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Summary A crossing programme for trispecific hybridization including cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as the third parent was carried out. The primary hybrids comprised 11 interspecific combinations, each of which had either H. jubatum or H. lechleri as one of the parents. The second parent represented species closely or distantly related to H. jubatum and H. lechleri. In trispecific crosses with diploid barley, the seed set was 5.7%. Crosses with tetraploid barley were highly unsuccessful (0.2% seed set). Three lines of diploid barley were used in the crosses, i.e. Gull, Golden Promise and Vada. Generally, cv Gull had high crossability in crosses with related species in the primary hybrid. It is suggested that Gull has a genetic factor for crossability not present in cv Vada and cv Golden Promise. One accession of H. brachyantherum used in the primary hybrid had a very high crossability (seed set 54.7%) in combination with cv Vada but no viable offspring was produced. In all, two trispecific hybrids were raised, viz. (H. lechleri x H. brevisubulatum) x Gull (2n=7–30) and (H. jubatum x H. lechleri) x Gull (2n=20–22). The first combination invariably had a full complement of seven barley chromosomes plus an additional chromosome no. 7, but a varying number of chromosomes (19–22) of the wild-species hybrid. The second combination had a full set of barley chromosomes. The meiotic pairing was low in both combinations.  相似文献   

Callus was induced from hybrids between cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare) and ten species of wild barley (Hordeum L.) as well as from one backcross line ((H. lechleri x H. vulgare) x H. vulgare). Successful callus induction and regeneration of plants were achieved from explants of young spikes on the barley medium J 25–8. The capacity for plant regeneration was dependent on the wild parental species. In particular, combinations with four related wild species, viz. H. jubatum, H. roshevitzii, H. lechleri, and H. procerum, regenerated high numbers of plants from calli.  相似文献   

Summary Cytogenetic analysis of immature embryoderived calli and regenerated plants of barley has demonstrated high heterogeneity of callus cultures and significant differences in cytogenetic processes between different callus lines. Regenerated plants usually have a normal chromosome complement (2n=14). Tetraploid plaints occur with a frequency of 1%. No chromosome aberrations have been detected by Feulgen staining. The phenomenon of chromosome stickiness recorded from the 2nd day of culture was discovered in a majority of callus lines as well as the phenomena of chromatin hypercondensation and chromosome supercoiling. A possible contribution of cytogenetic and molecular processes to somaclonal variation is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Several complex hybrids were produced from the combination [(Hordeum lechleri, 6x xH. procerum, 6 x) × H. vulgare, 2 x]. Crosses with six diploid barley lines resulted in triple hybrids, most of which had a full complement of barley chromosomes (no. 1–7), but were mixoploid with respect to alien chromosomes (19–22). In one combination, chromosome no. 7 was duplicated. Meiosis in triple hybrids showed low, but variable pairing (1.3–5.5 chiasmata per cell). The syndesis probably did not include the barley chromosomes. Direct back-crosses to di- and tetraploid barley lines were unsuccessful. Chromosome doubling of the triple hybrid based on cv Pallas resulted in a plant with 2n = 53–56, which had an increased fertility. Backcrosses to one di- and one tetraploid barley line resulted in offspring. The cross made with the tetraploid line (Haisa II), produced a 28-chromosomic plant in which the male parental genome was absent. We suspect that this plant may have arisen through parthenogenetic development of a reduced female gamete. The other cross with a diploid line (9208/9) resulted in plant with 2n = 51–53. The most likely explanation for this second plant is that an unreduced gamete from the amphiploid was fertilized by a normal gamete from the backcross parent, and during early embryo development, some chromosomes were eliminated.  相似文献   

Summary Primary callus of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) derived from scutella (cv. Dissa) and anthers (cv. Igri) was used for protoplast isolation and plant regeneration. The protoplasts were embedded in agarose and cultured with nurse cells. The plating efficiency varied from 0.1% to 0.7%. Shoots regenerated from the developing callus. Plantlets were transferred to soil and cultivated in the greenhouse three to five months after protoplast isolation. All plants were normal in morphology, and most of them flowered and set seeds.  相似文献   

