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We tested first-time fathers with their 22-month old toddlers to determine whether social context variables such as pre-test absence from the child and presence of the mother affected physiological measures associated with paternal responsiveness. Heart rate and blood pressure readings as well as blood samples to determine prolactin, testosterone and cortisol levels were taken before and after the 30-min father–toddler interactions. Fathers were tested on a day when they were away from their child for several hours before testing (‘without-child’ day) and on another day where they remained with their child throughout the day (‘with-child’ day). Most measures decreased over the 30-min test period but relative decreases were context-dependent. Men maintained higher prolactin levels when they were away from their children longer before testing on the ‘without-child’ day. Cortisol levels decreased during both tests and they decreased more on the ‘with-child’ day for men who had spent more time alone with their toddler before the test. Heart-rate and diastolic (but not systolic) blood pressure decreased more on the ‘with-child’ day than on the ‘without-child’ day. Fathers' testosterone levels decreased when their partners were less involved in the interactions. Compared to men with high responsiveness ratings on both days, men whose responsiveness increased after being away from their child on the ‘without-child’ day maintained higher systolic blood pressure and had a greater decrease in testosterone levels. We conclude that context may be more important in determining fathers' physiological responses to child contact than has previously been appreciated, particularly for some individuals.  相似文献   

Trivers’s theory of parental investment suggests that adults should decide whether or not to invest in a given infant using a cost-benefit analysis. To make the best investment decision, adults should seek as much relevant information as possible. Infant facial cues may serve to provide information and evoke feelings of parental care in adults. Four specific infant facial cues were investigated: resemblance (as a proxy for kinship), health, happiness, and cuteness. It was predicted that these cues would influence feelings of parental care for both sexes, but that resemblance would be more important for men than women because of the importance of paternity uncertainty in the ancestral environment. Seventy-six men and 76 women participated in a hypothetical adoption task in which they made judgments of infant faces. Average zero-order, partial, and component score correlations all revealed that men placed primary emphasis on cues of resemblance, while women placed primary emphasis on cues of health and cuteness (cues of infant quality). The correlations also showed that men placed a significantly greater emphasis on cues of resemblance than did women. This research was supported by a Queen’s University Graduate Award (first author) and a Senior Research Fellowship from the Ontario Mental Health Foundation (second author). Anthony Volk is a Ph.D. candidate at Queen’s University, studying parental investment. Vernon L. Quinsey is a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Queen’s University. His research focuses on forensic and evolutionary psychology. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

亲本投资作为一种早期社会环境对个体发育产生显著的影响。而某些原因会导致哺乳类亲本缺失,造成亲本投资改变。最近有关亲本缺失对子代的影响有较多的研究,本文主要综述了早期母本剥夺、父本剥夺和早期隔离分别对子代成年后情绪、认知及攻击行为、育幼行为和配偶关系的建立等多种社会行为的影响,并总结了这些早期发育的社会环境对神经内分泌的效应,并指出本领域需要解决的问题,希望有助于正确认识哺乳类不同亲本投资对后代行为的影响及相关神经内分泌机制。以上研究可为哺乳类异常行为的发生机制的理解提供重要线索,也为野生动物和实验动物的科学管理提供重要启示。  相似文献   

