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Papillomavirus genomes are thought to be amplified to about 100 copies per cell soon after infection, maintained constant at this level in basal cells, and amplified for viral production upon keratinocyte differentiation. To determine the requirement for E1 in viral DNA replication at different stages, an E1-defective mutant of the human papillomavirus 16 (HPV16) genome featuring a translation termination mutation in the E1 gene was used. The ability of the mutant HPV16 genome to replicate as nuclear episomes was monitored with or without exogenous expression of E1. Unlike the wild-type genome, the E1-defective HPV16 genome became established in human keratinocytes only as episomes in the presence of exogenous E1 expression. Once established, it could replicate with the same efficiency as the wild-type genome, even after the exogenous E1 was removed. However, upon calcium-induced keratinocyte differentiation, once again amplification was dependent on exogenous E1. These results demonstrate that the E1 protein is dispensable for maintenance replication but not for initial and productive replication of HPV16.  相似文献   

You J  Croyle JL  Nishimura A  Ozato K  Howley PM 《Cell》2004,117(3):349-360
The papillomavirus E2 protein tethers viral genomes to host mitotic chromosomes to ensure genome maintenance. We have identified the bromodomain protein Brd4 as a major cellular interacting partner of the bovine papillomavirus E2. Brd4 associates with mitotic chromosomes and colocalizes with E2 on mitotic chromosomes. The site of E2 binding maps to the C-terminal domain of Brd4. Expression of this C-terminal Brd4 domain functions in a dominant-negative manner to abrogate the colocalization of E2 with Brd4 on mitotic chromosomes, to block association of the viral episomes with Brd4, and to inhibit BPV-1 DNA-mediated cellular transformation. Brd4 also associates with HPV16 E2, indicating that Brd4 binding may be a shared property of all papillomavirus E2 proteins. The interaction of E2 with Brd4 is required to ensure the tethering of viral genomes to the host mitotic chromosomes for persistence of viral episomes in PV-infected cells.  相似文献   

To explore the function of VIG-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans, we analyzed the phenotypes of two vig-1 deletion mutants: vig-1(tm3383) and vig-1(ok2536). Both vig-1 mutants exhibited phenotypes associated with genome instability, such as a high incidence of males (Him) and increased embryonic lethality. These phenotypes became more evident in succeeding generations, implying that the germline of vig-1 accumulates DNA damage over generations. To examine whether vig-1 causes a defect in the DNA damage response, we treated worms with UV or camptothecin, a specific topoisomerase I inhibitor. We observed that the embryonic survival of the vig-1 mutants was reduced compared with that of the wild-type worms. Our results thus suggest that VIG-1 is required for maintaining genome stability in response to endogenous and exogenous genotoxic stresses.  相似文献   

The E1 protein is a multifunctional, origin-binding helicase that is essential for replication of papillomaviruses. Recently, bovine papillomavirus E1 was shown to be post-translationally modified by the addition of the SUMO-1 polypeptide. Here we show that the site of sumoylation maps to lysine residue 514. This lysine and the flanking sequences are well conserved in human papillomavirus (HPV) E1 proteins. Both HPV1a and HPV18 E1 proteins are substrates for sumoylation in vitro, which is consistent with this modification being a general property of E1 proteins. Mutations, which impair the sumoylation of bovine papillomavirus E1, prevent normal nuclear accumulation of E1 with a concomitant loss of replication capacity. These results suggest that sumoylation plays a role in nuclear transport and could regulate the E1 replication function by controlling access to the nuclear replication domains.  相似文献   

Ran GTPase is involved in several aspects of nuclear structure and function, including nucleocytoplasmic transport and nuclear envelope formation. Experiments using Xenopus egg extracts have shown that generation of Ran-GTP by the guanine nucleotide exchange factor RCC1 also plays roles in mitotic spindle assembly. Here, we have examined the localization and function of RCC1 in mitotic human cells. We show that RCC1, either the endogenous protein or that expressed as a fusion with green fluorescent protein (GFP), is localized predominantly to chromosomes in mitotic cells. This localization requires an N-terminal lysine-rich region that also contains a nuclear localization signal and is enhanced by interaction with Ran. Either mislocalization of GFP-RCC1 by removal of the N-terminal region or the expression of dominant Ran mutants that perturb the GTP/GDP cycle causes defects in mitotic spindle morphology, including misalignment of chromosomes and abnormal numbers of spindle poles. These results indicate that the generation of Ran-GTP in the vicinity of chromosomes by RCC1 is important for the fidelity of mitotic spindle assembly in human cells. Defects in this system may result in abnormal chromosome segregation and genomic instability, which are characteristic of many cancer cells.  相似文献   

