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Wu L  Hickson ID 《Nucleic acids research》2002,30(22):4823-4829
Bloom’s syndrome (BS) is a disorder associated with chromosomal instability and a predisposition to the development of cancer. The BS gene product, BLM, is a DNA helicase of the RecQ family that forms a complex in vitro and in vivo with topoisomerase IIIα. Here, we show that BLM stimulates the ability of topoisomerase IIIα to relax negatively supercoiled DNA. Moreover, DNA binding analyses indicate that BLM recruits topoisomerase IIIα to its DNA substrate. Consistent with this, a mutant form of BLM that retains helicase activity, but is unable to bind topoisomerase IIIα, fails to stimulate topoisomerase activity. These results indicate that a physical association between BLM and topoisomerase IIIα is a prerequisite for their functional biochemical interaction.  相似文献   

Bloom's syndrome (BS) is a rare genetic disorder characterised by genome instability and cancer susceptibility. BLM, the BS gene product, belongs to the highly-conserved RecQ family of DNA helicases. Although the exact function of BLM in human cells remains to be defined, it seems likely that BLM eliminates some form of homologous recombination (HR) intermediate that arises during DNA replication. Similarly, the mismatch repair (MMR) system also plays a crucial role in the maintenance of genomic stability, by correcting DNA errors generated during DNA replication. Recent evidence implicates components of the MMR system also in HR repair. We now show that hMSH6, a component of the heterodimeric mismatch recognition complex hMSH2/hMSH6 (hMutS(alpha)), interacts with the BLM protein both in vivo and in vitro. In agreement with these findings, BLM and hMSH6 co-localise to discrete nuclear foci following exposure of the cells to ionising radiation. However, the purified recombinant MutS(alpha) complex does not affect the helicase activity of BLM in vitro. As BLM has previously been shown to interact with the hMLH1 component of the hMLH1/hPMS2 (hMutL(alpha)) heterodimeric MMR complex, our present findings further strengthen the link between BLM and processes involving correction of DNA mismatches, such as in the regulation of the fidelity of homologous recombination events.  相似文献   

Werner syndrome (WS) is a human premature aging disorder characterized by chromosomal instability. The cellular defects of WS presumably reflect compromised or aberrant function of a DNA metabolic pathway that under normal circumstances confers stability to the genome. We report a novel interaction of the WRN gene product with the human 5' flap endonuclease/5'-3' exonuclease (FEN-1), a DNA structure-specific nuclease implicated in DNA replication, recombination and repair. WS protein (WRN) dramatically stimulates the rate of FEN-1 cleavage of a 5' flap DNA substrate. The WRN-FEN-1 functional interaction is independent of WRN catalytic function and mediated by a 144 amino acid domain of WRN that shares homology with RecQ DNA helicases. A physical interaction between WRN and FEN-1 is demonstrated by their co-immunoprecipitation from HeLa cell lysate and affinity pull-down experiments using a recombinant C-terminal fragment of WRN. The underlying defect of WS is discussed in light of the evidence for the interaction between WRN and FEN-1.  相似文献   

Niu Z  Jin W  Zhang L  Li X 《FEBS letters》2012,586(7):977-983
RNA binding motif protein 5 (RBM5) is a candidate tumor suppressor gene. Recent studies showed that RBM5 functions as an alternative splicing regulator of apoptosis-related genes. Here, we identify DHX15 and PRP19, two spliceosome components, as novel RBM5-interacting partners. We then show that the G-patch domain of RBM5 is indispensable for its ability to interact with DHX15. Strikingly, we find that RBM5 stimulates the helicase activity of DHX15 in a G patch domain-dependent manner in vitro. Helicase activities play critical roles in modulating pre-mRNA splicing. Our findings thus suggest a new mechanism underlying the regulatory roles of RBM5 in pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

Bloom's syndrome (BS) is a cancer predisposition disorder caused by mutation of the BLM gene, encoding a member of the RecQ helicase family. Although the phenotype of BS cells is suggestive of a role for BLM in repair of stalled or damaged replication forks, thus far there has been no direct evidence that BLM associates with any of the three human replicative DNA polymerases. Here, we show that BLM interacts specifically in vitro and in vivo with p12, the smallest subunit of human POL δ (hPOL δ). The hPOL δ enzyme, as well as the isolated p12 subunit, stimulates the DNA helicase activity of BLM. Conversely, BLM stimulates hPOL δ strand displacement activity. Our results provide the first functional link between BLM and the replicative machinery in human cells, and suggest that BLM might be recruited to sites of disrupted replication through an interaction with hPOL δ. Finally, our data also define a novel role for the poorly characterized p12 subunit of hPOL δ.  相似文献   