This study tested for behavioral and hormonal reactions of young men to brief social encounters with potential mating partners. Male college students were randomly assigned to engage in a short conversation with either a young man (male condition) or a young woman (female condition). Participants provided saliva samples before and after the conversation, completed a battery of psychological measures after the interaction, and had their behavior rated by their conversation partners. Salivary testosterone (T) increased significantly over baseline levels in the female condition only, though differences between conditions were not significant. In addition, change in T was significantly correlated with the degree to which the female confederates thought the male participants were trying to impress them. These behavioral ratings, in turn, were correlated with the participants' ratings of the female confederates as potential romantic partners. Results were generally consistent with the hypothesis that human males may exhibit a behavioral and endocrine courtship response that is similar to that observed in males of many nonhuman vertebrate species.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that parental effort modulates the magnitude of corticosterone and prolactin responses to stress in a long-lived bird, the Black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla). To do so, we compared corticosterone and prolactin responses to capture/restraint stress between chick-rearing birds and failed breeders (no parental effort). We predicted that (1) the increase in plasma corticosterone levels in response to stress should be lower in chick-rearing birds, (2) the decrease in plasma prolactin levels in response to stress should be lower in chick-rearing birds, and (3) as both sexes care for the chick, there should be no sex difference in the hormonal response to stress. Baseline plasma corticosterone and prolactin levels were higher in chick-rearing birds and were not influenced by body condition. Failed breeders were in better condition than chick-rearing individuals. Corticosterone response to stress was unaffected by parental effort as both chick-rearing and failed birds exhibited a robust corticosterone increase. Prolactin response to stress was however clearly influenced by parental effort: chick-rearing birds showed a modest 9% prolactin decrease whereas in failed birds prolactin concentrations fell by 41%. Body condition did not influence hormonal responses to stress. When facing stressful condition, breeding kittiwakes attenuate their prolactin response to stress while enhancing their secretion of corticosterone. Increasing corticosterone secretion triggers foraging efforts and diminishes nest attendance whereas an attenuation of prolactin response to stress maintains parental behavior. We suggest that this hormonal mechanism facilitates a flexible time-budget that has been interpreted as a buffer against environmental variability.  相似文献   

Natural variation in circulating testosterone is thought to play a role in creating inter- and intraspecific variation in paternal care in birds. Experimental elevation of plasma testosterone in males has reduced rates of male care in many species. However, a small number of studies suggest that male care is not inhibited by testosterone when there appears to be strong selection for male care. Both genetic monogamy and male incubation are thought to be the result of selection for biparental care, yet the sensitivity of male care to inhibition by T had not been examined in a species with both characteristics. Male blue-headed vireos have been shown to be strictly monogamous and provide extensive parental care, including incubation. Males received subcutaneous implants of testosterone, flutamide (an anti-androgen), or empty controls. Consistent with previous studies, testosterone treatment decreased the relative contribution to incubation by males and increased the average duration that the nest was left unattended during incubation, relative to control and flutamide treatments. The relative and absolute rates of feeding offspring and nest sanitation by T-treated males also decreased relative to controls. Flutamide-treated males incubated eggs and brooded young more than testosterone-treated males, with control males performing at intermediate values. Testosterone-treated males sang more often and at higher rates, and flutamide-treated males sang less often, than controls. These results demonstrate that even in a strictly monogamous songbird with biparental incubation, all forms of paternal care remain sensitive to elevated plasma testosterone, suggesting a shift from parental effort to mating effort.  相似文献   

In this paper I examine the intracultural variability of parental and alloparental caregiving among the Aka foragers of the Central African Republic. It has been suggested that maternal kin offer higher frequencies of allocare than paternal kin and that maternal investment in infants will decrease when alloparental assistance is provided. Behavioral observations were conducted on 15 eight- to twelve-monthold infants. The practice of brideservice and the flexibility of Aka residence patterns offered a means to test the effect of maternal residence on parental and alloparental investment. There was significant variation in the frequency of investment and who supplied care to infants depending on whether mothers resided with their kin or their husbands’ kin. However, in spite of the variation in allocare, when all categories of caregivers were examined collectively, infants received similar overall levels of care. Courtney L. Meehan is a Ph.D. student in cultural anthropology at Washington State University. Her research interests include parenting, alloparenting, female social networks, and female-female cooperation and competition.  相似文献   