Ilves I  Kivi S  Ustav M 《Journal of virology》1999,73(5):4404-4412
Papillomavirus genomes are stably maintained as extrachromosomal nuclear plasmids in dividing host cells. To address the mechanisms responsible for stable maintenance of virus, we examined nuclear compartmentalization of plasmids containing the full-length upstream regulatory region (URR) from the bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) genome. We found that these plasmids are tightly associated with the nuclear chromatin both in the stable cell lines that maintain episomal copies of the plasmids and in transiently transfected cells expressing the viral E1 and E2 proteins. Further analysis of viral factors revealed that the E2 protein in trans and its multiple binding sites in cis are both necessary and sufficient for the chromatin attachment of the plasmids. On the other hand, the BPV1 URR-dependent plasmid replication and chromatin attachment processes are clearly independent of each other. The ability of the plasmids to stably maintain episomes correlates clearly with their chromatin association function. These data suggest that viral E2 protein-mediated attachment of BPV1 genomes to the host cell chromatin could provide a mechanism for the coupling of viral genome multiplication and partitioning to the host cell cycle during viral latent infection.  相似文献   

BPHE-1 cells, which harbor 50 to 200 viral episomes, encapsidate viral genome and generate infectious bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) upon coexpression of capsid proteins L1 and L2 of BPV1, but not coexpression of BPV1 L1 and human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) L2. BPV1 L2 bound in vitro via its C-terminal 85 residues to purified L1 capsomers, but not with intact L1 virus-like particles in vitro. However, when the efficiency of BPV1 L1 coimmunoprecipitation with a series of BPV1 L2 deletion mutants was examined in vivo, the results suggested that residues 129 to 246 and 384 to 460 contain independent L1 interaction domains. An L2 mutant lacking the C-terminal L1 interaction domain was impaired for encapsidation of the viral genome. Coexpression of BPV1 L1 and a chimeric L2 protein composed of HPV16 L2 residues 1 to 98 fused to BPV1 L2 residues 99 to 469 generated infectious virions. However, inefficient encapsidation was seen when L1 was coexpressed with either BPV1 L2 with residues 91 to 246 deleted or with BPV1 L2 with residues 1 to 225 replaced with HPV16 L2. Impaired genome encapsidation did not correlate closely with impairment of the L2 proteins either to localize to promyelocytic leukemia oncogenic domains (PODs) or to induce localization of L1 or E2 to PODs. We conclude that the L1-binding domain located near the C terminus of L2 may bind L1 prior to completion of capsid assembly, and that both L1-binding domains of L2 are required for efficient encapsidation of the viral genome.  相似文献   

The dramatic condensation of chromosomes that occurs during mitosis is widely thought to be largely controlled by a protein complex termed condensin. Here, we describe a conditional knockout of the condensin subunit ScII/SMC2 in chicken DT40 cells. In cells lacking this condensin subunit, chromosome condensation is delayed, but ultimately reaches near-normal levels. However, these chromosomes are structurally compromised. Kinetochores appear normal, but the localization of nonhistone proteins such as topoisomerase II and INCENP is aberrant. Both proteins also fail to partition into the chromosome scaffold fraction, which appears to be largely missing in the absence of condensin. Furthermore, the chromosomes lack structural integrity, as defined by an assay that tests the stability of the chromosomal higher-order structure. Thus, a major function of condensin is to promote the correct association of nonhistone proteins with mitotic chromosomes, and this is essential for establishment of a robust chromosome structure.  相似文献   

SUMO conjugation is a reversible posttranslational modification that regulates protein function. SENP1 is one of the six SUMO-specific proteases present in vertebrate cells and its altered expression is observed in several carcinomas. To characterize SENP1 role in genome integrity, we generated Senp1 knockout chicken DT40 cells. SENP1−/− cells show normal proliferation, but are sensitive to spindle poisons. This hypersensitivity correlates with increased sister chromatid separation, mitotic slippage, and apoptosis. To test whether the cohesion defect had a causal relationship with the observed mitotic events, we restored the cohesive status of sister chromatids by introducing the TOP2α+/− mutation, which leads to increased catenation, or by inhibiting Plk1 and Aurora B kinases that promote cohesin release from chromosomes during prolonged mitotic arrest. Although TOP2α is SUMOylated during mitosis, the TOP2α+/− mutation had no obvious effect. By contrast, inhibition of Plk1 or Aurora B rescued the hypersensitivity of SENP1−/− cells to colcemid. In conclusion, we identify SENP1 as a novel factor required for mitotic arrest and cohesion maintenance during prolonged mitotic arrest induced by spindle poisons.  相似文献   

