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This article describes a coherent biocommunication categorization for the kingdoms of bacteria, fungi and plants. The investigation further shows that, besides biotic sign use in trans-, inter- and intraorganismic communication processes, a common trait is interpretation of abiotic influences as indicators to generate an appropriate adaptive behaviour. Far from being mechanistic interactions, communication processes within organisms and between organisms are sign-mediated interactions. Sign-mediated interactions are the precondition for every cooperation and coordination between at least two biological agents such as cells, tissues, organs and organisms. Signs of biocommunicative processes are chemical molecules in most cases. The signs that are used in a great variety of signaling processes follow syntactic (combinatorial), pragmatic (context-dependent) and semantic (content-specific) rules. These three levels of semiotic rules are helpful tools to investigate communication processes throughout all organismic kingdoms. It is not the aim to present the latest empirical data concerning communication in these three kingdoms but to present a unifying perspective that is able to interconnect transdisciplinary research on bacteria, fungi and plants.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Genetics - The complementary incompatibility system, characterized by co-operative control of a single S specificity by alleles of two or more distinct S genes, has raised...  相似文献   

The role in plants of posttranslational modification of proteins with O-linked N-acetylglucosamine and the evolution and function of O-GlcNAc transferases responsible for this modification are reviewed. Phylogenetic analysis of eukaryotic O-GlcNAc transferases (OGTs) leads us to propose that plants have two distinct OGTs, SEC- and SPY-like, that originated in prokaryotes. Animals and some fungi have a SEC-like enzyme while plants have both. Green algae and some members of the Apicomplexa and amoebozoa have the SPY-like enzyme. Interestingly the progenitor of the Apicomplexa lineage likely had a photosynthetic plastid that persists in a degenerated form in some species, raising the possibility that plant SPY-like OGTs are derived from a photosynthetic endosymbiont. OGTs have multiple tetratricopeptide repeats (TPRs) that within the SEC- and SPY-like classes exhibit evidence of strong selective pressure on specific repeats, suggesting that the function of these repeats is conserved. SPY-like and SEC-like OGTs have both unique and overlapping roles in the plant. The phenotypes of sec and spy single and double mutants indicate that O-GlcNAc modification is essential and that it affects diverse plant processes including response to hormones and environmental signals, circadian rhythms, development, intercellular transport and virus infection. The mechanistic details of how O-GlcNAc modification affects these processes are largely unknown. A major impediment to understanding this is the lack of knowledge of the identities of the modified proteins.  相似文献   

Homology-dependent gene silencing is a phenomenon that occurs in a broad range of organisms and has implications for both basic and applied science. Gene silencing is a mechanism that controls invading transposons and provides protection against virus infections. It also has evolutionary implications in genome maintenance. Recent studies have begun to unravel the molecular mechanisms of this puzzling phenomenon.  相似文献   

Analysis of two cherry progenies from semi-compatible crosses for the esterase enzyme system showed extremely distorted segregation ratios for Est-5. Analysis of two progenies from compatible crosses for esterase and for stylar ribonuclease proved that Est-5 is linked with the incompatibility locus S. The recombination fraction is 4%. About a fifth of some 50 cultivars or selections genotyped for Est-5 were heterozygous. The various heterozygotes could provide ’testers’ for the presence in cultivars of unknown genotype of 8 of the 11 known S alleles. A seedling suitable for testing S 9 has been identified and crosses have been made to raise testers for S 10 and S 11 . Isoenzyme analysis of the four progenies for glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, and of one of them for isocitrate dehydrogenase, showed no evidence for the linkage of Got-1 or Idh-2 with S, contrary to a previous report. Estimation of linkage with S in semi-compatible crosses is discussed. Received: 16 April 1999 / Accepted: 22 June 1999  相似文献   

A fundamental challenge in population genetics and molecular evolution is to understand the forces shaping the patterns of genetic diversity within and among species. Among them, mating systems are thought to have important influences on molecular diversity and genome evolution. Selfing is expected to reduce effective population size, Ne, and effective recombination rates, directly leading to reduced polymorphism and increased linkage disequilibrium compared with outcrossing. Increased isolation between populations also results directly from selfing or indirectly from evolutionary changes, such as small flowers and low pollen output, leading to greater differentiation of molecular markers than under outcrossing. The lower effective recombination rate increases the likelihood of hitch-hiking, further reducing within-deme diversity of selfers and thus increasing their genetic differentiation. There are also indirect effects on molecular evolutionary processes. Low Ne reduces the efficacy of selection; in selfers, selection should thus be less efficient in removing deleterious mutations. The rarity of heterozygous sites in selfers leads to infrequent action of biased conversion towards GC, which tends to increase sequences' GC content in the most highly recombining genome regions of outcrossers. To test these predictions in plants, we used a newly developed sequence polymorphism database to investigate the effects of mating system differences on sequence polymorphism and genome evolution in a wide set of plant species. We also took into account other life-history traits, including life form (whether annual or perennial herbs, and woody perennial) and the modes of pollination and seed dispersal, which are known to affect enzyme and DNA marker polymorphism. We show that among various life-history traits, mating systems have the greatest influence on patterns of polymorphism.  相似文献   

