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The role(s) of the eosinophil Charcot-Leyden crystal (CLC) protein in eosinophil or basophil function or associated inflammatory processes is yet to be established. Although the CLC protein has been reported to exhibit weak lysophospholipase activity, it shows virtually no sequence homology to any known member of this family of enzymes. The X-ray crystal structure of the CLC protein is very similar to the structure of the galectins, members of a beta-galactoside-specific animal lectin family, including a partially conserved galectin carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD). In the absence of any known natural carbohydrate ligand for this protein, the functional role of the CLC protein (galectin-10) has remained speculative. Here we describe structural studies on the carbohydrate binding properties of the CLC protein and report the first structure of a carbohydrate in complex with the protein. Interestingly, the CLC protein demonstrates no affinity for beta-galactosides and binds mannose in a manner very different from those of other related galectins that have been shown to bind lactosamine. The partial conservation of residues involved in carbohydrate binding led to significant changes in the topology and chemical nature of the CRD, and has implications for carbohydrate recognition by the CLC protein in vivo and its functional role in the biology of inflammation.  相似文献   

Human eosinophils contain several distinctive proteins including eosinophil granule MBP and the membrane-associated CLC protein (lysophospholipase). Human basophils also contain these proteins, indicating biochemical similarities between eosinophils and basophils. To determine whether MBP or CLC protein is present in connective tissue mast cells, we studied human lung and cutaneous mast cells by immunofluorescence by utilizing specific antibodies to CLC and MBP. Cytocentrifuge slides of enriched lung mast cells and mast cells in sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded cutaneous tissue from urticaria pigmentosa lesions were stained for CLC and MBP. Neither pulmonary nor cutaneous mast cells stained for CLC protein or MBP. In contrast, lung and cutaneous eosinophils in the same preparations showed bright staining for both proteins. The failure to find CLC protein and MBP in mast cells provides additional evidence of dissimilarity between mast cells and basophils, and an immunochemical means to distinguish between them.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is a protozoan parasite that belongs to an early branch in evolution. Although it lacks several features of the pathway of protein N-glycosylation and oligosaccharide processing present in the endoplasmic reticulum of higher eukaryotes, it displays UDP-Glc:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase and glucosidase II activities. It is herewith reported that this protozoan also expresses a calreticulin-like molecule, the third component of the quality control of glycoprotein folding. No calnexin-encoding gene was detected. Recombinant T. cruzi calreticulin specifically recognized free monoglucosylated high-mannose-type oligosaccharides. Addition of anti-calreticulin serum to extracts obtained from cells pulse-chased with [35S]Met plus [35S]Cys immunoprecipitated two proteins that were identified as calreticulin and the lysosomal proteinase cruzipain (a major soluble glycoprotein). The latter but not the former protein disappeared from immunoprecipitates upon chasing cells. Contrary to what happens in mammalian cells, addition of the glucosidase II inhibitor 1-deoxynojirimycin promoted calreticulin-cruzipain interaction. This result is consistent with the known pathway of protein N-glycosylation and oligosaccharide processing occurring in T. cruzi. A treatment of the calreticulin-cruzipain complexes with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H either before or after addition of anti-calreticulin serum completely disrupted calreticulin-cruzipain interaction. In addition, mature monoglucosylated but not unglucosylated cruzipain isolated from lysosomes was found to interact with recombinant calreticulin. It was concluded that the quality control of glycoprotein folding appeared early in evolution, and that T. cruzi calreticulin binds monoglucosylated oligosaccharides but not the protein moiety of cruzipain. Furthermore, evidence is presented indicating that glucosyltransferase glucosylated cruzipain at its last folding stages.  相似文献   

