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A protein that inhibits hemocyte aggregation has been isolated from hemolymph of Manduca sexta larvae and named hemocyte aggregation inhibitor protein (HAIP). HAIP has a Mr = 50,000, pI = 8.5, and contains 7% carbohydrate. It is present at 230 ± 20 μg/ml in hemolymph of day 3 fifth instar larvae. Antibodies to HAIP do not cross-react with M. sexta hemolin, which is similar in size and charge and also inhibits hemocyte aggregation. HAIP and hemolin have some similarity in amino acid composition and NH2-terminal sequence, but are different in overall secondary structure, as determined by CD spectroscopy. The concentration of HAIP in hemolymph is not affected by injection of larvae with bacteria. A protein of approximately 50,000 daltons that reacts with antibody to M. sexta HAIP is present in hemolymph of Bombyx mori, Heliothis zea, and Galleria mellonella. Although the function of HAIP in vivo is not yet clear, it may have a role in modulating adhesion of hemocytes during defensive responses. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The immune protein, scolexin, a bacteria-induced, larva-specific protein from Manduca sexta, was shown to exist in the hemolymph in two isoelectric forms designated herein as scolexin-1 and scolexin-2 (native Mr ~ 72 kd). These two charge isomers appeared to share the same amino acid composition. Scolexin is composed of two subunits (peptide Mr ~ 36 kd) that possess the same N-terminus. Scolexin-2 was subjected to glycosyl composition analysis, revealing the presence of galactose, glucose, mannose, xylose, and sialic acid residues. Hybridization of epidermal RNA with oligonucleotides deduced from the scolexin N-terminal sequence showed a continuous decline in mRNA following day 0 of the 5th larval instar. By employing in vitro protein labelling, it was found that organ cultures of the epidermis from immune larvae showed a greater ability over that of naive epidermal cultures to synthesize scolexin; these data reflected the inducible response seen in the hemolymph, and confirm other data indicating that the epidermis is an important site of scolexin biosynthesis. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Insects synthesize several types of hemolymph proteins in response to bacterial infection. The objective of this study was to characterize a 48,000 dalton hemolymph protein induced in larvae of Manduca sexta after injection of bacteria. The protein, isolated by cation exchange and gel filtration chromatography from hemolymph of larvae injected with Micrococcus lysodeikticus, was found to be a glycoprotein with pI = 8.4. The molecular weight, isoelectric point, amino acid composition, and NH2 terminal sequence of the protein are similar to bacteria-induced protein P4 from Hyalophora cecropia, and the M. sexta protein is also designated P4. The hemolymph concentration of M. sexta P4 (35 +/- 7 micrograms/ml in day 3 fifth instar larvae) increases 30- to 45-fold by 48 h after injection of bacteria, but it does not increase in response to injection of distilled water. Lower levels of induction occur after injection of peptidoglycan fragments, zymosan, and lipopolysaccharide. The properties of M. sexta P4 are very similar to those of a previously characterized M. sexta hemolymph protein known as postlarval protein, and antibodies against P4 bind to post-larval protein.  相似文献   

Analyses using one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) previously demonstrated that parasitization by the braconid wasp Cotesia congregata significantly alters the normal hemolymph polypeptide profile of host Manduca sexta larvae. In the present study two-dimensional gel analyses corroborated our earlier findings and provided additional evidence that multiple parasitism-specific polypeptides were induced, which varied according to the stage of development of the wasps. Parasitization additionally elicited changes in the total protein concentration detected in the blood. Initially an elevation was observed, with newly parasitized larvae exhibiting a twofold elevation in hemolymph protein concentration by 12–24 h postoviposition. In contrast, terminal-stage hosts with second instar parasites had significantly less protein in the hemolymph, likely due to reduced growth and inhibition of arylphorin synthesis by the fat body during the final stages of parasitism. Comparison of the array of hemolymph polypeptides produced in unparasitized larvae injected with 106cells of the gram-negative bacterium Enterobacter cloacae with those proteins induced by parasitization indicated the two classes are different. Our findings confirm that the hostresponse to parasitism is a specific one, and not mimicked by bacterial challenge. Duringshort-term in vitro culture of wasp larvae dissected from the host hemocoel, several proteins were detected in the medium using SDS - PAGE, with their appearance in vitro suggestive of secretion by the wasps in vivo. Moreover, hemolymph from the parasites had significant amounts of putative host proteins, including an arylphorin - like polypeptide and a protein with a mobility similar to that of insecticyanin. Thus, a dynamic interchange of proteins may occur, with the parasites accumulating host proteins while simultaneously secreting a variety of factors into the host hemocoel.  相似文献   