Summary One of the aims of the interspecific crossing programme between Hordeum vulgare L. and H. bulbosum L. has been to introgress desirable genes into barley from the wild species. However, despite their close taxonomic relationship there have been few reports of achieving this objective using amphidiploid hybrids. In order to broaden the range of available hybrids, partially fertile triploids between H. vulgare (2n = 2x = 14) and H. bulbosum (2n = 4x = 28) were developed and crossed with H. vulgare as female parent. From 580 progeny which were screened, eight putative single monosomic chromosome substitution lines and one double monosomic substitution were identified by cytological analysis. These involved the substitution of H. vulgare chromosome 1 (two lines), 6 (four lines), 6L (one line), 7 (one line) and 1 + 4 (one line) by their respective H. bulbosum homoeologues. The H. bulbosum chromosome was frequently eliminated during plant development, but it was observed regularly in pollen mother cells of two lines. However, pairing between the H. bulbosum chromosome and its H. vulgare homoeologue was low. Several of the lines were more resistant than their H. vulgare parents to powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis DC. f.sp. hordei Em. Marchai), net blotch (Drechslera teres Sacc.) and scald (Rhynchosporium secalis (Oudem.) Davis). Apart from their use in studying genome relationships, their value to plant breeders will depend on the ease of inducing translocations between the parental chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary Seeds formed in crosses Hordeum lechleri (6x) x H. vulgare (2x and 4x), H. arizonicum (6x) x H. v. (2x), H. parodii (6x) x H. v. (2x), and H. tetraploidum (4x) x H. v. (2x) produced plants at high or rather high frequencies through embryo rescue. Giemsa C-banding patterns were used to analyze chromosomal constitutions and chromosomal locations on the methaphase plate. Among 100 plants obtained from H. vulgare (2x) crosses, 32 plants were aneuploid with 2n=29 (1), 28 (3), 27 (13), 26 (5), 25 (4), 24 (4), or 22 (2); 50 were euploid (12 analyzed), and 18 were polyhaploid (5 analyzed). Four plants had two sectors differing in chromosome number. Two of four hybrids with H. vulgare (4x) were euploid and two were aneuploid. Parental genomes were concentrically arranged with that of H. vulgare always found closest to the metaphase centre. Many plants showed a certain level of intraplant variation in chromosome numbers. Except for one H. vulgare (4x) hybrids, this variation was restricted to peripherally located non-H. vulgare genomes. This may reflect a less firm attachment of the chromosomes from these genomes to the spindle. Interplant variation in chromosome numbers was due to the permanent elimination or, far less common, duplication of the centrally located H. vulgare chromosomes in all 34 aneuploids, and in a few also to loss/gain of non-H, vulgare chromosomes. This selective elimination of chromosomes of the centrally located genome contrasts conditions found in diploid interspecific hybrids, which eliminate the peripherally located genome. The difference is attributed to changed genomic ratios. Derivatives of various H. vulgare lines were differently distributed among euploid hybrids, aneuploids, and polyhaploids. Chromosomal constitutions of hypoploid hybrids revealed a preferential elimination of H. vulgare chromosomes 1, 5, 6, and 7, but did not support the idea that H. vulgare chromosomes should be lost in a specific order. H. vulgare SAT-chromosomes 6 and 7 showed nucleolar dominance. Aneuploidy is ascribed to the same chromosome elimination mechanism that produces haploids in cross-combinations with H. vulgare (2x). The findings have implications for the utilization of interspecific Hordeum hybrids.  相似文献   

We have applied a refined microdissection procedure to create a plasmid library of the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) chromosome arm 1HS. The technical improvements involved include synchronization of meristematic root tissue, a metaphase drop-spread technique, paraffin protection of the collection drop to avoid evaporation, and a motorized and programmable microscope stage. Thirteen readily-discernible telocentric chromosomes have been excised from metaphases of synchronized root-tip mitoses. After lysis in a collection drop (2 nl), the DNA was purified, restricted withRsaI, ligated into a vector containing universal sequencing primers, and amplified by the polymerase chain reaction. Finally, the amplified DNA was cloned into a standard plasmid vector. The size of the library was estimated to be approximately 44,000 recombinant plasmids, of which approximately 13% can be utilized for RFLP analysis. Tandem repetitive probes could be rapidly excluded from further analysis after colony hybridization with labelled total barley DNA. Analysis of 552 recombinant plasmids established that: (1) the insert sizes ranged between 70 and 1150 bp with a mean of 250 bp, (2) approximately 60% of the clones contained highly repetitive sequences, and (3) all single- or low-copy probes tested originate from chromosome 1HS. Four probes were genetically mapped, using an interspecificH. vulgare xH. spontaneum F2 population. One of these probes was found to be closely linked to theMla locus conferring mildew resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Numerical and structural chromosome variation was analysed in dividing protoplasts isolated from suspension cells of barley. Five cell lines exhibited distribution patterns in chromosome number with different peaks and ranges. Embryogenic/morphogenic cell lines showed a peak at 2n = 14 (ca. 50%) after 6–7 months in culture, while older non-embryogenic cell lines had peaks at aneuploid or polyploid chromosome numbers. Culture duration had a clear effect on numerical and structural chromosome variation in embryogenic cell lines. With ageing of the cultures chromosome variation accumulated and the proportion of 2n = 14 cells decreased. The effect of protoplast isolation and culture on chromosome variation was examined; more cells with normal chromosome sets (12%) were maintained in protoplast-derived colonies than in source suspension cells (4%) of the same culture age.Abbreviations DC Dicentric - F fragment - T telocentric  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome counts of ten morphogenic and seven non-morphogenic immature embryo derived calluses of barley,Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Himalaya, were determined. Morphogenic calluses carried the normal chromosome complement (2n=2x=14) in a majority of the cells. A low frequency of haploid (2n=x=7), triploid (2n=3x=21), tetraploid (2n=4x=28) and octoploid (2n=8x=56) cells were also observed. In contrast, non-regenerability of a callus was attributed to the cells having numerical and structural chromosomal changes. In these calluses, aneuploid cells around diploid, triploid, and tetraploid chromosome numbers predominated. It has been demonstrated that chromosomal changes were induced during the culture and that they did not pre-exist in the cultured barley embryos. Based on this study, it is suggested that chromosome analysis of a non-regenerable callus should be conducted before altering the media composition.  相似文献   

