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内蒙古锡林郭勒生物圈保护区,是以保护欧亚大陆典型草原生态系统为目的的世界生物圈保护区。为了保护草原生态系统的完整性以及锡林河流域的生态功能.在成立保护区时将锡林浩特城市以及白音锡勒城镇等规划在内。但是,锡林郭勒生物圈保护区成立15a来。长期存在着保护与发展的尖锐矛盾,保护区基本上无核心区、草地类型的生态系统出现大规模的退化、城市(镇)与保护区的发展基本脱节、对自然生态系统的利用处于非常原始的掠夺性利用状态。对于这些问题的解决,应充分考虑到社区的发展问题,解决人的生存出路并提高他们的生活员量。即以锡林郭勒生物圈保护区为例,探讨了城市(镇)的作用及其与保护区的相互关系,指出目前存在的问题以及所采取的对策。  相似文献   

内蒙古锡林勒草原自然保护区是我国第一个以资源管理为主的具有综合功能的温带草原自然保护区,成立于1985年8月5日,1987年9月7日被批准加入联合国教科文组织世界人与生物圈计划的生物圈保护区网络。保护区总面积10786km~2,其目的是保护草原生态系统和温带草原自然景观,是为保护温带半干旱气候条件下草原区的物种资源,维持遗传的多样性,  相似文献   

龚心语  黄宝荣  邓冉  黄凯  孙晶  张丛林 《生态学报》2021,41(12):4694-4706
我国部分自然保护区中拥有大面积草原,但由于过度放牧,面临草原面积减少、质量下降等问题,其重要原因之一是缺少合理的补偿标准导致牧民生计得不到有效保障,偷牧行为屡禁不止。研究制定自然保护区的退牧还草生态补偿标准、完善补偿机制,对于提高我国自然保护区内草原的生态环境质量、改善牧民生计具有重要意义。以我国自然保护区草原生态环境破坏的典型案例--吉林向海国家级自然保护区为例,构建自然保护区退牧还草生态补偿标准制定框架,包括识别影响保护区牧民退牧还草意愿的关键因素,遴选生态补偿标准计算方法;根据草原承包经营权、保护区功能分区、草原利用情况等对补偿客体进行分类;制定针对不同客体的多种补偿标准方案,并提出其优先序。研究结果显示:影响向海国家级自然保护区牧民退牧还草的关键因素为文化程度、务农人口比例、原有牲畜数量和已退养牲畜数量。核心区、缓冲区内未承包草原放牧的牧民的最佳补偿标准为833元 羊单位-1 a-1;核心区、缓冲区内承包草原放牧的牧民的最佳补偿标准为913元 羊单位-1 a-1;核心区、缓冲区内承包草原未放牧的牧民的最佳补偿标准为120元 羊单位-1 a-1;实验区牧民的最佳补偿标准则在核心区、缓冲区三类牧民的补偿基础上扣除牧民承包草原的理论载畜量后进行计算。建议完善牧民基本情况统计制度、拓展补偿资金来源、创新多元化补偿方式并建立动态化补偿标准调整机制。  相似文献   

我国自然保护区功能分区研究进展   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
呼延佼奇  肖静  于博威  徐卫华 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6391-6396
自然保护区功能分区是保护区规划和科学管理的重要环节。我国自然保护区功能区划主要采用国际"人与生物圈"计划的"三区"划分模式,即核心区、缓冲区和实验区。介绍了我国自然保护区的分区依据,在总结自然保护区功能分区方法研究进展上,分析了目前我国自然保护区功能区划中存在的难点与问题,并对其进行了展望,以期为我国自然保护区功能区的科学划分与完善提供依据。  相似文献   

在我国四川省都江堰市北部,座落着一个林海茫茫、景色绮丽的自然保护区,这就是1997年经国务院审定发布并正式命名的龙溪—虹口国家级自然保护区。它距都江堰市区仅10公里,距四川省省会成都市60公里,是西南地区距中心城市最近,外部条件最好的国家级自然保护区。保护区面积310平方公里,外围保护带面积117平方公里。保护区划分为核心区、缓冲区和实验区。核心区严禁一切干扰和破坏资源的活动,是保存最完好的自然森林生态系统以及大熊猫等珍稀濒危动植物的集中分布地;缓冲区是核心区与试验区的过渡地带,对核心区起保护和…  相似文献   

