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It is well known that development of vision is affected by experience, but there are few studies of environmental effects on colour vision. Natural scenes contain predominantly a restricted range of reflectance spectra, so such effects might be important, perhaps biasing visual mechanisms towards common colours. We investigated how the visual environment affects colour preferences of domestic chicks ( Gallus gallus), by training week-old birds to select small food containers distinguished from an achromatic alternative either by an orange or by a greenish-blue colour. Chicks that had been raised in control conditions, with long-wavelength-dominated reflectance spectra, responded more readily to orange than to blue. This was not due to avoidance of blue, as increasing saturation enhanced the chicks' preference for the same hue. The advantage of orange was, however, reduced or abolished for chicks raised in an environment dominated by blue objects. This indicates that responses to coloured food are affected by experience of non-food objects. If colours of ordinary objects in the environment do influence responses to specialised visual signals this might help explain why biological signals directed at birds are often coloured yellow, orange or red; long-wavelength-dominated spectra being more prevalent than short-wavelength-dominated spectra.  相似文献   

Chickens kept under intensive conditions are often housed in multi-deck battery cage systems. The effects on egg production of housing birds at different cage levels have been extensively studied, but little is known of the behavioural consequences of this. The present study examined the responses of individually-caged adult laying hens from each tier of a 3-tier battery system in a number of situations intended to elicit fear. Birds housed in the top tier showed (a) longer durations of tonic immobility, (b) greater avoidance of a novel rod placed at the front of the cage, and (c) lower levels of approach and greater inhibition when placed in a pen containing either a human being or one of two novel, inanimate objects, than did those from middle and bottom tiers. The latter birds behaved remarkably similarly. The consistently higher fear scores recorded by hens from the top tier are considered likely to reflect differences in general fearfulness as a function of cage level, and may be a consequence of long-term exposure to different degrees of environmental stimulation.  相似文献   

Male domestic chicks were reared in groups with distinctive cues (red crosses) placed on the walls of the home boxes from 2 to 7 d of age and their subsequent behaviour in an open field in the presence or absence of the familiar rearing cues was recorded.Ambulation, peeping, pecking, jumping and standing were all significantly higher and the latency to the first step, duration of freezing, sitting time, lying time and time spent with the eyes closed were significantly lower when the familiar rearing cues were present in the test situation. These observations are consistent with the suggestion that the birds are less fearful in the presence of familiar stimuli. The presence of the familiar cues also increased the time spent feeding and drinking. The preference effect was a specific one, for birds exposed to red crosses in early life preferred such stimuli to black circles in a subsequent two-choice situation, whereas chicks reared with black circles preferred them to red crosses. There was no generalisation of attachment from one stimulus to the other. As the chicks spent more time feeding and drinking in the presence of the familiar cues, it is assumed that fear was reduced. Thus, the results tend to confirm that the frequency of certain behaviour patterns is indicative of certain levels of fear.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1986,12(3):261-271
Food neophobia or a hesitancy to feed on unfamiliar food was examined in domestic chicks as a function of genetic and experiential factors associated with differential responsiveness to novelty. Chicks were presented with novel blue mash following a regime of food withdrawal and return. ‘S’ line chicks (light hybrid) fed significantly sooner, longer and more than did medium-hybrid ‘T’ line birds and females accepted novel food more readily than males. Food neophobia was significantly reduced by previous exposure to a variety of coloured foods and by enrichment of the home environment with assorted novel objects. The results are discussed in terms of the relationship between food neophobia, general responsiveness to novelty and underlying levels of fearfulness.  相似文献   

