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Flagella and cilia are elaborate cytoskeletal structures conserved from protists to mammals, where they fulfil functions related to motility or sensitivity. We demonstrate a novel role for the flagellum in the control of cell morphogenesis and division of Trypanosoma brucei. To investigate flagellum functions, its formation was perturbed by inducible RNA interference silencing of components required for intraflagellar transport (IFT), a dynamic process necessary for flagellum assembly. First, we show that down-regulation of IFT leads to assembly of a shorter flagellum. Strikingly, cells with a shorter flagellum are smaller, with a direct correlation between flagellum length and cell size. Detailed morphogenetic analysis reveals that the tip of the new flagellum defines the point where cytokinesis is initiated. Furthermore, when new flagellum formation is completely blocked, non-flagellated cells are very short, lose their normal shape and polarity and fail to undergo cytokinesis. We show that flagellum elongation controls formation of cytoskeletal structures present in the cell body that act as molecular organisers of the cell.  相似文献   

The archaeal flagellum: a unique motility structure.   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

The archaeal flagellum is a unique motility apparatus distinct in composition and likely in assembly from the bacterial flagellum. Gene families comprised of multiple flagellin genes co-transcribed with a number of conserved, archaeal-specific accessory genes have been identified in several archaea. However, no homologues of any bacterial genes involved in flagella structure have yet been identified in any archaeon, including those archaea in which the complete genome sequence has been published. Archaeal flagellins possess a highly conserved hydrophobic N-terminal sequence that is similar to that of type IV pilins and clearly unlike that of bacterial flagellins. Also unlike bacterial flagellins but similar to type IV pilins, archaeal flagellins are initially synthesized with a short leader peptide that is cleaved by a membrane-located peptidase. With recent advances in genetic transfer systems in archaea, knockouts have been reported in several genes involved in flagellation in different archaea. In addition, techniques to isolate flagella with attached hook and anchoring structures have been developed. Analysis of these preparations is under way to identify minor structural components of archaeal flagella. This and the continued isolation and characterization of flagella mutants should lead to significant advances in our knowledge of the composition and assembly of archaeal flagella.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the structure and assembly of the archaeal flagellum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Archaeal motility occurs through the rotation of flagella that are distinct from the flagella found on bacteria. The differences between the two structures include the multi-flagellin nature of the archaeal filament, the widespread posttranslational modification of the flagellins and the presence of a short signal peptide on each flagellin that is cleaved by a specific signal peptidase prior to the incorporation of the mature flagellin into the flagellar filament. Research has revealed similarities between the archaeal flagellum and the type IV pilus, including the presence of similar unusual signal peptides on the flagellins and pilins, similarities in the amino acid sequences of the major structural proteins themselves, as well as similarities between potential assembly and processing components. The recent suggestion that type IV pili are part of a family of cell surface complexes, coupled with the similarities between type IV pili and archaeal flagella, raise questions about the evolution of these systems and possible inclusion of archaeal flagella into this surface complex family.  相似文献   

ADF/cofilins are ubiquitous actin dynamics-regulating proteins that have been mainly implicated in actin-based cell motility. Trypanosomatids, e.g. Leishmania and Trypanosoma, which mediate their motility through flagellum, also contain a putative ADF/cofilin homologue, but its role in flagellar motility remains largely unexplored. We have investigated the role of this protein in assembly and motility of the Leishmania flagellum after knocking out the ADF/cofilin gene by targeted gene replacement. The resultant mutants were completely immotile, short and stumpy, and had reduced flagellar length and severely impaired beat. In addition, the assembly of the paraflagellar rod was lost, vesicle-like structures were seen throughout the length of the flagellum and the state and distribution of actin were altered. However, episomal complementation of the gene restored normal morphology and flagellar function. These results for the first time indicate that the actin dynamics-regulating protein ADF/cofilin plays a critical role in assembly and motility of the eukaryotic flagellum.  相似文献   

