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The effects on energy-consuming ATP-ases were studied in two types of synaptic plasma membranes from rat cerebral cortex after in vivo injection of clonidine. To study the mechanism of action of clonidine at subcellular level, the enzyme activities of Na+, K+-ATP-ase, Ca2+, Mg2+-ATP-ase, Low- and High-affinity Ca2+-ATP-ase, and Mg2+-ATP-ase were evaluated on synaptic plasma membranes of control and treated animals with clonidine (5 g · kg–1; i.p. 30 minutes). Acute treatment with clonidine decreased the catalytic activity of Ca2+, Mg2+-ATP-ase and of low-affinity Ca2+-ATP-ase only in synaptic plasma membranes of II type, that is the fraction enriched in synaptic plasma membranes. The decreases of these enzymatic activities are related to the interference of the drug on Ca2+ homeostasis in synaptoplasm. The reductions of these enzyme-consuming ATP-ases give further evidence that clonidine has not only neuroreceptorial effects, but that the drug also affects the energy metabolism of cerebral tissue, improving the knowledges about the pharmacology of clonidine. Because the elevation of [Ca2+]i, during ischemia/hypoxia contributes to cellular injury, these findings may suggest that the prevention of calcium overload may be the key mechanism of protection by 2-agonist.  相似文献   

Membranes from rat cerebral cortex are able to bind S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (SAH) with a KD of 5 . 10(-7) M and n of 170 pmol/g fresh tissue (i.e. 20 mg protein). The binding is enhanced by Mg2+ and Ca2+ but not K+ and Na+. gamma-Aminobutyric acid, diazepine, noradrenaline and alpha antagonists are without any effect; S-adenosyl-L-methionine, adenosine and adenosine triphosphate inhibit SAH binding. Linkage with an adenosine receptor has not been expressly demonstrated by our method. SAH binding proteins are more abundant in the crude synaptosomal pellet (P2). A similar fixation seems to occur on brain membranes after [3H]SAH administration to rat. The binding might be linked to a methylase activity or an adenosine receptor.  相似文献   

The maximum rates (V max) of some enzymatic activities related to energy consumption (ATP-ases) were evaluated in two types of synaptic plasma membranes (SPM) isolated from cerebral cortex of rats subjected to in vivo treatment with l-acetylcarnitine at two different doses (30 and 60 mg kg−1 i.p., 28 days, 5 days/week). The following enzyme activities were evaluated: acetylcholinesterase (AChE); Na+, K+, Mg2+-ATP-ase; ouabain insensitive Mg2+-ATP-ase; Na+, K+-ATP-ase; direct Mg2+-ATP-ase; Ca2+, Mg2+-ATP-ase; Low- and High-affinity Ca2+-ATP-ase. Sub-chronic treatment with l-acetylcarnitine increased Na+, K+-ATP-ase activity on SPM 2 and Ca2+, Mg2+-ATP-ase activity on both SPM fractions. These results suggest (1) that the sensitivity to drug treatment is different between the two populations of SPM, confirming the micro-heterogeneity of these sub-fractions, probably originating from different types of synapses, (2) the specificity of the molecular site of action of the drug on SPM and (3) its interference on ion homeostasis at synaptic level.  相似文献   

To assess the functions of Cl- -dependent glutamate "binding" (Cl- -dependent glutamate uptake) in synaptic membranes, possible effects of depolarization on the uptake were examined. When rat cerebral cortical slices were preincubated with depolarizing agents such as veratrine (7 micrograms/ml), 10 microM aconitine, 56 mM K+, and 50 microM monensin, [3H]glutamate uptake by the crude synaptic membranes, which were subsequently prepared from the pretreated slices, was increased by 60-85%. Stimulation of the glutamate uptake by predepolarization was dependent on Na+ but not on Ca2+. The bindings of gamma-[3H]aminobutyric acid and 5-[3H]hydroxytryptamine were not significantly affected by the predepolarization. Veratrine pretreatment increased the maximal density of the glutamate uptake sites without affecting the affinity for glutamate. Several characteristics of the uptake sites increased by the veratrine pretreatment coincided with those of Cl- -dependent glutamate uptake sites. Na+-dependent glutamate binding (Na+-dependent glutamate uptake) to the membranes was not affected by pretreatment with veratrine. The content of endogenous glutamate and the noninulin space in the membrane fractions were not changed by the predepolarization. The increase in the glutamate uptake induced by pretreatment with high K+ was reversible: it returned to the control level after a second incubation of the slices in control medium. These results suggest that the Cl- -dependent glutamate sequestration system in synaptic membranes is regulated by the membrane potential.  相似文献   

