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Perturbation of cranial neural crest migration by the HNK-1 antibody   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The HNK-1 antibody recognizes a carbohydrate moiety that is shared by a family of cell adhesion molecules and is also present on the surface of migrating neural crest cells. Here, the effects of the HNK-1 antibody on neural crest cells were examined in vitro and in vivo. When the HNK-1 antibody was added to neural tube explants in tissue culture, neural crest cells detached from laminin substrates but were unaffected on fibronectin substrates. In order to examine the effects of the HNK-1 antibody in vivo, antibody was injected lateral to the mesencephalic neural tube at the onset of cranial neural crest migration. The injected antibody persisted for approximately 16 hr on the injected side of the embryo and appeared to be most prevalent on the surface of neural crest cells. Embryos fixed within the first 24 hr after injection of HNK-1 antibodies (either whole IgMs or small IgM fragments) showed one or more of the following abnormalities: (1) ectopic neural crest cells external to the neural tube, (2) an accumulation of neural crest cell volume on the lumen of the neural tube, (3) some neural tube anomalies, or (4) a reduction in the neural crest cell volume on the injected side. The ectopic cells and neural tube anomalies persisted in embryos fixed 2 days postinjection. Only embryos having 10 or less somites at the time of injection were affected, suggesting a limited period of sensitivity to the HNK-1 antibody. Control embryos injected with a nonspecific antibody or with a nonblocking antibody against the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) were unaffected. Previous experiments from this laboratory have demonstrated than an antibody against integrin, a fibronectin and laminin receptor caused defects qualitatively similar to those resulting from HNK-1 antibody injection (M. Bronner-Fraser, J. Cell Biol., 101, 610, 1985). Coinjection of the HNK-1 and integrin antibodies resulted in a greater percentage of affected embryos than with either antibody alone. The additive nature of the effects of the two antibodies suggests that they act at different sites. These results demonstrate that the HNK-1 antibody causes abnormalities in cranial neural crest migration, perhaps by perturbing interactions between neural crest cells and laminin substrates.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoperoxidase labelling for fibronectin (FN) in chick embryos showed FN-positive basement membranes surrounding the neural crest cell population prior to crest-cell migration. At cranial levels, crest cells migrated laterally into a large cell-free space. Initially they moved as a tongue of cells contacting the FN-positive basement membrane of the ectoderm, but later the crest cell population expanded into space further from the ectoderm, until eventually the entire cranial cell-free space was occupied by mesenchyme cells. This was accompanied by the appearance of FN among the crest cells. At trunk levels, crest cells entered a relatively small space already containing FN-positive extracellular material. At later stages the migration of trunk crest cells broadly matched the distribution of FN. In vitro, chick and quail embryo ectoderm, endoderm, somites, notochord and neural tube synthesized and organized fibrous FN-matrices, as shown by immunofluorescence. Ectoderm and endoderm deposited this matrix only on the substrate face. The FN content of endoderm and neural tube matrices was transient, the immunofluorescence intensity declining after 1–2 days in culture. Some crest cells of cranial and sacral axial levels synthesized FN. Our data suggests that these were the earliest crest cells to migrate from these levels. This ability may be the first expression of mesenchymal differentiation in these crest cells, and in vivo enable them to occupy a large space. Almost all crest cells from cervico-lumbar axial levels were unable to synthesize FN. In vivo, this inability may magnify the response of these crest cells to FN provided by the neighbouring embryonic tissues.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the control of the timing in the epithelio-mesenchymal transformation of the neural crest into a migrating population, neural anlagen (neural tube plus crest) were isolated from 2-day quail embryos by proteases in the presence of Ca+ + and explanted onto substrates favourable for neural crest cell migration. Explants isolated before normal migration had commenced required 3–8 h in vitro before neural crest cells started migration, but explants obtained at migratory stages showed an immediate onset of migration. The schedule was similar to that expected in vivo. When pre-migratory neural anlagen were isolated by protease in Ca+ +- and Mg+ +-free (CMF) medium, or when the protease was followed by a brief (5 min) exposure to CMF medium, neural crest cell migration commenced without delay, and the cohesion of the anlagen was impaired. Ca+ +-free medium duplicated the effects of CMF, but neither Mg+ +-free medium nor CMF treatment before treatment with protease stimulated migration and reduced cohesion. Precocious neural crest cell migration and reduced cohesion also followed when neural anlagen of pre-migratory stages were cultured with membrane. Ca+ +-channel antagonists D600 and Nifedipine, without any exernal Ca+ +-depletion.The decrease of cohesion of these tissues is consistent with results in other systems where protease/Ca+ +-depletion inactivates Ca+ +-dependent cell-cell adhesive mechanisms. Therefore, we suggest that Ca+ +-dependent cell-cell adhesions play a part in preventing neural crest cells from migrating precociously and that the timed inactivation of this adhesion system normally helps trigger the onset of migration. The results with blockers of Ca+ +-channels suggest that Ca+ + levels may be involved in regulating this system.  相似文献   