Due to the limited coding capacity of their small genomes, human papillomaviruses (HPV) rely extensively on host factors for the completion of their life cycles. Accordingly, most HPV proteins, including the replicative helicase E1, engage in multiple protein interactions. The fact that conserved regions of E1 have not yet been ascribed a function prompted us to use tandem affinity protein purification (TAP) coupled to mass spectrometry to identify novel targets of this helicase. This method led to the discovery of a novel interaction between the N-terminal 40 amino acids of HPV type 11 (HPV11) E1 and the cellular WD repeat protein p80 (WDR48). We found that interaction with p80 is conserved among E1 proteins from anogenital HPV but not among cutaneous or animal types. Colocalization studies showed that E1 can redistribute p80 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in a manner that is dependent on the E1 nuclear localization signal. Three amino acid substitutions in E1 proteins from HPV11 and -31 were identified that abrogate binding to p80 and its relocalization to the nucleus. In HPV31 E1, these substitutions reduced but did not completely abolish transient viral DNA replication. HPV31 genomes encoding two of the mutant E1 proteins were not maintained as episomes in immortalized primary keratinocytes, whereas one encoding the third mutant protein was maintained at a very low copy number. These findings suggest that the interaction of E1 with p80 is required for efficient maintenance of the viral episome in undifferentiated keratinocytes.  相似文献   

We show that DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) is continuously required for mitotic chromosome changes in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We constructed cold-sensitive (cs) or temperature-sensitive (ts) strains mutated in the genes coding for topo II (top2) and beta-tubulin (nda3). The ATP-dependent activity of the top2cs gene product is cs in vitro. The cloned top2cs gene sequence predicts an amino acid substitution. A cs top2-cs nda3 double mutant at 20 degrees C shows long, entangled chromosomes, which condense and separate upon the shift to permissive temperatures. If spindle formation is prevented at permissive temperatures, the chromosomes condense but do not separate. Thus topo II is required for final chromosome condensation; moreover, pulse-shift experiments show that topo II is required for chromatid disjuction. Experiments with ts top2-cs nda3 cells show that topo II is also required for chromosome separation in anaphase: inactivation of topo II and activation of beta-tubulin allow normal spindle formation but result in "streaked" chromosomes.  相似文献   

The production of the human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) is intimately tied to the differentiation of the host epithelium that it infects. Infection occurs in the basal layer of the epithelium at a site of wounding, where the virus utilizes the host DNA replication machinery to establish itself as a low-copy-number episome. The productive stage of the HPV-16 life cycle occurs in the postmitotic suprabasal layers of the epithelium, where the virus amplifies its DNA to high copy number, synthesizes the capsid proteins (L1 and L2), encapsidates the HPV-16 genome, and releases virion particles as the upper layer of the epithelium is shed. Papillomaviruses are hypothesized to possess a mechanism to overcome the block in DNA synthesis that occurs in the differentiated epithelial cells, and the HPV-16 E7 oncoprotein has been suggested to play a role in this process. To determine whether E7 plays a role in the HPV-16 life cycle, an E7-deficient HPV-16 genome was created by inserting a translational termination linker (TTL) in the E7 gene of the full HPV-16 genome. This DNA was transfected into an immortalized human foreskin keratinocyte cell line shown previously to support the HPV-16 life cycle, and stable cell lines were obtained that harbored the E7-deficient HPV-16 genome episomally, the state of the genome found in normal infections. By culturing these cells under conditions which promote the differentiation of epithelial cells, we found E7 to be necessary for the productive stage of the HPV-16 life cycle. HPV-16 lacking E7 failed to amplify its DNA and expressed reduced amounts of the capsid protein L1, which is required for virus production. E7 appears to create a favorable environment for HPV-16 DNA synthesis by perturbing the keratinocyte differentiation program and inducing the host DNA replication machinery. These data demonstrate that E7 plays an essential role in the papillomavirus life cycle.  相似文献   

Expression of the papillomavirus E4 protein correlates with the onset of viral DNA amplification. Using a mutant cottontail rabbit papillomavirus (CRPV) genome incapable of expressing the viral E4 protein, we have shown that E4 is required for the productive stage of the CRPV life cycle in New Zealand White and cottontail rabbits. In these lesions, E4 was not required for papilloma development, but the onset of viral DNA amplification and L1 expression were abolished. Viral genome amplification was partially restored when mutant genomes able to express longer forms of E4 were used. These findings suggest that efficient amplification of the CRPV genome is dependent on the expression of a full-length CRPV E4 protein.  相似文献   

We have investigated the function of mitotic kinesin-like protein (MKlp) 2, a kinesin localized to the central spindle, and demonstrate that its depletion results in a failure of cleavage furrow ingression and cytokinesis, and disrupts localization of polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1). MKlp2 is a target for Plk1, and phosphorylated MKlp2 binds to the polo box domain of Plk1. Plk1 also binds directly to microtubules and targets to the central spindle via its polo box domain, and this interaction controls the activity of Plk1 toward MKlp2. An antibody to the neck region of MKlp2 that prevents phosphorylation of MKlp2 by Plk1 causes a cytokinesis defect when introduced into cells. We propose that phosphorylation of MKlp2 by Plk1 is necessary for the spatial restriction of Plk1 to the central spindle during anaphase and telophase, and the complex of these two proteins is required for cytokinesis.  相似文献   

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