Plasticity and relationships between individual ATPases linked to energy-utilizing systems of hippocampus, a very sensitive functional area to both age and ischemia, were studied during ageing on synaptic plasma membranes of 1-year-old adult and 2-year-old aged rats after 15 min of complete cerebral ischemia and different reperfusion times (01, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h). Activities of Na+, K+, Mg2+-ATPase, Mg2+-ATPase ouabain insensitive, Na+,K+-ATPase, direct or basal Mg2+-ATPase, and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were evaluated in synaptic plasma membranes, where they play the major role in the regulation of presynaptic nerve ending homeostasis. This in vivo study of recovery time-course from 15 mins of cerebral ischemia indicated specific biochemical assessments of functional meaning: (a) Na+K+-ATPase of synaptic plasma membranes in adult and aged animals is stimulated by ischemia; (b) this hyperactivity is more markedly related to adult than to aged animals; (c) these abnormalities still persist after 72 and 96 h during the recirculation times, indicating the delayed postischemic suffering of the brain; (d) specific Mg2+-ATPase enzyme system possess a lower catalytic power in aged animals than in adult ones, but remained unaltered in adult animals by ischemia and reperfusion; (e) Mg2+-ATPase is stimulated in aged animals by ischemia, further increasing during reperfusion up to 72–96 h, indicating the delayed hyperactivity of hippocampus; (f) the increased metabolic activity of hippocampus is indicated by the increased activity of cholinergic system; (g) integrity of synaptic plasma membranes seems not to be altered by 15 min ischemia to a critical extent to compromise their catalytic functionality during reperfusion; (h) AChE activity increases in both adult and aged at some survival times. There are logical reasons for the hypothesis that the modifications in ATPase's catalytic activities in synaptic plasma membranes, which have been modified by ischemia in presynaptic terminals, may play important functional role during recovery time in cerebral tissue in vivo, especially as regards its responsiveness to noxious stimuli, particularly during the recirculation period from acute (or chronic) brain injury.  相似文献   

Abstract: To obtain an insight into the metabolic pathways of endogenous d -serine in mammalian brains, we have investigated in the infant rat the effects of systemic administration of l -serine, d -serine, and related amino acids, including glycine and threonine, on the amino acid contents in the cerebral cortex. Intraperitoneal injection of l -serine induced a rapid and transient elevation of the levels of l -serine itself in the neocortex, with its peak at 3 h post injection, and a delayed and prolonged increase in d -serine contents from 1.5 h to at least 24 h thereafter. Similarly, a significant augmentation in cerebral d -serine contents was observed 6 h after intraperitoneal administration of glycine, which also elevated the cortical l -serine levels. In contrast, l -threonine injection affected the concentrations of neither d - nor l -serine in the cortex of the pups. d -Serine given systemically, in turn, increased the neocortical contents of l -serine as well as d -serine itself, but failed to alter those of glycine and l -threonine. These in vivo data suggest the possible link between metabolic pathways of d - and l -serine in the cerebral cortex of the rat.  相似文献   

Neurochemical correlates of GABAergic synaptic transmission [binding, uptake, metabolism, and tissue content of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)] were investigated in the cortex of rats that had been given 27 mM bromide in drinking water for periods of time ranging from 1 day to 1 month. No effect of bromide on any of the parameters was found and it is concluded that chronic administration of bromide has no profound effect on GABAergic inhibitory system in the rat cortex.  相似文献   

Alterations of Nuclear Thyroid Hormone Receptors in Cerebral Cortex In Vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Investigation was conducted under in vivo conditions in the adult male rat to determine the basic characteristics of the nuclear thyroid hormone receptors in the cerebral cortex. Equilibrium with cortical nuclei of an intravenous dose of triiodothyronine (T3) occurred 3 h after injection and showed a t 1/2 of 1 h for dissociation. Saturation of receptors occurred at 0.5–0.6 ng/mg DNA. The endogenous level of binding in the normal rat was 0.07–0.1 ng/mg DNA, representing a 15% occupancy of total receptors at a serum concentration of 66 ng/dl. These characteristics were then examined under several pathophysiological conditions. In the hypothyroid rat, an apparent 37% in-crease in total binding sites occurred. Under either fasting conditions or insulin or glucagon administration declines in serum T3 were noted, and the endogenous binding also decreased in parallel. Only glucagon produced a significant reduction in total binding sites. Under the hypoxic condition produced by maintenance under a 7% oxygen atmosphere, a slight increase in apparent total binding sites was found with no change in endogenous binding level. Severe narcosis resulted in no effects on T3 binding parameters. These results demonstrate specific alterations of thyroid hormone receptors that may be important physiologically.  相似文献   