During flagellum assembly by motile enterobacteria, flagellar axial proteins destined for polymerization into the cell surface structure are thought to be exported through the 25–30 Å flagellum central channel as partially unfolded monomers. How are premature folding and oligomerization in the cytosol prevented? We have shown previously using hyperflagellated Proteus mirabilis and a motile but non-swarming flgN transposon mutant that the apparently cytosolic 16.5 kDa flagellar protein FlgN facilitates efficient flagellum filament assembly. Here, we investigate further whether FlgN, predicted to contain a C-terminal amphipathic helix typical of type III export chaperones, acts as a chaperone for axial proteins. Incubation of soluble radiolabelled FlgN from Salmonella typhimurium with nitrocellulose-immobilized cell lysates of wild-type S. typhimurium and a non-flagellate class 1 flhDC mutant indicated that FlgN binds to flagellar proteins. Identical affinity blot analysis of culture supernatants from the wild-type and flhDC, flgI, flgK, flgL, fliC or fliD flagellar mutants showed that FlgN binds to the flagellar hook-associated proteins (HAPs) FlgK and FlgL. This was confirmed by blotting artificially expressed individual HAPs in Escherichia coli. Analysis of axial proteins secreted into the culture medium by the original P. mirabilis flgN mutant demonstrated that export of FlgK and FlgL was specifically reduced, with concomitant increased release of unpolymerized flagellin (FliC), the immediately distal component of the flagellum. These data suggest that FlgN functions as an export chaperone for FlgK and FlgL. Parallel experiments showed that FliT, a similarly small (14 kDa), potentially helical flagellar protein, binds specifically to the flagellar filament cap protein, FliD (HAP2), indicating that it too might be an export chaperone. Flagellar axial proteins all contain amphipathic helices at their termini. Removal of the HAP C-terminal helical domains abolished binding by FlgN and FliT in each case, and polypeptides comprising each of the HAP C-termini were specifically bound by FlgN and FliT. We suggest that FlgN and FliT are substrate-specific flagellar chaperones that prevent oligomerization of the HAPs by binding to their helical domains before export.  相似文献   

The metabolic cost of swimming for planktonic protists is calculated, on theoretical grounds, from a simple model based upon Stokes' law. Energetic expenditure is scaled over both typically encountered size ranges (1–100 µm) and swimming speeds (100–5,000 µm/sec). In agreement with previous estimates for typical flagellates, these estimates generally suggest a low (<1%) cost for motility, related to total metabolic rate of growing cells. However, the cost of motility in small, fast-moving forms, such as some ciliates and flagellates, may be significant (1–10%) and even substantial (10–100%+) for certain species. In accordance with these predictions, many fast-moving ciliates restrict motility to bursts of activity or jumps. In the absence of a reduction in swimming speed or in the frequency of jumps, it is predicted that this relative cost of motility will be significantly increased in starving heterotrophs or light-limited autotrophs, if such cells reduce cell volumes and specific rates of respiration.  相似文献   

FliI is the peripheral membrane ATPase pivotal to the type III protein export mechanism underlying the assembly of the bacterial flagellum. Gel filtration and multiangle light scattering showed that purified soluble native FliI protein was in a monomeric state but, in the presence of ATP, FliI showed a propensity to oligomerize. Electron microscopy revealed that FliI assembles to a ring structure, the yield of which was increased by the presence of a non-hydrolysable ATP analogue. Single particle analysis of the resulting electron micrograph images, to which no symmetry was applied, showed that the FliI ring structure has sixfold symmetry and an external diameter of approximately 10 nm. The oligomeric ring has a central cavity of 2.5-3.0 nm, which is comparable to the known diameter of the flagellar export channel into which export substrates feed. Enzymatic activity of the FliI ATPase showed positive co-operativity, establishing that oligomerization and enzyme activity are coupled. Escherichia coli phospholipids increased enzyme co-operativity, and in vitro cross-linking demonstrated that they promoted FliI multimerization. The data reveal central facets of the structure and action of the flagellar assembly ATPase and, by extension, the homologous ATPases of virulence-related type III export systems.  相似文献   