Werner's syndrome (WS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by premature aging. The gene responsible for WS encodes a protein homologous to Escherichia coli RecQ. Here we describe a novel Werner helicase interacting protein (WHIP), which interacts with the N-terminal portion of Werner protein (WRN), containing the exonuclease domain. WHIP, which shows homology to replication factor C family proteins, is conserved from E. coli to human. Ectopically expressed WHIP and WRN co-localized in granular structures in the nucleus. The functional relationship between WHIP and WRN was indicated by genetic analysis of yeast cells. Disruptants of the SGS1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is the WRN homologue in yeast, show an accelerated aging phenotype and high sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate as compared with wild-type cells. Disruption of the yeast WHIP (yWHIP) gene in wild-type cells and sgs1 disruptants resulted in slightly accelerated aging and enhancement of the premature aging phenotype of sgs1 disruptants, respectively. In contrast, disruption of the yWHIP gene partially alleviated the sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate of sgs1 disruptants.  相似文献   

Werner syndrome is a hereditary premature aging disorder characterized by genomic instability. Genetic analysis and protein interaction studies indicate that the defective gene product (WRN) may play an important role in DNA replication, recombination, and repair. DNA polymerase beta (pol beta) is a central participant in both short and long-patch base excision repair (BER) pathways, which function to process most spontaneous, alkylated, and oxidative DNA damage. We report here a physical interaction between WRN and pol beta, and using purified proteins reconstitute of a portion of the long-patch BER pathway to examine a potential role for WRN in this repair response. We demonstrate that WRN stimulates pol beta strand displacement DNA synthesis and that this stimulation is dependent on the helicase activity of WRN. In addition, a truncated WRN protein, containing primarily the helicase domain, retains helicase activity and is sufficient to mediate the stimulation of pol beta. The WRN helicase also unwinds a BER substrate, providing evidence that WRN plays a role in unwinding DNA repair intermediates. Based on these findings, we propose a novel mechanism by which WRN may mediate pol beta-directed long-patch BER.  相似文献   

The minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins are thought to function as the replicative helicases in archaea. In most archaeal species studied, the interaction between MCM and the initiator protein, Cdc6, inhibits helicase activity. To date, the only exception is the helicase and Cdc6 proteins from the archaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum. It was previously shown that when the Cdc6 protein interacts with MCM it substantially stimulates helicase activity. It is shown here that the mechanism by which the Cdc6 protein stimulates helicase activity is by stimulating the ATPase activity of MCM. Also, through the use of site-specific substitutions, and truncated and chimeric proteins, it was shown that an intact Cdc6 protein is required for this stimulation. ATP binding and hydrolysis by the Cdc6 protein is not needed for the stimulation. The data suggest that binding of Cdc6 protein to MCM protein changes the structure of the helicase, enhancing the catalytic hydrolysis of ATP and helicase activity.  相似文献   

Bestrophin is a 68-kDa basolateral plasma membrane protein expressed in retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE). It is encoded by the VMD2 gene, which is mutated in Best macular dystrophy, a disease characterized by a depressed light peak in the electrooculogram. Recently it was proposed that bestrophin is a chloride channel responsible for generating the light peak. To investigate its function further, we immunoaffinity purified a bestrophin complex from RPE lysates and identified bestrophin and the beta-catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) as members of the complex by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Protein-protein interaction between bestrophin and PP2Ac and the structural subunit of PP2A, PR65, was confirmed by reciprocal immunoprecipitation. The C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of bestrophin was sufficient for the interaction with PP2A as demonstrated by a pulldown assay using a fusion of this domain with glutathione S-transferase. Bestrophin was phosphorylated when expressed in RPE-J cells and this phosphorylation was sensitive to okadaic acid. Purified PP2A effectively dephosphorylated bestrophin in vitro. These data suggest that bestrophin is in the signal transduction pathway that modulates the light peak of the electrooculogram, that it is regulated by phosphorylation, and that phosphorylation of bestrophin is in turn regulated by PP2A.  相似文献   