内蒙古锡林郭勒锡林郭勒生物圈保护区位于内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟中部,横跨行政区锡林浩特市,西乌珠穆沁旗、阿巴嘎旗,总面积5800平方公里,以保护各种类型的草原,沙地森林和河谷湿地生态系统以及濒危野生动植物为主。1 987年加入联合国教科文组织世界生物圈保护区网络。驾车路线:北京→张家口→宝昌→哈巴嘎→桑根  相似文献   

九、生物圈保护区及其可持续发展 生物圈保护区是实施生物多样性公约,贯彻可持续发展战略的基本单元,它把人们的需要和渴望放在首位,保证世界上主要生态系统的典型区域得到长期的保护。生物圈保护区是一个具有多功能的实体(如右图所示),其特征是由三个功能的结合。为了保证各个功能的同步发展,生物圈保护区内要  相似文献   

内蒙古赛罕乌拉赛罕乌拉生物圈保护区位于内蒙古自治区赤峰市巴林右旗北部,总面积为1 004平方公里,以保护珍稀濒危野生动植物及森林、草原、湿地等多样的生态系统为主。2001年加入联合国教科文组织世界生物圈保护区网络。驾车路线:北京→古北口→承德(走辅路)→锦山→赤峰→大板。地方特产:黄花菜、蕨菜、牛肉干、鹿肉干。旅游资源:赛罕乌拉自然保护区处在草原向森  相似文献   

正茵莱湖:缅甸有史以来第一家该湖于1985年被缅甸政府批准为野生生物庇护地,2003年被东南亚国家联盟批准为东盟遗产公园,2015年被联合国教科文组织批准为世界生物圈保护区;总面积489721公顷,其中核心区2054公顷,缓冲区125602公顷,过渡区362065公顷;主管部门为缅甸自然资源与环境保护部。  相似文献   

内蒙古达赉湖达赉湖生物圈保护区地处内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市,总面积7400平方公里,以保护珍禽、湿地及草原生态系统为主。2002年加入联合国教科文组织世界生物圈保护区网络。驾车路线:北京→山海关→沈阳→长春→哈尔滨→呼伦贝尔→达赉湖。地方特产:本地种牛羊肉、鲤鱼、白鱼、秀丽白虾。  相似文献   

为了保护浑善达克沙地榆树(Ulmus pumila)疏林景观,拟建立自然保护区。基于榆树疏林植被图,运用ArcGIS分析榆树疏林斑块数量、面积、破碎化程度,发现该区榆树疏林斑块大小差异较大,小斑块较多,斑块边界割裂严重,破碎化程度高,需要及时加以保护。按照景观生态学原理、生物岛屿地理学设计自然保护区原则,选择疏林斑块集中分布区,作为潜在核心区,运用ArcGIS的缓冲区分析功能,设计不同的宽度,发现斑块边界向外延伸3 km能够连接较多的斑块,而占用较少的非疏林斑块土地面积。同时调查斑块外不同距离样方与疏林斑块的群落相似度,发现1 km以内能够包含大于10%相似度的群落。由此而初步确定的核心区分布在正蓝旗23个嘎查,面积1 531 km2,约占全旗总面积的13%。  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the structure and diversity of model biotic communities (grass cover, soil macrofauna, xylotrophic fungi and xylophilous coleopterans) were carried out in oak forests of the core and buffer zones of the Voronezh biosphere reserve. The functional structure of the communities in the buffer zone had clearly expressed nemorose features characteristic of the broad-leaved zonal forests, while that in the core zone demonstrated more xerophilous patterns with a wide participation of meadow-steppe elements. The restricted anthropogenic activity in the buffer zone enhances the mesophytization of the oak forest habitats. The complete elimination of anthropogenic pressure in the core zone for two last decades results in the formation of a peculiar, dynamic pattern of forest ecosystems, which corresponds to the zonal climatic conditions.  相似文献   