Abstract: Exogenously added glycerophosphatides, specifically radioactively labelled either in the 1 or in the 2 position, were used to investigate the occurrence and properties of phospholipase A1 in plasma membranes prepared from neuronal- and glial-enriched fractions of rabbit brain. Phospholipase A1 activity was maximal at pH values ranging between 8.0 and 9.0 for the plasma membranes of both cell types. The enzyme activity was most abundant in the microsomal fraction, with a neurondglial ratio of about 2. The plasma membranes displayed about half the enzymic activity of the microsomal fraction, whereas only small amounts of phospholipase A1 were present in the neuronal and glial mitochondria. Investigations on the substrate specificity showed a different pattern for the enzyme of neuronal and glial origin. The release of labelled fatty acids from phosphatidylcholine by the neuronal plasma membrane phospholipase A1 decreased with increasing degree of unsaturation of the fatty acids at the 1 position. The presence of plasmalogens and plasmalogen precursors in the incubation mixture appreciably inhibited the hydrolysis of the corresponding diacyl compounds.  相似文献   

Rate of Protein Glycosylation in Rat Cerebral Cortex   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Quantitative aspects of the pathway leading to the formation of asparagine-linked oligosaccharides were investigated in rat cerebral cortex. Steady-state labeling conditions were achieved with [2-3H]mannose by developing a micromethod of incubation of cerebral cortex particles in the presence of physiological concentrations of glucose (1 g/L). The rate of [2-3H]mannose uptake and incorporation into protein was markedly affected when the concentration of glucose was lowered to 0.05 g/L. It was found that in the presence of glucose (1 g/L), a minor fraction of the utilized [2-3H]mannose is used in glycoprotein formation and the remaining labeled sugar enters the other major metabolic pathways, generating tritiated water which is rapidly exchanged with that of the medium. Under these conditions, the intracellular isotopic dilution of [2-3H]mannose-labeled precursors was calculated to be about 11.5-fold. These data allow determination of the rate of the net transfer of mannose into proteins. Comparison of the rate of glycosylation between 5- and 30-day-old cerebral cortex revealed a striking difference: 2.1 and 0.3 ng of mannose/mg protein/h, respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of in vivo administration of ethanol on the gamma-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptor-coupled chloride channel was studied by measuring ex vivo t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate ([35S]TBPS) binding in the rat cerebral cortex. Intragastric administration of ethanol (0.5-1 g/kg) elicited in 40 min a significant decrease of [35S]TBPS binding to unwashed cortical membrane preparations, an effect mimicked by diazepam (0.5-1 mg/kg, i.p.). However, Scatchard plot analysis indicated that, unlike the case with diazepam, the decrease was entirely due to a reduction in the apparent affinity of [35S]TBPS receptors with no change in the total number of binding sites. Moreover, ethanol, like diazepam, reduced the increase of [35S]TBPS binding elicited by isoniazid (350 mg/kg, s.c.), an inhibitor of the GABAergic transmission. Finally, ethanol markedly potentiated the inhibitory action of diazepam on [35S]TBPS binding. The results suggest that ethanol, like benzodiazepines, enhances the function of the GABAA-coupled chloride channel.  相似文献   

On the Status of Lysolecithin in Rat Cerebral Cortex During Ischemia   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
Abstract: Lysolecithin (lysoglycerophosphocholine, LPC) was isolated from rat cerebral cortex and quantitatively analyzed at various times after postdecapitative ischemic treatment. In addition, different procedures for extraction and analysis of the LPC in brain were evaluated. Results indicated that LPC can be quantitatively extracted into the organic phase using the conventional extraction procedure with chloroform-methanol (2:1, vol/ vol). However, care should be taken to avoid using strong acids, which can hydrolyze the alkenylether side chain of the plasmalogens, resulting in the release of 2-acyl-phospholipids. Quantitative GLC analysis using myris-toyl-LPC as internal standard revealed a level of 1.8 nmol LPC/mg protein in brain with acyl groups comprised mainly of 16:0, 18:0, and 18:1. The acyl group profile reflects that the LPC are derived mainly from phospho-lipase A2 action. An increase of 46% in the LPC level was observed at 1 min after ischemic treatment, but this was followed by a steady decline. Ischemia induced an increase in the LPC species that are enriched in 18:0 and 18:1 fatty acids. The transient appearance of LPC during ischemia further suggests that this phospholipid is undergoing active turnover, possibly hydrolysis by the lysophospholipase. This mechanism of action may account, at least in part, for the increase in both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids during the early phase of the ischemic treatment.  相似文献   