Bloom's syndrome (BS) is a human genetic disorder associated with cancer predisposition. The BS gene product, BLM, is a member of the RecQ helicase family, which is required for the maintenance of genome stability in all organisms. In budding and fission yeasts, loss of RecQ helicase function confers sensitivity to inhibitors of DNA replication, such as hydroxyurea (HU), by failure to execute normal cell cycle progression following recovery from such an S-phase arrest. We have examined the role of the human BLM protein in recovery from S-phase arrest mediated by HU and have probed whether the stress-activated ATR kinase, which functions in checkpoint signaling during S-phase arrest, plays a role in the regulation of BLM function. We show that, consistent with a role for BLM in protection of human cells against the toxicity associated with arrest of DNA replication, BS cells are hypersensitive to HU. BLM physically associates with ATR (ataxia telangiectasia and rad3(+) related) protein and is phosphorylated on two residues in the N-terminal domain, Thr-99 and Thr-122, by this kinase. Moreover, BS cells ectopically expressing a BLM protein containing phosphorylation-resistant T99A/T122A substitutions fail to adequately recover from an HU-induced replication blockade, and the cells subsequently arrest at a caffeine-sensitive G(2)/M checkpoint. These abnormalities are not associated with a failure of the BLM-T99A/T122A protein to localize to replication foci or to colocalize either with ATR itself or with other proteins that are required for response to DNA damage, such as phosphorylated histone H2AX and RAD51. Our data indicate that RecQ helicases play a conserved role in recovery from perturbations in DNA replication and are consistent with a model in which RecQ helicases act to restore productive DNA replication following S-phase arrest and hence prevent subsequent genomic instability.  相似文献   

The Bloom's syndrome gene product interacts with topoisomerase III   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bloom's syndrome is a rare genetic disorder associated with loss of genomic integrity and a large increase in the incidence of many types of cancer at an early age. The Bloom's syndrome gene product, BLM, belongs to the RecQ family of DNA helicases, which also includes the human Werner's and Rothmund-Thomson syndrome gene products and the Sgs1 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This family shows strong evolutionary conservation of protein structure and function. Previous studies have shown that Sgs1p interacts both physically and genetically with topoisomerase III. Here, we have investigated whether this interaction has been conserved in human cells. We show that BLM and hTOPO IIIalpha, one of two human topoisomerase III homologues, co-localize in the nucleus of human cells and can be co-immunoprecipitated from human cell extracts. Moreover, the purified BLM and hTOPO IIIalpha proteins are able to bind specifically to each other in vitro, indicating that the interaction is direct. We have mapped two independent domains on BLM that are important for mediating the interaction with hTOPO IIIalpha. Furthermore, through characterizing a genetic interaction between BLM and TOP3 in S. cerevisiae, we have identified a functional role for the hTOPO IIIalpha interaction domains in BLM.  相似文献   

Oligomeric ring structure of the Bloom's syndrome helicase.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bloom's syndrome is a recessive human genetic disorder associated with an elevated incidence of many types of cancer. The Bloom's syndrome gene product, BLM, belongs to the RecQ subfamily of DNA helicases and is required for the maintenance of genomic stability in human cells - in particular, the suppression of reciprocal exchanges between sister chromatids. We have investigated the quaternary structure of BLM using a combination of size-exclusion chromatography and electron microscopy with reference-free image processing. We found that BLM forms hexameric ring structures with an overall diameter of approximately 13 nm surrounding a central hole of approximately 3.5 nm diameter. A fourfold symmetric square form with approximately 11 nm sides and a hole of approximately 4 nm diameter was also detected, which might represent a distinct oligomeric species or a side view of the hexameric form. Chromatography studies indicated that the majority of enzymatically active BLM has an apparent molecular mass of > 700 kDa, which is consistent with an oligomeric structure for BLM. This provides the first structural analysis of an oligomeric ring helicase of eukaryotic cellular origin. These results have implications for the mechanism of action of BLM and suggest that other RecQ family helicases, including the WRN protein associated with Werner's syndrome, might also adopt ring structures.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) and Bloom's syndrome (BS) are rare hereditary chromosomal instability disorders. FA displays bone marrow failure, acute myeloid leukemia, and head and neck cancers, whereas BS is characterized by growth retardation, immunodeficiency, and a wide spectrum of cancers. The BLM gene mutated in BS encodes a DNA helicase that functions in a protein complex to suppress sister-chromatid exchange. Of the 15 FA genetic complementation groups implicated in interstrand crosslink repair, FANCJ encodes a DNA helicase involved in recombinational repair and replication stress response. Based on evidence that BLM and FANCJ interact we suggest that crosstalk between BLM and FA pathways is more complex than previously thought. We propose testable models for how FANCJ and BLM coordinate to help cells deal with stalled replication forks or double-strand breaks (DSB). Understanding how BLM and FANCJ cooperate will help to elucidate an important pathway for maintaining genomic stability.  相似文献   

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