial values of C.la, C. pa, D.aa and D.aa-Srb. The net P release was observed in all marsh litter over 480 days of decomposition and the intensity of the P release was different amongst communities, which may be regulated by ratios of initial C:P. The results suggested that in the marsh with the N limitation, litter tended to accumulate N and release P during decomposition and the intensity of accumulation or release was closely related to the initial C:N and C:P ratios.  相似文献   

Climatic variables have major effects on all components and processes of the global carbon (C) cycle, including soil C contents and dynamics, which in turn have significant feedback effects on the global climate. We have investigated the interactive effects between soil C and projected climatic changes using the Institute of Numerical Mathematics Climate Model (INMCM) climate–C cycle model coupled to three soil organic matter dynamics models [the Lund–Potsdam–Jena (LPJ) soil biogeochemistry, ROMUL and Q models] based on three markedly differing conceptual interpretations of soil organic matter transformation (biochemical, discrete succession and continuous quality, respectively). According to simulations using all these couplings the positive effect of CO2 fertilization on plant productivity outweighed the negative effects of increased soil temperature on soil C, consequently soils were projected to contain 10–104 Pg more C in 2100 than in the preindustrial period. However, the projected soil respiration rates tended to be higher and additional C storage lower when the LPJ soil biochemistry model was used rather than either the ROMUL or Q models. Global temperatures for 2100 predicted by the INMCM coupled to either the ROMUL or Q models were almost identical, but 0.4 °C lower than those predicted by the INMCM coupled to the LPJ soil biochemistry model. The differences in global predictions obtained with the ROMUL and Q models were smaller than expected given the fundamental difference in their formulations of the relationship between the quality and temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition.  相似文献   

秦岭火地塘林区油松林土壤呼吸时空变异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯琳  雷瑞德  张硕新  刘建军 《生态学报》2010,30(19):5225-5236
土壤呼吸是陆地生态系统碳循环的关键生态过程,土壤呼吸的时空变异及其影响因子已成为生态学研究的主要内容之一。采用红外线开路气室法和便携式微气象站,连续测定了秦岭火地塘林区天然次生油松林地不同部位土壤呼吸速率和不同土层深度土壤温度和土壤体积含水率,结果表明:(1)植物生长季,试验地上部与中部、中部与下部,土壤呼吸日均值间存在显著差异。植物休眠季,全坡面土壤呼吸日均值差异不显著。同一观测部位植物生长季与休眠季,土壤呼吸日均值差异显著。观测期内全样地土壤呼吸日均值为(38.64±6.43)gm-2d-1;(2)同一地形部位不同观测月中和不同地形部位同一观测时间,土壤呼吸月均值大多存在显著差异,植物生长季和休眠季,全样地土壤呼吸均值分别为(46.98±2.21)gm-2d-1和(35.94±1.01)gm-2d-1,全样地土壤呼吸月均值为(1.18±0.20)kgm-2月-1,休眠季土壤日均呼吸约为整个观测季的43.34%;(3)当土壤温度9.0℃时,土壤温度与土壤呼吸速率间均存在显著的指数关系。回归模型的决定系数均大于0.87,均方差根不超过0.21,模型有效性系数不小于0.85,残差系数的绝对值不超过0.007。(4)植物生长季0-5cm和5-10cm土层及植物休眠季0-5cm土层,土壤呼吸日累积值均值与相应土层深度土壤体积含水率均值间存在三次函数关系,回归模型的决定系数分别为0.456,0.513和0.143;植物休眠季5-10cm土层,土壤呼吸日累积值均值与土壤体积含水率均值间存在幂函数关系,回归模型的决定系数为0.650。  相似文献   

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