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Charge-pulse relaxation experiments with the negatively charged lipophilic ions, dipicrylamine and tetraphenylborate, (as well as with the positively charged carrier system Rb+-valinomycin) have been carried out in order to study the influence of sterols on the ion transport through the lipid bilayer membrane. The mol fraction of the sterols (cholesterol, epicholesterol, ergosterol, stigmasterol, dihydrocholsterol, epicoprostanol and cholesterololeate) as referred to total lipid was varied in a wide range (mol fractions 0–0.8).The monoolein/sterol or dioleoylphosphatidylcholine/sterol mixtures were dissolved in n-hexadecane in order to minimize effects of the sterol on the membrane thickness.Cholesterol had a strong influence on the transport of the lipophilic ions. Its incorporation into monoolein membranes increased the rate constant i of translocation up to 8-fold, but incorporation into phosphatidylcholine membranes had virtually no influence on ki. The other sterols with one hydroxy group and cholesterololeate had no influence on the rate constant or the partition coefficient β. The results are discussed on the basis of a possible change of dipole potential of the membrane caused by cholesterol and its derivatives.In the case of valinomycin-mediated Rb+ transport only cholesterol had a strong influence on transport properties. The rate constants of association (kR) as well as the rate constants of translocation of the complex (kMS) and of the free carrier (kS) were reduced by incorporation of cholesterol up to eight-fold. The decrease of kS and kMS are possibly caused by a decrease of membrane fluidity, whereas the decrease of kR may be due to an increase of surface potential. The different action of cholesterol on the two transport systems is discussed under the assumption that the adsorption plane of the lipophilic ion is located more towards the aqueous side and that of the ion-carrier complexes more towards the hydrocarbon side of the dipole layer.  相似文献   

Summary Charge-pulse relaxation studies with the positively charged PV-K+ complex (cyclo-(d-Val-l-Pro-l-Val-d-Pro)3) and the negatively charged lipophilic ion dipicrylamine (DPA) have been performed in order to study the influence of structural properties on ion transport through lipid bilayer membranes. First, the thickness of monoolein membranes was varied over a wide range using differentn-alkanes and slovent-free membranes. The thickness (d) of the hydrocarbon core of these membranes varied between 4.9 and 2.5 nm. For both transport systems the partition coefficient was found to be rather insensitive to variations ind. The same was valid for the translocation rate constantk MS of PV-K+, whereas a strong increase of the translocation rate constantk i of DPA-with decreasingd was observed. In a further set of experimental conditions the structure of the lipids, such as number and position of the double bonds in the hydrocarbon chain and its chain length as well as the nature of the polar head group, was varied. The translocation constantk MS of PV-K+ transport was found to be much more sensitive to these variations thank i of DPA-.Much larger variations ink i andk MS were observed in membranes made from lipids with ether instead of ester linkages between glycerol backbone and hydrocarbon chain. The results are in qualitative agreement with the surface potentials of monolayers made from corresponding lipids. Increasing amounts of cholesterol in membranes of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine caused a strong decrease ofk MS (PV-K+), whereask i was found to be rather insensitive to this variation.In monoolein membranes cholesterol causes a decrease ofk MS up to sixfold and a increase ofk i up to eightfold. The partition coefficient of DPA was insensitive to cholesterol, whereas of PV-K+ was found to decrease about eightfold in these membranes. The influence of cholesterol onk MS is discussed on the basis of viscosity changes in the membrane and the change ink i of DPA and of PV-K+ on the basis of a possible change of the dipole potential of the membranes. The other sterols, epicholesterol and ergosterol cause no change in the kinetics of the two probes.The different influence of membrane properties like thickness, viscosity, and dipole potential on the two transport systems is discussed under the assumption that the adsorption planes of the two probes have different positions in a membrane. Possibly because of a larger hydrophobic interaction, the adsorption plane of PV-K+ is located more towards the hydrocarbon side and that of DPA more towards the aqueous side of the dipole layer.  相似文献   

The electrical characteristics of wide membrane channels such as those induced in lipid membranes by alamethicin have been analyzed using an electrodiffusion model. The channel is considered to be a water filled cylinder in which the potential energy barrier is a result of the difference in polarization energy of the ion environment when the ion is located inside as compared to outside of the channel. In addition, an electric field related to the channel structure is assumed. It is shown that without postulating any specific chemical ion-channel interaction one can reproduce experimental membrane potentials for NaCl, KCl, and CaCl2 concentration gradients with a single set of channel parameters. The calculations also yield experimental J-V characteristics of discrete conduction states. In addition, a simple mechanism of interchannel coupling based on the above model is discussed. The model suggests a unifying approach to the problem of the origin of interionic selectivity of membrane channels induced by polyene antibiotics.  相似文献   

