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In the serological survey of 2009 children immunized against measles 285 children (14.2%) were found to be seronegative to this infection in the hemagglutination inhibition test with 4 hemagglutinating units of the antigen. Among 1724 immunized children showing positive response to vaccination and placed under dynamic observation for 11 years, 2 cases of measles were registered. At the same time, in the dynamic observation of 111 seronegative children 66 measles cases (59.5%) were registered during the above period, while among 169 children, also seronegative, but receiving booster immunization against measles, morbidity rate was only 1.2%. In some vaccinees the decrease of postvaccinal immunity to seronegative values was observed, but such decrease had no essential influence on the morbidity level among the vaccines. The increase of measles morbidity among schoolchildren immunized against this infection was due not to the decrease of their postvaccinal immunity, but to their concentration in schools and to their more intensive contacts with the sources of infection in comparison with children of preschool age.  相似文献   

To study the immune responsiveness of children in the measles vaccinal process, the cytochemical methods for the identification of immunocompetent cells have been used. The investigations have been made in children aged 1.5-4 years, immunized with live measles vaccine prepared from strain l-16. The results of these investigations indicate that the development of specific antiviral postvaccinal immunity is characterized by transitory changes in the populations of T-, B- and O-lymphocytes; such changes are accompanied by not only quantitative, but also qualitative changes of individual populations.  相似文献   

Anamnestic data in respect to measles failed to correspond to the results of serological examination of contacts at the foci of the given infection. The collective immunity level in children's institutions is inadequate for the prevention of measles outbreaks. The incidence of the disease depended both on the level of immunity among the children and on the duration of presence of the source of infection in the focus. Live measles vaccine protected 90 percent of the vaccinated children from contracting the disease in the foci. At the very beginning of the postvaccinal period immunization defects were revealed in 26.5 percent of the vaccinated children who fell ill with measles. Morbidity index among the vaccinated individuals constituted 3.8 percent. One of the causes of measles contraction by the vaccinated individuals was the loss of postvaccinal immunity. Systematic control over the antimeasles immunity level with the aid of serological investigations is necessary for the purpose of detection of persons sensitive to measles in children's collective bodies.  相似文献   

Booster immunization against measles with a highly immunogenic vaccine leads to the development of prolonged postvaccinal immunity lasting at least 6-7 years (the term of observation) in the groups of children found to be seronegative after the titration of their blood sera with 1 hemagglutinating unit (HAU) of the antigen. The booster immunization of children in whose blood sera the minimal concentrations of antibodies can be determined in the presence of 1 HAU of the antigen (seronegative in the presence of 4 HAU) is less effective. The serological checks of immunized children entering preschool institutions and the primary grades at schools and the subsequent booster immunization of children found to be seronegative will lead to a further decrease in measles morbidity.  相似文献   

A total of 187 parturients (66 with a history of measles and 121 immunized with live measles vaccine, or LMV, in childhood) and their 187 newborn infants, as well as 195 children aged up to 1 year, were examined. Antimeasles antibodies in blood sera were detected in the hemagglutination inhibition test. In all mothers with a history of measles and in their newborn infants antimeasles antibodies in different titers were detected. In mothers, formerly immunized with LMV, antimeasles antibodies were absent in 5.8% and in their newborn infants, in 6.6% of the examinees. Among children aged up to 1 year, born of formerly immunized mothers, more rapid disappearance of passive antimeasles immunity was observed. In cases of contact with measles, the serological examinations of all children born of mothers immunized with LMV should be carried out in order to protect seronegative children by passive or active immunization.  相似文献   

The study of measles morbidity in Donetsk Province in 1960-1984 and the study of antimeasles immunity in different groups of the population have shown that the problem of the liquidation of measles cannot be solved by immunizing the population in a single administration of the vaccine. To enhance the effectiveness of the immunoprophylaxis of measles and its influence on the epidemic process, a number of problems must be solved with the aim to improve the quality of the vaccine, especially its thermal stability, to establish the possibility of shifting the beginning of immunization from 15-17 months to 12 months of age, to increase the coverage of children with immunization against measles by decreasing the number of groundless exemptions from immunization and by immunizing children in risk groups according to individual schedules and dosage, to carry out selectively the booster immunization of persons who have lost their postvaccinal immunity, as revealed by laboratory test, or in whom such loss may be supposed, to introduce the objective method (indirect hemagglutination test) for controlling the state of immunity among different groups of the population into laboratory practice at sanitary and epidemiological stations. As to the possibility of the liquidation of measles, the statement of this problem is correct, but for its solution a complex of additional prophylactic and epidemic-control measures should be taken.  相似文献   