We assessed the ecological structure and function of mountain ridges connected to a reserve area, Gwangneung Royal Tomb Forest (GRTF), in central Korea. This site has been strictly preserved since the 15th century. Our objectives were to 1 ) investigate the interactions between and the influence of a protected old-growth forest on its surrounding forests, and 2) suggest management strategies for forests outside that reserve area. Three ridges were surveyed and divided into two categories — A and B ridges covered with secondary forests connected to GRTF, and the C ridge, covered with primary forests and plantations within GRTF (from core zone to managed zone). The ridge forests had a characteristic lobe shape. We found no significant decline in species richness (peninsular effect) with distance from GRTF for any tree-layer or herbaceous-layer species on Ridges A or B. However, when only the species that appeared in primary forests on the C ridge were considered, the richness of tree- and herbaceous-layer species was significantly decreased there. This meant that the neighboring forests of GRTF could serve as a buffer zone. Differences were obvious between the two categorized forests in their species composition, species richness, basal area, and regeneration patterns. DCA ordination of quadrats on Ridges A and B showed that Axis 1 was significantly correlated with distance from GRTF, indicating that this protected area affects regeneration within neighboring forests. Thus, reserves are important not only to the conservation of biodiversity, but also to the ecological management of surrounding forests.  相似文献   

Question: Is the vegetation of meadow and mountain steppes distinct from the ground vegetation of light taiga forests in the transitional zone between these biomes? Location: Western Khentey Mountains, northern Mongolia. Methods: Vegetation was recorded from 100‐m2 plots from all dominant types of light taiga forest and dry grassland. Distinctness of ground vegetation was studied with Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). Results: Ground vegetation in the light taiga was significantly different from the herbal vegetation of meadow and mountain steppes. Clear separation was only absent for the Car ex amgunensis meadow steppes that occur in a narrow strip along the forest edge and are partly shaded by trees. Forest and steppe communities followed a moisture gradient according to the DCA ordination with light taiga forests at the moistest sites and steppe communities at the driest sites. Ulmus pumila open woodlands diverged from this pattern, because of their close spatial and phytosociological relationship to mountain steppes. Conclusions: The present results do not support the assumption that grasslands in Mongolia's transitional zone between forest and steppe would generally resemble the ground vegetation of light taiga forests. This contradicts a published hypothesis stating that the vegetation of meadow and mountain steppes would not clearly differ from ground vegetation of light taiga forests in the forest‐steppe transitional zone of Mongolia.  相似文献   

江苏海涂两种水生利用模式的能值分析   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
自然资源的开发利用模式是多种多样的 ,要明确哪一种模式更优化 ,就必须对其生态经济效益作比较全面的分析评价。传统经济学的劳动价值论或市场价值论只表现了人对生态经济系统的贡献 ,没有体现自然对生态经济系统的贡献 ;传统的能量分析方法 ,把所有的可利用能量看成是等同的 ,没能体现能级和能质的差异[10 ]。能值分析方法克服了以上各方法的缺陷 ,从自然进化和系统演化的角度指出真正财富的共同价值基础能值 ,使得生态经济系统中各种能量、信息和物质能以同一标准进行比较和估算1) 。最大能值流原理提供了几条明确标准 ,反映系统自组织的…  相似文献   

Mesoamerican cloud forests are important centres of biodiversity, but are under severe pressure from anthropogenic activities. Protected areas have been established to conserve remaining areas of this habitat, but it is debatable how effective these under-resourced ‘paper parks’ are in preserving biodiversity. This study investigates this issue utilising species-level data, examining composition of avifaunal communities within an undermanaged cloud forest park. Research was conducted in the Parque Nacional Cusuco, North–West Honduras. Results indicate that overall avian species richness is greater in the less heavily protected buffer zone than the nominally inviolate core zone. However, core zone areas are shown to be effective in preserving threatened and range-restricted species. Results therefore demonstrate that buffer zone forest has a comparably reduced conservation value, but the overall park system appears to be effective in conserving the core zone. These findings should be taken into account when considering extensions to protected area networks in Mesoamerica.  相似文献   

Buffer zones around reserves are often suggested, but have rarely been evaluated. We examined their design for small forest reserves (5–225 ha), where buffer zones (200 m wide) would protect the reserves and reduce negative edge effects. The potential buffer zones could be partly protected, but remain as private land. Alternatively, the state may buy land outside reserves (to be included in reserves). To consider opinions of forest owners, we interviewed 33 private forest owners in potential buffer zones of reserves. The respondents were weakly positive to conservation, but disliked a state reserve on their land, or a buffer zone where 50% of the forest would be protected without compensation; however, with compensation the majority of them were neutral or positive to such a buffer zone. In a choice between buffer zone or reserve bought by the state, the great majority of the respondents chose the buffer zone (compensation paid, land still private). We found no relationships between opinions of respondents and conservation values of their forests (densities of old and dead trees), but older owners had forests of higher value. The forest in the potential buffer zones had higher conservation value than other non-protected forests in southern Sweden. Thus, buffer zones may be valuable, and we suggest they are created in cooperation with local residents where this is possible.  相似文献   

