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If cells of Escherichia coli deleted for genes that specify transducers and all known cytoplasmic chemotaxis proteins are reconstituted with CheA, CheW, and CheY, they spin their flagella alternately clockwise and counterclockwise. If the aspartate receptor also is present, clockwise rotation is suppressed upon addition of aspartate. If either CheA or CheW is absent, the fraction of time that the flagella spin clockwise is reduced and responses to aspartate do not occur.  相似文献   

We carried out studies with Escherichia coli to determine the site at which the methylation-independent pathways for taxis to oxygen and to sugars of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase transport system converge with the methylation-dependent chemotaxis pathways. Using genetic reconstitution of the pathways in a null strain, we determined that all pathways examined required the products of the genes cheA, cheW, and cheY. Thus, we conclude that both the methylation-independent and methylation-dependent pathways converge at CheA, the histidine kinase product of cheA.  相似文献   

During chemotactic signaling by Escherichia coli, autophosphorylation of the histidine kinase CheA is coupled to chemoreceptor control by the CheW protein, which interacts with the C-terminal P5 domain of CheA. To identify P5 determinants important for CheW binding and receptor coupling control, we isolated and characterized a series of P5 missense mutants. The mutants fell into four phenotypic groups on the basis of in vivo behavioral and protein stability tests and in vitro assays with purified mutant proteins. Group 1 mutants exhibited autophosphorylation and receptor-coupling defects, and their CheA proteins were subject to relatively rapid degradation in vivo. Group 1 mutations were located at hydrophobic residues in P5 subdomain 2 and most likely caused folding defects. Group 2 mutants made stable CheA proteins with normal autophosphorylation ability but with defects in CheW binding and in receptor-mediated activation of CheA autophosphorylation. Their mutations affected residues in P5 subdomain 1 near the interface with the CheA dimerization (P3) and ATP-binding (P4) domains. Mutant proteins of group 3 were normal in all tests yet could not support chemotaxis, suggesting that P5 has one or more important but still unknown signaling functions. Group 4 mutant proteins were specifically defective in receptor-mediated deactivation control. The group 4 mutations were located in P5 subdomain 1 at the P3/P3' interface. We conclude that P5 subdomain 1 is important for CheW binding and for receptor coupling control and that these processes may require substantial motions of the P5 domain relative to the neighboring P3 and P4 domains of CheA.  相似文献   

The C-terminal P5 domain of the histidine kinase CheA is essential for coupling CheA autophosphorylation activity to chemoreceptor control through a binding interaction with the CheW protein. To locate P5 determinants critical for CheW binding and chemoreceptor control, we surveyed cysteine replacements at 39 residues predicted to be at or near the P5 surface in Escherichia coli CheA. Two-thirds of the Cys replacement proteins exhibited in vitro defects in CheW binding, either before or after modification with a bulky fluorescein group. The binding-defective sites were widely distributed on the P5 surface and were often interspersed with sites that caused no functional defects, implying that relatively minor structural perturbations, often far from the actual binding site, can influence its conformation or accessibility. The most likely CheW docking area included loop 2 in P5 folding subdomain 1. All but four of the binding-defective P5-Cys proteins were defective in receptor-mediated activation, suggesting that CheW binding, as measured in vitro, is necessary for assembly of ternary signaling complexes and/or subsequent CheA activation. Other Cys sites specifically affected receptor-mediated activation or deactivation of CheA, demonstrating that CheW binding is not sufficient for assembly and/or operation of receptor signaling complexes. Because P5 is quite similar to CheW, whose structure is known to be dynamic, we suggest that conformational flexibility and dynamic motions govern the signaling activities of the P5 domain. In addition, relative movements of the CheA domains may be involved in CheW binding, in ternary complex assembly, and in subsequent stimulus-induced conformational changes in receptor signaling complexes.  相似文献   

