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2020年,在新冠肺炎疫情影响下,水产品市场遭遇了前所未有的新情况,本研究分析2020年上半年水产养殖、市场运行、消费变化以及国际贸易的形势,并研判后期水产品市场的发展趋势。主要结论是:水产品生产存在养殖进度推迟、效益和生产积极性下降等问题,或影响后期局部品种或地区的供应,但生产基本面总体保持稳定;由于产销衔接不畅,水产品市场运行呈现量减价升的特点,随着疫情防控形势向好,价格和交易量逐步回归常年水平;水产品消费较为低迷,恢复程度不及预期,同时消费理念、渠道和形式等表现出新特征;水产品进出口贸易双双下降,出口形势严峻,进口由高速增长转入调整阶段。基于此文章提出针对性政策建议。  相似文献   

立德树人是教育事业的根本任务,课程思政是将立德树人融入教育各环节、各领域的重要手段。"细胞生物学"既是现代生命科学的前沿分支学科之一,也是高校生命科学类专业的重要课程。该文在课程思政的背景下,选择新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(简称:新冠疫情)为载体,以"细胞生物学"课程中"病毒的特征、入侵、增殖"为主线,从"教学内容的甄选"和"实施策略"两个方面着手,开展聚焦新冠疫情下"细胞生物学"课程思政教学的深入探讨。该研究旨在引导学生在研习专业知识的基础上,提升其科学素养、树立其正确的价值观,为侧重新冠疫情的课程思政研究提供重要参考。  相似文献   

2020年新冠疫情爆发,传统教学模式被打破,网络教学作为教学手段之一承担了大部分的教学任务。在新冠疫情全球大流行新形势下,为有效保障以实践为重要载体的临床医学教学质量,通过系列教学实践,有效发挥网络教学的优势,同时利用多种手段弥补其不足。在教学实践过程中,通过开展网络教学的成效和教学反馈信息,深入思考总结教学改革中遇到的困境。对在线教学常态化工作的进一步开展;临床实践课程新思路、新模式的应用,加强公共卫生专业课程与临床医学专业课程的整合,倡导学科间发展融合;在医学教育全过程中融入思政元素,突显人文教育作用;尊重医学发展规律,践行国家有关医学教育改革的大政方针,将"大健康"理念融入医学教育全过程中等一系列问题展开深入的思考。通过系列教学实践与思考,推进教学改革进程,着力培养具有全球化视野的,多学科融合背景的,既有卓越临床医学知识技能,又具有公共卫生视野,人文情怀的,卓越医学人才。  相似文献   

摘要:随着疫情的不断蔓延,新冠肺炎目前已成为全球范围内共同关注的重大公共问题。新冠肺炎疫情出现之后,医院广大医务人员积极响应党和国家的号召,义无反顾地投入疫情防控"战役"之中,将救死扶伤以及大爱无疆等新时代医疗卫生职业精神内化成"抗疫精神";该精神不但反映了医务人员的责任以及担当,而且是医院可持续发展的有效动力,更是医院文化建设的关键内容。医院文化主要是指各级医疗机构在开展医疗工作过程中潜移默化所形成的一种特殊文化氛围和价值观,不仅在公共卫生体系中占据重要地位,同时可能直接或间接影响医院长期竞争力的发展。尤其是在目前新冠肺炎疫情防控之中,文化建设可发挥着特殊的作用,有效提高服务效率以及服务质量。本文结合疫情防控背景下的医院相关疫情防控措施,探析医院抗疫文化建设的思路和策略,以提高医院品牌形象以及业内影响力,继而促进医院整体文化建设的更深、更高层次发展。  相似文献   