Inal JM  Sim RB 《FEBS letters》2000,470(2):131-134
Human complement regulatory (also called inhibitory) proteins control misdirected attack of complement against autologous cells. Trypanosome and schistosome parasites which survive in the host vascular system also possess regulators of human complement. We have shown Sh-TOR, a protein with three predicted transmembrane domains, located on the Schistosoma parasite surface, to be a novel complement regulatory receptor. The N-terminal extracellular domain, Sh-TOR-ed1, binds the complement protein C2 from human serum and specifically interacts with the C2a fragment. As a result Sh-TOR-ed1 pre-incubated with C2 inhibits classical pathway (CP)-mediated haemolysis of sheep erythrocytes in a dose-dependent manner. In CP-mediated complement activation, C2 normally binds to C4b to form the CP C3 convertase and Sh-TOR-ed1 has short regions of sequence identity with a segment of human C4b. We propose the more appropriate name for TOR of CRIT (complement C2 receptor inhibitory trispanning).  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G-proteins are molecular switches that convert signals from membrane receptors into changes in intracellular physiology. Recently, several peptides that bind heterotrimeric G-protein alpha subunits have been isolated including the novel Galpha(i1).GDP binding peptides R6A and KB-752. The R6A peptide and its minimized derivative R6A-1 interact with Galpha(i1).GDP. Based on spectroscopic analysis of BODIPYFL-GTPgammaS binding to Galpha(i1), it has been reported that R6A-1 has guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI) activity against Galpha(i1) [W.W. Ja, R.W. Roberts, Biochemistry 43 (28) (2004) 9265-9275]. Using radioligand binding, we show that R6A-1 is not a GDI for Galpha(i1) subunits. Furthermore, we demonstrate that R6A-1 reduces the fluorescence quantum yield of the Galpha(i1)-BODIPYFL-GTPgammaS complex, thus explaining the previously reported GDI activity as a fluorescence artifact. We further show that R6A-1 has significant sequence similarity to the guanine nucleotide exchange factor peptide KB-752 that binds to switch II of Galpha(i1). We use competitive binding analysis to show that R6A-1 also binds to switch II of Galpha subunits.  相似文献   

The proliferation disrupter (prod) gene of Drosophila melanogaster encodes a novel protein associated with centromeric chromosomal regions that is required for chromatin condensation and cell viability. We have examined the binding of the Prod protein to DNA in vitro. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate that Prod is a DNA-binding protein that specifically recognizes the 10 bp AGAATAACAT satellite repeat of D.melanogaster. Footprinting experiments show that the protein interacts with a 5–8 bp target sequence in each 10 bp repeat and suggest that it can mediate condensation of this satellite into a superhelix. Gel retardation experiments indicate that Prod does not have a well defined DNA-binding domain and it binds the satellite in a co-operative manner, probably forming Prod multimers. Since Prod localizes to both heterochromatin and euchromatin in vivo, we discuss the possibility that the ability of pre-existing euchromatic proteins to bind DNA in a co-operative manner, might be a prerequisite of satellite compaction and satellite amplification, thereby providing a basic factor in heterochromatin evolution.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone (designated as SsPR10, GenBank Accession Number AY660753 ) encoding a PR10 protein from yellow-fruit nightshade (Solanum surattense) was isolated and characterized. SsPR10 encoded a 160-amino-acid polypeptide with a predicted molecular mass of 17.58 kDa and pI of 5.29. Sequence alignments showed that SsPR10 had high identity (68.1%) with CaPR10, but had only about 31.7% identity with JIOsPR10 at the amino acid level. Genomic DNA gel blot analysis indicated that SsPR10 belonged to a multigene family. The constitutively expressed SsPR10 was detected to be the highest in roots of the sterile seedlings cultured in jars, while SsPR10 expression was the highest in old yellow leaves from the seedlings incubated with sap containing TMV. SsPR10 always expressed at slightly higher level in senescent leaves than in tender ones under both conditions. Further expression analysis revealed that the signaling components of defense/stress pathways (MeJA, SA, ABA, GA3, H2O2 and Cu2+) up-regulated significantly the SsPR10 mRNA levels over the control. However, darkness failed to induce SsPR10 expression and its expression was also inhibited by cold treatment. The SsPR10 was successfully expressed in Eschericha coli and the expressed protein was purified to near homogeneity. The dialytically renatured SsPR10 protein without phosphorylation exhibited ribonucleolytic activity against S. surattense leaf total RNA preparations and could inhibit hyphal growth of Pyricularia oryzae. Our findings suggest that the novel stress- and pathogen-inducible SsPR10 with ribonucleolytic and antimicrobial activity participates not only in the defense/stress response pathways but also in plants' growth, development and senescence.  相似文献   

Cycloheximide is not a specific inhibitor of protein synthesis in vivo   总被引:18,自引:11,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
McMahon D 《Plant physiology》1975,55(5):815-821
Cycloheximide is frequently presumed to inhibit specifically the cytoplasmic protein synthesis of eukaryotes. Although previous investigators have shown that it had other effects on the cells of a variety of organisms, these results were frequently presumed to be secondary effects of the inhibition of protein synthesis. This paper shows that a wide range of deleterious effects are produced by cycloheximide on a single organism, Chlamydomonas reinhardi Dangeard. If, protein synthesis is inhibited by nonpermissive conditions in temperature-sensitive mutants or with other treatments these “secondary” effects are not produced. Instead, cycloheximide appears to have two or three independent inhibitory effects on the cell. Moreover, in contrast to a number of previous investigations, these results show that protein synthesis is not required for RNA synthesis. Instead the rate of RNA synthesis is actually increased by interference with protein synthesis.  相似文献   