The bacterial chemotaxis adaptor protein CheW physically links the chemoreceptors (MCPs) and the histidine kinase CheA. Extensive investigations using bacterium Escherichia coli have established the central role of CheW in the MCP-modulated activation of CheA. Here we report the solution structure of CheW from E. coli determined by NMR spectroscopy. The results show that E. coli CheW shares an overall fold with previously reported structure of CheW from Thermotoga maritima, whereas local conformational deviations are observed. In particular, the C-terminal alpha-helix is considerably longer in E. coli CheW and appears to shrink the active binding pocket with CheA. Our study provides the structural basis for further investigations in E. coli chemotaxis.  相似文献   

CheA is a multidomain histidine kinase for chemotaxis in Escherichia coli. CheA autophosphorylates through interaction of its N-terminal phosphorylation site domain (P1) with its central dimerization (P3) and ATP-binding (P4) domains. This activity is modulated through the C-terminal P5 domain, which couples CheA to chemoreceptor control. CheA phosphoryl groups are donated to two response regulators, CheB and CheY, to control swimming behavior. The phosphorylated forms of CheB and CheY turn over rapidly, enabling receptor signaling complexes to elicit fast behavioral responses by regulating the production and transmission of phosphoryl groups from CheA. To promote rapid phosphotransfer reactions, CheA contains a phosphoacceptor-binding domain (P2) that serves to increase CheB and CheY concentrations in the vicinity of the adjacent P1 phosphodonor domain. To determine whether the P2 domain is crucial to CheA's signaling specificity, we constructed CheADeltaP2 deletion mutants and examined their signaling properties in vitro and in vivo. We found that CheADeltaP2 autophosphorylated and responded to receptor control normally but had reduced rates of phosphotransfer to CheB and CheY. This defect lowered the frequency of tumbling episodes during swimming and impaired chemotactic ability. However, expression of additional P1 domains in the CheADeltaP2 mutant raised tumbling frequency, presumably by buffering the irreversible loss of CheADeltaP2-generated phosphoryl groups from CheB and CheY, and greatly improved its chemotactic ability. These findings suggest that P2 is not crucial for CheA signaling specificity and that the principal determinants that favor appropriate phosphoacceptor partners, or exclude inappropriate ones, most likely reside in the P1 domain.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium, appropriate changes of cell swimming patterns are mediated by CheA, an autophosphorylating histidine protein kinase whose activity is regulated by receptor/transducer proteins. The molecular mechanism underlying this regulation remains unelucidated but may involve CheA shifting between high-activity and low-activity conformations. We devised an in vivo screen to search for potential hyperkinase variants of CheA and used this screen to identify two cheA point mutations that cause the CheA protein to have elevated autokinase activity. Each point mutation resulted in alteration of proline 337. In vitro, CheA337PL and CheA337PS autophosphorylated significantly more rapidly than did wild-type CheA. This rate enhancement reflected the higher affinities of the mutant proteins for ATP and an increased rate constant for acquisition by CheA of the gamma-phosphoryl group of ATP within a kinetically defined CheA.ATP complex. In addition, the mutant proteins reacted with ADP more rapidly than did wild-type CheA. We considered the possibility that the mutations served to lock CheA into an activated signaling conformation; however, we found that both mutant proteins were regulated in a normal fashion by the transducer Tsr in the presence of CheW. We exploited the activated properties of one of these mutants to investigate whether the CheA subunits within a CheA dimer make equivalent contributions to the mechanism of trans phosphorylation. Our results indicate that CheA trans phosphorylation may involve active-site residues that are located both in cis and in trans to the autophosphorylation site and that the two protomers of a CheA dimer make nonequivalent contributions in determining the affinity of the ATP-binding site(s) of CheA.  相似文献   