Recent work has revealed signaling molecules that control pollination, including small peptides that mediate pollen recognition and glycoproteins that support pollen tube growth. The polarized growth of pollen tubes requires a calcium-mediated signal cascade, and cues derived from the haploid and diploid ovule cells guide pollen tubes to the eggs.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated effects of plant density on floral phenology and potential mating in artificial populations of the outcrossing ornamental Nicotiana alata planted at three densities. Path analysis revealed that increasing plant density yielded significantly earlier peak flowering dates, significantly earlier last flowering dates, and significantly lower plant biomass. Direct effects of density on final flower number were not significant. Variation among replicate plots for first date of flowering was larger than variation among densities, indicating that factors other than density influence floral initiation.We did not record actual mating, but determined from phenological data the number and identity of potential mates. Increased density had several effects on potential mating patterns and on potential Ne, effective population number. At high density, fewer focal plants flowered for shorter durations. This led to less overlap in flowering time among plants, decreasing the number of potential parental combinations possible among the progeny. Two outcomes of high density, the lower total number of plants flowering and the lower number of plants flowering at most census dates, tended to reduce potential Ne. In contrast, it was low density, where variance in flower number was greatest, that was most likely to yield the greatest reduction in Ne due to variance in progeny number.At high density the potential for assortative mating among tall plants was much greater and occurred later than among large plants at low density. Much of the potential high density assortative mating occurred late in the phenology of individual plants, when there was likely to be lower fruit set.We discuss how ecological agents that alter flowering phenology can potentially alter the genetics of populations, the level and timing of assortative mating and, if genetic variation for response to such ecological agents exists, the potential selection regime.  相似文献   

The wide distribution of polyploidy among plants has led to a variety of theories for the evolutionary advantages of polyploidy. Here we claim that the abundance of polyploidy may be the result of a simple ratcheting process that does not require evolutionary advantages due to the biological properties of organisms. The evolution of polyploidy is a one-way process in which chromosome number can increase but not decrease. Using a simple mathematical model, we show that average ploidal level within a plant lineage can continually increase to the levels observed today, even if there are ecological or physiological disadvantages to higher ploidy. The model allowed us to estimate the average net speciation and polyploidy rates for ten angiosperm genera. Based on these estimates, the model predicts distributions of ploidal levels statistically similar to those observed in nine of the 10 genera.  相似文献   

Parental conflicts can lead to antagonistic coevolution of the sexes and of parental genomes. Within a population, the resulting antagonistic effects should balance, but crosses between populations can reveal conflict. Parental conflict is less intense in self-pollinating plants than in outcrossers because outcrossing plants are pollinated by multiple pollen donors unrelated to the seed parent, while a self-pollinating plant is primarily pollinated by one individual (itself). Therefore, in crosses between plants with differing mating systems, outcrossing parents are expected to "overpower" selfing parents. We call this the weak inbreeder/strong outbreeder (WISO) hypothesis. Prezygotically, such overpowering can alter pollination success, and we argue that our hypothesis explains a common pattern of unilateral incompatibility, in which pollen from self-incompatible populations fertilizes ovules of self-compatible individuals but the reciprocal cross fails. A postzygotic manifestation of overpowering is aberrant seed development due to parent-of-origin effects such as genomic imprinting. We evaluate evidence for the WISO hypothesis by reviewing published accounts of crosses between plants of different mating systems. Many, but not all, of such reports support our hypothesis. Since parental conflicts can perturb fertilization and development, such conflicts may strengthen reproductive barriers between populations, contributing to speciation.  相似文献   

Summary Under controlled growth chamber conditions of 30 °C, seed set after selfing is possible in normally self-incompatible rye plants. Within selfed progenies produced by this method, plants homozygous at the peroxidase isozyme locus Prx 7 were crossed to heterozygous individuals. Segregation at the Prx 7 locus in progenies of these crosses provides clear evidence of a close linkage between Prx 7 and one of the two incompatibility loci in rye. A recombination fraction in the range of 0–2% was calculated from the segregation data. In rye, Prx 7 is linked with a phosphoglucoisomerase locus (Pgi). The similarity between the observations in Secale cereale and those made in Lolium perenne is discussed.  相似文献   