周帅 《广西植物》2023,43(8):1478-1487
森林是维持生物多样性的重要保障,森林面积的损失常常会导致区域生物多样性的降低或丧失。为探讨新冠疫情对全球生物多样性的影响,该文利用Image J软件筛选出全球生物多样性热点地区占国土面积超60%的国家作为研究对象,以全球生物多样性热点地区的森林损失面积、生物多样性完整性数据、年度(2020年和2021年)新冠疫情感染数据、国内生产总值(GDP)为研究对象,进行关联分析、线性混合效应模型构建和回归预测。结果表明:虽然新冠病毒的每百万人口感染数量与森林损失面积表现为显著负相关,具体表现为新冠疫情显著减少了因城市和农业大规模扩张而导致的森林损失面积,但在新冠疫情暴发的2年(2020年和2021年)期间,全球生物多样性热点地区的森林损失总量仍然持续上升,主要原因是新冠疫情间接加速了人工林和天然林的采伐。回归模型预测显示,新冠疫情期间,全球生物多样性热点地区的森林损失面积在2020年和2021年分别增加了5.83%和21.78%。综上表明,虽然新冠疫情对生物多样性热点地区的森林损失具有一定的抑制作用,但森林损失面积仍然在增加。该研究结果为制定生物多样性的保护措施提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   

曹丽荣 《四川动物》2011,30(2):288-292
野生动物资源兼具经济、生态、文化和社会等价值,保护野生动物资源不仅有利于维持生态平衡,而且是保护人类自身生存和经济社会可持续发展不可缺少的资源.保护野生动物资源已成为全球关注的重要问题.本文梳理了我国目前有关野生动物资源保护的相关法律规定,同时对完善我国野生动物资源保护的法律问题进行了初步探讨,提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

针对山东省内病原微生物实验室备案管理的问题和需求,开发了山东省生物安全实验室备案管理平台,通过该系统对病原微生物实验室备案工作进行网络化集成,以实现病原微生物实验室备案活动的数字化和流程化管理。该平台能在很大程度上提高备案效率,已在山东省内推广使用。本文从功能和架构两方面对比国内已有的病原微生物实验室及实验活动备案管理平台现状,分析并探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情常态化下实验室备案管理平台的建设建议和思考,期望为其他省市的相关平台建设提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,全球生物安全形势日趋严峻,重大传染病疫情、生物技术误用和谬用、生物武器等生物安全威胁不断显现,生物安全已跃升为我国国家安全的重要组成部分;而与此同时,生物安全作为一门新兴的交叉型学科,其教育体系的建立与完善还处于起步阶段。受国内外生物安全形势、生物安全产业发展以及国家安全学学科设立的影响,凸显了我国在生物安全这一交叉领域的人才储备的短板和不足。尤其在新工科建设背景下,更加显现出生物安全人才培养的重要性。本文根据作者在实际教学中的经验,从建立交叉融合课程体系、构建创新性教学模式、探索通识教育改革方案和完善持续改进机制等几个方面,系统介绍了新工科背景下完善生物安全领域人才体系的具体措施。  相似文献   

The rapid rise of COVID-19 and the governmental response to slow the spread of the pandemic occurred prior to, or during, the opening of the spring wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) hunting seasons (Mar to May 2020) in the United States. The response of fish and wildlife agencies to the pandemic varied throughout the United States during the spring turkey season. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) suspended the sale of non-resident, spring turkey hunting permits on 30 March 2020 in a proactive effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19. In this study, we evaluated the extent that the COVID-19 pandemic affected the spring turkey permit sales and harvest in Nebraska, USA. We combined information from NGPC's electronic licensing system, responses from 2017–2019 spring turkey hunter surveys (pre-pandemic), and responses from the 2020 (during the pandemic) spring turkey hunter survey, which included additional questions about the influence of COVID-19 on respondents' hunting experiences. There was an increase in the number of resident hunters (23%) and resident permits sold (26%) and a decrease in the number of non-resident hunters (−88%) and non-resident permits sold (−89%) in 2020 as compared to the 3 years prior. Further, non-residents, more so than Nebraska residents, claimed that the COVID-19 pandemic affected their spring turkey hunting in their precautions taken, overall satisfaction, pre-season planning for the spring turkey season, and plans made prior to the outbreak. Wildlife agencies should prepare for the potential effects that significant disruptions (like that observed with the COVID-19 pandemic) might have on hunting participation, especially if a significant portion of revenue is derived from non-resident permit sales, and develop plans and policies so that they can react appropriately.  相似文献   