It may be possible to exploit olfactory attachments shown by chickens, Gallus gallus domesticus, to improve their welfare. In the present study, chicks were housed in groups of 15 in wooden boxes from 1 day of age. Experiment 1 compared fear responses in pairs of 8-10-day-old chicks with no previous experience of vanillin when they were exposed to an unfamiliar open field containing a dish of food in either the presence or absence of this odourant. The vanillin had no detectable effects. Chicks were housed similarly in experiment 2 but this time dishes containing vanillin were placed underneath the wire floor. We then asked if its presence would increase social dispersal and reduce fear when pairs of chicks were tested in the open field. At 8-10 days of age, two cagemates were placed close together in an open field in the presence of either the familiar odourant or a colour-matched solution of odourless food dyes (control). When the open field contained vanillin the chicks moved apart significantly sooner (minimum criterion=20 cm) and also tended to pace, preen and peck at the environment more often, although not significantly so; the proportions of pairs that moved apart and that fed were significantly greater. Novelty elicits fear and frightened chicks would be expected to move apart and to feed only when their fear levels had dissipated sufficiently. Our results confirm the existence of olfactory memories in domestic chicks, they suggest that behavioural modification reflected the familiarity of vanillin rather than any anxiolytic properties of this odourant per se, and they support our hypothesis that familiar odourants can act as reassuring agents in otherwise unfamiliar situations. These findings may have important implications for poultry welfare and productivity. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Genetic selection for appropriate levels of sociality (motivation to be with conspecifics) could benefit poultry welfare and performance. Runway tests that require chicks to traverse a corridor in order to reach other chicks in a goal box are commonly used to measure this behavioural trait. However, we need to determine if the chicks' responses in such tests are sensitive to certain experiential variables before we can recommend possible selection criteria for future breeding programmes. The present study focused on fear and on the identity of the stimulus birds. Broiler chicks either remained undisturbed or were exposed to an acute stressor (mechanical restraint) before their tonic immobility fear responses were measured 1h later in Experiment 1. Exposure to the stressor significantly prolonged tonic immobility and, hence, presumably, underlying fear levels. In Experiment 2, the responses of stressed chicks and undisturbed controls were assessed when they were tested individually in a runway with a goal box containing either familiar or unfamiliar chicks of the same age. Our finding that stressed chicks emerged from the start box sooner and spent longer near the stimulus birds suggests that exposure to a frightening event increased social reinstatement motivation. Furthermore, social affiliation was more pronounced when the goal box contained familiar cagemates rather than strange chicks, regardless of prior treatment. This finding demonstrates that broiler chicks that were housed in groups of twelve can discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics encountered in novel surroundings. Thus, sociality was positively associated with fearfulness and broilers clearly showed social discrimination in runway tests. These findings highlight the dangers of disregarding variables, such as fear and the capacity for social recognition in tests of social motivation. We strongly recommend that exposure to frightening events prior to test should be avoided and that the identity of the birds in the runway goal box should be standardized, i.e. either familiar or unfamiliar, and noted.  相似文献   

The cottontop tamarin, Saguinus oedipus oedipus, is a cooperatively breeding monkey in which mature male and female offspring serve as helpers to assist in rearing younger siblings. Generally, only one female per social group reproduces; breeding restriction is mediated in postpubertal female offspring through low and acyclic levels of reproductive hormones. We investigated (1) reproductive activity of postpubertal male offspring, and (2) whether aggression towards male offspring and a cortisol-mediated stress response might restrict breeding of male offspring in the natal group. We examined sexual behaviour, olfactory communication and urinary hormone levels (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, luteinizing hormone, cortisol) of the subject males while we manipulated their social environment from housing in natal groups to pairing with a novel female, and after the production of their own offspring. Mounting and erection rates of the male subjects were as high in the natal group as when paired with a novel female. However, most mounts in the natal group were directed towards other males, and complete copulation sequences did not occur with natal-group females. Social environment had no significant effect on olfactory investigation of breeding females. Although hormone levels increased significantly after the subjects were removed from the natal group, the elevation was transient; the hormone levels of subjects in their natal groups did not differ from the levels shown by the same males when successfully producing their own offspring. Male offspring received more contact aggression in the natal group than when paired with the novel female. However, most of the aggression was received from siblings rather than the breeding pair, and levels of cortisol did not correspond with levels of aggression. Thus, at both a behavioural and endocrine level, mature male offspring in captive natal groups were potentially fertile, but sexual activity with natal-group females appeared to be behaviourally restricted and directed instead towards group males. In wild cottontop tamarin groups, this reproductive potential may allow male helpers flexibility to respond to breeding opportunities. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Discrimination between individual strangers and companions was examined in day-old domestic chicks. In one experiment, pecking rates at companions and strangers were observed in pairwise bouts after 16 hr of cohabitation. The discriminability of strangers and companions was varied by means of pre-hatch colouring. Reliable discriminations between individual strangers and companions emerged as early as the first minute of the encounter. Discriminative cues provided by artificial colouring were found not to be necessary in establishing social discrimination. In a second experiment, undyed chicks were housed in pairs for 1, 4 or 16 hr. Half of the pairs lived in cages that separated companions by a wire screen, and half were housed in undivided cages. Observations of pecking in four-way bouts confirmed previous findings and demonstrated that the opportunity to peck during exposure may be a necessary condition in producing social discrimination. Antecedent conditions that lead to the development of affiliative bonds simultaneously appear to establish social discrimination.  相似文献   