Of all the model organisms used to study human development, rodents such as mice most accurately reflect human craniofacial development. Collective advances in mouse embryology and mouse genetics continue to shape our understanding of neural crest cell development and by extrapolation the etiology of human congenital head and facial birth defects. The aim of this review is to highlight the considerable progress being made in our understanding of cranial neural crest cell patterning in mouse embryos.  相似文献   

Neural crest cell migration was studied in trunks of quail and chick embryos using HNK-1 and L2 antibodies. At the intersegmental cleft, labeled crest cells were associated with the rostral wall of the somite rather than blood vessels. Migration into and through the rostral part of the sclerotomes was more rapid (40-70 microns/hr; quail) and the onset of localization was earlier (after 13-16 hr; quail) than previously supposed. Crest cells here were initially mono- to multipolar, scattered, and inconsistently oriented and formed numerous close (about 20 nm) homo- and heterotypic cell-cell contacts. In vitro models suggested that significant numbers of crest cells, however, could be unlabeled at this early phase. Somitic properties covarying with the hemisegmental pattern of crest cell immigration were investigated. Laminin distribution, although asymmetric in the somites, was not closely related to that of crest cells. Tenascin distribution matched that of crest cells, but only at the localization stage. Earlier, maximal tenascin expression occurred in the somite's caudal wall, a region avoided by crest cells. Chondroitin 6-sulfate proteoglycan expression was elevated in the caudal somite-half at the localization phase and also, at lumbar levels, at the immigration stage. This is consistent with tenascin and proteoglycan having a negative role in crest cell migration. The rostral somite-half was also labeled by HNK-1 and L2, but only in quails. This was associated with the cell surface, was transient, was stable to mild proteolysis, and was labile to cryoprocessing and lipophilic solvents. The spatial and temporal congruence with crest migration suggests that the HNK/L2 adhesion-related carbohydrate epitope on the somites indicates a molecule (possibly glycolipid) which acts via heterotypic cell-cell contacts to provide one cue in the patterned distribution of crest cells in the somites.  相似文献   

Chemokine-mediated migration of mesencephalic neural crest cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clefts of the lip and/or palate are among the most prevalent birth defects affecting approximately 7000 newborns in the United States annually. Disruption of the developmentally programmed migration of neural crest cells (NCCs) into the orofacial region is thought to be one of the major causes of orofacial clefting. Signaling of the chemokine SDF-1 (Stromal Derived Factor-1) through its specific receptor, CXCR4, is required for the migration of many stem cell and progenitor cell populations from their respective sites of emergence to the regions where they differentiate into complex cell types, tissues and organs. In the present study, "transwell" assays of chick embryo mesencephalic (cranial) NCC migration and ex ovo whole embryo "bead implantation" assays were utilized to determine whether SDF-1/CXCR4 signaling mediates mesencephalic NCC migration. Results from this study demonstrate that attenuation of SDF-1 signaling, through the use of specific CXCR4 antagonists (AMD3100 and TN14003), disrupts the migration of mesencephalic NCCs into the orofacial region, suggesting a novel role for SDF-1/CXCR4 signaling in the directed migration of mesencephalic NCCs in the early stage embryo.  相似文献   

Embryonic 4- to 15-day-old quail ciliary ganglia (CG) were grafted into the neural crest migration pathway of 2-day-old chick embryos at the adrenomedullary level of the neural axis. This back-transplantation results in dispersion of cells of the implanted ganglion, their migration in the host embryo, and subsequent promotion of their differentiation into a variety of neural-crest-derived cell types including adrenergic cells of the sympathetic ganglia and adrenal medulla. These cells can be recognized in the host through the nuclear marker that they carry. Here, we have analyzed quantitatively the expansion of CG-derived cell population after the graft, and compared cell division in CG after back-transplantation and during normal in situ development over the same period of time. Tritiated-thymidine [( 3H]TdR) incorporation showed that grafted CG cells proliferated during their migration and, to a greater extent, after they had homed to the host structures. Furthermore, proliferative activity of quail cells in the graft was found to be significantly higher than the growth rate of the CG cells in situ during the same period of development. In the quail donor embryo, the birthdate of the CG neurons occurred early in development; from 6 days onward, only nonneuronal cells were still dividing. When back-transplanted, the 4- to 5-day-old CG provided numerous quail cells located in autonomic structures of the host embryo. However, this increase of the total quail cell population and of cell division was reduced when CG were taken from quail donors at progressively later developmental stages. Postmitotic neurons from mature CG were found not to survive under the graft conditions. It is proposed that back-transplantation of the CG stimulates cell division and modifies the developmental programme of still undifferentiated precursor cells which then can give rise to a variety of cell types belonging either to the glial or the autonomic nerve and paraganglionic cell phenotypes, to the exclusion of sensory neurons which never derive from CG grafts.  相似文献   