Analyses of solvent rinses of the external surfaces of pheromone glands excised from calling female tobacco hornworm moths, Manduca sexta (L.), revealed the presence of the following compounds: (Z)-9-hexadecenal, (Z)-11-hexadecenal, (E)-11-hexadecenal, hexadecanal, (E,Z)-10,12-hexadecadienal, (E,E)-10,12-hexadecadienal, (E,E,Z)-10,12,14-hexadecatrienal, (E,E,E,)-10,12,14-hexadecatrienal, (Z)-11-octadecenal, (Z)-13-octadecenal, octadecanal, and (Z,Z)-11,13-octadecadienal. The two trienals were identified by mass and PMR spectral analyses and by ozonolyses, and their structures were confirmed by synthesis. In a wind tunnel male tobacco hornworm moths exhibit the same behaviors in response to a synthetic blend of all of the components, the gland rinse, or a calling female. Both (E,Z)-10,12-hexadecadienal and (E,E,Z)-10,12,14-hexadecatrienal are required to stimulate males to complete the characteristic behavioral sequence: anemotaxis, approaching and touching the pheromone source, and bending their abdomens in apparent copulatory attempts. The other components of the blend may play more subtle roles.  相似文献   

Manduca sexta, known as the tobacco hornworm or Carolina sphinx moth, is a lepidopteran insect that is used extensively as a model system for research in insect biochemistry, physiology, neurobiology, development, and immunity. One important benefit of this species as an experimental model is its extremely large size, reaching more than 10 g in the larval stage. M. sexta larvae feed on solanaceous plants and thus must tolerate a substantial challenge from plant allelochemicals, including nicotine. We report the sequence and annotation of the M. sexta genome, and a survey of gene expression in various tissues and developmental stages. The Msex_1.0 genome assembly resulted in a total genome size of 419.4 Mbp. Repetitive sequences accounted for 25.8% of the assembled genome. The official gene set is comprised of 15,451 protein-coding genes, of which 2498 were manually curated. Extensive RNA-seq data from many tissues and developmental stages were used to improve gene models and for insights into gene expression patterns. Genome wide synteny analysis indicated a high level of macrosynteny in the Lepidoptera. Annotation and analyses were carried out for gene families involved in a wide spectrum of biological processes, including apoptosis, vacuole sorting, growth and development, structures of exoskeleton, egg shells, and muscle, vision, chemosensation, ion channels, signal transduction, neuropeptide signaling, neurotransmitter synthesis and transport, nicotine tolerance, lipid metabolism, and immunity. This genome sequence, annotation, and analysis provide an important new resource from a well-studied model insect species and will facilitate further biochemical and mechanistic experimental studies of many biological systems in insects.  相似文献   

Abstract When given in a critical dietary dose range, the insecticidal bisacylhydrazine ecdysteroid agonists RH‐5849 or tebufenozide (RH‐5992) cause fifth stage Manduca sexta (L.) larvae to moult to a supernumerary sixth‐stage giant larva. The effect is dependent on exposure to the chemicals immediately after the previous ecdysis. Previous removal of the corpora allata does not interfere with the induction of premature moulting by RH‐5849 but completely prevents the formation of supernumerary larvae. The juvenilizing effect is therefore due to the interaction of the moult‐promoting effect of the ecdysteroid agonists with the high titre of endogenous Juvenile Hormone that is present just after ecdysis to the fifth stage in this insect. The ecdysteroid agonists themselves appear to have no intrinsic Juvenile Hormone‐agonist properties. Sixth‐stage larvae resulting from exposure to critical dietary concentrations of RH‐5849 are morphologically completely larval in character. When transferred to diet without the ecdysteroid agonist, they feed normally and gain weight, growing much larger than control fifth stage insects. At the end of the supernumerary stage, they cease to feed, wander in the usual way, and form a normal pupal cuticle but then die as pharate pupae without shedding the sixth‐stage larval cuticle.  相似文献   