ODC (ornithine decarboxylase), the rate-limiting enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, is regulated by specific inhibitors, AZs (antizymes), which in turn are inhibited by AZI (AZ inhibitor). We originally identified and cloned the cDNA for a novel human ODC-like protein called ODCp (ODC paralogue). Since ODCp was devoid of ODC catalytic activity, we proposed that ODCp is a novel form of AZI. ODCp has subsequently been suggested to function either as mammalian ADC (arginine decarboxylase) or as AZI in mice. Here, we report that human ODCp is a novel AZI (AZIN2). By using yeast two-hybrid screening and in vitro binding assay, we show that ODCp binds AZ1-3. Measurements of the ODC activity and ODC degradation assay reveal that ODCp inhibits AZ1 function as efficiently as AZI both in vitro and in vivo. We further demonstrate that the degradation of ODCp is ubiquitin-dependent and AZ1-independent similar to the degradation of AZI. We also show that human ODCp has no intrinsic ADC activity.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells are protected from the effects of DNA double-strand breaks by end-joining repair. Cells lacking the Xrcc4 protein are hypersensitive to agents that induce DNA double-strand breaks, and are unable to complete V(D)J recombination. The residual repair of broken DNA ends in XRCC4-deficient cells requires short sequence homologies, thus possibly implicating Xrcc4 in end alignment. We show that Xrcc4 binds DNA, and prefers DNA with nicks or broken ends. Xrcc4 also binds to DNA ligase IV and enhances its joining activity. This stimulatory effect is shown to occur at the adenylation of the enzyme. DNA binding of Xrcc4 is correlated with its complementation of the V(D)J recombination defects in XRCC4-deficient cells, but is not required for stimulation of DNA ligase IV. Thus, the ability of Xrcc4 to bind to DNA suggests functions independent of DNA ligase IV.  相似文献   

Translationally controlled tumor protein (TCTP) is often designated as a stress-related protein because of its highly regulated expression in stress conditions. Following a thermal shock, TCTP expression is highly upregulated in a variety of cells. However, at present it is not known whether this upregulation has any cell protective function similar to other heat shock proteins. In this study human TCTP (HuTCTP) and a TCTP homolog (SmTCTP) from Schistosoma mansoni were evaluated for heat shock protein-like function and molecular chaperone activity. Our results show that similar to other molecular chaperones, both human and parasite TCTPs can bind to a variety of denatured proteins and protect them from the harmful effects of thermal shock. An important observation was the ability of both HuTCTP and SmTCTP to bind to native protein and protect them from thermal denaturation. Over expression of TCTP in bacterial cells protected them from heat shock-induced death. These findings suggest that TCTP may belong to a novel small molecular weight heat shock protein.  相似文献   

Identification of a novel chemokine (CCL28), which binds CCR10 (GPR2)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report the identification and characterization of a novel CC chemokine designated CCL28 and its receptor CCR10, known previously as orphan G-protein-coupled receptor GPR2. Human and mouse CCL28 share 83% identity at the amino acid and 76% at the nucleic acid levels. We also identified the mouse homologues of CCL28 and of CCR10, which map to mouse chromosomes 13 and 11, respectively. CCL28 is expressed in a variety of human and mouse tissues, and it appears to be predominantly produced by epithelial cells. Both human and mouse CCL28 induce calcium mobilization in human and mouse CCR10-expressing transfectants. CCL28 desensitized the calcium mobilization induced in CCR10 transfectants by CCL27, indicating that these chemokines share this new chemokine receptor. In vitro, recombinant human CCL28 displays chemotactic activity for resting CD4 or CD8 T cells.  相似文献   

The galectin from Geodia cydonium (GCA) had previously beenshown to be involved in regulatory mechanisms of cell sortingand adhesion during reaggregation of allogcneic sponge cells.In this contribution the binding specificity of GCA was establishedto be GaINAc  相似文献   