Summary The PMCs of 74 diploid hybrids involving ten H. vulgare varieties and three H. bulbosum lines were analysed at metaphase I and chromosome number and chiasma frequency recorded. There were differences between parental combinations and between plants within those combinations for both chromosome and chiasma number. It is suggested that these characters are controlled by both parents and that differences between plants within families reflect the heterozygosity of the H. bulbosum parents. Chromosomally stable, high pairing lines have been identified for use in a backcrossing programme to introduce H. bulbosum characters to the H. vulgare germplasm.  相似文献   

Summary Immature embryos of 41 lines of barley were screened in vitro for callus induction and somatic embryogenesis on different media to establish totipotent cultures. The use of modified MS and CC media, both supplemented with 1 g/l casein hydrolysate, and the substitution of agarose for agar resulted in the highest frequencies of somatic embryo induction. Embryogenic callus was induced and plants regenerated from 23 of the lines tested. The auxins 2,4-D, dicamba, picloram and 2,4,5-T were suitable for embryogenic callus induction. High frequencies of somatic embryo germination occurred on CC medium supplemented with 1 mg/l IAA and 0.05 mg/l zeatin. A strong genotypic effect on the capacity and frequency of embryogenic callus formation was found. Cultivar Golden Promise always gave the best results. Experiments with field grown material in 3 consecutive years showed that environmental factors also strongly influenced the induction of somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - 2,4,5-T 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid - dicamba 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid - picloram 4-amino-3,6,6-trichloropicolinic acid - NAA naphtaleneacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - ABA abscisic acid - BAP 6-benzyl amino purine - 2iP 6-(3-methyl-2 butenyl 1-amino)purine - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Summary A highly regenerable target tissue and a high-frequency DNA delivery system are required for the routine production of transgenic barley. This project separately optimized tissue culture and particle bombardment parameters. Immature zygotic embryos (0.7 to 1.2 mm) were excised and culture on B5L solid medium. Klages and H930-36 cultivars regenerated significantly more green plants than Sabarlis and Bruce. The regeneration pathway shifted from organogenesis to somatic embryogenesis when maltose was used as the medium carbohydrate source instead of sucrose. More somatic embryos were induced on 5 mg/liter 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid than 2 mg/liter. Gene delivery was optimized using anthocyanin regulatory genes as a transient marker. A 3-mm rupture disc-to-macrocarrier gap distance, a 1-day prebombardment embryo culture period, and a maltose carbohydrate source were each significantly better than other treatments. Double bombardments per plate, a 6-mm macrocarrier fly distance, and 650-psi rupture discs each had the highest number of transiently expressing cells in individual experiments, although the results were not statistically significant compared to the other treatments. Using the optimized parameters, over 200 cells routinely expressed anthocyanin in a bombarded immature embryo. In tissue culture experiments, 350 to 400 green plants regenerated per 100 immature embryos. The improvement of green plant regeneration and gene delivery forms a strong basis to develop a practical barley transformation system.  相似文献   