Summary Stationary conductance experiments on neutral and negatively charged bilayer membranes in the presence of valinomycin or monactin agree with a recently proposed carrier transport model, which is common to both carrier types. This model assumes an interface reaction between a cation from the aqueous solution and a carrier molecule from the membrane phase to establish charge transport across the interface. The transport across the membrane interior is described by some kind of Eyring model. The discussion of the current-voltage characteristic, the dependence of membrane conductance on the carrier and K+ concentrations, and the comparison with appropriate experiments allow correlation of the different rate constants of the transport model. The results show that the rate constants partly depend on the surface charge of the membranes. This dependency can be described by introducing the Gouy-Chapman theory for charged surfaces into the transport model.It was found that the carrier molecules could be added either to the aqueous phase or to the membrane-forming solution. The quantitative treatment of this phenomenon gives an evaluation of the partition coefficient of the carrier molecules between the membrane bulk phase and water.  相似文献   

Summary Stationary conductance measurements with lipid bilayer membranes in the presence of enniatin A and B and beauvericin were performed. For comparison, some valinomycin systems were investigated. It was found that the conductance in the case of enniatin A and B is caused by a carrier ion complex with a 11 stoichiometry, whereas for beauvericin, a 31 carrier ion complex has to be assumed to explain the dependence of the conductance on carrier and ion concentration in the aqueous phase. The current-voltage curves measured with dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine membranes show a superlinear behavior for the three carriers in the presence of potassium. On the other hand, supralinear current-voltage curves were observed with membranes from different monoglycerides, except for beauvericin. The results obtained with enniatin A and B are in a satisfactory agreement with an earlier proposed carrier model assuming a complexation between carrier and ion at the membrane water interface.The discrimination between potassium and sodium ions is much smaller for the enniatins than for valinomycin. This smaller selectivity as well as the fact that potassium ions cause the highest conductance with lipid bilayer membranes may be due to the smaller size of the cyclic enniatin molecules, which contain 6 residues in the ringvs. 12 in the case of valinomycin. Charge-pulse relaxation studies were performed with enniatin A and B, beauvericin, and valinomycin. For monoolein membranes only in the case of valinomycin, all three relaxations predicted by the model could be resolved. In the case of the probably more fluid membranes from monolinolein (9, 12-C18: 2) and monolinolenin (9, 12, 15-C18: 3) for all carrier systems except for beauvericin, three relaxations were observed.The association rate constantk R , the dissociation rate constantk D , and the two translocation rate constantsk MS andk s for complexed and free carrier, respectively, could be calculated from the relaxation data. The carrier concentration in the aqueous phase had no influence on the rate constants in all cases, whereas a strong saturation of the association rate constantk R with increasing ion concentration was found for the enniatins. Because of the saturation,k R did not exceed a value of 4×105 m –1 sec–1 with 1m salt irrespective of carrier, ion, or membrane-forming lipid.A similar but less pronounced saturation behavior was also observed for the translocation rate constantk S of the free carrier. The other two rate constants were independent of the ion concentration in the aqueous phase. In the case of the enniatins, the translocation rate constantk MS was not independent from the kind of the transported ion. In the series K+, Rb+ and Cs+,k MS increases about threefold. The turnover numbers for the carriers as calculated from the rate constants range between 104 sec–1 and 105 sec–1 and do not show a strong difference between the individual carriers. The conductance difference in the systems investigated here is therefore mainly caused by the partition coefficients, which are smaller for the enniatins than for valinomycin.  相似文献   

Ion transport across lipid bilayer membranes in the presence of macrotetrolide antibiotics has been studied by stationary conductance and nonstationary relaxation methods. The results are discussed on the basis of a carrier model which has already been successfully applied to valinomycin induced ion transport. Again a kinetic analysis has been performed from which the single rate constants of the carrier model could be derived. In addition the equilibrium constant of complex formation in the aqueous phase could be determined. Measurements have been made for 4 macrotetrolides, for several ions and for various chain lengths of the lipids molecules composing the membrane.  相似文献   

Cadmium and thallous ion permeabilities through lipid bilayer membranes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cadmium (Cd2+) and thallous ion (Tl+) permeabilities were measured in planar (Mueller-Rudin) lipid bilayer membranes made from diphytanoylphosphatidylcholine in decane. Permeabilities of the electroneutral Cl- complexes, measured with tracers (109Cd and 204Tl), were about 10(-8) cm X s-1 for CdCl2 and 10(-6) cm X s-1 for TlCl. Electrical conductance measurements showed that permeabilities to Cd2+ and Tl+ were approx. 10(-11) cm X s-1, similar to the Na+ permeability. The low permeabilities to both Cd2+ and CdCl2 are consistent with biological studies which suggest that Cd transport and toxicity are protein mediated and correlated with Cd2+, not CdCl2, concentration. However, the low bilayer permeability to Tl+ raises questions about recent reports that Tl+ is a lipid permeable cation in biological membranes and liposomes. An alternative explanation for the lipid permeable behavior of Tl+ is presented, based on the diffusion of TlCl and other complexes of Tl+ with inorganic and organic anions.  相似文献   