The synthesis of a major collagen-binding glycoprotein of molecular weight 47,000 was previously shown to be regulated by malignant transformation as well as by heat shock in chick embryo fibroblasts. The 47-kDa protein purified from chick embryos was characterized biochemically, and was found to exist as a monomer in native form. Its composition was enriched in basic amino acids and glycine, with fewer acidic residues and virtually no cysteine. N-terminal amino acid sequencing covering 36 residues revealed a single, novel sequence with an internal tandem repeat of Asp-Lys-Ala-Thr-Thr-Leu-Ala and Asp-Arg-Ser-Thr-Thr-Leu-Ala.  相似文献   

Some pathogens are capable of suppressing the melanization response of host insects, but the virulence factors responsible are largely unknown. The insect pathogen Microplitis demolitor bracovirus encodes the Egf family of small serine proteinase inhibitors. One family member, Egf1.0, was recently shown to suppress melanization of hemolymph in Manduca sexta in part by inhibiting the enzymatic activity of prophenoloxidase activating proteinase 3 (PAP3). However, other experiments suggested this viral protein suppresses melanization by more than one mechanism. Here we report that Egf1.0 inhibited the amidolytic activity of PAP1 and dose-dependently blocked processing of pro-PAP1 and pro-PAP3. Consistent with its PAP inhibitory activity, Egf1.0 also prevented processing of pro-phenoloxidase, serine proteinase homolog (SPH) 1, and SPH2. Isolation of Egf1.0-protein complexes from plasma indicated that Egf1.0 binds PAPs through its C-terminal repeat domain. Egf1.0 also potentially interacts with SPH2 and two other proteins, ferritin and gloverin, not previously associated with the phenoloxidase cascade. Overall, our results indicate that Egf1.0 is a dual activity PAP inhibitor that strongly suppresses the insect melanization response.  相似文献   

DC-SIGN is a C-type lectin that binds to endogenous adhesion molecules ICAM-2 and ICAM-3 as well as the viral envelope glycoprotein human immunodeficiency virus, type 1, glycoprotein (gp) 120. We wished to determine whether DC-SIGN binds differently to its endogenous ligands ICAM-2 and ICAM-3 versus HIV-1 gp120. We found that recombinant soluble DC-SIGN bound to gp120-Fc more than 100- and 50-fold better than ICAM-2-Fc and ICAM-3-Fc, respectively. This relative difference was maintained using DC-SIGN expressed on three different CD4-negative cell lines. Although the cell surface affinity for gp120 varied by up to 4-fold on the cell lines examined, the affinity for gp120 was not a correlate of the ability of the cell line to transfer virus. Monosaccharides with equatorial 4-OH groups competed as well as D-mannose for gp120 binding to DC-SIGN, regardless of how the other hydroxyl groups were positioned. Disaccharide competitors and glycan chip analysis showed that DC-SIGN has a preference for oligosaccharides linked in an alpha-anomeric configuration. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis of DC-SIGN revealed that highly conserved residues that coordinate calcium (Asp-366) and/or are involved in both calcium and specific carbohydrate interactions (Glu-347, Asn-349, Glu-354, and Asp-355) significantly compromised binding to all three ligands. Mutating non-conserved residues (Asn-311, Arg-345, Val-351, Gly-352, Glu-353, Ser-360, Gly-361, and Asn-362) minimally affected binding except for the Asp-367 mutant, which enhanced gp120 binding but diminished ICAM-2 and ICAM-3 binding. Conversely, mutating the moderately conserved residue (Gly-346) abrogated gp120 binding but enhanced ICAM-2 and ICAM-3 binding. Thus, DC-SIGN appears to bind in a distinct but overlapping manner to gp120 when compared with ICAM-2 and ICAM-3.  相似文献   

Jacob J  Schirmer RH  Gromer S 《FEBS letters》2005,579(3):745-748
The catalytic activity of selenocysteine-containing thioredoxin reductases can be mimicked by cysteine-variants if the local environment at the C-terminal redox center supports thiol activation. This concept of a linear catalytic site was challenged by structural data suggesting that the invariant residue His106 functions as a base catalyst for the dithiol-disulphide exchange reaction between enzyme and substrate. As reported here, we changed His106 to asparagine, glutamine, and phenylalanine in various C-terminal mutants of Drosophila melanogaster thioredoxin reductase. The catalytic activity dropped considerably, yet pH-profiles did not reveal differences, rendering a function for His106 as a base catalyst unlikely. Interestingly, the phenylalanine-mutants, designed as negative controls were the most active mutants which suggests rather a structural role of His106.  相似文献   

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