Huestis DL  Marshall JL 《Oecologia》2006,146(4):513-520
The induction of diapause can be adaptive for egg survival during unfavorable conditions, while direct development can be advantageous under favorable conditions by allowing additional generations to exploit abundant resources. Therefore, the physiological capability of a female to respond to environmental cues indicative of habitat quality by producing eggs of the appropriate developmental phenotype should be under strong selection. Additionally, developing embryos may alter the developmental trajectory initiated by the female in response to changing environmental conditions. In this study, we used a cross-fostering approach to isolate the maternal effects of parental diapause history (not previously studied) and egg-laying temperature from the influence of the incubation environment experienced by the developing embryo on the proportion of diapause eggs produced by the striped ground cricket, Allonemobius socius. We found that an interaction between egg-incubation temperature and parental diapause history strongly affected the proportion of diapause eggs produced and the proportion of eggs that hatched within a 16–18 day incubation period, while egg-laying temperature and all other interactions did not. These novel results indicate that embryos can respond directly to the environmental conditions they experience during development, but that their ability to do so is influenced by maternal effects such as parental diapause history. The results of this study not only provide evidence, for the first time, of parental diapause history affecting diapause proportions, but also raise additional questions about the mechanism by which environmental information is transmitted from parent to offspring and how offspring are able to respond to conditions experienced during their own development.  相似文献   

It is well-established that males of many nonhuman vertebrate species exhibit hormonal reactions to stimuli from potential mates. The present studies were designed to test replication of preliminary findings suggesting that human males may exhibit such reactions as well. In Experiment 1, young men (n=115) provided saliva samples before and after either conversing with a woman confederate or sitting alone for 15 min. Changes from baseline in salivary testosterone concentrations were significantly greater among the men exposed to women, but only among subjects tested in the afternoon. In Experiment 2, male subjects (n=99) interacted with either a male or a female confederate with saliva samples collected before and after these interactions and all experimental sessions conducted in the afternoon. Men who interacted with women exhibited significant elevations of testosterone relative to both their own baseline concentrations and to change scores among the men who interacted with other men. In addition, women confederates' ratings of men's extraversion and degree of self-disclosure were positively correlated with changes in testosterone. In both experiments, furthermore, changes in cortisol concentrations from baseline were significantly greater among men who spoke with women relative to men in the control conditions. The results provide evidence that social interactions with potential mates can in fact trigger specific patterns of endocrine responses in human males.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found a clear relationship between prolactin (prl) and paternal care in various vertebrate taxa. In New World monkeys, it has been demonstrated in several species that fathers have high prolactin levels even during periods without infant rearing. In this study, we followed the reproductive careers of common marmoset males as they transitioned from being an adult son within their native family to fathering their own offspring for the first time. Specifically, we examined the first experience of elevated prolactin levels in marmoset males. Additionally, we investigated the effects of the total number of experienced births as well as of age on prolactin levels. Our results show that common marmoset males did not experience an increase in prolactin secretion after pairing or shortly before birth of their first infants. However, prolactin levels rose more than twofold after the birth of their first infants and had lowered again 2.5 months after this event. We found no correlation between prolactin levels and the number of previous births experienced or age. Our study demonstrates that further work about a possible enhancing effect of prolactin on paternal care, by means of experimentally reducing hormonal levels, should be conducted in common marmosets using first-time fathers before males experience the first paternal increase in prolactin levels.  相似文献   

Responsiveness of fifteen-spined sticklebacks, Spinachia spinachia (L.) to motility (rotating or still). size (larger or smaller), colour (red or green), shape (rectangular or tapered) and location (near bottom or surface of water) was investigated by presenting fish with binary choices of artificial prey, constructed from frozen mysids, trimmed, dyed and fixed to adjustable, motorized rods. Responsiveness was in the order movement > size > colour > shape = location. In natural situations, movement may distinguish edible from inedible objects, while size indicates profitability and feasibility for attack. Colour, shape and location are more specific stimuli. Sticklebacks familiar with Artemia are more responsive to red coloration, tapered shape and pelagic location, as opposed to green, rectangular and benthic characterizing Gammarus .  相似文献   