Third instar tobacco hornworms (Manduca sexta L.: Sphingidae) on low dietary potassium had a lower relative growth rate than individuals on diets with potassium concentrations reflecting those in host-plants, due to decreased consumption rate, lower efficiencies of conversion of ingested and digested food (ECI and ECD), and a prolonged growth/feeding phase. Furthermore, these larvae, when placed on a diet with a moderate potassium concentration through the fourth stadium, ended up being smaller due to lower ECI and less biomass gained, and had a prolonged growth phase, which suggest an irreversible cost of the previous low potassium diet. Third instar hornworms on high potassium diets had lower ECI and ECD, and they had a prolonged growth phase. These individuals, when placed on a moderate potassium diet in the fourth stadium, gained less biomass, than those previously offered hostplant-like-potassium diets. Body potassium concentrations (% dw) at the end of the third stadium were similar among treatment groups. With increasing potassium concentrations in the diet, utilization efficiencies of potassium decreased and potassium concentrations in the frass increased. Correspondingly, water content (% fw) of the newly-molted fourth instar larvae declined with increasing potassium, indicating a passive loss of water during potassium excretion. Low and high dietary potassium reduced survivorship of third instar larvae; fourth instar caterpillars previously fed the low potassium diet also had poor survivorship. We conclude that, within the normal range of potassium concentrations in the hostplants, caterpillar performance is largely unaffected by potassium concentration, but that potassium-poor and potassium-rich diets, such as those hornworms may sometimes experience, can reduce growth and survivorship.  相似文献   

从尚未涉及的昆虫种类中建立新的细胞系能为基础研究和生物技术应用提供重要资源。本实验通过细胞培养技术, 建立了3株来源于鳞翅目昆虫烟草天蛾Manduca sexta卵组织的新细胞系, 分别命名为QB-Ms1-8, QB-Ms2-2和QB-Ms2-7。这3株细胞已经培养在TNM-FH培养基中, 28℃条件下传代培养了约50代, 大部分细胞呈梭形, 细胞群体倍增时间分别为51, 31和49 h。虽然这3株细胞系对苜蓿银纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(Autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus, AcMNPV)不够敏感, 侵染后96 h感染率在33%~40%之间, 但是QB-Ms2-2细胞与BTI-Tn5B1-4细胞比较, 分泌型碱性磷酸酶(SEAP)活性表达更高。本研究从建立的3株烟草天蛾新细胞系中筛选出SEAP高表达的细胞系QB-Ms2-2, 为进一步细胞克隆和筛选提供了新资源。  相似文献   

The brain neuropeptide prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) stimulates a rapid increase in ecdysteroid hormone synthesis that is accompanied by general and specific increases in protein synthesis, including that of a 70 kDa cognate heat shock protein (hsc 70). To further understand the possible roles of hsc 70, hsc 70 cDNA clones were isolated from a tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) prothoracic gland cDNA library. All sequenced clones were highly homologous to the Drosophila hsc 70-4 isoform. Manduca hsc 70 mRNA levels during the last larval instar exhibited a peak at the onset of wandering and a peak that coincided with the major pre-metamorphic peak of ecdysteroid synthesis. Manipulations of the glands' hormonal milieu showed that hsc 70 mRNA levels respond to 20-hydroxyecdysone, dibutyryl cAMP, PTTH and the JH analogue hydroprene. The protein and mRNA data suggest that hsc 70 could be involved in a negative feedback loop regulating assembly of the ecdysone receptor complex.  相似文献   

Felts RL  Ou Z  Reilly TJ  Tanner JJ 《Biochemistry》2007,46(39):11110-11119
Lipoprotein e (P4) from Haemophilus influenzae belongs to the "DDDD" superfamily of phosphohydrolases and is the prototype of class C nonspecific acid phosphatases. P4 is also a component of a H. influenzae vaccine. We report the crystal structures of recombinant P4 in the ligand-free and tungstate-inhibited forms, which are the first structures of a class C phosphatase. P4 has a two-domain architecture consisting of a core alpha/beta domain and a smaller alpha domain. The core domain features a five-stranded beta-sheet flanked by helices on both sides that is reminiscent of the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily. The alpha domain appears to be unique and plays roles in substrate binding and dimerization. The active site is solvent accessible and located in a cleft between the two domains. The structure shows that P4 is a metalloenzyme and that magnesium is the most likely metal ion in the crystalline recombinant enzyme. The ligands of the metal ion are the carboxyl groups of the first and third Asp residues of the DDDD motif, the backbone carbonyl of the second Asp of the DDDD motif, and two water molecules. The structure of the tungstate-bound enzyme suggests that Asp64 is the nucleophile that attacks the substrate P atom. Dimerization appears to be important for catalysis because intersubunit contacts stabilize the active site. Analysis of the structural context of mutations engineered for vaccine studies shows that the most promising mutations are located in the dimer interface. This observation suggests a structure-based vaccine design strategy in which the dimer interface is disrupted in order to expose epitopes that are buried in dimeric P4.  相似文献   