Successful mating clearly requires synchronous development of the male and female sexual organs. Evidence is accumulating that this synchrony of development also persists after pollination, with both pollen and pistil following complex, but highly integrated developmental pathways. The timing of the male-female interaction is crucial for the pistil, which, far from being a mature passive structure, is engaged in a continuing programme of development: only being receptive to the advances of the pollen for a relatively short window of time. This developmental programme is most conspicuous in the ovary, and this review focuses on the interaction between the male and female tissues in this structure. The review first considers pollen tube development in the ovary, concentrating of the mechanisms by which its growth is modulated at various control points associated with structures within the ovary. Second, alterations to this 'normal' developmental programme are reviewed and considered in the context of a breakdown of developmental synchrony. Finally, the consequences of male-female developmental synchrony and asynchrony are explored. Clearly, a synchronous male-female relationship leads to a successful fertilization. However, lack of synchrony also occurs, and could emerge as a powerful tool to investigate the regulation of mating.  相似文献   

Using the data published in the Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru, we analyzed the elevational distributions of 5323 species reported as endemics from that country as a whole, for 10 families with the highest number of endemic taxa in Peru, and the distribution patterns of these species according to life form. We calculated the density of endemism (number of endemic species divided by area × 1000) and absolute number of endemic species among life forms and families, along an elevational gradient. Overall densities of endemics were 10–15 times higher at mid-elevation (2000–3500 m) than in the Amazonian lowlands (0–500 m). Absolute numbers of endemics peaked at 1500–3000 m for herbs, shrubs, and epiphytes, while trees, vines, and lianas showed maxima in the lowlands (0–500 m); yet densities of endemics for all life forms peaked at 1500–3000 m. Among the 10 families with the highest number of endemics, densities of endemics peaked at mid- to high elevation (1500–4500 m), but showed much disparity in the elevational distribution of absolute numbers of endemic species. Finally, the percentage of endemic species to total species is highest for herbs, shrubs, and epiphytes. Given that less than 10% of the land area for each of the montane zones (2000–4500 m) is protected compared to 13.5–29.9% in the lower elevations (0–1000 m), we recommend that priority be given to increasing the size of protected areas at mid- to high altitude in the Andean slopes to grant further protection in zones with the highest density of endemics. We also recommend that more emphasis be given to collecting and studying non-trees, since most endemic species belong to that class.  相似文献   

The flowering period and flower colour spectrum of 170 aromatic plant species are studied in 18 representative regions in Greece. The duration of the early to late flowering of the species is recorded for each region and for Greece as a whole. The basic flower colours (green, yellow, red and violet) are defined and the colour spectra for each region and for the whole country are given by converting absolute to relative values. The Sørensen similarity coefficient is applied to compare regions and the relationship among them as well as with a control region (Athos peninsula). Conclusions are drawn as to the time of maximum flowering and the decrease in the proportion of flowering species from north to south. In addition, interpretations are given for the symmetrical flowering curve of Greece as a whole, compared to the skewed curves of the islands.Nomenclature follows T. G. Tutin et al. (eds.) 1964–1980. Flora Europaea 1-5, Cambridge.  相似文献   



Selenium (Se) is a micronutrient required for many life forms, but toxic at higher concentration. Plants do not have a Se requirement, but can benefit from Se via enhanced antioxidant activity. Some plant species can accumulate Se to concentrations above 0.1% of dry weight and seem to possess mechanisms that distinguish Se from its analog sulfur (S). Research on these so-called Se hyperaccumulators aims to identify key genes for this remarkable trait and to understand ecological implications.

Scope of review

This review gives a broad overview of the current knowledge about Se uptake and metabolism in plants, with a special emphasis on hypothesized mechanisms of Se hyperaccumulation. The role of Se in plant defense responses and the associated ecological implications are discussed.

Major conclusions

Hyperaccumulators have enhanced expression of S transport and assimilation genes, and may possess transporters with higher specificity for selenate over sulfate. Genes involved in antioxidant reactions and biotic stress resistance are also upregulated. Key regulators in these processes appear to be the growth regulators jasmonic acid, salicylic acid and ethylene. Hyperaccumulation may have evolved owing to associated ecological benefits, particularly protection against pathogens and herbivores, and as a form of elemental allelopathy.

