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Investigations into the mechanisms underpinning plant selection by herbivores have often yielded conflicting results. Such inconsistency might stem from whether selection experiments are conducted with captive or wild populations, and upon the different measures of plant selection used to determine herbivore preference. Here we compared the feeding preferences of captive and wild kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) using a standard set of plant species (14 Hakea spp., Proteaceae) and several measures of herbivore selection to examine how environment influenced relative consumption. Three indices of herbivore consumption were measured: number of plants (NP), total shoot volume per plant (TV) and percentage available shoot volume (PV) consumed. NP and TV were closely correlated in the wild and captive populations and consistently correlated with six morphological and chemical plant attributes examined, the most notable being a strong negative correlation with shoot phenolic content. This uniformity suggests that plant selection by captive kangaroos is broadly consistent with that observed in field trials, and consequently that for macropods, at least, captive trials offer a valid way to determine the relative acceptability of different plant species. However, the fact that our third measure of herbivore selection PV was weakly correlated in captive and wild populations and showed no relationship with shoot phenolic content highlights the importance of which measure of plant selection is applied. We suggest that, while NP and TV are potentially confounded by plant size and availability, they offer the clearest insight into plant selection from the point of view of the herbivore, while PV is more suitable for plant‐centred studies.  相似文献   

Having various kinds of food in its food repertoire, the capuchin (Cebus apella) fed mainly on fruit and insects. Feeding behavior varied according to the kind of food and such behaviors were effective ones performed by the capuchin, which seems to know well both the nature of the plants and habits of the animals it eats. It can also be said that they are highly intellectual ones. In addition, because of the strong relationship between the capuchin's feeding behavior and its habitat, it can be concluded that its behavioral activities were adaptive ones formed by its own positive action.  相似文献   

王娟  高泽中  蒋一婷  万冬梅 《生态学报》2021,41(20):7939-7945
肠道微生物是庞大而多样的微生物群落,通过促进营养摄取、宿主防御、免疫调节等,在维持机体健康方面起着至关重要的作用。宿主外部或内部环境的任何变化都会影响肠道微生物的组成,鸟类具有复杂的生活史和多样化的食性,飞翔生活使它们的生理活动面临更大的选择性压力,导致肠道微生物菌群的变化更加复杂。近年来,随着基因测序技术的发展以及对鸟类肠道微生物研究的日益重视,导致了鸟类肠道微生物研究呈指数增长。但目前的研究主要以家禽为主,野生鸟类肠道微生物报道则相对较少。野生鸟类肠道微生物结构变化及其维持机制等的研究仍处于起步阶段,有较大的研究空间。从植食性、肉食性、杂食性三种食性的鸟类肠道微生物组成及特点、影响因素等方面对前人的文献进行了全面梳理,以期为野生鸟类肠道微生物研究提供参考。总的来说,植食性鸟类肠道微生物多样性最低,以高丰度的变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)为主;而杂食性鸟类肠道微生物多样性最高。遗传、生活史特征、人类活动、城市化、圈养行为等对鸟类肠道微生物的组成具有显著性的影响。  相似文献   

Mortality of wild and captive chimpanzees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mortality of chimpanzees in the wild (Gombe National Park) and in captivity (Taronga Zoo, Sydney and Melbourne Zoo) was compared using standard cohort life table techniques. Overall mortality probabilities up to age 30 were compared using a logrank test. No significant difference in overall mortality was revealed, and the mortality curves did appear to be surprisingly similar, but there were nevertheless some differences in the distribution of mortality. Perinatal mortality was higher in the zoo, while post-perinatal and infant mortality were higher in the wild. Survivorship in the older zoo animals (over age 27) was better than the wild. These differences were attributed to the more sheltered zoo environment, including the availability of veterinary care, which could be expected to improve survival in infants and older adults. The higher perinatal mortality experienced by zoo infants could be reflecting higher levels of inbreeding among the zoo animals.  相似文献   

Protozoan coccidia are one of the most common intestinal parasites in birds. Ordinary coccidian detection and quantification techniques have proved to be inaccurate for wild passerines due to the existence of marked oocyst shedding rhythms throughout the day. Previous studies have suggested that these rhythms should be taken into account when analysing coccidian load and prevalence data, but their pattern and magnitude still remain poorly known. In this study we characterised shedding rhythms in the field by means of 406 samples of faeces taken from two species of passerines with different diets: the European Serin (a granivorous species), and the Garden Warbler (an insectivorous species). Both coccidian prevalence and load were two-phased, with maximums occurring in the afternoon. Oocyst elimination remained consistently high during the second half of the day, whereas prevalence peaked during the afternoon, lowering throughout the evening. This pattern was found in both species. We found a high repeatability of prevalence and intensity when differences between the morning and afternoon were statistically controlled. As a result, we suggest that sampling periods used in the analysis of coccidian prevalence and/or load studies should take into account these differences in times of shedding and be limited to the afternoon, otherwise a statistical control of this factor will be required.  相似文献   