A series of analogues of insect juvenile hormone (four geometric isomers of methyl epoxyfarnesenate, several para-substituted epoxygeranyl phenyl ethers, and epoxyfarnesol and its acetate and haloacetate derivatives) was prepared to investigate the binding specificity of the hemolymph juvenile hormone binding protein from the tobacco hornworm Manduct sexta. The relative binding affinities were determined by a competition assay against radiolabeled methyl (E,E)-3,11-dimethyl-7-ethyl-cis-10,11-epoxytrideca-2,6-dienoate (JH I). The ratio of dissociation constants was estimated by plotting competitor data according to a linear transformation of the dissociation equations describing competition of two ligands for a binding protein. The importance of the geometry of the sesquiterpene hydrocarbon chain is indicated by the fact that the binding affinity is decreased as Z (cis) double bonds are substituted for E (trans) double bonds in the methyl epoxyfarnesenate series; the unepoxidized analogues do not bind. A carboxylic ester function is important although its orientation can be reversed, as indicated by the good binding of epoxyfarnesyl acetate. In the monoterpene series, methyl epoxygeranoate shows no affinity for the binding protein, but substitution of a phenyl or p-carbomethoxyphenyl ether for the ester function imparts a low, but significant affinity. These data taken together with earlier results indicate that the binding site for juvenile hormone in the hemolymph binding protein is characterized by a sterically defined hydrophobic region with polar sites that recognize the epoxide and the ester functions.  相似文献   

Four new myoinhibitory peptides were isolated and identified from the ventral nerve cord of adult Manduca sexta. The new peptides are related to two previously identified myoinhibitory peptides also isolated from adult M. sexta, Mas-MIP I and Mas-MIP II. The sequences of the new peptides are APEKWAAFHGSWamide (Mas-MIP III), GWNDMSSAWamide (Mas-MIP IV), GWQDMSSAWamide (Mas-MIP V), and AWSALHGAWamide (Mas-MIP VI). Mas-MIPs III-VI were found to inhibit spontaneous peristalsis of the adult M. sexta anterior hindgut (ileum) in vitro.  相似文献   

A cysteine protease inhibitor (CPI) with an apparent molecular mass of 11.5kDa was purified from larval hemolymph of the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50 followed by hydrophobic and ion-exchange column chromatographies. The purified cysteine proteinase inhibitor, denoted as MsCPI, strongly inhibited the plant cysteine protease, papain, with a K(i) value of 5.5 x 10(-9)M. Nucleotide sequence analysis of a partial cDNA encoding MsCPI indicated that MsCPI consists of 105 amino acid residues in a sequence that is similar to sarcocystatin A from Sarcophaga peregrina. However, northern blotting and PCR analyses using the specific primers of MsCPI suggested that the mRNA encoding MsCPI had a size of more than 12 kilobases, which included at least six tandemly repeated MsCPI segments. MsCPI was expressed in Escherichia coli and the recombinant protein effectively inhibited cysteine proteases from plants as well as from animals such as cathepsins B (K(i), 6.8 nM), H (3.0 nM), and L (0.87 nM). There was no inhibition exhibited toward trypsin, chymotrypsin, subtilisin, pepsin or themolysin.  相似文献   

The suitability of the recently described red fluorescent protein dsRED from reef corals for use as a reporter in plant molecular biology was investigated. Based on the clone pDSRED (Clontech), plant expression vectors were constructed for constitutive dsRED expression in the cytosol, the endoplasmic reticulum and the vacuole. Fluorescence microscopy of tobacco BY2 suspension culture cells transiently expressing the plant vectors generated proved that cytosolic expression of the dsRED gives rise to readily detectable levels of red fluorescence, whereas expression in the ER was poor. Vacuolar dsRED expression did not result in any significant fluorescence. dsRED transgenic tobacco SR1 plants were generated to test the sensitivity of dsRED as a reporter in an autofluorescent background, and to identify the possible impact of the introduced fluorescent protein on morphogenesis, plant development and fertility. During the transformation and regeneration phase plants did not show any abnormalities, indicating that dsRED is not interfering with plant development and morphogenesis. Regenerated plants were analysed by PCR, Western blot and fluorescence microscopy for the presence and expression of the transferred genes. The filter sets chosen for fluorescence microscopy proved to be able to block the red chlorophyll fluorescence completely, allowing specific dsRED detection. Best expression levels were obtained with dsRED targeted to the cytosol or chloroplasts. ER-targeted expression of dsRED also gave rise to readily detectable fluorescence levels, whereas vacuolar expression yielded no fluorescence. dsRED transgenic plant lines expressing the protein in the cytosol, ER or chloroplast proved to be fertile. Seed set and germination were normal, except that the seeds and seedlings maintained the red fluorescence phenotype.  相似文献   