Revisiting Metchnikoff''s work in light of the COVID-19 pandemic illustrates how much this amazing scientist was a polymath, and one could speculate how much he would have been fascinated and most interested in following the course of the pandemic. Since he coined the word “gerontology”, he would have been intrigued by the high mortality among the elderly, and by the concepts of immunosenescence and inflammaging that characterize the SARS-CoV-2 infection. While Metchnikoff''s work is mainly associated with the discovery of the phagocytes and the birth of cellular innate immunity, he regularly invited his closest collaborators to investigate humoral immunity, and it was in his laboratory that Jules Bordet made his major discovery of the complement system. While Metchnikoff and his team investigated many infectious diseases, he also contributed to studies linked to vaccination, such as those on typhoid fever performed in chimpanzees, illustrating that non-human primates can provide animal models which are potentially helpful for understanding the pathophysiology of the COVID-19 virus. In the present review, we illustrate how much his own work and the investigations of his trainees were pertinent to this new disease.  相似文献   

BackgroundWe examined the number of lung cancers diagnosed, the quality of care and the socio-economic and clinical characteristics among patients with lung cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to previous years.MethodsWe included all patients ≥ 18 years old diagnosed with lung cancer from 01 January 2018 to 31 August 2021 as registered in the Danish Lung Cancer Registry. Using a generalised linear model, we estimated prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of the associations between the pandemic and socioeconomic and clinical factors, and indicators of quality.ResultsWe included 18,113 patients with lung cancer (82.0% non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)), which was similar to the preceding years, although a decline in NSCLC cases occurred during the first lockdown period in 2020. No difference in distribution of income or educational level was observed. No difference was observed in the quality of treatment – as measured by curative intent, proportion of patients resected or who died within 90 days of diagnosis.ConclusionUsing nationwide population-based data, our study reassuringly shows no adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the diagnosis, socio-economic characteristics nor quality of treatment of lung cancer, as compared to the preceding years.  相似文献   

The Brazilian Federal Senate created a Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI) to investigate the Bolsonaro government's irregularities in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the cases that drew attention was the research conducted by Prevent Senior, a private health insurance company, on the early treatment of COVID-19. The article analyzes the scientific validity of the research and the ethical problems related to its implementation. It is based on analysis of Prevent Senior's report of the clinical study, the Brazilian and USA clinical trial registries, the Senate's CPI report, and on the information reported by the media. This case of scientific fraud and political-ideological bias exemplifies how Prevent Senior, using a questionable protocol to enhance its reputation and gain government support, was instrumental in building the “early treatment” narrative for COVID-19, and shows how it served as a basis for a government public policy that promoted the use of ineffective drugs.  相似文献   

We use national birth data to assess the associations between the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 and birth outcomes in Uruguay. Employing interrupted time series difference-in-differences techniques, we find mixed results, with some pregnancies showing increases in the likelihood of very preterm or very-low-weight births, and some others showing decreases in the incidence of moderate prematurity and moderate low birth weight. Adverse outcomes are more likely among women with low education, women with previous children, and with risk factors, such as smoking or being older than 34. We observe improvements in health at birth for children of non-smokers, women younger than 35, and women with no other children. We underscore the role of health care by showing that women in the private sector, who suffered the strongest contraction in face-to-face prenatal care use, experienced more adverse birth outcomes. Our results also suggest that the economic recession and an increased burden of childcare were behind the increases in preterm and very-low-weight births. Because pollution is an unlikely channel for the positive results, we hypothesize that for some pregnancies, the pandemic improved the intrauterine habitat by leading to a quieter and healthier lifestyle.  相似文献   

The alarming levels of spread and severity of COVID-19 have dominated global attention. In this time of crisis, there is an urgent need for studies identifying the linkages between the pandemic and social welfare. To help policymakers respond to the situation better, we investigate how the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic can condition people's psychological well-being. Employing the latest weekly panel data within an individual fixed effects framework, we uncover the damaging consequences of the COVID-19 severity, as measured by mortality rate, on the incidences of daily anxiety, worry, displeasure, and depression in the United States. Our work underlines the importance of public spending on mental health, both during and after the pandemic.  相似文献   