The present report describes behavioral reactions of a 33-month-old female infant gorilla to maternal separation in a captive social group whose composition is similar to that of wild groups. The infant gorilla responded differently to two types of maternal separation. When she remained alone for a few hours, she cried repeatedly and moved restlessly, indicating protest. Upon reunion and also for a few days thereafter, an intensification of the mother-infant relationship occurred. On the other hand, when she was separated from her mother but remained with the other group members for nine days, she did not display any behaviors that could be characterized as protest, but rather showed clear behavioral depression. During the 9-day separation period, she hardly played with other group members but she developed affiliative relationships with the leading male. After the reunion from the 9-day separation, she spent as much time near her mother as before separation and played with other infants at a level similar to that before separation, while she sometimes displayed behavioral patterns demanding the maintenance of physical contact with her mother. The present findings are compared with other reports in great apes and human children.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effect of predisposition to perform harmful social behaviour, maternal rearing environment, and lactation environment on the responses of pigs to weaning at 3 or 5 weeks of age. Predisposed and non-predisposed gilts were selected as dams for this study at 7 weeks of age. Selection was based on behaviour in a “tail chew” test and performance of harmful social behaviour towards penmates. The gilts were mated at puberty with boars of a similar predisposition, and farrowed at approximately 44 weeks of age. Half of the gilts of each predisposition were reared from the time of selection until farrowing in barren environments, and half in enriched environments. During lactation, gilts and litters were either housed in a similar environment to that which gilts had experienced during rearing, or in a different environment (i.e. in terms of being barren or enriched). Litters from each treatment group were weaned at either 3 weeks of age (early weaning), or 5 weeks of age. After weaning, piglets were regrouped and housed in slatted pens without access to substrates. Non-predisposition to perform harmful social behaviour was associated with reduced growth during the post-weaning period (P < 0.01), and increased belly nosing behaviour in response to early weaning (P < 0.05). These effects were not mitigated by maternal experience or lactation environment factors, and it is concluded that this type of selection may not be commercially viable. Rearing dams in barren rather than enriched environments led to reduced welfare in offspring. This was reflected in increased adrenocortical reactivity during the lactation period (P < 0.01), and increased belly nosing behaviour in response to early weaning (P < 0.05). The effect of barren maternal rearing environments on belly nosing behaviour by offspring was eliminated when pigs were housed in enriched lactation environments (P < 0.01). Enrichment during the lactation period also led to improved growth rates in the post-weaning period (P < 0.01). It is suggested that this effect was due to an enhanced ability to cope with the weaning process. Overall, the results show that both genetic and early environmental factors are important determinants of the responses of pigs to weaning. Adverse effects of barren maternal rearing environments may be overcome by housing pigs in enriched lactation environments.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine whether becoming a mother during the adolescent period changes maternal responsiveness or maternal motivation, assessed through hormonal, autonomic, and hedonic responses to recorded infant cries and interactions with their babies. Fifty-six teen mothers were compared to 58 teen non-mothers and 49 adult mothers. Teen mothers reported more sympathy and alertness in response to recorded infant cries compared to non -mother teens; however, among the teen women there were no differences between mothers and non-mothers in heart rate and cortisol responses to infant cries. In contrast, in comparison to adult mothers, teen mothers reported the same levels of sympathy and alertness to infant cries; however, adult mothers showed an 'alerted' pattern of heart rate and cortisol response to infant cries not seen in the teen mother group. Inclusion of the covariate, fathers' employment classification as an index of SES or time of testing and cortisol sampling did not affect this pattern of results. Taken together, these results show that where self-report is used as a measure of maternal responsiveness, teen mothers are no different in responsiveness than adult mothers; however, where physiological and interactional measures of responsiveness are considered, teen mothers are less likely to show heightened or selective responses to infant cries or respond 'attentively' to the infant.  相似文献   