The mean body weight of a species is often used as a summary measure of size in evolutionary and functional studies. Additionally, body weight is often used to assess the health of captive animals. Contrasts of the captive and wild body weights of a species can be used to examine the effects of captivity on the species. We provide an analysis of adult body weight in nine taxa of Malagasy lemurs. We compare weights of wild and captive lemurs and provide analyses of relationships between captive weight variation and management actions. Body weights are derived from a number of sources, the majority from the Duke University Primate Center (DUPC) capture and husbandry records. Captive animals are, on average, heavier than wild conspecifics. However, the difference is significant in only three taxa (Hapalemur griseus griseus, Eulemur coronatus, E. macaco flavifrons). Based on a retrospective analysis of DUPC records, we assess patterns of adult weight relative to caging conditions and evaluate changes in mean weight over a period of approximately 20 years. Cage type appears to have no effect on body weight. Mean weight has decreased for some taxa housed at the DUPC over time. We calculate a weight-based criterion for identifying obese animals and demonstrate that obesity is not currently a prevalent condition in DUPC lemurs. Examinations of the physiological correlates of excessive weight, and especially relationships between weight and reproductive success, await further analysis. These analyses need to be based, in part, on reliable measures of body weight. We suggest that systematic weighing of wild and captive animals is important for further examinations of the overall health of captive animals as well as for studies ranging in scope from evolutionary to clinical. Zoo Biol 16:17–30, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mammal Research - The dry matter content of 245 faecal samples of 81 species of captive wild ruminants was investigated. Samples were taken from 10 different zoos from temperate climate during the...  相似文献   

The wild boar, Sus scrofa, was first introduced for hunting purposes in Argentina in 1906 and presently occupies a wide range of habitats. Understanding the food habits of invasive species is important for predicting the effects of animal food consumption on the environment and on human activities, such as farming. The wild boar is an omnivorous, opportunistic species whose diet is determined by the relative abundance of different types of foods. In general, the wild boar’s diet has been widely studied in the world, both as a native and invasive species, but little is known regarding food resource selection in the Monte Desert biome. Our study assessed the seasonal variation in the diet of wild boars, as well as the nutritional quality of consumed items. Further, we determined the diet selection of this species. Diet analyses were based on faecal samples collected over two seasons (wet and dry) in 1 year. Herbs were the most frequently consumed food item, with wild boars showing a selection for them in both seasons. The wild boar uses food resources according to seasonal availability (larger trophic niche breadth under higher plant diversity, as in the wet season). In turn, within each season, it selects items of high forage quality and high carbohydrate contents. In conclusion, this foraging strategy enables wild boar to maximize energy budget through food selection in order to survive in a semi-arid environment such as the Monte Desert.  相似文献   

Cytogenetics of wild and captive bred non-domestic animals provides us with valuable information that can be implemented in wildlife management and species conservation strategies. In this review, we summarized the data published to date describing a range of chromosome abnormalities observed in non-domestic animals and their effect on phenotype. Two important factors that can potentially have drastic effects on captive breeding programs are discussed: presence of classic chromosome abnormalities, spontaneously-occurring and inherited, and intraspecific variations in chromosome number. Short-term consequences, primarily reduced reproductive efficiency, and long-term consequences, such as changes in population dynamics, are examined.  相似文献   

Dental eruption schedules previously used to age wild baboons have in the past derived from studies of captive animals housed under standard conditions and fed standard laboratory diets. This paper reports for the first time eruption schedules derived from wild baboons, the yellow baboons (Papio hamadryas cynocephalus) of Mikumi National Park, Tanzania, and compares these schedules with those of other baboon subspecies inhabiting both similar and dissimilar environments. Eighteen males and twelve females from the Viramba groups, ranging in age from 21 to 103 months, were trapped, and dental impressions and notes were made of the state of eruption of each tooth. Eruption of all teeth were delayed at Mikumi relative to the baboon standards derived from the captive animals at the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, San Antonio, Texas. Teeth of the canine-premolar 3 complex and third molars were most delayed, erupting up to a year and a half later than their counterparts from captive animals. Comparison with data on hamadryas baboons from Erer-Gota in Ethiopia revealed that both the hamadryas and yellow subspecies of baboons, with different genetic backgrounds and living under markedly different environmental conditions, followed the same schedule. This constancy of developmental schedules suggests that these Mikumi data may reasonably be used as standards for other wild baboon populations and that acceleration of dental maturation, as well us maturation of other somatic systems in captivity, is another manifestation of the short-term adaptive plasticity of the baboon species as a whole.  相似文献   