There are no egalitarians in a pandemic. The scale of the challenge for health systems and public policy means that there is an ineluctable need to prioritize the needs of the many. It is impossible to treat all citizens equally, and a failure to carefully consider the consequences of actions could lead to massive preventable loss of life. In a pandemic there is a strong ethical need to consider how to do most good overall. Utilitarianism is an influential moral theory that states that the right action is the action that is expected to produce the greatest good. It offers clear operationalizable principles. In this paper we provide a summary of how utilitarianism could inform two challenging questions that have been important in the early phase of the pandemic: (a) Triage: which patients should receive access to a ventilator if there is overwhelming demand outstripping supply? (b) Lockdown: how should countries decide when to implement stringent social restrictions, balancing preventing deaths from COVID-19 with causing deaths and reductions in well-being from other causes? Our aim is not to argue that utilitarianism is the only relevant ethical theory, or in favour of a purely utilitarian approach. However, clearly considering which options will do the most good overall will help societies identify and consider the necessary cost of other values. Societies may choose either to embrace or not to embrace the utilitarian course, but with a clear understanding of the values involved and the price they are willing to pay.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic has increased barriers to accessing preventive healthcare. This study identifies populations disproportionately underrepresented in screening and surveillance colonoscopies during the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodsIn this single-center cohort study, colonoscopy procedures were reviewed during 6-month intervals before the pandemic (July 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019) and during the pandemic (July 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020 and January 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021). 7095 patients were categorized based on procedure indication, demographics, Charlson Comorbidity Index and Social Vulnerability Index (SVI). Statistics performed using VassarStats.Results2387 (2019) colonoscopies pre-pandemic and 2585 (2020) and 2123 (2021) during the pandemic were identified. There was a decrease in colonoscopies performed during months when COVID-19 cases peaked. The total number of average CRC risk patients presenting for first colonoscopy declined during the pandemic: 232 (10 %) pre-pandemic to 190 (7 %) in 2020, 145 (7 %) in 2021 (p < 0.001). Fewer of these patients presented from highly vulnerable communities, SVI > 0.8, during the pandemic, 39 in 2019 vs 16 in 2020 and 22 in 2021. Of all screening and surveillance patients, fewer presented from communities with SVI > 0.8 during the pandemic, 106 in 2019 versus 67 in 2020 and 77 in 2021.ConclusionIt is important to address the decline in CRC preventive care during this pandemic among average CRC risk first-time screeners and vulnerable community patients. An emphasis on addressing social determinants of health and establishing patients in gastroenterology clinics is imperative to promote future health in these populations.  相似文献   

Due to the essential role of dentists in stopping the COVID-19 pandemic, the purpose of this review is to help dentists to detect any weaknesses in their disinfection and cross-contamination prevention protocols, and to triage dental treatments to meet the needs of patients during the pandemic. We used PRISMA to identify peer-reviewed publications which supplemented guidance from the center for disease control about infection control and guidelines for dentists. Dentists must triage dental treatments to meet the needs of patients during the pandemic. The ongoing pandemic has changed the practice of dentistry forever, the changes make it more cumbersome, time-consuming, and costly due to the possible pathways of transmission and mitigation steps needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Dental chairside rapid tests for SARS-CoV-2 are urgently needed. Until then, dentists need to screen patients for COVID-19 even though 75% of people with COVID-19 have no symptoms. Despite the widespread anxiety and fear of the devastating health effects of COVID-19, only 61% of dentists have implemented a change to their treatment protocols. As an urgent matter of public health, all dentists must identify the additional steps they can take to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The most effective steps to stop the pandemic in dental offices are to; vaccinate all dentists, staff, and patients; triage dental treatments for patients, separate vulnerable patients, separate COVID-19 patients, prevent cross-contamination, disinfect areas touched by patients, maintain social distancing, and change personal protective equipment between patients.  相似文献   

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