Rhodobacter sphaeroides has multiple homologues of most of the Escherichia coli chemotaxis genes, organized in two major operons and other, unlinked, loci. These include cheA1 and cheW1 (che Op1) and cheA2, cheW2 and cheW3 (che Op2). We have deleted each of these cheA and cheW homologues in-frame and examined the chemosensory behaviour of these strains on swarm plates and in tethered cell assays. In addition, we have examined the effect of these deletions on the polar localization of the chemoreceptor McpG. In E. coli, deletion of either cheA or cheW results in a non-chemotactic phenotype, and these strains also show no receptor clustering. Here, we demonstrate that CheW2 and CheA2 are required for the normal localization of McpG and for normal chemotactic responses under both aerobic and photoheterotrophic conditions. Under aerobic conditions, deletion of cheW3 has no significant effect on McpG localization and only has an effect on chemotaxis to shallow gradients in swarm plates. Under photoheterotrophic conditions, however, CheW3 is required for McpG localization and also for chemotaxis both on swarm plates and in the tethered cell assay. These phenotypes are not a direct result of delocalization of McpG, as this chemoreceptor does not mediate chemotaxis to any of the compounds tested and can therefore be considered a marker for general methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP) clustering. Thus, there is a correlation between the normal localization of McpG (and presumably other chemoreceptors) and chemotaxis. We propose a model in which the multiple different MCPs in R. sphaeroides are contained within a polar chemoreceptor cluster. Deletion of cheW2 and cheA2 under both aerobic and photoheterotrophic conditions, and cheW3 under photoheterotrophic conditions, disrupts the cluster and hence reduces chemotaxis to any compound sensed by these MCPs.  相似文献   

This study presents two lines of genetic evidence consistent with the premise that CheW, a cytoplasmic component of the chemotactic signaling system of Escherichia coli, interacts directly with Tsr, the membrane-bound serine chemoreceptor. (i) We demonstrated phenotypic suppression between 10 missense mutant CheW proteins and six missense mutant Tsr proteins. Most of these mutant proteins had leaky chemotaxis defects and were partially dominant, implying relatively minor functional alterations. Their suppression pattern was allele specific, suggesting that the mutant proteins have compensatory conformational changes at sites of interactive contact. (ii) We isolated five partially dominant CheW mutations and found that four of them were similar or identical to the suppressible CheW mutant proteins. This implies that there are only a few ways in which CheW function can be altered to produce dominant defects and that dominance is mediated through interactions of CheW with Tsr. The amino acid replacements in these mutant proteins were inferred from their DNA sequence changes. The CheW mutations were located in five regularly spaced clusters in the first two-thirds of the protein. The Tsr mutations were located in a highly conserved region in the middle of the cytoplasmic signaling domain. The hydrophobic moments, overall hydrophobicities, and predicted secondary structures of the mutant segments were consistent with the possibility that they are located at the surface of the CheW and Tsr molecules and represent the contact sites between these two proteins.  相似文献   

We investigated the functional roles of putative active site residues in Escherichia coli CheA by generating nine site-directed mutants, purifying the mutant proteins, and quantifying the effects of those mutations on autokinase activity and binding affinity for ATP. We designed these mutations to alter key positions in sequence motifs conserved in the protein histidine kinase family, including the N box (H376 and N380), the G1 box (D420 and G422), the F box (F455 and F459), the G2 box (G470, G472, and G474), and the "GT block" (T499), a motif identified by comparison of CheA to members of the GHL family of ATPases. Four of the mutant CheA proteins exhibited no detectable autokinase activity (Kin(-)). Of these, three (N380D, D420N, and G422A) exhibited moderate decreases in their affinities for ATP in the presence or absence of Mg(2+). The other Kin(-) mutant (G470A/G472A/G474A) exhibited wild-type affinity for ATP in the absence of Mg(2+), but reduced affinity (relative to that of wild-type CheA) in the presence of Mg(2+). The other five mutants (Kin(+)) autophosphorylated at rates slower than that exhibited by wild-type CheA. Of these, three mutants (H376Q, D420E, and F455Y/F459Y) exhibited severely reduced k(cat) values, but preserved K(M)(ATP) and K(d)(ATP) values close to those of wild-type CheA. Two mutants (T499S and T499A) exhibited only small effects on k(cat) and K(M)(ATP). Overall, these results suggest that conserved residues in the N box, G1 box, G2 box, and F box contribute to the ATP binding site and autokinase active site in CheA, while the GT block makes little, if any, contribution. We discuss the effects of specific mutations in relation to the three-dimensional structure of CheA and to binding interactions that contribute to the stability of the complex between CheA and Mg(2+)-bound ATP in both the ground state and the transition state for the CheA autophosphorylation reaction.  相似文献   