砂仁生产对西双版纳自然保护区的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
调查研究表明 ,西双版纳砂仁种植主要在沟谷季节性雨林林下 ,它造成局部雨林垂直结构层次简单化 ,使中层乔木部分树种和几乎全部下层乔木、灌木和草本植物种类流失 .种植砂仁只能在试验区内一般地段进行 ,严格保护核心区 .在试验区确定保护植物相对集中的敏感地段和村民共同管理 ,在核心区最适宜发展砂仁的沟谷地段重点巡护有利于提高保护区的管理水平 .砂仁高产与环境保护关系密切 ,有利于提高当地村民参与自然保护的自觉性 .  相似文献   

徐颂军  邱彭华  谢跟踪  刘浩  胡碧燕 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4045-4056
从微观和中观尺度探讨了广东省古兜山自然保护区生态旅游开发对区内植物生态和景观生态的影响问题。结果表明:(1)10个样地的植物生态影响度指数有3个为一般级,5个为较严重级,1个为严重级,1个属极严重级。全区平均植物生态影响度指数呈较严重级。这表明旅游开发已给保护区的植物带来了较大的负面影响;(2)旅游开发与活动对植物生态的影响在游径两侧和景点、服务点周围2~4m范围内较显著,4~6m范围有一定程度影响,但6m以外的区域影响较小。处于多条通道交叉处的三角区,近通道的植物生态影响度指数值较中央区的影响值大,影响曲线呈双峰型;(3)不同景观类型的植物受旅游影响的强度和范围不一样。影响强度的变化总趋势为:山地草甸>山地灌丛>森林景观,常绿针阔叶混交林>常绿阔叶林>沟谷雨林,人工林>天然林;(4)植物生态影响指标间的相关分析表明从旅游活动对保护区植物的负面影响来看,阴生种数量、乔灌幼苗量、凋落层厚度、物种多样性指数4个指标具有较好的表征作用,草本层盖度表征作用不太好;(5)景观生态指标值和影响度指数显示旅游工程建设和森林工程对景观破坏影响较大,主要表现在林木间伐、修路及建筑选址、配色、数量控制等方面;(6)从景观生态影响水平看,常绿针阔叶混交林和季风常绿阔叶林受到的影响较大;就景观生态受影响难易程度而言,服务区南侧、喃呒山等地是区内景观生态敏感地带,服务区、喃呒庙、瓶身阁等旅游景点或设施具有较强的景观醒目度;(7)多指标定量化评价指数具有较好的环境预警作用,能为保护区生态旅游管理者提供有用的环境生态信息,以便及时做出科学决策。  相似文献   

空间约束背景下海岸带湿地保护边界研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈阳  岳文泽  张亮 《生态学报》2018,38(3):900-908
湿地保护边界划定是维护湿地可持续发展的基础前提,也是协调湿地保护与农地利用、城镇发展土地配置与空间布局的必经途径。研究从湿地保护边界的"源-汇"生态景观互动视角着眼,明晰了湿地保护源及保护优先等级,建构了空间约束评价与生态断界来刻画汇景观空间层次分异,借助最小累积阻力模型测度与划分了湿地保护边界及其类型。研究发现:(1)基于多重因素的空间约束评价与湿地生态断界的划分,通过最小阻力模型有效地刻画外部因子集成对湿地保护的限制及差异,以量化方式描绘湿地保护所处阻力最小地带,为湿地保护边界划分提供了新的思路。(2)杭州湾南岸生态断界与中高约束的区域占据研究区52.69%比例,无约束地域仅为12.79%,奠定了综合因素空间约束强势的基本格局。加之低度约束区域占据34.53%,显示杭州湾南岸区域多介于高低空间约束性势转换或过渡阶段,压缩了湿地保护的空间。(3)研究划分湿地保护边界范围与缓冲区带为49.11、24.07km~2,面积总和仅占据杭州湾南岸5.47%,湿地保护拓展和弹性调整空间极为有限。除生态断界提供湿地保护的天然边界外,湿地保护界限表现为保育林区、农地延伸型和水源保护型三类。  相似文献   

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