  • 1 Noch nicht gefütterte, höchstens drei Tage alte Hühnerkücken, picken öfter nach dreidimensionalen Halbkugeln (S) als nach flachen Scheiben (F).
  • 2 Diese Bevorzugung, die bei verschiedenen Kücken-Sendungen verschieden groß ist, nimmt während der ersten drei Lebenstage zu.
  • 3 Die Gesamtzahl der Pickreaktionen nimmt in dieser Zeitspanne bei neu in die Versuchssituation eingeführten Kücken zu, aber ab bei Kücken, die schon Erfahrung in der Versuchssituation hatten.
  • 4 Diese mit zunehmender Erfahrung abnehmende Pickreaktion ist stark reizspezifisch.
  • 5 Es wird vermutet, daß die normale ontogenetisch zunehmende Bevorzugung dreidimensionaler Objekte auf ein generalisiertes Abnehmen der Reaktion auf flache Objekte zurückzuführen ist, das auf unbelohntem Picken gegen die flachen Wände der Wohnbehälter der Tiere beruht. Dafür spricht, daß Kücken aus Kästen, die mit Wellkarton ausgeschlagen waren, dreidimensionale Objekte weniger deutlich bevorzugten als normal aufgezogene Kontrolltiere.
  • 6 In völliger Dunkelheit aufgezogene Kücken zeigen die Bevorzugung dreidimensionaler Objekte, wenn sie zum erstenmal dem Licht ausgesetzt werden.
  • 7 Kücken, die nur mit einem Auge sehen, zeigen normale Bevorzugung dreidimensionaler Objekte.
  • 8 Wir können dreidimensionale Objekte in zweidimensionalen Bildern durch Schattierungen der Oberfläche erkennen; dreidimensionale Objekte sind meist oben heller, da Licht meist von oben einfällt. Junge ungefütterte, in normalem Licht aufgezogene Kücken ziehen die Photographie einer einseitig beleuchteten, dreidimensionalen Halbkugel der Photographie einer Scheibe stark vor, vorausgesetzt, daß die Halbkugel richtig, d. h. mit der hellen Seite nach oben orientiert ist.
  • 9 Eine dreidimensionale Halbkugel scheint einer Photographie vorgezogen zu werden.
  • 10 Im Dunkeln aufgezogene Kücken reagieren auf Photographien von Halbkugeln und Scheiben gleich gut. Das ist wahrscheinlich eher die Folge eines allgemein visuellen Defektes als eines spezifischen Lernmangels, denn:
  • 11 Junge ungefütterte Kücken, die in von unten beleuchteten Käfigen aufgezogen wurden, ziehen eine normal orientierte Photographie einer Halbkugel (mit der hellen Seite nach oben) einer umgekehrt orientierten stark vor. Das läßt darauf schließen, daß sie eine angeborene Fähigkeit haben, Oberflächen-Schattierungen als Reizparameter zu dreidimensionalem Sehen zu benutzen. Dieses Resultat wird nach Lorenz's Dichotomie zwischen phylogenetischer und ontogenetischer Herkunft der Adaption auf bestimmte Umweltsfaktoren interpretiert.

Although most laboratory studies of imprinting rear and test subjects individually, in the natural setting birds are imprinted in groups. In order to approximate and evaluate naturally occuring conditions, the present study compared the approach responses of chicks reared and trained alone to those reared and trained in pairs to an audio-visual imprinting stimulus. The responses of both groups were virtually identical during the presence of the imprinting stimulus. However, under conditions of experimental extinction, the paired trained birds (now tested alone) were more resistant to extinction than their isolated counterparts, thus suggesting that birds with prior social experience are more strongly imprinted than has been previously reported.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the tonic immobility (TI) response in domestic fowl chicks was studied during the first week of life. The TI response of naive White-Leghorn Gallus domesticus male chicks (N=5–9), was tested at the age of 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 days. TI was induced dorsally and its duration, the number of induction trials and the latency of peeping were recorded. The TI response was strongly affected by age. It was poorly developed during the first 3 days of life, when the median TI duration in control chicks was 10 s and the mean number of induction trials 2.3±0.3. After the third day of life, TI duration increased by up to 15× and susceptibility by about two. Peeping latencies were very short throughout the first week and in many cases, peeping started long before the termination of TI. Immediately following recovery from TI, chicks were put in an open field and the latencies of walking and jumping and the number of steps, jumps and peeps were observed. No changes in either locomotion or vocalization in an open field were found between the third and fifth day. Furthermore, there was no correlation between any of the parameters of the TI and OF tests. The effect of habituation, which is known to attenuate the TI response, was studied by repeatedly subjecting chicks to TI and OF tests, once on each day of the experiment. Habituation prevented the increase in TI duration and susceptibility after the third day of life, but did not affect the OF response. The effect of aversive treatment, which was expected to increase TI, was examined by placing chicks in 5-cm deep tap water for 5 min, prior to testing. Treatment significantly attenuated TI on Day 1 and increased overall locomotion and peeping in open field.  相似文献   