Migration of cardiac neural crest cells in Splotch embryos   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

Cranial neural crest cells are a pluripotent population of cells derived from the neural tube that migrate into the branchial arches to generate the distinctive bone, connective tissue and peripheral nervous system components characteristic of the vertebrate head. The highly conserved segmental organisation of the vertebrate hindbrain plays an important role in patterning the pathways of neural crest cell migration and in generating the distinct or separate streams of crest cells that form unique structures in each arch. We have used focal injections of DiI into the developing mouse hindbrain in combination with in vitro whole embryo culture to map the patterns of cranial neural crest cell migration into the developing branchial arches. Our results show that mouse hindbrain-derived neural crest cells migrate in three segregated streams adjacent to the even-numbered rhombomeres into the branchial arches, and each stream contains contributions of cells from three rhombomeres in a pattern very similar to that observed in the chick embryo. There are clear neural crest-free zones adjacent to r3 and r5. Furthermore, using grafting and lineage-tracing techniques in cultured mouse embryos to investigate the differential ability of odd and even-numbered segments to generate neural crest cells, we find that odd and even segments have an intrinsic ability to produce equivalent numbers of neural crest cells. This implies that inter-rhombomeric signalling is less important than combinatorial interactions between the hindbrain and the adjacent arch environment in specific regions, in the process of restricting the generation and migration of neural crest cells. This creates crest-free territories and suggests that tissue interactions established during development and patterning of the branchial arches may set up signals that the neural plate is primed to interpret during the progressive events leading to the delamination and migration of neural crest cells. Using interspecies grafting experiments between mouse and chick embryos, we have shown that this process forms part of a conserved mechanism for generating neural crest-free zones and contributing to the separation of migrating crest populations with distinct Hox expression during vertebrate head development.  相似文献   

目的 初步探讨PTEN基因在早期神经嵴细胞迁移中的作用.方法 首先胚胎整体的原位杂交和免疫荧光方法检测鸡胚胎内源性的PTEN基因及蛋白水平的表达情况;其次,利用鸡胚胎体内半侧神经管转染的方法,使神经管一侧PTEN基因过表达,对侧神经管为正常对照侧;最后,通过Pax7的整体胚胎免疫荧光表达观察PTEN基因对其标记的部分神经嵴细胞迁移的影响.结果 内源性PTEN基因在mRNA和蛋白水平表达显示,其在早期胚胎HH4期的神经板即开始明显的表达;通过半侧过表达PTEN基因后观察到过表达PTEN基因侧的头部神经嵴细胞迁移与对照侧相比明显受到抑制,但对躯干部的影响并不明显.结论 PTEN基因可能抑制早期胚胎头部神经嵴细胞的迁移.  相似文献   

Cranial neural crest (CNC) cells migrate extensively, typically in a pattern of cell streams. In Xenopus, these cells express the adhesion molecule Xcadherin-11 (Xcad-11) as they begin to emigrate from the neural fold. In order to study the function of this molecule, we have overexpressed wild-type Xcad-11 as well as Xcad-11 mutants with cytoplasmic (deltacXcad-11) or extracellular (deltaeXcad-11) deletions. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) was used to mark injected cells. We then transplanted parts of the fluorescent CNC at the premigratory stage into non-injected host embryos. This altered not only migration, but also the expression of neural crest markers. Migration of transplanted cranial neural crest cells was blocked when full-length Xcad-11 or its mutant lacking the beta-catenin-binding site (deltacXcad-11) was overexpressed. In addition, the expression of neural crest markers (AP-2, Snail and twist) diminished within the first four hours after grafting, and disappeared completely after 18 hours. Instead, these grafts expressed neural markers (2G9, nrp-I and N-Tubulin). Beta-catenin co-expression, heterotopic transplantation of CNC cells into the pharyngeal pouch area or both in combination failed to prevent neural differentiation of the grafts. By contrast, deltaeXcad-11 overexpression resulted in premature emigration of cells from the transplants. The AP-2 and Snail patterns remained unaffected in these migrating grafts, while twist expression was strongly reduced. Co-expression of deltaeXcad-11 and beta-catenin was able to rescue the loss of twist expression, indicating that Wnt/beta-catenin signalling is required to maintain twist expression during migration. These results show that migration is a prerequisite for neural crest differentiation. Endogenous Xcad-11 delays CNC migration. Xcad-11 expression must, however, be balanced, as overexpression prevents migration and leads to neural marker expression. Although Wnt/beta-catenin signalling is required to sustain twist expression during migration, it is not sufficient to block neural differentiation in non-migrating grafts.  相似文献   