Barley anthers from cold pretreated spikes produced no or few calluses when plated with both loculi in contact with the medium (flat). When anthers were plated with only one loculus in contact with the medium (up), a high proportion of the anthers produced calluses. The top loculus of the up anthers was most productive. Flat anthers, when compared with up anthers, were not only slower to produce multicellular pollen grains (MCPs) and microcalluses, but also produced fewer of them and ceased production earlier. The MCPs and microcalluses in flat anthers grew more slowly and few developed beyond the 30 cell stage. These results establish the importance of anther orientation for barley anther culture.  相似文献   

Callus cultures were initiated from apical meristem explants of one to four-week-old aseptically-grown barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Atlas 57) plants. Embryogenic callus and plants were produced in three separate experiments; the cultures have retained regenerative capacity for three years after initiation. Our results demonstrate that explants other than immature embryos are embryogenically competent in barley and that regeneration occurs by both somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis.  相似文献   

A total of 52 reciprocal translocations and 9 pericentric inversions were induced and identified in both standard and cytologically marked barley karyotypes using gamma-rays as the clastogenic agent. An analysis based upon Giemsa N-banding patterns and arm length measurements of the reconstructed chromosomes enabled a rather precise cytological localization of intra- and interchange breakpoints. This analysis was significantly facilitated and improved, especially for the identification of pericentric inversions, when the reconstructed karyotype T-1586 was used as starting material. The majority, if not all, of the aberration breakpoints proved to be localized in interband regions or in medial and terminal parts of the chromosomes, i.e., in regions which are deficient in constitutive heterochromatin. A great number of the structural mutations produced in this study contain specific cytological markers covering nearly all of the chromosomes of barley karyotype. This material might be of considerable interest in solving various problems of barley cytogenetics and chromosome engineering and especially in constructing a physical map of barley genome.  相似文献   

Summary Hybrids were produced from crossing Hordeum vulgare, H. bogdanii, Agropyron caninum and × Triticosecale onto H. parodii (6x or 4x). The rates at which hybrids were produced, expressed in terms of plantlet establishment as percent pollinated florets, ranged from 0.47%, (6x H.parodii × 6x × Triticosecale cv. Welsh) to 6.3% (4x H. parodii × 2x H. vulgare cv. Betzes). Based on frequencies of paired configurations at MI, autosyndetic pairing appeared to be promoted by the presence of a Secale cereale genome but suppressed by the genome of H. vulgare.Contribution No. 759 Ottawa Research Station  相似文献   

Summary The hybrid progeny from a stable amphidiploid of H. vulgare x H. bulbosum involving the cultivar Vada and an unstable amphidiploid involving the cultivar Emir were studied. The genotypes examined contained two genomes from Vada or one from Vada and one from Emir, with one or two genomes from H. bulbosum. Comparisons between the chromosome numbers in root-tips and anthers revealed that there was no chromosome elimination in most plants, whether there was one or two Vada genomes present. The one plant in which chromosome elimination was positively identified had Emir as opposed to Vada cytoplasm. It also had a high incidence of degraded or fragmented chromosomes in the PMCs. Differences in stability between a 27 chromosome plant and other hypotetraploids suggest that Vada contains both elimination genes and elimination suppressor genes. Upon selfing, again irrespective of the number of Vada genomes present, circa triploid hybrids gave rise to diploid H. vulgare offspring while hypotetraploids produced hybrid-like plants. These included diploids, triploids and tetraploids. There was evidence that suggested that H. vulgare as well as H. bulbosum chromosomes had been eliminated.  相似文献   

Renate Lührs  Horst Lörz 《Planta》1988,175(1):71-81
Cell-suspension cultures were initiated from embryogenic calli of various barley cultivars. Seven fast-growing suspension lines were obtained from four different cultivars (cvs. Dissa, Emir, Golden Promise and Igri). Two of these cell suspensions showed morphogenic capacity. From a cell suspension of cv. Dissa, albino plantlets were regenerated when aggregates were cultured on solid medium. Aggregates of cv. Igri usually stopped differentiation at the globular stage, but occasionally formed scutellum-like structures. Five suspension lines were used for protoplast isolation and culture. Dividing protoplasts were obtained from all lines, but with cv. Igri a few divisions only and no further development were observed. Protoplasts from the various lines differed in the time of first division (2–14 d), division frequency (0.09–70.9%) and efficiency of colony formation (0.09–7.3%). Protoplasts isolated from the morphogenic cell suspension of cv. Dissa developed compact calli which sporadically regenerated albino plantlets.Abbreviations CC, MS, N6, SH, Kao8p culture media; see Material and methods - cv chltivar - dicamba 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - picloram 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid  相似文献   

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