Abstract: The subcellular distribution in rat brain cortex of six synaptic membrane antigens (56K, 58K, 62K, 63K, 64K, 66K) was studied by rocket immunoelectrophoresis, using antiserum to a highly purified synaptic plasma membrane fraction. Initial analysis of the insoluble portion of subcellular fractions showed that these antigens were also present in smooth microsomes, rough microsomes, and synaptic vesicles; that only traces were present in synaptic junctions; and that none was present in nuclei, mitochondria, and myelin. A trace amount of activity was also present in synaptic vesicle cytosol, but none in whole brain cytosol. Quantitative measurements of synaptic plasma membranes, smooth microsomes, and synaptic vesicles showed that all six antigens were present in synaptic plasma membranes and smooth microsomes, but that the 66K antigen was absent from synaptic vesicles. The 56K, 58K, 62K, 63K, and 64K antigens were present in highest concentration in synaptic plasma membranes, whereas the 66K antigen content was highest in smooth microsomes. Only the 58K, 62K, and 63K antigens were detectable in the membrane fraction of whole brain. Their enrichments in synaptic plasma membranes were 10.9, 5.4, and 5.9, respectively. We conclude that the 56K, 58K, 62K, 63K and 64K antigens are primary components of synaptic plasma membranes. The presence of synaptic plasma membrane antigens in smooth microsomes and synaptic vesicles probably represents material being actively transported, consistent with the hypothesis that proteins of synaptic plasma membranes and synaptic vesicles are transported via smooth endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Abstract: Neuron-specific enolase and creatine phosphokinase were found, by 2-dimensional gel analysis, in rat brain synaptic plasma membranes (SPM). The identity of these enzymes was confirmed by comigration with purified rat brain NSE and CPK and by peptide analysis. The specific enzymatic activities of enolase and creatine phosphokinase, as well as of pyruvate kinase, also present on the membranes, were comparable to those in the homogenates when these three enzymes were fully activated. In the SPM all three enzymes, particularly enolase, were partially cryptic in that enzymatic activities were very low unless the membranes were treated with Triton X-100. They were resistant to both low-salt and high-salt extraction and to trypsin, except when Triton X-100 was present. These results suggest that the enzymes are tightly bound protein components of the membrane and that they may constitute an assembly capable of generating ATP.  相似文献   

Lee KH  Yu DH  Lee YS 《Neurochemical research》2009,34(6):1030-1038
A large amount of genetic information is devoted to brain development. In this study, the cortical development in rats at eight developmental time points (four embryonic [E15, E16, E18, E20] and four postnatal [P0, P7, P14, P21]) was studied using a rat brain 10K cDNA microarray. Significant differential expression was observed in 467 of the 9,805 genes represented on the microarray. Two major Gene Ontology classes—cell differentiation and cell–cell signaling—were found to be important for cortical development. Genes for ribosomal proteins, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins, and tubulin proteins were up-regulated in the embryonic stage, coincidently with extensive proliferation of neural precursor cells as the major component of the cerebral cortex. Genes related to neurogenesis, including neurite regeneration, neuron development, and synaptic transmission, were more active in adulthood, when the cerebral cortex reached maturity. The many developmentally modulated genes identified by this approach will facilitate further studies of cortical functions. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Gorini  A.  D'Angelo  A.  Villa  R. F. 《Neurochemical research》1998,23(12):1485-1491
The maximum rate (Vmax) of some mitochondrial enzymatic activities related to the energy transduction (citrate synthase, -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidase) and amino acid metabolism (glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamate-pyruvate-transaminase, glutamate-oxaloacetate-transaminase) was evaluated in non-synaptic (free) and intra-synaptic mitochondria from rat brain cerebral cortex. Three types of mitochondria were isolated from rats subjected to i.p. treatment with L-acetylcarnitine at two different doses (30 and 60 mg·kg–1, 28 days, 5 days/week). In control (vehicle-treated) animals, enzyme activities are differently expressed in non-synaptic mitochondria respect to intra-synaptic light and heavy ones. In fact, -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, glutamate-pyruvate-transaminase and glutamate-oxaloacetate-transaminase are lower, while citrate synthase, cytochrome oxidase and glutamate dehydrogenase are higher in intra-synaptic mitochondria than in non-synaptic ones. This confirms that in various types of brain mitochondria a different metabolic machinery exists, due to their location in vivo. Treatment with L-acetylcarnitine decreased citrate synthase and glutamate dehydrogenase activities, while increased cytochrome oxidase and -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activities only in intra-synaptic mitochondria. Therefore in vivo administration of L-acetylcarnitine mainly affects some specific enzyme activities, suggesting a specific molecular trigger mode of action and only of the intra-synaptic mitochondria, suggesting a specific subcellular trigger site of action.  相似文献   