 Chicken gizzard smooth muscle has often been used as a source of proteins of the contractile and cytoskeletal apparatus. In the present study, we isolated a hitherto unknown doublet of proteins, with apparent molecular weights of 200 kDa, from embryonic chicken gizzard and showed its association with the microtubular cytoskeleton by cosedimentation with microtubules (MTs) and by immunofluorescence staining of cultured cells. Immunoblot analysis also revealed the ubiquitous expression of this protein in all embryonic chicken tissues examined. Molecular cloning techniques allowed its identification as the chicken homologue of the microtubule-associated protein 4 (MAP4), known from mammalian species, and revealed approximately 90% of its amino acid sequence. MAP4 is the major MAP of non-neuronal tissues and cross-species comparisons clearly demonstrated its highly conserved overall structure, consisting of a basic C-terminal MT-binding region and an acidic N-terminal projection domain of unknown function. Despite these conserved features, overall sequence homologies to its mammalian counterparts are rather low and focused to distinct regions of the molecule. Among these are a conserved 18-amino acid motif, which is known to mediate binding to MTs and a part of the MT-binding domain known as the proline-rich region, which is thought to be the regulatory domain of MAP4. The N-terminal 59 amino acids are a conserved and unique feature of the MAP4 sequence and might be an indication that MAP4 performs other functions besides the enhancement of MT assembly. Accepted: 13 March 1996  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki HD-73 produces a crystal protein which is lethal to many lepidopteran larvae. The gene encoding this crystal protein has been isolated from a 75-kb plasmid and engineered into a recombinant Escherichia coli plasmid for analysis. The complete nucleotide sequences of the coding region and 387-bp 5' and 376-bp 3' to the coding region have been determined. The 3537-bp of the coding region specify a protein of Mr 133 330. The full-length gene and several 3' -truncated derivatives of the gene were examined in both E. coli and in an E. coli minicell-expression system to determine if the carboxy end of the protein is essential for toxicity. The results presented here provide the primary structure of the crystal protein gene and show that the N-terminal 68-kDal peptide is toxic, but at a lower level than the full-length gene product.  相似文献   

Ves v 5 is one of three major allergens found in yellow-jacket venom: phospholipase A(1) (Ves v 1), hyaluronidase (Ves v 2), and antigen 5 (Ves v 5). Ves v 5 is related by high amino acid sequence identity to pathogenesis-related proteins including proteins from mammals, reptiles, insects, fungi, and plants. The crystal structure of Ves v 5 has been solved and refined to a resolution of 1.9 A. The majority of residues conserved between the pathogenesis-related proteins can be rationalized in terms of hydrogen bonding patterns and hydrophobic interactions defining an alpha-beta-alpha sandwich core structure. A small number of consensus residues are solvent exposed (including two adjacent histidines) and located in an elongated cavity that forms a putative active site. The site has no structural resemblance to previously characterized enzymes. Homologous antigen 5's from a large number of different yellow jackets, hornets, and paper wasps are known and patients show varying extents of cross-reactivity to the related antigen 5's. The structure of Ves v 5 allows a detailed analysis of the epitopes that may participate in antigenic cross-reactivity, findings that are useful for the development of a vaccine for treatment of insect allergy.  相似文献   

STE6, the yeast a-factor transporter, is a member of the ATP binding cassette protein superfamily, which also includes the mammalian multidrug resistance protein and the cystic fibrosis gene product. These proteins contain two homologous halves, each with six membrane spanning segments and a predicted ATP nucleotide binding domain. To assess the importance of the two halves of STE6, and to examine the functional significance of residues conserved among members of the ATP binding cassette superfamily, we introduced mutations into the nucleotide binding domains of STE6. Our analysis demonstrates that both halves of STE6 are critical for function and that some, but not all, mutations analogous to those known to result in cystic fibrosis impair STE6 activity. To examine further the functional contribution of each half of the STE6 protein, we severed the STE6 coding sequence and expressed the two halves of the transporter as separate polypeptides. Whereas 'half-molecules' are unable to provide transport function individually, co-expression of both half-molecules in the same cell leads to functional reconstitution of STE6-mediated a-factor transport.  相似文献   

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