The distribution of the extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoprotein, tenascin, has been compared with that of fibronectin in neural crest migration pathways of Xenopus laevis, quail and rat embryos. In all species studied, the distribution of tenascin, examined by immunohistochemistry, was more closely correlated with pathways of migration than that of fibronectin, which is known to be important for neural crest migration. In Xenopus laevis embryos, anti-tenascin stained the dorsal fin matrix and ECM along the ventral route of migration, but not the ECM found laterally between the ectoderma and somites where neural crest cells do not migrate. In quail embryos, the appearance of tenascin in neural crest pathways was well correlated with the anterior-to-posterior wave of migration. The distribution of tenascin within somites was compared with that of the neural crest marker, HNK-1, in quail embryos. In the dorsal halves of quail somites which contained migrating neural crest cells, the predominant tenascin staining was in the anterior halves of the somites, codistributed with the migrating cells. In rat embryos, tenascin was detectable in the somites only in the anterior halves. Tenascin was not detectable in the matrix of cultured quail neural crest cells, but was in the matrix surrounding somite and notochord cells in vitro. Neural crest cells cultured on a substratum of tenascin did not spread and were rounded. We propose that tenascin is an important factor controlling neural crest morphogenesis, perhaps by modifying the interaction of neural crest cells with fibronectin.  相似文献   

Enteric neural crest-derived cells (ENCCs) migrate along the intestine to form a highly organized network of ganglia that comprises the enteric nervous system (ENS). The signals driving the migration and patterning of these cells are largely unknown. Examining the spatiotemporal development of the intestinal neurovasculature in avian embryos, we find endothelial cells (ECs) present in the gut prior to the arrival of migrating ENCCs. These ECs are patterned in concentric rings that are predictive of the positioning of later arriving crest-derived cells, leading us to hypothesize that blood vessels may serve as a substrate to guide ENCC migration. Immunohistochemistry at multiple stages during ENS development reveals that ENCCs are positioned adjacent to vessels as they colonize the gut. A similar close anatomic relationship between vessels and enteric neurons was observed in zebrafish larvae. When EC development is inhibited in cultured avian intestine, ENCC migration is arrested and distal aganglionosis results, suggesting that ENCCs require the presence of vessels to colonize the gut. Neural tube and avian midgut were explanted onto a variety of substrates, including components of the extracellular matrix and various cell types, such as fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells. We find that crest-derived cells from both the neural tube and the midgut migrate avidly onto cultured endothelial cells. This EC-induced migration is inhibited by the presence of CSAT antibody, which blocks binding to β1 integrins expressed on the surface of crest-derived cells. These results demonstrate that ECs provide a substrate for the migration of ENCCs via an interaction between β1 integrins on the ENCC surface and extracellular matrix proteins expressed by the intestinal vasculature. These interactions may play an important role in guiding migration and patterning in the developing ENS.  相似文献   

In this review, we describe the results of recent experiments designed to investigate various aspects of neural crest cell lineage and migration. We have analyzed the lineage of individual premigratory neural crest cells by injecting a fluorescent lineage tracer dye, lysinated fluorescein dextran, into cells within the dorsal neural tube. Individual clones contained cells that were located in very diverse sites consistent with their being sensory neurons, prepigment cells, Schwann cells, adrenergic cells, and neural tube cells. These results suggest that some neural crest cells in the trunk and cranial regions are multipotent prior to their emigration from the neural tube. The environment through which neural crest cells move influences both the pattern and direction of their migration. We have shown that the sclerotomal portion of the somites are responsible for the rostrocaudal pattern of trunk neural crest cell movement, whereas the neural tube appears to govern the dorsoventral position of neural crest-derived ganglia. In addition, the notochord inhibits the movement of neural crest cells. In order to understand necessary cell-matrix interactions in neural crest migration, we have performed perturbation experiments, in which antibodies directed against cell surface or extracellular matrix molecules were introduced along neural crest pathways. We find that integrins, fibronectin, laminin, and tenascin all play some role in cranial neural crest emigration. Thus, multiple factors may be involved in controlling neural crest cell migration, and different factors may be important for migration in different regions of the embryo.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of the neural crest cell (NCC) markers acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and the HNK-1-epitope is compared from the emigration of cephalic NCC until the formation of the cranial nerves V-X in chicken and quail hindbrain. We show that NCC transiently express acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity during their emigration; NCC migrate into butyrylcholinesterase (BChE)-positive areas of the cranial mesenchyme. Along these migratory tracks that foreshadow the course of later projecting cranial nerves, BChE increases strongly in cells that may represent immature Schwann cells. Both AChE and BChE, but not HNK-1, are expressed in the ectodermal placodes. In NCC, HNK-1 is expressed strongly only when they approach their destination sites. Their intense expression of HNK-1 then leads to the establishment of tunnel-shaped HNK-1 matrices, within which G4-positive cranial neurites begin to extend. We conclude that AChE and HNK-1 expression in cephalic NCC serve different functions, since AChE is related to their migration, and HNK-1 to their aggregation and the formation of an extracellular neurite scaffold.  相似文献   