The early social environment can have substantial, lifelong effects on vertebrate social behaviour, which can be mediated by developmental plasticity of brain gene expression. Early‐life effects can influence immediate behavioural responses towards later‐life social challenges and can activate different gene expression responses. However, while genomic responses to social challenges have been reported frequently, how developmental experience influences the shape of these genomic reaction norms remains largely unexplored. We tested how manipulating the early social environment of juvenile cooperatively breeding cichlids, Neolamprologus pulcher, affects their behavioural and brain genomic responses when competing over a resource. Juveniles were reared either with or without a breeder pair and a helper. Fish reared with family members behaved more appropriately in the competition than when reared without. We investigated whether the different social rearing environments also affected the genomic responses to the social challenge. A set of candidate genes, coding for hormones and receptors influencing social behaviour, were measured in the telencephalon and hypothalamus. Social environment and social challenge both influenced gene expression of egr‐1 (early growth response 1) and gr1 (glucocorticoid receptor 1) in the telencephalon and of bdnf (brain‐derived neurotrophic factor) in the hypothalamus. A global analysis of the 11 expression patterns in the two brain areas showed that neurogenomic states diverged more strongly between intruder fish and control fish when they had been reared in a natural social setting. Our results show that same molecular pathways may be used differently in response to a social challenge depending on early‐life experiences.  相似文献   

Animal sociality plays a crucial organisational role in evolution. As a result, understanding the factors that promote the emergence, maintenance, and diversification of animal societies is of great interest to biologists. Climate is among the foremost ecological factors implicated in evolutionary transitions in social organisation, but we are only beginning to unravel the possible mechanisms and specific climatic variables that underlie these associations. Ambient temperature is a key abiotic factor shaping the spatio-temporal distribution of individuals and has a particularly strong influence on behaviour. Whether such effects play a broader role in social evolution remains to be seen. In this review, we develop a conceptual framework for understanding how thermal effects integrate into pathways that mediate the opportunities, nature, and context of social interactions. We then implement this framework to discuss the capacity for temperature to initiate organisational changes across three broad categories of social evolution: group formation, group maintenance, and group elaboration. For each category, we focus on pivotal traits likely to have underpinned key social transitions and explore the potential for temperature to affect changes in these traits by leveraging empirical examples from the literature on thermal and behavioural ecology. Finally, we discuss research directions that should be prioritised to understand the potentially constructive and/or destructive effects of future warming on the origins, maintenance, and diversification of animal societies.  相似文献   

At around day 11 of life, domestic chicks show a tendency to move out of sight of their mother before returning and regaining social and visual contact. We conducted a series of experiments to investigate the role of this voluntary ‘out-of-sight’ behaviour on the development of spatial memory in young chicks. We compared the behaviour of chicks that were reared in environments that provided opportunities to move out of sight of an imprinting stimulus (occlusion-experienced chicks) with the behaviour of chicks that were given minimal occlusion experience (controls). As in natural conditions, out-of-sight behaviour peaked on day 11. When chicks were released into larger pens at 14 days of age, occlusion-experienced chicks walked more than control chicks, but otherwise showed similar degrees of dispersal. Occlusion-experienced chicks tended to show better (although not significant, P=0.09) retrieval of a visually displaced imprinting stimulus than control chicks. Time spent out of sight in the rearing pens was negatively related to the number of orientation errors in a detour test. Occlusion-experienced chicks also tended to make fewer orientation errors in the first trial (P=0.07) and in subsequent trials (P=0.05). In contrast, experimentally manipulating the amount of time that chicks were out of sight of an imprinting stimulus (by confining the chicks) had no effect on their performance in displacement or detour tests. The results presented here suggest that active experience of occlusion around day 11 improved egocentric orientation towards an out-of-sight goal, supporting the hypothesis that enrichment-induced behavioural changes are dependent on the interaction with objects.  相似文献   

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