Stress granules (SGs) are large ribonucleoprotein (RNP)-containing particles that form in cytoplasm in response to a variety of acute changes in the cellular environment. One of the general parameters of the cell environment is pH. In some diseases, as well as in muscle fatigue, tissue acidosis occurs, leading to decrease in intracellular pH. Here we studied whether decrease in pH causes the formation of SGs in cultured animal cells, whether it affects the formation of the SGs under the action of arsenite and, if such effects occur, what are the mechanisms of the influence of acidosis. Acidosis was simulated by decreasing the pH of the culture medium, which acidified the cytoplasm. We found that medium acidification to pH 6.0 in itself did not cause formation of SGs in cells. Moreover, acidification prevented the formation of SGs under treatment with sodium arsenite or sodium arsenite together with the proteasome inhibitor MG132, and it inhibited the dissociation of preformed SGs under the influence of cycloheximide. We established that pH decrease did not affect the phosphorylation of eIF2α that occurs under the action of sodium arsenite, and even caused such phosphorylation by itself. We also found that the velocity of SG motion in cytoplasm at acidic pH was very low, and the mobile fraction of SG-incorporated PABP protein revealed by FRAP was decreased. We suppose that acidic pH impairs biochemical processes favoring assembly of RNPs in stress conditions and RNP dissociation on the termination of stress. Thus, in acidosis the reaction of the cellular translation apparatus to stress is modified.  相似文献   



As bacteria, motile archaeal species swim by means of rotating flagellum structures driven by a proton gradient force. Interestingly, experimental data have shown that the archaeal flagellum is non-homologous to the bacterial flagellum either in terms of overall structure, components and assembly. The growing number of complete archaeal genomes now permits to investigate the evolution of this unique motility system.  相似文献   

A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) tether cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases and thereby localize phosphorylation of target proteins and initiation of signal-transduction processes triggered by cyclic AMP. AKAPs can also be scaffolds for kinases and phosphatases and form macromolecular complexes with other proteins involved in signal transduction. Akap4 is transcribed only in the postmeiotic phase of spermatogenesis and encodes the most abundant protein in the fibrous sheath, a novel cytoskeletal structure present in the principal piece of the sperm flagellum. Previous studies indicated that cyclic AMP-dependent signaling processes are important in the regulation of sperm motility, and gene targeting was used here to test the hypothesis that AKAP4 is a scaffold for protein complexes involved in regulating flagellar function. Sperm numbers were not reduced in male mice lacking AKAP4, but sperm failed to show progressive motility and male mice were infertile. The fibrous sheath anlagen formed, but the definitive fibrous sheath did not develop, the flagellum was shortened, and proteins usually associated with the fibrous sheath were absent or substantially reduced in amount. However, the other cytoskeletal components of the flagellum were present and appeared fully developed. We conclude that AKAP4 is a scaffold protein required for the organization and integrity of the fibrous sheath and that effective sperm motility is lost in the absence of AKAP4 because signal transduction and glycolytic enzymes fail to become associated with the fibrous sheath.  相似文献   

In vertebrates the microtubule-associated proteins MAP6 and MAP6d1 stabilize cold-resistant microtubules. Cilia and flagella have cold-stable microtubules but MAP6 proteins have not been identified in these organelles. Here, we describe TbSAXO as the first MAP6-related protein to be identified in a protozoan, Trypanosoma brucei. Using a heterologous expression system, we show that TbSAXO is a microtubule stabilizing protein. Furthermore we identify the domains of the protein responsible for microtubule binding and stabilizing and show that they share homologies with the microtubule-stabilizing Mn domains of the MAP6 proteins. We demonstrate, in the flagellated parasite, that TbSAXO is an axonemal protein that plays a role in flagellum motility. Lastly we provide evidence that TbSAXO belongs to a group of MAP6-related proteins (SAXO proteins) present only in ciliated or flagellated organisms ranging from protozoa to mammals. We discuss the potential roles of the SAXO proteins in cilia and flagella function.  相似文献   

The helical shape of the human stomach pathogen Helicobacter pylori has been suggested to provide mechanical advantage for penetrating the viscous stomach mucus layer. Using single‐cell tracking and quantitative morphology analysis, we document marked variation in cell body helical parameters and flagellum number among H. pylori strains leading to distinct and broad speed distributions in broth and viscous gastric mucin media. These distributions reflect both temporal variation in swimming speed and morphologic variation within the population. Isogenic mutants with straight‐rod morphology showed 7–21% reduction in speed and a lower fraction of motile bacteria. Mutational perturbation of flagellum number revealed a 19% increase in speed with 4 versus 3 median flagellum number. Resistive force theory modeling incorporating variation of both cell shape and flagellum number predicts qualitative speed differences of 10–30% among strains. However, quantitative comparisons suggest resistive force theory underestimates the influence of cell body shape on speed for helical shaped bacteria.  相似文献   

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