A cortical cup model with continuous perfusion of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (containing 134 mM NaCl) was used to investigate the effects of anion channel blockers on the hyposmotically-induced release of amino acids from the in vivo rat cerebral cortex. The hyposmotic stimulus (25 mM NaCl) evoked a release of taurine, glutamate, aspartate, glycine, phosphoethanolamine and GABA. Topically applied anion channel blockers 4,4-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (1 mM); 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (2 mM); 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid (350 M); niflumic acid (500 M); tamoxifen (20 M) and arachidonic acid (0.5 M) all significantly reduced the hyposmotically-induced release of taurine. The releases of glutamate, aspartate, glycine, phosphoethanolamine and GABA were variably susceptible to inhibition by these compounds. These results demonstrate that osmoregulatory processes in cortical cells, in vivo, involve amino acids, with taurine playing a dominant role. The efflux of taurine and, to a lesser extent, the other amino acids may be mediated by anion channels.  相似文献   

Synaptic plasma membrane (SPM)-bound, extracellular-facing (ecto) ATPases are Mg2+- or Ca2+-activated enzymes that regulate the synaptic levels of the excitatory neurotransmitter ATP and provide ADP for the further ecto-nucleotidase-mediated production of the inhibitory neuromodulator adenosine. The present results show that low concentrations (IC50 = 4 M) of the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) inhibited up to about 80% of the ecto-ATPase activity of SPM purified from rat brain cerebral cortex. In contrast, low concentrations of HNE did not inhibit the activity of the intracellular-facing Na+, K+, Mg2+-ATPase. In addition, the inhibition of SPM ecto-ATPase activity by HNE was largely irreversible and pH-dependent. Furthermore, structure-activity studies demonstrate that inhibition was dependent on the presence of the reactive functional groups of HNE. These findings suggest that HNE selectively inhibits SPM ecto-ATPase activity by a mechanism that may involve the covalent modification of functionally-critical nucleophilic amino acids. It is proposed that inhibition of SPM ecto-ATPase activity could contribute to the mechanisms by which lipid peroxidation and HNE formation promote excitotoxicity.  相似文献   

Depolarization-induced release of [3H]gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and [3H]noradrenaline (NA) from rat cerebral cortex slices was studied in two superfusion systems: one with stationary and the other one with continuously shaken slice compartments. Calcium-dependent depolarization-induced release of GABA and NA could be demonstrated only with shaken slices. GABA, but not NA, could also be released by high K+ media and veratridine from stationary slices. Synaptic transmitter releasing mechanisms are apparently damaged in stationary slices, possibly due to impaired energy metabolism.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]GABA and [3H]flunitrazepam was performed with synaptic membranes and post-synaptic densities (PSDs) isolated from canine cerebral cortex and cerebellum. Two GABA binding sites were found with cerebral cortex membranes but only one with cerebellar membranes. PSDs isolated from these showed only single binding sites, with cerebellar PSDs exhibiting lower KD values and a larger concentration of sites than did cerebral cortex PSDs. In the case of flunitrazepam, only one binding site was found for all four preparations, with cerebellar PSDs having twice the concentration of sites of cerebral PSDs. Photoaffinity labeling of the flunitrazepam receptor in PSDs resulted in the binding to a 51,000 Mr protein in both cases, with cerebellar PSDs again showing an increased concentration over that found in cerebral cortex PSDs. Based on this work, and on earlier work of ourselves and of others, we conclude that both populations of isolated PSDs contain inhibitory sites, but that the intact PSDs in both preparations are derived from Gray type I, probably excitatory, synapses, and that the inhibitory sites are found in the broken-up material in the PSD fractions which are derived from Gray type II, probably inhibitory, synapses.  相似文献   

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