We examined the binding interactions of the methylation-dependent chemotaxis receptors Tsr and Tar with the chemotaxis-specific protein kinase CheA and the coupling factor CheW. Receptor directly bound CheW, but receptor-CheA binding was dependent upon the presence of CheW. These observations in combination with our previous identification of a CheW-CheA complex suggest that CheW physically links the kinase to the receptor. The ternary complex of receptor, CheW, and CheA is both kinetically and thermodynamically stable at physiological concentrations. Stability is not significantly altered by changes associated with attractant or repellent binding to the receptor. Such binding greatly modulates the kinase activity of CheA. Our results demonstrate that modulation of the kinase activity does not require association-dissociation of the ternary complex. This suggests that the receptor signal is transduced through conformational changes in the ternary complex rather than through changes in the association of the kinase CheA with receptor and/or CheW.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis by cells of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium depends upon the ability of chemoreceptors called transducers to communicate with switch components of flagellar motors to modulate swimming behavior. This communication requires an excitatory pathway composed of the cytoplasmic signal transduction proteins, CheAL, CheAS, CheW, CheY, and CheZ. Of these, the autokinase CheAL is most central. Modifications or mutations that affect the rate at which CheAL autophosphorylates result in profound chemotactic defects. Here we demonstrate that pH can affect CheAL autokinase activity in vitro. This activity exhibits a bell-shaped dependence upon pH within the range 6.5 to 10.0, consistent with the notion that two proton dissociation events affect CheAL autophosphorylation kinetics: one characterized by a pKa of about 8.1 and another exhibiting a pKa of about 8.9. These in vitro results predict a decrease in the rate of CheAL autophosphorylation in response to a reduction in intracellular pH, a decrease that should cause increased counterclockwise flagellar rotation. We observed such a response in vivo for cells containing a partially reconstituted chemotaxis system. Benzoate (10 mM, pH 7.0), a weak acid that when undissociated readily traverses the cytoplasmic membrane, causes a reduction of cytoplasmic pH from 7.6 to 7.3. In response to this reduction, cells expressing CheAL, CheAS, and CheY, but not transducers, exhibited a small but reproducible increase in the fraction of time that they spun their flagellar motors counterclockwise. The added presence of CheW and the transducers Tar and Trg resulted in a more dramatic response. The significance of our in vitro results, their relationships to regulation of swimming behavior, and the mechanisms by which transducers might affect the pH dependence of CheA autokinase activity are discussed.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis cheN gene was isolated, sequenced, and expressed. It encodes a large negatively charged protein with a molecular weight of approximately 74,000. The predicted protein sequence has 33 to 34% identity with the Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium CheA and Myxococcus xanthus FrzE sequences. These proteins are found to autophosphorylate and are members of the same histidine kinase signal modulating family. CheN has several conserved regions (including the histidine that is phosphorylated in CheA) that coincide with other autophosphorylated signal transducers. A null mutant is defective in attractant-induced methanol formation and shows no behavioral response to chemoeffectors. These results imply that in B. subtilis the mechanism of chemotaxis involves phosphoryl transfer similar to that in E. coli. However, the CheN null mutant mostly tumbles, whereas CheA mutants swim smoothly, and only in B. subtilis does excitation lead to methyl transfer and methanol formation. Thus, the overall mechanism of chemotaxis is different in the two organisms.  相似文献   