The natural host of Ophraella notulata is Iva frutescens (Asteraceae); its close relative feeds on a related plant, Ambrosia artemisiifolia. We reared beetles on both plants, obtained progeny from the four possible crosses (two sexes X two parental hosts), and reared the progeny on both plant species. Survival to the imaginal stage of progeny reared on Iva varied with both maternal and paternal host. Hatchling feeding response to both plants showed a maternal host X paternal host interaction. Consumption of Ambrosia by adult beetles was, counter to expectation, higher for progeny of Iva-reared males than Ambrosia-reared males. Oviposition response, although based on too few data to be definitive, was peculiar: parental host did not affect oviposition on Ambrosia; on Iva daughters of Iva-reared males laid significantly more eggs than did daughters of Ambrosia-reared males, but only if they had been reared on Iva; those reared on Ambrosia displayed the reverse pattern. We discuss the possibility that nongenetic paternal transmission of host plant effects may explain these results, but offer a somewhat uncomfortable hypothesis of selection as a preferable explanation. An important outcome of the experiment is that it provided no evidence of maternal effects of host plant on offspring feeding or oviposition.  相似文献   

BackgroundParental age has been associated with several childhood cancers, albeit the evidence is still inconsistent.AimTo examine the associations of parental age at birth with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) among children aged 0–14 years using individual-level data from the Childhood Leukemia International Consortium (CLIC) and non-CLIC studies.Material/methodsWe analyzed data of 3182 incident AML cases and 8377 controls from 17 studies [seven registry-based case-control (RCC) studies and ten questionnaire-based case-control (QCC) studies]. AML risk in association with parental age was calculated using multiple logistic regression, meta-analyses, and pooled-effect estimates. Models were stratified by age at diagnosis (infants <1 year-old vs. children 1–14 years-old) and by study design, using five-year parental age increments and controlling for sex, ethnicity, birthweight, prematurity, multiple gestation, birth order, maternal smoking and education, age at diagnosis (cases aged 1–14 years), and recruitment time period.ResultsAdjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) derived from RCC, but not from the QCC, studies showed a higher AML risk for infants of mothers ≥40-year-old (OR = 6.87; 95% CI: 2.12–22.25). There were no associations observed between any other maternal or paternal age group and AML risk for children older than one year.ConclusionsAn increased risk of infant AML with advanced maternal age was found using data from RCC, but not from QCC studies; no parental age-AML associations were observed for older children.  相似文献   

Infant development and parental care in two species of sifakas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reports the results of a three-month field study on parental care and infant development in the diademed sifaka (Propithecus diadema edwardsi) in the primary rain-forest of south-eastern Madagascar. They are compared with a three-and-a-half-month study of captive white sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi coquereli) in the Duke University Primate Centre. Records were taken by means of focal animal and instantaneous sampling. In both species the mother was the primary carrier and caretaker; theP. verreauxi father carried the infant significantly more than did any animal other than the mother in theP. diadema group. The infantP. verreauxi spent less time off the mother than didP. diadema from week 4 through week 10. It is concluded thatP. verreauxi shows more non-maternal care thanP. diadema and also develops at a slower rate. The difference in the two species' habitats is discussed as a possible cause.  相似文献   

We examined innate responses to conspecific and heterospecific alarm cues in a small cyprinid minnow, the Eastern Cape redfin Pseudobarbus afer. We found that redfins respond to conspecific skin extract, which contains alarm chemicals, and showed that their preferred response is to hide in refugia. Redfins also respond to skin extract from an allopatric, distantly related minnow species, the chubbyhead barb Enteromius anoplus indicating that neither sympatry nor close phylogenetic relationships are necessary for recognition of heterospecific alarm cues. Although both conspecific and heterospecific alarm cues induced similar responses, the response to heterospecific cues was less intense. This may be explained by a trade-off between selection to maximise threat recognition and selection to avoid the costs of responding to irrelevant cues, or by differences in chemical structures of alarm cues between species. These findings have implications for the conservation of this Endangered fish species and for freshwater fishes throughout Africa.  相似文献   

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