The work was carried out under conditions of mass measles immunization at the polyclincs of Moscow and Dushanbe. The role of the macroorganism at the time of vaccination on the measles vaccination process was investigated. A thorough study of the anamnesis, its allergic predisposition was conducted; blood and C-RB were examined, and the content of serum immunoglobulins was determined by Macini's method. The results obtained pointed to the insufficiently complete detection of children with an altered reactivity by a simple examination by the physician alone. It was revealed that children suffering from various forms of allergy having in the anamnesis hypotrophy rickets and frequent acute respiratory diseases and chronic foci of infections had decreased indice of nonsecific immunological reactivity even at the period of clinical well-being, and could be detected only by means of laboratory methods of study. To the administration of measles vaccine such children responded not only by the development of clinical reactions of different intensity, but also by a significant reduction of antibody formation. All the aforesaid indicates a necessity of further study of the mechanism of establishment of postvaccinal measles immunity with consideration to the individual reactivity of the child organism.  相似文献   

The results of 5-year observations on the duration of immunity to measles virus in persons vaccinated and revaccinated against measles, as well as in persons having had this infection, are presented. The intensity of immunity was determined in the same persons with the use of the passive hemagglutination test. The study revealed differences in the formation, intensity and duration of postvaccinal immunity. A significant decrease in the concentration of antibodies over the period of 5 years was established in 50.0-52.3% of vaccines. Revaccination with live measles vaccine is an effective measure for enhancing immunity to measles virus in persons with initial antibody titers less than 1:10-1:20, but revaccination made in a single injection is not sufficient for the stable maintenance of measles morbidity at the sporadic level. Postinfectious immunity is characterized by stability and has no tendency towards decrease. Persons having had measles have no need in additional measures irrespective of the time elapsed after the disease.  相似文献   

The revaccination of 70% of schoolchildren, previously immunized with measles vaccines of 26 different batches with insufficient immunogenic potency, has led to the pronounced and stable increase of immunity in the corresponding groups of children and has decreased measles morbidity among them 20 times.  相似文献   

The reactogenic properties of adsorbed DPT vaccine containing Bordetella pertussis cultures, grown by submerged cultivation, as the pertussis component were studied. The study revealed that the vaccine was low-reactogenic: no severe postvaccinal reactions were recorded in immunized children. The frequency and intensity of febrile and local reactions in children immunized with adsorbed DPT vaccine under trial and the commercial preparation commonly used in the USSR were identical, but considerably less pronounced than in children immunized with foreign vaccines having similar composition.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of adsorbed DPT vaccine manufactured in the USSR, evaluated by its capacity of inducing the formation of the main classes of immunoglobulins and by the duration of immune response to the acellular complex of protective antigens (pertussis toxin and agglutinogen-2), was studied with the use of modified EIA. Out of 273 children immunized with adsorbed DPT vaccine in the course of this study, 87.2% had IgG-antibodies, 14.1% had IgA-antibodies and 3.2% of the children had IgM-antibodies. The level of immunity in children having received the full course of immunization with adsorbed DPT vaccine was significantly higher in comparison with children given only the primary course of immunization and nonimmunized children of the same age. Antipertussis immunity was found to decrease two years after the completion of the course of immunization with adsorbed DPT vaccine and in children over 5-6 years of age. Adsorbed DPT vaccine prevented the disease, but not infection. The level of postinfection immunity was higher than that of postvaccinal immunity.  相似文献   

The epidemiological and immunological evaluation of two immunization schedules approved by the Orders of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 322 of April 24, 1973, and No. 50 of January 14, 1980, has been made on the basis of the results obtained in the Brest region of the Byelorussian SSR and in the Turkmen SSR. According to these results, the use of the schedule approved by Order No. 50 has made it possible to increase the groups of children receiving correct and timely immunization with measles vaccine by 8.3% and 28.8% and with adsorbed DPT vaccine by 17.2% and 5.5% in the Brest region of the Byelorussian SSR and in the Turkmen SSR respectively. Considerable groups of children have been found to be immunized with deviations from the approved schedules with respect to the scheme and time of immunization: 62.1% and 44.5% in the Brest region, 81.3% and 80.5% in the Turkmen SSR (during the periods of the implementation of Orders No. 322 and No. 50 respectively). Acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis and pneumonia have proved to be the main reasons for medical exemption from immunization in both republics, these diseases constituting 61.6-71.1% of all medical contraindications. The negative influence of earlier infectious diseases on the level of postvaccinal immunity has been shown.  相似文献   

The validity of immunizations, made in due time in children aged up to 7 years in accordance with the approved immunization schedule, is analyzed in this work. The content of antibodies to diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis antigens in children immunized in accordance with the old and new schedules has been studied. This study has revealed that the injection of adsorbed DPT vaccine to children aged 3-4 months induces fully valid immune response to all antigens under study. The level of measles and parotitis antibodies after the injections of measles and parotitis vaccines, introduced separately and simultaneously, has been measured. The simultaneous administration of these preparations did not decrease the levels of immunity to parotitis and measles.  相似文献   