Neonatal diarrhea was an important cause of morbidity and mortality in a hand-rearing facility for exotic ruminants at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Studies undertaken to determine the causes of the problem revealed that oocysts of Cryptosporidium sp. were demonstrable in auramine O stained fecal smears from 52 of 183 (28.4%) animals examined. Cryptosporidial infection was identified in 21 of 40 species of exotic ruminants with diarrhea. In addition, cryptosporidia were associated with gastroenteric disease in two primates and two reptiles. It was observed also that auramine O stained coccidial oocysts of the genus Eimeria, which were present in five of 183 (2.7%) of the specimens examined.  相似文献   

Predaceous feeding habits of Limnocalanus macrurus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Limnocalanus macrurus, a large, glacial-relict copepod, hasbeen assumed an omnivore or a herbivore; predaceous habits ofthe species are unknown. The predaceous feeding habits of Limnocalanusfrom Lake Michigan were studied in the laboratory using naturalprey. Predation rates were highest on copepod nauplii. Copepoditesof Diaptomus spp. and Cyclops spp. were preyed upon at lowerrates. Limnocalanus preyed selectively upon nauplii <300µm. Small cyclopoid copepodites (<–750 µm)were also selected over large copepodites. Experiments usingtwo prey types showed that nauplii were selected over all copepodites,and that no selectivity existed for either diaptomid or cyclopoidcopepodites. Predaceous feeding habits began in the fourth copepoditestage of Limnocalanus. Predaceous feeding rates of Limnocalanuschanged seasonally being highest in late spring and autumn andlowest in summer and early winter. Since Limnocalanus also feedson net-phytoplankton, predation rate changes may be relatedto changes in the relative abundance of large phytoplanktonand naupliar prey in nature. Limnocalanus predation may be animportant factor in structuring the zooplankton community. Present address: Great Lakes Research Division, University Michigan,Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium spp. in wild and captive reptiles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Between 1986 and 1988, 528 reptiles originating from three continents were examined for Cryptosporidium spp. Fifteen specimens representing eight genera and 11 species were infected. Statistical evaluation of oocyst structure suggests that multiple species of Cryptosporidium may exist among the reptiles examined.  相似文献   

An analysis of a feeding enrichment program for captive chimpanzees was completed to determine the effects of that program on the incidence of agonistic and abnormal behaviors by using 41 adult chimpanzees in six social groups. Four feeding enrichment procedures were implemented simultaneously in the experimental phase of this ABA design study. The procedures were planned to elicit time-consuming, noncompetitive feeding, theorizing a consequent reduction in agonism and detrimental abnormal behaviors typically occurring in captive chimpanzees. The 270 hours of data were collected over a 6-month period. A multivariate analysis of variance result supported the hypothesis, as the barrage of feeding enrichment techniques significantly reduced agonism and abnormal behaviors. This study's significance lies in its application of the scientific method to improving the husbandry of captive primates.  相似文献   

The preferences of eight, adult, hand-reared great tits for feeding on four different types of feeding sites have been tested. There were significant differences between individuals in these preferences, and the preferences for the different objects were correlated with the birds' individual feeding efficiencies on the objects. This correlation was thought to be a result of the birds' experience and learning during training for the experiment. During the tests the birds tended to make runs of visits to the same object type. This effect was more marked for less-preferred objects, and when the birds had just made a successful visit.  相似文献   

Dominance and feeding competition in captive rhesus monkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The feeding behavior of 16 adult female rhesus monkeys living in three captive social groups was observed. Estimates of relative food intake, feeding rate, and location of feeding in relation to food sources were compared between females of different dominance ranks. Higher-ranking females had greater access to feeding sites and were supplanted or threatened less frequently while feeding than subordinates. However, no consistent differences in estimates of total intake were found between females of high and females of low rank. The effects of dominance on feeding behavior were most pronounced in the group receiving the least food relative to estimates of overall group nutritional requirements. Higher-ranking females, both over the long term and during the study period, tended to produce more surviving offspring. The effects of dominance on reproductive performance appeared to be less related to food intake than to competitive and aggressive interactions, potentially resulting in higher levels of stress for subordinates.  相似文献   

Hemograms were performed on blood samples collected from 35 coyotes (Canis latrans). Hematologic values were established for conditioned, captive wild coyotes under controlled conditions of environment and nutrition.  相似文献   

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