In contrast to the situation in enteric bacteria, chemotaxis in Rhodobacter sphaeroides requires transport and partial metabolism of chemoattractants. A chemotaxis operon has been identified containing homologues of the enteric cheA , cheW , cheR genes and two homologues of the cheY gene. However, mutations in these genes have only minor effects on chemotaxis. In enteric species, CheW transmits sensory information from the chemoreceptors to the histidine protein kinase, CheA. Expression of R. sphaeroides cheW in Escherichia coli showed concentration-dependent inhibition of wild-type behaviour, increasing counter-clockwise rotation and thus smooth swimming — a phenotype also seen when E. coli cheW is overexpressed in E. coli . In contrast, overexpression of R. sphaeroides cheW in wild-type R. sphaeroides inhibited motility completely, the equivalent of inducing tumbly motility in E. coli . Expression of R. sphaeroides cheW in an E. coli Δ cheW chemotaxis mutant complemented this mutation, confirming that CheW is involved in chemosensory signal transduction. However, unlike E. coli Δ cheW mutants, in-frame deletion of R. sphaeroides cheW did not affect either swimming behaviour or chemotaxis to weak organic acids, although the responses to sugars were enhanced. Therefore, although CheW may act as a signal-transduction protein in R. sphaeroides , it may have an unusual role in controlling the rotation of the flagellar motor. Furthermore, the ability of a Δ cheW mutant to swim normally and show wild-type responses to weak acids supports the existence of additional chemosensory signal-transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions play key roles in virtually all cellular processes, often forming complex regulatory networks. A powerful tool to study interactions in vivo is fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), which is based on the distance‐dependent energy transfer from an excited donor to an acceptor fluorophore. Here, we used FRET to systematically map all protein interactions in the chemotaxis signaling pathway in Escherichia coli, one of the most studied models of signal transduction, and to determine stimulation‐induced changes in the pathway. Our FRET analysis identified 19 positive FRET pairs out of the 28 possible protein combinations, with 9 pairs being responsive to chemotactic stimulation. Six stimulation‐dependent and five stimulation‐independent interactions were direct, whereas other interactions were apparently mediated by scaffolding proteins. Characterization of stimulation‐induced responses revealed an additional regulation through activity dependence of interactions involving the adaptation enzyme CheB, and showed complex rearrangement of chemosensory receptors. Our study illustrates how FRET can be efficiently employed to study dynamic protein networks in vivo.  相似文献   

Negative chemotaxis in Escherichia coli   总被引:27,自引:44,他引:27  
Several methods for detecting or measuring negative chemotaxis are described. Using these, we have surveyed a number of chemicals for their ability to repel Escherichia coli. Although most of the repellents are harmful compounds, harmfulness is neither necessary nor sufficient to make a compound a repellent. The repellents can be grouped into at least nine classes according to (i) competition experiments, (ii) mutants lacking certain of the negative taxes, and (iii) their chemical structure. The specificity of each class was studied. It is suggested that each class corresponds to a distinct chemoreceptor. Generally, non-chemotactic mutants lack both positive and negative chemotaxis, and l-methionine is required for both kinds of taxis. Repellents at very low concentrations are not attractants, and attractants at very high concentrations are not repellents.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning techniques were used to construct Escherichia coli-lambda hybrids that contained many of the genes necessary for flagellar rotation and chemotaxis. The properties of specific hybrids that carried the classical "cheA" and "cheB" loci were examined by genetic complementation and by measuring the capacity of the hybrids to direct the synthesis of specific polypeptides. The results of these tests with lambda hybrids and with a series of deletion mutations derived from the hybrids redefined the "cheA" and "cheB" regions. Six genes were resolved: cheA, cheW, cheX, cheB, cheY, and cheZ. They directed the synthesis of specific polypeptides with the following apparent molecular weights: cheA, 76,000 and 66,000; cheW, 12,000; cheX, 28,000; cheB, 38,000; cheY, 8,000; and cheZ, 24,000. The presence of another gene, cheM, was inferred from the protein synthesis experiments. The cheM gene directed the synthesis of polypeptides with apparent molecular weights of 63,000, 61,000, and 60,000. The synthesis of all of these polypeptides is regulated by the same mechanisms that regulate the synthesis of flagellar-related structural components.  相似文献   