In the course of 4 years the authors carried out an immunological and epidemiological observation over 4719 children which attended creches, kindergartens and schools, and were vaccinated with live measles vaccines L-16 and ASC in 1967--1972. A stable persistence of immunity was revealed in the majority of children vaccinated against measles which responded to the vaccination by the formation of humoral antibodies. Among these groups an insignificant number of persons with the appearance of measles sensitivity was noted during the observation period. The quality of the preparation, conditions of its storage, use, and different errors during the vaccination influenced the efficacy of the vaccination. Children immunized with the low-immunogenic series of the vaccine whose blood sera failed to display any specific antibodies in the reaction with 1 AU of the antigen, as a rule, were the ones that contracted the disease.  相似文献   

The mass serological survey of school children immunized against measles was carried out by means of the hemagglutination inhibition test. As a result, 20.4% of these school children were found to be seronegative, and in 9.5% of them even the minimum concentration of measles antihemagglutinins (when titrated with 1 hemagglutinating unit of the antigen) was not detected. The accumulation of a considerable seronegative (measles-susceptible) stratum among children of school age occurred due to the low immunogenic potency of some batches of live measles vaccine, used for immunization in 1973, as well as due to the formerly practiced immunization of children under 1 year of age. A direct and close dependence of focal measles morbidity among immunized children having had contacts with the source of infection on the number of children among them, found to be seronegative after titration with 1 hemagglutination unit of measles antigen, was established.  相似文献   

Combined vaccine "Bubo-Kok" is characterized by safety and high immunological activity. The number of postvaccinal reactions in children aged 1 and 2 years, immunized with vaccine "Bubo-Kok", was not statistically different from those in groups of children immunized with adsorbed DPT vaccine, as well with such vaccine in combination with vaccine against hepatitis B. After the completion of the primary course of immunization 100% of children had protective antibody titers against diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis B. Antibody titers against pertussis, equal to or exceeding protective titers, were found in more than 70% of immunized children. The immunogenic potency of vaccine "Bubo-Kok" with respect to all its components was not inferior to that of adsorbed DPT vaccine and vaccine against hepatitis B, when introduced simultaneously in different areas of the body. Vaccine "Bubo-Kok" successfully passed state trials and was recommended for registration.  相似文献   

A single dilution technique has been used for the determination of antimeasles antibody titer. The method involved the plotting of the calibration curve and the characterization of the serum by arbitrary "evaluation units" in comparison with the specially selected positive serum whose titer was taken to be equal to 100 "evaluation units". By means of this method 57 sera obtained from children immunized against measles and 118 sera from non-vaccinated adults aged 18-22 years were examined. The values of the calculated titers were similar to those determined experimentally. This recommends this method for seroepidemiological investigations aimed at determining the level of herd immunity to measles.  相似文献   

青海省15岁以下儿童麻疹疫苗强化免疫分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验中对麻疹疫苗强化免疫前、后的现场进行了调查、评估并对麻疹监测系统和传染病报告系统的疫情资料进行了分析。结果表明,这次强化免疫接种儿童1100315人,报告接种率和调查接种率均>95%;接种后麻疹发病人数明显减少,发病率仅为0.66/10万,较强化免疫前发病率9.15/10万下降了82.51%,约有1/3不良反应者确诊为风疹;2006年7月—2007年6月麻疹监测系统数据显示,目前88%的麻疹病例发生在8月龄~14岁,约有32%病例为无免疫史或免疫史不详。高质量MV强化免疫能迅速降低麻疹发病,因此强化免疫接种人群的确定必须结合当地流行病学监测资料并尽可能在较大范围内开展,以形成有效的人群免疫屏障来阻断麻疹病毒的传播。保证>95%接种率是该次强化免疫活动的前提,同时须作好充分准备以应对可能发生预防接种时出现的不良反应。建议在提高常规免疫服务质量的情况下,每3~4年仍需开展后续强化免疫。  相似文献   

The blood sera of persons immunized with different typhus vaccines have been studied in the complement fixation test, the indirect hemagglutination test and the enzyme immunoassay. The data thus obtained indicate that the enzyme immunoassay is highly sensitive and can be universally used for the determination of antibodies to Rickettsia prowazekii after primary and booster immunization with different typhus vaccines. This method detects specific antibodies both at an early period and, which is of particular importance, at a remote period after immunization (3 years later) when complement-binding and hemagglutinating antibodies are absent. This is seemingly indicative of the two-phase character of postvaccinal immunity induced by live typhus vaccine.  相似文献   

Bubo-M, the first Russian combined vaccine, was found to have low reactogenicity. The difference between the number of postvaccinal reactions in the group of children immunized with Bubo-M (25.9%) and those in the group of children who had been simultaneously injected into different sites of the body with ADS-M toxoid (adsorbed DT toxoid with reduced antigen content) and hepatitis B vaccine (26.7%) was not statistically significant. Following immunization a considerable increase in the level of diphtheria and tetanus antibodies (p < 0.005) was observed in all children (100%), the level of HBs antibodies in the group of children immunized with Bubo-M (the geometric mean titer: 13,721 IU/l) essentially exceeding that observed in the control group injected with ADS-M toxoid and hepatitis B vaccine (the geometric mean of the titer: 2,441 IU/l). Bubo-M was duly registered and allowed for industrial production and medical use.  相似文献   

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