General significance

Understanding plant Se uptake and metabolism in hyperaccumulators has broad relevance for the environment, agriculture and human and animal nutrition and may help generate crops with selenate-specific uptake and high capacity to convert selenate to less toxic, anticarcinogenic, organic Se compounds.  相似文献   

An insertion/deletion polymorphism (Ind2) in the Brassica nigra CONSTANS LIKE 1 (Bni COL1) gene was previously found to be associated with variation in flowering time. In the present study we examine the inter-specific divergence of COL1 in the family Brassicaceae. Analysis of codon substitution models did not reveal evidence of positive Darwinian selection, but comparisons of the COL1 gene in different species revealed a surprising number of indels. A total of 24 indels were found in the 650 bp of the middle variable region of the gene. This high number of indels could reflect a lack of constraint on length of this region of the protein, or the effect of positive selection. The number of indels was close to that expected in non-coding DNA, but the indels were longer in COL1 than those observed in non-coding regions. Reconstruction of indel evolution indicated that most indels resulted from deletions rather than insertions. The Ind2 indel that has shown association with flowering time in Brassica nigra exhibited a remarkable distribution in the Brassicaceae family, indicating that the polymorphism may have persisted more than ten million years. Considering presumed historic populations sizes of Brassicaceae species, such a long persistence time seems unlikely for a neutral polymorphism.  相似文献   

Chitin, the structural component that provides rigidity to the cell wall of fungi is the product of chitin synthases (Chs). These enzymes are not restricted to fungi, but are amply distributed in four of the five eukaryotic 'crown kingdoms'. Dendrograms obtained by multiple alignment of Chs revealed that fungal enzymes can be classified into two divisions that branch into at least five classes, independent of fungal divergence. In contrast, oomycetes and animals each possess a single family of Chs. These results suggest that Chs originated as a branch of beta-glycosyl-transferases, once the kingdom Plantae split from the evolutionary line of eukaryotes. The existence of a single class of Chs in animals and Stramenopiles, against the multiple families in fungi, reveals that Chs diversification occurred after fungi departed from these kingdoms, but before separation of fungal groups. Accordingly, each fungal taxon contains members with enzymes belonging to different divisions and classes. Multiple alignment revealed the conservation of specific motifs characteristic of class, division and kingdom, but the strict conservation of only three motifs QXXEY, EDRXL and QXRRW, and seven isolated amino acids in the core region of all Chs. Determination of different structural features in this region of Chs brought to light a noticeable conservation of secondary structure in the proteins.  相似文献   

Plants have three basic means of reproduction, by outcrossing, by selfing, and asexually. In most plant populations, at least two and often all three of these options are everpresent, so that individuals adopt mixed mating strategies at evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) threshholds. Because mating systems are genetically controlled and affect genotype structure, they are liable to feedback. Productive habitats with a large standing crop are more likely to favour outcrossing, while unproductive habitats may favour asexuality or selfing, so that mating systems may change through seral development, even within the same species. Outcrossing tends to break up linkage disequilibria, but may also favour the creation of adaptive linkage groups. Mechanisms whereby male sexual selection, small population size and selfing can influence the genetic structure of populations are examined.  相似文献   

The timing of the snowmelt is a crucial factor in determining the phenological schedule of alpine plants. A long-term monitoring of snowmelt regimes in a Japanese alpine area revealed that the onset of the snowmelt season has been accelerated during the last 17 years in early snowmelt sites but that such a trend has not been detected in late snowmelt sites. This indicates that the global warming effect on the snowmelt pattern may be site-specific. The flowering phenology of fellfield plants in an exposed wind-blown habitat was consistent between an unusually warm year (1998) and a normal year (2001). In contrast, the flowering occurrence of snowbed plants varied greatly between the years depending on the snowmelt time. There was a large number of flowering species in the fellfield community from mid- to late to late June and from mid- to late July. The flowering peak of an early-melt snowbed plant community was in the middle of the flowering season and that of a late-melt snowbed community was in the early flowering season. These habitat-specific phenological patterns were consistent between 1998 and 2001. The effects of the variation in flowering timing on seed-set success were evaluated for an entomophilous snowbed herb, Peucedanum multivittatum, along the snowmelt gradient during a 5-year period. When flowering occurred prior to early August, mean temperature during the flowering season positively influenced the seed set. When flowering occurred later than early August, however, the plants enjoyed high seed-set success irrespective of temperature conditions if frost damage was absent. These observations are probably explained based on the availability of pollinators, which depends not only on ambient temperature but also on seasonal progress. These results suggest that the effects of climate change on biological interaction may vary depending on the specific habitat in the alpine ecosystem in which diverse snowmelt patterns create complicated seasonality for plants within a very localized area.  相似文献   

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