CheA is a histidine kinase central to the signal transduction pathway for chemotaxis in Escherichia coli. CheA autophosphorylates at His-48, with ATP as the phosphodonor, and then donates its phosphoryl groups to two aspartate autokinases, CheY and CheB. Phospho-CheY controls the flagellar motors, whereas phospho-CheB participates in sensory adaptation. Polypeptides encompassing the N-terminal P1 domain of CheA can be transphosphorylated in vitro by the CheA catalytic domain and yet have no deleterious effect on chemotactic ability when expressed at high levels in wild-type cells. To find out why, we examined the effects of a purified P1 fragment, CheA[1-149], on CheA-related signaling activities in vitro and devised in vivo assays for those same activities. Although readily phosphorylated by CheA[260-537], the CheA catalytic domain, CheA[1-149], was a poor substrate for transphosphorylation by full-length CheA molecules, implying that the resident P1 domain monopolizes the CheA catalytic center. CheA-H48Q, a nonphosphorylatable mutant, failed to transphosphorylate CheA[1-149], suggesting that phosphorylation of the P1 domain in cis may alleviate the exclusion effect. In agreement with these findings, a 40-fold excess of CheA[1-149] fragments did not impair the CheA autophosphorylation reaction. CheA[1-149] did acquire phosphoryl groups via reversible phosphotransfer reactions with CheB and CheY molecules. An H48Q mutant of CheA[1-149] could not participate in these reactions, indicating that His-48 is probably the substrate site. The low level of efficiency of these phosphotransfer reactions and the inability of CheA[1-149] to interfere with CheA autophosphorylation most likely account for the failure of liberated P1 domains to jam chemotactic signaling in wild-type cells. However, an excess of CheA[1-149] fragments was able to support chemotactic signaling by P1-deficient cheA mutants, demonstrating that CheA[1-149] fragments have both transphosphorylation and phosphotransfer capability in vivo.  相似文献   

Motor behavior in prokaryotes is regulated by a phosphorelay network involving a histidine protein kinase, CheA, whose activity is controlled by a family of Type I membrane receptors. In a typical Escherichia coli cell, several thousand receptors are organized together with CheA and an Src homology 3-like protein, CheW, into complexes that tend to be localized at the cell poles. We found that these complexes have at least 6 receptors per CheA. CheW is not required for CheA binding to receptors, but is essential for kinase activation. The kinase activity per mole of bound CheA is proportional to the total bound CheW. Similar results were obtained with the E. coli serine receptor, Tsr, and the Salmonella typhimurium aspartate receptor, Tar. In the case of Tsr, under conditions optimal for kinase activation, the ratio of subunits in complexes is approximately 6 Tsr:4 CheW:1 CheA. Our results indicate that information from numerous receptors is integrated to control the activity of a relatively small number of kinase molecules.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis to L-proline was examined by the capillary assay, using a set of Escherichia coli strains bearing well-defined defects in the enzymes of proline transport and utilization. Aspartate taxis was measured as a constitutive, control activity whose receptor and transducer requirements are known. Proline chemotaxis showed a pattern of induction more analogous to that of proline dehydrogenase than of that of proline transport, but chemotaxis to proline was eliminated by mutations eliminating either or both of these activities. No response to proline was observed in the absence of a proline concentration gradient or when succinate was provided as an oxidizable carbon source. These data suggest that the chemotactic response to proline results from a direct impact of proline oxidation on the energy metabolism of the cell.  相似文献   

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