Previous work has demonstrated that catecholamine-containing cells differentiate preferentially from populations of quail trunk neural crest cells isolated by cell sorting using the HNK-1 antibody (Maxwell, Forbes, and Christie, 1988). In the present work, we examine several additional features of the differentiation of these sorted cell populations. As one part of this study, the development of subpopulations of the HNK-(1+)-sorted neural crest cells has been investigated. Twice as many catecholamine-positive and total cells developed from the brightest third of the HNK-1+ cells compared to the remaining HNK-1+ cells, but the proportion of catecholamine-containing cells was similar in both populations. When either of these HNK-1+ subpopulations were grown together with HNK-1- cells, no reduction in the number of adrenergic cells was observed. These results indicate that subpopulations of HNK-1+ cells are qualitatively similar and that their adrenergic development is not affected by HNK-1- cells. In the second part of this study, we investigate the specificity of differentiation of HNK-(1+)- and HNK-(1-)-sorted cells by examining several additional phenotypic markers of development. We found that tyrosine hydroxylase and somatostatin immunoreactive cells developed from the HNK-(1+)-sorted population, while few, if any, cells bearing these phenotypic markers appeared in the HNK-(1-)-sorted population. In marked contrast, substantial numbers of cells immunoreactive for A2B5, E/C8, and NF-160 differentiated from both the HNK-(1+)- and the HNK-(1-)-sorted cell populations. The A2B5, E/C8, and NF-160 immunoreactive cells exhibited a variety of morphologies ranging from nonneuronal to neuronal in both sorted populations. Taken together, these results indicate that the presence of the HNK-1 antigen(s) on the trunk neural crest cell surface at 2 days in vitro is rather tightly correlated with the differentiation of adrenergic and some peptidergic cells, but much less so with other classes of neural cells including A2B5, E/C8, and NF-160 immunoreactive cells. Thus, these findings support the view that cell surface differences are correlated with and may contribute to the generation of the phenotypic diversity of neural crest cell derivatives.  相似文献   

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a common human genetic disease involving various neural crest (NC)-derived cell types, in particular, Schwann cells and melanocytes. The gene responsible for NF1 encodes the protein neurofibromin, which contains a domain with amino acid sequence homology to the ras-guanosine triphosphatase activating protein, suggesting that neurofibromin may play a role in intracellular signaling pathways regulating cellular proliferation or differentiation, or both. To determine whether neurofibromin plays a role in NC cell development, we used antibodies raised against human neurofibromin fusion proteins in western blot and immunocytochemical studies of early avian embryos. These antibodies specifically recognized the 235 kD chicken neurofibromin protein, which was expressed in migrating trunk and cranial NC cells of early embryos (E1.5 to E2), as well as in endothelial and smooth muscle cells of blood vessels and in a subpopulation of non-NC-derived cells in the dermamyotome. At slightly later stages (E3 to E5), neurofibromin immunostaining was observed in various NC derivatives, including dorsal root ganglia and peripheral nerves, as well as non-NC-derived cell types, including heart, skeletal muscle, and kidney. At still later stages (E7 to E9), neurofibromin immunoreactivity was found in almost all tissues in vivo. To determine whether the levels of neurofibromin changed during melanocyte and Schwann cell development, tissue culture experiments were performed. Cultured NC cells were found to express neurofibromin at early time points in culture, but the levels of immunoreactivity decreased as the cells underwent pigmentation. Schwann cells, on the other hand, continued to express neurofibromin in culture. These data suggest, therefore, that neurofibromin may play a role in the development of both NC cells and a variety of non-NC-derived tissues. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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