Phloretin, the aglucone derivative of phlorizin, increases cation conductance and decreases anion conductance in lipid bilayer membranes. In this paper we present evidence that phloretin acts almost exclusively by altering the permeability of the membrane interior and not by modifying the partition of the permanent species between the membrane and the bulk aqueous phases. We base our conclusion on an analysis of the current responses to a senylborate, and the cation complex, peptide PV-K+. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that phloretin decreases the intrinsic positive internal membrane potential but does not modify to a great extent the potential energy minima at the membrane interfaces. Phloretin increases the conductance for the nonactin-K+ complex, but above 10(-5) M the steady- state nonactin-K+ voltage-current curve changes from superlinear to sublinear. These results imply that, above 10(-5) M phloretin, the nonactin-5+ transport across the membrane becomes interfacially limited.  相似文献   

Hydrofluoric and nitric acid transport through lipid bilayer membranes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hydrofluoric and nitric acid transport through lipid bilayer membranes were studied by a combination of electrical conductance and pH electrode techniques. Transport occurs primarily by nonionic diffusion of molecular HF and HNO3. Membrane permeabilities to HF and HNO3 ranged from 10(-4) to 10(-3) cm . s-1, five to seven orders of magnitude higher than the permeabilities to NO-3, F- and H+. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that F- transport through biological membranes occurs mainly by nonionic diffusion of HF. Our results also suggest that of the two principal components of 'acid rain', HNO3 may be more toxic than H2SO4.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: High-resolution spectroscopic imaging of the cross section of ion-selective membranes during real-time electrochemical measurements is termed spectroelectrochemical microscopy (SpECM). SpECM is aimed for optimizing the experimental conditions in mass transport controlled ion-selective electrode (ISE) membranes for improved detection limit. METHODS: The SpECM measurements are performed in a thin layer electrochemical cell. The key element of the cell is a membrane strip spacer ring assembly which forms a two compartment electrochemical cell. The cell is placed onto the stage of a microscope and the membrane strip is positioned in the center of the field of view. A slice of the image is focused onto the entrance slit of the imaging spectrometer. RESULTS: SpECM has been used for the determination of the diffusion coefficients of different membrane ingredients and for the quantitative assessment of the charged site concentrations in ISE membranes and membrane plasticizers. In addition, changes in the concentration profiles of the ionophore (free and complexed) and charged mobile sites inside the ISE membranes are documented upon the application of large external voltages. CONCLUSIONS: This account demonstrates the power and advantages of SpECM, a multispectral imaging method for investigations of mass transport processes in ISE membranes during electrochemical measurements.  相似文献   

The location and orientation of a linear dye molecule, DODCI, in lipid bilayer membrane were determined by the effect of viscosity and refractive index of the aqueous medium on the fluorescence properties of the dye bound to the membrane. The membrane-bound dye is solubilized in two sites, one near the surface (short fluorescence lifetime) and another in the interior of the membrane (long lifetime). The ratio of the dye in the two locations and the orientation of the dye (parallel or perpendicular to the membrane) are sensitive to the lipid chain length and unsaturation in the alkyl chain. The fraction of the dye in the interior region is higher for short alkyl chains (C12>C14>C16>C18C20) and in unsaturated lipids (C14:1>C14:0, C16:1>C16:0). These experimental results are consistent with the general principle that the penetration of an amphiphilic organic molecule in the interior region of the membrane is more when the structure of th bilayer is more fluid-like.  相似文献   

Charge-pulse relaxation experiments of valinomycin-mediated Rb+ transport have been carried out in order to study the influence of membrane structure on carrier kinetics. From the experimental data the rate constants of association (kR) and dissociation (kD) of the ion-carrier complex as well as the rate constants of translocation of the complex (kMS) and of the free carrier (kS) could be obtained. The composition of the planar bilayer membrane was varied in a wide range. In a first series of experiments, membranes made from glycerolmonooleate dissolved in different n-alkanes (n-decane to n-hexadecane), as well as solvent-free membranes made from the same lipid by the Montal-Mueller technique were studied. The translocation rate constants kS and kMS were found to differ by less than a factor of two in the membranes of different solvent content. Much larger changes of the rate constants were observed if the structure of the fatty acid residue was varied. For instance, an increase in the number of double bonds in the C20 fatty acid from one to four resulted in an increase of kS by a factor of seven and in an increase of kMS by a factor of twenty-four. The stability constant K = kR/kD of the ion-carrier complex as well as the translocation rate constants kS and kMS were found to depend strongly on the nature of the polar headgroup of the lipid. The incorporation of cholesterol into glycerolmonooleate membranes reduced kR, kMS and kS up to seven-fold.  相似文献   

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